And now for something completely different
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He places the food next to her and peers at her work.


The innards of the chair are once again exposed and she's been messing with the wiring inside, because it turns out that the problem she's having isn't with the crystals. Rather, the internal structure of the chair that she'd made to channel the one crystal wasn't actually able to do the same with the whole array, and she didn't think about it at the time because she got too focused on the magic part.

She barks some instructions to him and then grabs a bready thing and sniffs the contents of the hot mug suspiciously. "What's this?'


"Hot chocolate," he says, without looking up from where he's following her instructions.


"What's that?"


He shrugs.


She really doesn't know what she expected. Well, sure, she'll try it.






"This is delicious I've never had anything like it before what is it!"


Another shrug.


She starts drinking it all at once and does it too quickly and burns her tongue.


Gonie looks up at her when he hears the distressed noise and then sits up in alarm.


"I' hine I' hine, huhth bu'n my thongue," she says, sticking her tongue out like a dog.


...he giggles a bit but stands up and starts making his way out.


"Whe'e a'e you goi'?" she asks.


He just lifts a hand in a "wait" gesture and dashes off.


He can be so unhelpful sometimes. But she can't eat and doesn't want to tinker while her tongue hurts so she just sits on her thumbs and waits.


Gonie's back shortly with some kid a few years their senior that she hasn't met in tow.


"—seriously? You dragged me here because your girlfriend burned her tongue?" He casts a healing spell with a lazy flick of his wrist and turns around. "Honestly."


Gonie blinks after the boy, looking deeply puzzled.


Okay that was really cool she'd never been magically healed before. She pokes her tongue with a finger and, determining that it feels fine, gets to drinking the rest of the hot chocolate, making sure to blow on it to cool it down beforehand.


He spends a few more seconds staring dumbly at the door but then he shakes himself and gets back to doing what Lucky had asked him to do.


She deeply appreciates him.


Once he's done with his task and she's done with her food she starts rearranging the wiring and pulling some wires out and reconnecting them elsewhere, and she definitely needs that ori someone brought her yesterday because some of these changes she complicated, but she can get it all the way she wants it in under an hour.

And then she can hover.


"I did it! I did it!! My chair can fly!!!" It can't really fly but it's close enough she'll count. She does several rounds of the room until she's dizzy and then lowers back down onto the floor, giggling to herself while she rests her head against the back of the chair to wait for the dizziness to abate. "I did it," she repeats.

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