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we'll build a Lucy and we'll make Lamashtu pay for it
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Yeah, no kidding--ooh, that doesn't look like a penniless refugee! 

"Hello. Are you a cleric of Abadar?" 


"Yes, I am. Vissaly Rathimus. Ordinarily, rector of the local temple of Abadar, but," sigh, "that no longer...exists." 


"Oh. Because of the demons? I'm sorry to hear that. --I'm Lusilla." 


"You know, I don't think I've ever been in a temple. Actually, you're the second cleric I've ever met! ...Unless someone in the attack on the Grey Garrison was a cleric, and it just didn't come up. Or one of the cultists I fought was one. Or more than one of--you're the second person I've ever talked to such that we explicitly established that they were a cleric. And the other one was also of Abadar, which is why I came over, I recognized the holy symbol." 


"Yeah! Her name was Dyra, she--have you been told about the Neathers yet?" 


"Let us suppose that I have not." 


"Okay, you see that guy over there?" Lusilla points at Lann, blithely unaware that this could be considered "rude." 


The priest looks over and nods. If he has anything to say about Lann's odd appearance, he keeps it to himself. 


"Right, so, I don't know if you've heard any stories about 'Underground Crusaders' or 'children of the First Crusade' or anything like that, but the stories are true, at least as far as the people existing is concerned. There's a network of tunnels underneath Kenabres, and people live there in tribal villages. They're descendants of some crusaders from the First Crusade who got, I dunno, trapped or something, and wound up...I won't say 'looking like that' exactly because actually they all look really different from one another. They all have some significant variations from human baseline, though. Anyway, me'n Seelah ended up visiting one of their villages, and they had a cleric, which surprised me because where I'm from little villages have druids and clerics are mostly just in cities or towns big enough to really benefit from having channels instead of just Cure spells, and surprised Seelah because she was a cleric of Abadar and those usually don't show up in little villages instead of cities. But she's been really great for helping the different tribes resolve their differences via trade and stuff instead of fighting, which is usually a problem, and I had some stuff that I had hunted and she helped me work out a deal for it because their village could really use the food. Anyway. She's cool." 


His eyebrows climb his forehead as she expounds and are arched like a circus tent by the time she finishes. "How interesting. I would like to meet this Dyra, I think." 


"Well, I can't bring you there, but Irabeth is drafting a message to Chief Sull, so if you wanted to write a letter to Dyra I could bring that." 


"Man, I do think I get why you Abadarans are so into trade, but I'm not gonna lie, I come from the woods outside a little village that had a druid instead of a cleric, I won't object if you wanna pay me for it but it will actually be trivial for me to accomplish so I was just going to do it as a favor." 



Once that matter is hashed out, she glances over at Irabeth. Irabeth does not seem to need her immediately, so she decides to see what other new experiences she can accumulate. 


One of the places she can see in the room is the bar, where someone who is presumably the tavern's owner or one of the tavern's owner's employees is serving food and drinks. Her stomach would like to take this moment to remind her that she hasn't eaten since Neathholme, and it has been a long day. 

She can acquire some food and also ask some questions about reprovisioning, which is something Seelah mentioned and Lusilla might be qualified to help with. 

Lusilla sidles up to the bar--no mean feat; there are a lot of people packed into this building--and, when the bartender looks over her way says, "Hello! I'm Lusilla." 


"Gemyl Hawkes. What'll it be?"


"Uhhhhhh that is a good question, what do you have?"


He grunts slightly. "Less than I did before the demon attack, that's for sure. But--" and he lists available menu items. 


She orders a chicken stew and draws him into a discussion of what he'd find useful in terms of provisions if she can obtain them while she's out in the city, either legally or, like, close enough to legally that under the circumstances the paladins aren't going to object. The discussion is sort of periodic since he keeps leaving to serve other people, but she has a better idea of what to look for than Seelah's offhand reference to reprovisioning left her with, so that's good. 


And then she goes and collects Irabeth's letter, and Rathimus's, and enough blank paper that Sull and Dyra will definitely be able to reply, and pops down to Neathholm. 

She can't bop directly there; it's too far. But she doesn't encounter any particular trouble on the way there. She sees demons, a few times, but none of them close enough that they can do anything to her before she leaves again. 

When she reaches the village, she gives Sull his letter first. ...And has to read it to him, because his eyesight is shaky and not really up to Irabeth's relatively small handwriting. She's not sure she was meant to be be privy to the contents of the letter, but whatever, it's fine, Sull is asking her to read it, it's not like she's being sneaky. She'll just tell Irabeth about it on the way back. 

There is a little bit of an audience, by the time she's done. Sull asks her to let him think about how to reply for a bit, which she supposes is consistent with his displayed character so far. Her audience wants her to pull out Lariel's sword again, which she supposes makes sense. She does that once and then flees to deliver Dyra her letter. 


Oh, wow, gosh, this is a really exciting letter!!! Dyra is extremely excited!!! Is Lusilla going to stick around long enough to take back a response?


Yeah, for sure! It is pretty unlikely that Dyra will take longer to reply than Chief Sull. 


Well, that's not wrong. 


So while Dyra and Chief Sull are writing their replies, Lusilla goes out to have a look at the stuff that fell down when Deskari opened the big crack. 

She and Anevia had salvaged some stuff off some of the bodies, when they were initially passing through, but...not more than that. And there were wagons, in the debris. Not many, or intact, but it was worth looking through their contents, now. The odds that they could find the owners--or any living heirs, if the owners were among those who had failed to survive the fall--were low enough that Lusilla had no qualms whatsoever about taking whatever she found. 

One of the wagons mostly seems to have supplies for the festival. Lusilla sorts through it--strings of paper pennants, fabric banners--nothing she couldn't find a use for, if she tried, but mostly not things that were going to be useful in their current form, not in the immediate future. 

She does find one crate that, while broken, is still mostly in the shape of a box surrounding the things it had contained, and that one contains fresh vegetables. Lusilla was pretty sure they had been meant to be used for the festival refreshments. Trying to pick up the crate reveals that it is not going to continue being coherently in the shape of a box if given a whole lot of impetus not to be, such as by gravity acting unequally on its parts, so she brushes away the fragments of wood and piles the vegetables on a scavenged banner, that she can tie into a bundle later after she's done going through everything. 

The other wagon is less helpful. It's full of wood, and nails, and--carpentry stuff, she's pretty sure. If she knew anything about carpentry maybe she would be going, "wow! This doohickey would be really useful for Y purpose!" but she really isn't betting on it. She'll keep in mind that it's there, obviously, and maybe mention it if it seems like a good idea at any point; if anyone is looking for a list of resources or anything, but for the moment, the only thing that looks useful enough to make off with is a coil of rope. 

Lusilla ties up her bundle of vegetables and returns to the village. 

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