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I Am Thou, Thou Art I
Persona 5 but more Gender
Permalink Mark Unread

It has been a shit few months for Akira. All because she stood up for once and did something right. 

Well, the police didn't see it her way. She got charged for her defense of that woman rather than the actual perpetrator getting any consequences at all. Then they searched her house and found her grey-market hormones, which they promptly confiscated. Now the police have her on probation and she's been sent to stay with some old man in Tokyo while she "gets back on her feet," as if she actually needs to solve something in her life other than the whole damn world being dead-set against her. 

Oh, and there's malware on her phone, probably planted by the police, and she's having splitting headaches all the time. So that's great. 

At least she probably doesn't have to see her parents ever again, if she plays her cards right. They even made her change her last name when she enrolled as a girl at her new school. It's clear they want nothing to do with her. 

The train rocks to a stop at Yongen-Jaya. The house of the man she'll be staying with - Sojiro Sakura - is somewhere around here. She'll have to check in with her map app. 

She orients herself and puts one foot in front of the other.

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There's a little bit of quiet bustle in the station, and in the streets above. On the way to Sakura-san's house, Akira overhears talk of a rise in psychotic breaks, and mention of "mental shutdowns". The weird app lets her delete it, and stays gone for like five minutes after that, but then the next time she checks her phone it's back. Is that the normal way malware behaves? Does she know? It's certainly persistent, at least.

She passes a little second-hand store, a grocery, a coffeeshop, a little medical clinic, and some entertainments like a bathhouse, batting cages, and even a little movie theater.

Eventually she finds Sakura-san's house, down a side street. It has a gate, and a buzzer at the gate.

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It's probably in the firmware or something. Who knows why it even shows up as an app. Shitty government code job? Whatever.

She stops at the gate and presses the buzzer, and does the little shift in her throat that lets her sound properly feminine. It tires her to keep her voice in the right register, but she's going to try and put forward the best impression she can. 

Let's see who she's going to be staying with.

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Apparently no one is answering the door.

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Well that's a problem. If Sakura-san doesn't let her in she has nowhere to stay the night.

She presses the buzzer again, a little more insistently. 

Much as she'd like to go up and knock, she's on probation and the last thing she wants is to "snoop."

If that doesn't work for another few minutes, she'll check on her phone that this is definitely the right house, and then see if this gate opens and she can go knock on the door.

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After another minute, a delivery driver steps back out from dropping something off at the small apartment building next door. "Looking for Sakura-san, miss?", he asks.

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She fights down her smile and tries to keep her voice steady.

"Yes, I am."

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"You'll probably find him at Leblanc, his coffeeshop. It's a street or two over."

She did see a coffeeshop down a side street on the way here, didn't she?

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"Oh! Thank you. I'll head over there right away." 

And that is about as much as she can hold her voice without it cracking. She just nods and doubles back as quickly as she can.

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It's a small place, with a red and white awning over the door, and text printed on it.

coffee & curry


A sign hanging on the door announces that it's open.

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She lets herself in and looks around. Is there anyone in the café?

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Leblanc does a lot with the little bit of space it has. Chalkboards hang behind the bar announcing coffee blends and curry and prices, and there's a little payphone at the corner of the bar, and a bunch of little booths along the other wall. There's a TV on the far wall, and a clock just right of the door, and a staircase going upward in the very back.

Leblanc Interior Fanart, by LudoMako

There are no customers at the moment.

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There is, however, this man, wearing a black apron over a collared shirt. He's cleaning up a few dishes from some customers that just left. "Four hours for one cup of coffee," he mutters to himself, not yet having noticed Akira come in.

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Wow, this place is dead. The side street location clearly isn't doing it any favors. 

Akira steps over to the bar and gives her best smile.

"Excuse me," she says, stretching her voice again. "Are you Sakura-san?"

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He turns to look. "Yes, I am. Welcome to Leblanc. What can I do for you, miss?"

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She lets the smile show this time. It still feels so good to get seen as who she is, even if the circumstances are awful. 

"I'm, ah - Akira Kurusu." She fidgets with her glasses, adjusting the temple. "I'm here about the -" Her voice falls for a moment, cracks. "The program." 

She's still hurt about it, even now. She'd expected the system to be on her side, to help her against the cruelties of the world. She knew it wasn't kind to trans people, but for a real woman on the street - 

It's not worth thinking about. She shoves it away, tries to focus on the new start she's being offered. That's a good thing, isn't it?

"I'm sorry to trouble you," she says. Her voice is more ambiguous, now. It doesn't always clock her, but she's not confident in it and that makes it harder to be brave.

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"Ah. Yes, I'll be taking care of you for the next year. C'mon back, I'll show you to your room."

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"Thank you."

She'll follow him. It's simple enough to do.

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Up the stairs they go, to an attic. A few cobwebs lurk in corners of the ceiling. There's a workbench in the corner under a tarp, a bunch of books on a couch and table on the left wall, various junk on a tarp on the floor, some boxes next to that tarp, some cluttered shelves on the right wall, a rack of coffee bean sacks, and a serviceable-looking futon under a tarp in the back. There's no air conditioning and poor insulation, judging by the slight chill Akira can feel.

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Not what she hoped for, but it is at least a space. She'll just have to get some blankets for wintertime. And maybe a hand fan or two. 

The books are a good sign about Sakura-san. Any titles she can make out? 

She ought to be grateful that anyone's taken her in, but honestly it makes her angry that this is what she's ended up with. It's not fair. If her family would have just supported her she'd still be -

Bad path for her thoughts to go down. 

She bows to Sakura-san. "Thank you for your hospitality." It's not actually his fault that it is this way. Just the way of the world.

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"Don't need all that formality with me, I just run a coffee shop. Used to use it for storage space, but it's full of junk now. If you want to clean it out, be my guest. I'm too busy to do it myself."

He leans back against the rack of coffee beans. "Got the gist of your situation. Something about an assault? Wouldn't have guessed you were the type."

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Should she say it. She doesn't know this man. It might just make her look petulant. Or like she thinks she knows better. 

She does, actually, know better, but Sakura-san doesn't know her either. He has no reason to trust her word. 

"... I was trying to protect someone." The words spill out anyway, the wound still raw. "But I don't expect you to trust that."

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He gives her an appraising look at that. Something resembling sympathy flits across his face for a moment. "I'm sure you were."

Then he straightens up, looking her in the eye. "Now listen up. I agreed to take you in as a favor to one of my customers who knows your parents. If you behave and keep your head down, your probation will be lifted. Cause any trouble, and you won’t have anywhere to go, got that?"

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She's still not used to being treated as a criminal.

"I understand."

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Then his expression softens just a touch. "Also, your case worker told me about you being trans. The main thing you need to worry about this year is staying out of trouble, but the way I see it, you’re only going to be able to do that if you have support. So… if there’s a specific way I should or shouldn’t refer to you, or anything like that, let me know."

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Maybe this guy's not so bad after all. 

"Please call me Akira. If you're using English, she and her for pronouns. I know my given name would have been on the paperwork, but..."

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He nods. "But you don't want t'hear it. Simple enough, Akira. You can just call me Boss."

He looks around for a moment, then points to a box in front of the couch. "Oh, your things from home arrived yesterday, along with your school uniform."

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Akira nods sharply. "Alright, Boss."

She has a lot of settling in to do, doesn't she. Well, best to get to it. 

"I'd like to get to work settling in, if that's alright."

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"Look at you, all eager to go. Well, I'll leave you to it. We'll be going to Shujin tomorrow to finalize your enrollment, so make sure you're ready for that."

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"Alright. I'll do my best."

That's all she's ever done.

She goes over to the box of her things and starts to unpack. 

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And Sojiro vanishes back downstairs.

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There's not a lot to unpack. Just her old clothes - all for boys, naturally - her old binders from last year. No real personal items. She had a stuffie of a fox that she hid under her bed with her prescriptions, but her family threw it out. 

The new uniform is... scary and hopeful at the same time. It comes with a skirt, knee-length, demure. 

She'll see about uncovering the futon. She's going to need that to sleep tonight. Then she'll try and clear up the junk on the floor. 

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Underneath the tarp, the futon is actually in quite decent shape. A little dust got on it despite the tarp, but that can be brushed off easily enough. It doesn't have any linens, but her family sent some basic sheets? 

As for the junk on the floor, there's a can of paint, a few old psychology and neurology books (that claim to be the property of one Wakaba Isshiki if looked inside), a probably-fake potted plant given that it's still green up here, some boxes, a few stacks of old wrapped-up magazines and newspapers, a ladder, and so on.

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The ladder's going to be a pain, but maybe she can at least nudge most of this into a corner? The potted plant can go by her bed, it's nice to have something green in the space. 

She's okay. It's only physical work. 

She'll get the sheets on the futon once she's cleared a little space to move in.

There is really a lot of junk here. 

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A bunch of stuff can scoot and stack off to the far corner, including the ladder, and that makes quite a bit of space. The boxes stack easily enough, the bags can go on top of them, the plant turns out to be surprisingly real and somehow still alive, what turn out to be a pair of jerry cans, thankfully empty, can go in the junk stack in the corner by the stairs with the boxes, is that an old CRT TV in the corner?, and now goodness she can see the floor.


