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life swarms with innocent monsters
cayden cailean in balder's gate 3
Permalink Mark Unread

Cayden Cailean is clearing out a dungeon by himself. 

Is this "a good idea"? Is this "smart"? Is this "a thing Cayden Cailean would have been doing if he hadn't sold his wisdom headband six months ago because the Church of Sarenrae needed a new orphanage"? No, no, and no. But it didn't seem that hard, he's tired of having to pretend to be less good at fighting than he is so people don't get weird about it, and he has a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

Also, he was really bored. 

It all works out okay until he disarms a trap, turns a corner, sees a dark moving swirl of color, blacks out, and is somewhere else. 

Permalink Mark Unread

He wakes up in an open fronted glass coffin, with his limbs restrained. The room outside is dimly lit, like it was designed by someone who shunned the light. 

There's a ring of coffins going around the room. Only one other one is occupied, by a green skinned woman who is struggling to break out.

A... man? With a...squid for a head? Floats into the room. He picks something white and wriggling from a pool in the centre of the room. He opens the coffin of the woman, tadpole in hand. 

She struggles even harder, but the tadpole creature seems to have some innate predatory sense and climbs into her eyeball.

The squid man closes the coffin, picks up another of those tadpoles, and brings it to Cayden.

He blacks out again as it climbs underneath his eyeball.

He awakens again, coffin open and restraints gone. Both the squid man and the woman are missing. 


Permalink Mark Unread

A series of thoughts pass through Cayden's head:

1. Well, this is the weirdest day I've ever had.
2. Tadpole! In my eyeball! Gross!
3. The sense that he was supposed to know what a squid-head man is, and in fact that someone explained this to him at some point but he'd gotten bored and stopped paying attention until the part where someone needed him to stab something.
4. Regret that he didn't bring a wizard to explain what the squid-head man is. Or a song-sorcerer. Cayden is a huge fan of song-sorcerers, they can throw a good party and they know all kinds of random shit.
5. The sneaking suspicion that he should have been wearing the wisdom headband when he decided whether to sell it. 
6. Gratitude that he has a Ring of Tongues so he doesn't have to go through all eighteen or so languages he can stumble through to see if any of them are spoken by squidpeople.  

"Hello?" he tries. "Tadpole thing in my eyeball? Are you sentient? Wiggle or something if you can hear me?" Then, in case it was telepathic, he tried thinking that very loudly.  

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It is telepathic! And also squirming uncomfortably inside of his skull!

It doesn't communicate in words-- but it also feels young, so maybe it just hasn't learned yet? It's very happy! It also thinks Cayden should not leave this room. 

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Hey, kiddo. Stop squirming now, that kinda hurts. Why shouldn't I leave the room?

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It keeps wriggling, with a faint aura of wondering why it should be listening to him?

He should stay here because it is the will of


(It's impressively good at yelling for something non-verbal.)

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This young and already an Asmodean. 

You know, kiddo, when AUTHORITY tells you to not to do something, it's usually because that thing is fun. 

He gets out of the coffin. 

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The tadpole really can't stop him from doing that, even if it would like to.

There is the ring of empty pods, the faintly glowing pool, and an off-puttingly fleshy door-like structure.

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He pokes the off-puttingly fleshy door, then tries to see if it has a handle or something. 

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It spirals open. Ahead, there is an equally fleshy corridor.

There's a roar in the distance that makes every hair on the back of his neck stand up. Red dragon.

Then there's a dizzy sensation of rapidly travelling to another plane. 

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Dragon?! Another plane shift?!

Cayden needs a drink. 

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He does, honestly. 

There's another series of shifts, before the structure settles on one of them. 

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He leaps to his feet, scanning the horizon for enemies while readying himself to fight, he doesn't have his sword but his fists are--

He does not do that. Instead, he collapses to the ground and vomits.

Now that Cayden thinks about it, he feels weird right now. Not that he's tired, exactly, but that tiredness is a possibility, that after only a fight or two he might actually need to rest. Not that his body isn't doing what he wants it to, exactly, but that he doesn't have the fine precision and control that he's used to. Not that he's moving at a different speed than he wants to, but his movements still feel slow somehow, like his thoughts are taking longer to get to his hands...

--Calistria's thrice-blasted balls. Undead.

Cayden knew a guy who had lost to a vampire. He used to be one of the best warriors in the Taldane army, now he could barely carry two pails of water. He'd made the best of it-- married, had five kids, Cayden stopped by when he was in town-- but... Cayden would rather die than live a life like that. Arguably, the governing feature of Cayden's life so far has been that he'd rather die than live a life like that.

Aroden's shit, is he going to have to worry about his liver now? Nah, he's still going to die before it gives out. 

At least no one's going to be weird about how good he is at fighting anymore!

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There are no immediate visibly enemies.

There is a horrible crunching sound, like a dragon is trying to bite through the wall next to him. 

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Unfortunately, Cayden's reflexes haven't adjusted for him having his life-force drained, so he glances towards the source of the sound and prepares to run to it. 

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A piece of wall tears off with a sound like someone cutting a cicada shell with a knife. 

First observation: wind whistles through the hole, hot and sulphurous. This structure is flying far above the ground.


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Civilians in the area?

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Just him for now. 

There's another door at the end of this corridor, and who knows whose there. 

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Okay yeah he's going to run for the door.


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If it helps,  the dragon and its rider is now being mobbed by imps? He makes it to the door.

On the other side there is a room of organic walls and dark metal floors. The organic parts seem somewhat singed.

There is a pod of hanging tentacles, a table with books, and dead man on what appears to be a surgical table. 

There's a soft voice that's hard to tell how much is audible and how much is telepathic. "Over here! Help!"


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Sorry, corpse, a person is in need!

...Man, he really hopes this isn't a Blackfinger cult. He still gets nauseous every time he thinks about the last Blackfinger cult. 

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The sound seems to be... coming from the body?

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Sorry, corpse, you are a person in need!

Fuck, it is a Blackfinger cult. 

"What do you need? Quickly, there's a red dragon." are you a weird tadpole

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The top of the dead body's skull is missing, and the brain quivers as he approaches.

"Yes! You have come to free us! To release us! Quickly, before they return. They return."

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Okay, that's not a Blackfinger cult victim, that's an intellect devourer and while Cayden believes in all beings' potential for redemption he doesn't actually want to risk his life for something that kills a person every week to survive. Especially since by "help" it might mean "Cayden is next."

He runs!

(He did not miss the human concept of fatigue!)

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The pathway leads to a larger torn out section of ship. 

From this angle, it's clearer that this ship has tentacles, and that it is very much not in the Prime Material plane right now. 

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He'd always wanted to get to leave the Prime Material. Like, before he died.

Can he find a place to hide from the dragon?

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There's a broken column!

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Unfortunately a warrior in half plate with a greatsword was standing on it.

She flips over Cayden and lands in front of him,  sword out. "Abomination! This is your end!"

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The tadpole squirms.

His head throbs and his skin tingles. Visions rush past: a dragon's wing, a silver sword, your face through this woman's eyes. 

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She seems to be feeling it too. 

It does not look comfortable.

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Kiddo needs socialization with other members of its species, apparently.

He puts his hands up in the see-I'm-not-armed gesture. Not that he needs a sword to w-- he does need a sword to win. Asmodeus damn it. 

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm Chaotic Neutral, I'm human, I just got here, I have no idea what's going on, I don't want to hurt you, that dragon over there definitely wants to hurt both of us. Can we talk about it?"

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"You are no thrall. Vlaakith blesses me today. Together we might survive, with the help of my people and the dragons."

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...Vlaakith sounds like an obscure demon lord! It's the extra vowels. Demon lords have a thing for extra vowels.

"Can you catch me up on the current situation?"

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She looks annoyed that Cayden doesn't know the situation, but in the sort of way you'd be annoyed at a dog being confused.  "We have been infected by ghaik parasites. We must escape this ship and be cleansed."

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"...sorry, I plane-shifted here. I've been conscious on this plane for maybe fifteen minutes altogether. I only speak your language because I have a Ring of Tongues. I'm broadly in favor of getting off this ship, but I don't want to be cleansed until I know what the process involves. I don't know who Vlaakith is or what a ghaik parasite is, although I assume the second one is the tadpoles. --Uh, I worship Desna, Calistria, Shelyn, Sarenrae, Besmara, Arshea, Marishi, uh, Kofusachi... I don't know which gods you have here... do you know your alignment?" 

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She gives a look of increasing confusion. "I follow Vlaakith."

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"...yeah, okay, let's get off the ship and deal with this situation later. What's the plan?"

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"We defeat the imps and take the helm of this ship."

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Okay, so he's really not confident that he's on Unhelpful Sword Lady's side here. He's pretty sure he stepped into some kind of Chaotic-Evil-vs.-Lawful-Evil situation, what with the vowels and the not recognizing Sarenrae or Desna. But he's not really against killing imps, and he just wants to resolve this situation in some way so he can get answers to questions like "what plane am I on?"

Also he's frustrated and wants to kill something. 

"Sure, let's. Do you know where I could get a spare sword or am I doing this barehanded?"

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She takes a sheathed dagger off her belt and hands it to him, hilt first. 

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Cool cool cool. 

Time to go kill some imps. 

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Oh god he hates having his lifeforce drained. He hates it. He hates it. 

His reflexes are all wrong. Now that he's trying to move as fast as he can, he notices that he actually is slow. His dagger hits places other than the exact tenth of an inch he intended it to hit. An imp surprises him. He can't remember the last time anything surprised him in combat. He tries to backflip his way through a group of four imps, just on impulse, without even thinking of it, and instead he falls on his butt. He falls! On his actual butt! Lae'zel was watching!

But imps were never exactly difficult, and he tears through them with only a few scratches, which are more embarrassing than painful.

He's winded by the time they arrive at the helm. This sucks so hard. 

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If it's any consolation, Lae'zel is not much better.  More formally trained, maybe, less prone to impulsive backflips, definitely, but not better.

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Hey! Cayden has had plenty of formal training! It was just all for someone faster and more agile than he presently is. 

Okay. Helm. What are they doing at the helm? 

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In the room before the helm, there's another set of pods. Most are empty. 

One contains a half elf woman banging desperately against the glass. "Let me out! Please!"

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"We have no time for stragglers."

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Lawful Evil vs. Chaotic Evil it is!

"I'll get you out!"

He punches open the glass and then immediately regrets that decision. 

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"Find the controls!"

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"There's no time!"

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He can't break the glass because he's not as strong as he used to be, which is probably good, because he's also not as durable as he used to be and if he got shards of glass in his hand it would hurt.

"Where are the controls?"

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If punching glass worked, she'd be out already. 

"They took the others out using that--" She gestures to a table covered in glowing runes.

While the glass is glass, there is a seam running around the front of the pod he could try forcing.

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Let's try forcing the seam. 

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The seam is forcible! 

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She collapses out of the pod onto her knees, and picks herself up. "Thank you,  I thought that thing would be my coffin."

Your tadpoles connect. She's grateful, yes, but it's mixed with wariness: you have a gith with you.

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"Hi! I'm Cayden Cailean, Chaotic Neutral human adventurer. I'm from a different plane. I've spent about half an hour conscious on this plane and I spent about half of it killing imps so I can't overstate how little I understand anything that's happening." 

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"Shadowheart, and I don't think I'm technically from this plane either. I think we can all agree that getting off this ship is our next move." She's theoretically talking to the both of them, but it seems rather pointed towards Lae'zel.

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"Great plan! How do we do it?"

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"I saw a mindflayer heading through that door, and I'd guess it was the helm. If we can get control of it, we can land somewhere that isn't--whereever we are now."

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"The Hells. Avernus, I believe."

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"Sonewhere that isn't Avernus then."

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Avernus??? Fuck. Not exactly a scenic tourist destination. 

He heads towards Probably The Helm. 

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They both follow.

Shadowheart quickly grabs a geometric object out of her pod before she does so. 

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"What's that?"

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"Nothing important. Trust me."

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That sounds definitely important and also not the sort of thing he'd get an answer about if he pushed.

What's in the Probably Helm?

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Good news! The helm appears to have controls. Well, it has wriggling tentacles, but they do look like control-y ones. 

Bad news: the helm is also full of mind flayers fighting a mix of imps and cambions. And through the front view port, the horizon line is very high up, almost as if the ship is in a nose dive.

A mind flayer speaks in your mind. We must escape. Connect the nerves of the transponder. It gives you an image of the wriggling tentacles on the other side of the all out melee.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wow this conflict has way too many sides and all of them seem pretty evil.

He looks at Shadowheart, the only person so far who neither is an evil outsider nor has done anything particularly evil, and copies what she's doing. 

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Shadowheart seem pretty focused on getting through the horde of devils to the transponder!

She casts something-- and he isn't as good at fighting as he was, but he's definitely better than he was five minutes ago.

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To the transponder!

On autopilot he tries to do some fancy stuff with the dagger that doesn't work, but fortunately whenever he notices he can just stab things with the dagger instead. 

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Imps remain squishy, cambions are frustratingly not squishy.

One of the mind flayers puts it's tentacles around the head of a cambion and-- somehow kills it by just doing that? (There may have also been a horrible crunching sound. It's pretty loud here.)

Lae'zel is keeping his flanks clear. Shadowheart is providing healing as necessary, and has created illusory clones of herself. 

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It's nice having a party even if most of them are probably Evil. 

(It's embarrassing that people can flank him.)

Eventually he arrives at the transponder.

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In front of him, there are two nerves that he knows will take him back to the Prime Material.

A dragon lands against the viewpoint in front of him. 

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Well, let's connect the nerves and get the, as it were, Hell out of here. 

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The nerves connect just as the dragon breaks the glass.

The dragon is left behind,  thankfully, but the ship slips into an even harder dive.

A rock clips him in the head, and he falls through the broken viewpoint.

Just before he hits the ground, he feels something slow his fall. 

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See, he is the lucky drunk. Without that Feather Fall or whatever he would be having a very bad time.

He looks around. 

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He is very, very lucky. 

He is currently on a river bank. 

Surrounding him are chunks of burning and smouldering ship. 

In front of him is Shadowheart, out cold. 

Further ahead is a rise in the land that he could climb to get a better view of his surroundings.

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The problem with being the lucky drunk is all the other people who are the unlucky sober.

He whaps Shadowheart with the Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

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She wakes with a start. "You're alive.  -- I'm alive. I didn't think that was possible."

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"Yeah, that tends to happen."

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"Well, it's better than the alternative."

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"I'm going to hike up the hill and check for problems and then maybe when I get back we can work on getting me less confused!"

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"I'll come with you.  We will want to find shelter, and even more we'll want to find a healer. These tadpoles will be a death sentence if we can't find anyone."

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He walks up the hill. "So what is up with the tadpole situation?"

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"In a few days, we will turn into a mind flayer. I can't speak from experience, but I can't imagine it will be pleasant."

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"Mind flayers are those squid things?"

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"You are from a different plane, aren't you? Yes, those 'squid things' are mind flayers."

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"I'm from Golarion."

(Shadowheart will hear this as "the Cage.")

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"I'm glad you got out then. You're in Toril now." He hears this as 'Cradle.'

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"Hey! I like my home planet! I grew up there."

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"I'm assuming it was named Cage for a reason."

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".......ohhhhh yeah. Long story. Not one that personally affects me. --So I assume are there good reasons I don't want to have a squid for a face or is it just that it'd break the heart of every whore in Toril?"

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"A mind flayer is 'you' in the same way a skeleton animated with your bones is 'you.'"

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"Yeah, that seems bad."

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"...wait, does that mean I have to kill the kiddo?"

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"The... kiddo?"

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"It's just what I started calling the tadpole. --It's a baby. Admittedly a weirdly authoritarian baby but a baby."

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"... you've been talking to it." She is now questioning all her choices to throw her lot in with this man, but also she doesn't really have... choices. He can swing a sword, that will have to do. "You are going to have to choose between you and it,  I'm afraid." She raises an eyebrow.

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"Does something bad happen if I talk to it?"

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"Other than getting attached to the parasite that will kill you unless you kill it first? No,  nothing than I can think of."

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It's not a parasite, it's an illithid-in-waiting, and therefore the third best form of life. Cayden should feel honoured.

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Kiddo, what are the first and second best?

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Cayden is pretty sure he can come up with some solution where neither he nor the kiddo is murdered but will keep this opinion to himself for party harmony. 

"What's your deal, Shadowheart? I saw that you had healing-- cleric?"

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A full illithid is second best, and an elder brain is the greatest form of life in this cosmos.

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"I'm a cleric yes, but I'm unfortunately not qualified to deal with our parasite problem. My superiors in Baldur's Gate may be,  but I am not confident we could reach them in time."

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Tell me about 'em, kiddo. 

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"Who are you a cleric of?"

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It's unfortunately very baby and can't give a completely coherent account.

The elder brain is the ultimate Authority.

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Evading the question will be obvious and suspicious. If she lies, she will be found out. It is possible but difficult to come up with a cover up more acceptable than the 'crime,' and she is on a time limit, and she was always better at secrets than lies.

But this man-- he's from a different plane, likely with different gods. 

It's a risk,  but she will take it. (If she fails, and loses an ally, and therefore loses her life and her soul-- she will have still served her goddess.)

"I worship Shar, the goddess of the night."

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"Uh, cool. That one doesn't exist in my world so I have no idea what she's into."

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"The night, mostly. We focus more on learning to heal the mind than the body,  as well."

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They're at the top of the hill!

Visible things of interest:

- a dilapidated church with some people who are definitely meant to be there jiggling the lock

- a series of human sized wooden traps, all broken with great violence

- a fortified cave

- a guy in purple clothes skulking about the woods, looking very, very lost

- a glowing rune with a... hand sticking out of it?

- in the distance, a less dilapidated church near a stream

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"O Person From This Plane, are any of these important? ...I guess maybe that guy lost in the woods needs to not be in the woods, forests kill people."

To the kiddo: you know, some things are even cooler than being in authority. 

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The tadpole finds that idea fundamentally implausible.

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Shadowheart squints towards the horizon, and makes a humming noise about the idea that forests kill people. "The furthest Church looks like it serves  Tyr, so they're not our worst bet. The cave looks like it has the highest population, so they'd be a good bet for looking for healers too."

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"Forest guy, cave, furthest church? --Uh, do we care about the obvious robbery?"

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"Do you particularly care?"

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"I mean... if the church is doing good things and helping people, yeah? If they're Abadarans throwing people out of their homes in order to enrich their priests, not so much?"

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"I don't think that church has been doing anything since my grandmother was young." It's an ambiguous time period, she's a half elf. "I think we have higher priorities."

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"Cool. Forest guy."

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Forest guy is about a 10 to 15 minute walk away.

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Forest guy is a very pale elf, who is very much not dressed for running around in the woods. He's crouched next to a stand of trees.

"Hurry, I've got one of those brain things cornered. There, in the grass. You can kill it, can't you? Like you killed the others?"

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"Yeah. --Uh, probably." Is it in fact an intellect devourer?

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There does not appear to be an intellect devourer.

There does, however, appear to be a blade at his throat, and an elf trying to tackle him to the floor.

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"Not okay, dude! I was trying to help!"

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"Shh, not a word. Let's try to keep that lovely neck of yours in one piece, shall we?" He turns to Shadowheart. "And you-- keep your distance. No need for things to get messy."

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"I need him alive. Stow that blade or you will see just how messy things can get."

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"Promises, promises. I have more pressing business. Now, I saw you on the ship, didn't I?"

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The way that Cayden's fighting works, as far as he can tell, is that the more cool stuff he does, the more luck he gets when he's doing even more cool stuff. And Cayden has been doing a lot of cool stuff today. 

Cayden twists, knocks the elf's feet out from under him, grabs the elf's sword, and points it at his throat.

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you."

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This was not meant to happen, this was so very much not meant to happen. "Well, I could try to spin this as proof I'd be an asset to whatever piratical kidnapping association you're from?"

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The tadpole twists. You see a flash from his eyes-- prowling dark city streets, noises unnaturally loud in the night.

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"What was-- they didn't take you, too?!"

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"I have a tadpole in my brain. I have kidnapped people, but the kidnappees were always enthusiastic about it. While I've been a pirate in the past, right now I don't have a boat, because I have been on this plane for an hour, which is a fact that's leaving me confused about why you want to kill me specifically. Therefore, I'm suspicious you'd have tried to kill anyone who stopped by, including people who can't take care of themselves. Therefore, at present I'm inclined to run you through with a sword for being a bandit. So explain yourself."

This is called Deductive Reasoning. Cayden learned about it from wizards. 

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"Trust me, no,  you're special. I saw you on the ship, and had every reason to believe you were working for the slimy little things."

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Cayden drops his sword and offers the man a hand up. "Cayden Cailean."

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"Astarion. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, if you'll let bygones by bygones."

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"Not a problem. We've got a bit of a party going here-- Shadowheart's a cleric, I hit things with swords."

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"Excellent, as long as no one starts flinging magic at us, we'll be fine."

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"We're heading to the cave, Shadowheart needs healing. You?"

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"Surprisingly uninjured for falling out of the sky, actually.  It's convenient."

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"Well, you're welcome to come along if you don't have anywhere else to be."

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Does he have anywhere else he needs to be? ...no. For this brief, shining moment, he gets to decide where he needs to be. 

It's heady.

"Strength in numbers is always good."

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To the cave we go!

(It hasn't occurred to Cayden Cailean that he doesn't get to add people to the party unilaterally.)

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Shadowheart has no objections, in any case. 

On the way to the cave, Cayden could choose to investigate the broken human-size traps, or the glowing rune with a hand sticking out of it. 

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If there's one thing Cayden has learned in his life, it's that weird glowing runes are always interesting and it's always a good idea to poke them. 

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The runes are glowing and fizzing erratically. The hand seems to be alive as well,  which is...interesting?

A man's voice: "A hand? Anyone?"

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"If I pull you out are you going to try to murder me?"

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There's a spluttering noise. "Why would I try to kill someone who just rescued me?"

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"Gee, I wonder, Astarion."

Cayden attempts to yank the hand as a good first step.

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And out pops a wizard! 

The sigil calms into something that's glowing but not sparking.

He stumbles out, picks himself up, and brushes off his robes. "Oof. I'm Gale, of Waterdeep. Apologies, I'm usually better than this."

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"I'm in the same boat. Cayden Cailean, I stab things. Did you also get kidnapped by mind flayers and then fall out of an airship?"

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"Yes! And then I tried to catch myself, which is how I found myself in the predicament you most kindly extracted me from."

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"The fuck kind of spell did that?"

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"It was an improvisational one, I'm afraid, on account of the fact I was in free fall at the time without feather fall prepared, when I saw a glimmer in the weave. I caught it, and, well, it caught me to."

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Can wizards do improvisational spells? He talked to a wizard once and there was kind of a lot of math involved in making a spell. Maybe this is some weird kind of sorcerer. 

"Still pretty impressive!"

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"I'm glad you think so! Though we do have more pressing problems than my arcane talents. If you were on that ship, I take it you also had an unwelcome intrusion in your ocular region?"

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"Yep. Apparently it's going to turn me into a mind flayer, which I don't much fancy."

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"Neither do I. You don't happen to be a cleric, by any chance? A doctor? Surgeon? Uncannily adroit with a knitting needle?"

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"Shadowheart's our cleric, she said that there might be help... somewhere?" He turns to her. 

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"It's beyond the skills of most clerics, and we'd best start looking soon."

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"A lot of people seem to have fallen off that ship, so my plan is to go everywhere around here where something weird is happening, collect the people who fell off, and then try to figure out what to do about the mind flayer situation." (This hadn't been his plan until he said it.) "You guys can come if you want, or do your own thing."

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"That sounds like an excellent idea."

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She needs to get to Baldur's Gate in on piece, and without a squid for a face. Cayden has proven himself to be willing to help her, as a helpfully ignorant. "You'll need someone to keep you on your feet."

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If he leaves, he's going to have to find his own way to get rid of the tadpole and not die in the woods. "I'll stick around, if it's all the same to you."

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To the traps!

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There is a whole row of them, and they all look like someone has broken them. With a sword. From the inside.

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He pokes his head in a trap. Carefully.

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There's nothing in there at the moment. 

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Any signs of the thing out here?

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There's a lot of foot prints around. It looks like whatever was in there ran away and was pursued by a group.

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"Do we want to follow the footprints?"

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"Ugh, it's probably someone who got into trouble, and then they'll want us to help them.  Or it's a goblin and then we'll have to deal with that."

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"I mean, yeah, that's the idea. The helping, not the goblin."

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Why are the people who don't want to murder him helpful?! "Well, if that's your idea of a good time."

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He looks around at the other members of his proto-party.

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"In either case, either we help someone, or we help some people deal with goblins, and either would be a good use of our time."

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Two yeses, one no, and one neutral. Basically a majority. He sets off in the path of the footprints.

On the way, Cayden Cailean introduces himself to his party. He's human, but he's not from this plane, so forgive him for being very stupid. (He's generally a really stupid person but not being from this plane will make it worse.) He's Chaotic Neutral. Here is the list of gods he sometimes worships. He stabs things with swords. He used to be much better at stabbing things with swords, but then the illithids happened, so if he falls on his ass trying to do a cartwheel in combat this is actually something that was a good idea three days ago and he hasn't broken the habit yet. When he's not stabbing things, he likes drinking and gambling and singing and drinking and whoring and the theater and drinking. 

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...An easy mark. A mark so easy he doesn't see anything wrong with admitting it.

For the first time in his life, someone up there has to be smiling down on him. 

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Another plane? Fascinating!

"I don't mean to pry, but were any of those gods and goddesses responsible for magic on your plane."

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The density of foot prints is getting higher. Whatever has been breaking these traps has caught the attention of increasing numbers of people.

... that bodes well.

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"Nethys is the god of magic. He likes it when things go boom. --Never been one for him myself, I prefer to be far from the booms."

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Aww, no one to talk shop with. "A very understandable preference."

