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we'll build a Lucy and we'll make Lamashtu pay for it
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"Eh, I can't see what it would hurt. Just--the Tower of Estrod? I won't deny that it would be useful to get some intel on what those guys there are up to, but if you do go there, be careful. I know you're pretty weird and strong, but I'd hate to see you get killed because you bit off more than you could chew." 




"Any useable weapons you can scavenge, from dead cultists or whatever, bring them to Jhoran Vhane. He's the blacksmith outside in the yard, and the de facto armorer for our little resistance." Anevia, wife of a paladin and formally attached to the Eagle Watch, would NEVER suggest to an adventurer that they steal from civilians. But, like, with this many people dead, she's not going to go out of her way to impress on them to be too scrupulous about where they source their supplies. Not when Lusilla strikes her as a good egg and Seelah is quite literally a paladin. Camellia might be more of a concern but as long as they're grouped together it's probably not too much of a problem. 


"That makes sense. While I was delivering messages between Irabeth and the Neathers' Chief Sull, I went back and searched those wagons we saw at the bottom of the chasm. There was a lot of stuff I didn't see an immediate use for--not one efficient enough to make it worth dragging the stuff back, I mean--but I did find some vegetables, and I brought those back to Gemyl the tavernkeeper." 


Anevia nods. "That's good. By the time we run out of stores entirely this will probably all be over, one way or another--if we don't manage to fix the Wardstone soon..." she shakes her head. "But a little more food is good for morale, anyway." 


At some point Lusilla should probably try to figure out the relative food needs of the Defender's Heart versus Neathholm,'s not that big a priority, on an immediate level. 

"I should probably go talk to Joran, then. We found a whole bunch of weapons on cultists in the Shield Maze." She should see what the current status of the Maze is, whether it's been cleaned of further cultists, maybe mug the remaining cultists for their remaining weapons. Not right now, though. Maybe tomorrow. 


"That sounds like a good idea." 


So Lusilla grabs the bundle of various armaments that they had pilfered from cultists in the Shield Maze, and goes out into the courtyard. 

Identifying Joran Vhane is easy. He's the guy doing smithing. Lusilla doesn't know how to do smithing herself, but she's seen enough of it that "put metal on anvil, hit with hammer" is a pretty obvious sign. 

She...thinks he might be a dwarf? She's heard of dwarves. Never seen one in person, though. Probably there is no polite way to ask and she's just going to have to wait until someone casually comments on it, like with what relationship exactly Irabeth and Anevia have. 

"Hi," she says, hoisting a bundle containing several polearms and assorted less-reachy weapons and also some shields bundled up in an amount of armor that a human who looks like her definitely shouldn't have been able to lift anyway. "I was told you were the person to give armor stuff I found? On cultists? That I had killed?"


"That's me," the smith says, glancing only briefly up from his work confirm that yes, that is a huge bundle of stuff. His attention returns firmly to his work; letting himself get distracted would be not good. "You can set it down over there." 


Lusilla sets it down over there. 


Joran finishes what he's currently doing and comes over to look at the bundle. He whistles. "Where did you get all this?" 


"Baphomet cultists in a subterranean maze who had kidnapped some children." 


That is pretty much the exact correct amount of detail to make him shake his head and mutter about Baphomet cultists while also going "yeah that sounds like a thing that could happen." He starts going over the stuff. 

...He pulls out a glaive. "Are you sure you want to give this up?" 


"...Well, I have no idea how to use it?"


He hefts the weapon. "It's magic. I'd have to examine it more closely to tell exactly what it does, but by the strength of the aura, I think it's probably more than the most basic of enchantments. I wouldn't take it from you without your knowing what you were parting with." 


Lusilla takes it back from him, then. "I'll see if Seelah can use it, then. Oh, speaking of Seelah, do you know anything about the sword Radiance?" 


"Yeah! We found it in the subterranean labyrinth." 


"If you'd bring it here and show it to me, I could tell you if it was the real thing." 


"I'll let Seelah know, thanks." 

Lusilla stashes the magic glaive in the same corner where the rest of the party's stuff has been stashed. It's moderately inconvenient to get to, if you can't fly, which means the opportunity cost of Lusilla, specifically, stashing stuff there is fairly low. 

Then she continues wandering around the tavern. 

Hey, it has a basement, that's neat! 


The basement has a cell in it. 

The...basement? Has a cell in it?

Lusilla turns around and goes back upstairs. 

Gemyl Hawke has the really convenient property of being mostly in the same-ish place all the time, which makes him very easy to find. 

"Why does the basement have a cell in it?" 


"Oh, that's for holding cultists who think they can hold their ale better than they can, and get looser-lipped about their true affiliations than they intended." 


"...Does that happen often?" 


"Often enough it was worth it to put in the cell." 


"Well, alright. Is the fellow currently in there a cultist, then?"


He shrugs. "Not one that confessed to me. The Eagle Watch has been handling that sort of thing since moving in." 

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