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Oh hey, a CRT like the one she had in her room at home. Cool. 

The jerry cans are not good but fortunately don't even smell of fuel; they must have been sitting here a while, empty. 

She'll get the sheets on the futon and all. That's fine. 

Halfway through she's interrupted by another splitting headache. She sits down hard on the floor and just cradles her head for a bit as her vision swims a little. Is this what a migraine aura is like? 


She eventually sits up and returns to dressing the futon. 

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Even with the interruption, before long she's got everything handled that can be handled without cleaning supplies, throwing stuff out, or finding another storage place.

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She has really got nothing much more to do with tonight, does she? 

Akira sits down heavily on the futon.

She supposes she's better try on her new school uniform. Since she'll be over there tomorrow. 

She'll change up here, and then go see if there's a washroom downstairs with a mirror she can look in.

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It fits decently well, at least as best she can tell without a mirror. 

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Heading downstairs, she finds Sojiro starting to wrap up the store for the night.

"Trying on the new uniform? Looks good, kid."

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"Thank you!"

The "kid" is a bit annoying but she will cope. "Is there a bathroom with a mirror...?"

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He nods and points behind him, toward a door. "Just through there. Cleaning supplies are down there too, if you need them. No shower, though. I can let you into my place to shower there if you need one."

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That's going to be awkward long-term.

"Thank you," she says. "Is there any other storage space I could move some things to? It's pretty crowded up there, and, um, there's some jerry cans and things..."

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"Ah. Hm."

He puts a few dishes away while he thinks.

"There might be room for a few things in the attic at the house, the ladder and the cans at least."

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"That would be so helpful, thank you."

She's used to having to thank adults after every sentence, but also she is kind of genuinely grateful. It's not going to be fun to lug that ladder all that way.

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He shakes his head. "Bring the cans down in a bit and let me know when you're ready, and I'll help with the ladder."

And he looks back down at the dishes he's washing.

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Alright. Then she'll head into the washroom.

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Simple little washroom, with a toilet and a sink and a mirror. There's a cabinet under the sink, too.

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She's lucky, as trans people go. She knows she's lucky. She's only sixteen, so many people catch it far too late. 

It still takes a lot of effort to look at herself in the mirror.

She's been doing HRT by herself for a year, so her face is still smooth, no sign of hair growth. Her chin is sharp - nothing she can do about her bone structure. 

Her hair is longer, now. She's been ducking haircuts for a long time. It was worth it. 

The uniform suits her. Formal. Emphasizes her slight breasts. The skirt is long enough that it's not a problem. She looks... A lot like a regular girl. 

Her voice used to be better. Then they took her off blockers for a couple months in jail. She needs new medication, and fast. At least Sakura-san might actually help with that. 

She feels like she wants to cry, but the tears won't come. So she washes her face in the sink and gets out the cleaning supplies from the cabinet below. 

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She finds a full assortment of all the usual cleaning products, and there's a broom and a mop just outside the bathroom, too.

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Sojiro doesn't look up from his closing duties as she comes back out.

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Should she ask the question. 

She really shouldn't, should she. She still doesn't really know Sakura-san. And it's not as if one more day will make a difference one way or another. 

- one more day of going the wrong wrong wrong direction, one more day of hurt and emptiness and dead feelings, one more one more one more - 

Akira doesn't look at him either, just goes upstairs and changes into her boy clothes again and gets back to cleaning. Can't stain the uniform. 

She's so tired. She just wants to sleep for a month. For a year. Forever, maybe.

She cleans anyway. It's what she's supposed to do.

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The attic gets progressively tidier and cleaner, until soon it just looks rustic rather than filthy. There's still the stack of boxes, but most of them can be thrown out sometime soon, judging by the look of the contents. The rest will probably fit on the bottom of the coffee rack if she rearranges the sacks of beans enough. 

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She's physically exhausted now as well as mentally, but there's still the ladder to deal with and the jerry cans. 

She takes the jerry cans downstairs with her. The ladder will have to be next.

"Hey," she says to Sakura-san. She doesn't have it in her to be cheery.

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"Hey kid. You look tired."

He heads up to grab the ladder, getting a look of the room.

"Damn, kid," he exclaims, "you really put in the elbow grease up here. Good job. Mind grabbing the other end of this ladder with me?"

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"Sure." Her voice is flat, dead. It's hard to fake enthusiasm.

She takes firm hold of the offered end of the ladder.

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Sojiro takes the the front end, going backwards, which will be heavier going downstairs. When they get to the door, he sets the ladder down outside briefly to flip the sign on the door to "closed", then they continue back to his house. Once they arrive, he sets down the ladder against the wall just inside the gate. "I'll show you where the shower is, kid. I'll handle the rest of these."

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A shower is not exactly what she needs right now but she'll take it.

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The shower is upstairs. It's simple enough. There are a variety of hygiene products. Sojiro says she can use any of them tonight and he'll give her some money to pick some up tomorrow at the store.

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She'll deal. 

It's not comfortable, but at least the shampoo smells nice. She gets to run her hands through her lengthening hair. The hot water warms her aches a bit and that helps.

She still dissociates through the whole shower.

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When she gets out of the shower, the ladder has vanished and Sojiro is just coming back down from putting the jerry cans in the attic.

"I left the shop unlocked this time. We'll figure something better out later. Just lock the door behind you when you get in."

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"Alright. See you tomorrow, I guess."

She bows again out of long-ingrained habit.

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"See you tomorrow."

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The walk back is quiet. 

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She lets herself back into the store and locks up. 

Time to sleep. 

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The soft notes of a piano fill her ears as she wakes. It's colder than when she went to sleep, and when she opens her eyes she's in the kind of stereotypical black-and-white striped prison garb that hasn't been used in decades. She's in a bunk in a small room.

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Wait, what? 

Is she dreaming...?

She gets up. The floor feels solid, but then it usually does in dreams. 

She doesn't seem to be experiencing any of the sensory blurriness she usually associates with dreams. She can see and hear fine. The notes of the piano are crystal clear. 

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She can get up just fine. There is however a chain on her ankle. And behind her is a a wall, and door, of steel bars.

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There are two little girls outside the bars. One is holding a baton.

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The other is holding a clipboard. They each have a golden eye, with the other covered by an eye patch. 

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There's a large desk, and a bizarre old man sitting there with a cartoonishly long nose. He speaks in a deep, rich voice. It sounds as though he's trying to be warm, but it comes off a bit menacing.

"Welcome, Trickster, to my Velvet Room."

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She composes herself as best she can. Scary and difficult things are never made better by panicking. 

"What's going on?"

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The girl on the right speaks in a soft, calm voice. "The you in reality is currently fast asleep. You are only experiencing this as a dream."

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The other girl speaks sharply, aggressively.

"You're in the presence of our master! Stand up straight!"

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"Welcome. I am delighted to make your acquaintance. This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter. It is a room that only those who are bound by a 'contract' may enter. I am Igor, the master of this place. Remember it well."

He drums his fingers rhythmically on the desk, grinning at Akira.

"I summoned you to speak of important matters. It involves your life as well."

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"A... contract?" 

She stands up as straight as she can. 

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"Yes," he agrees, then looks around the circular room, with barred cells lining all the walls. "Still, this is a surprise. The state of this room reflects the state of your own heart. To think a prison would appear as such. You truly are a 'prisoner' of fate. In the near future, there is no mistake that ruin awaits you."

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"Ruin, huh." She scowls. "And why should I believe you when so many others have told me the exact same thing?"

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"I speak of the end to everything."

He leans forward.

"However,  there is a means to oppose such a fate. You must be 'rehabilitated'. Rehabilitated toward freedom. That is your only means to avoid ruin. Do you have the resolve to challenge the distortion of the world?"

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A challenge, then?

She'll rise to it. 


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Igor nods.

"Very good. Allow me to observe the path of your rehabilitation."

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The two girls step crisply back in front of the bars and turn to face Akira.

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"Ah. Pardon me for not introducing the others. To your right is Caroline; to your left, Justine. They serve as wardens here."

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Caroline glares at Akira, unimpressed.

"Hmph. Try and struggle as hard as you like."

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While Justine gives her a softer expression, though her voice has a faint hint of condescension.

"The duty of the wardens is to protect inmates. We are also your collaborators."

A pause.

"That is... if you remain obedient."

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"I shall explain the roles of these two at another occasion."

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The two girls turn crisply to face Igor and step back aside.

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"Now then, it seems the night is waning...

"It is almost time. Take your time to slowly come to understand this place. We will surely meet again, eventually..."

He raises a hand and gestures upward.

A harsh bell starts ringing.

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Caroline turns back to face Akira.

"Time's up. Now hurry up and go back to sleep."

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And Akira's surroundings fade to black.

The next thing she knows, she's waking up early Sunday morning.

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That was no ordinary dream. 

But she doesn't know what to do with it. It's all ominous warnings of vagueness. The kind of thing she already expects. 

All she can do is carry on in her assigned role, at least for now.

She gets up, gets into her uniform, and heads downstairs. Is Sakura-san in the shop yet?

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Not quite, but he walks in just after she gets down.

"Looks like you're up. Well then, let's go introduce ourselves properly to the staff about your transfer. The school you're attending is in the Aoyama district. It'll take a while to get there by train. The transfers are a real hassle, too. I'll drive you there, but just for today. Let's go."

