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And then there's Untouchable, with the owner standing gruffly behind the counter.


Akira nods to him. "I got some money of my own together, and I'm back for that Peacemaker my friend wasn't willing to cover." 

She pulls out her Metaverse money. With all the shadows they've killed she's got more than enough to cover it.


He nods, bagging it up for her. "¥14,200."


She hands it over, and puts the gun in her pack. It's a simple enough transaction. 


He gives her a parting nod as she leaves.


Okay, should she pick anything else up while she's here... She sees a small drug store down the street, she'll pop in and buy some basic painkillers and first aid supplies just in case. That doesn't take long.

It's as she's heading back up toward the station that Lapin Angelique catches her eye again. 


I see you eyeing those cute clothes, Julie's voice echoes in her mind. You know you want to.


Yeah, okay, she does want to. 

She ducks into the shop.


The interior is just as darkly gothic and fashion-forward as before, full of intricate lace pieces and all kinds of clubwear and EGL clothing.


She picks out the cheapest overbust corset they have available — she doesn't have a ton of money to blow after buying the Peacemaker — buys it, and puts it in her bag. 

The cashier calls her miss again. 

It's not even hard.


This was never the hard part. You simply needed income. The hard part was recognizing that you've deserved this all along, mon cœur.


Yeah. It's not about the money, it's about sending a message. It's just the rules she'd built up in her head — that she's not a real girl, that she doesn't deserve to have good things — that stopped her. Her parents couldn't have watched her at literally every moment. 

Joker grins to herself. Another successful infiltration. Nobody suspects a thing.


Just so, chérie.

She can feel the smile in Julie's mental voice.


Joker drums her fingers on the strap of her backpack as she heads back onto the train. She feels stronger. Fiercer. More herself.

Julie's right. She's been holding herself back for far too long.


The world has no right to deny your Truth, moitié. I dare them to try to stop us.


Joker just sends back a mental nod. 

It's back to Leblanc with her. She's got to get to bed.


Sojiro's there with a nod as she comes in. There are customers in there this time: an older couple in one booth, and a familiar face in another.


Doctor Takemi looks even more punk without the labcoat. She's wearing another of her short dresses, very dark red this time, and a pair of strappy boots with platforms and high heels. She smiles at Akira as she enters. "Evening, Akira-chan."


Akira blinks when she sees Doctor Takemi in Leblanc — especially in that dress — and for a moment a bolt of panic goes through her before she manages to get her nerves under control. 


Think, Akira, she told you that she was a customer. This is entirely predictable.


Still, it's kind of like spotting your teacher while out shopping. 

"Hey," she says, a smile on her face. "I didn't expect to see you at the café today, Doctor."


She shrugs and smiles. "I had an early night at the clinic tonight, so I felt like getting some coffee. How are you doing?"


"Well enough. A friend of mine had a close brush today but everything turned out fine in the end, so all's well that ends well, you know?" She gestures to her pack. "Mind if I drop this upstairs real quick? I've been hauling it all day and my shoulders are starting to get sore."


"Go ahead," she replies, taking another sip of her coffee and eating another bite of curry.


She heads upstairs and drops off her pack on her bed. So long as she's talking with Sakura-san that should be safe. 

Back downstairs she goes.

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