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The reach a steep sided valley.

One of the wooden traps has been suspended in the air as a cage, and in it is-- the woman from the ship?

A group of tieflings with spears surrounds the cage.

"The thing is dangerous, we should leave it for the goblins to kill--"

"And what if it escapes?"


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She looks right at Cayden.

The tadpole squirms in response, and he hears her voice clearly in his mind. 

You again. Get rid of them. 

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Someone he knows is in a cage.

Cayden sees red and his blood rushes in his ears. 

He begins to take the most direct route from where he is towards the woman, and woe betide anyone who gets in his way. 

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The tieflings are armed and armoured. They're trained, too.

But they're militia trained. Grabbed because they were able bodied and adult and given a week and a spear.

Cayden is not a very good fighter right now.

Cayden is infinitely better than them. 

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Astarion runs in behind and takes out one of them while Cayden has her flanked. 

Shadowheart casts something, and Cayden feels all his attacks get just a little bit better.

Gale shoots a fire-y missile at the support holding the cage above the ground. It falls and crashes open, letting Lae'zel out. 

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He runs up to Lae'zel. "Do they have anything scary or just the tieflings?"

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"This whole place is swarming with tieflings. --And humans, and goblins."

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"OK, let's run for it."

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Gale is looking down at the corpses. "Where exactly are we planning on running too?"

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"Well, there weren't any tieflings back where we came from, right?"

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The sun is getting lower. 

"I'm not saying we can't camp next to the smouldering wreckage-- I guess if we find somewhere not too flammable."

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"Guess it depends on whether they'll think the smouldering wreckage is scary and stay away or plunder and loot it."

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"There are worse places to set up camp."

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To the smouldering wreckage!

Cayden continues his quest to apply his charisma to cause any of his party members to dispense facts about their personalities, histories, preferences, abilities, likelihood of stabbing Cayden, etc. Do any of his party members seem particularly talkative?

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Gale is the most traditionally talkative! If, you know, Cayden particularly wants to talk about the finer points of academic Weave manipulation and how to maximise Tenser's disc to affectively utilise the force action potential.

Or Astarion is a little less talkative, but he's much more interested in Cayden. As a person. ...in a specific way.

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Oh thank God he desperately needs to get laid after today.


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That said these are arrangements that are better made once camp is pitched. 

Gale it is! 

"I will warn you I only mostly followed the wizards' explanation of topology."

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"That's better than most, I can assure you! Though I am intrigued that wizards from your planet are using topology--"

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Cayden can stumble through an explanation of topology and its magical applications!

He's clearly (a) very smart and (b) absolutely unaware of this fact, instead believing that basic topology is easily mastered by anyone who happens to be bored while guarding a caravan. 

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This man is a waste to the fighting profession. He should have met him sooner, when he could have convinced him to be a wizard.

Other wizards dabble in various branches of mathematics, but he always found complex analysis the best tool available.

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Cayden has no idea what complex analysis is! Can Gale tell him about it?

At some point in this process it comes up that he can't read. 

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He would love to explain complex analysis! (Astarion would like him to shut up about it, but he doesn't count.)

... how has this man been taught topology without learning to read. Has he been cursed, perhaps?


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"Never saw much point to it. The party wizard can read the contracts."

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"I guess that's true."

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Now that rapport has been established Cayden would like to subtly guide the conversations towards topics like "how powerful is Gale?" and "what kind of magic does Gale specialize in?" and "what has Gale's adventuring looked like in the past?" and "civilians: how do you treat them?" and "what does Gale think of women?"

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Gale was once fairly powerful! ... not at the moment. Unfortunately.

He's a bit of a Renaissance caster. He could never hold himself to the beauty of just one field. 

He looks Uncomfortable about the adventuring question. He has adventured in the past, and wasn't planning to do it again, but, well, here he is. If he wants to keep his head his own and not explode in a mass of tentacles, he's going to have to take up his staff again.

As someone who has spent most of his life as a civilian, he's very much in favour of them staying in one piece.

His best friend and closest confidante is a woman, and the goddess he follows is a women. Gale Dekarios: pro civilians, pro women.

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Cayden makes sympathetic noises about the plight of the teleport wizard, forced to adventure again when all he wants is to be phenomenally wealthy and study complex analysis.

"Who's your goddess?"

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"Mystra, goddess of the Weave." Gale wears only a single piece of jewellery, a compass rose ear stud. He can't be sure,  but it certainly looks like a holy symbol.

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"Let me guess. She's into magic, discovering new things, and enormous explosions."

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He laughs.  "Not so much the latter-- though she isn't strictly against the latter either."

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Okay sure he's met Nethysians and he'll believe it when Gale doesn't appreciate things blowing up. 

Making sure that the rest of the party is out of earshot, he asks "Do you know anything about Vlaakith or Shar?"

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"I don't know much about Vlaakith that isn't hearsay, but what is said isn't complimentary." He looks a little alarmed. "Why are you asking about Shar secretly?"

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"...if you look that alarmed by me secretly asking about it I should maybe keep my reasons secret! I don't, like, have a plan to worship her or anything." Assuming she's not Desna. 

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"I would highly recommend not worshipping her. -- You know she's the Lady of Loss?"

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"Your planet's gods seem to have almost no overlap with my planet's gods, although I guess I can't rule out that you have fucking, I don't know, Gorum or Abadar or Zon-Kuthon."

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"I have never heard those names. --I am glad you asked, at least."

How would Cayden have heard about Shar? There was a limited amount of time between when they were both on the ship and when Cayden rescued him. Lae'zel is unlikely: Githyanki don't go much for gods, and she would be why he's asking about Vlaakith.

This leaves three possibilities:

1. A mysterious stranger

2. Astarion (not exactly the prosocial type from what he's seen).

3. Shadowheart (a known cleric who is wearing no obvious holy symbol.)

He hates all these possibilities.

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"Okay, so, Lady of Loss, what's she up to?"

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"When the world was young, she went to some effort to prevent the creation of the sun and moon and all other light sources. She created the Shadow Weave-- and even if I was not personally biased by my relationship with Mystra, I would disapprove of that. 

But on a less mythic level-- her followers can get quite proactive about causing loss in their Lady's Name."

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"And Vlaakith?"

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"I'll admit, I don't know much about her. Leader of the Githyanki. Presumably the one putting them up to all the raiding."

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"What are githyanki? I don't think I've met one before."

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"Oh, you have." He nods towards Lae'zel. (Lae'zel is currently watching Shadowheart so, so suspiciously.)

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"Huh. It's weird there's only one species I don't recognize, I'd honestly expect less species overlap on a completely different planet. --What's their deal?"

Cayden has a broadminded attitude towards raids. Many times, the people being raided started it. 

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"I know less about them than I'd like." Gale sounds like he knows less about all topics than he'd like. "They live in the Astral Plane, raid the Prime Material on occasion, seem to have some sort of deal with red dragons, and hate mind flayers." 

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Oh! Weird kind of fairy. That makes sense. 

The bit about Shar is worrying but with the way she was throwing around heals Shadowheart is probably morally Neutral? An Evil caster wouldn't be so casual with them. 

Cayden will talk about magic until they start setting up camp, and then go find Astarion. 

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Gale has so much to say about magic. And also youthful indiscretions involving magic, like that one time he went to limbo accidentally...

They camp on the shores of the river.

Gale has put himself in charge of the cooking.

Lae'zel has put herself in charge of guarding the camp. (Read: mostly acting really suspicious about Shadowheart, who seems to be praying as the sun sets.)

Astarion has put himself in charge of Doing Nothing At All. 

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Can he put himself in charge of gathering firewood if Cayden is over here making a point of how he's Going Over Here To Gather Some Firewood?

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They have known each other for all of six hours. Some of that was spent by Astarion trying and failing to open his neck up. 

And now Cayden is blatantly flirting.

It's so convenient. 

"Oh, if you must insist." 

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"I can't carry all this by myself in my newly weakened state."

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"Obviously, you need a big strong city boy to help." Astarion is not strong looking at all. He has this half starved look of a dancer who doesn't eat so they can do flips better. 

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"If you find one of them, let me know."

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"We'll just lounge around while we get him to do all the actual work." 

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"Once I was the big strong city boy who helped out the pretty dancers, but no longer... All my strength has abandoned me..."

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"We're just going to have to make sure you get your strength back."

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"Do you have some proposals about how to do that?"

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Astarion is now very much in his personal space. "I'm assuming you took me out to gather firewood because you had an idea yourself." Even if he hadn't, it's so much easier when you make them think it's their idea. 

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If Astarion wanted Cayden to think it was his own idea Astarion should have been less obvious. 

"Well, I do think a cold bedroll probably wouldn't be very helpful for my sleep..."

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Does Cayden need any personal space? Astarion doesn't think so. "And heaven forfend our fighter is anything less than well rested." 

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"Buy a girl a drink first."

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"I'll just have to pine while I'm waiting for us to get back to civilisation." C'MON. If he's serious-- This plan was working so well! And okay, he can wait a few days, there's no reason to panic yet. But still. 

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"If you don't have a drink then I can provide and you'll just have to tell me a story." 

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"I'd love to say I am the sort of person to keep wine on my person at all times,  but unfortunately." He looks up at Cayden from under his eyelashes. (He's tall for an elf, that doesn't mean much when he's standing next to a human.) "What do you want to know?"

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"Well, how did a beautiful boy like you wind up in a smouldering wreck like this?"

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Oh! A nice easy question! He doesn't have to make up a sympathetic sounding past. He laughs.  "I'd love to know myself! I was asleep when they took me."

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"Between jobs or found a place where the cops couldn't catch you?"

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"Oh, the Fists were never looking in that hole."

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"--you can't set me up like that."

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He laughs. "Oh Gods, I did, didn't I?"

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"Trade you a kiss for the story of the best time you showed the Fists up?"

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"I don't know if any of my stories would be exciting enough for your tastes. Can't try to catch what you don't know is there." He's treading a dangerous line, but dodging would be more dangerous. He can be harmlessly rogue-ish. He's good at playing that. 

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"Well, then, you'll just have to pick your own story and I'll judge if it's kiss-worthy."

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"I did have a few run ins. They didn't spend much time on the clock where I operated-- not part of their charter, you know-- but they did like going there off the clock. The good news is that the fabric their uniforms are made of fetch a pretty penny. The annoying news is that it takes so much time to take the symbols off them to actually sell it."

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Cayden kisses him. 

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Astarion is a good kisser. This is a kiss from someone who has worked out how to optimise kissing, and how to cold read someone based on how they kiss.

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Cayden is also a good kisser, but more of the paying-close-attention-and-wants-you-to-be-happy kind.

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Well, this is going to be a problem, because they're both going to end up in a loop of trying to follow what the other is going. 

Cayden should have some preference, actually. And express them with his tongue.

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The real question here is who has the higher Sense Motive Kissing Preferences. 

Cayden is pretty sure it's Cayden.

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Ah, but Astarion has a fairly high Kiss Deception. (Why does he have this skill? Don't worry about it.)

If Cayden just going to let him do what he wants,  he may as well take the initiative. How does he feel about biting.

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"I don't care that you used to sell sex but I don't want to fuck a party member who's going to treat me like a john."

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Oh, fucking for money would be infinitely more virtuous than what he did. "Do you think I don't want to do this? I didn't trip and fall into flirting with you."

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"So kiss me like it matters whether you're having a good time, so I don't have to sit here worrying about how I'm going to pay you with all the money I don't have."

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The point of this exercise is getting the leader of this little party to like him, to value his continued existence up and walking about. And if all that takes is doing whatever the Hells he wants? Oh, he can do that. 

He kisses hungrily, all teeth and tongue, like he's trying to find if there's a point where Cayden goes 'No, that's too much, I didn't mean it like that--'

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Thank you. 

This is clearly not straightforwardly two friends having a good time together but Cayden isn't that picky. Also, he desperately needs to do something with his body until he can't think and being hungover is bad for fighting readiness.

After a bit, he says, "tonight?"

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Cayden heads back to the camp with the firewood.

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Attempts to find out how much food they had between them and cut it into cookable portions have derailed.

Lae'zel and Shadowheart have weapons drawn, and Gale is in the middle with his staff trying to stop them from attacking each other. 

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"What's going on?"

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"She has a githyanki relic. I need an explanation, or her head."

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"You need neither."

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He clearly miscalculated which party members he should get to know first.

"Lae'zel, can you explain what her having a githyanki relic means?"

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"That she stole it!"

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"Hah, like your people hadn't stolen it first."

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"I'm sure we can settle this like reasonable people--"

Shadowheart and Lae'zel both give him looks, and he immediately quails.

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"I'm from a different planet and I'm very stupid, if someone could explain what's going on like I'm a four-year-old I would really appreciate it."

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"She has something that is not hers. She refuses to give it to who it does belong to, or even explain why she has it."

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"If someone has dwarf-made boots, I'd normally assume they paid for them or got them as a gift. I'm not saying I don't believe it's different, but help me understand why."

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"Why would we give a relic to a--" she says a word that to his ring of tongues parses as "non-Githyanki [derogatory]."

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"Okay. So Lae'zel thinks that no one would give a githyanki relic to someone who isn't a githyanki, so the fact that Shadowheart has it means that it was stolen, and also it's sort of... collective githyanki cultural property...? So it should be returned to the nearest githyanki. Is that right?"

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"I will take it to the nearest creche, where we need to go to be cleansed of the parasites."

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"--Shadowheart, do you want to talk privately with me?"

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"If we can trust this one not to stab me in the back."

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"If anyone stabs anyone before I get this sorted out I will stab them."

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"Chk." She does seem largely willing to hold off on the stabbing.

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Cayden walks with Shadowheart out of Lae'zel's earshot.

"I'm going to assume that you don't want to talk because this has something to do with Shar, whom Gale informs me is the Lady of the Loss. I don't know if Shar is Evil or just worshipped by the kind of people that the people in power tend not to like. Even if she is, there are-- reasons people worship Evil gods that don't mean anything bad about them personally. And even if you are Evil my top priority right now is that none of us turn into people with squid heads, so I'm inclined to put aside our differences and work together as long as you are. You have no reason to believe me about any of this, I know, and-- it turns out that my reputation is a lot more frustrating not to have than my ability to do backflips in combat, I also just ran into this problem with Astarion--

"I know a lot of people who pray to Nocticula, demon lord of lust, because getting a man to want you pays the rent. A lot of people who pray to Lamashtu, goddess of cripples and monsters, because-- it's not like any of the Good gods like monsters, not really, sometimes you know the Good gods would as soon decapitate people like you as look at them. Myself, I used to pray to Norgorber, god of crime, now and again, when I didn't have enough to eat, and being able to pick a pocket meant I would have dinner tonight and a drink with friends."

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... that isn't the reaction she expected. Though it's good, she can explain why Shar is worthy of worship without him dismissing her out of hand. 

"It's true I'm not saying something, and it is because of my goddess, but I actually can't talk about it." She squares her shoulders. "I know it is vitally important that the artifact gets to my superiors in Baldur's Gate. I know it is important that the mission could not be compromised, by interrogation or torture or by speaking with the dead. So I have had all my memories locked away except for those absolutely necessary, so it cannot be compromised."


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"...That explains why you're so cryptic."

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"It has its upsides and downsides."

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"...This is the kind of problem I'm bad at solving. Could you two just, like, flip a coin for it?"

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She looks doubtful. "Think through it. You have someone who's only claim to it is by her birth, who also tried to leave me to die on that ship. You also have someone who has an important mission relating to it, that was given to her by a God."

"-- It's true powerful people dislike Shar. Powerful people don't need Shar. They have enough that they can grasp onto it and pretend they'll never lose it. The powerless-- those who have little to lose and no way to avoid losing more? They worship Shar. The ones who have lost everything, family and home and reason to keep living? They worship Shar. Those that have had something so terrible happen that the only option is to forget? They worship Shar. And my lady helps them."

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Is Shar Calistria or Lamashtu, is the problem. 

If he were a song-sorcerer he would be so much better at this. 

"Come back with me to the group."

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She follows.

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"The plan I want to propose," Cayden says, "is that Gale holds the relic until we get the tadpoles out of our faces, at which point he will put it down equally distant from the two of you and you two can kill each other for it."

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She smiles at Gale. "Gale, any objections to going to Baldur's Gate?" 

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Gale looks very unsure. "It seems like a place that will likely have qualified healers--"

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She's still smiling as she hands over the artifact-- and its a brittle thing, sharp and all teeth. "You know what will happen if you lose this, correct?"

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There's a buzz in the air, like just before a lightning strike, as he takes the artifact. He looks deeply uncomfortable,  but it's in his hands now.

Lae'zel is also not pleased at being overruled, but she knows she cannot win a three on one fight. 

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"Sorry to fuck you over, Gale, but of you, me, and Astarion you're clearly the most honorable."

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"... I'll take that in the complimentary spirit it's intended."

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"Oh, you wound me. ... and yourself."

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"Astarion you have many wonderful qualities but 'won't steal the githyanki relic and sell it to the highest bidder' is not one of them."

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"I hate being described accurately," he jokes. 

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"Seriously, though-- in order to have any chance of not turning into mindflayers, we need to work together. You can't be trying to kill each other or we're all going to die. If either of you pulls any shit, the other one is definitely going to get the relic, because I'll have sliced open your throat and left you bleeding by the side of the road. Am I understood."

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Lae'zel and Shadowheart share a look that seems to be calculating the likelihood of them being able to take on both their rival and Cayden at once,  but they both seem to decide that they can't.

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"Good." He sits. "I have a bottle of excellent Elvish whiskey that is literally impossible to otherwise obtain on this planet, which I am happy to share with anyone who didn't attempt to kill a party member in the last 24 hours."

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"... how are we defining that?"

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"I wouldn't say no to a good tipple. Wouldn't say no to waiting another day to share with more people, but it's your whiskey."

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"I get to drink. Astarion gets to drink because it was a misunderstanding and we weren't party members then. Gale... maybe gets to drink...? I did not observe you trying to kill anyone."

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"Blackstaff's honour,  I have attempted no murders today."

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"He's right, annoyingly."

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"Good. Drinks for Gale and Astarion." He drinks a swig, passes it to Gale, and then contemplates the food.

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The party collectively has a semi random assortment of fruit, vegetables and cured meats. 

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Gale takes a swig. "It seems elves across all planets make good liquor." He hands it to Astarion.

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"Of course we do." And back to Cayden.

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And Cayden puts it away because he has learned a valuable lesson about hangovers. 

Is the food... tolerable?

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It's nothing special, but it's definitely edible.

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Cayden has a small jar of mixed herbs and spices which he'll also pass around. 

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He was already dead facto leader of the party, but he has now cemented his hold over them all. With spices. 

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It is honestly disturbing there's no one better suited for it.

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All right, conversation. How does the story of the time Cayden got blacklisted from the Duchy of Westcrown go over? It's a great story and he can do a great impression of the asshole who hired him. 

The general plot of the story: Cayden was hired to find and return the Duke of Westcrown's concubine. After a series of shenanigans, he discovers the girl had been consensually kidnapped by a powerful wizard who was her childhood best friend. Cayden managed to get her out by the skin of his teeth (at one point he bluffed that he could parry symbol of pain). It turned out that the Duke was beating and raping his wife and all his concubines, and Cayden just felt awfuller and awfuller about returning her. He was invited to the banquet to celebrate her return, at which point he got extremely drunk, stole the Duke of Westcrown's Bag of Holding, stabbed him, and fled with the wife and all the concubines crammed into the Bag of Holding and holding their breaths.

The original kidnapee's a wizard now. They get dinner together when he's in town.

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The story goes down very well! Lae'zel and Gale are particularly impressed, and Astarion has a faint air of plotting.

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Can he smile charmingly until someone else provides an adventuring anecdote or is maintaining the morale of this party entirely on him?

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Gale has a fun anecdote from his Misspent Youth. To whit: he once tried to use the famous Blackstaff to teleport to his dormitory, accidentally went to Limbo and got attacked by a death slaad and had to get rescued. He was a first year at the time. 

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Lae'zel has picked up that these stories involve tales of skill in their pasts. 

She tells a story of how she proved herself the best sword fighter of her generation in Creche K'liir. It just that it involved killing someone, and that someone sounds like he was 12 at the time, and it sounds like she was too?

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Instant determination to protect Lae'zel with his life. 

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"Why are you looking at me like that?"

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"...no reason."

Cayden has never heard of a death slaad! Gale, please tell them more about death slaads. 

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Slaads! They are frog like creatures created from the primordial chaos of Limbo. They live for freedom-- and death slaads are the biggest and meanest and only thing that an ordinary slaad will follow orders from. 

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Very interesting!

Now they should all get to sleep. Busy day tomorrow. 

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It'll be a busy day of finding a healer and not dying of squid! Everyone goes to sleep. 

Astarion stays up. 

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The exact place Astarion is staying up is a little farther away than Cayden's really comfortable with but eh. Maybe he's shy. Good for him to have a preference. 

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Oh. Oh this is going to be too easy. 


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Wow, this is exactly what Cayden needed after today. Hits the spot both metaphorically and literally.

[Explicit version here.]

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Astarion prides himself on his skills, thank you very much. 

(Cayden might notice that he has raised scars on his back. Astarion isn't going to draw attention to them.)

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Cayden is far too polite to comment on someone's scars, thank you. 

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Correct choice!

Astarion has never bitten someone before. Is it possible to do it subtly? Probably not-- but he's never going to get a better opportunity than this. 

Whatever the tadpole has done has broken his connection to Cazador. What's the worst he can do, if he ever finds him again?

He has regretted it every time he has thought "what is the worst Cazador can do?"

If this leads to him being staked, at least he'll die knowing the taste of blood.


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"Sorry, that's a little rougher than I like-- oooh--"

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"What are you doing?"

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Cayden is delicious. He can see why Cazador was so proprietary.

Also: he did not think this through.

He doesn't want to let go but if he doesn't, he is getting staked.

He's just going to swallow all the blood in his mouth, let go, and hope Cayden can't see his own neck. "Mmm?"

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Cayden touches his neck. He's bleeding. 

"What kind of weird shit are you?"

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He doesn't know what a vampire spawn is! Excellent! He is not getting staked tonight.

"Oh, shit, I didn't think that would break skin."

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"Astarion, I'm not that much of an idiot. That's not what normal biting feels like." 

Cayden should be choking Astarion or going for his sword, but instead what Cayden seems to be doing is holding Astarion close to his chest and petting his hair.

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This is still not the reaction he was expecting. He can't complain though. ...Unless Cayden is setting him up to be blackmailed, which he very well could be. But he can live with a little black mail.

"What answer do you want?"

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"...you're just a scared kid, aren't you?"

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"I am significantly older than you, thank you very much."

Cayden is very warm.

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"...do you need it?"

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Ugh, he's going to have to be honest. "Define 'need.' I need blood not to starve. I've lasted this long on rats and flies, but--" It's awkward gesturing while balanced on someone's chest. 

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"Bear in mind that if I can't fight well not only are you down one fighter, but Lae'zel and Shadowheart are going to try to kill each other, so you'll be down either the other fighter or the healer and also there's no guarantee that the one that survives is the one with the good plan for tadpole removal."

He puts his wrist to Astarion's mouth.

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At no point did he expect this. He expected to steal, he didn't expect to be gifted. He smiles. "You're far too kind."

He bites.

It still tastes heady and rich, and he can focus on it properly without worrying about being caught.

It's like introducing a starving man to meat, after a life of water and gruel and not enough of it. 

He is never, ever letting go. 

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Astarion is visibly-- not with it and not tracking whether Cayden has fainted.

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Cayden pulls his wrist away well before he's light-headed. "Enough, now, I do need to fight tomorrow."

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He leans his head against Cayden's chest. "Thank you. I won't be needing that for a little while."

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"All the decisions you made tonight were stupid." 

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"But they all worked out, didn't they?" Astarion looks more alive, like a wilted plant that's been watered. He's also... warmer?

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"You were hopefully smart enough that you planned to kill me so I couldn't go back to the group and tell them about your biting habit. But they saw you flirting with me and saw us go off together. If I show up dead in the morning, they're going to figure you did it. I'm not from this planet, I don't know what weird kind of thing you are, but Gale absolutely does. And then-- even if you manage to convince them it was some other monster, what happens? Lae'zel and Shadowheart try to kill each other without me to stop them. So you're down either both fighters or a fighter and a healer. Maybe all three, if you're unlucky. How are you planning to get to Balder's Gate without someone to attack from the front so you can sneak-attack, or to patch you up when you're wounded? If your plan had worked, you'd just turn into a mindflayer. 

"You're trying to get the big strong dumb guy to like you, because he's too dumb to notice that if you suck his cock and he steps in front of a sword for you you're getting the better end of the deal. It's smart, I respect it. But if you want that to work, you can't kill me. Once you realized it would be easy to get me alone, you should have been seducing Gale. He's the easy kind of wizard, all you have to do is pretend to be interested in magic. Probably you wouldn't even have to fuck him." 

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He's being read for filth and he hates it. "I wasn't planning to kill you. I was planning that you would be distracted enough you wouldn't notice it was anything other than a normal bite. I've seen other people manage that." Cazador.

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"I feel very flattered by your concern for my wellbeing."

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"You should feel flattered about how good you taste."

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"You know, if I were smart you'd be dead."

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"But look, we're both alive, and now you have an ally who is even more capable than he was before. Being trusting worked out well for you."

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Awwww. Little baby is trying to be manipulative. "Let's get closer to the camp and go to sleep."

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"People would ask questions if they found us passed out here." Astarion reluctantly stands up. 

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"I mean, they'd probably just assume we fucked. I don't want to be accosted by a random tiefling."

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"The fact they would answer their own question doesn't mean they wouldn't ask it."

He's never been much of a cuddler-- we do not need to maximise contact, thank you very much-- and he has no clue why he wants to stay in contact with this person he met not 12 hours ago?

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Separate bedrolls are fine!

