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aloy!eridani in horizon zero dawn
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There's a small trading outpost nearby with other hunters, if she wants to show off.


Well, maybe just a little.


She can get an appreciative audience from at least one very toned woman. 


Heh heh heh.


Who's interested in hearing more about her techniques, too.


She can share some tips. Most of the really good ones are proprietary due to no one else having a Focus, though.


Shop talk's still pleasurable. 


Fun way to pass a little time.

But! Aloy can't take too long, she's got lots to do!


She won't keep her.


Aloys smiles to herself as she heads out.

Now, triangle, reveal unto her your mysteries!


Seems to be...

A vault of some kind, recessed into the mountain - the doors don't look exactly like the ones she's seen in Old World ruins, but she'd need to get closer to say for sure. There's Watchers guarding it, and a convoy of some kind of massive machine carrying cargo passes by her and ambles in through the doors as she watches.


...Some kind of machine base?

Bet there's lots of good salvage inside.

And she wants to see.

She's going in!


She'll have to time things right if she doesn't want to get into a fight way over her level - and even once the Shell-Walkers are clear, she'll probably have to fight through the Watchers. 


That's what traps are for! And her shiny new practice in combo'ing with elemental ammunition!


They go down! 

And the inside...

It's weird - it looks new, for one. It's not the corroded metal construction Aloy is used to. Thick cables that resemble those in machine joints run along the wall, and there's strange lights and vents releasing hot steam... And also the place is thoroughly not designed for a human to walk around it. 



But not being supposed to be where she is has never stopped her before. Except in cases where that's enforced through literally physically not fitting.


She can get around with sufficient creativity and acrobatic skills! And as she enters deeper into the facility, she starts seeing machine parts in various stages of construction. 


So this is where machines get made? It's not like you ever see- baby machines or half-finished ones running around, so that makes sense.

Hm. If this place knows how to build machines, maybe she can find where it stores that knowledge, and take it. Find vulnerabilities or- upgrade her override to work on more things.


She can work her way to a central area that looks like where the machines are finished right before being released, which has a data port in the center -

- And also a Bellowback currently attached to it, and a forcefield around that connecting to three tall things, and a group of Watchers patrolling the outer edge. 


Odds on getting out of here without having to fight that? Yeah, pretty low, she's thinking.

Okay, clear out the Watchers first, then take a look at the towers.


She can find data ports on the back that she could maybe stick her override into. 


Yeah before doing that she's going to set up some tripwires. Fighting a Bellowback in an enclosed empty space is not exactly ideal terrain.


Luckily, the room's set up means there's a lot of good places to put her traps! (Though she can't get too close to the forcefield without being shocked.)


She definitely doesn't do that more than once. Or twice. Look, it's a novel kind of tingle, okay?

Then once she's set up, she'll override the tower! And prepare to kite!


The Bellowback can, apparently, breathe fire! And much prefers hunkering down and screaming out a stream of Blaze over running after her - she might have to get creative with getting it to leave its little area. 

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