And now for something completely different
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He blinks a couple of times.


"For some customers, I mean. Um. Anyway, he didn't want me to work on it because he said it was too dangerous, and then I took a look at his blueprint and found two problems that could make the gun explode and he let me work on it after that." She looks incredibly proud of it.










Yesssssss he said a worddddddd wait what word was that. 

"'Gonie'? Oh, is that your name?"


He nods.


"Nice to meet you, Gonie! I'm Lucky. ...I said this already."


That draws a small laugh from him, which triggers a fit of laughter, which in turn causes him to start crying again.


"—wait, no, I'm sorry, I can forget your name if you want, don't cry—"


He shakes his head and buries his face in his knees again.





"Do you want a hug?"


He nods minutely, but doesn't make any movement that would make it easier to hug on the chair.


That's okay, she has a lot of practice getting off the chair and back onto it. She moves it closer to him and then hops down and drags herself over to him to hug him.


He leans into the hug and cries on her.


"It's okay, it'll be okay..." She doesn't actually know that it will be but that seems like exactly the wrong thing to say so she will keep her mouth shut for once and just try to be reassuring and nice to hug.


His crying before had been quiet, but now he's openly sobbing, and after a bit of that he decides to also wrap his arms around her to hug her more tightly.


She doesn't say anything more and just holds him, rocking back and forth a little. She hopes she's being useful.


It takes him rather a while, but eventually he does calm down enough to stop crying. But he doesn't immediately unhug.


That's okay, she doesn't have anywhere to be.

...wait. Yes she does. Oh, darn, her master is going to be worried. Well, surely he'll understand? She couldn't have just left Gonie here, that wouldn't have been right. She won't worry about that for now.


It takes him a little bit longer still to decide to release the hug, but when he finally does he looks—confused. Like he's not quite sure how he ended up spending a long while crying on a complete stranger. 

...well. Maybe not a stranger, anymore. She did just tell him her whole life story. It was short, because she's ten, but still.


She offers him a tentative smile. "Better?"


He ponders the question for a few seconds then finally nods.


"Oh good! I'm happy." ...and now she's thinking about how she really needs to go back to her master, uh.


Gonie notices something is going on in her head and tilts his head questioningly.


"—oh, it's just, um, my master will be worried, but I don't want to just leave you alone here."


Gonie looks at her for a few more seconds, then up at her chair, then back at her, and decides to lift her up in his arms as he stands up. 

He's even taller than he looked, and very strong for his (probable) age.

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