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aloy!eridani in horizon zero dawn
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The Sawtooth is still pretty tough! But the cover she can get here, and her increased experience with them - and some traps - helps a lot. 

Soon enough, it's just her and the strange machine. 


All right big buddy, let's see what you've got. Let's see... from the ledge there she should be able to jump to the neck, then it looks like it'd be pretty straightforward to get the rest of the way up? Lots of handholds.


One advantage to the bristly spine!

And: there's a fairly clear data port on top of the disk-shaped head. Also, she can see so much - the machine is the tallest thing for a good long while, at least until the mountains. 



She takes a moment to admire the view before turning to the dataport. Let's see what her override can do here.


It can get her...

A map - flickering blue, in three dimensions, though she can pretty easily upload it into her Focus and display it in whatever format she likes. The machine's sending out transmissions to other machines, though - looks like pretty much just keeping them updated with maps. 


Huh. Would have been useful earlier... but still helpful.

Now she just has to figure out how to get down again.


(The map does include areas she hasn't been - and indications of the location of other similar machines outside its scan area, including some in the direction of Meridian.)

There's a couple of protrusions she could hook her grapple to and rappel down. 


Fast way it is! Whee!


She gets glimpses of the powerful transmissions through her Focus as she descends. 


Hopefully that's nothing bad... Well, she'll deal with whatever happens if anything does.

Then once she's back on the ground and out of the stomp-zone, she'll take a closer look at her new map. Anything of interest on the way to Meridian?



The map only goes up to the gateway into Carja lands - but it has everything within the Sacred Lands, including places she hasn't been yet. There's flags for sites for both familiar and unfamiliar machines, flags for what with some poking she can identify as collections of Corrupted machines, some faint signals at high points, some icons of flowers, settlements...


Ooh, lots to do. She'll be taking the scenic route, then. Let's prioritize seeing new things, unknown machines, those flowers, anything else that catches her eye on the way.


The closest is a vantage point on top of a nearby tower, actually - it's right around the tallneck's height, maybe a little taller. 


Maybe it'll be easier to get to.


If by easy she means 'involves SO MUCH CLIMBING.' She can find a path eventually, though. 


Okay well now she's gonna do it out of spite.


She gets up there eventually! 

And finds some kind of signal - looks accessible with her Focus. 


All right, what secrets has she unlocked?


She sees a flickering hologram overlaying the ruins - an ancient city, metal and glass bright with sunlight. A short audio recording plays - 

"Apocashitstorm Tour, day 4. It's hard to believe Metallurgic International used to be headquartered in this dreary old ziggurat. Wyatt's office was on the second floor from the top. If M. Int had a policy against workplace romances, he probably wrote it."

And a longer letter is attached.


That's... not at all what she was expecting. Some kind of, of, data cache or something from ancient history.

She kinda wants to find the rest of this guy's story now. Seems like there's some impenetrable drama.


She can examine the tallneck's map for annotations that might indicate other caches.


More stops to add to her trip!


She'd have to double back for some of them - there's an area of Corrupted machines near a vantage point at the southern end of the valley, plus a metal flower actually all the way back in the Embrace. There's also some stuff around her next stopping point on her main trip though (the fortified village of Mother's Crown) - another Corrupted zone is just to the north of it, and the weird triangle symbol to the north of that, followed by another vantage and another Corrupted zone. 


Hmmmmmmm should she or should she not... Well if it was just the flower maybe not but clearing out the corrupted machines is important so she can pretend the whole double back is justified.


If she goes for the Corrupted machines first, she discovers that they're actually surrounding the vantage point - and a strange ancient hall. There's several machines milling about, trailing a toxic red sludge that shivers and arcs with light. Watchers and Scrappers, looks like. 

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