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Alright, she won't complain. She'll take it. She'll work the problem. Just like she always has. 

"Thank you, Boss."

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He nods, leads the way to the car. It's a small sedan. The drive to school doesn't take very long. Sakura-san spends some of the time explaining which trains Akira will have to take to get to her new school, but other than that the trip is silent.

Soon enough they're walking up to the campus. It looks like an ordinary prep school, if somewhat deserted due to today being Sunday.

They head inside.

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Okay, she has to put on her Talking To Adults face. She needs to be personable and kind and gentle and very, very sorry for her "crime." 

Akira straightens her back, adjusts her glasses, breathes a little. 

She can manage "happy for a second chance." She knows how it goes by now.

"Thanks for accompanying me, Boss."

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"Needed doing. Bureaucrats like these brush off the needs of their students, sometimes."

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When they arrive at the the principal's office, a tired-looking woman opens the door.


She sounds even more tired than she looks.

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"We're here for a meeting." He nods his head at Akira. "This one starts tomorrow."

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Honestly she can relate.

Akira nods to the woman.

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She nods tiredly — whether at Sakura-san or Akira is unclear — and leads them inside.

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Inside, a large man sits behind a desk. There are no other chairs in the room. A nameplate on his desk reads, "Principal Kobayakawa".

He looks them both over, before flatly saying, "Welcome, Ren Amamiya."

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She shouldn't be surprised. It's not like she looks like a real woman. It's not like anyone cares about her. It's not as if she's a real fucking human being with feelings anyone takes into account. It doesn't matter.

The polite thing to do is smile and pretend she didn't hear.

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Sojiro curtly cuts the man off, interjecting even before Akira has a chance to speak.

"Her name's Akira Kurusu, actually."

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Wait, what, that is not how she expected this conversation to go -

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Kobayakawa's eyes narrow.

"Really, Sakura-san? You're encouraging this perverted horseplay?"

His voice drips with condescension.

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"She was allowed to enroll as a girl. Not sure I see what the big deal is, Principal."

Does Sojiro sound a bit... protective? Maybe?

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"We agreed to have the gender marker on his ID listed as female, but the thought of allowing him to act out his perverse fantasies in the halls of our school—"

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She winces despite herself. She's heard worse from her family but it hurts more every time.

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Sojiro cuts him off again, stern-voiced and scowling, almost like he's scolding the principal.

"C'mon now. Does the kid's criminal record give you the right to treat her like trash?"

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Kobayakawa's eyes narrow still further.

"Is this truly the hill you wish to die upon, Sakura-san?"

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Sojiro sighs.

"Listen. I'm her guardian for the next year. That means I'm looking out for the kid. Either you can enroll her just like you would any other girl, or I can call her parents and explain how you're not holding up the bargain you made with their donation."

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"Fine," the rotund administrator bites out. "We will... honor the agreement. Kurusu will be enrolled as a girl, and her... situation... will be kept between myself and Kawakami-san, her homeroom teacher."

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She fixes her smile firmly back in place. 

"Thank you, Principal Kobayakawa. It's a privilege to have this chance."

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"If you'll follow me, Kurusu-san, we can get your gym uniform and your student ID."

Has Kawakami ever not sounded tired? No one knows.

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"Yes, Kawakami-Sensei."

She will be genuinely happy when she departs this principal's office. 

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Sojiro gives her a little shooing gesture. "Go on, kid. I'll finish up the paperwork," he says with his usual casual gruffness.

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And Kawakami tiredly leads her to the teacher's lounge. She steps over to an ID-making machine.


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"Akira Kurusu."

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She sighs.

"No, I need the spelling. What characters do you use to write it?"

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"It's with 'truth' for the given name, 'to come', and 'nest' for the surname."

* That's 来栖明 (Kurusu Akira) for those who speak Japanese.

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She nods, keys it into the machine, and then gestures for Akira to stand in front of a plain-looking backdrop. "Photo next."

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She stands as still as she can for the photo, and doesn't smile.

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There's a flash, and then the machine starts whirring away as it prints her ID.

"Do you know what size you need for the gym uniform?"

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"I don't, sorry."

Accursed women's sizes.

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Another sigh, this one more tired than frustrated, and Kawakami pulls a soft tape measure out of a drawer. Measuring is brusque, and feels a bit odd, but soon enough she has the information she needs and she heads over to a cabinet to locate the right size.

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It is a hassle to be a hassle.

Still. She's managing. More or less.

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And here's Akira's gym uniform, and her student ID, and some spare school uniforms. 

The ID lists her name, exactly as she gave it to Kawakami, along with her date of birth (2000/03/20), her gender (F), her year (2), her class (D), and that she's a student at Shujin Academy.

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Good to see! Good to feel! 

Oh gosh, an ID with an F on it...

She can cry later. Right now Kawakami is getting the biggest smile that physically fits on her face.

"Thank you."

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That gets something that might be a smile out of Kawakami.

She opens the door and leads the way back toward the principal's office.

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Where Sojiro has just finished the paperwork a few minutes ago and is stepping back into the lobby. 

"Ready to go, kid?"

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"Yeah. Yeah I am."

She gives Sojiro a genuine smile and stashes her new ID in her wallet, which goes in her pack with the gym clothes.

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Then back to the car they go. The traffic is heavy on the way back to Yongen-Jaya.

After a few minutes, Sojiro speaks up. "Sorry about the principal. If I'd known he'd be like that, would've had you wait outside the office."

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"It's alright." 

She pauses. 

"I've never had someone defend me like that before. You barely know me, but you still stood up for me..."

It's almost insulting to say thank you. But she can still put a little trust in this man. 

"I have to ask - is it possible for you to - help me get back on hormones? I - they confiscated mine and I need them and I know the last thing you'd want is for me to get involved with someone shady just so I can be myself properly. I saw a clinic in your neighbourhood, could we go there maybe?"

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He harumphs for a moment, and nods. "Making sure you've got your feet under you is why I bothered fighting with that jerk in the first place. Can't expect you to keep your nose clean if everything's tearing you down, can I? Don't get me wrong, I'll still kick you out without a second thought if you step out of line, but... I was given some money for your care, so I figure your medication can come out of that."

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"Thank you, boss. I really mean it. I didn't expect anyone would give me... a real second chance like that." 

She ducks her head and smiles.

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He shakes his head. "No point half-assing a thing like that."

After another moment or two, he tilts his head. "How're you for clothes and supplies? Don't know what all they sent you in that box."

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"There's enough school supplies, but I have absolutely no feminine clothes other than my school uniform. I have enough stuff that'll fit me, but..." She looks down at herself. "Wearing boy clothes is like - like being stuck under an ocean. There's this sense of weight. I can ignore it for a little while but the longer it goes the worse it gets."

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Another harumph.

"Can't expect you to get through your probation feeling like that."

A beat. Two.

"There's a little second-hand store in the neighborhood. When we get back to the shop, I'll give you some cash. You can go to Takemi Medical for your hormones, then run by the second-hand shop with what's left over."

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That is a far more generous offer than she ever expected to get. He's just going to give her money? While she's on probation? Her parents barely ever did that. 

Again, it feels stupid to just say thank you. Better to just put the money to good use. 

"Okay," she says. "I'll do my best to pick out something nice. I don't really - know women's fashion - but I'll try my best."

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"Not sure how much they'll have at the store, nor how much you'll have after seeing Dr. Takemi, but there should be some workable options."

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The radio mentions something about trains derailing, possibly to do with another mental shutdown.

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"Hmph. Must be why the traffic's so ridiculous."

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"I really hope that doesn't happen again when I'm going to school..."

Akira frowns. "What do you think is up with these 'mental shutdowns' anyway? It's a strange thing for there to be a lot of all at once..."

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He frowns, shakes his head. "No clue. Strange is right."

A frustrated sigh, then, "Just be careful."

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Usually she'd just promise and not really think about it, but to this man...

She thinks about it. 

"I will be."

It's not a promise, but she means it nonetheless. 

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He nods.

The rest of the ride is spent with Sojiro grumbling at the traffic, and a tolerable sound track provided by the radio. Eventually they make it back to Yongen-Jaya, and Sojiro parks near Leblanc.

When they step inside, he starts on his opening duties, and pulls out a bit of cash. It's not a lot, especially after how much she expects the hormones to cost, but it should stretch for a few outfits at the second-hand store and some hygiene products from the convenience store.

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She gratefully accepts it.

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... now she just needs to go shopping for women's clothes. Alone. On a time limit. 

Okay, today is... going to be... rough.

"Might as well wear the uniform out," she says. "I'll be back as soon as I've got everything together."

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He nods. "I'll be here."

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And off she goes toward where she remembers the clinic is.

It's not comfortable wearing a skirt in public. What do the people she passes see? Any other girl, or some guy in a skirt and blazer? She feels like she's going to be clocked at any moment and it itches in the back of her brain. 

She straightens her back and takes brisk steps. She is in control. This is her. Everyone else can just deal with it.

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All the passerby keep to their existing conversations, not really seeming to notice her very much. She does get one "excuse me, miss," though.

Soon enough she's standing outside of Takemi Medical Clinic.

