a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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"You can charge people to come fly in it or something."


"Uh huh!" He swoops over and grabs her out of the air and lands in a pile of fluttering downy feathers that definitely weren't there ten seconds ago. "Peka -"




"We could have a baby every spring, ten of them, and there'll be money for all of them to have as many as they want, too - I love you - will you marry me -"


"I -"


"- uh, uh, remember I told you about the thing running in my family."


"Some of the dimensions have healing magic, if the kids have any problems we can fix it -"


"- okay if there is magic around maybe it will just be fine I would love to marry you."


"Oh good." He kisses her. His dimension provides fireworks.


That is the best thing of all time.


Anitam announces that next spring there will be 30% more child credits available, projected prices will be as such.

Anitam announces it will auction two hundred thousand non-swap immigration visas for utterly obscene prices, distributed among castes as such.

Aitim places more and more portals, every building and every train station and every street corner.

And then Anitam announces that they've got parallel dimensions. Real estate in extradimensional copies of Anitam's major cities is now available for sale; additional undeveloped real estate is also available for sale; pay attention to doorways because going left will now take you somewhere different than going right.


And a week comes to pass. His new body grows fully and wakes up, gasping for air as he emerges from the waters in his fountain.

As soon as he takes his first breath another pain starts. His wings grow at a very accelerated pace and are soon whole again.


Trevor is there to wrap Felix around a towel and hug him.


Hours later, Felix sends an email to Aitim.

I would rather do this personally, but I understand that no one in the Anitami's government would want to approach me after my actions. I can not offer any justification whatsoever. All I can do is offer my words of deepest regret for those that are lost and those are harmed by me.

I'm sorry.

Felix Dalkaila.


He refused to even see a therapist before writing that email. And I talked him down over apologizing for my actions. I did promise I would. So, my bad, dude.


It would probably be unhelpful to observe that no one is even that angry with him. There weren't clean deaths, after all, and now they have space! So much space! He expects the government, given the chance, would do it all over again.


He doesn't say that. 

We're so grateful for your help with everything but particularly with a red dimension. I think that's going to do them a world of good in every possible sense, and Isel's trying right now to figure out how to get the reds from the Olvala experimental city here, which will save hundreds of lives.


(Trevor convinces him to be productive instead of apologetically depressing in the next email.)

 You're very kind. I'll be glad to create the floating city and similar measures. Or anything as necessary. I'm concerned about the dreamborn people, their status, their well-being, and the laws regarding them. But I'll understand if you wish to run those entirely without outside intervention.


We'd very much appreciate your insight and will take it into account. We have a vaguely acceptable framework already - you get a pass on immediately-constructed people, you have to buy a credit for subsequent people - but we don't have a great solution for carelessness about checking whether, say, animals in your dimension are people. Have a solution there?


Animal-people should be somewhat obvious while you're making them. They usually work by having a magical mind that puppets their animal brain. But someone could've been reasonably distracted or maybe the animal-person was created before the dreamshaper was rescued. Or even some non-obvious magical interaction that made an animal smarter after creation. Tani should be able to create something that checks for personhood once she isn't so busy. Might not scale.

I'm also concerned if the purchase of created people is going to be made available and the concerns with people with powers, animal-people or more esoteric classes of people if that so.

For example: I'm capable of creating babies from homosexual parents, but they currently have minor pyrokinetic abilities that can also break privacy with the right mindset.

And as another example: animal-people might start with populations that are too low to be stable and while I don't think forcing dreamshapers to increase their numbers is a solution, I would be concerned if a dreamshaper that sold the service at abusive prices. Is there a way to solve that?


Created people with powers are a problem. The government told us not to work on immortality without some kind of backdoor, they need the option to execute troublemakers or some people end up effectively above the law. Powers the extent of which are externally verifiable and which don't make the bearers able to get away with anything are probably fine. They're working on rules against loyal private armies which might address that. I trust the people I chose not to outright murder people so they can't avoid the credits, but the system certainly presents incentive to do that. Are the prices of credits going to seem abusive, if various species of people want to maintain a population?


None of these are demands, just concerns.

Are they opposed to resurrection? Immortality without a flaw of some kind is unlikely to be easily developed or even show via dreamshaper. My own version not withstanding.

Is there any way I can reassure your government that I won't abuse my powers?

My concern with the various species of people is mostly that one person would have a monopoly and could set prices too high. Credit prices that are as fair as for the rest of the population is acceptable, if you can enforce it.


I think we have mixed feelings about resurrection. Might be okay with a rule against resurrecting people who were executed for at least twenty years?

I think reassuring the government will be a little complicated under the circumstances. Following the law will be really helpful - there've been a couple instances of us saying 'that comes across as a threat' and hearing 'oh, it's not a threat, we would never', and I realize this is a little silly but 'sorry, I won't do that' is more reassuring because it's sometimes hard to remind yourself that behavior you parse as threatening really isn't, and stopping signals "I don't mean you to feel threatened" more credibly than "oh, I promise I'd never do that". 

If there's only one dreamshaper who can help a particular population there's not any mechanism to require them to charge reasonable prices to do it. You could have contracts for prospective dreamshapers that say conflicts with persons they create get settled by binding arbitration, that might be the most stable mechanism.


Something to that effect works. I suppose your government might reconsider it of its own accord once we actually have it and there is some factor that we are currently unaware.

That is good advice. Thank you, nd we are going to do our best to follow it. We want to cooperate with your government. We've been debating on things to the effect of how much we should announce changes of our abilities. Trevor wants his own pocket dimension now, I wouldn't want this to cause a panic.

Contracts should work well enough for this purpose. If you have anyone to refer me to, I would be glad to speak to them.


I will put you in touch with some lawyers who work on binding arbitration agreements! I don't think Trevor being a dreamshaper is a concern, though it'd be good to sit down and discuss things like the degree to which it makes sense to expect you to follow Anitami law and so on and so forth. I can imagine a problem coming up if, say, a red were convicted of a crime and fled to one of your dimensions for shelter.


Felix does not say "or if the red was being beaten by a cop", it wouldn't help and it would be taken as...

Thank you. I wouldn't mind to sit down and talk.

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