And now for something completely different
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Gonie reaches into a pocket and then lowers his hand in front of her to show her the crystals, including the one she bought today.


"Oh! I guess I got them. Thank you, Gonie!"


"I'm sorry, please back up a step, you think you could make your chair float?"


"Totally! It already floats a little bit, that's how I can climb stairs with it and carry heavy things, but I could make it, like, actually float for real."


"I don't think you can do something like that—"


"She can."


Both women look up at him.


"She can do it," he repeats, confidently. "Today."


"! I'm not sure I can do it today—"


"You can. You showed me how."


.....hee actually paid attention to the stuff she was saying? Well okay now she can't disappoint him can she. "Right. Okay. I can do it today. But I'm gonna need tools."


"Oh, this I want to see."


"Me also," she says, sounding much less disparaging and more actively curious about it. "Gonie, bring Strasse over? We can get her some tools and a space to work."


He nods then taps Lucky's shoulder twice and goes upstairs.


Man, okay, this is a lot of pressure. Can she really do it? She wasn't this confident in her maths. But when Gonie is counting on her... she has to. She steels herself and says, "Can I have some paper?"


She's given paper, and pencils, and she's taken to a workshop of sorts (it's a mess) and they clear some space for her on the floor and give her the tools she needs and then step back to watch.


Of course they're gonna watch. But she's going to ignore all of them—actually not Gonie, she's not going to ignore him, she's going to tell him everything she's thinking about. But first, she's gotta dismantle her chair a bit to fetch the crystal that's already there, and actually she's going to be telling Gonie to help her because it'll go a lot faster that way.


As always, he's more than happy to help.


The first thing she notices when he gives her the crystal that had been in the chair is that it's 70% of the way to depleted, which in hindsight makes sense. Magic needs mana, and she's never recharged it. Thinking about it, the new features are going to be even more magic-intensive so even with multiple crystals they will drain even faster overall. She'll need some way to recharge them without having to open the chair every time. "Is there some spare phra or emve, or maybe even ori?"


The women look at her in confusion but Strasse nods and goes into the mess of the workshop to rummage. "Raw or refined?"


"Oh um. Refined would be better?"


He nods and, after some more rummaging, returns with a bar of solid refined oridecon.


...solid ori is not the best but, whatever, she'll make it work. And that's for later anyway, she just needs to get the chair floating to prove that she can do it, she can add recharging wires later. "Thank you," she says to him, then puts the ori aside to focus on the crystals.

She arranges all six of them in the specific pattern she'd been thinking of earlier and realises immediately it won't work and why, and starts telling Gonie all about it as she does.


He watches her like a hawk.


That's familiar and comforting and makes her feel like she can do anything. Which she can.

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