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Alright. She needs to do this. Deal with a fucking doctor. Answer shitty questions. 

It's not going to be a fun experience. 

She's going to do it anyway. 

Akira goes up to the door and lets herself in.

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Inside is a small waiting room, with a few chairs, and behind a glass wall over a desk, a young-looking doctor with dark blue hair cut in a messy bob, a lab coat over a dark green dress, and a black choker with metal studs around her neck.

She looks up when Akira enters.

"How can I help you, Miss?"

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... the doctor is kind of hot honestly. 

Okay, not having that thought right now. Hormone prescription. 

She lifts her voice, settles it back into the feminine range that used to come naturally to her. "I need a prescription for estrogen and an androgen blocker," she says. "I - well - I'm trans."

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Her expression softens a bit. "Ah. We can handle that today, if you're up for getting your blood drawn. Come inside."

She gets up and heads toward the exam room. There's a door right next to the window.

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A blood draw's not excellent, but she'll accept it. The doctor's got to get her levels somehow.

"Alright." She follows the doctor back.

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Dr. Takemi steps into the exam room through a curtained doorway right next to the door into the waiting room. Now that Akira can see her standing up, it's clear the dress is rather short, stopping mid-thigh, and she's wearing strappy black platform heels.

There are two chairs, a desk, an exam bed, and various bits of equipment. Takemi heads for the chair by the desk and sits down, gesturing for Akira to sit in the other one.

"Have a seat. Who was your previous endocrinologist?"

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She sits in the other chair. 

What to say to that.

When in doubt, go with the truth.

"I... didn't have one. I was DIYing. Due to... circumstances... it's been patchy, but I finally have an opportunity to get properly prescribed now. I haven't taken hormones in two months and my voice is starting to drop a bit and I - really really want to not have any more damage happen. I just moved here, you're one of the first things I'm doing." 

She takes a breath. "Sorry. I know you probably don't want my family history."

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Takemi looks up from her paperwork and gives Akira a bit of a sly grin. "Not a problem. You're not the first trans person in Tokyo to self-medicate hormones, and you won't be the last."

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She blinks.

"Wow, okay, I wasn't expecting that response. You have a lot of trans patients?"

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The grin turns into a bit of a smirk. 

"No, I don't."

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Her eyebrows rise again.

"Wait, you... Are you saying you're trans too?"

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She nods. "I don't spread it around, but yeah. Nine years HRT, two post-op. I know it's hard to feel alone with this stuff."

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"Oh wow." She smiles. "Congratulations."

I hope I can someday look as good as you do rises to her tongue and dies. She is not in fact that brave. But this is - really a big stroke of luck, honestly. It feels like the universe is looking out for her. 

"It really can be hard, yeah. My family wasn't supportive, and I don't really have any friends, period. But... today I got a temporary school ID with my proper name and gender marker on it and after this I'm going to try and get some feminine clothes that aren't a school uniform. I wish I had someone to shop with but, again, no friends..." 

She sighs and shakes her head. "Still, it's really really good to finally be making some actual progress. I wasn't presenting femme or anything before today, so suddenly making that social transition is... scary and big." 

Akira ducks her head. "Sorry. You're a doctor, not a therapist. I just - I've never had someone to talk to about this before."

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"Thank you," she replies with a smile. "And yeah, it sounds like you've had a hard time of it, but you're making progress. Hopefully you can find a support system among your classmates, but... I'd rather you come bother me than try to do without anyone to talk to."

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"Thank you, um..." She tilts her head. "Are you Ms. Takemi?"

She's practicing apparently alone, and it's the Takemi clinic, so...?

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"Doctor Takemi, but yes," she replies with a wry smile.

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"Right, yes, of course." Akira ducks her head. "I didn't mean to strip you of your education."

She wants to compliment Doctor Takemi on - her sense of care, she guesses, the fact that she helps people. Should she say it?

What's wrong with saying it. "I mean, you're going out of your way to help others - that deserves some respect, and all."

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Takemi looks off to the side and huffs, then smiles a bit tiredly at Akira. "Thank you. I wish mor—"

Then she cuts herself off and shakes her head.

"Thank you."

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Huh. Seems like she hit a nerve, there. 

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She nods and gives Doctor Takemi her best smile back.

"Anyway. You wanted to do a blood draw?"

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She nods and starts collecting equipment. "Have you ever had your blood drawn before?"

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"Once or twice for routine tests. I'm familiar with the basic procedure - you find a vein in the elbow and draw a little blood from there. What you do with the blood I have no idea. I assume there's some spell you cast over it."

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Tae snickers. "Yes, mass spectrometry is quite the magic spell. You've got the basic procedure correct, though."

She scoots her chair closer to Akira's. "Which arm would you prefer?"

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"The right one." She offers her right arm.


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It's a simple enough procedure. Takemi ties a strap around Akira's arm, takes a moment to find a vein, then there's a slight prick, then blood is flowing into a little vial. 

She hands her a little stress ball. "Squeeze this to help keep the blood flowing."

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Akira's watched someone draw her blood once before, for curiosity's sake, and once was plenty enough times. She doesn't look. 

She does accept the stress ball and squeeze it, though.

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Soon enough the vial is full and Takemi bandages up the draw site.

"All done."

She slots the vial into a small centrifuge on her desk, which starts spinning quickly. 

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"Oh, cool! I've never seen a centrifuge in action before." 

Akira Kurusu has never read TVTropes, but even she knows everything's better with spinning.

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Aaaaaaaaand then for a moment she needs to do nothing other than hold her head and wince as another shock of pain goes through her system. 

It's practically blinding and not at all pleasant. The headaches have only been getting worse lately.

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Thaaaaat is concerning. Tae is concerned

"Are you okay?"

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After a few more seconds the pain passes, gone as sharply as it arrived. 

"Migraine," she says when her breath has stilled again. "I started getting them a few months ago and they've been gradually getting worse. I usually have an attack or two a day now. They pass pretty quickly but while they're present I can barely even think through the pain."

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Takemi frowns. "That's not good. It passes too quickly for painkiller to do much good, but we could try them anyway. Let's see what we can find out, though."

She does a few quick checks: pupil dilation, eye tracking, heart rate, among others.

"Hmm. It fits the symptoms a strong sudden-onset headache, but misses a few criteria for migraines. Strange. Does any of the pain linger afterward?"

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"No, it seems to pass more or less completely. It still sucks - usually I feel pretty rattled after an episode - but it doesn't usually last long at all."

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She shakes her head. "I don't like leaving you in this kind of pain, but this isn't an appropriate case for painkillers at all. By the time they've metabolized, the pain is long gone. Hmm. Maybe an extended release variant?" She plucks the vial from the centrifuge, slots it into a different machine, hits a button, then steps through the curtain back into her office. Pill-rattling sounds emerge.

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Anything that could offer some relief is good news in her book.

She will wait patiently.

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She comes back with three bottles of pills. She sets two on her desk, and hands the third to Akira with a paper cup of water. "Long-acting painkiller. Take one when you get up, and one twelve hours later. Doesn't need to be with food. Take one right now, start the normal routine tomorrow."

And then she turns to her computer to look at hormone test results.

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"Thank you, seriously."

She takes it.

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She nods at the computer. "Okay, Akira. I'm prescribing you estradiol and spironolactone. The former should be dissolved under your tongue, hold it there until it's all gone, while the latter should be swallowed. Take them on the same schedule as your painkillers: one each, twice daily. The closer you get to exactly twelve hours between each dose, the better."

She hands her the other two bottles.

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"Thank you so much." She accepts the bottles.

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"Glad to help, Akira-chan. Any other questions for now?"

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"No, I don't think so. You've been a huge help. How much do I owe you?"

She digs in her pack for her wallet.

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She checks the number on the system, then discounts it a bit and names that price instead.

Despite having to get a third prescription, Akira should still have plenty of money to get a basic wardrobe for her off days.

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Things are really looking up. 

She pays, puts the medication in her pack, and heads out from the clinic. She has a secondhand store to get to. 

... Does she remember where the secondhand store was, or is she going to have to go back to LeBlanc to ask Sakura-san?

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Conveniently, it's visible as soon as she emerges from the side street Dr. Takemi's clinic is on.

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Then she will go there directly!

She's smiling to herself. She got to meet a real life trans person!

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She did! A real life trans woman who is now a beautiful doctor in a tiny neighborhood clinic.

The store has an eclectic selection of skirts and blouses at low prices, along with a sparse selection of essentials like underwear and shampoo and toothpaste new.

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It is actually weirder for her as she appears now to avoid the women's section. 

It is still so, so, so hard to actually go. Her smile vanishes. Somewhere in her hindbrain she expects someone to yell "pervert" at her. 

She... browses. There really are a lot of skirts and blouses here. It feels like she shouldn't touch them, like she's unclean somehow.

Very eventually she picks out some things that look... pretty basic and safe. And that fit her, obviously. She can check against the sizing of her gym clothes if she has to. 

There's a floor-length maxi skirt for sale. Just one. It has a pattern of green leaves on a black background. She covets it. 

She lays her hands on it. Is it her size? 

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She's in luck. it is.

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And it's not going to break her budget either?

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No, it's only 800¥. Thrift stores are great.

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Lucky lucky lucky!!!!

Okay she will get together her essentials and pay. 

