sad Cam in Milliways, with company
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Anitam releases some information about some alien species, including the charters of various interstellar organizations. Aliens don't all have castes and the ones that have castes didn't all have an untouchable caste but the aliens are weirdly united in being mad about Amentans killing reds. 


Anitam is checking and so far their reds seem like good citizens, they have all gotten jobs and are law-abiding and saving up for credits like everyone else.


Jobs? What jobs are they doing?


Three of them went purple and got some purple jobs and one is green and writing a memoir and one is yellow and doing translation and one is blue and interning at the courthouse.


Who is going to buy a red's memoir?

(The memoir has several million pre-orders.)

They let one be blue???


Looks like these several million people. They did let one be blue, correct, that's why there is a blue one. 


Why did they let one be blue????


The job she was doing before was a governance one. And powerful people pulled a lot of strings. For some reason. 

(On the internet there is speculation that she is someone's red kid.)


Well, is she? Ew.


No one is admitting it. (Someone suggests that maybe Shasali is Isel's half-sister and that's why Isel loves reds so much. Isel's parents sue.)


Shasali studiously ignores internet rumors and studies for orange civil judiciary.


The person who was sued is not orange so it won't come up there.


Indeed not.


It goes to blue civil. Isel's parents get awarded far more money than this random purple kid who was an idiot on the internet will ever earn in her life. She breaks down in tears (you can't buy a credit with an unpaid civil judgment against you) and people stop speculating on the internet about Shasali's parentage.


(Telkam asks Kantil what the best way to make money discreetly with daeva is. Kantil thinks it's probably military secrets but the Anitami government has already taken advantage of this application of demons and he would kind of get in trouble doing it for anyone else. Kantil thinks the next-best might be quietly making a deal with some manufacturers in industries with insanely expensive machinery to fix it for them whenever it breaks. Telkam does that. Telkam pays off purple girl's civil judgment.)


Some other countries are interested in cleaning their reds if it's not expensive or anything.


It's not! Here are the angels Anitam hired, they can be paid in potted plants and local animals which would otherwise be overfilling local animal shelters.


Gosh, that's pretty cool. Why do they want those things?


Well, angels can change things around (that's how they clean the reds) but detail work takes a long time and they have to really know what they're doing. So alien flora and fauna are things they can't easily make themselves.


Are these the same aliens who taught them FTL?


No, different ones. There are rules about teaching pre-FTL civilizations FTL and so the aliens who taught them would like to remain anonymous.


Why are there rules about that, that's horrible.


Yeah, seriously. Stupid Federation. Amentans will be decent enough to teach other species FTL as long as there are plenty of planets for everyone. Which it looks like there will be, every single nearby star system checked so far has had a habitable terraformed planet at the right distance for normal seasons.




Astronomers are confused.


Yeah it's really weird. 


(Anitam gives some demons babies and the rest of them season passes to theatres and meet-and-greets with their favorite actors and performers).


(Some demons are not inclined to look too hard for surviving relatives of their babies. It works out.)

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