a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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Heh. Amentans are so conveniently bribeable.

No one knows about magic? Are there pictures of them on-line? Do people know about the created people? Some of which are tiny?

Is there anything interesting about the first three open letters?


Some people think the aliens are magic/have magic. Some people contest this and say that it's clearly just sufficiently advanced technology. There's a lot of philosophical discussion of whether 'magic' means anything other than 'something we have not yet explained in physical terms'. There's a picture of him calling down the thunderstorm. There are vague rumors about created people, most of them wildly off-base. 


The open letters describe the societies writing them and what they will do with pocket dimensions and forms of compensation they are in a position to offer.


How wildly off-base? What is the government official position on magic being real? Or the existence of created people? And "atypical" people? Wait, what is the miniature city's official status?

Are the forms of compensations anything more exotic than "money and kids"?


The position of the Anitami government is that all details about pocket dimensions are classified except that there are forty of them so far, there are means to make more, they do not all have laws of physics consistent with ordinary laws of physics, they are all screened for safety before being made accessible, and there are secret laws concerning problems specific to pocket dimensions. At this time only blues and greens can become dreamshapers, though they may revisit that eventually, and there is extensive screening. They have no comment on magic being real and all persons with legal residency in Anitam bought a credit. The miniature city has not been publicly acknowledged; privately it's Afen's problem.

Some places will offer the aliens noble titles!

Rumors about created people include that the aliens can make anyone, that the aliens can make anyone but they come out with no memories of their past lives, that the aliens can make people they've killed, that the 'making people' thing is cover for alien immigration, and that the made people are all alien spies.


Aliens spies! That considerably helps his mood.

Does Trevor need to ask Afen before making more tiny sanctuaries for the miniature citizens? He can do those and they're nice forms of transportation.


Afen doesn't mind but most of the tiny people like living in the dimension where they can make material objects just by thinking about them.


It's a very convenient dimension! Trevor just felt like offering the extra commodity.




Felix lands nearby. "Are you alright again?"

Trevor makes a noncommittal noise. "Making people is less fun than I thought."

Felix hugs him. Trevor's blue-skinned dream avatar is taller than Felix's, which makes the hug unusual.

"I still think you overreact," Trevor comments, "but at least mine are cool."

"They are!" Felix smiles reassuringly. "What got you giggling?"

Trevor shows him. "Huh, I doubt the rumors will cause any harm, but I have been thinking if we should go out in the open."


"I've been feeling cooped up."

"I meant more in the sense of making public statements, having our own website and what have you."

"Why not both? I have been feeling cooped up."

"We can go out. Maybe bring your people with us if they're safe? Do they have a name?"

"Didn't come with one. Maybe thunderguards? Stormguards? Stormmages? No, I prefer stormguards. They'll decide."


Nod. "I'm going to ask about the logistics of an outing."

Felix contacts Aitim or whoever. Trevor's people agree with going by "Stormguard" but only Dana's want to experience a night out. Tani is busy as ever. Dana's friend is still not brave enough to face the giant world.

Me, Trevor, Dana, Tama (Trevor's newly created person) would like to go out, maybe have a tour or something. Can wait until tomorrow or when it's more convenient.


Aitim's secretary gets back to them. "Where do you want to go?"


No one is feeling particularly picky. Could be sight-seeing. We don't need to buy anything from a store or restaurant, but we would hardly mind going to those places and purchase things just for fun of it.


I'd be happy to set something up.


Thank you. I'm sure we'll like anything you come up with.


She arranges them a walking tour of downtown Lina, including some parks and restaurants and stores and so-on.


Cool. Do they have bodyguards? How does the crowd react to the group composed of two winged identical brown-skinned young man, a winged blue-skinned woman, and a seemingly normal green girl?


There is unobtrusive security keeping pace with them. People stare curiously, take pictures, pull each other aside to whisper.


They wave. Trevor might make a point of waving at whispering people.


Feix smiles politely at picture-takers.


Dana will do that too. She won't use her fire in public. People might think she is some sort of guide, except for all the bouncing.

Tama the-youngest-yet-the-most-mature-looking is very excited too. She asks the security where they and how they learned their job and is fascinated by public transportation.


The security are rather confounded by being talked to, since they are supposed to be unobtrusive. They learned their job in school. 


Tama nods as to invite them to keep talking. Dana comes over and points at a train station. Tama lifts her up to take a look from above, it's obviously effortless.


People stare and take pictures!


Dana giggles and waves.


Felix and Trevor take flight too. They stay long enough for people to take more pictures and then coax Tama to come down. They continue their tour.

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