Cayden has the wizard's trick of sleeping anywhere.

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He is definitely not pining 

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Morning comes. 

Shadowheart and Lae'zel don't seem like they got the most sleep, but they are functional.

Astarion is irritatingly perky.

Gale looks... bad. He's pale, sweaty, and shaky. Hangover? Nightmares? Poorly timed cold? It's not clear.

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"You okay?" he says to Gale.

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Gale pokes the coals of the fire and laughs weakly. "I have been better." He speaks quietly. The camp is small,  but so small that a quiet conversation would be immediately heard. "If you happen to find any magical trinkets as we're going about-- nothing useful-- do let me know."

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Quietly: "I can give you my Wand of Cure Light Wounds but I would like to be able to keep curing light wounds with it."

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"I'd count that as useful, even if we do have a cleric."

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"I'll keep an eye out."

To the group as a whole: "So... does anyone have a plan?"

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"We may as well head towards the fortified cave. It doesn't seem spectacularly populated, but it's our best bet for finding someone who can remove the tadpoles"

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"And we may find a lead on the location of a creche."

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All right, cave it is. 

On the way to the cave he's going to try to build rapport with Lae'zel. Here are his thoughts on fighting techniques, what does she think about them. 

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They are interesting! She's more of a straightforward two hander type, but she can see the appeal of this "backflip."

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How'd she get her training? Cayden was mostly self-taught but he did get kicked out of six different militaries. (He resists the urge to tell the stories of how he got kicked out, even the really epic one with the two gnomes and the water bucket.)

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She was trained in Creche K'liir. All Githyanki get military training in their creches, with some specialisation as they get older. 

She has finished the main part of her training, and now just needs to get the head of a mind flayer to be considered a full adult and travel to the Astral Sea as a kith'rak.

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She's also a kid????

Why is everyone in this party a baby.

He needs to go hang out with Gale (an actual adult) and talk about adult things. Like house-- wait, no, Cayden is homeless. Like kid-- wait, no, Cayden's involvement with his children's lives is somewhere between "babysitting when he's in town" and "anonymously dropped off a big bag of gold on a front porch." Like health problem-- wait, no, until two days ago Cayden could fall off a ten-story cliff and be fine. They could talk about some adult thing, which Cayden has, because he's an adult. Reminisce about their childhoods.

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Outwardly, Cayden is curious about how all githyanki train in creches! Don't most people have to, you know, farm? 

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Because time doesn't pass normally in the Astral Plane, eating is recreational for the Githyanki that live there, which is most of them. They do have farmers, but they have many more warriors and artisans because those are more useful. 

Young Githyanki are raised in creches on the Prime Material, because otherwise their eggs would never hatch, and they'd never grow up. (They carefully move eggs between the Astral and the Prime Material so a whole creche worth hatches at once.) 

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That's really cool! 

Since Lae'zel knows a lot more about mind flayers than he does, can she tell him a bit more about them? All he knows is that they reproduce by tadpole parasitism. (Is he flattering her? A little bit. Teenage adventurers thrive on being taken seriously, respected, and consulted for their expertise. Watch and learn, Astarion.)

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Does he want to know how to kill them, or the historical context surrounding them?

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He admits he's curious about the historical context!

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Her people were originally slaves to the mindflayer empire, which spanned across planets and planes. They mind controlled their slaves, and used them for both their labour and meat. (Mindflayers exclusively eat brains, and even now they 'farm' their slaves.)

Until one day, they made a mistake. They chose a bodyguard among The People, a woman named Gith. She was strong in mind and body, and could resist the mindflayer's control without them realising she had slipped her leash. She taught the rest of The People, and the broke their chains and broke the back of the mindflayer empire.

And they could have completely destroyed all mindflayers if they weren't betrayed by their own people. 

There are two peoples now-- the followers of Gith, the Githyanki, and those that rejected her,  the Githzerai.

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"Like... sapient brains, or could they in theory live on cows?"

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"We have no records of them eating animals. They at the very least strongly prefer the brains of those who can think."

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Aw, man, he's going to have to kill a little kid. He hates killing little kids. 

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"What are the Githzerai up to?"

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She arches an eyebrow. "After preventing the mindflayer's fall, they decided to go into the primordial chaos of Limbo and meditate."

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Honestly, that seems a lot better than child soldier creches to Cayden, but what does he know.

Cayden chats with Lae'zel a bit more about fighting strategy and how she was trained. Does it seem like she has in any way heard of the concept of 'fun'?

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Lae'zel has heard of fun! ... her concept of fun sounds very competitive.

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Honestly, fair enough. 

"Bet I can beat you to the tree."

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Oh, he is so on

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Lae'zel wins! Probably because Cayden was a snack last night!

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Yeah he's definitely not at his fittest.

They're getting closer to the gate of the cave. There seems to be yelling?

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Well, that sounds bad.

(Cayden has a sword now. He stole it off a dead tiefling.)

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There's a group of mostly human adventurers, having an intense conversation with a group of equally armed tieflings on the wall. 

Human adventurer: OPEN THE GATE!

Tiefling: Zevlor ordered the gate closed, and where is the Druid?

Human: There's no time, the goblins are right on our tails!


On cue, the goblins arrived, and shoot the tiefling on the wall. 

The gate isn't getting opened any time soon. 

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"Anyone have any strong opinions on which group of people we stab?"

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"Goblins are very rarely the people you want to side with."

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"Ugh, what if we just side with no one and move on with our lives?"

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Cayden likes goblins fine, actually. They're dumb and impulsive but Cayden is also dumb and impulsive so he relates. He thinks that most goblin-nongoblin conflict is downstream of nongoblins seeing a goblin and instantly deciding to murder them without even considering the possibility of peaceful coexistence.

...This isn't really the point.

"Anyone know who this Zevlor guy is?"

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"I think I heard of him as a figure of note in Elturel?" There is a brief moment of calculation, before his face falls.  "If we're near Elturel, we need to side with the tieflings."

Neither Lae'zel or Shadowheart recognise the name. 

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"No, we really don't, actually. Look, these tieflings have a nice wall, which is a step up from what they had before."

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The goblins and the adventurers are squaring off like they're waiting for the other to make the first move. 

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"--Gale, can you give me the rundown really quickly?"

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"The city got sent to the Hells. People blamed the tieflings, even though none of them had anything to do with that plot. Once the city was returned to its rightful plane, they were cast out.

These are refugees, Cayden."

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A middle aged, armoured tiefling is up on the wall, giving aid to the person who was shot. 

Another human adventurer has appeared on the wall too.

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"I'm in. Shadowheart, Lae'zel, Astarion, your choice."

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"I see no reason not to wet my blade."

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Shadowheart has decided that instead of verbally confirming, she is going to cast a spell over the party. 

Cayden feels some of his old accuracy return to his limbs.

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"If you're going to all insist--"

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The human adventurer on the wall has decided to a) no longer be on the wall and b) reopen hostilities.

He hits a goblin with a bolt of magic. "Provoke the Blade--" He jumps off the wall, slides down a scree slope, and draws his rapier with a flourish. "-- and suffer it's sting!"

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Having a slogan is so cheesy.

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How do all these assorted humans and goblins feel about an unexpected attack from the rear?

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The humans and tieflings are happy!

The goblins are not happy that there is a variety of variously martial trained people fighting them. 


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The most difficult part of warfare is unit cohesion, which is the fancy tactician word for "staying in fucking formation and doing what you're supposed to."The fundamental goal in most battles is to break down the enemy's unit cohesion and get them to rout, which is the fancy tactician word for "run like hell in the other direction." Once the enemy has routed, you can kill them at your leisure, although if you just wanted them not to be in front of the castle you might consider the rout to be good enough. 

This is why morale is the most important. It's much easier to get the enemy to rout if they're hungry and their shoes have holes and you have a reputation as the baddest motherfuckers around.

Cayden is less good than he used to be at killing things.

Cayden is exactly as good as he used to be at conveying that he's the baddest motherfucker around

Also, it's really not hard to convey that message to goblins. 

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The goblins do not particularly want the gates. They'd be nice to have,  but they don't need them right now.

What they want, and what they have is their location. 

They are quite willing to retreat! It's not the most cohesive retreat, but they are certainly skedaddle away from Cayden and the several magic users.

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Cayden continues to cartwheel his way through volleys of arrows, etc. until they are safely well away from the gates. Then he checks on his party members. 

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Lae'zel is covered in blood, but it's fine,  it's mostly not hers.

Shadowheart seems to have picked up a hand injury in this process somehow? 

Gale and Astarion are both standing on an outcropping of rock they were using as high ground.

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...Except before the goblins showed up there was a dispute about humans getting in the gates and he's a human who wants to get in the gates. Problematic. Maybe he can just stand around awkwardly until something happens to him. 

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There's a pale curly haired human who seems to be the leader of the adventurer's. "Thanks for the assist, mate."

The two tieflings on the wall are now opening the gates. 

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Cayden's tadpole squirms.

This guy was on the ship, and he has an authoritarian guest in his skull as well. 

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Cayden gives him a little wave.

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He's definitely recognised the feeling of the tadpole too.

"Well met. It's always good to see more people chipping into help."

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"I try my best. --Cayden Cailean. I'm from a different planet, I fell into a portal and wound up here. I stab things."

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He smiles. "I am Wyll. I must say, that's quite impressive. I've only had one interplanetary trip this tenday."

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"Where'd you go?"

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"I was in the Hells, hunting the devil Karlach. When the ship came, she fled to it, I pursued--" he gestures. "Here I am, with an unwelcome passenger in my head."

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"Judging by the fact that you still have a passenger, I assume this castle doesn't have any way of removing them."

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"Their best healer was meant to be returning." He gestures at the other set of adventurers while trying to not look like he is doing that. "I haven't spoken with his apprentice, Nettie, yet."

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"My friends and I all have passengers-- could we wait around here until you talk to Nettie?"

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"You could come in and talk to her with me.  I can't imagine Zevlor wouldn't let you in after your help."

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The middle aged armoured tiefling walks up, and he must be Zevlor. "Indeed I will. I wouldn't turn away anyone who chose to help us."

(He is very obviously a paladin.)

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Cayden hates paladins. They're so judgmental. But he can Do His Best To Be Tolerant. 

"Thank you!"

Now he and his party can go inside the gate.

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Inside the gates, there's a grassed area. The adventurers and one of the wall tieflings are having an animated argument about the location of, and their responsibility for,  someone called Halsin.

Past the grassed area is the cave itself. It's pretty crowded. There's far more people in here than there's meant to be. There's a significant chunk who are wearing druidic garb, but the majority of people here are road weary tieflings.

A group siblings argue about leaving. 

Some children are running around playing a hiding game, while another set are practising sword drills.

Down a set of stairs, there's the sound of ritual chanting.

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Cayden is going to be good and wait to find out if they're going to see Nettie before he goes to play swords with the little kids.

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Wyll is heading towards the chanting, which seems to be where Nettie will be?

They are all being watched so intently by the kids.

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Cayden somersaults into a leg split handstand and then walks on his hands for a bit. For the kids. 

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The kids love this. 

Wyll is smiling. "I take it you were an entertainer in another life."

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"I like the kind of fighting where you don't get hit better than the kind of fighting where you get hit and you're good at taking it, and this has side benefits."

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"They're certainly good side benefits."

As they head down the stairs towards the chanting, they also get closer to an argument.

"She's just a child--"

"She's a thief, hellspawn."

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Cayden doesn't have to ask questions about who he wants to stab in this particular argument. 

(But he's Not Going To. Probably.)

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At the bottom of the stairs is a group of tieflings facing off against a group of druids and a bear (who may also be a druid.)

A tiefling woman sounds closer to tears. "At least let us go see her."

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"What's going on here?"

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"We caught one of the tieflings--"

"My daughter--"

"Stealing the idol of Silvanus."

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"Isn't that Zevlor guy in charge here? Why are you arresting a kid?" 

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"Zevlor and his people are here as a temporary courtesy. This is our land, and our laws rule."

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Oh no politics. 

(What he should do is leave this conversation before he gets mad and suddenly there are dead druids on the floor, because dead druids don't help anyone. He... is strongly considering doing this. Maybe.)

(It's really upsetting how many situations there are that aren't solvable with murder.)

He looks helplessly at Gale.

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Oh no, he's having to do politics while it feels like there's an angry badger in his chest. "I'm sure we can sort out something favourable for all parties if we can speak to your head druid, and maybe Nettie if that's possible--?"

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"You were the ones fighting the goblins at the wall?" A druid asked. "The head druid Kagha wishes to speak with you." 

The tieflings visibly do not like Kagha.

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"...I think we should see Nettie first and then we can talk to the head druid or anyone else you like." Because meeting Head Druit Kagha means a high chance of stabbing Head Druid Kagha, and he wants to be a good role model for Astarion about only murdering people if it doesn't sabotage any of your important life goals. 

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The druids and bear wave them through.

Several druids are chanting in a circle around an idol on a plinth, and there's a growing green glow?

Also, inexplicably, a foppish dressed human watching proceedings.

There's a side chamber containing a pair of druids talking to a child, and another druid treating a jay with a broken wing next to a drow corpse on a table. 

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Cayden is refusing to see anything or hear anything until he has talked to the healer. 

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The healer seems to be the woman with the blue jay. "I'll be with you in a minute." She casts a spell on the bird, and then turns to face Cayden. "What do you need?"

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"I and my party were kidnapped by mind flayers and had tadpoles put in our heads. We would like to not turn into mind flayers."

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"...I see. We've had a few cases of that around here. This one--" she nods to the corpse on the table "attacked us with some goblins, and when he died a tadpole crawled out of his eyesocket. Master Halsin went with those adventurers to investigate. If he's not back-- I'll do what I can."

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Cayden looks expectantly at Wyll, the person who knows what Master Halsin looks like. 

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"...Halsin was meant to be with those adventurers you helped at the gate."

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"Should someone ask them what happened to him?"

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"I think we can assume they'd tell us straight up if he was killed," Nettie says. "Which means he must be kidnapped, but that doesn't make any sense."

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Astarion looks deeply bored, and is watching the scene between the druids and the child in case it's more entertaining. 

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Gale looks like he's trying to calculate from first principles why it doesn't make sense. You look smarter if you ask smarter questions.

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Cayden doesn't have that problem. "Why doesn't it make sense?"

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"The goblins and us in the Grove have lived in the same area since before I joined. Before I was born, probably. There was conflict, yes, but not like this. They would have had no reason to want to kidnap the head druid, or think it would help their goals."

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"Always good to avoid enemies that know Flame Strike."

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"Or can turn into bears."

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Honestly it's really baffling that they wouldn't immediately tell someone that he was kidnapped? Telling people when the head druid is kidnapped is more important than telling them when he's killed! There's only one of these things a party of more experienced adventurers can do something about!

"We could go ask the adventurers what happened and see if we can get Master Halsin back. --But take a look at Lae'zel or Astarion first and see if you can do anything about it, it'll probably be easier to get him if we don't have a parasite."

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"I'll do what I can." Nettie rummaged around her set of herbs. Nettie rummaged around for a suspiciously long time. 

She turns around with a sprig of thorny plant. "This should help."

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"No, it won't." Shadowheart is smiling so so pleasantly. "I am a trained healer, too, and I know what Kelemvor's thorn looks like."

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"What's Kelemvor's thorn?"

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"Impressively deadly."

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"I can't let you out of here, not if you're infected. If you change, you'll kill everyone in the Grove."

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"I'm going to suggest that you put that down and we'll leave and both of us will let bygones be bygones." 

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She looks cowed. Cayden has a sword and she has a poisonous stick. "Do you promise that if you get any symptoms, you'll stop yourself?"

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"Of course," he says, lyingly. 

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She hands him a vial. "Take this. Wyvern poison. And don't be near the Grove when it happens."

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He hands it to Shadowheart.

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What a touching gift. Ever since she was a little girl in a Sharran cloister, she dreamed of the day a random man would hand her a deadly poison. "So, onwards towards the adventurers before we out stay our welcome?"

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The child is now crying, and there is a snake right next to her face. 

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He grabs the snake.

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Everyone is confused, not least the snake!

"What are you doing?!" asks what appears to be the leader of this situation, a red-haired middle aged elf woman.

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"Um. Normally, when a child is crying... and there's a snake... you should remove the snake from the situation..." How about he puts the snake down. 

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She arches an eyebrow. "Do they normally interfere with interrogations where your from?"

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Wyll has the expression of someone torn between Good and Law and coming up "AAAAAAAAAAAA."

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Shadowheart has a subtler expression about this situation, but oh boy is it there if you look.

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"...where I'm from we don't threaten children with snakes."

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"She tried to steal a holy relic. A whole lot worse could have happened, and she would have still deserved"

The child is trying to put on a brave face.

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Why are we do-gooding here? It's not like it'll get us anything. 

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He kneels next to the kid. "Shh. It's all right. I'm not going to let them hurt you. Do you know where your adults are?"

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The head druid has not been in charge for very long, and she has no clue what to do with such blatant insubordination. If Cayden poured jam on his head and sung praises to Bhaal, she'd have a better idea what to do. 

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"They should be with the rest of the adults in Grove?" the child says.

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"Can you take me to them?"

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The child nods. 

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"You can't just take her," the head druid sputters.

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He clearly can just take her. Look at this thing he's doing now, taking her. 

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The other druid, who had been standing there like a coward finally speaks. "Leave it, Kagha. She meant no harm, and she's not doing it again."

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"I'd say she's been discouraged." Wyll sounds like he's had cat hair shoved down his throat.

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Cayden can very much take her, past the circle of druids chanting around the idol she tried to steal, and past the guards.

There are only two tieflings left at the bottom of the stairs, waiting nervously until they see the child. "Arabella--?"

"Mum! Dad!"

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Adorable family reunion!

He keeps an eye on the adorable family reunion, and also checks if Shadowheart or Astarion are in whispering distance.

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The family reunion is adorable, with lots of hugging and crying and "oh my god don't do that again."

Both Shadowheart and Astarion are in whispering distance.

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To Astarion: "Foppish guy over there might be a good person to flirt with if you want to have something to do that's clearly not getting involved in my random acts of heroism."

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Is Cayden getting him to procure food... for himself? He's not sure how to feel about that. 

"I'll see if I can get something out of him while you go off and be heroic."

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"...Not eating him," Cayden clarifies. "We don't need that problem. Just, you know, the normal non-food reasons you might want to seduce a random idiot. If you can't think of anything else to do, I'd appreciate if you could get some valueless magical trinket off him."

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"I'll meet you when you've finished your heroics." And off he goes, fop-wards.

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To Shadowheart: "Thank you."

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"Safety in numbers. Anyway, you're the only one guaranteeing me my duel."

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"I'd suggested Lae'zel go first. You could have watched her get poisoned and solved your problem completely. And you didn't, and I appreciate that."

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"It takes long enough to act that you'd have it stuck in you too if I didn't stop her quickly," she lies. 

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"Well, anyway. Thanks."

Are the tieflings done with their reunion?

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The tieflings are done with their reunion! "Thank you so much," the mother of the family says. 

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"I'm worried I made you a target. I'm not going to be able to stick around here for long. Is there... anything I can actually do to help?"

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She sighs. "Not anything you can do easily. If you can convince the druids to stop the Rite of Thorns, or make the road safe to travel, that would help."

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"I'd say that I'll see what I can do, but diplomacy is not my strong point. What's the Rite of Thorns?"

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"The druids are using in to close off the Grove. Keep them 'safe.'" He is speaking carefully because of young ears that he doesn't want to get encouraged to steal anything again. "We'll be cast out to fend for ourselves. Which wouldn't be so bad if the road to Baldur's Gate wasn't blocked by an army of goblins on a war path."

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"Aroden's feces. I'm sorry. How long do you guys have?"

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"They aren't saying how long the Rite will take. A few days, I'd guess."

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"--I'll do my best to come back before then to help guard you, but I can't make promises."

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"We don't expect you to. We survived our city sinking into the Hells, and we'll survive this."

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"Do you have thoughts on Master Halsin?"

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"We didn't see him much," the father says. "But he has to more reasonable than Kagha."

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"Thank you."

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He kneels down. "Hey, kiddo, I think you have something behind your ear."

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"I already know that trick," she says in the affronted tone of someone who's so grown up because their eleven.

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"Oh, well, I suppose I'll just have to make this coin"-- appears out of his entirely empty hands-- "vanish"-- so it does-- and so on for a minute of fairly well-practiced coin trick patter.

(He got so bored guarding caravans.)

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She is not immune to magic tricks backed up by Charisma 17. Neither is Gale, he's honestly impressed. 

Lae'zel looks like she is spiritually guarding a caravan.

By the end, the kid looks much more relaxed and distracted from the fact that she nearly got bitten by a snake. 

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When she seems like she's in a bit better mood, he declares the coin to be hers since it came from her ear, then stands up and talks to Gale. 

"Looks like we might need to find that Master Halsin person."

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"He'll likely be wherever the goblins are most concentrated, which is a bit of a mixed blessing. We'll see what those adventurers have to say for themselves."

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"Before you go--" the father presses something round and metallic into Cayden's hands. "Take this. And don't say you don't deserve it."

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Money. Cool! He likes money. 

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"Right! Off to the adventurers. --Anyone want to bet whether I'm going to commit a murder before we leave?"

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Technically it's not money, but a lightly magical bell, but lightly magical bells can be exchanged for money!

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"--if I bet on you doing that, and you bet against that, is that going to discourage you from murdering any one?"

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Astarion returns from the flirtation attempt. "Well, he's categorically mad, but he might be able to help our parasite situation."

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To Gale: "catch!" Now Gale has a bell. 

To Astarion: "what's his idea for the parasites?"

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To Wyll: "historically whether or not I committed murder has not been very related to, like, the consequences of this for me."

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"Thank you? ... thank you!"

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"He says he needs to conduct an investigation on the goblins before he knows what to do. Don't worry, I made sure to present ourselves in the most flattering light possible."

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Wyll looks so, so pained.

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Cayden doesn't care about Wyll's pain because he has a stupid catchphrase.

To Astarion: "is investigation a euphemism for torture?"

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He laughs. "I don't think the man has held a knife in his entire life."

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"That doesn't stop people."

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On the way to talk to the adventurers, Cayden realizes that it will be really inconvenient if anyone recognizes him as the person who killed all those tieflings yesterday. Oops. 

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Good news for him: he didn't exactly leave any witnesses.

The adventurers are quite findable by listening for the sound of an intense argument coming out of a makeshift office.

The leader of the adventurers-- Cayden catches that his name is Aradinn as he gets closer to the office-- is pissed in a way that's half refusing to admit he fucked up, and half frustration that the person he's arguing with doesn't get how hard the thing he wanted was.

Cayden has been kicked out if enough armies to recognise Zevlor's tone: you have endangered the mission and your comrades and you don't even have the wit to realise.

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He is going to wait quietly outside the office. 

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Zevlor: "You are going to leave my office and fix your mistake."

Aradin: "Actually, no, fuck you-- I'm not working for you anymore!"

Zevlor: "Oh, you aren't?"

There's a heavy thudding noise. (Gale cringes at it.)

Aradin leaves holding his jaw. "I wouldn't talk to him right now."

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Cayden enters. "I heard a job opened up."

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Zevlor looks deeply tired. Physically he is 6 foot and heavily armoured, spiritually he is a splinter of wood that's been sand papered into nothingness. "We would deeply appreciate someone rescuing Halsin, and would appreciate someone clearing the road even more.  But I wouldn't call it a job. A job implies we could pay you fairly."

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"I'm happy to clear a road for a meal, a fire, and a drink. And I care about getting Halsin back as much as you do. What can you tell me about it? --Uh, I'm Cayden, I stab things. I don't remember if we were introduced."

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"Zevlor. I think I'll count you driving the goblins from the wall as introduction enough, along with the Blade joining your company. I wish I could tell you more.  The whole region is crawling with goblins and drow and githyanki-- no offence to your present company-- and we keep losing scouts. We just lost more good soldiers yesterday. And now we're getting reports of mind flayer parasites, and I'll thank the gods that we aren't hip deep in mind flayers yet, but it raises questions about why victims aren't changing.

"To the Northwest is a major goblins encampment. According to Aradin, they scouted there,  and Halsin held the line to let most of them escape. If he isn't killed, he's been captured."


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Oh, he had thought he was clearing the road of... rocks. Oops.

"I wouldn't say the Blade is joining my company. We just happened to be in the same room."

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In the same room... with the same parasite? "I would be glad to assist in rescuing Halsin, if you would have my help."

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Sorry, Cayden's party is a very elite group made up exclusively of people who don't annoy him for petty reasons.

"I'd be happy to have another sword."

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"I would appreciate all of your help, but do not feel obligated."

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"Unrelatedly, what's up with the druids?"

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"Under Halsin, they were willing to shelter us in their grove, at least for awhile. Once he left, and made Kagha acting head, she almost immediately declared we were drawing too much attention, and she was going to perform a Rite to separate the Grove from the rest of the world. We'll be cast out." He leans on a table for support. "I wouldn't say we are guaranteed to die."

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Well, he knew that like a quarter of druids are Evil.

"It's getting late. I'd appreciate some food and some booze and a place for my party members to sleep."

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"We don't have much of those, but we have enough to share." He hates being pragmatic, but the advantage of people killed and missing is you don't have to feed them rations and can take their bedrolls.

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Honestly, these are really weird druids. He didn't know that druids went in for like... groups. 

He arranges the logistics with Zevlor and then goes out to tell his party members.

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Logistics are arranged! 

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He finds that Gale has somehow been roped in to doing a magic show for the children. 

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"So, are we also planning to rescue every kitten stuck in a tree between here and wherever there's a qualified healer?" 

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"You are free to leave at any time."

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"...and then fail to find a healer and turn into a squid monster? I'm wounded you would even suggest it," Astarion jokes. 

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"Seriously, I'm not going to make you do anything, if you want to hang out here and not try to get Master Halsin back you can."

