a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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She does magic work while waiting on the answer. Sketching a new power well for Felix to bring into existence.

I didn't. Are you capable of reading my mind while my body is not fully grown yet? I created you so you could defuse the situation, rescue Lafa's son, keep him awake and protect the reds and the dreamshard. Later I realized that you could have other uses. Like monitoring Amenta for witchcraft, like the witch-queens back home.

This is shortly followed by a second message.

Are you capable of recovering minds for resurrection?


Tani looks at this. Debates between pros and cons.

I can try reading your mind in that state. It can wait. Bringing back the dead doesn't sound impossible, but I'm going to need to develop the magic first. I can monitor Amenta for people that know witchcraft, but I'm unsure this is safe enough. I'm going to figure out a ward that prevents people from even dreamshaping people with wich-queen level of magic, like I do.

This would be reversible enough that I could let you create other witches in the future. But I'm not sure I could stand you to edit people in that case. Not without a lot of vetting by me.

She sends this and dislikes how she is being misleading.


Acceptable. Thank you.


By the time Isel comes back, Tani has a sleep bracelet for her.

"To activate the sleeping effect, twist this bit over here and it's going to send you to sleep. It won't keep you asleep if you want to force yourself awake while dreamshaping. The tiny gemstones on the inside turn black as the charges are spent, but I made it self-recharging as long you hang out in a pocket dimension. It absorbs ambient magic."


"Cool. Thank you."


And she goes back to sleep, and this time her dimension does what she says. Of course it does, because it's hers. And she'd like it to expand down down down well below ground level where reds aren't likely to be in danger if they wander off the edges, and then she'd like a little cluster of dense luxury apartment housing in the center - enough for all Lina's reds - and train lines out to the edge of the dimension in ways she means to stretch it -

(it's not perfectly cooperative; the buildings don't look like they looked in her city planning app though she expects they have the same essential features, and when she tries to create farmland it is stubbornly covered with soft fluffy grass, and if she wants the trains to be magic they seem to want to look it, shimmery and not touching the rails and trailing sparkles when they move.)


It's a very pretty dimension regardless!

Tani mind-wards Trevor, which negates a lot of fears of going to a new unexplored dimension. Who wants to go next?


Aitim has informed his family that they're eligible. 


"Wait, really?"


"Not even because of string-pulling on my part, the magic just made up its mind. Do understand that misusing this even slightly could cause a war and that Anitam's only agreed-upon solution to any dreamshaper problems at present is 'shoot them'."


"Unlike other problems, which they solve by shooting reds. I'll take it."


"Great! There's a hotel building which is our main point of access to the aliens' dimension at present, the Cityscape at 81st and University."


"Let's all head over!"




"I'm going to drop by Makel's first."


"He's going to have a weird dimension."


"Uh huh. But it got approved."


"All right. See you in a bit."


"I saw you on the news talking down the angry alien," Makel says when Aitim arrives.


"Gambled. They didn't kill any of the cops and they easily could have."


"What happened -"


"Bit of a long story, I'll tell you while we head downtown."


"Everyone's meeting us there, I convinced the aliens to give us powerful alien magic that'll give us as much space as we need."



"That's impressive."


"I know!"



They meet everyone else inside Felix's dimension. 


Dana greets them and bouncily leads them downstairs. "Hi! I'm Dana, I'm the one that vetted you! It's a pleasure to meet you lot! Afen, can I teach you Russian? Ooooh, Makel and Telkam! Can I have autographs? Trevor and Tani are downstairs gearing up! She insisted that he should wear protective gear complete with gas mask just to be sure, but I don't think any of your dimensions is likely to need that much protection!" She is a bit out of breath by the end of the sentence.

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