a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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Stomp all over the place, it's safer for you if no one else wants it. I know it looks fancy but that's how dreamshaping works, it's just as easy for it to make nice stuff as boring stuff. Easier, actually, since I'm blue and probably bad at imagining how poor people live.


They go back. They stomp all over the place.


If it's got everything you'll need you can move in whenever. Oh, also, I got the council to agree that once you're there we don't care how many of you there are, we're not going to enforce credits. You should probably come up with some rule on your own so you don't run out of food but you can do it yourselves. If you need my help I'll help but I bet you'll be fine.

We don't really understand how the place works...

It's below ground, that's why all the portals to Lina are in tall towers. The reason it's belowground is because usually if someone walks off the edge of a pocket dimension they find themselves back in the main dimension, and that'd get us in trouble. This way, what should happen if you walk off the edge is that the edge just turns you around. But I can't guarantee that, so please don't try it.

The towers open to places on your roads. You can drive your trucks through there to go to work. You still have to go to work like normal. 

The apartments are to live in. The rest of the space is for anything you end up wanting it for. The movie theatre is magic and will play whatever movie I most recently watched, nonstop. I know that's kind of annoying, I tried to get it to do something else and it was weirdly stubborn. 

The trains don't run on anything, they just run. The idea is that when you build the place up to house your children, it'll already have good transit. 

What else do you need to know?

What happens if you die? Will we run out of space? Are there other magic things? Are the utilities and internet metered? Is food the thing we'd run out of first if we overpopulate it?

When I die it all stays exactly as it is. Right now it's about fifteen miles across. I'm going to grow it, but if you like it I'll probably do it in the other cities before I come back and grow yours. If I live a full natural life I should be able to make it as big as Anitam. The internet's free, the utilities are metered but I'm not collecting anything, you should arrange to pay the people who maintain those systems (they'll be fine for five years without any maintenance; after that someone'll have to have picked up how to do it.) I'm not sure what you'd run out of first if you overpopulate it, but food's a good guess.

There are other magic things but they're mostly really dumb - whenever I started to do something and then came up with lots more desiderata for it my dimension rebelled and did a slightly dumb magic thing, basically. The left elevator in the big brassy-colored building is magic and has no buttons; it will take you to the floor it thinks you belong on. The right elevator works fine. I tried to make the supermarket never let food spoil, and maybe even produce food of its own accord, but instead there's just a shelf with a time-dilation effect. It's labelled. There is an apple tree the apples from which sing songs and ask you not to eat them. They are not sentient. 

...the talking singing apples are not sentient? How did you check? Which way does the time dilation go? How will we have any money to pay for water and electricity? Will it matter if the water doesn't have a way to flow back into the Amenta water cycle at all? Will we be able to get to the these things for other cities? Some farming equipment is bigger than this portal, should we just figure out how to make it ourselves?

The time dilation is such that if you climb onto the shelf and stay for a minute subjectively, seasons will have passed. Obviously other people can pull you off the shelf so I don't worry too much about people being trapped. I - know things about my dimension, you just get a sensory feel for it, some people accidentally made people and they could tell they were people. Also if you ask the apples questions they can't answer them; all they do is sing and say 'no, no, don't eat me!' 

The infrastructure for the water and electricity is all internal, you don't owe Lina anything for any of it. You can work out the details yourselves.

Once I have made these in all cities the first thing I'll do is a train line between them. I can temporarily open a bigger portal to get you some equipment, or maybe dream up the equipment. I have gotten better about avoiding the style of dreamshaping that causes my dimension to spit out stupid magic things.


They stomp around. They ask if there is any way they could get permission to visit some farms and see how farming is done.


I will ask around.

Hey everyone! Anitam's getting rid of its reds; they'll be in a pocket dimension now so no one has to worry about them except when they're at work, and they can't riot. Are there any farmers who want to enable this by letting some reds observe farming from a portal with a screen or something to stop them from coming out?


They won't be able to see that much from a fixed location. Are they going to want to talk?


They'll probably have questions, yeah. She can pay per question and move portals around.


Yeah if she's paying for it various farmers will allow it.


She picks one who is close enough to Lina that a weeks' dreaming will let her expand out there and tells the reds the date. 

You don't need farming figured out right away either, north tower has a delivery bay so you can order food like normally until you're all set.


Is there a way to drive down the tower to get the food to a reasonable distribution location?


They will have to take the food down in a not-truck-sized elevator but they can have another truck at the bottom.


Okay. The reds are profusely grateful!


Her pleasure! Do owners of the district want to sell her the district, now that they won't need it? She'll pay market value and everything, just, blues with more stuff have more pull.


They want a while to move out all the way, pry some old folks out of their places, etc. After that sounds great!


Makes sense! Should she go arrange this for the other cities.




She relocates to Lakla. 


...if she and Felix buy three hundred visas can Aitim send somebody to go fetch those people Olvala kicked out when they decided to do a test of rotating purples instead of using reds, in that one city. They might not have made it this far into the winter but. Just in case.


Uh huh.


Somebody shows up at their last reported location with a cargo plane.


There are some signs of life.

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