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Right. He's a free man. He can do what he wants! ...it's still weird. "I guess I'll stick around so you don't try and rescue any panthers." 

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"I intend to adopt only one beautiful, graceful, yet dangerous being that wants to kill me."

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"Flatterer." He smiles.

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It's dusk. Shadowheart is praying. 

It's convenient that many gods are prayed to then. Shar chose the time because it was when light turned to dark, but she also chose it a little as a way to blend in. 

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Cayden is praying near her. (Not on purpose. There just aren't that many quiet places in the castle.)

He piles up five stones and then places on top a few pieces of grass that he's braided into a butterfly. 

Lady Luck, the Song of the Spheres, The Great Dreamer, Starsong, Desna, She who taught that the destiny of all mortal life is the stars--

Well. Here I am, in the stars. 

The gods here are strange to me. I don't know if anyone I'm used to worshipping can see me or hear me. But you, second-oldest of the gods, Traveler's Friend, have always taught that you're everywhere a traveler lays down his head. You have always been good to me and blessed me, Lady Luck. And I have carried out your teachings as best I could. I've helped other travelers I found on my way, and I have gone fearlessly into the parts of the map that speak of dragons, and I have drunk deep from life in every moment. And now I've made a shrine for you, simple as it is, in a place where as far as I know there never was one before.

I don't know what to do at all, Lady Luck, and a lot of people are depending on me. So please send me dream guidance or a prophetic vision or, like, put a conspicuous butterfly on people I shouldn't kill. Thank you. 

And then he prays--

Calistria, the Savored Sting, I have always sought to be free; guide my blade to take vengeance for those who can't right their own wrongs. Sarenrae, Dawnflower, I have battled a Spawn of Rovagug that nearly cost me my life, and I have tried to offer more mercy than I am naturally inclined to; show me how to heal those wounded in body and soul, to show evildoers a better path, to destroy those who can't be stopped from hurting others, and most of all help me tell those two groups apart because I'm bad at it. Arshea, Spirit of Abandon, I have tried to comfort and free the oppressed; help me do right by Lae'zel and Astarion and Shadowheart. Kofusachi, Laughing God, I haven't denied myself harmless pleasures and I have brought prosperity, admittedly mostly by spending money and killing monsters but I'm pretty sure that counts; show me how to bring happiness to Lae'zel and Astarion and Shadowheart and Gale, and prosperity to all the civilians in this land, especially the tieflings. Besmara, Pirate Queen, I have loved the sea; keep me safe if my travels take me to an ocean. Shelyn, Eternal Rose, I have paid for theater tickets even when I could sneak in and I always give money to buskers when I have any; I don't know that you can actually help much here but if you could keep an eye out I would appreciate it. Thank you. 

To whom it may concern: I don't really care if I turn into a mindflayer. I've had a good run and I like where I'm going. But please help me save Lae'zel and Astarion, who are very young, and who if they die now will wind up in the Lower Planes; and Shadowheart, if she's young or Evil as well. I really don't want to kill the mindflayer kids, I've had enough of that in my life so far, and I know this is for a better reason than I ever have before but I just keep thinking about all the souls in the Boneyard with my name on them and I don't want to add any more. But I don't think it's doing right by the tadpoles, either, to let them grow up if they don't have any way to live other than killing sapient beings. Please show me what I should do. If you help me, and also let me know who you are, I will donate some gold to your temple or other appropriate reward. Thank you. 

And then he prays like he does every night, except when he forgets. He prays to a vague concept in his head, of the world being better than it currently is, and figures that the gods are smarter than he is and know more theology and can send it to the right place:

I'm sorry about everyone I've hurt who didn't deserve it. (A memory of dozens and dozens of faces, mostly dead, and the far more numerous people he doesn't remember at all.) Please help me to be gentle, and merciful, and brave, and generous, and loyal; please help me remember that people around me are weak and I am strong; please help me be thoughtful of the effects my decisions have on others; and most of all please help me to be kind. Please make everyone in all the worlds happy and strong and safe and free. Thank you for giving me another day in the world. It's always more beautiful than I could have imagined. 

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Shadowheart's prayers are not half as merciful. They're prayers for guidance, to be shown the way in the dark, for the Nightsinger to do her will through her. She is not ignorant of what that will would be, even with most of her memories gone. 

She prays them with rote devotion, words etched into her soul through repetition she doesn't remember. She could pray in her sleep. (And she has-- She has dreamed over praying many times.)

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Gale and Wyll have gone to teach the children. Wyll is teaching them sword play, and Gale is teaching them to touch the Weave.

Astarion has wandered off and started playing a betting game with some tieflings.

And Lae'zel watches Cayden and his shrine with curiosity.

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"Asking for guidance?" he says to Shadowheart.

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"My lady leads me, and it is my life's purpose to follow."

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"I've always found that relationship with gods kind of weird," he says conversationally.

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"What other would you have?"

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"If there's a very smart very powerful person who wants the same kind of things I do, it makes sense to listen to them. But I got to pick what I wanted."

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"I'll admit, I don't remember speaking to many outside my circle. I made a choice, and I hope, so did the Nightsinger. And so I chose devotion." She's got the firebrand dedication of a novice, because she hasn't got the subjectively experienced lifetime to have anything else. 

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"Who's the Nightsinger?"

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Shadowheart is speaking quietly; this is not the sort of thing to speak of when someone could listen in. "One of Lady Shar's titles. She deserves many-- and needs many."

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"Can you tell me about her?"

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"She's the lady of loss, the goddess of the night, and one of the first gods in this world. --I don't know what you want to know." She's very torn-- on the one hand: questions, on the other: a potential convert.

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"I'm kind of curious if she's a god I know, under a different name." He gestures at his shrine. "This is to Desna-- she's also one of the first gods in the world, and a goddess of night, but loss isn't her thing really. She's about-- exploration and discovery and travel and feeling wonder about everything in the world."

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"-- I don't think they are the same goddess. Shar doesn't turn away travellers, but her people are those that work under the cover of night."

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"Thieves and spies and poisoners and organized crime?"

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"And anyone else who needs the darkness."

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Erastil's balls his cleric is a Norgorberite. 

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"I'd ask why you worship her but I don't know that you remember."

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"It does limit the number of questions you can ask."

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"Remember anything?"

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"I remember choosing, and I remember being accepted--" she remembers that cold, dreadful awe, of looking on the face of Nothingness and having it look back, but it's a mixture of narrative and emotion that doesn't quite mesh into a single experience. "-- but I don't remember the details."

She needs him to trust her, if she wants to get to Baldur's Gate with the artifact in her hand and her body her own. A strategically revealed secret is no sin. "I do remember the first time I met another servant of my lady."

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"What happened?"

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"I can show you through the tadpole," Lady of Loss, guide her steps, this is such a Hells-damned gambit. "I would be showing you something-- sensitive, though."

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He touches the shrine. "I swear on Desna's shrine I'll keep your secret."

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Good enough. She reaches out with the tadpole--

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You're in a forest. It's night. The full moon is up in the sky, but it's still so, so dark. 

You are running for your life. 

A wolf is hunting you. You only see it in flashes. It's herding you. It's playing with you. 

It's twice your size.

It forces you into a clearing. You're too exhausted to run. It stalks towards you, and you don't know what being eaten by a wolf will feel like but you know you will be learning soon--

--in you fear, you back into someone. She lays her hands on your shoulders.

Soldiers, under her command, pen the wolf in with spears.

She comes in front of you, and kneels down so she's at your heart. She's masked, you've never seen her before-- And this memory is overlaid with later knowledge, this is your Mother Superior who raised you from this point and guided you in the service of Shar, you want to live up to her expectations but you have never managed to do so-- and she blocks your vision of what happens to the wolf.

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...yeah they definitely arranged for her to be hunted by that wolf.

It wouldn't be helpful to point that out. 

"Thank you. I-- see why you're devoted to her."

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"I appreciate it your understanding."

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Enough feelings!

He's going to gather all of his party into his room for, well, a party.

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They all gather,  plus Wyll, because he and Gale have hit it off entertaining the children.

(Astarion seems to have gained someone else's shirt?)

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"I have a bottle of fine off-planet whiskey, a few more bottles of significantly less good booze from this planet, and fourteen doses of Alchemist's Kindness, which cures a hangover within ten minutes of taking it. And darts."

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"And none of us have murdered anyone today!"

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Gale sighs. "It's a long story."

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"That's right, Astarion, no one in the party has tried to murder anyone else in the party in the past 24 hours."

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To Wyll: "It was a bribe for good behaviour."

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How were the mindflayers selecting these people????

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This amount of judgment is why Wyll is not travelling with Cayden and is instead travelling adjacent to him. 

"This is a boring party topic," he announces. "Lae'zel, let's play darts. Loser has to drink."

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"How does one play darts?"

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"You take the dart, and you try to throw it so it hits the center of the target."

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Ah, a simple test of dexterity.

She hits the target slightly off centre.

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Cayden hits it in the center. "Now you drink."

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Lae'zel drinks. It burns on the way down. Is this a punishment for failure? A test of strength?

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"Oh my gods, your face."

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"...have you not gotten drunk before?"

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"Githyanki in training do not drink."

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"...you don't have to drink if you don't want to."

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She arches an eyebrow. "And pass up the challenge? Never."

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More darts, then.

Cayden's not winning one hundred percent of the time but he's winning more than he's losing, especially since Lae'zel's reaction time is getting worse.

He checks in on everyone else to see if they are partying appropriately.

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Gale, Wyll and Astarion seems to be having a reasonably normal conversation about the city of Baldur's Gate. (And Gale seems to be perkier than before.)

Shadowheart is watching the dart playing. 

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Ah, she understands this challenge. She simply has to work around the fact her hands aren't responding to her will properly.

She is definitely not smiling. She is SERIOUS. Ignore what her lips are doing.

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"Shadowheart, you want a turn?"

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She stands up. "I can't promise I'd be any good."

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"I can wear a blindfold if you want."

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"I still feel like you would win. As long as you aren't against missing out on your own liquor--"

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"Not at all! Liquor is for sharing. --You could spin me around three times first."

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"I think a blindfold will do. Don't want you falling on anyone."

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The conversation has moved on to an intercity rivalry between Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep.

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Cayden blindfolds himself and also throws the darts backwards.

...Now he gets to drink his own liquor.

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That's one way to do it. 

It becomes clear over the course of the game that Shadowheart could not hit the broad side of a barn, let alone a dart board. She's not putting it on, she's legitimately not good at aiming.

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She may be a little drunk. That's fine. She gets to be undercover as a sober person. As a sober cleric of a god people don't worry about (Wyll legitimately doesn't even know.)

She likes being undercover.

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Eventually Cayden says, "we should stop playing or Lae'zel will stop being the fun kind of drunk."

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"I'm fine." How heavily Lae'zel sits down afterwards is evidence against that claim.

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"Oh my."

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"Did you ever expect to see a githyanki shit faced?"

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He smiles. "I have seen a lot of things I didn't expect in the past two days."

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Hey, kiddo. Pay attention to this, okay? If you have any questions let me know. 

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"The cool thing about being drunk," Cayden says to Lae'zel, "is that if you're drunk, and there's something you want to do, you can just... do it? If you want to sing or dance or play a game or kiss someone or talk to a stranger or tell someone you love them or for that matter tell someone you hate them, you just can. No one can hold it against you, because you're drunk, and drunk people do stupid shit all the time. And everyone else here is drunk and doing stupid shit." 

Well, okay, Gale and Wyll probably had a shot each, but that's not the point.

"For example--" he says, and swings into Astarion's lap and kisses him very thoroughly.

Judge THAT, Mr. Paladin Man. 

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He has nothing against being drunk, and also this is importantly not a murder. 

... he may have just met the first group of people who being drunk improves their decision making?

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Oh, is he getting used as a demonstration?

He'll show everyone here how it's done. 

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As tempting as Astarion is, there is serious important party business happening here. 

He stops kissing Astarion and says, "I'd teach you some of my extensive repertoire of bawdy drinking songs but unfortunately songs work poorly with a Ring of Tongues."

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He has a ring of Tongues? "I'd imagine our songs wouldn't translate well either."

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"There's something to be said for the experience of hearing words that are absolutely not the ones being sung. A bit like eating a weird mushroom."

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"I wonder if you could get the same affect with illusion magic, without needing Tongues..."

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"...I can't really disagree with that."

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Cayden wants to smoosh his head on the nerd.

And then check what Lae'zel is up to and if she has acquired fun-related preferences yet.

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Lae'zel's fun related preference seems to be watching this conversation while lying down. 

... she is not technically snuggled up to Shadowheart or Gale, but she is weirdly close to it.

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He can provide. 

"I guess I could sing if you guys are curious about the experience."

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"I'll admit, I am intrigued--" 

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"Intrigued to see our glorious leader embarass himself?" Astarion suggests. 

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"I just said that you can't be embarrassed if you're drunk."

He sings:

Bestiality sure is a fun thing to do

But I have to say this as a warning to you:

With almost all animals, you can have ball

But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

The spines on his back are too sharp for a man

They'll give you a pain in the worst place they can

The result I think you'll find will appall:

The hedgehog can never be buggered at all!

You can ravish a sloth but it would take all night

With a shark it is faster, but the darned beast might bite

Even a mouse (though his hole is quite small)

But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

The spines on his back are so awful thick

you'll end up with naught but a painful prick.

He has an impregnable hole when curled up in a ball,

Hence the hedgehog can never be buggered at all!

You can manage a snake, though its poison might kill

It's amazing how humping a camel will thrill

You can go with a snail if you slow to a crawl

But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

So here's to the hedgehog, he's sharp as they come

You'll never get through his impregnable bum

With his nose up his arsehole and rolled in a ball

The hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

His voice is a lovely bass almost entirely unsuited to the subject matter. 

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Hearing something that rhymes, while simultaneously not rhyming at all-- he will neither confirm nor deny that he has ever eaten a weird mushroom, but if he hypothetically had, this would feel alarmingly similar. 

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This two languages at once is a new frontier in artistry-- though if he was demonstrating himself he would maybe pick a different song? 

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Lae'zel has shifted and is now not-quite-snugged agaist Cayden. 

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He lets her decide how close she wants to be. 

"Magic!" he says to the room at large.

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"It's quite impressive." 

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"I feel like we should be more impressed with his shamelessness." 

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Tentative snug? 

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Conspicuously casual arm around her.

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"I have never felt shame in my life and feel no reason to start doing so now."

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"I can see the advantages." He is surprisingly, not sarcastic. 

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Who is noticing Lae'zel having a revelation? Not Cayden. Cayden is entirely unaware of all her feelings and thinks everything happening here is very normal, and therefore Lae'zel should experience no shame about having them. 

"Someone else's turn to sing, unless you want to hear more The Hedgehog Can Never Be Buggered At All. It has forty more verses."

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Wyll puts down his drink. "I'll save us." 

He sings something where if you only paid attention to the tune, seems to be some sort of rousing military song, but if you listen to the lyrics is about various members of the Fists getting drunk and getting into weird predicaments. 

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Astarion is singing along against his will. He's been to the Blushing Mermaid too much, the song has been burned into his brain. 

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See! People have clearly had enough alcohol. 

He pulls Lae'zel up to standing and starts to dance with her. 

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...this doesn't mean she won't try and follow along. Because not trying would be. More embarassing. Yes. 

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Shadowheart is trying so hard not to laugh.

If she laughs she will be murdered, but it would have been worth it. 

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What does she think about being twirled?

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Ah, a manoeuvre to test her balance despite being impaired!

How does Cayden feel about being twirled?

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Sorry, Lady Shar, if she fails her mission because she cracked up at a githyanki dancing, she was never going to succeed.

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This is adorable.

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Cayden is an enormous fan of being twirled! And then collapsing from dizziness and laughing.

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Lae'zel tries to catch him and it doesn't work and she ends up on the ground with him. "Hmm. A worthy challenge."

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"It's not supposed to be a challenge."

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"What else would attempts at acrobatics while impaired be for?"

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"It's fun."

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"Chk." She doesn't sound as doubtful as she should be. 

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He pokes her. 

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She pokes him back. 

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Now it's Astarion's turn to try and not crack up.

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Now they can have a poking war. 

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Lae'zel is going to win this poking war. Definitely.

Lae'zel is also definitely not laughing.

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Cayden is blatantly letting her win the poking war and concomitant wrestling. 

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"Do you yield?"

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"I yield to the onslaught of your poking!"

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... she didn't think any further than this. All of the usual things she would do if someone yielded seem a bit much in the context of a... poking war. "Good," she says, and rolls off Cayden.

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"Sneak attack!"

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"Dishonourable!" But she is definitely still poking him back, and still more relaxed than he's seen her before. 

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"If someone is not capable of shame then they also don't have any honor."


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"Chk. An advantage of alcohol."

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... does Cayden flirt with everyone?

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Probably it answers Astarion's question when Cayden manages to poke-war his way to his head being on Gale's thigh while Lae'zel's head is in his lap.

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Cayden must be quite drunk. Presumably this is... unintentional? Cayden has known him for two days. He's from another planet, to boot-- there's a wide range between cultures about what gestures of affection mean. 

Cayden is drunk and he's a huggy person, and so Gale is going to be generous and let him stay there. His preferences are... irrelevant. (He doesn't mind, honestly, he just... doesn't want to misread something that's entirely innocent.)

He puts his hand on Cayden's shoulder. Look! Reciprocated affection.

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"I'm probably going to try to seduce you," Cayden says.

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...What? "Alright!" he says brightly. "People don't usually announce that."

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"Well, you're a wizard. Wizards tend to miss the process of being seduced, so it's important to be clear."

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Hey, he's been seduced before! He's seduced people himself, even! "--fair point."

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Lae'zel is experiencing some sort of emotion about the fact that Cayden is not focusing on the war and instead on flirting with the wizard.

She's not going to look too closely though. 

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He's playing with her hair. He can multitask!

"If you don't want to be seduced, you should say so. Or if you have preferences for your seduction."

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He now has a puddle of Lae'zel.

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"I'm not averse, certainly not! And I am... available. I just didn't expect it so soon?"

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"Well, I'm not seducing you," Cayden points out. "I am notifying you that you might be seduced at some point in the future. Completely different."

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He pats Cayden on the shoulder. "I will keep that distinction in mind."

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"Have much experience in being seduced?"

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He's just going to hope people will think his face is bright red because of the alcohol. "I have some. ...Mystra, uh, chose me."

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"Pull the other one."

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"If I was lying, why wouldn't I pick a more plausible one?"

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"Can someone tell the person from another planet what that means?"

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"The goddess of magic." ... her artifact is now in the possession of a Chosen of Mystra. This is going to be difficult to work around.

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"Mistress of the Weave and the Weave herself," he says wistfully.

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Nethys fucks????

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"You are significantly more normal than the last person I met with an intimate relationship with the god of magic."

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"I will take that in the complimentary spirit it is intended."

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"You have yet to tell me that I should get sober or I'm really going to regret it when I ascend to godhood."

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"I didn't realise you had such high ambition."

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"Of course not. Can you imagine? What would I even be the god of, terrible decisionmaking?"

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"God of rampant flirtation?"

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"God of crashing ships?"

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Wyll takes a sip. "Any of those would improve the pantheon."

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"When have I crashed a ship? I haven't crashed a ship!"

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"You were merely at the controls of the ship when it landed violently on the ground."

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"I believe I did a perfectly good job flying an airship for a first-timer with no training."

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"God of first attempts," Gale suggests.

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"God of sluttiness, terrible decisionmaking, and doing quite well for your first try all things considered."

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"I'll drink to that."

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"Now all you need to do is work out how to ascend."

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"Back home in Absalom there's this magical artifact, the Starstone, and if you get through the dungeon surrounding it and touch it you-- well, you mostly die, but two of the thousands of people who have gone for it ascended to godhood. One of them was Aroden, the archmage who made it, and one was"-- oh god he didn't think through this sentence, this is so awkward to say in front of Shadowheart-- "Norgorber, the god of crime."

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"I really don't understand Aroden's criteria for who to make a god."

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Shadowheart: not offended by the existence of gods of crime, or dislike of them, because her goddess is only... loosely associated with crime.

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Gale rubs his chin. "I'm impressed Aroden managed that."

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"He's kind of a shitty god. God of civilization, never mind whether the people you're trying to bring civilization to want to be civilized, or that it's built on the back of slaves. --About fifty years ago Aroden's cathedral in Oppara burned down because of a riot, the emperor arrested some people's favorite athletes. Of course the emperor had to build a new one to Aroden's glory. Everyone who worked on it was corvee labor, spent months away from their families, women and old people had to do the farming because the men were working on it. Bunch of people died in various accidents. But it's a beautiful fucking cathedral. That's the kind of god Aroden is. Cares a lot about the achievements of humanity, not a lot about people."  

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"Impressed at his ambition," Gale corrects. "Not so much where it's pointed."

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"Sorry, this topic is too depressing for a party. What's it like to fuck a god?"

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He thought he managed to dodge this question.

There is no way he could pass off how red he is on the alcohol. "It's...um... so to say... it's like. Touching the Weave. Directly."

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Cayden considers how to respond to this and eventually lands on, "But how did you know it was sex?"

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Mystra is not the sort of God to smite someone for discussing her sex life. He just wishes she was, so he had a better excuse to dodge this question. "It was. Not subtle."

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"It was," he says wistfully.

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"I think you win the prize for most exciting sex life here."

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"Which is very sad because normally I win."

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"Hey, Mystra--"

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"Don't lack for ambition, darling. I bet you could find a more fun god. One that actually fucks."

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"Well, I have no familiarity with the local pantheon."

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"Silvanus has to fuck. He was the one who made rabbits like that, anyway. Loviatar fucks."

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"I feel like you should choose Silvanus. At least that way you can guarantee all your skin stays attached." Why did he get drawn into this conversation?

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"...and these are the gods of...?"

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"Nature and pain, respectively. I recall the latter was a friend of Shar's," he says pointedly.

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"I would fuck the god of nature but fucking the god of pain seems ill-advised."

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"I didn't realise  you only went for good ideas," Astarion jokes.

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And so with one thing and another the party continues, until everyone has gone to bed except Lae'zel and Cayden who are doing something halfway between wrestling and cuddling.

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You see, staying awake the longest has become a competition, and she fully intends to beat Cayden.

And if she can't find a creche soon enough, her life left will be measured in hours, and it would be a shame to waste it on sleeping.

It would be a shame to waste those hours syewing. ...it would also be a shame to waste Cayden's undivided attention, too.

She kisses him. 

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...he pulls away. "Is this what you want?"

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"Why would I do this if I didn't want to?"

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"Complicated interpersonal reasons? You think I want you to?"

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"You're here. I'm willing. I want to."

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"Let's go to my room."

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There's not a lot of room in the Grove, but there's enough to get some privacy.

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That night Cayden, dreams. 

He stands on a floating garden, rocks spinning through the starry void surrounding him. The night sky is brighter than he's seen in his life, the light almost rainbow.



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And she stands in front of him, resplendent in golden full plate.

"You're right to want to save the tadpoles."

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He drops to his knees. "My lady."

(He realizes he prayed for this specifically but it's still weird to have it, like, happen.)

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"Get off the floor, we do not have time for ceremony."

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He gets up.

...That's oddly brusque for Desna. He always thought she'd be more rangerly.


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"I am protecting you from the change, but there's a limit to how much I can let my attention stray from doing so. There is a battle raging, one you do not understand yet.

Mind flayers control their own. You are the tadpoles' best protection from that. Find other houseless tadpoles. Ally with them. You are each other's best chance in the battle where you are."

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"Who are you?"

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"Someone on your side."

"I don't know if Desna can hear you,  here. But I can."

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"Ma'am, you understand why that's not particularly convincing."

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"I have chosen to prioritise giving you the information you need over rhetoric, and over creating an elaborate deception of being a servant of Desna."

A new celestial body drifts above them, like a moon rise if the moon was... a giant skull covered by shimmery rainbow shields. Beings of light fly around it, clash, and disintegrate.

"We honestly do not have much time."

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"Telling me your name so I can check with Gale takes less time than arguing with me about how little time we have. I appreciate you not impersonating Desna."

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"I'm the Dream Guardian."

She rises into the air towards the skull.

And the dream fades.

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The next morning--

Mmmmmm. Morning cuddles.

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...Lae'zel is going to die. It would be more efficient than every one else in the party dying.

She has no regrets spending the night with Cayden, both in hindsight or foresight. He is strong and skilled and will admit the backflips are charming.

But getting drunk and cuddling him on the floor in front of everyone. 

Death would be preferable.

...cuddling in private is acceptable.

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"Morning. Do githyanki get hangovers?"

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Ow, sounds. "I believe so."

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Yeah Cayden's head isn't happy with him either.

He finds the water jug, sprinkles the Alchemist's Kindness into two cups of water, and brings one to Lae'zel. "Drink this, you'll feel better."

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"Thank you." She drinks it, and it bubbles on her tongue. "Did you dream?"

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"Lady called the Dream Guardian, wants me to be kind to the tadpoles."

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"Wants me to consume them to become more powerful. I don't trust her."

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"No shit. Did she expect us not to compare notes?"

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"I have no idea what she expected. I don't trust anything that can get into my head like that."

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"Me either. Or-- I don't mind all gods, some gods are good, but it gives me the creeps to think about them doing some minor intervention that puts me in exactly the right place to do their will."

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"And you did find yourself on this planet accidentally."

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"Until proven otherwise I'm going to believe that's Desna, our lady of the stars, just wanting to show me the universe. She's always liked me."

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"Chk. It is possible."

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"This doesn't make any sense, which sucks, because it means some powerful god or archmage or something is manipulating me to get something and I'm not smart enough to know how to make sure they don't get it."

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"Maybe we should consult with the others." Aargh that's going to be painful and time wasting when they could be finding a creche, but knowledge is power and they need to find out what this thing wants.

