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cayden cailean gets laid
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"Mmhm." He kisses Astarion's nose.


Cayden isn't even the warmest person he's taken to bed-- there was that fire genasi that one time-- or the snuggles, but he can luxuriate in it a little more. He's not going to have to lead him into the jaws of Cazador.

"You're lucky I'm such a generous person."


"I give thanks every day for your altruism and selflessness. Honestly baffling you aren't a cleric of Sarenrae yet."


"Why do we have Shadowheart when we have me.  I'm so much better at making people feel better."


"You really are," he says. 



Kissing is very much on the table! As is stroking Cayden's back. 


Happy Cayden noises!


It's great when people are easy to please.

Does Cayden feel this positively about his butt being groped?


He feels very pleased about this!

Most of him feels pleased about this. His dick seems apathetic.


Okay, it's probably just that his body is not all quick on the uptake today. This is a fixable problem that he can work with. He's not on a time limit.

He's just going to keep kissing him and playing with his butt and thighs and something will happen.


It doesn't seem to be fixing itself! Even though Cayden is making very pleased noises and exploring which parts of Astarion's body are erogenous zones. (Shoulders? Nipples? Elbows?)


On the one hand: it's not like he has to take him back to Cazador. It doesn't matter if Cayden is disinterested.

On the other, and also all the of the tentacles that are going to be bursting out of their faces if they don't fix this: any plan that requires defeating Cazador-- Hells, any plan that requires not being thrown back to him with a gift wrapped bow around his throat-- requires Cayden to like him and consider him useful. And giving Cayden a good time is the best way to do that and it's not working.

Okay. Barely concealed panic will not help the situation. Suave unruffled calm might. 

He whispers into Cayden's ear, "Did you have any plans for tonight?"


"This is good."


"Glad to hear it." Oh come on. If Cayden wants to play guessing games he can, but come on. 


"Sorry my dick's not cooperating but I can still suck you or give you a handjob if you want."


What is the answer you want, Cayden? "You've been far too nice to me already."


"I have been exactly as nice to you as you deserve."

In the absence of Astarion evincing a preference Cayden will return to Erogenous Zone Investigation. What about Astarion's belly?


The answer to that question is that he's kind of ticklish!


Investigation unsuccessful!

"Look," he says, "I know I don't look it, but I'm actually pretty old? And when you're as old as me your dick doesn't always work right. But that's no reason we can't have a good time."


"I don't want to leave you unsatisfied. Call it professional pride."


"If you needed a hard dick to be satisfied women who fuck women would be having a time."


"...we're stuck in a self sacrifice loop, aren't we? We're just going in circles going 'oh no, you take the last piece of cake.'" 


"No, I'm not sacrificing anything. I actually and genuinely enjoy kissing and touching you even when I can't get it up, and I also actually and genuinely enjoy sucking you off in the same situation."


He smiles. "And he would I be to deny you in that case, then."


Well, that's settled!

He puts his mouth on Astarion's dick.

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