a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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"Hey! Anitam sold some red immigration permissions this year and someone bought some for you all."


...a shadow moves behind a window.


She repeats herself.


This sounds like obvious bullshit. Nothing else moves.


She goes over to that house and knocks on the door.


...soft moving noises.


"You've missed a lot of news. Anitam figured out this parallel dimensions thing. They have more space than they know what to do with, and they're taking a few immigrants. A red accidentally got the parallel dimensions thing and they freaked out and shot up a whole district and now they're short on reds and they'll take you. - the shooting the whole district thing isn't going to happen again, we don't do that kind of thing any more often than anyone else..."


...a painfully skinny man opens the door.


"You guys are going to die. Come to Anitam, they'll cover shifts for you until you're healthy enough to work again."



Reds trickle out of houses.


Cargo plane has a plastic-coated interior and some food. Not very much of it. Off they go.


They eat all of the food.


Isel is giving the red districts pocket dimension cities. This one has a fancy print-book library that presents the book you're looking for by mysterious shelf-shuffling; this one's supermarket actually does have shelves that refill overnight - "show up for work anyway, understand? They'll sour on the whole idea if it looks like it means you stop doing your jobs..." - this one has a playground on which children magically can't be injured. 

Hey! I bought a bunch of the red immigrant visas to get those people Olvala expelled when they started their experiment. They're on their way, in pretty bad shape. Can someone drive to the airport to meet them, maybe with a doctor?

Can we at least stop working for people who aren't paying us?

How many seats?

I will notify people who aren't paying you that you are not obliged to show up to contracts if they're more than a month in arrears on your paychecks.




Thirty seats worth of red car appear at the airport.


And someone can put down plastic so they can walk from the plane over there.


The doctor thought to bring some food. She feeds them. They go back to the nearest district for supervised refeeding.


Isel tries dreaming up hospitals with healing powers and gets a hospital that will heal injuries to itself, such as peeling paint and dents.


Well, that's still useful, it means a lower maintenance hospital, but the surviving mining town reds will still have some frostbite damage.


Someone will probably have healing magic eventually but what are the odds they'll let reds use it. Have the Olvala ones been apprised of the pocket dimension setup.


In addition to a doctor they brought someone who can sort of speak Olvalan (okay, read it) (because they play Nebula World Online) and they're explaining, since the mining town survivors did not have reliable Internet.


Makes sense. 

Isel updates everybody about this.


Any similar situations around the world, in which we can intervene?


No one else has tried doing without reds. They're mistreated lots of places but not in a way where, like, if we get thirty visas we saved thirty lives.

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