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"Let's grab a quick breakfast and talk about it on the road. Since we are going to rescue Master Halsin and see what he can do about the tadpoles."

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Breakfast is mostly porridge, but a little while ago someone managed to bring down a boar, so at least the porridge is made with pork broth.

Most of the party seems fairly awake and perky. (Gale and Astarion didn't drink much, Wyll is a heavy weight, and Shadowheart knows Lesser Restoration.)

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"Do you mind if we speak privately for a moment?"

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"Sure," he says.

Wyll was pretty cool last night but Cayden is still bracing himself for a withering glare of Paladin Judgment.

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"Finding Master Halsin to cure us is a good plan,  I do agree with it and want to help-- but if it doesn't work--" Wyll takes a steadying breath in the face of my own mortality. "I'm in pursuit of a devil, one that would burn down Baldur's Gate according to my sources. I don't want my last act to be-- failing and letting her loose on innocents. You don't have to help,  but-- I am asking, if you are willing."

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"Astarion's going to kill me for trying to rescue every cat from a tree."

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"You don't have to, but I would appreciate it. You are skilled, and I haven't managed to catch her yet." Wow, is that smile a brittle veneer over I'M A FAILED FAILURE WHO'S GOING TO FAIL AND PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE AND IT WILL BE MY FAULT.

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"No, no, I-- of course I-- I'm not going to let people die if I can save them."

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"I do honestly appreciate it. We should start looking for Halsin and Karlach soon."

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"Yeah. Let's go. --Wyll, Gale is carrying a githyanki relic. Lae'zel wants to return it to her people, Shadowheart wants it for-- reasons. Keep an eye out for them trying to kill each other or Gale."

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"... this is why you were bribing people not to murder each other?"

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"Astarion also tried to kill me twice. It's been an exciting two days."

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????? "I think it has been for all of us."

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He hates doing this. It makes him feel like a traitor. Probably because he is.

"If it comes down to it-- make sure Lae'zel gets the relic and not Shadowheart. I can't tell you why without breaking confidences."

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He understands confidences and things that are important but that you can't say. "I will assume it's because she is githyanki, and ask no more." 

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All right let's go head in a direction and rescue a druid!

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The party gathers, and heads north west-ish towards where the goblins camp is meant to be. 

Things that can be seen on the road north west:

- gee, that's a lot of dead bodies

- a darling little tea house by a river

- the church of Tyr they saw on that first day. There seems to be... steam? rising from the creek next to it?

- an abandoned village with a windmill

- smoke rising in the distance. It looks like there's a building on fire. 

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Before they get to any of those things he's going to talk to his party.

"Any of you guys have weird dreams last night?"

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"With an armoured woman?" 

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"...maybe I shouldn't be surprised we all had those." 

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"What did she tell you guys to do?"

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Lae'zel, Gale and Astarion were told to consume tadpoles to gain powers they could use against their enemies.

Wyll, like Cayden, was told to protect them.

Everyone got told they were being protected and that there was some greater battle the Dream Guardian was fighting.

She(?) did not give any name other than "the Dream Guardian."

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"And no one's heard of the Dream Guardian?"

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"I haven't heard of her,  certainly. There are definitely entities that can enter dreams, but multiple dreams at once with minor variations is quite unusual."

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"We need a song-sorcerer. A song-sorcerer would know."

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"A healer and a song-sorceror. We're getting quite the list."

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"Maybe purple floppy hat guy in the Grove--oh, what's his name-- maybe Volo would know."

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"Let's hope so."

He's going to stop by the dead bodies because he promised Zevlar he would keep an eye out for things that kill tieflings.

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This person is human, and seems to have died from blunt force trauma.

A tadpole wriggles out of his ear, and squirms towards the party hopefully.

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He kicks the tadpole away.

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True soul?

The tadpole was never meant to live outside a pool or a brain. It is having a visibly bad time in the dirt.

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Lae'zel flinches from the voice in her head. 

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"We should probably kill it "

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Lae'zel has been trained since birth to kill ghaik and their spawn.

It ends up dead, very quickly.

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The parasites in their heads shift uncomfortably.

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"It was going to die or it was going to kill someone. This way has the fewest deaths and the least suffering. It wasn't having a good life," he explains to someone. Mostly himself.

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"It really was. It's a sad fate, to be born mindflayer spawn."

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Lae'zel sheathes her sword. "It's a sadder fate to become one. We should keep moving."

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"Maybe it was less full of monsters and then they never moved?"

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"They should have moved! There aren't any defenses there! That's a teahouse!"

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"Maybe those sheep are secretly trained attack sheep."

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"...I don't think those are a thing?"

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Cayden goes to investigate the archmage or ninth-circle cleric that is running that teashop.

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The tea shop is surrounded by coastal wetlands, bright and picturesque and smelling of salt. 

Inside is an old human woman at a table  with a younger, pregnant woman. "Now, eat up, pet--" says the older woman. She hears the party come in. "Ah, customers! What are you coming to visit ol' Auntie Ethel for?"


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"Good morning, ma'am. I have a mindflayer tadpole in my brain and I was wondering if you knew anything about how to fix that."

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"Oh, I know just the thing! We would need to discuss payment first though, love. My expertise doesn't come cheap." 

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See! Archmage or ninth-circle cleric or something! He knew it!

"Of course, ma'am. What kind of payment are you thinking of?"

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(The pregnant woman has stopped eating now Ethel isn't watching her.)

"When you get to my age, money stops being worth the effort. All I want is something you'd have to give anyway to get the tadpole out: just one eye."

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"Mhhm," Shadowheart hums doubtfully.

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"I do not think I have to say this, but I would advise you to not," Gale says quietly to him. 

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"...what are you going to do with my eye, ma'am?"

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"I'm afraid that's my business, petal. Don't worry, it's nothing nefarious. I'll pluck it out, kiss it for luck, and pop it right back in. You won't even have time to miss it."

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"...could I trade two eyes for two different people who aren't me not having a mind flayer anymore, is there some other body part you're interested in that I could trade for a third person, and is this a right-now offer or could I come back later after I've checked if there's a different way to get the mind flayers out?"

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"Are you trying to be the first person who dies of generosity?"

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"Oh, you can certainly shop around if you want to, though you're not going to find anyone else to help before you change." She stops and thinks for a bit, a finger tapping on her chin. "I'll say one eye per parasite, preferably from the person who's parasite you want removed."

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"Nope. My eyes. Can I get two people if I give you both of them?"

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"Oh, why not, I'm feeling generous."

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"Thank you very much. I'll hopefully not be back."

He goes up to the pregnant girl. "Are you all right?"

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"As good as I can be." So: not great.

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"Can I help?"

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"If you're asking her for help yourself, the answer is no," she says. 

"If you're talking, you're not eating!" Auntie Ethel sing-songs. "Remember, you're eating for two."

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"...Fair enough."

He heads back outside.

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"I cannot believe you just offered to give away your own eyes."

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The outside is still a picturesque wetlands, with equally picturesque sheep. 

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"Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that. --If it does, one of you has to come with me and kill me as soon as she does it."

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"--I think we should come up with a plan that's better than you dying? Seeing as that's the alternative we're facing anyway."

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"Me dying and saving Astarion and Lae'zel is better than me dying and no one else getting saved at all."

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"You won't need to, if we find a githyanki creche--"

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"Backup plans are useful. --I realize it seems like I'm proposing making a deal with a being that's at best an archmage and at worst some incomprehensible Dark Tapestry horror beyond Pharasma's Creation, with no way out except hoping that Gale can explode me or Wyll can stab me before she uses me to advance whatever evil scheme she has planned, in order to save the two people I've fucked. But in reality the fact that it's the two people I fucked is a coincidence."

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"This is an awful back up plan."

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"I don't want you to go to the Abyss."

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Fuck, he's mortal now, isn't he? The tadpole giveth and the tadpole taketh away. "I mean,  neither do I, but that doesn't mean you should offer your eyes to every witch in the woods!"

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"The creche should take at least Lae'zel if we can find one, but I'm not so sure about the rest of us."

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"I will vouch for you," Lae'zel says, as if that solves that conundrum.

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"I don't know anything about githyanki creches, how would they help?"

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"All creches contain a zath'isk device to remove parasites."

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"That does seem like a better option than selling my eyes, yes."

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"And there's still a chance Halsin could help."

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Just at the edge of the wetland, there's two human men having an argument. They don't look like proper adventurers, but they look like people who would like to be. 

Further in, there's a brilliantly moustachioed man searching for something, who is definitely a proper adventurer.

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"Do you guys need help?"

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"You came from the tea house? Have you seen our sister?"

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"If she's the pregnant woman being forcefed by Aunt Ethel, yes."

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"Oh, gods."

"But she's still alive. We can work with that."

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"What happened?"

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"That old witch kidnapped her!"

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"Did she make a deal with the witch first?"

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They both look at each other in case the other has an answer. They don't. 

"She was talking to Ethel before she disappeared. And if she's in that tea house--"

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"I'm going to feel like an idiot if I go in and try to rescue the girl after almost making a deal."

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"Isn't that your natural state?"

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"There's quite possibly an innocent explanation."

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"She seemed pretty miserable. --Is there anything you can remember about what's going on?" he says to the proto-adventurers.

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"Her husband died a little while ago."

"That's why we thought she was talking to Ethel, to deal with the..." he trails off.

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"To kill the baby."

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"We promised we'd help her, she just didn't believe that.  And, well." He gestures to the knives on their belts. "We're going to help her."

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"...what do you know about Aunt Ethyl?"

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"Look, she does make good potions, I'll give her that. But people keep going missing around her."

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"I'm getting mixed reviews of this woman's power level. Are you guys planning to go in there with hunting knives and try to stab a magic user?"

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"She's our sister. We have to try." 

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"Hey! Mustache man!" he yells. "What are you doing here?"

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Moustachioed man arrives on scene! "Gandrel, pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm on a hunt for some vampire spawn, and looking for some assistance." He gestures in the direction of the tea shop.

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"No vampire spawn here, just a witch who wants to do horrifying things to people's eyeballs."

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"That does sound like Auntie Ethel. If you happen to find anyone by the name of Astarion, pale, elven," awkward gesture in the direction of Astarion, "not walking around the day time, I would appreciate knowing."

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Shit shit shit fuck he's going to die.

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...Astarion is very much walking around during the day time, but. Hmm.

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1. Wow, vampire spawn are way less scary than vampires.
2. Calistria's saggy tits, why didn't Astarion give a fake name? 

"Haven't seen anyone like that, sorry." He turns away from the man. "Okay. Vote on whether we go rescue the pregnant girl or go straight to Master Halsin?" 

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"Does she even want to be saved?"

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"I would also like to remind you that we are on a time limit."

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"And we have, what, five days left! Plenty of time to do a few good turns. Assuming of course we can succeed."

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"So that's two nos, two yeses, and-- Desna's left tit, we have an even number of party members." 

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"That is a flaw with direct democracy."

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"Let's look at it this way: are we in imminent danger? Yes." There's a bloody monster hunter right there. "Is she in imminent danger? Probably not. She's being fed and everything, and it's not like she disappeared that recently. We can always come back, trade your eyes, and rescue her."

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Astarionnnnnn he is lying to save your life here.


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He has:

A. A goblin problem to solve and a druid to rescue

B. A devil to catch. 

C. A vampire spawn to... do something with,  once he's worked out why he's not currently a pile of crispy ashes.

D. A kidnapped young woman to rescue

E. A tadpole to get out his head

F. To somehow put this into some sort priority order.

He hates this. "I do think we should rescue her, but we don't know what the Auntie is, and I fear she may be too rich for our blood right now."

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See, democracy works out after all!

"You two," he says to the boys with knives, "I'm going to come back, and I'm going to try to rescue your sister. She's not in imminent danger right now, as far as we can tell. But if you try to rescue her, you will die, and your sister won't be any better off. If you don't, you can tell us about Aunt Ethyl, and we'll be better able to figure out her weaknesses and resuce your sister. Okay?"

He hates this he hates this he hates this he hates this so much

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If it's any consolation, the other good aligned members of his party also hates this, and Astarion hates that he had to be in the vicinity of a Gur monster hunter going after him?

The brothers make agreeable noises. They are not convincing.

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"...those kids are going to die," he says as they leave.

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"Oh, they've got a third to add to their trio. They're going to be fine."

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"Astarion, do you have something you want to tell us?"

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"You're not telling me you believe every Gur monster hunter you meet."

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"Astarion must be a pretty common name. If someone was hunting down a lich named Cayden you wouldn't go, 'oh, Cayden, I know a guy named Cayden, his face has skin on it and he can't do any magic but they're probably the same person, they've got the same name.'"

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"It's not that common." He holds his hands out. "I have no stakes, nor any desire to use them. I just want to know what's going on. Or if anyone else has woken up unexplainably tired." 

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"Not me."

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"Nothing outside of the usual." Gods, this makes it sound like he's covering up a vampire spawn, but he isn't, and anyway, Astarion can't be. 

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The rest of the party agree that they haven't noticed anything either. 

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"Alright. I am choosing to trust," he says, so very much not doing that. 

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Hey! Cayden didn't lie once!

He walks forward, unhappy about the tadpoles and Astarion and the two kids he's definitely leaving to die and the fact that at some point he decided he was going to make sure Lae'zel had the githyanki relic even if he had to kill Shadowheart about it and now interacting with Shadowheart at all feels like lying. 

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As they're walking, there's a pop as someone teleports in behind them.

He's a finely dressed human man with a deep voice. "My, my, what manner of place is this? A path to redemption, or a road to damnation? Hard to say, for your journey is just beginning. What would suit the occasion? The words to lullaby, perhaps? The mouse smiled brightly, it had outfoxed the cat. Then down came the claw, and that, love, was that. They do know how to write them in Cormyr." He turns directly to Cayden. "Though of course, you'd have not yet experienced that yourself."

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He suddenly understands why Zevlar wants this road cleared. 

"Good morning, sir."

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"Well met, I am Raphael." He does a flourishy bow. "Very much at your service."

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He needs to be polite to the weird cryptic man to avoid offending him, but Cayden is very upset and very tired and polite sentences just don't seem to be happening.

He finally manages, "Cayden Cailean, Chaotic Neutral adventurer visiting from a different planet."

Does anyone seem to know who Raphael is?

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Everyone else looks equally confused at this man who has just teleported here. 

"I do appreciate directness. Though what I need to say to requires more privacy and--" he gestures to the road around them "--Refinement. This is all too middle of nowhere for that." He clicks his fingers--

-- and it turns out he's powerful enough to teleport the whole party.

There in a richly appointed room, with a high ceiling and table covered in a feast that's almost sarcastically lavish. Above the crackling fire place is an oil portrait of a devil.

"There, " he smiles. "Middle of somewhere."

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"What do you have to say, sir?"

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"You all have unwelcome passengers in your heads, do you not? One might say you're looking for a solution to that little problem of yours. One I can provide." Another click of his fingers. In a puff of smoke, he goes from human to something horned and winged-- the spitting image of the devil in the portrait. 

He smirks. "What's better than a devil you don't know? The devil you do. Am I a friend? Potentially. Am I am an adversary? Conceivably. Am I a saviour? Now, that's for certain."

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"Fuck off."

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What, not even touching the finger food? "Oh, I don't expect you to accept just now. But when you feel the tentacles poking out of your face? When no one else you've found can deal with your little problem? The doors to the House of Hope will be open for you."

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"I am extremely fucking tired of being dicked around by powerful and cryptic archmages or outsiders or whatever you are. I have dealt with three of you in the past twelve hours." Admittedly Aunt Ethyl was his own fault. "Use your nigh-omniscience to coordinate with each other better. And just to be clear I'd rather die than be a diabolist."

A fact that, Aroden's balls, is definitely not true of Astarion.

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He looks at his nails. "Well, if you're that uninterested, I can call it here for introductions." 

Another click of his fingers, and Cayden and his party are back on the road they started on,  sans devil.

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"He's a cambion. And I would recommend making no deals with him."

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"Great. A Chaotic Evil being trying to buy my soul. What a refreshing change of pace from Lawful Evil soul sales."

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"Oh, he's lawful evil."

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"Cambions are... Chaotic Evil outsiders produced when an incubus kidnaps a woman to the Abyss and impregnates her? Or a slur for tieflings."

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"It's a word for any child of a fiend and another species. Most are the children of incubi, but our friend there was definitely the child of a devil." Please don't question how he knows that. 

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"Oh, we call those half-fiends. Stupid ring."

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"Tongues is a wonderful spell, right up until it isn't."

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"It's certainly a lot better than trying to communicate which people I should stab via mime."

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"This is true."

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"It wouldn't be effective, but I would love to watch it happen."

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"I hate Hell. Not as much as Xovaikain but it's a near thing."

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"Do you not-- oh, you wouldn't. The divine realm of the god of suffering and torture. He doesn't actually bother most people very much, he's spends all his time micromanaging one country in order to make sure everyone there suffers as much as possible. More of an Evil artist, less of an Evil craftsperson."

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... "I can see why you dislike! We have one of those, but it's in Hell, and at least Loviatar doesn't have her own country."

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"...I did a couple of Nidal runs-- that's his country-- but I got close to being Maledicted so I stopped, because I'm actually a coward."

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"That's coming across, ah, as a very alarming verb?"

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"A very lovely little cleric spell that gets you sent to an Evil afterlife regardless of your alignment."

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"Without your God agreeing to it?"

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"...without a trial...? I don't know what your god would have to do with it."

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"A god claiming you is how you get into an afterlife."

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"So people say."

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"People say that because it's true."

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"Kelemvor does organise it,  but it's much more like--" he makes a circular motion with his hands, "--executing an estate than a criminal trial."

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"Well, I don't know anything about the process. I assume they don't have an actual trial with lawyers and a judge. But there are nine afterlife planes and you go to the one associated with your alignment, right? And then maybe you go into a part of the afterlife associated with your god, like Aroden's city in Axis or Xovaikon if you're a Kushite or the Summerlands if you worship Erastil."

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"Its the other way around for us! Your god is the determinating factor. Also, we have 18 planes. Nine seems so much more reasonable."

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"I'm glad at least we don't have malediction. The sheer number of soul coins that would create--"

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"There are worse things than rampant inflation in the Hells. --I kid, I kid."

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"Eighteen planes? That's pretty worrying, actually!"

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"There's twice as much good to go with twice the evil."

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"No, I mean--  I like being alive, but I'm not too broken up about dying? I'm an adventurer and I'm pretty old, half my friends are dead already. I'm going to go to the Maelstrom-- the Chaotic Neutral afterlife-- and see everyone I hadn't seen in years and join the fight against the Abyss. Or-- I thought I was going to."

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"Convince all your friends to follow the same god, then. Or see if Kelemvor is feeling merciful." He is having a floor he'd relied on pulled out from under him, that sickening lurch of realising he has something he has already lost. She should approve of it.

She should. 

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"Convincing people isn't any good if I die on a planet that feeds into an entirely different set of afterlives! My friends are already in the Maelstrom and if I die here, then--"

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"All the more reason not to die, then."

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Sympathetic shoulder pat?

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Very quietly: "...is there a god whose afterlife involves living in the primordial quintessence, the stuff of creation from which all planes and souls were formed?"

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"Ao? Though he is... fairly disinterested in mortal worship."

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"There's not a singular god of creation." Unfortunately.

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"...actually can we compare lists of planes? Hell is Lawful Evil and run by Asmodeus. Xovaikain is Zon-Kuthon's afterlife that Kuthites go to, also Lawful Evil. The Abyss is Chaotic Evil and a war of all against all. Abaddon is Neutral Evil, it destroys souls, hope to go there if you're Evil so you stop existing."

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"Hell is also Lawful evil and run by Asmodeus. Constantly at war with the Abyss, the plane of Chaotic evil. And in between those planes is Gehenna, Hades, and Carceri." 

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"What are they like?"

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"Hades is a deeply depressing place. All colour and positive emotion is doomed to fade, in the same way a book would be doomed to fall if dropped.

Carceri is strings of matter spread through a void, and is constantly fought over by demons and devils. 

Gehenna is an infinite volcanic mountain, filled with barghests."


Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess I don't know that any of those aren't Abaddon? Carceri maybe sounds similar. Heaven, Lawful Good, mostly a bunch of farms? Elysium, Chaotic Good, mostly a bunch of wilderness? Nirvana, Neutral Good, a place of healing that welcomes everyone no matter what they've done?"

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"We have an Elysium, but it is neutral good, though it sounds much like your Nirvana. Our realm of Chaotic good, Arvandor, is also mostly wilderness. Someone probably farms on Mount Celestia, but the mountain comes up more, you understand."

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Cayden visibly relaxes when he hears "much like your Nirvana."

"Heaven's a mountain, people just-- mostly think about the farms. It's like your life at home but with no drought or disease or storms or monsters, and all the adventurers are Good..."

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"It sounds like they're both nice places."

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"Axis, Lawful Neutral, is a big city. The Maelstrom, Chaotic Neutral, is just all the leftovers of the stuff there was before Creation."

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"Mechanus and Limbo, though Mechanus is a city of clockwork."

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"And True Neutral people go to the Boneyard, which is traditionally depicted as a giant graveyard but that can't be right. Lots of babies and little kids in the Boneyard, because they haven't done anything to get an alignment... They say people in Heaven adopt the babies and raise them but I don't know if that's real."

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"There are a few gods that live in the Outlands-- the plane of true neutrality. --I don't know what happens to babies."

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"Maybe Ilmater takes them in. It would be the sort of thing he'd do." She sounds doubtful.

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"That seems like the kind of thing someone ought to Commune with a god about? Like half of all deaths, maybe more, are kids too little to have alignments?"

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"It's an advantage of using gods claiming followers over alignment. I'm sure plenty would take in the children of their followers."

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"A cleric of Kelemvor would likely know. He's a-- serious improvement, over previous deities in his position."

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"You replaced Pharasma??????"

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"We never had her?"

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"We replaced," he starts counting on his fingers "Jergal and Myrrkul and Cyric-- who is the God of lies when he isn't the God of death-- and Kelemvor is a major improvement."

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"...Pharasma made the universe and sorts every sentient in it into one of nine alignments and protects the universe from the Dark Tapestry that lurks outside her Creation and is weirdly into tentacles?"

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"That... sounds more like Ao."

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"I... guess maybe around here she delegates??"

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"Maybe she made Ao who made this part of the universe and some attendant deities." Who he will not name, so he doesn't get stabbed in his sleep by a nearby cleric.

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"It would make sense if she were more hands-on in Golarion, as you can tell from the name our primary purpose is containing one of those Dark Tapestry fuckers who wants to devour the universe."

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"I guess that makes a sort of sense." He probably shouldn't feel slighted by not being in the universe that's holding back a Dark Tapestry horror, but he does a bit. He would be so good at holding back a Dark Tapestry horror!

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"It makes me feel better that Nirvana exists here too. It feels like things can't go too badly as long as Nirvana still exists."

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"I think that's same as saying things can't go to badly as long as good still exists. --Not that I disagree, of course."

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Oh Shar, why is her party so naive?

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"It's-- the thing Good got, in exchange for Malediction, is that if you're sorry for what you've done and you call upon Nirvana when you die and you really sincerely want to go there, they'll take you. There's a hymn that they teach kids-- the chorus goes 'No matter who you are or what you've done / Nirvana is for everyone.'" 

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He can't be sure that's true or true here and he's not even sorry but he hopes it is. "Unless you're maledicted."

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"For now."

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"Hopefully not forever."

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"--if you don't have Zon-Kuthon you guys wouldn't have Shelyn, right? Neutral Good goddess of love and beauty and art and peace?"

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"We have Sune, goddess of beauty, love and passion, but her followers are not necessarily... peaceful..."

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"...Very tempted to do a Shelynite sermon. Honestly didn't predict about myself that this was the god I would try to bring to a different planet, really would have thought it would be Calistria."

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"I don't think there's anything I could do to stop you from introducing either."

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"I'm not introducing Calistria. I don't think Astarion needs to be stabbier. --Goddess of sexual pleasure, sex workers, and revenge."

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"You wound me." Oh, what he wouldn't give for a God of revenge who listened.

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"Here's my sermon. I didn't exactly go to cleric school so everyone pretend I'm actually good at this."

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"Every year, on the holiday Crystalhue, we carry around a doll called the zonzon doll. We give it gifts. We tell it happy things that happened to the year. We apologize to it for the wrongs we've done over the course of the year. And then we cast the doll into the river, so it can float to Zon-Kuthon and he can celebrate Crystalhue too.

"Erastil brings the rains and makes the soil fertile, so we can stay alive. Sarenrae redeems those who can be redeemed and destroys those who can't before they can hurt anyone else. Shelyn is the goddess of art and beauty and love. Because Goodness isn't just about not dying, or fighting Evil. It's about making a world that people want to live in.

"Nobody wants to be Evil, not really. I fought a Reaper of Reputations cult-- nasty, nasty people, they worship a god of secrets and manipulation and forbidden knowledge, they destroyed people's lives for the thrill of knowing that they had power and they could. And the head of it was the most miserable man I've ever met. He didn't have friends and allies, just tools. He was too nasty to have anyone who really liked him. He didn't get to have simple pleasures, because everything he did was about being better than someone else. He was scared, all the time, because any moment he was on his guard was time someone would knife him in the back.  

"The first person trapped in Xovaikain was Zon-Kuthon.

"Happiness doesn't come from power or domination or cruelty. Happiness comes from friends and family and lovers, and making things that are both useful and beautiful, and going for walks in the sunshine looking at the flowers.

"That's why Good will win. Because the only reason that people choose Evil is that they're wrong, or that they have no other choice. 

"Every year, Zon-Kuthon gets a zonzon doll from everyone who celebrates Crystalhue, and something like it from everyone else who worships Shelyn in all the worlds. And the zonzon dolls tell him that there's something better out there. He doesn't have to keep being the god of suffering and pain. And, like water wearing away at the rocks of a dam, someday he's going to listen, and Xovaikain will open, and everyone in it will be free. 