She is a normal girl who is normally excited and nervous about these clothes, store clerk. Please do not pay any attention to how she is practically vibrating out of her skin. 

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The clerk gives her a smile, takes her money, and sends her on her way. "Have a good day, miss."

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That is her third miss in a row. 

Is this her life now???

She walks back home with a spring in her step.

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Sojiro nods to her as she gets in. There's a customer, an older gentleman, so he doesn't talk much just then though.

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She just nods to him and heads upstairs to try on her skirt skirt new skirt!

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Her attic is just as she left it. The skirt fits perfectly. Does she twirl?

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She so so so twirls.

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The skirt must go spinny. And spin it does, twirling marvelously while still retaining modesty, as maxi skirts tend to do.

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She flops down on the futon and grins grins grins. 

Today is a good day. She wasn't really expecting to... have a good day ever again, to be honest. But Sakura-san... 

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Is this what having a parent who cares about you is really like?

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... fuck, now she's gone and ruined it all with thoughts of home. 

She takes off her glasses and rubs her suddenly-teary eyes with the heels of her palms. 

She feels all jagged. It's been such an all over the place day. She's tired and hungry and feels like a jerk and doesn't know why. 

She... Has not actually eaten anything at all today. 

She should probably do something about that.

Akira changes into one of her more basic outfits and heads back downstairs. The school uniform and the special skirt can stay upstairs.

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The old man has gone, and Sojiro is cleaning up a few dishes. "Looked like a good haul, kid. How'd everything go?"

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"Even better than expected, actually. Not only did I get hormones, but Doctor Takemi prescribed me some long acting painkillers for these headache attacks I've been having recently. I was also able to get a good set of skirts and blouses and so on. I'm... really grateful and also really starving. Is there anything I could eat?" 

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He nods, turns around, and starts bustling about cooking something. "I'll have it ready in just a moment."

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"Glad to hear everything went so well. Should be a good foundation for you to keep your grades up and your head down."

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Should she tell him about the dream she had?

No, it'd sound ridiculous. She's not even sure she believes it herself. And it's not like there's anything actually useful she could say.

"Yeah. I'll do my best."

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Soon enough, he turns around and slides a fresh plate of curry in front of her. It smells delicious.

"Here you go, kid. Eat up."

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Akira's lucky she likes curry. 

And also incredibly lucky to have such a good chef as a - caretaker. This is really, really good curry.

She'll eat and think a bit. Mysterious destiny? Coming ruin? She barely remembers her dream now except for the chillness of the prison cell and the bite of the manacle on her ankle. 

She said she'd fight the distortion of the world... 

She'd meant... the way everything is set against people like her. People who don't matter get shouted down by the system. The cruel and the powerful take what they want. 

She's not sure how she'd fight that. She's tried already, and look how it went for her. But...

She's not so sure she'll be able to just keep her head down.

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Sojiro sets a cup of coffee next to her as she eats — impressively good coffee, as well — but otherwise leaves her to her thoughts, handling some cleaning and prep.

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She'll sit and finish off her curry and coffee - that really hits the spot - thank Sakura-san, and then head upstairs to unpack her old school materials and get ready for class tomorrow. She needs to organize her pack and her textbooks: she owes it to Sakura-san to be prepared.

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The supplies are exactly where she left them, and soon enough everything fits neatly into her pack.

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Honestly, now that she's prepared her materials there's not a lot to do. She could read her textbooks she guesses. Honestly she'd much rather spend the time talking to Sakura-san, in a bizarre twist. 

It's not like her to trust an adult this fast, but then, an adult has never given her a reason to trust them this fast either. 

She goes through her pack and fishes out her estradiol and spirolactanone and takes her doses. It is a bit early, but it feels calming to know she's getting back onto her proper regimen again. 

While her pill dissolves beneath her tongue she'll do a little more cleaning and think. 

Sakura-san cares about her grades. And... honestly she doesn't want to disappoint him. 

She'll read the first couple chapters of her textbooks, anyway.

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She manages to tidy the place up a little more while she goes. It's really starting to look okay. Maybe a little decor and it would even be nice.

Her textbooks are straight-forward enough, and soon her pill is dissolved and she feels more prepared for tomorrow.

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There's not much else to do. 

Might as well go make small talk with Sakura-san, if he doesn't have a customer right now. Tomorrow she'll be in school. Big step. Best to try and calm herself down a bit and get used to her living space.

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He nods as she comes down, doing idle tasks while he waits for a customer.

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"Hey," she says. "I've gone through and done study prep for tomorrow, and now I...  kind of don't have much to do. Would you mind if we chat while you don't have customers? I could maybe help you with prep work or something? Mostly I want something to do so I don't just sit around in the attic all day."

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He gives her an appraising look, then nods. "Come back here and grab an apron, then, and I'll show you how it all works."

He gestures at a rack where another two aprons hang.

"Don't expect to get to start brewing straight off, though," he adds sternly.

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She comes and gets on an apron, and stands ready for instructions.

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And Sojiro shows her all the various tools, the beans, the grinder, the different degrees of coarseness or fineness the grounds can be produced at, and so much more. This man clearly knows quite a lot about coffee. There are different brewing methods that bring out different things in the resulting coffee. Different grinds are better for different brewing methods. Grinding the beans the moment before you start brewing is always best.

And so on.

They can pass an hour or two like that easily enough. Sojiro's a surprisingly patient teacher, for how gruff he is. 

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She follows along. It's interesting to see coffee as a science like this. Always more to learn, huh?

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Attitude like that and she might just make it through her probation. 

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She passes most of the rest of the day learning coffee, cleaning up the remains of the attic a bit more, and reading a few of Sakura-san's old books. 

Finally it's time to close up shop.

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They put everything away for the night. Before they step outside to head Sojiro's place for Akira's shower, though, he tosses her a key.

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Holy shit, that's a lot of trust. 

"Thank you," she says. She pockets it.

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"You're already sleeping here, kid. Giving you the key doesn't add much more room for you to burn the place down, just makes it easier for you to lock it up if you go out."

He locks the door behind them as they head out to his house, and flips the sign to "closed".

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She nods. That does make sense, she guesses.

She'll let herself be escorted for her nightly shower. She's got some nice peach-scented shampoo from the thrift store; that'll be nice. 

(She dissociates the whole time anyway.)

Then it's back to Leblanc to let herself back in and go to sleep.

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Morning comes soon enough, as it does. No weird dreams tonight, at least.

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She takes her daily pills as soon as she gets up, and a good thing too because she has a headache attack not ten minutes later while she's brushing her hair. It's a little less intense, but not by much. 

She gets on her school uniform, grabs her already-prepared pack, and heads downstairs to try and fix herself a quick breakfast before she hits the train. 

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Sojiro's already downstairs and slides her a plate of curry and a cup of coffee as she comes down. They go shockingly well together, even this early in the day. It's almost like the curry recipe was designed to match the coffee. Or something.

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Aw, Sakura-san's still looking out for her. 

She'll eat in a hurry. She's worried about those awkward transfers and the possibility of train delays. 

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"Good luck, kid."

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"Thanks, Sakur- Boss. Thanks boss. I'd better get moving. Tell you all about it after school today."

And off she goes.

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She hurries off to the station, catching her train with time to spare. It's crowded, but she makes it all the way to her transfer, and catches the next train on time as well.

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The school is that way from her phone map. 

(Malware's back again. Of course.)

She hurries. She's got to make class on time.

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On the way, she notices a very pretty blonde girl in a Shujin uniform determinedly ignoring a car that is driving slowly next to her. 

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"No, it's okay, Kamoshida-sensei, I can walk. I really don't need a ride."

She hunches a little and lengthens her stride.

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The man in the car, Kamoshida apparently, leans out the window toward her. "Come on, Ann-chan. All that walking has to be hard on your feet, and we could spend some time together." His voice would sound strong and confident if he wasn't cajoling an unwilling student like this. As is, he sounds a bit petulant, entitled, despite it.

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Ohhhhhhh boy.

She really shouldn't intervene. That's what got her into this whole mess in the first place. She should keep her head down. Be quiet. Like she told Sakura-san she would. 

She really, really shouldn't intervene. 

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"Hey," she calls in her brightest, most femme voice. "Excuse me, do you know which way it is to the school from here? I've gotten a bit turned around but I recognize your uniform, so..." 

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She looks to see who's calling to her. It's not a voice she recognizes. A girl? In a Shujin uniform?

No, you idiot, you don't know what you're getting into -

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"Hi, uh, yeah, it's this way -" She points.

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His eyes widen at the interruption. There's the briefest hint of a sneer, or maybe Akira's eyes were tricking her.

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And then he's all smiles. "You always were a caring sort, Ann-chan, helping new students like that. I'll leave you to it."

And he drives off.

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Akira falls in next to the pretty blonde student. 

"Well," she says softly. "That's the sketchiest thing I've seen all week. Do you want to talk about it?"

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Ann looks Akira over, and then frowns.

New girl... black hair... glasses... 

This must be the one all those rumors are talking about. They say she tied her ex-boyfriend to the train tracks and he only didn't die because the police got involved. 

She's grateful and all, but she already has one really sketchy person involved with her and she doesn't need another. 

"No. Are you actually lost or...?"

