a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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"That's the hope."


Aitim wants to try.


Sure thing. Tani reinforces Trevor's mind wards just on the grounds that Aitim is expect to get telepathy and this could somehow generalize into other kinds of mind magic.

Dreamshard, meet sleeping Aitim.

Trevor, meet Aitim's dimension.


It's Lina. Brightened up a little bit, the streets pristine and the buildings all perfectly maintained and gleaming like new and eerily quiet - the real Lina has nearly thirty million residents - and it's not clear what is keeping the lights on or the train running. But it's Lina. 


When he goes inside the second time he realizes it is not completely uninhabited. It has, in fact, thirty-two residents, at his house and at his office. He can read their minds from here. 

They're his. 

They're not versions of existing people; they're totally new. They are kind, good, highly-capable, extraordinarily competent Anitami citizens with detailed memories of lots of projects he's worked on and of history and of politics - they know everything he knows that isn't personal - and they are all uncomplicatedly unconditionally perfectly loyal to him. 

"That's really creepy," he says irritably out loud to his dimension. His dimension does not answer him.


If only dimensions could answer. Are they going to meet Aitim's people?


Aitim's people are delighted to introduce themselves! They're mostly yellow, eight purple, and they weren't created for any specific purpose though they're excited about doing lots of the logistics of parcelling and selling and settling pocket dimensions. They like Aitim's family a lot and will answer to any of them too but they're mostly Aitim's.


"Super creepy."


"I know. I didn't do it on purpose. My Lina'd be more attractive for settlement if I didn't have scary telepathy, too. I suppose I can probably go to some other city and start there, it doesn't make sense to have everything concentrated anyway, and just presume there's a range limit on my telepathy and cities I'm not in are clear -"


"Pocket dimensions are more about being representative than convenient."


"Personally, I think ways that help Aitim's goals are convenient. But I might biased on the grounds of entirely accurate information that he is better with more power."


"This is not what I'd have chosen for a dimension if I got to choose. I don't even think it's very tweakable - I think I can do infrastructure upgrades more-or-less at will, but that's it."


Nod nod. "I meant I still think this is an improvement, even if not the optimal improvement."


"Oh, it's definitely a big plus, lots and lots of people can live there and it's hard to overstate how much that matters. And I love my people. I just - feel weird about getting this out of what is apparently my deepest soul."


"Well, for what is worth, I'm not creeped out."


"Is not even the creepiest thing I've seen a dimension do. It's even fairly straightforward. Some get creepy in a rather convoluted way."


"Oh, I have the best example of creepy. One of the new dreamshapers got a dimension that creates people divided in two warring tribes. Golden and Shadow. If one of them sees an outsider they fall in magical love with them for twenty four hours. And then the dimension colludes for the outsider to be seen by an member of the other tribe. They also fall in love with the outsider. Then the two rivals try to fight to the death for your love. This is by itself creepy enough, but wait there is more! If the outsider gets the two tribes-folk to calm down they can convince them that they all sleep together. This makes all the three of them to fall in magical love with each other, permanently."


" - okay, yes, that's substantially creepier." He looks at his team of people fondly. "I'm happy."


"She isn't creating more of these people, if that helps."

Is anyone left that wants dreamshaping?


Kefin and Kan still need to.


Cool, dreamshaping happens.


Kan's dimension has spectacular floating crystal islands; if you walk off the edge you sink into glowy pleasant cloudstuff and then bounce back out right to where you left from. He thinks the crystal has magical properties but is uncertain of exact details; it also tastes like rock candy if you eat it. He's pretty sure the magical properties are beneficial, so maybe some people can try them and get more details. 


Kefin's dimension is outdoors beneath a sky dominated by an elegant brightly colored fractal thing; the grass is, if you look closely, also made up of very precise fractals, and if you pluck a flower it unfolds into a desk with a computer and some paper and modelling clay and materials for whatever you're working on. The environment is dizzyingly varied. He is relieved not to have accidentally made any cities of tiny people.


Dana is eating a crystal lollipop-style and watching Kefin's dimension through her fire. It is really pretty.


Trevor eats some of the crystal candy too and flies around both environments. Is the fractal thing reachable?


Nope! Dimension ends before you get to where it looks like it ought to be.


Heh, this reminds him. Does anyone want to feel what being near the edges is like?

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