a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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"You don't have to manifest anything, but once you're asleep you're going to feel like floating in a sea of energy - that is the best description - and the possibilities present themselves kinda like how you can feel how many fingers you have and how far you can move them. It's not quite it, but it's fairly close and the rest is... trust your intuitions. Your dimension has a pattern to automatically generate more of itself, but you can tell it to do other things."


"The intuition thing is a great advice," Dana pipes up and then translates that to Russian.


"Okay. I'll do that."


Tani uses sleep magic on him again.


And he's back. 


He liked having a body, he wants to do that again. There it goes.


Okay, how would he like this place to work.


He would like to allow some construction in the sky, but not enough to blot out the sun down below. Occasional sky cabins, maybe. Something probably would happen if he tried for paving it over with skyscrapers - yeah, the little footholds just won't hold things up which shouldn't be there. Okay. 

Is the wolfhound a person? Yes, he is. He would expect to have mixed feelings about making a person but his actual feelings aren't mixed at all, this dog was supposed to exist and now he does.

(Are all the animals people? Nope, that doesn't seem quite right - they're not just animals either, though - magic animals. Which he can talk to. Okay.)


Telkam decides that he likes this place. It's growing, which is great, it should be spacious, spacious enough for all the animals - maybe he can get some zoos to release their animals if he gives them a portal to his dimension - 'wildlife conservation' is hardly on the list of things he cares about but now it's right here and it's his and he ought to do it right - 

He does not think he can fly. He tests it, tentatively. Nope. 


He grows and grows the horizon and grins.


If/When he reports this back, Dana finds this all of this very charming and asks if they can meet the wolfhound. What is his name?


Huan, apparently, but he does not seem to be a talkative wolfhound. He will consent to petting.


Dana will pet Huan.


"I am going to get increasingly jealous of you dreamshapers."


"Are you not doing it?"


"Not yet. Too busy interfacing with the government and I would rather wait until Felix is back and up to speed in case something goes haywire."


Nod. "I'm gonna see if I can add mountains and rivers and so on."


"See, Jealous. But someone has to keep the blue bullshit and lies in check. Good luck."

Who wants to go next?


"I'd be delighted."


And they repeat the procedure. Sleep. Dreamshard. Portal.

So what Makel's dimension is like?


Glittery!! With fairly spectacular physically impossible architecture and inconsistent gravity and billowing colorful smoke and stunningly beautiful music. 


Pretty! The gravity makes flying kind of difficult. Where is Makel?


In the center of a impossible stadium-kind-of-thing, listening delightedly to the music.


Trevor lands nearby. "Hey, you. Nice place you got here."


"It's delightful. And I hate to be a killjoy but the sooner we get back the sooner you're going to be able to really play with it."


"Yeah, yeah, I know, okay."


And Trevor carries Dream-Makel out of his dimension. Real-Makel wakes up.


And presumably he is going to want sleep magic and inspect his dimension through dreamshaping?


That does seem like the thing to do!

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