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"... No, I just thought you could use a hand. Just... girls sticking together, I guess."

Apparently this girl hasn't clocked her either. It's really, really weird being stealth. 

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Yeah, she thought so.

She'll feel like a heel if she just lets this girl blunder into Kamoshida's arms. She - should at least warn her.

"Just - don't join the volleyball team, and try your best to stay away from Kamoshida-sensei. That's all."

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Akira nods. "Okay. I'll keep that in mind. Are you alright?"

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"I'm fine, seriously, you don't have to fuss."

She's not fine, but the less questions this girl asks the better it is for everyone.

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A blond boy runs up, wearing a somewhat modified Shujin uniform, swapping a loud yellow t-shirt out for the usual dress shirt. He looks concerned and a bit out of breath. He glares angrily at the retreating bumper of Kamoshida's car.

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Oh great, now it's Ryuji. If he hadn't picked a fight with Kamoshida she might not be in this mess right now. 

The last thing she wants is to get into a conversation with both him and this new girl right now. 

She picks up her pace towards the school.

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"Hey! Ann! Wait up! You okay?"

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"Yeah, I'm okay." 

She can't put any feeling into the words, not in front of Ryuji. It comes out soft and flat.

She's not going to break out into a run. That would draw attention and that's bad.

She slows down. Ryuji will just make a scene if she flees.

She's Not Talking To Him though.

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Akira looks over at the blonde-haired boy. "You know what's going on here?", she asks.

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He scowls. "Kamoshida wants to be with Ann, the creeper. Ann puts up with it. Dunno why."

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"Nothing weird is going on between me and Kamoshida, he's just... friendly."

She is not going to win any acting awards for her performance here but she has to try. If these two do something stupid again it's Shiho's starter position on the volleyball team that's in jepoardy.

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"You're not a very convincing liar. Is he threatening you?" 

The principal of the school is a real piece of work from what she can see, so if a teacher came to him with some trumped up reason for expulsion... 

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"Don't be ridiculous." 

Ann can't meet Akira's gaze.

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"He is, isn't he!?"

Ryuji can't quite keep his voice down with how angry he's getting.

"Oh when I see him next I am gonna beat his ass."

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"That's a terrible idea. If you so much as touch him you could be charged with assault. The police will definitely side with him, he's an adult. You'd be expelled at least."

She keeps her voice down. "I know it's outrageous, but you've got to - maneuver, with these things. If you rush in you'll end up in a really bad situation."

Ask her how she knows. The system's stacked against her and those like her, and it enables people like Kamoshida. That kind of behavior where he's hovering over this girl is blatantly stalkerish. 

Much as she'd like to take a direct option, like this blond guy seems to be pushing, there's no way she'd be believed with the charges that have already been filed against her. And she did say she'd try to keep her head down.

Think, girl, think. She needs - she needs more information, at least. And it seems this blonde girl needs a real friend. Like Sakura-san's been to her.

"Do you two have, like, names?"

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This new girl is at least a bit more sensible than Ryuji, not that that's hard. And she did help her. And... she seems quietly confident, somehow, in what to do and what to say in this kind of situation.

She really, really, really shouldn't get involved with Train Tracks Girl, but it looks like Train Tracks Girl is going to investigate whatever she does. 


Ann takes a breath. "I'm Ann Takamaki."

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Don't beat up the obviously terrible asshole? Sounds kinda sus, but okay. He'll listen to her for now.

Maybe if he listens it won't turn into another mess like when his leg got broken and the track team was shut down.

"I'm Ryuji Sakamoto."

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"Look, I know you two have no reason to trust me, but could we meet after school and talk a little? I - don't know if I'll be able to actually help or not, but it sounds a lot like both of you could use a real friend."

She's as gentle as she can be with her voice. She knows how jagged she felt, her first few days in jail. These two deserve to be given the respect she never got.

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He frowns for a moment, then grins. "Yeah, new girl. Let's talk after, maybe we'll think of something to stop this asshole."

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She wishes she could, but if it got out Kamoshida would definitely ax Shiho's starter position. 

She looks at Akira. "Sorry, but I'm not interested. There's all kinds of rumors about you, and... It's just..."

She trails off.

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"It's okay. If you ever do want to talk, my name's Akira Kurusu and my homeroom is D. I - I hope you have a good day."

She's lost her, at least for now. But she's got Ryuji to talk to and get more information out of, and that's something to start with.

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"Hey, isn't that the same class you're in, Ann?"

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"... Yeah, it is."

She's not sure whether to be happy or sad about that.

After a moment it mostly settles on "scared." She can feel the situation starting to slip out of her control.

She goes quiet.

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"I see."

That's a little bit of a lucky coincidence, but Ann's not reacting the way she'd hoped. 

She's going to give her a little space for now. And really really hope that she's seeing shadows.

(She's not. Not with Ryuji reacting like this. But she doesn't see how pressuring Ann more right now would actually help.)

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"I hope you're able to think of something. I'm sick and tired of Kamoshida treating the school like his own personal castle."

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She nods firmly. 

"I think I have an idea."

She can't go to Sakura-san with this, it's the opposite of keeping her head down, but Doctor Takemi is trans and long-transitioned and said she'd DIY'ed. She probably would know what to do in this kind of situation. And she's a doctor: her word would bear some weight if Akira can just convince her the situation's real. 

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"Lookin' forward to hearin' it."

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As they make the last turn toward Shujin, they find... something else in its place.

The school has been replaced with an enormous — and ominous — castle.

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Ryuji's the first one out of the alley to see it.

"Um. Guys?"

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Akira's out of the alley a few minutes later.

"What the fuck."

This is definitely not the school she remembers from before. It's in the right place. But that is very definitely a whole damn castle.

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"What the...?" Ann stares up at the huge edifice. "That's - that can't be real. What's happening?"

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"I know we took the right turn, I take this alley every day!"

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"We're definitely in the right place. Castles don't just appear out of nowhere."

She looks forward and steps towards the - it must be a mirage - 

The dream she had - was this what it was talking about? The coming ruin? It doesn't look like a ruin. It looks whole and intact. 

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She has no idea what to do about her school being replaced with a castle.

She rubs her eyes, looks back up. 

Still a castle.

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Ryuji shrugs. "Maybe someone'll know inside?"

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"I don't have any better ideas. Spontaneous castles were not in my plan for today." 

She takes the lead. "Stay close behind me, this could be dangerous."

And she walks toward the castle.

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This is such a stupid idea, but she's not going to just leave Ryuji behind.

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As soon as they get across the drawbridge, the guards on the battlements cry out.

"Halt! Who Approaches the Castle?"

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"We're students! From Shujin Academy. Do you know where it's gone?"

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"Shujin Academy? Don't you mean Shujin Castle?"

While this conversation is happening, however, one of the other guards notices Ann.

"They've taken Princess Ann! Seize them!"

The drawbridge is promptly raised behind them, cutting off their escape, and they're surrounded by guards.

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Okay that's really, really, really not good.

There's nothing to do but surrender.

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Princess Ann? 

She has a really, really bad feeling about this.

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Ryuji may in fact not be on board with this "surrender" plan.

"Hey! C'mon! We ain't done nothin' wrong! We're just students!"

And he shoves a guard.

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This guy might not be the sharpest knife in the spoon drawer. 

Good of him to try, though.

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The guard shoves back.


Ryuji goes flying, bounces off another guard behind him, and crumples to the ground.

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They yank him roughly to his feet and hold him.

"Will you come quietly now?"

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Ryuji nods sluggishly.

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He's trying to defend her but he's just made the situation worse. 

"We'll come quietly."

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Akira just nods.

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The guards escort them deeper into the castle. It's huge. Elaborate halls and grand chambers decorated with carpets and tapestries and chandeliers. They're led through more twists and turns than they can keep track of, and eventually brought into a receiving room.

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Where they soon face the king, a very familiar-looking man wearing nothing but a luxurious red cape, a speedo, and a crown.

"Look at you runts, just barging into my castle."

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Okay, first there's the incongruity of the giant cloak and the tiny speedo underneath. Secondly why the hell is Kamoshida king. Why Ann would be the princess if Kamoshida is king is obvious but why is Kamoshida king. 

Who fucking made him the king of this castle? Did he just - scoop them up into his private reality somehow???

And what the fuck is with the speedos, seriously

"I'm... sorry, king Kamoshida...? 

The apology sounds lame as hell. There's just way too many things going on right now.

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This is literally something out of her nightmares. She's dreaming, right? She's going to wake up at any moment?

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Ryuji struggles free of the guards. "Kamoshida!? The fuck? What gives you the right—"

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And Kamoshida steps right up to Ryuji and punches him across the jaw with a right hook.

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Oooh, that looked nasty. 

They're pretty fucked, aren't they.

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He's fighting for her. And he's losing. 

... she's going to struggle too. Maybe, just maybe -

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Ryuji struggles a bit on the ground where he's fallen.

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"Looks like you've forgotten your place, Sakamoto. Between this trespassing, and now insulting the king? That's earned you a death sentence."

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He tries to push himself up. "G-get outta here, you two."

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She's not just going to leave him behind to die.

Fuck this asshole. Fuck every asshole like him who thinks he gets to rule the world. She's going down fighting. 

