a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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They return. And go through the rigmarole to figure out what Afen does.


You can manifest physical objects in his dimension by thinking about them. It has a translation effect. The miniature cityscape seems to have miniature people, who are people, and all have an individual language they have in common with one other person in the world. 

"- oops."


"Well, yes. That was a risk. Are they capable of feeding themselves with the object manifestation?"


"And even if they don't. They're tiny, they shouldn't eat as much, right? Aitim, could you get them cheaper credits? Tiny credits for tiny people?"


"I think I will make the case to Anitam that they aren't going to be taking up space on the trains. I'll go check if they have the means of making themselves food and so on but they should, the object manifestation should work for them just fine."


Nod nod. "I wonder if you could get the dreamshaping magic to look at spontaneously created languages without manifesting people."


"I will not manifest any more people. Poor people. I wonder if I can shift how much of my dimension considers itself their environment so they can get more space...I wonder if they just have entirely different laws of physics..."


"Responsible and you should try to see if it works. I wonder if they stay tiny if they leave their environment or your dimension. Or they are even Amentan. Or Anitami for that matter, they might be their own country or something."

She raises her hands palm up and a ball of green fire matching her hair manifests above them. Some random things can be seen inside until it focus on the tiny city. "Uh, I can't get close enough."


"There's like - something discouraging interference between the little habitats and the rest of my dimension. I don't think it prohibits it, just kind of makes it harder. - do they have internet? I can just try to arrange something so I'm on their internet."


Well, Dana concentrates harder. Is anyone using a computer or similar device?


Cool, she reports/shows this. "At least we don't have to potentially terrify the tiny people."


"I will go post things on their internet - put me back to sleep -"


And he goes off to explain on the internet to the tiny people that they were created an hour ago, just in case their memories weren't consistent with that, and he's really sorry.

He is thwarted by his people not having a language in common. He eagerly scrolls around their internet watching one emerge.


"I'd like to try it."


Rinse and repeat on the dreamshaping process.


It looks like a canyon with a waterfall. It has the thing she wanted it to have, but inconveniently located; as a giant arch over the waterfall. The air is thick and viscous. Everything is unnaturally colorful. She stands still, frowning at the arch, until rescue, and then goes back to sleep and checks.


Her arch lets people change properties of themselves or of things they carry through it.

She beams at it and sets about trying to meld the landscape in a way that makes the arch just as dramatic and astonishing but more physically possible to carry things through by virtue of not being right on top of a waterfall. Her world is amenable to melding, but very slowly; changes seem to need to make everything prettier, and she needs to do all the detail work.


Does the arc lets people change caste? Does it let reds become clean castes??


"That's the goal, yes, but it's not going to be that simple."


"Needs to credibly convince people that it works and not everyone might be quick to assume it does?"


"And it's a catastrophe if they start to allow it and then there's pollution hysteria, yes. Right now it's not even accessible. Once it's accessible, I think I'll propose people use it for healing, cancer treatment - genetic diseases - then I can write a paper arguing it should suffice to clean reds and then we'll do it with a very small sample and wait a couple years and see and then maybe."


Trevor sighs. Then he sighs again once he remembers that those are Amentan years. "Really? Well, at least we have two ways to save the reds."

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