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we'll build a Lucy and we'll make Lamashtu pay for it
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That was fair. Just because these people knew about a lot of things Lusilla had never heard of didn't mean they knew everything. 


After several more minutes, Anevia leads her past the sentries and into the courtyard of the Defender's Heart. 

"This place is usually a tavern. We've made it our headquarters, until this situation is over--one way or the other. It's called the Defender's Heart." 



"While Seelah and I were underground, helping Lann recover his tribe's missing children, we found this document," she fishes it out and offers it to Anevia, "that has some stuff in it that I think you should know. You and Irabeth, I mean, since she's in charge of the Eagle Watch." She still sort of wants to know how the two of them are related but she can't see a graceful way to ask. 


Anevia skims the paper, frowning. "Thanks. I'll ask Beth to take a look at this." 


"Lusilla! Glad you made it back safely." 


"Seelah!" Lusilla waves energetically and bounces over to her. "Did everyone make it back okay?" 


Seelah nods. "Didn't even catch a glimpse of any pursuit." 


"Yeah...Minagho didn't really chase me, either. She screamed at me from the hole I made in the wall but she never left it." 


"...Well, if I had been able to draw her off, you guys maybe could've doubled back for the Wardstone." 


"Maybe. I am glad you're alright, though." 


"Same. Can I hug you?" 



The quality of this hug is kind of objectively impeded by the full plate armor but Lusilla doesn't actually care, so. 


"So," Lusilla says after a while. "This place is a tavern, when it's not instead the rallying point for the defense of the city?"


"Well, y'know, it hasn't entirely stopped being a tavern in the meanwhile. The owner is still around and selling drinks and food. Although we're going to have to find a way to reprovision him, I think. This place is packed way beyond its normal capacity. It's not only those of us who can fight who're lodged here, right now; any civilians who didn't manage to get out of the city or die in the first wave of the invasion have been directed here, when they find 'em." 


"Oh, good. --Does that include Horgus Gwerm?" 


"I think I saw him around somewhere, why?" 


"Well, y'know, he owes me money." 


"You can't really mean to charge him for bringing him back up to the surface with Camellia and Anevia." 


"Counterpoint: he looked rich as fuck and was an asshole to the Neathers." 


Seelah snorts. "I see your point. But still..." 


"If he says, 'You were just providing a public service, I'm not going to give you anything,' then I'm not going to hound him about it. But if he thinks fair's fair then I'm not going to turn my nose up at a handout from a rich guy." 


Seelah covers a smile she can't quite suppress. "I guess that's fair." 

Seelah still wouldn't do it, but, enh, Lusilla's not a paladin. 


So Lusilla heads off into the crowd. 


There are a lot of people here. Maybe not as many as are in Rivertree altogether, but... in Rivertree, Lusilla never saw so many people packed into one building, even one bigger than any of the buildings in Rivertree. 

Fortunately, it isn't that hard to identify Horgus Gwerm, standing at the bar. She makes her way over to him, careful not to push people as she gets through the crowd. 

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