a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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"My brother works the longest hours, maybe now he'll actually sleep normal amounts." She has downloaded some kind of city planning program and is poking it.


Giggle. He looks curiously at the program. "Hopefully he won't get the opposite problem. If Fenris wasn't immortal I might worry. Since it takes him- Oh, okay. I am going to tell you the rest after you've slept again. I want to see your face when you have better context to react to the information."


"What's the story with Fenris, is his dimension just really convenient?"


"Oh, you're in for a treat. The simple answer is no, not convenient. But that would be misleading. It's the source of our immortality, which also grants skymagery for non-skymages. It's based on the stormlord's afterlife, but corrupted. It's basically a frozen ocean with sea monsters and even the air is creepily still. He can not make the sea monsters, but otherwise the dimension does not cooperate with creating anything else, besides the floating rocks that grant immortality. And there are things like... the immortality is pretty great, but then it does things like when Felix arrived here it activated a failsafe that caused pain and forced him to spit a blood-covered rock. Which was not necessary, but keeps on the theme of the dimension being an asshole. To top it all off, there is a way to change it, which is resurrecting our parents and turning them into immortals. Then the dimension is going to undergo a sparkly transformation: the sea will thaw, the monsters will turn friendly and kind, the barren floating rocks will grow into floating islands with an environment that can be controlled by their respective immortals. Fenris himself will get all the greater powers that a skymage can have like a rainbow-winged figure of legend, which makes the dimension as it is today look worse by contrast."


"But there's a holdup on the resurrections?"


"Oh, it only resurrects people that drink from the fountain on the top of a floating rock. It hooks up the person to the immortality, which is basically magical back-ups. One person per rock. And the place is going to very strongly refuse to resurrect people that didn't follow the fountain drinking procedure before dying, until after our parents are brought back and resurrected. Do you see the theme?"


"The theme is...setting conditions it could itself fulfill but won't?"


"...Close, actually. The theme is... the world has potential to be perfect, but it won't, unless something very specific and very difficult happens. But the potential for perfection is there. ...It describes Fenris outlook pretty well."


"Is this why you and Felix have both been inclined to give - more information about your emotional state and feelings - than is conventional among Amentans, because it's informative about your magic and your dimension?"


 "...I think the blues here have completely, absolutely and absurdly failed to realize that Felix is the sort that likes being honest and was in desperate need of emotional support. And I am," he gestures vaguely, "there is a sense where I am one step removed from the situation and have few experiences of my own. And have to be informative about our magic, our dimension and where Felix might be coming from in his behavior."


Sigh. "You're good, Isel. And Felix snapped and fucked up disastrously, but it's simply false to think that it reflects what he is consistently."


I imagine he spends very little time threatening cops or it'd have worked when he did it, she doesn't say.

"I know."


Trevor can't comment on her unvoiced opinions.

"Anyway, do you have news on the little dreamshaper? When do you think we can give the floating island?"


"I haven't written them yet. Can you stop him from sleeping tonight, or is that waiting on something in progress -"


"Requires the witchcraft person. I am okay with manifesting her today, but on behalf of Felix, I don't want to leave the impression that we want to solve all of our problems with suddenly appearing personnel."


"I approve of making that clear. But let's get the red stopped from dreamshaping as soon as we can."


"Alright," he sends Felix a message. "Felix left this one at ready, so to speak, to be manifested. Let's collect Dana and say hi to the new tower residence?"


"Sounds good." Sigh.


Dana has stored the dreamshard to the vault and returned to her own apartment. She is happy to greet the new.


They have to wait for a few moments, but then they get in the elevator again and are let out on a wood-paneled floor. By far the most tasteful looking place in the building.

She answers the knock. Another green, politely smiles at them. "Tani Esdah," she introduces, "would you like to come in? Felix made us tea."


Tani smiles politely again and lets them in. Her apartment is a huge departure from the excessiveness of the rest of the building, but makes up with books. She directs them to a table and starts serving them tea. She looks six, but acts in a very composed and well-mannered way that makes her look older.

"So, how can I help you today?"


"Apparently you can make people not need to sleep?"


She sits and nods. "How long? And how soon?"

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