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aloy!eridani in horizon zero dawn
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Nope. (Though they do have usable parts.)


She'll take the parts. And then consult her map again. How's she doing on her planned route?


She's near another vantage point! After that it'll be time to start the loop back. 


Okay! Let's see what her mysterious diarist-slash-climber-slash-acrobat has to say next.


The hologram was recorded at night, and shows a platform like the ones the matriarchs tell stories from, with bright lights in blue and pink trained on it and people packed tightly in crowds.

Apocashitstorm Tour, day 5. The Grey Swarms opened for Turtlesmash the night I OD'd here - or so the police report said, anyway. I was fifteen years old. When I woke in the hospital two days later, your face was the first thing I saw.

And another log. It sounds like the Old Ones used to be able to bring people back from the dead. And, also, rocky relationships with their parents. 


...Some things don't change. Not sure if that should be depressing or comforting.


But! She doesn't have to sit here and think about it if it makes her uncomfortable! Because she's starting the return leg of this loop now!


The return leg of the loop brings her past a few more Flowers and another Vantage point, plus the last (much easier) Corrupted Zone - and leads her past machines like nothing she's ever seen. There's some in the water around an island with one of the Flowers, larger than a Sawtooth with glowing sacs on their throats and enormous jaws... And, in the distance - not quite in her path - she passes by a machine whose heavy footfalls echo bluntly through the valley. It's larger than any machine except the Tallneck, bipedal - and incredibly dangerous-looking. Her Focus picks up a dizzying variety of ranged weapons, and its barbed tail looks like it'd be a bad idea to get hit by. 


Hmmmm. She could- No, bad idea. But maybe... No. Later, she promises. She'll be coming back for that.


It's the most exciting machine she sees on her journey, at least, and soon enough she's collected every Flower and seen every Vantage in the Sacred Lands, and she's also cleared every Corrupted Zone while she's at it. All that's left is to head for the Carja border fort.


Hopefully they can be convinced to open the gate for her.


- That might be complicated by the Corrupted machines currently trying to break through said gate! Including a Corruptor, even. 



She knows how to kill these, at least.


The Corruptor's companions are more dangerous than the Striders she fought last time, and she's the only person on their level - the Carja archers are still firing at the machines, but once Aloy enters the fray she gets the brunt of the machines' attacks. 

Still, she can get through it. 



"Hello the gate!"

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