a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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Trevor retrieves the dreamshard from the vault...


...the dreamshard urges him to use it. Because it's going to be absolutely great!


Well, that is creepy as fuck. But Trevor does not feel inclined to use it on anyone but Isel.

He gingerly pokes Isel with it and then puts the dreamshard inside a locked briefcase. Dana takes it back to the vault.


Felix never observed someone becoming a dreamshaper. Isel's outline flares in his ability to sense magic. The pocket dimension manifestation isn't immediate, but only takes a minute. And Felix opens a portal between his own dimension and Isel's.


Trevor takes a look before coming in. No obvious dangers on the other side of the portal?


It looks like the blue part of Lina; large graceful estates, in three or four predominant styles. It's wintertime outside, but not here: the grass is fluffy and soft and grown up well beyond where any respectable gardener would let it, and the streets are sleek and shimmery.


Oooh, pretty. He walks inside. Any signs of Isel?


Yep! This estate has a little rooftop viewing platform and she's on the roof, as herself, watching the city grow.


Trevor approaches. "Hey, having sweet dreams?"


"This is so much fun! I don't have as much control over it as I'd like - I wanted to keep it plain and simple and expand straight down and not do any buildings until I had the dimensions I wanted, but the buildings just showed - I'm not sure they'll even want to live in blue neighborhoods, if I'd been deciding I'd have done luxury apartment buildings -"


"Oooh, if you already have that power, I bet you're going to have it while awake. I'm jealous. And you can learn to coax your dimension to do new things."


"Oh, it's not doing anything I tell it to, I just think it should, it's mine."


"That is the spirit! The should part, I mean. Anyway, want to wake up and tell everyone about the extra real state?"


Trevor leads her back to the portal. Isel can even see herself sleeping through it.


She walks through.


And wakes up back in her regular body.

Trevor steps through the portal himself. "Hello, again, dreamed with me?"


"This is so cool!! Next time I'll be able to make it come in how I want?"


"Exactly! And the magic even handles the details. You can just tell it to put buildings where you want with a specified number of floors, apartments, bedrooms per apartment, etc. Or even get a floorplan from somewhere else and copy that if you prefer."


" - I will look up what kind of soil is good for agriculture and consult some people on a good city design, then, that's silly to do ad-hoc."


"More likely than not you can just tell it to 'do good soil'. But yes, and you can expand towards space if you don't know what to do on a given night."


"Wanna go back to sleep again? I suppose you should announce everything went right."


"I'm too wired up, I think I'll bug some city planners first - this is so exciting -"


"Oh, I totally get it. The need to sleep is such an inconvenient downside, but at least you have an excuse to sleep late in the morning."

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