sad Cam in Milliways, with company
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Okay, cool. Angeling off a layer of skin is less hassle, although the curious ones want to know about the ritual shower anyway.


These are the soaps! This is the process!


How interesting.

Angels replace all the tissue in six reds' bodies and change their hair colors as needed. Three purple, yellow, orange, blue.


Angels are thanked for their time and paid. 


Isel comes by to see them. Raises her eyebrows slightly at blue. Shakes all their hands. "How was it?"


"It felt odd," says blue. "Painless, but in an uncanny way."


Nod. "So there are a couple schools of thought about what to do at this point. One is that we should keep you comfortably out of the way except for people to come gawk at until they have the colony planet. The other is that we should send you out to go get jobs touching everything and thereby make it costlier for them to later decide, nah, doesn't count. I will admit I favor the latter but it does expose you to more risk, so. Up to you."


"What is publicly known?" asks blue.


"Right now, nothing. What is going to be known in a bit, unless you recommend some tailoring of the message in which case I can maybe change it, is that we met aliens and they had FTL and a way of making reds clean by replacing all their tissue with clean tissue, and that they were kind of surprised we hadn't done that already and urged us to hurry up and do it because it's considered kind of a benchmark of competence and we have lots and lots of neighbors and potential trading partners. Who will all expect us to have cleaned our reds."


" aliens have reds?"


"Nope. They will expect us to have stopped oppressing segments of our population, though."


"Ah. Well. I'm interested in attempting to integrate without the... possible perceived evasiveness of the casteless planet, as intriguing an idea as that is, if you think it can be done safely."


"- easier for them to lie about their origins than for you. But - it might be good for everyone making these decisions to actually know someone..."


"I think I will make a good test case if I get as far as being tested, which is not a guarantee."


" - I think I will introduce you to my brother-in-law. If he thinks it's a good idea then we'll go for it."


"All right."


"Everyone else?"


Some of them want to try the casteless planet and some of them want to go integrate but none of them feel overwhelmingly strongly about either.




"Who should I tell my brother-in-law I want him to meet?" she asks the blue.


"My name is Shasali."


She tells Aitim to stop by the place where they're keeping the potentially clean reds. He does.


"Aitim Neli. Isel said we should talk."


"Shasali, currently between surnames, hello."


"What was the old one?"


"Solintel. For internal community organization."

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