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cayden cailean in balder's gate 3
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"Yeah,  bad situation all round."


Cayden notices that Lae'zel is hanging back. Come to think of it, she'd been pretty awkward around him ever since they... whoops.

Cayden slows down until he and Lae'zel are a bit behind the rest of the group. 


"Do you require something." At least no one can is watching them now. But still. 


"Just wanted to say hi."


"Hello." There are waves of embarrassment coming off her. Is Cayden going to hug her again. Induce her to think hugging him is a good idea. Help. 


"I'm not going to bite you."


"Not in front of people, I'd hope."


"I feel like you've been acting strange since we fucked."


Ah. Hmm. "I can attempt to be more subtle, if you would like."


"That's not really the point, it's just-- if I did something you don't want or took advantage of you because you were drunk I'm sorry?"


Even if they are speaking quietly and no one is in earshot, do they need to be having this conversation in front of people. ('In front of people' was the problem!)

"There is no problem with you laying with me."


"Oh. Well. In that case, I'm sorry for whatever it was I did and I hope I can do better in the future."


"It was my own behaviour." Could some vile foe jump out of the bushes so she can end this conversation. "I am not usually so... Affectionate." She spits the word.


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you do something you didn't like."


Not liking it is not the problem. "I don't want the others to... misunderstand."


Oh. Fuck. Right. She has a reputation to keep track of and doesn't want every man in the party to think he can have his way with her. Not that it seems very wise for anyone to think that, Lae'zel would definitely cut off their balls, but it would be inconvenient to be down a party member.

"Right. Should have thought of that. Sorry again."


Everyone saw her be affectionate and cuddly and... she's going to cut that line of thought off at the pass. "You do not need to apologise. It will not happen again." 


"Glad that's settled."

He rejoins the main part of the party. Anything interesting happen?


Astarion seems to be flirting with their druid, who is taking it with bemused good grace.

Karlach also seems to be trying to befriend Wyll, based on their shared experience of "devils are arseholes."


Ooh, Cayden wants to flirt with the druid. 


Well, as long as he doesn't do it by walking slightly in his personal space and craning his neck to look up at him. That role is taken. "My, you are well travelled."


"Hey! Only one of us has been to a different planet."


He smiles. "I will have to concede to that."


"I'm curious to hear more about this world."

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