"Nirvana is for everyone."

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The idea of a zonzon doll is... nice. A reminder of the good that has happened in a year, a chance to atone without the pain of saying it to the face of everyone you hurt. (The idea that you have to lose the doll tickles her.) 

It just wouldn't work.

The idea of a world where everyone wants Good, because Good is happy is nice, too.

It still wouldn't work.

The natural state of the universe is the void. The void,  more than anything, wants to go back. Everything that has ever existed is doomed to be lost.

Health and happiness and beauty and ugliness, the worst pain you've ever felt, the food your mother made that tastes like home, the effort you put into making and talking to a doll-- to have it is to lose it. 

Though seeing how he feels about the Reaper of Reputation, she's not going to say anything. (She has friends. She just can't remember them right now.)

It's... still a nice idea though. 

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"You put it beautifully. Shelyn herself would be proud."

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"It's good the someone is looking out for the reasons we go out and protect people that are greater than 'make sure they don't suffer.'"

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Shadowheart is having emotions! They don't seem like the kind of emotions it would be helpful to notice or acknowledge in any way. (...also, he feels like a piece of shit.)


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Wyll is MAYBE less bad that Cayden supposed. MAYBE. Not a lot of paladins who will acknowledge that there's something more important in life than being a paladin. 

To Gale: "See? I'm trying to seduce you with my pretty words."

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Oh no, a sneak flirtation attack! He wasn't prepared! "There are worse ways than a peaen to the goddess of beauty, I suppose." He is at risk of spontaneously combusting. Help.

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"Imagine all the worse paeans I could write. A paean to the virtues of illiteracy. A paean to the experience of walking in wet socks. A paean to your toe hairs."

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"I'm sure you could find the beauty of those. Though you would have to try hard to sell me on illiteracy."

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Look at these lovebirds. Gods.

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They walk on. It's afternoon when they reach a church of Tyr.

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"The God of Justice," Wyll explains. "His followers are likely already doing all they can, but their information may be helpful."

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"Sure, let's go in. Shadowheart, do you want to stay outside and keep an eye out for anything awful coming down the road?"

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She's... not allergic to good aligned clerics? But it is still tactically sensible. "I'll make sure to scream if I see any goblins."

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All right, time to go into the church!

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It's a fairly spartan and militaristic building inside. Maybe all churches of Tyr are like this, or maybe this is an old fort that's been given new life. 

There are a few armour wearing warriors in the main room. In the side, there is a pair of dead bodies, laid on the back with their eyes closed, awaiting burial.

"Would you be able to render us aid?" One of the probably-paladins asks.

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"...we have a kind of time-sensitive situation going on but maybe?"

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"I thought I should lead with that. We would render aid unto you, but we're somewhat besieged right now."

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"What's wrong?"

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"A devil is on the loose. We've been tasked with tracking her down. The good news is that we have found her, the bad news is she is ruthless."

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He nods. "Champion of Zariel."

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"I'm from a different planet, what do those proper nouns mean?"

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"Zariel is the newest Archdevil, dedicated to fighting the Blood War between demons and devils. Karlach is her champion, and Mount Celestia weeps at whatever purpose has brought her to the Material."

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"Is that your devil or a different one?" he asks Wyll.

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"The very same." Well. At the very least he can definitely find her.

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"Do you think we should deal with Karlach now or Master Halsin?"

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"I don't want to lose track of her, and she's already causing harm."

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"What kind of stuff is she doing?" he asks the paladins.

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"She's been attacking us since she found us. Hit and run attacks. Though it seems she does not like her chances against people somewhere fortified."

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"What about non-adventurers?"

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"Once she has finished with us, she will target them."

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Fair enough. "Let me talk to my party."

He heads outside so Shadowheart gets a vote too. "Karlach is a devil and the champion of Zariel, and she's rampaging about. Wyll has taken an oath to slay her, and it'd be convenient to do it while he knows where she is. Let's vote. Four out of six means we fight. I'm for fighting, obviously."

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"Probably for the best we deal with the rampaging devil."

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"It will be a worthy challenge."

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"And the paladins of Tyr may have resources they can give us."

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"Every. Kitten.  In. Every. Tree--"

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Cayden ruffled Astarion's hair. "You won last vote!"

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"Can we just get this over with?"

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Right. Back inside to inquire of the paladins if they have some information about Karlach, such as her direction or weaknesses. 

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They last saw her going towards a creek near this church.

Also: she's on fire. Watch out for that. 

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March march march to the creek.

"Anyone have a solution to her being on fire?"

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"I have Create Water prepared. It may not be able to douse her, but it can't hurt."

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Up ahead and around a bend,  a section of creek seems to be... steaming...

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That was pretty easy to find. 

He approaches the steaming creek and wishes he had a holy weapon. 

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She's sitting in the creek, submerged up to her shoulders. The water hisses and spits around her. 

Even through the steam and disturbance of the water, a glow in her chest can be seen.

She looks like a tiefling.

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He is not a great distance fighter.

He's going to hang back and guard Gale. 

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She spots them, and scrambles out of the water onto the bank.

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Wyll draws his rapier. "One horn. The stink of Avernus. Advocates diaboli." 

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She's hunched over like she's already been injured. "Well, I'll be damned, the Blade of Frontiers. I thought I'd shaken you for good."

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Honestly, "already injured" is a great way for devils to be. 

He listens to this conversation, prepared to defend Gale.

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The tadpole squirms.

He feels a great heat, her heat, the fires of Avernus itself. Visions of fighting demonic armies across that broken landscape, the front lines of the Blood War--

-- can outsiders get tadpoles?

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"What was that!?"

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"Evidence. Proof that you're a devil, and a gladiator at the head of Archdevil Zariel's armies."

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"No! It's a whole situation, but if you'd just let me explain--"

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Another vision. Karlach's blades, raised against devils, Zariel's servants, fighting for just enough of a gap to escape--

-- she is as much a victim of the Blood War as an agent of it. 

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"I think as long as she's not attacking us we should let the fiery lady explain herself!"

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"Thank you. You're the first reasonable person I've met. I was forced to fight in Zariel's army, and fight I did, but as soon as I could run, I did. And now-- it's good to be home. Even if people keep attacking me in it."

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"You served her. That's enough to damn you!"

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HA. Cayden KNEW not to trust Wyll. Fucking not-actually-a-paladin. Never trust a man with a catchphrase. 

"On my home planet we don't kill surrendering people. --You are surrendering?" he says to Karlach.

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"Fuck, yes,  I'm surrendering. I don't want to kill anyone if I don't have to."

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"Cool! I'm Cayden Cailean, a human adventurer from a different planet, and I have significantly more context than I did two days ago. And you are?"

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"Karlach Cliffgate, finally a free agent!"

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"You can't trust her--"

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"Look at me. You're the Blade of Frontiers, you know monsters. Look into my eyes and tell me that's what you see."

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His source had warned him that Karlach might take on mortal guise.

She could be a devil, pretending to be a tiefling, who somehow got a parasite, and who's pretending to surrender even though that would be singularly unlikely for Zariel's champion.

Or she could be a tiefling. Devils have mortal agents. Devils get possessive of their mortal agents. 

Of course they'd go after someone who escaped.

He's been had. "Shit." He sheathed his blade. His source is going to have his head about this, and soon-- but at least she won't have Karlach's.

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"Wait, I'm not going to have to kill you? --Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of not killing you, just."

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He sighs deeply. "I can admit when I was wrong. And I'm not going to make you make that choice."

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"We're going on a quest to remove our mind flayer tadpoles. And also rescue kittens from trees."

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"Sweet! I'd love to help with both those things, if you'll have me."

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"...do you need help not being on fire?"

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"I mean, I'd like not to be on fire, but unless you know a good infernal mechanic, I'm not sure there's much you can do." She hits her chest, and it makes a metallic sound it probably shouldn't. "This thing runs hot all the time, but it seems out of the Hells it runs even hotter."

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"What is it?"

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"Infernal engine. Zariel's special." She snarls the name. "I've got it instead of a heart."

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...His source agreed to only send him against the "heartless and soulless."

She is so lucky he can't kill her. So, so lucky.

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"Fucked up." Cayden wants to ask if it hurts, but then realizes this is a stupid question. "Party rules: we don't torture people, we don't kill people unless we have a good reason, we don't kill other party members, and we do random do-gooding if the majority of party members agree we should."

Odd number of party members! Democracy wins!

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Most of her visible skin is covered in burn scars, and there are angry looking jets in her shoulder venting heat. 

It doesn't look comfortable.

"Cool! I can roll with that. Any particular leads on the do-gooding, or are we taking it as we find it?"

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"We're going to find a druid named Master Halsin, who may be able to remove the tadpoles and also had a much more pro-tiefling policy than the druid he left in charge."

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"I'd vote for that! Though we might want to get away from here first, in case those 'paladins' want to have a go at us."

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They head off. "I'm not exactly fond of paladins, but on my home planet if any paladin didn't take a surrender they'd fall."

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"I honestly don't know if these ones have fallen, but if they'd promised themselves to Zariel-- yeah."

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"Paladins-- I don't know exactly how it works, I'm not one, but the magic runs on promises, oaths. I met a few in Avernus. They'd sworn an oath to keep killing demons until they died, and they were good at killing them, but they weren't good people.

"Maybe those arseholes swore to Tyr they'd protect justice and Goodness and they're having a very rude wake up call. 

"Maybe they swore to Zariel to win the Blood War, and if Zariel thinks my head is what is going to win it, then they'll still be paladins when they give it to her."

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"What??? That's a terrible way for paladins to work."

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"I mean,  I think most of the ones not in the Hells are promised to defend beauty or nature or like, laws, and they're fine."

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"On my home planet there are paladins, who are Lawful Good, and they have to obey the law and they can't lie and can't cheat and can't use poison and can't break their word and can't spend time around Evil people, and they have to punish people who do Evil and help everyone unless they know those people will do Evil or Chaotic things with it, and if they break the rules they'll lose their powers. And there are antipaladins, who are Chaotic Evil, and they can't spend time around Good people or willingly commit an act primarily meant to benefit someone else, or they'll lose their powers. I can't say I like either group but in retrospect I appreciated the predictability!"

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"There is something to be said for just having two options."

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"I guess there's the advantage that most Evil people wouldn't decide to be antipaladins of their own free will, if they could just swear to protect their country or their reputation or their family instead."

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"Keep lawful evil busy being lawful."

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"Throw them at demons--"

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"Man, Lawful Evil's worse. If they're Chaotic Evil on purpose at least the government might execute them."

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"And, you know, not end up in the government."

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"That's why all decisions should be entrusted to a small team of murderous hobos."

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She laughs. "It'll be a change, at least."

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"So, what brings a pretty girl like you into a monster-haunted wasteland like this?"

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"Running from a monster hunter onto a crashing mind flayer ship. It's been an exciting two days, I'll tell you that."

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"Me too." He gives a quick recap of his past few days. "Cool to meet someone else who's not from here."

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"I mean, this is close to home? But it's been ten years." She breathes deep, like she's just remembered 'forest' smells different from 'Hell.' "It's good to be back."

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"Nothing like the open road," Cayden agrees.

Time to set up camp?

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It's getting dark, and they're still a decent distance from the goblin camp. Time to set up camp.

Shadowheart and Gale set about sorting their rations into something that can be constructed into a meal. 

Astarion, Karlach and Lae'zel set up tents. (Astarion does this under protest.)

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Wyll sets up the fire.

He arranges the wood, and tries to come up with the least threatening to say to Astarion I'm not an idiot, but I know there are innocent spawn, and what I care about is your teeth pointing in the right direction--

As he lights the kindling, he tries to think of some way to apologise to Karlach.

He tries not to think about what's inevitably going to happen now he's kept her head attached to her neck.

The fire burns.

The smoke swirls. Turns sulphurous.

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A cambion steps out of the fire. "My, my, Wyll, you have been naughty. And you know what happens when you're naughty."

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"Dare I hope that this is a sadomasochistic game that is inappropriately occurring in the center of our camp?"

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"Oh, if it were only something so trivial. I am Wyll's patron, the fount of his power. My pet has been unruly, and his leash needs a yank--" She jerks her hand back.

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There's nothing visible, but Wyll is pulled forward.

His hands scrabble at his neck, and his voice is choked. "Damn you,  you said devils only--"

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"If you didn't want the heartless as a valid target, you should have amended that clause when you signed."

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FINALLY a situation best resolvable with stabbing.

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He really does not have the ability to move enough to catch Cayden, but he has try. "Don't--!"

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She sounds amused. "You can, but I wouldn't recommend it. Depends on how you feel about him. Section 11, subsection 9: The recipient may not injure, maim, kill, or otherwise attempt to harm the patron. The recipient's soul falls under the sole ownership of the patron if such an attempt is made. Subsection 10: the above criteria apply to the recipient's allies."

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A situation not best resolvable with stabbing. :(

He decides he probably can't win an argument with a devil about whether Wyll is travelling adjacent to him, and anyway he kept letting Wyll vote. He continues to brandish the sword in the hopes that stabbing will soon become a better solution. 

"Leave him alone."

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"Now, Wyll, I'm hoping you do remember what the clauses about 'failure to perform' involve, hmm?"

She waves her hand.

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A ring of fire surrounds Wyll, growing to a wall in an instant.

Cayden can feel it through the tadpole-- the fires of Avernus, the ice storms of Dis, all the torments of the Hells compressed to a single moment--

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It's over as soon as it started.

Wyll is collapsed against the ground, now with two ram's horns and a forked tail. 

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"I hope that will be a helpful reminder of your duty. Even I couldn't undo that. Oh, and Karlach? Zariel sends her regards."

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"Fuck off--!"

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Mizora disappears in another puff of smoke.

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He crouches down next to Wyll. "Are you okay-- do you need healing?"

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"I'm fine. I'm not-- actually injured." He seems torn between 'I need to travel to the Hells to punch Mizora in the face, even if it is definitionally the last thing I do' and 'what if we pretended this didn't happen and it was all fine?'

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Cayden has like three ways of solving problems. Does Wyll want the rest of the whiskey?

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Yes. Thank you.

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"I can't believe you did that for me."

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"I would have done that for anyone."

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"Still, it was a real solid. I owe you one, soldier."

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"I think the horns are quite fetching."

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He laughs quietly. "I'm glad you think so. -- I'm going to need a new name. No one will believe I'm the Blade of Frontiers."

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"What... is... the Blade of Frontiers?"

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"A hero who travels the Sword Coast saving the innocent from monsters. Notably" not one himself "not having horns. Or a tail."

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"Or a glowing eye."

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"Thank you, Astarion, for saving me the effort of getting a mirror."

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"Well, that's bigotry. You can save people perfectly well with horns. The tail might even help if you can hold a weapon with it."

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He actually laughs. "I'll have to train to do that."

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"Come, join the tiefling adventurer's club." She holds out her hand, thinks better of it, and puts it away. "I'm shaking your hand in spirit. I don't want to burn you."

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He's... probably not a tiefling... "I'll shake to that."

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"Rams use their horns in combat. You could bend over at the waist and charge. --Probably would work better if you were a barbarian. --Who are the people from my planet who go into fits of rage which make them very good at killing people."

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"Ooh, me! Though headbutting people didn't work out great." See: the fact she has one and a half horns. 

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"The definition of a tragedy is when a beautiful idea is slain by an ugly fact."

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"I've still got one. Just gotta save it for a special occasion."

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Does Wyll look like he needs to be left alone or joked with or comforted or offered a hug?

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A hug wouldn't hurt, nor would being handed a stick and being made responsible for the fire.

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Cayden hugs him. "You'll be all right."

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Lean. "I appreciate it."

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Here is a stick. Attend to the fire.

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This fire is getting so attended to. It will be The Ideal Campfire.

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Next task: go talk to Astarion and make sure he still feels noticed and liked given that Cayden slept with Lae'zel and was flirting with Gale.

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Astarion has his tent set up and is currently sitting just outside it. 

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Cayden sits next to him and throws an arm around his shoulder. "Sorry about all the cats."

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"Just a day in the life of a professional cat shepherd, I suppose."

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"Stray cats always know how to find the inn I'm staying in so that they can beg me for scraps. It's uncanny."

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"They're lured in by your natural roguish charms."

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"Who's a flatterer now?"

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Nose boop. "Takes one to know one."

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More seriously: "You doing all right?"

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"Hmm? Why wouldn't I be?"

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Cayden raises an eyebrow. 

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"I would prefer it if we got a wriggle on about removing the uninvited guests from our heads, but we do still have five days."

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If Astarion doesn't want to talk about the people hunting him (presumably the same ones that gave him the scars on his back) that's his business. 

"God, it's only been two days? It feels like it's been at least a month."

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"I'd almost say you have a talent for attracting trouble."

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"And you don't?"

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... he has him dead to rights there. "Gur hunters aside, you seem to make more of a habit out of it than me."

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"I will kill as many hunters as necessary to keep you safe. --Well, ideally nonlethally take down in such a way that they realize it's not in their best interest to bother you, but."

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"If we kill them--" he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Cazador is sending them. He'll just keep sending them until there's no hunters left in the Sword Coast."

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"Who's Cazador?"

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"My master. -- the one advantage of having a worm in my brain is I don't have to listen to him."

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"Could this goal be achieved some other way, like murder?"

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"Trust me, I plan to use my new found freedom to kill him."

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"Calistria guide your blade," he says fervently. 

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"He's going to have the shock of his unlife when I get back to Baldur's Gate."

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"Can you do me the favor of letting me be there to see his face?"

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"Darling, I'll hand you a spare knife if you want to help."

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"Well, I wouldn't want to rob you of all the fun."

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"After what he's done-- I shouldn't start fantasising yet. But I am looking forward to it."

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"You're very cute."

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"I'm glad you think I'm cute when I'm murderous."

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"What can I say, I like bad boys."

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"It's convenient."

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Astarion should have his head in Cayden's lap so Cayden can play with his hair.

"Are you all right with-- you know--" He gestures.

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Cayden should consider himself very privileged to be able to toussle these carefully coiffed locks.

"You slept with me after knowing me for a few hours." And was also incredibly relaxed about being bitten. "You doing that with others comes with the territory."

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"True, but I don't want you to feel neglected."

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Oh, and here is an opportunity to twist the knife, just a little, handed to him on a silver platter. "It's going to take me awhile to feel neglected. You were my first, you know."

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"First sentient I've drunk from, at least."

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"...ohhhhh that makes more sense."

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"Cazador had opinions about what was appropriate fare for spawn and vampires, you see."

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"Wow, exciting new ways for the undead to be dicks. --Uh, no offense."

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He laughs. "If it's pointed at Cazador, none taken."

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"I wish you lots of consenting food in the future."

Any knives happening went whoosh over Cayden's head.

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"I take it you aren't offering?" The advantage of having his head in his lap are that it's easier to deploy puppy dog eyes. 

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"How can I refuse that face? Maybe tonight."

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Smile and chin boop. "Unless you're otherwise engaged. I'd understand."

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"But I like you!"

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"In that case--" usually he smiles to hide his fangs, but right now calls for showing them. 

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Cayden kisses him. "Be back in a little bit."

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Shoulder pat. "Go do your work of being our glorious leader."

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He wanders off in the direction of Karlach to do glorious leading. 

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Karlach is assisting with making dinner.

...Her attempts to cut vegetables are pre cooking them a little.

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"Hey," he says quietly. "Tell me to fuck off if you want to, but-- I thought I'd ask if you needed someone to talk to about it."

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"About the Hells? The tadpole? Getting hunted down?" Awkward look at Wyll. "No hard feelings about that, though."

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"I dunno. Anything you want to, I guess."

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"I appreciate the offer. I'm just soaking it all in.  The trees, the grass-- I spent most of my life in the city, but still. Don't know what you're missing till you lose it, but sometimes you get it back."

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"I'd give you some of my offplanet whiskey but I just gave the last of it to Wyll. He seemed in need of it."

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"Sorry about that." Poke poke poke.

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She smiles.  "I wouldn't even want it. Give me that Sword Coast rotgut any day."

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"Well, you're in luck."

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"Once we've sorted this all out, I'm going to have to drag you to the Blushing Mermaid. You'll love it."

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"Sounds like it. What's there?"

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"Finest purveyors of rotgut in the Gate. Well. Not the finest. You know what I mean. 

Finest purveyors of sailors to fight, too, if that's more your speed."

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"I don't try to get into fights. Fights happen on their own around me."

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"Yeah, that makes sense."

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"Sometimes a person takes offense at my luck at cards, and is that my fault?"

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"And then one things leads to another and they're through a window."

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"Well. Mostly I just dodge in those cases. The window is more for men whose hands go places they shouldn't."

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"Careful. Keep saying things like that, and I might start thinking you're a good bloke."

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"I do my best."

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"C'mon, don't make that face. You rescued me, that has to count for something." She looks down at Wyll. "And I'm counting you as part of that too."

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"If I were a good bloke I'd cheat less at cards."

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"Gotta keep the punters on their toes."

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"Sometimes other people have too much money, and I don't have any money, and that's just not fair."

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"And this why no one will play cards with adventurers."

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"And that is why people at taverns think I'm just a drunk dumbass they can take advantage of."

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"Smart move: Don't show up with armour, and they'll never know. I did play against an adventurer once, when I was younger. Didn't go well."

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"He was a weedy little wizard, and I thought 'this guy has never left his tower before, what's the worst that could happen?' And it was a dice game, what's the worst he could do? Anyway, let's say it was good I had a job and had some spare change for giving to charity."

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"Making sure the weedy little wizards of the world have money to drink with."

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"The most important of all causes. Unfortunately Gale's pretty buff so he's going to have to get his own booze."

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"We'll just have to rely on your card shark skills."

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"Guaranteed to result in getting you drunk more often than it results in you getting a broken leg."

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"That's my kind of odds, soldier!"

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"I think to be a soldier you have to have spent more time fighting than getting whipped for insubordination."

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A man after her own heart. "I've spent too long in the Blood War. Everyone is 'soldier,' 'ma'am,' or 'sir,' and I like you too much to call you sir."

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"Glad to have made a good impression, soldier!"

He gets up and wanders over to where Shadowheart is, notices where he's going, and then veers to Gale. 

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Gale is reading his spell book. "What could I do for you?"

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"Give me the benefit of your charming presence?"

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Help, he's being seduced, isn't he? "You've said your home didn't have the Weave. I could shoe you how to use it, if you'd like."

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"I'm not smart enough to do magic."

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"You're smart enough,  I've seen it. Even if you didn't have the time or inclination to become particularly skilled-- few people could learn to write technically perfect epic verse. Most people can learn to write their own name. I believe I could get you writing a sonnet, if you gave it a try."

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"I have tried making a spell scaffold, it just doesn't take."

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"I don't want to pressure you. I just also don't want you thinking unduly poorly of yourself."

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"...what is the Weave?"

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"It's the underlying fabric of reality itself. It's the way mortals can touch and shape magic. It's Mystra herself."

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"...I'm pretty sure we had the underlying fabric of reality?"

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"... you probably weren't in a formless void. Right. Mystra may make it easier to tap into locally."

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"I'll try but just be warned."

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He smiles. "I will swear I will not judge you if you can't. Now, follow me."

He makes a sweeping motion with his hands, and there's a brief burst of purple light. 

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He... copies the sweeping motion with his hands?

(Last time involved more Detect Magic.)

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There's a burst of purple light!

There's a feeling too, something warm and comfortable, like sitting next to a friend in front of a fire. 

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"Excellent! Repeat after me: Ah-thran Mystra-ryl Kantrach-Ao." Instead of a burst of light, there's a glow.

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"What the fuck?!"

He drops the light, or at least attempts to.

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It fizzles out.

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"You were doing rather well."

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"I cast a spell?!"

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"You did!" Technically it was with his help, but the fact he casted it was what mattered.

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"Back home it takes years to be able to hold a scaffold! I wasn't even doing any topology! I just waved my hands!"

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"I was helping,  but even so it was-- holding your hand while you took the first step. You were the one who did it."

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"Mystea made some good shit."

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He smiles. "She really did."

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"Let me try that again."

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He demonstrates the motion again.

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This time he's not startled by the light.

"Is that warm feeling you?"

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"That's the Weave."

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"I'm gaining a new understanding of how you have sex with it. --What do I do now?"

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That's not where he expected him to go. "Relax, and try and picture perfect harmony." That is the standard next step in these sorts of demonstrations, but also. Hmm. It doesn't sound like that in this context.

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"Like, musical harmony, or drinking with friends, or...?"

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"Whichever is easier for you to picture."

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He thinks about late evening in a tavern, just drunk enough that the world is soft around the edges, surrounded by poets and whores and thieves and actors, half his old friends and half people he wants to know better. They're gossipping and singing and joking and telling stories, and someone's playing with his hair and someone's face is on his shoulder, and his belly is full and the fire is warm and everything in the world is all right.

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There's a sense of that tavern and everyone in it, being held in cupped hands, warm and gentle, like something precious worth protecting.

They're surrounded by purple light. 

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"You're channeling the Weave." He looks proud. "How does it feel?"

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"It's nice. --Feels cuddly."

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He smiles. "It does, doesn't it? There's nothing quite like it."

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"And then I... say something? To cast a spell?"

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"Ah-thran Mystra-ryl Kantrach-Ao. It just makes sparkles. Perfectly safe."

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There's a connection through the Weave. It's different than through the tadpoles, there isn't that squirming force. It's like being aware of a thread going through him and Gale, and then out into everything surrounding them. 

They can both feel the warmth of the tavern and those cupped hands. 

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He could get used to this. 

...it must be so weird to channel this in the middle of a battle.

He says "Ah-thran Mystra-ryl Kantrach-Ao."

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"-- That's more dramatic than most people manage."

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He still feels a little high off it. 

"Why is that?"

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"I honestly wouldn't now. Natural talent, I suppose? This exercise is often used as a test for prospective wizards-- it's easy enough for most students to pick up quickly, but you can see differences in skill."

