a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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"Sounds great!"


Nod. "To what degree we should expect to obey the local laws?"


"Ideally completely, is that going to be difficult in some specific respect?"


Felix grimaces ever so slightly. "Ideally we would like to comply completely, yes. The main aspects in which it could be difficult includes confusing or unclear situations that arise from unusual magic, attempts to get exceptions to things like how caste laws works, and the desire to offer asylum to miscellaneous magical people or reds."


"Or magical reds. Those can totally exist without our interference."


"Yes, that. I gather that even if I just handed them over to Isel that would have costs of it's own."


"There are legal channels for handling unclear situations that arise from unusual magic, are you expecting them to be insufficient? Anitam's auctioning two hundred thousand visas and you can buy some up in anticipation of wanting to offer people asylum. A thousand of them are red."


"I'm vaguely concerned, but I might just being pessimistic. I shall purchase some visas, thank you. I assume there aren't any mechanisms besides swapping to let people come in?"


"They need a visa, yeah."



"I'll come to you if the need for alternative solutions ever comes up."


"Having your own nation on the moon sure did sound very nice right now, didn't it?"


"They're working out rules about sovereign dreamshaping dimensions. You can do that if you want."


Nod. "I'm still figuring out... my own suitability to this sort of thing. I think I'm likely to rule a place eventually, but the word 'eventually' has a rather different dimension when it applies to me."


"Right now I would worry a little about having you in charge of lots of Amentans, yes. That's not an indictment of you, just - leaders under fifteen of our years tend to find they don't know everything they need for the job, and that's even given having been tracked for politics at age two and spent the intervening time in nonstop formal and informal lessons on governance."


"Yes, exactly. My vague plans for a moon nation would actually involve hiring people to run it for me while I learn the ropes in no hurry."


"I imagine you could find eager qualified candidates."


"Yes. I'm not worried about that."


"I think it makes sense to relocate to a moon next season, once we're settled in here. Gives us a bit more time to consult closely with you on things."


"Oh, absolutely. We are in no hurry. We just think there are benefits to relocating there once we decide to move at all. Instead of traveling the world or something."


"Makes sense."


Isel's red dimension has a small cluster of luxury apartments and blue-style estates and well-positioned trains and farmland and forest, including most ores and so on which they'll eventually need. At each point she's cleared with the city as a red entrance-point back into other dimensions, there's a very tall tower large enough to have a truck garage at the top and a portal for the trucks to go through. She runs wires through a tiny portal so the whole place has internet access. She sets up electricity and water and so on.

She writes the reds.

Hey. I'm sure you've heard all of the news about the pocket dimensions. I convinced the council that there should be a red dimension. Then you can go about your own lives unbothered, and go through portals to get to work. You'll have more space, and I think you'll be safer. Additionally, there are no plans right now for Anitam to develop robots or anything, but if we ever did, you could close your work portals and then you'd have to learn to farm and stuff but no one could hurt you. Your dimension has housing and utilities and internet. I've set up a portal in your district so you can go check it out.


...some of them go look for the portal.


This wall opens into a cozy tower room with a view of the city.


........they go back and one emails her You're sure it is okay for us to just go around in there? Do we need shoe covers?

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