She gets between Kamoshida and Ryuji. "No," she says. "We're all getting out of here together."

She has no weapon and no hope of taking down all these knights, but some things are worth putting your life on.

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"Out of my way, new girl." Kamoshida shoves Akira aside with a snarl, then steps harshly on one of Ryuji's legs.

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Ryuji howls in pain.

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She grabs Kamoshida from behind and tries to pull him off Ryuji. 

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Ann goes for Kamoshida as well. It's not going to be easy but she's got to try.

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At that, the guards lunge forward and grab hold of Akira and Ann, pulling them away from their king.

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God damn it.

She fights the guards, but they're stronger than she is.

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She's helpless, just like she's always been helpless in front of Kamoshida. It's awful.

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He steps back off of Ryuji and turns to leer at the two girls. "And look at you. Two beauties, just strolling into my kingdom. It's like you're asking to go to the playroom."

He walks up to Ann and cups her cheek. "I always knew you had it in you to obey, Takamaki. About fucking time."

And then he strokes Akira's cheek with the back of his other hand. "And you, new girl, I haven't seen you before, but it looks like you'll fit right in. Can't wait to see you in your new outfit."

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Oh, gross. That is - 

It is really fucking wrong that a little part of her is happy this asshole finds her attractive. She feels unclean.

She really, really doesn't want to find out about this dude's "playroom."

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His oldest friend, and his newest, both about to be taken and violated because he's too fucking weak to stop this bastard.

No. No, he can't let that happen.

He starts pushing himself up.

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Damn. Ryuji's really got nerves of steel.

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He turns to Ryuji in surprise. "Oh? You still haven't learned? You can't stop what's happening here, boy. These girls are going to my playroom, and then you're going to be executed after you watch them get dragged off."

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He spits at Kamoshida's feet. "You bastard!"

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Kamoshida scowls.

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A clear voice speaks in Ryuji's head. 

Are you a slave to this petty king?

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Ryuji scowls and pushes himself to his feet, staggering and clutching his head in pain. "Aaaaggghh— No! I won't be a slave!"

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I hear the cannons roar in your heart, but can you turn them on those who dream themselves your master?

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He stumbles, groaning and screaming, energy thrumming through the room. He falls to his knees. Not even Kamoshida breaking his leg had hurt this bad. He roars with the pain.

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You have fought without cannon or blade, down to your bare fists and ragged voice, time and again. The time has come to take up proper arms. Ryuji Sakamoto! Will you cast down the tyrants that would see you hang?

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"Y-Yes! I'll—" he breaks as the pain overwhelms him again "—I'll fight 'em all! D-Down with the Bastard King!"

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We have an accord! Fly the black flag high, and may tyrants ever tremble at your might!

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Ryuji stills, suddenly. The convulsions and screams stop.

He hauls himself, groaning, to his feet. A skull-shaped mask of iron now covers the top half of his face.

He speaks, his voice sounding oddly doubled, as though someone else was speaking alongside him.

"I am thou. Thou art I."

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He wraps his hands around the edges of the mask and starts to pull.

He cries out in pain, again, as he starts to tear it free.

Blood spurts from the edges as he pulls, then showers forth as it rips off his face.

The guards surrounding him and the girls are knocked away by a powerful gust, and blue flames swirl about his form, obscuring him from view.

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Holy shit.

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This is fine.

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Then he steps forward from the fire.

He's wearing tight-fitting leather, with metal plates guarding his sides and shoulders, and wielding a lead pipe. Brass knuckles cover the tops of his yellow gloves, and the iron skull mask adorns his face.

He levels the pipe at the now-fallen king.

"You can fuck right off back to hell, Kamoshida, because I'm never gonna let you take my friends."

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Kamoshida scrambles backward, then stands back up.

"Seize him!"

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"Fat fucking chance."

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The knights scramble back to their feet and swarm forward toward Ryuji, swords raised.

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He swings his pipe, batting aside swords, and slams one guard in the side of the head. It soars backward and slumps to the ground, melting into shadow and disappearing. Another drops its sword as Ryuji knocks it out with an uppercut, the blade clattering off to one side as the armored guard melts away. Three more are swatted into a wall with a sweeping swing of the pipe.

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Akira scrambles after the sword on the floor while Ryuji has the guards occupied.

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And he certainly does occupy them. Two try to flank him, but he meets each with a hard swing of his pipe, dispersing them into shadows that melt to the floor. 

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Ann scrambles into the area cleared by Ryuji. "Let's go," she calls. "There's got to be a way out that's not the drawbridge!"

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Akira comes up to flank her with her stolen sword. "Whatever direction is fine! Ryuji! We're with you!"

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"Only way out is through! CAPTAIN KIDD!"

And he reaches up to his mask and tears it free once more.

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And a towering, skeletal pirate captain with a cannon for its right arm appears behind him, and unleashes blast after blast of crackling electricity. 

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Ryuji and Captain Kidd charge up to a side door, the blond kicking it open. He directs the pirate to clear the hall of the approaching guards, and covers Ann and Akira's retreat with harsh swings of his pipe.

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"They're getting away! Don't let them escape, you idiots!"

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The few remaining guards in the room swarm toward the teens.

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Okay she's going! She's going! Whatever direction Ryuji picks is fine!

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Akira has no clue how to use this sword but she will fight with it to cover Ann's retreat if she has to. For now she retreats, though.

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The last three guards rush them.

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They're spread out enough that Ryuji's swing only manages to get two of them. The other is on Akira's side of the escape.

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Okay okay okay she has this under control. She will try and stick the remaining one with the pointy end of her sword. 

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The sword slips between a crack in the guard's armor, wounding it deeply. It stumbles backward.

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And then they all make it through. The hallway beyond has several scorch marks from Captain Kidd's cannon, and not a guard in sight.

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The spectral pirate vanishes from view as the teens close the door behind them, Ryuji's mask reappearing on his face. He charges down the hall, shouting excitedly. "Yeah, we got free!"

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Akira follows at a dead run. She has no clue what this idiot's going to do but anywhere is better than here.

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This is actually kind of fun in a weird way. She feels like she's getting away with something. 

She runs as fast as she can, following Ryuji. 

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The teens barrel down the hall, rushing around corners until suddenly they come to a stairwell. They rush through the door and slam it shut behind them. There are two heavy chairs on either side of the door, each with a back just a bit taller than the door handle. The stairs seem to go down two or three floors below the landing they're on.

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Ryuji sags tiredly against the wall next to the door, his fancy leather outfit fading away around him, leaving him in his school uniform.

"W-whoa, fuck, that really took a lot out of me."

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Akira jams the door with one of the chairs. "I'm surprised you're still conscious, with the sounds you were making." 

She looks at the stairwell. "Down is better than up, I think. Stay quiet and move carefully, those things have still got to be hunting us."

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Ann looks Ryuji over worriedly. He doesn't seem to be bleeding. She really hopes he's okay.

"We can't stay here," she says. "And I don't think Ryuji's up for climbing up flights of stairs right now."

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"Ryuji, are you okay enough to move?"

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He slumps a bit lower.

"Whhh... tired..."

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"Here, lean on me. We've got to get down these stairs and out of sight."

Akira offers her arm. 

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Ryuji leans on Akira. He seems pretty out of it.

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She does her best to ignore the fact that she's being clung to by a boy and tries to help Ryuji down the stairs.

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Ann comes up and helps with Ryuji's other side.

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It takes a bit of stumbling, and it's slow going, but eventually the girls get down the stairs with the exhausted boy. They pass one door along the way, but it's locked tight, not openable from this side at all. Further down, they eventually reach the bottom, and find a door that lets out into a darker area, with a floor of sparse wooden planks, and torches lining the walls.

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"Ann, can you help Ryuji? I want my sword free in case more of those things come." 

Akira creeps forward in the darkness and beckons the other two to follow. 

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Ryuji, who's regaining bits of lucidity, shifts his weight onto Ann, freeing Akira's arms.

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Ann supports Ryuji as best as she can, and helps him forward through the hallway. 

"This looks like some kind of... dungeon."

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"Yeah. We're going to need to find another stairwell up, I think."

Akira advances cautiously, sword at the ready.

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They make their way down a bare corridor, then turn onto a larger hallway, with water running down the center and wooden walkways on either side. It looks increasingly like a dungeon as they go on. Crates dot the sides of the walkway from time to time.

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A guard clanks toward the hallway from a side corridor.

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Akira gestures back with a hand. "Get back," she whispers. 

Can she duck back into the shadows and hide?

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Ann tries to lower Ryuji and cover for him. 

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She can. The three teens shelter from view in the shadow of a particularly large crate.

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The guard stomps past. It doesn't appear to have seen them. "King Kamoshida sure keeps us busy. Guarding the prisoners is so boring, too, except when we get to execute 'em."

Eventually the heavy footsteps fade away in the distance.

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"Prisoners...? Maybe we could stage a breakout, that might help cover our escape."

Akira moves forward, watching for more cover she can duck behind. 

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Ann nudges Ryuji forward carefully, keeping low as best she can.

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They don't run into more guards along the way, at least for now. Eventually they reach a turn off toward a side corridor, and this hallway comes to an end. Down that corridor seem to be a number of barred cells.

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"Wait for a second, I'm going to see who or what's in the cells." Akira keeps her voice low.