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He's still kind of high off the Weave, which is the reason he says, "I think I know but-- you gotta promise to keep a secret."

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"I can promise."

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"So you know how when people face lethal danger they get stronger and no one really knows why?"

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Not how he's used to thinking about it, but sure. "...go on."

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"I am-- was, I guess-- very dumb and very lucky."

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"I can't say I'm not glad for it."

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"The tadpole is-- suppressing it, somehow? I don't know if it's permanent. But... before that I could win a fight with anyone in an average country who isn't a wizard. A couple of people who could beat me on a continent."

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Ah. "It must-- hurt to lose that."

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"I'm glad for it. Or-- not that it's harder to help people who need help-- but--"

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???? Why wouldn't you want to be powerful. "But...?"

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"Being powerful just-- warps everything-- people are scared of you or they want something from you and you never get to not think about it-- they start-- sucking up, and flattering you, and doing things just because they said you'd do them-- and suddenly you're not one of us, anymore, you're one of the people that people like us get their money from--"

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"I can see why you would want to get away from that. Even if you would prefer happier circumstances."

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"I just lied. Some of my party members knew, but-- as far as most of my friends knew, I was just a lucky dumbass."

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"-- and if you're good enough, you could make a dodge look like a lucky miss."

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"Exactly. --Please don't tell anyone. Especially Astarion."

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"Gods, no. I wouldn't break your confidences like that."

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"If he knows the only thing he'll be able to think about is making me love him so that he'll be safe."

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"He does seem the type, unfortunately. ... do you know if he is actually a vampire, or was the hunter messing with us?"

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"I also keep people's confidences."

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That comes alarmingly close to answering the question! "It's a good trait of yours, I must say."

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"I'm not going to poke at why you need magic items, please don't poke at why people are looking for a vampire elf named Astarion who happens to look a lot like our Astarion."

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"I fear I haven't been playing as straight a hand as I should there. There is an argument you shouldn't have to poke, and I should tell you."

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"People have a lot of reasons to need odd things and to not want to answer questions about why. I care about what you're going to do as my party member, not anything else."

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Small, embarrassed voice. "... that's I should tell you."

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"What's up?"

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The fact that he should do this annoyingly does not negate how deeply uncomfortable this is. "I want you to know you would be the third person to know--after me, after Tara. I don't expect secrecy, I just-- want you to understand that."

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"I'm not going to tell people!"

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"Do you want the whole story, or just the parts that are, ah, strategically relevant?"

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"It's your information to tell me or not. --It sounds like you want to tell me but are scared I'll judge you or something. I won't. I could imagine killing you but not judging you."

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"That's a strange sort of comforting. --You deserve the story in full. Mystra has bounds she keeps mortal wizards in. When I was with her, I could see just beyond the edges of those bounds. I wanted to go past them, she just laughed and told me to be content."

He smiles wistfully. "So I thought to prove myself to her. You wouldn't know the history of Netheril, but the summary you need is that the King, Karsus, tried to supplant Mystra. He didn't succeed, but he shattered the Weave, shattered all magic, until Mystra could gather it up again.

"I found a piece she missed. I was going to give it to her."

How is Cayden reacting to this story?

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Honestly this sounds like normal archmage stuff to Cayden. He had plenty of time to get used to the idea of an archmage in the party.

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"I found it, but it also found me." He parts his collar, just a little. There's a black mark there, a circle wreathed in flames. At first, it looks like a faded tattoo, but it moves rhythmically, like a vein just under his skin. "It's lodged in there now, and it is ravenous."

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"I don't mind you telling me but I don't really understand why this is the sort of thing you have to tell me."

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"I wouldn't tell you if it would just affect me. It's becoming increasingly less stable, and if it ever becomes completely unstable-- I did the calculations. The explosion would level a medium sized city."

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"...okay, that's bad. Do you know how long you have?"

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"I'm able to keep it stable enough by ripping the magic out of items, but the effect is not lasting as long as it used to." He inhales. "I wish I could give a more precise answer than that."

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"...probably we should tell the rest of the party that. So they can make informed decisions."

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Oh, so vampires get to keep secrets, but not him? ... that's not a reasonable reaction.

"This is why I told you. Even if pulling my own teeth out would have been more pleasant."


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"...we could say there is some risk of dying if they hang around you and not say why."

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"No, they do deserve to know the truth."

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"We can just say there's a weird curse without having to mention-- the rest of it."

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"The risk of explosion is the thing that matters."

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"You can explain it during dinner?"

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Teeth! Rusty pliers! Preferable! "I'll do my best."

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Cayden looks at his face. "...I can explain at dinner?"

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"I can do it-- but I wouldn't turn down your support."

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Cool. Dinner has got to be ready by now, right?

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It's ready! It's something that resembles edible!

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Yay, edibility!

He's going to engage in Cross-World Comparative Literature. Anyone seen plays they liked?

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Wyll's favourite play was one hosted in a small town, about a tenday's walk south of Baldur's Gate. The church of Lathander wanted to encourage everyone to be creative, a group of young people decided to use the offered resources to put on a play that was the most blasphemous and funniest thing he had ever seen in his life.

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Brilliant. He loves it. 

Cayden's favorite blasphemous play was a sex farce about Calistria, Nocticula, Sarenrae, and Desna, and he keeps pausing to have to explain bits of theology in order to explain the plot. 

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(It's not that Lathander doesn't have a dramatic love life,  but usually one doesn't say that with his clerics' money.)

Oh. Oh my.

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"Gale has something he wants to talk about," Cayden says.

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He haaaaates this.  "I feel like I should inform you that there is a small, but non-negligible chance, that I will explode."

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"Isn't that the nature of wizards?"

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That's not helping, Shadowheart. "I am taking steps to prevent this, and I have plan to minimise the damage if it comes to that, but-- I thought you all should know."

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"If people want to split off into a non-exploding-wizard party they can do that."

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"We are currently each other's best leads on getting rid of the tadpoles." Also, he has the artefact.

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He has the artefact.

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"Well, as long as you explode closer to our enemies than to me, I can't really complain."

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"I can handle that."

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... this has been a night. Too much of a night. "I will stay."

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...right, he's carrying the artifact. 

"...if Shadowheart and Lae'zel want Gale to leave we can make Wyll carry the artifact. Sorry Wyll."

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"What artifact is this...?"

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"Gale might explode. Wyll has a patron with her claws in him. I think it should stay with Gale."

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Why does Shadowheart have to be so reasonable? "I agree."

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"...Good point." To Wyll: "there's a githyanki artifact that Lae'zel and Shadowheart dispute ownership of. Gale is carrying it for now and they'll fight for it once we're all mindflayerless."

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"I understand." No,  he doesn't, but it's so beyond his circle of concern right now that it doesn't matter.

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Cayden eats his barely-edible camp food, thinks about the artifact, and doesn't make eye contact with Shadowheart. 

He feels like a pile of shit. Why does he feel like a pile of shit? ...Because he's planning to betray her and she doesn't know and thinks that he's trustworthy.

Okay, when you put it like that.

After dinner, during which he's mostly silent, he goes to Shadowheart and says, "can we talk in private?"

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She arches an eyebrow. "You seem to be talking to a lot of people privately. Sure."

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"A lot of people have things they don't want to say publicly!" he says, walking farther from the camp than he did even with Astarion.

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"We all have our secrets. I'm not sure whether I'm more surprised by Wyll's or Gale's."

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He's not saying anything about them. 

"...I just want you to know that when you and Lae'zel end up fighting over the artifact, I'm going to be fighting on Lae'zel's side."

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"And you thought to tell me this why?"

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"You shared something with me and-- it's not fair for you to go through the adventure thinking I'm on your side."

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"I understand." She's trapped. Lae'zel, she could take, but both of them at once? Following the will of the Goddess may be beyond her. "You know, this was a foolish thing to do? Your only protection at this moment is the fact everyone would assume I had killed you.  Are you really going to trust your life with that?"

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Wow, does she have another thing comi--

Wait. Energy drain. Shadowheart could maybe take him. 

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He spreads his hands. "They call me lucky, not smart."

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"And you're lucky I'm smart enough to not to do something stupid. Still. No one could hear you cry for help, and I'm pretty sure I could convince some of them you had started changing."

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"...I think we have Shar on my homeworld." And he's running the most amazing scam claiming to be one of the oldest gods in the universe. "Individual worshippers of Shar are often great people. Some of them are my friends. i'm not even against the groups that are just a religious spin on organized crime. But the real cults-- the real cults are bad. They destroy people's lives, worshippers and victims both. I-- still have nightmares about some of the things I've seen. If I knew you just wanted to sell the artifact to the highest bidder, I wouldn't care. But I don't know anything about what they want it for, other than that they want it badly enough to erase all your memories-- that scares me." 

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How is she meant to respond to that? Her cell quite plausibly does the things he dislikes, she wouldn't know. And she doesn't know why they want the artifact. "Someone else could be worried about what the Gith will do with it. But I know I'm not going to convince you with that."

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"You could. There are a lot of groups worse than cults of Shar."

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"It didn't sound like them being pirate raiders run by a Lich Queen was enough to worry you."

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"I missed the lich thing, actually."

Maybe he will get Gale to eat the stupid artifact. 

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"That's the Vlaakith Lae'zel is always going on about." 

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In his experience, liches spend most of their time underground not doing anything. Even Ustalav had way fewer active liches than advertised. Being a sapient undead seems to make you want to spend eternity, like, napping and masturbating.

Probably Vlaakith is actually doing things??? Or maybe not, maybe they're just all worshipping some guy. 

"Uh. Let me think about it. Probably I'm still going to fight you though. It seems like the githyanki probably have a lot of githyanki artifacts and an additional artifact won't change things much, whereas this artifact has to be important to Shar's cult's plans because they want it so much."

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"Well, I'm glad you informed me that you probably want to kill me."

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"If you're going to try to kill me first, I'd appreciate it if you'd do it in some way that doesn't risk the other party members."

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"Even if you were actively sprouting tentacles from your head, there's no way I could kill you that wouldn't implicate me. You don't have to worry about me trying."

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"I mean, we could duel...?"

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"If it's all the same to you, I would prefer to only duel Lae'zel."

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"Right. So. Let's head back."

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Heading back! While seriously wondering if not stabbing him now was the correct decision.

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And now after all these shenanigans he gets to fuck off to a corner with Astarion, his least stressful party member.

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"Hello again. I take it our cleric isn't likely to explode?"

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"No cleric explosions."

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"Well, that's good to hear. Tonight has been exciting enough already."

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"It has been so exciting that you need a snack."

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"Mmm, I'm simply going to waste away if I don't,  my heart simply couldn't take it."

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Cayden bares his neck.

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The tent provides enough cover that unless someone actively looks in, they're not going to notice.

He can actually savour the flavour this time. Cayden tastes divine.

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It's probably the insane amount of power.

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Well, whatever Cayden is doing to to taste this good, he should keep doing it forever, thank you.

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Cayden will not do it forever. In fact, he's nudging Astarion's mouth away after depressingly little time. 

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Rude, but also, fair. 

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Cayden demands snuggles as payment. 

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Oh, that's more than fair payment, as long as Cayden doesn't mind that he's kind of cold.

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They can pile on extra blankets since Astarion doesn't need his bedroll tonight.

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...Cayden is very cozy.

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He wakes up in the morning to... no disasters. Right? Right???

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He wakes to no disasters!

Wyll and Gale are preparing breakfast. Wyll looks less like he is on the edge of a nervous break down. Gale looks worse than he was last night. 

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Cayden wants to cheer Wyll up. Unfortunately, Cayden's list of cheering-up strategies looks something like:

1. Alcohol
2. Lewd and/or blasphemous jokes
3. Sex
4. Murder

and while murder would probably help it's difficult to provide murders on demand. 

He hands Gale the Wand of Cure Light Wounds and then helps make breakfast. 

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... they do have a cleric around, it's safe enough to give it up. 

He tries to consume it subtly. Unfortunately, consuming magic makes his chest glow purple, so. 

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Breakfast is subtly more questionable than dinner.

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Does a lewd joke help Wyll? He has a great one about two paladins, an actress, and a bar of soap. 

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That was not the direction he expected that to go in!

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He can also give Wyll a hug.

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Hugs are good! "You don't have to."

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Ohhhhh he thinks he's repulsive.

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Pretending to complete obliviousness, Cayden says, "I like hugs."

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"As long as you're not feeling obligated." He should be able to pick himself up out of this hole without assistance. He's done it before.

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"A happy life involves some amount of obligation to help those around you who are in need of help, as you perfectly fucking well know you technically-not-paladin," Cayden does not say because it doesn't seem like time for that argument. 

Instead he helps pack up and starts heading towards where Master Halsin is. Does Lae'zel want to play a rousing and highly competitive game of I Spy while they walk?

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She can do that! She spies:

- a building that is on fire

- an abandoned village with goblins

- an abandoned temple with an air of being recently fortified

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You know this game is more fun in areas that are less... like this. 

Can they stop briefly by the building that is on fire and see if there are people there, it is likely to set any other things on fire, etc. 

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The building is in a clearing, so the fire isn't likely spread.

There are people in armour trying very hard to break down the door of the burning building.

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"Hello!" he says. "What's going on?"

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"The inn was attacked! And there's people trapped inside!"

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Yay! A problem with no complicated moral dilemmas at all!

He goes into the inn to attempt to rescue the people.

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The door is stuck fast, but Karlach is very good at kicking doors down.

There's shouting from upstairs.

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And now there's a Cayden upstairs!

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The upstairs is smoke filled and deadly-hot.

There is a huddle of guards surrounding a finely dressed elven woman. There's another man trapped under a burning beam.

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Cayden pushes the burning beam off the man-- ow ow OW-- grabs him, and carries him outside. "Healer!"

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The man is healed, but he's still in pretty rough shape. 

And Cayden has unburned hands again. You're welcome. 

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"Thanks," he says.

Are Wyll or Gale helping the elf lady and her guards?

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Gale has cast Create Water over the stairs. They're less likely to start burning, but they are slippery. 

Lae'zel has decided the correct response is to pick up the elf lady like a sack of potatoes and is now making her way down the stairs.

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Good on Lae'zel!

"Lae'zel, everyone else out?"

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Now the doors are cleared, the rest of the guards are going down the stairs. 

Astarion and Wyll are awkwardly carrying a half unconscious person. (Karlach is following, looking like she wishes she could help more. Astarion is Complaining.)

There's a woman's voice you don't recognise from down the stairs. "There's one mo-- ah, there they are."

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Cool. Now that everyone's out of the house they can get going, right?

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They can leave!

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What a nice non-moral-dilemma-filled thing that just happened! Helping people! Yay!

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"Thank you for your assistance, we were attacked by Drow--" She spots Wyll. "Wyll?"

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If the ground could open up underneath him, that would be very convenient right now. "Counsellor Florrick, it's good to see you again."

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Dammit that was too easy. 

"We're really very busy," Cayden says. "Time-sensitive rescue mission. We've got to get going."

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"We appreciate your help all the more then. If after you've done your rescue mission, you can try and rescue Grand Duke Ravengard, that would also be appreciated. He was with our party and captured."

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"We will definitely consider that! I'm sure Wyll can brief us."

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"He was taken west by Drow. Good luck with your current mission."

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Walk walk walk very determinedly playing I Spy with Lae'zel and trying to get her to spy, like, trees or birds or something.

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She keeps finding berry bushes. There's so many. 

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...he should actually brief Cayden. "Duke Ravengard is my father."

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"Aroden's balls."

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He doesn't know who Aroden is, but he concurs. "I would much rather he was still safe in the Gate."

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"We... add it to the to-do list, I guess?"

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"Halsin is a higher priority. Can't really save my father if we've turned into squids."

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"...do you want to talk about it?"

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"There isn't much to say." That's not under a geas.

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"I never would have picked you as Ravengard's spawn. I should have, though. You've both the got the irritating self righteousness."

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"Can you not."

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Under his breath. "It's true..."

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"I won't complain about being compared to him."

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Wow, Cayden hates Wyll's dad immediately

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Hey, Lae'zel, do you want to play Twenty Questions?

(Other people can also play Twenty Questions if they want.)

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This is a transparent attempt to change the topic, but it might get Astarion to shut up, so she will go along with it.

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Yeah, he is basically over the amount of persistent hostile tension in this party. They should all face near-certain death together or something and bond. 

In the absence of any near-certain danger, he will attempt to bond over learning which species Toril and Golarion share. (Apparently Toril doesn't have gigas clams! What do their adventurer-sailors even do.)

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As they get closer, it looks like the abandoned temple is the goblins base of operations.

And the best way to it is through the abandoned village. The temple is on the opposite bank of a deep stream, and a bridge crosses it on the far side of the village.

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This is an abandoned village so absolutely no random encounters will happen in it, right?

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So empty! So abandoned!

The goblin guards standing at the entrance saying "Ah, True Souls, you have arrived," are but an illusion of the harried mind.

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"What's a True Soul?" he says, bracing himself for one or several of his party members having dramatic and mysterious personal revelations.

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All of his party members look equally lost. 

"You're some of the fresh ones, aren't ya?  True souls--" he taps his finger under his eye "--Chosen by the Absolute."

The tadpole squirms. These goblins have been marked. These goblins are theirs

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He feels a wave of revulsion. No person belongs to him.

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It would be trivially easy to control them,  too. He might only be able to do it once before resting, but he could do it.

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What the fuck is wrong with you

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The goblin squints at him. "You doing alright, True Soul?"

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"...can we go past?" he says, like an idiot.

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He waves them through. "Certainly."

It's fairly picturesque for an abandoned village, with a windmill still spinning, cobbled streets, the sound of screaming coming from the windmill, half collapsed houses--

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He turns to investigate the windmill.

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There seems to be a gnome tied to one of the blades of a windmill, while some goblins cheer from the ground.

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...He climbs the windmill. 

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The goblins are confused. "Oi, what are you doing?!"

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The party is also confused! "Do you want some help?"

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Look, if there's one thing Cayden can do it's climb random objects that no one intended to be climbed. He's been able to do that since he was like six and no amount of energy drain will take this away from him.

"Hello!" he says to the gnome. "Are you tied to the windmill on purpose?"

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"Aww, c'mon, it's funny!"

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Karlach is helping by looking menacing with an ax.

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"As I've explained to my eight-year-old, it's not funny unless everyone's laughing."

Look! Here he is, remembering that he can't just stop the windmill with his bare hands anymore. ...He's not actually sure how to remove this gnome from the windmill. "Uh, guys, help?"

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"Hey, you can't just--"

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"--disobey a True Soul?"

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Ah. True Souls. They have fucked up. "C'mon, boss. We were just having a laugh. No hard feelings, right?"

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"Yes! Yes hard feelings!"

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Lae'zel and Gale run into the windmill to see if there's a stopping mechanism inside.

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He's going to hang out on the windmill and figure out how to get Barcus Wroot down once the windmill is slowed.

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The goblins, under the watchful eye of Shadowheart and Astarion, decide discretion is the better part of valour.

There's an alarming thunking noise from the windmill, and the blades stop, with the one Barcus is tied to halfway around the circuit.

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He spins the wheel a bit more so that the gnome is next to him, unties the gnome, and carries him down to the ground.

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"Well, get on with it. You saved me, now you extort me. This is how it works, yes?"

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"Well, my plan was to escort you away from the goblins, but if you want to be extorted I can oblige."

Wow, that gnome looks almost entirely bleached. 

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"Well, if you want something off me, you'll have to find my pack.  I should have ditched it; that's how they caught me." He comes across as very stressed and trying to puff himself up bigger than he is.

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"How about we help you find your pack, don't take anything from it, and escort you to-- um-- somewhere." He belatedly realizes there's nowhere within reasonable walking distance without any goblins. 

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"I really should be off-- not that I don't appreciate the lack of extortion. I'm trying to find me friend." He pulls a pendant off his neck to show Cayden. It's covered in dried blood. "I gave this to him when we were much younger. Just recently, I found it around the neck of a Low Town thug."

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"I'd offer to help you find him but we kind of have a long to-do list."

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"Which is why I'm planning to do it myself. You've likely got higher priorities to attend to." He's not being sarcastic, but there is a deep well of panicked resignation at finding himself having to be an adventurer.

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He knows that expression. (It usually results in him being generous with his magic items, but he doesn't have any magic items to be generous with, other than the hangover cure which Barcus is unlikely to find particularly useful.)

"Do you know where your pack might be?"

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He spins in a circle. "It'll be around here somewhere." The windmill is surrounded by rubble and shrubbery that could hide a gnome sized pack in their shadows. "I really don't need it."

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"Always a pleasure to help a fellow adventurer."

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He is being so reasonable in unreasonable circumstances and not rolling his eyes. 

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Cayden will do, like, five minutes of Gnome Pack Searching/Waiting For Goblins To Come Back So He Can Scare Them Off. 

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He finds it under the second bush he checks.

The goblins seem reasonably cowed.

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He whistles cheerily as he gives Barcus the pack.

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"It'll just weigh me down."

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He shrugs and sticks Barcus's pack in his pack. "You can probably find me if you change your mind."

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"And if you find Wulbren Bongle, could you let him now Barcus is looking for him?"

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"Will do."

He heads towards the temple. 

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The temple is on the other side of a bridge. There's a path that goes straight through the guarded gates, and a path that seems to snake around to a cave that they might be able to use to sneak around the wall. 

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He pauses and says to the group quietly, "what's our approach here?"

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"We could just waltz in and announce we're true souls."

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"Don't commit to any unnecessary frontal assaults."

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"... we're going for democracy again?"

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"Just wanted to see if anyone had any input. --Let's take the cave path."

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The cave path has some traps, but Astarion is able to disarm those.

There's some goblins deep in conversation sitting around a table. 

If they can sneak past those goblins, and stay in the shadow of the wall, they should be able to get across to the abandoned temple.

The sound is muffled by distance and stone, but it sounds loud in there.

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Cayden is very sneaky!

...but sneaking in a group is always difficult.

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The goblins at the table don't spot them. (They seem to be talking about some place called Moonrise Towers.)

They get very close to the bridge separating the temple from the gate and wall, when Lae'zel is spotted. "Hey!"

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Cayden spins around and prepares to knock the goblin out. 

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Uhhh why are these True Souls attacking them? And sneaking into their base?

This calls for... non lethal takedowns?

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This would be so much easier if he still knew fireball.

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This would be so much easier if he still was the best in the world at nonlethal takedowns!

...He still wins the nonlethal-takedown-off though. It's just that some of these goblins might have lasting brain damage from being knocked out, and before Cayden had a tadpole That Did Not Happen.

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Everyone else is kind of impressed, still!

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"You know we'll just have to get past them again with a kidnapped druid? And that they'll be awake?"

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"I am not a clever man. Let's go."

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They go!

At the end of the bridge is... a party? There's carousing and drinking and feasting. Someone has set up a trough of wine. Several fires and have several spits of meat roasting on them. The foppish bard from the Grove is singing on a small stage and looking deeply uncomfortable. A baby owlbear cowers in the corner from the noise.

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Good. The goblins are distracted, they can get in and get out and not kill anyone. 

He tries to figure out if there's someplace that is likely to hold a druid.

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At the back of the hall, there's a set of double doors. This temple seems pretty big.

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Sneak sneak sneak through the party to the double doors. Sorry, Astarion's fop future-boyfriend, maybe they'll be able to rescue you on the way out.

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On the other side, there's a short corridor guarded by two bored goblins.

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And now it's guarded by two unconscious goblins!

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And now he's in the main part of the temple! It's a bit of a maze. 

Nearby, there is a priestess praying. Further in the distance, there's the sound of chanting and screaming. 

A scrying eye floats past on patrol.

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...he heads towards the screaming!

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In a set of side rooms, there is a naked man on a rack and a goblin turning a crank.

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Now there's a dead goblin and a man being helped off the rack.

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Cayden has been getting some of his groove back!

"Thank you so much."

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"Can you handle yourself in a fight? There are more people we need to rescue."

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He looks unsteady as hell on his feet. "I can run."

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In the background, Shadowheart is holding her hand and trying so hard not to make a noise. 

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"...try to keep up and be in the center of the group."

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"Shadowheart, what's wrong?"

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"It's fine. Just a test."

Her goddess gave her a wound as a reminder of her faith. It had been aching something awful as long as Gale had the artifact-- as if Shar thought she needed to be reminded that she should not have done that-- and now. 

Well. It's not a surprise her Lady disapproves of removing people from racks. But it's very... strategically inconvenient.

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He says to the man, "we're looking for a human druid named Master Halsin, do you have any idea where he might be?"

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"Halsin? We got separated, but I think they took him deeper into the dungeons than they put me."

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Into the dungeons! Cayden subtly arranges the party into a less optimal formation that means that the rescuee is nowhere near Shadowheart, Astarion, or Lae'zel. 

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He loves being a buffer reasonableness.

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In the dungeons:

- so many spiders. So, so many spiders of every size and shape

- a shirtless man with some frankly impressive whip scarring going on an animated rant to himself about the goblins' lack finesse.

- a caged bear that some goblin children are throwing stones at. 

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Is anyone going to bother them or can they move through this dungeon unmolested?

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The fact that they are 'True Souls' 'escorting' a 'prisoner' gives them a surprisingly wide latitude.

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Thanks, he hates it. 

Okay, anything here that looks like a cell, anyone screaming...?

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No screaming at the moment. Most of the cells are empty, except two. One contains a pair of giant spiders, the other contains the bear.

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He approaches a goblin child. "I'm doing a prisoner transfer. Is that bear a prisoner or trapped for recreational purposes?" 

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Uhhhh this is above their non existant pay grade. "There's a difference?" One of them asks.

"It's a prisoner, silly! ...I think."

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The bear is Watching Them So Hard. 

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If that's an actual bear he's going to feel like such an idiot. 

...are spiders sentient here? Can druids turn into spiders? Should he also be rescuing the spiders? He attempts to ask this of Gale and Wyll via significant facial expression. 

