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we'll build a Lucy and we'll make Lamashtu pay for it
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"Ah, there you are. One thousand crowns, as promised. You brought me back to the surface, and I duly paid for fast and efficient service. Horgus Gwerm pays his debts. Now, speaking of our future cooperation..." 


Were they speaking of that? Lusilla can't be bothered to make a quip to that effect; she is too busy attempting to keep a straight face in the wake of opening the bag Horgus Gwerm gave her and discovering that a crown is a GOLD coin. 

What the fuck! This is so much money! You could--Lusilla can't even think of what you could do with this much money that isn't a hilarious understatement. 


"I have a job that would be perfect for someone like you. Naturally, I'll pay generously for your services." 


It does not occur to Lusilla to be offended by "someone like you." She assumes he means being a giant starfish, or possibly just her ability to fly. "Someone who is not rich" straight-up just does not cross her mind as an explanation. 

Her first impulse is to agree immediately, because this guy way, way overpays. She doesn't know WHAT she's gonna do with this kind of money, but her life has entered Storybook Mode, which probably means she's going to have the ability to buy ridiculously big-ticket items like magic necklaces and so on at some point. 

On the other hand, it's also absolutely a thing that would happen in a story is that someone ridiculously overpays for an easy task, in order to bait someone into agreeing to a much much much harder task, sight unseen. So she asks, "What kind of job?" 


"Bodyguarding. You see, I have good reason to return to my mansion here in Kenabres. I still have... Never mind. My reasons are none of your concern. My mansion is a breathtaking building with a large garden in the wealthy part of the city. Even before the demons attacked, every thief and fraudster in the city had tried to get inside, one way or another. I shudder to imagine the state it's in now. I have little hope that my guards were able to hold the mansion during the attack, and I expect that the servants fled when they saw the demons. Only Abadar knows what's happened there since. Therefore, I would ask that you accompany me to my mansion and guard me there until I complete my business." 


...Huh. Seems fairly up-and-up, assuming there's nothing extra special sketchy about the mansion.


"Also, please do bring Camellia with you. I trust her more than the rest of your party. She is of noble birth, after all." 


"She is?" 


Harrumph. "Is it not obvious?"


"Before today I'd never been anywhere bigger than Rivertree. I'd certainly never met a noble. How'm I supposed to tell?" 


If Horgus Gwerm is judging her, he's making at least a token effort to hide it. 


"So what are you offering to pay, exactly?" Not that he hasn't been generous so far but if she's agreeing to this for more than just herself she'd like to have numbers to bring everyone else. 


It was the same as the pay for bringing him back to the surface, which had been a much easier task, but he hadn't known how easy it would be for her when he made the offer. Also, critically, she was not going to let a windfall like this turn her greedy and stupid. 

"Agreed. Conditional on Camellia agreeing, anyway, I won't make promises for her without her permission. And it won't be today, I'm out of spells and I'd bet she is too. Plus I don't think it'll be just the two of us, and everyone's low on everything."


"Certainly, certainly. Most excellent. Let me know when you're ready to leave." 


Lusilla nods and leaves to look around some more. 


...There are so many people. Lusilla finds herself a little shy. She had plenty of confidence before, when there was something concrete for her to be doing, but now--now there isn't much to do until tomorrow. Unless there's something she can do with just her non-spell stuff, but the obvious thing that bopping around and flying can do is courier work, and Lusilla doesn't think there's anywhere else in the city to deliver messages to. 

Well. Except Neathholme, of course. 

Has anyone actually told Irabeth about that? Lusilla thinks maybe nobody has told Irabeth about that. Somebody ought to tell Irabeth about that. 

Lusilla goes to go tell Irabeth about that. 


Irabeth is currently sitting at a desk in what is usually a semi-private alcove of the tavern's main seating areas. 

"Yes?" she asks, when she sees Lusilla approach. 


"You saw Lann, right? He came in with Seelah and me, when we showed up at the Grey Garrison?"


Irabeth nods. "The archer."


"Right. And you saw how he's," she gestures over her left side, where Lann has lizard scales. 


"Anevia told me about the village you found there, and the missing children. And the dispatch you found on the body of the lead cultist." 


"Right. So, the thing is, I'm all out of spells for today, but I can bop around as much as I like, and the Neathers also call themselves Underground Crusaders and seem to consider the whole angel-sword thing as some kind of call to duty, and it occurred to me that I could carry messages. It wouldn't involve fighting anything, hopefully, and I heal fast so even if I accidentally land on a group of demons or cultists or whatever I should be fine if they get a swipe in before I can leave again, and they could potentially be really helpful." 


"That is...a very good idea, actually. Give me a minute to draw up a letter." 


Lusilla gives her a thumbs-up and then wanders off to see more things until Irabeth has a letter for her to deliver. 


There are a LOT of things and people to see, both inside the Defender's Heart and outside in the yard. Granted, a lot of them are clearly refugees, who often escaped the demons with little more than the clothes on their backs, which would be quite rude to bother. 

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