And now for something completely different
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She sighs in defeat and joins the three of them there, reaching over for the cup she'd been drinking from when they arrived.


"How do you and our Gonie know each other?"


"Oh um. A few months ago I was coming back from Einbroch and I found him, uhh."


"Crying," he supplies.


"...crying, yeah. By the train tracks. And I talked to him, and then he, um."


"Hugged her and cried on her."


"Hugged me and cried on me," she agrees. "And he came with me to the workshop and he said we'd see each other again except he vanished for two months and something happened because everyone was sad all the time and no one would tell me what happened and then he showed up again and I was so mad, like so mad, but he apologised and got me gifts so I couldn't stay mad at him and then we hung out a lot and then he came with me today to a supply run in Einbroch and then I asked him why he'd been crying except I didn't mean to because it's none of my business but then he talked to my master and he brought me here and now I'm here."


"Ah," she says, smiling to herself as she pours three more cups of tea. "So you're the reason he's been going out so much recently. Cream?"


"...yes?" she says, not sure herself whether she's responding to the first thing or replying to the question. Another thing she hadn't really thought about, that Gonie's been coming over specifically to hang out with her. Like, yeah, he's been coming over, and yeah, they've been hanging out, and yeah, he's been spending hours with her helping her out, but still.


"Well, thank you. He's been looking a lot better recently and I think it's because of you." She offers Lucky her cup, with cream.


"Oh. Okay. Um. You're welcome?" she says, accepting the cup and... not really knowing what to do with it.

She's never had tea.


"Cream, dear?" she asks Gonie.


He shakes his head, and accepts the offered cup.


"Still," she continues in the same soft, mild voice, "Ridsh is right, on the off-chance that Rekenber doesn't know about this place, they really shouldn't find out."


"I can keep secrets! I didn't tell anyone that I knew about the Rebellion!"


"Even so, if you were to be seen coming and going that'd be very suspicious, especially while leaving wheelchair tracks."


"...don't you leave footprints?"


"We've all trained not to. After... that day... Gonie spent every day training not to leave footprints." She sips from her tea some more, her smile widening a bit. "I guess it must've been because of you."


Oh wow. "Is that why you took so long to come back?" she asks, twisting around to look up at him.


He nods.


"Oh okay. That's a good reason. I forgive you," she says, and lifts the tea up to her lips to sip at it.

...she does not like it. She puts it down.


...he beams widely.


She grins, too. She likes it when he smiles. Then she pauses as her brain catches up with Dien's words and looks at her to say, "—wait, if that's the problem, I can make my wheelchair hover."


"I'm sorry?"


"Yeah, um, I've been working on it, but I left my crystals at the workshop—"

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