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What is that facial expression, can he put it together via context clues. He speaks as quietly as possible. "He could be either. --except only one spider."

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"We'll be taking all the prisoners," he announces.

Are the cells locked?

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The cells are locked.

A goblin guard walks up. "Who sent you?"

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"I'm a True Soul. Who are you to question me?"

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The tadpole squirms. It would be so easy to force him to hand it over--

"So is Minthara, and if she can't find her prisoner, it's going to be on my head."

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Oh, well, he tried the peaceful solution. 

He kills the goblin and tries to make it dramatic enough that the kids will flee. "Someone get the cells-- Gale, Astarion--?"

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Astarion can pick locks!

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The spiders are scrabbling hungrily in the direction of the dead goblin.

Astarion chooses to assume the bear is the druid they're looking for.


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And the bear quickly collapses into the shape of a tall, broad elf-- the sort parents would tell their children "if you eat your vegetables, you'll grow up big and strong like that."

"My thanks."

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"Are the spiders people?"

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"Those are Minthara's pets. They're not more person-like than the average spider."

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"Cool. That makes escaping much easier. Let's get out of here."

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"Do you have any plans after that?"

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"Well, ideally we'd like for you to remove the mind flayer tadpoles from our faces."

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"I can try-- but I've heard talk from my captors that they are planning to march on the Grove. As the High Druid, I must place that duty first." He would much rather first be a healer. And he would also much rather first be asleep.

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"Right, yes, we're also all for saving the Grove. Let's get out of here."

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"Lead the way, then."

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He heads out. Anything interesting happen?

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The goblins are still pretty busy either partying or working. There's definitely some Questions about why, exactly, is the High Druid out and walking about, but claiming that they are True Souls and Minthara sent them gets them all the way to the gates. 

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How straightforward!

Something horrible is definitely going to happen.

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It's the guards at the gates who are the problem.

They're spotted almost immediately, sneaking away with the prized prisoner.

There's a lot cross bows pointed at them very quickly.

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Oh, he hates ranged fighting. 

He checks what Wyll is doing to see if he should charge or hang back to defend the rescuees.

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Wyll used to be able to eldritch blast people several feet backwards.

He wishes he could still do that now.

He fires at the goblins on the wall, and takes out one. 

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Cool, Wyll seems to have that handled. Cayden charges to the wall and climbs it. 

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One day, word of Cayden's climbing skill will spread.

Right now he's taking people by surprise.

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Did you know: crossbows are a terrible weapon for melee combat. 

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Which the goblins are finding out, to their detriment!

(Lae'zel tries and fails to scale the wall. Karlach jumps all the way up it.)

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Murder murder murder the goblins until the rescuees can escape.

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And they're able to run out the gates, out the abandoned village, and back to the main road.

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"Hi! I'm Cayden Cailean. Pleased to meet you all."

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"Well met, and thank you for the assistance."

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Ow ow ow shut up hand,  she's got the message.

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They should get Naked Man some clothes. Cayden heads towards where they cached their supplies.

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Naked man is now no longer walking down a main road without clothes.

Halsin casts a spell and hands him a berry, and formerly naked man is now much more capable of walking.

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Cayden says, "there are a number of interesting things happening these days."

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"Do you mean the goblin army, or the mind flayer parasite epidemic? Though they are connected, I fear."

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"And the druids nearly expelling the tieflings from the Grove."

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"... they're doing what?"

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"Doing a rite to close off the Grove and keep it safe, which means the tieflings have nowhere to stay. And also torturing random children?"

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Deep breath. "I had chosen Kagha because I thought -- incorrectly, apparently -- she would treat our guests with the proper respect." He was only gone for a few days, and she always seemed sensible. "She's been torturing children."

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"Is threatening people with snakes really torture?"

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"I must apologise for what has happened."

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"You don't have to apologize to me."

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"I should at least thank you for rescuing and informing me, then."

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"Kagha said you might be able to remove the mind flayer tadpoles."

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"I don't want to make promises I cannot keep. But I can try."

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"That could be worse." He quickly recaps his past few days. 

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Oh gods that's so many things. Several of which he could have helped with if he hadn't been in a cage

"You did very well, given the circumstances."

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Thanks, I was waiting with baited breath for your approval, Cayden doesn't say because he has learned something of Tact. 

"What's your name?" he says to Formerly Naked Man. "Or at least something we can call you, right now I'm thinking of you as Formerly Naked Man and that's not exactly uniquely distinguishing."

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"Uh, Liam?"

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Cayden now Puts Liam At His Ease. You might think that it is hard to Put Someone At Their Ease if they're surrounded by adventurers who just rescued them from being tortured by goblins, but that is because you haven't reckoned with the power of Charisma 17. 

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Charisma 17 is very powerful! He is so, so at ease. He's at ease enough that he'll admit he's going to put his adventuring days behind him. He doesn't care how much people are offering for the Nightsong, he's not doing that again.

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The Nightsong?

Damn it, she can't even ask without drawing Cayden's attention.

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"What's the Nightsong?"

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"A powerful relic. The wizard Lorroakan is offering a pretty penny for it, but all he knows is that it's somewhere in an abandoned temple."

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The name says so much. The Nightsong of the Nightsinger.

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"Is that really all you've got to go on?"

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"Look, the money is enough to make it worth looking in every abandoned shrine, fane, or temple from Calimport to Waterdeep-- or.  That's what we thought."

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"Most people who go adventuring die. Before you go adventuring, you should have something worth adventuring for. Or like where you're going."

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"...it sounded worth it at the time."

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"Most things do."

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"Anyway, I'm going back home. No matter what Aradin insists."

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"I feel I should not pry about your old home," Halsin says to Cayden. "And I could claim I just want to see if everything is connected, but I will admit I am mostly curious."

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"Well, from an interplanetary perspective the most interesting thing about my home planet is that we imprison an Evil being bent on devouring the entire universe, but it turns out that comes up surprisingly little in day-to-day life."

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... "I hope the imprisonment is going well, if it does not come up much?"

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"I fought one of its children once. Well, was part of a team that fought it. Nearly died several times, escaped by sheer dumb luck." (The rest of his team actually did die but that didn't make for fun stories.) 

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"Ah, I see you have that problem as well."

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"What problem?"

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"Bhaal's-- the God of murder-- ambitions aren't so universal, to my knowledge, but he did have many children."

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"I don't suppose any of them can be convinced that they want to murder demons and devils and daemons."

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"A fair number rebelled against their father, but not many."

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"What else is interesting about my home plane-- we don't have the Weave, you have to study for years to be able to cast cantrips. Our dead go to about half the number of planes that yours do. Our paladins are always Lawful Good, and there are antipaladins that are Chaotic Evil." He doesn't say anything about the differences in vampires. "We mostly have different gods, but some of them might be the same gods under different names. Clerics have different spells. I would say that our wildernesses are nicer to walk in but I suspect this to be an unusually terrible area."

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"It has been better in the past, yes."

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"Is there anything specifically you wanted to know? --We have druids too but I don't know that I've ever had a conversation longer than two minutes with one, they don't like people very much."

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He laughs. "We can be fairly solitary here, too. I'd ask you about what lives on your planet, but I fear I would be being too much of a druid if I did."

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There are lions! Gigas clams! Cat siths! Owlbears! Bunyips! Doombats! Horses! Whales! Pigs that people magically engineered to be able to smell evil!

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They have lions and owlbears and horses and whales too! And Pseudodragons! Gelatinous cubes! Bears!

Also the spiders are not generally particularly sentient. Are the spiders sentient in his world?

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They have pseudodragons and bears and gelatinous cubes!

"Spiders are not normally very intelligent but when I'm rescuing a bear I tend to want to check."

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"I certainly appreciated it."

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"Did you learn anything about the goblin situation while you were in prison?"

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"Not as much as I would have liked, just bits and pieces that don't quite connect. They're working for something they call 'the Absolute,' and they're planing to march towards Moonrise Towers." How they plan to get there is another question he cannot answer. "I think the reason they are not marching now is that they want to protect their flanks from the Grove, and as long as they don't know where it is, they can't do as much as they would like."

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"What's in Moonrise Towers?"

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"There should be nothing. It's a cursed land."

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"Evil outsiders? Wasteland after a magical war?" Master Halsin doesn't know what Ustalav is. "Country full of liches for no obvious reason?"

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"Many years ago, Ketheric Thorm raised an army in the name of Shar, and lead them out of Moonrise Towers to conquer.

"I was part of the army lead to defeat him. We succeeded-- and in his final act, Ketheric Thorm cursed the land with shadows that kill and raise those that they slay. It is now truly Shar's country.

"There are places that are passable, though I would not recommend trying. Moonrise is in the heart of it. Nothing should live there. Not without something powerful intervening."

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"Well, I guess I know what I'm doing once I no longer have a tadpole in my brain."

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"If you ever wish for assistance with that quest, I would be happy to join you. I have been trying to find a way to lift the shadow curse myself."

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"It seems bizarre to fight a war with goblins of all species."

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"It's a known tactic of the drow, and one of their leaders is drow nobility."

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"It just... seems hard to keep them pointed in the same direction instead of having them blow up your own artillery?"

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"The drow seem to find being sufficiently threatening affective enough." It is clear he Deeply Disapproves.

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"How... smart... are goblins?"

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"They vary in much the same way as elves, or humans, or dwarfs do."

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"Back home they're-- they're like an entire species of six-year-olds that have only ever gotten their ideas of how to behave from other six-year-olds, and also can kill people."

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"...ah. I would not give them artillery."

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"I... guess I feel better about killing them if they're not all children, here."

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"I do worry about them being coerced in this case. I'll admit it would be convenient if the goblin army and the illithid parasites were connected, and I have little proof, but."

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"It's hard to take as much joy in fighting after you really internalize that the other guy is usually some guy just like you who got given a sword and sent to die for reasons he doesn't understand."

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"And has someone else's sword at the back of his neck."

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"Do you ever play chess and think that the pawns should ally, maybe talk around the rooks, and start killing those fuckers at the back of the board?"

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He laughs. "I imagine it would be very entertaining to play chess with you."

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"The kings would never see it coming."

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"Nor would your opponent."

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Cayden's going to check in on Liam.

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Liam is physically fine, thanks for answering! He is very capable of walking back to the Grove and punching Aradin in the face.

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"If you want help punching your boss, I'm all in."

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"Is Aradin doing anything especially punchable?"

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"This was all his idea. --I mean, unless you count the guy offering the reward, I guess. And then he ran and left me to die!"

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"Not cool."

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"I mean, I can't fault him that much for not dying with me, but still."

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"It's worth a punch to the face."

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"You,  Zevlor... he really drives a lot of people to punching him."

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"Is Zevlor also punching Aradin?"

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"Unless Aradin decided to punch himself when we were in the Grove? Which I don't know, maybe he did."

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Cayden is getting the feeling he's supposed to remember who Aradin is but he super does not. 

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"He's the one who led the goblins to the gates and,  uh," --glance in the direction of Halsin-- "lost track of the druid."

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"Yeah, okay, punchable."

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"A consensus! It's a real win for democracy."

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"We could replace democracy with putting me in charge."

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"I'm not sure things would change that much if you were, honestly."

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"He wouldn't have both of his eyes?"

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"... that is true."

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"I was only going to trade away my eyes if Master Halsin couldn't fix it!"

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"... that.. makes sense?"

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"Please do not give away your eyes?"

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"They're my eyes and I can do whatever I want with them."

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"This is true, but I still recommend that you don't."

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"Well, fix me up and it won't be an issue."

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"I will endeavour to do my best-- who even wants your eyes?"

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"Some weird probably-archmage in the woods?"

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"Hmm." Has an archmage moved in while he was captured??? There are too many things. 

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"She can't want your eyes for anything good."

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"That's true."

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"I mean. They're your eyes. Just want to make sure you're going in there with them open."

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"Well, just kill me before she does anything and it's fine."

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"... better than turning into a mind flayer, I guess."

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"Exactly. Might as well get something out of my death."

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"You're the heroic sacrifice type, huh?"

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"It keeps not taking!"

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"Best way it can go, if you still get what you want. Hasn't taken yet for me, either."

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"A lot of heroic sacrifices in your past?"

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"Best way to get out of the Blood War if you can't get out of the Hells, you know?"

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"I mean. Yeah? Glad I got out properly though."

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"I guess Hell really is that awful."

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"Especially with Zariel breathing down your neck all the time."

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"Who's Zariel?"

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"The archdevil who owned me. She thought I was a very useful tool. ... and that I could be usefuler."

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"Yeah,  bad situation all round."

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Cayden notices that Lae'zel is hanging back. Come to think of it, she'd been pretty awkward around him ever since they... whoops.

Cayden slows down until he and Lae'zel are a bit behind the rest of the group. 

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"Do you require something." At least no one can is watching them now. But still. 

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"Just wanted to say hi."

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"Hello." There are waves of embarrassment coming off her. Is Cayden going to hug her again. Induce her to think hugging him is a good idea. Help. 

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"I'm not going to bite you."

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"Not in front of people, I'd hope."

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"I feel like you've been acting strange since we fucked."

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Ah. Hmm. "I can attempt to be more subtle, if you would like."

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"That's not really the point, it's just-- if I did something you don't want or took advantage of you because you were drunk I'm sorry?"

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Even if they are speaking quietly and no one is in earshot, do they need to be having this conversation in front of people. ('In front of people' was the problem!)

"There is no problem with you laying with me."

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"Oh. Well. In that case, I'm sorry for whatever it was I did and I hope I can do better in the future."

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"It was my own behaviour." Could some vile foe jump out of the bushes so she can end this conversation. "I am not usually so... Affectionate." She spits the word.

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"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you do something you didn't like."

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Not liking it is not the problem. "I don't want the others to... misunderstand."

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Oh. Fuck. Right. She has a reputation to keep track of and doesn't want every man in the party to think he can have his way with her. Not that it seems very wise for anyone to think that, Lae'zel would definitely cut off their balls, but it would be inconvenient to be down a party member.

"Right. Should have thought of that. Sorry again."

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Everyone saw her be affectionate and cuddly and... she's going to cut that line of thought off at the pass. "You do not need to apologise. It will not happen again." 

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"Glad that's settled."

He rejoins the main part of the party. Anything interesting happen?

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Astarion seems to be flirting with their druid, who is taking it with bemused good grace.

Karlach also seems to be trying to befriend Wyll, based on their shared experience of "devils are arseholes."

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Ooh, Cayden wants to flirt with the druid. 

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Well, as long as he doesn't do it by walking slightly in his personal space and craning his neck to look up at him. That role is taken. "My, you are well travelled."

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"Hey! Only one of us has been to a different planet."

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He smiles. "I will have to concede to that."

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"I'm curious to hear more about this world."

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"I could not tell you as much as I would like, I have only been along the Sword Coast and the Underdark underneath it."

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"You wouldn't have missed much. There is nothing of value inland."

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"I was going to say 'I think everywhere has value to the people who live there!' but I guess I can't rule out that the inland is valueless because it's all full of giant nonsapient man-eating clams."

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"Those are strictly coastal, I'm afraid."

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"They might have little feet. To go around hunting humans in the inland."

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"You could potentially transplant them to a salt lake,  but it would have to be a fairly rich one."

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"Neither of our ideas sound like a good one to tell a wizard."

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"What's not a good idea to tell me?"

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"Horrifying monster proposals."

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"Better or worse than owlbears?"

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"Owlbears aren't horrifying."

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Astarion looks at him like he's grown a second head. "Nothing should have a beak the size of an anvil!"

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"The thing that bothers me about owlbears is that apparently wizards on two different planets decided to combine an owl and a bear to see what happened."

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"I'd say it was a case of great minds thinking alike."

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"Says the damn wizard."

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He smiles, and holds his hands up. "Alas, I cannot be other than what I am." 

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Anyway he was flirting with the druid and not with the Gale. "I'm sure you've had fascinating adventures in the Underdark. I've never been underground on my home planet."

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He pauses, thoughtful. "It's a beautiful place.  Dangerous, but beautiful. It's a shame that some of the civilisations there choose to make it more deadly than it already is."

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"My favorite places are dangerous but beautiful. People too."

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Ah-huh. He is old and experienced enough to recognise that expression. "I'm assuming you're favourite people don't usually grow glowing mushrooms?"

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"While my favorite people sometimes give me weird mushrooms, I have not eaten any weird mushrooms that glow!"

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"They can be quite tasty. ... nothing more though, usually."

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"Perhaps someday I will get to try the finest cuisine of the Underdark."

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"If we cross paths in a quieter time, I would be happy to show you."

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"It's a date."

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"It's a shame this Coast is never quiet. But we'll see."

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"I've always said it's important to take time for recreation."

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It would be nice to take a break, if he could trust the Grove wouldn't completely fall apart if he left it for a tenday. "You seem like the type to see adventuring as recreation."

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"Nah. You need to take breaks in between. For drinking and frolicking."

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"Not things that can easily be done on the road."

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"Not without dying because you didn't set a good watch, at any rate."

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Cayden checks in on the "devils are assholes" conversation.

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Wyl looks somewhat uncomfortable, and Karlach seems pretty determined to try and make this a friendship.

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Cayden will try to cheer up Wyll, or alternatively distract Karlach. "What are you guys up to?"

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"Ah, just talking shop." Read: trying to get this guy to feel less bad about nearly killing me. 

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"Ah! Shop. Must be a refreshing change having some people you morally shouldn't stick with the pointy end of your sword."

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"They're much better company, that's for certain."

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"I try. --What are you looking forward to now that you're no longer in Hell?"

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"Eating food that isn't rations, having a good drink, and sleeping out under the stars-- that last one likely isn't too hard."

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"Unfortunately, I'm new to this plane and I don't know where the best party is."

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"Really can't go wrong with Baldur's Gate, mate."

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"Maybe we should go there when the tadpole situation is sorted out."

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She laughs. "You me treat you to a drink then,  alright?"

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"Only if I can treat you to one first."

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"Baldur's Gate has enough you can go on a proper crawl."

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"Second best thing to crawl."

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She raises an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

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"After dungeons! --It has just occurred to me that that pun might not work in this language."

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"Dungeons! Honestly those are safer than some places in Baldur's Gate."

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"Ooh, which ones?"

And how is Wyll feeling?

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Wyll is... subdued but seems reasonably okay? 

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"The Blushing Mermaid is full of sailors, which explains itself really. And-- I'm not saying that there are any taverns literally underneath the city, and I definitely would not say they give plenty of ancient wizards' lairs a run for their money, you understand?" 

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"If underground taverns exist, I'd want to drink there, so it's a shame they don't."

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"Real, real shame." 

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...there were underground taverns this entire time??? 

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No, there specifically weren't! Isn't Wyll paying attention?

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"The Hightown Taverns had their moments. The patrons being patriars did not make them well behaved, just meant they had more elaborate knives." 

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They arrive at the Grove, and the gates are being opened very quickly. 

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Cayden is also going to enter the gates very quickly!

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Inside the gates is the very particular controlled chaos of a lot of civilians waiting to evacuate.

Zevlor comes up through the crowd, looking visibly relieved. "You have the First Druid."

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"Yes, we do. Can I help with--" He gestures.

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"You have done more than enough already. If you can clear the road off goblins, or stop Kagha completing the Rite of Thorns--"

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"She's still on that?"

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"It is nearly complete." His shoulders sag. "That is why we are here at the gates."

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Halsin is making an expression of you get kidnapped for less than a tenday...

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Honestly, that's a relief, Cayden doesn't want to have dragged Halsin all the way here to discover that he also wants an enormous number of civilians to die.

"Halsin, can you talk some sense into her?"

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"If she can have sense talked into her." He heads deeper into the Grove.

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Cayden follows along because he has a very high Splendor and that makes up for his Wisdom, especially if he knows what he's supposed to be persuading people of. 

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Circles of druids chant around the Idol of Sylvanus, and the chanting falters as they see Halsin enter.



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"I see you choose to return."

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Hello yes he is returning and he has a very pointy sword, please keep everything inside this plane of existence. 

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Kagha is Watching The Sword. "We had to take steps to maintain the safety of the Grove in your absence."

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"There are children out there!"


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Kagha is unmoved.

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"I think the safety of the children matters more than a bunch of trees!" Cayden says and then immediately concludes that his absence of Wisdom has once again outpaced his Splendor.

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"I remain unsurprised that you care more about these interlopers than about the sanctity of this Grove."

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The circle of druids is starting to split- not in half, but two thirds in favour of Halsin.

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This... does not look like it's coming to a peaceful ending. 

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There in the shadows of the room, something moves. It might just be a trick of the light? It might be someone using an invisibility spell.

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"I think there's someone using an invisibility spell over there!" he shouts, because Good Party Communication Is Important. 

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The invisibility drops, and there's a dwarfism woman and several wolves. She's dressed as a druid, and wolves have that slightly top intelligent look of a wildshaped animal. "Kagha. It might be best if some things are pruned."

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Things like... civilians?

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A bunch of druids are very rapidly wild shaping! Including Halsin! So the answer appears to be yes, most likely. 

The invisible druid is definitely dressed differently. 

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All right! Time to stick people with the pointy end!

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The scene is chaotic. The room is big, but not big to contain bears and wolves and boars and a human with a sword all fighting each other. 

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This might be a problem for someone who hasn't been adventuring for multiple decades, and also can't do backflips over a bear. 

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There's losses on Halsin and Cayden's side, but they have the advantage of both Cayden and numbers. 

There's a moment, after the battle, where the survivors all stare at the dead. 

"Shadow druids," someone says.

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Either Kagha's left eyebrow is incredibly fascinating, or he's at a loss for words.

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"I'm not from this plane, what's a shadow druid?"

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"They are a group of druids who do not believe that nature and civilisation can ever come to a balance. We-- do not welcome them into our Grove."

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"I always thought that was normal druids. --Uh, not that I mean to say anything against druids as people."

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He's still just... stating at the corpse of Kagha. "There is a difference between protecting nature and killing children to do it."

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He puts a hand sympathetically on Halsin's shoulder.

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"I was the one who made her my second in command." 

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"You couldn't have known."

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"I was he teacher, I should have." He turns away from her. "Forgive me, we still have work to do."

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Sometimes, when someone is grieving, what they need is a task. 

He follows Halsin in search of tasks.

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There's bringing the tieflings back in and reassuring them the druids don't want them dead! There's preparing the Grove's defenses because the goblins know where it is now!

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He's good at soothing but probably not in a very relevant way. He goes off to prepare the defenses and offer some of his hard-earned wisdom from all the times he hasn't died.

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All additional hands helping with barricades are appreciated.

The sun starts to set, and there's a tense thrum in the air. They probably won't die tonight, but they may die tomorrow?

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Well, he's always gotten out of it alive so far, at any rate.

Anyone going for one last pre-death party/drink/roll in the hay?

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Wyll is back to teaching the tiefling children to sword fight. 

Shadowheart is praying. 

And around the fire-- Astarion is lounging insouciantly. Gale is reading a book. Karlach is savouring some wine, and Lae'zel is going at her sword with a grindstone. Those last four definitely seem... interruptible. 

Several of the tieflings and druids might also be. Halsin is checking over all the livestock. A purple haired tiefling bard is playing a lute in the halting manner of someone having a fight with a song they are trying to write. A tiefling dressed as a wizard is repeatedly casting fire bolt in much the same way.


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He sits by the bard. 

"The goddess of music has abandoned you in your time of need?"

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 "Dance upon the stars tonight, smile and pain will fade away."  She strums her lute, and up closer it's obvious that the hesitancy in her voice isn't just not knowing what she's singing next, but brushing up against an emotion that's too hot to touch without the armour of chords.  "Words of mine will change-- no, Become-- ugh." 

She puts down the lute in her lap and turns to him. "She's-- maybe not being as helpful as she could be." 

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"Happens to everyone. Want to talk about it?"

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"I wouldn't say not to help." She looks down at the lute. "I thought playing would be-- easier isn't the right word. More true? 'Easier' is easier to rhyme than 'true'." 

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"You play well."

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"You're very kind to say that," she says bashfully.

She picks the lute up and tries again. "Words of mine will turn to ash, when you call the last light down. Moon reminds me of your grace, all the love I can't replace." 

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"Writing about something?"

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"Lihala. My teacher. My friend." 

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He makes a sympathetic listening noise.

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"She was singing. Neither of us heard the gnolls coming." She grips the neck of her lute tight, voice thick. "I haven't played since she past." 

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"It never really stops hurting."

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"I know. And-- she wouldn't want me to swap."

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"You have to trust in that whenever you're the last one left alive."

Not that he has any experience with that or anything. 

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Ah. Well. That makes sense, and explains why he's so sympathetic.

"She'd want me to keep playing. Follow in her footsteps, if she couldn't do it herself."

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"It's natural to grieve, but-- the thing you can do that would make her happy, if she scried you from wherever she ended up, is to grab as much joy as you can with your two greedy little hands and cling to it as hard as you can while the universe tries to wrench it away from you."

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She nods. she picks up her lute again, and plays.

It's about grief and loss,  but the tune is hopeful and full of happy memory, and, most importantly, it's confident.

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"It's beautiful."

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"Thank you. You really did help."

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"I'm glad. --Keep playing."

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"I promise I will."

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He leaves her to it and goes off to talk to the wizard.

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The wizard is now in a deep argument with two other tieflings, a man and a woman. 

"You just care about your stupid apprenticeship," shouts the woman.

The wizard has a moment of sputtering shock. 

"We can't just leave them, they're kin." 

The wizard straightens himself, the way a cat would arch it's back and hiss at a dog. "I'm not going to gamble our lives, our futures, on people who are as good as dead, even if the druids decide to help out of the goodness of their hearts. We must leave for Baldur's Gate at once." 

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"What's going on?"

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"My sister is trying to get us all killed," says the wizard.

Their brother, who has been silent till this point, speaks. "I think leaving might be even more likely to kill us."