She slips forward a little further and tries to get a better look at the side corridor.

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The nearest cell appears to contain a boy in a Shujin gym uniform. He's curled in on himself and groaning very quietly.

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What the - 

"There's an academy student in the cell!" she hisses back towards the group. 

She moves forwards into the corridor. Is there any sign of a handy ring of keys or any way to release this boy?

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That is absolutely not at all creepy. 

She sticks back to the shadows. "Is he okay?"

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Akira casts a glance back towards the boy. "It doesn't look like it."

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There are no keys or levers visible. At the sound of their voices, he looks up, then recoils into the far corner of his cell.

"No! You can't be here! I was sentenced! If I talk to anyone they'll beat me," the boy cries out in a harsh whisper.

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If Ann's being threatened, and this boy is being threatened too - 

"I'll try and free you," she says. "This is fucked up.

She advances, looking to see if there are any other prisoners. The guard said there were a few of them...

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Ann stays back in the shadows. Akira's handling it.

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There are a handful. Several cells are empty, a few contain boys in gym uniforms. 

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The very last cell contains what appears to be a somewhat anthropomorphized cat, about two feet tall. 

"Whoa, people! Hey, can you get me outta here? There should be a key in the guard's cabinet on the wall over there," they exclaim excitedly as Akira approaches.

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There might as well be an anthropomorphic talking cat. Sure. That is just how her day is going. 

She grabs the key from the cabinet and makes to unlock the door. Any enemy of Kamoshida's is a friend of hers.

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"Woo! Thank you! Name's Morgana," they say, "and despite how riled up you've got the guards, I think I know a way out of here. C'mon!"

And they start hurrying back down the corridor toward the larger hallway.

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"What about the students?" Akira follows after Morgana, key still in hand.

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Morgana looks confused for a moment. "The stud— oh! Those aren't real people. They're cognitions, illusion-people made from Kamoshida's beliefs about their counterparts in the real world."

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"So we are in Kamoshida's sick power fantasy right now. How the hell is that a thing that can happen?"

Akira stops next to Ann and Ryuji and ducks into the shadows by them. "Found some help," she says. "This is Morgana. They say the other students are fake."

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Ann frowns. "Fake? Fake how?"

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"Sick power fantasy is about right," they reply with a nod. "I was investigating this Palace when I got caught. You three are the first real people I've seen the entire time I've been here. Everyone else is either a shadow, like the guards, or a cognition, like the prisoners."

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"Slow down, I've got no idea what you're talking about." 

She looks over at Ryuji, judging again how he's managing. 

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"We don't have a lot of time for this, but okay, I'll try to explain it better. We're in the Metaverse, a world made of people's cognitions and beliefs and desires. This castle is a Palace, a pocket in the Metaverse that forms when someone's desires get really distorted and awful and hurtful. It's run by the cognitive shadow of the person who formed it, patrolled by shadows copied from the collective unconscious, and populated with cognitions — mental image counterparts of people the Ruler either knows or knows of from the outside world, shaped by the Ruler's beliefs about them."

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Ryuji is steadying a bit, standing more on his own feet. He straightens and looks at Morgana. 

"Whoa! Did I get hit on the head during the fight, or is that a talking cat?"

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"Hey! I'm notcat! This is just what I look like, okay?"

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"Okay, yeah, that just raises more questions. We'll talk later. Right now, escape. Morgana, you said you had a way out?"

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They nod and dash down the hall, running from crate to nook to crate to keep out of sight. Down a different corridor, and then down another, and then across a bridge over an underground canal, before they finally reach a stairwell. "Okay, this should lead up to the ground floor, and then we'll have to be extra sneaky to make it to the exit."

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"Alright. Let's go."

Akira readies her sword and follows Morgana, keeping to the shadows.

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Ann takes a huffing breath and nods. She's got this.

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Ryuji grits his teeth through the lingering fatigue and nods as well. 

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Up they go, carefully creeping from shadow to shadow. Luckily, the way out is very close once they're out of the stairs. Unluckily, the guards are very close by. The teens and Morgana have to wait several minutes, hiding behind crates suspensefully.

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"What's so special about these kids the king wants captured, anyway?"

"Dunno, but I hope they put up a fight."

"Not as much of a fight as the guards in the receiving room got, I hope."

The second guard shrugs. "They couldn't handle it."

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Akira stays low and out of sight as well. Her heart pounds in her chest. It's a thrill to be so close and yet unseen.

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The exit is so close and yet so far away.

She really hopes they don't have to fight again. With Ryuji exhausted she doesn't like their chances.

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Eventually the guards disperse and stomp away onto their respective patrols. The coast is clear, for now.

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Morgana carefully leads them along, darting from cover to cover along the wall, until they creep up to a door. Peeking through it, they see a small room, with a shadow patrolling it. They haven't been seen yet, but it's only a matter of time.

They gesture to the teens to follow them, and carefully creep through the door. 

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The guard is currently inspecting the shelves that line the far wall.

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Ann quietly gets the door behind the group.

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Akira readies her sword. She's got this.

Just got to stab the guard while its back is turned. 

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The guard somehow doesn't here the soft click of the door closing.

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Morgana pulls a short cutlass from... somewhere, and hold up a hand to count down.




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Akira strikes with her stolen sword, aiming for the gap between the armor's neck piece and the helmet. It's not a person. It's just an obstacle in her way. 


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Morgana lunges at the same moment, slashing up under the guard's arm, hitting a slim gap there.

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The guard whirls and recoils in pain, wounded but not downed.

"You'll pay for this! I'll bring your bodies before the king!"

And it swings its sword at Akira.

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Akira gives ground to dodge the strike. There's not a lot of space in the small room to retreat into, though.

She brings her sword back up and tries to stick the shadow again.

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Morgana seems to come to a decision in that moment, seeing Akira have to dodge a blow like that.

They reach up to their mask and tear it free, shouting "Zorro!"

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A dashing mecha in an elegant suit appears behind Morgana, and unleashes a blast of cutting wind that tears into the shadow.

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The armored shadow is battered backward and falls to the ground, before dispersing from the cumulative wounds.

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"Whoa!", Ryuji shouts. "You have one of those things too?"

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"Keep your voice down!" Akira hisses. 

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Ann gives Ryuji a Look.

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Ryuji ducks his head, chastened. "Sorry."

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Morgana nods, as Zorro vanishes back to his mask. "Yeah. That's my Persona, Zorro. Does one of you have one?"

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He nods. "Yeah. Captain Kidd."

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"It's really cool and all, but we need to get out of here. Talk once we're free."

She has a suspicion about her headaches now, and the dream she had, but that can wait for when they're free of this castle.

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Ryuji nods.

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Morgana points at a small, grate-less vent near the ceiling, reachable by climbing up the shelves and table. "That's how. That vent leads to the outside."

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"Huh. I thought things like that only existed in spy movies. Maybe Kamoshida's seen some."

She tests the shelf with her foot. It seems sturdy enough. 

"Let's go."

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The vent is cramped, just barely big enough for them to crawl through, but they make it to the end, reaching patch of ground that swiftly resolves into the street outside of school, which no longer looks remotely like a castle.

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"We made it out!"

Morgana's form back in the real world is... a small black cat with a white muzzle and socks and tail tip.

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"Hey, I thought you said you weren't a cat?"

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"If Morgana says they're not a cat they're not a cat." Akira's voice comes out a little heated. 

She pulls out her phone. What time is it?

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"Good point. Yeah. Sorry, Morgana."

He scratches the back of his head sheepishly.

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Morgana nods, mollified.

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The time is two minutes to homeroom.

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"Shit, we've got to get to class -" 

She can probably make it if she runs. She absolutely cannot afford to be late. 

She hefts her pack and runs for it.

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"I'll find you after school!", Morgana calls after her.

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Ryuji chases after her, before eventually branching off toward his own classroom.

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Ann and Akira manage to just make it into the room before the bell. Somehow they fit well over an hour or two of fighting and exploration and sneaking into five minutes, and still made it to class on time.

Ann, it turns out, sits directly in front of Akira's new seat.

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"Settle down, everyone. We've got a new student starting today," Kawakami says as she starts class. "Kurusu-san, stand up and introduce yourself please."

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Normally this would be absolutely terrifying but after the last hour she had she is officially out of fucks to give. 

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She puts on her brightest, fakest smile and her cutest voice and bows to the class. "Hi, everyone! I'm Kurusu Akira and I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all."

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The class make some gossipy noises. It seems like there are already rumors about her. 

Kawakami gives them a tired, "I've had enough of your shit" look, and they promptly settle down.

Class proceeds quietly and reasonably from there.

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It is really hard to focus in class after the morning she's had, but Akira tries her best. She keeps stumbling over the implications of Kamoshida being so full of himself he generates his own personal reality. 

This must be what that old man meant when he said that she had to fight the "distortion." Does that mean she has powers like Ryuji's? Is that what's causing her headaches? 

Maybe this whole "mental shutdown" thing that's been happening is just the effect of personal realities like Kamoshida's. People wander in, they're executed by the guards, their bodies experience a mental shutdown with no mind to guide them - and the psychosis is people honestly reporting what's happened to them and not being believed? 

The implications are truly staggering. And she's honestly lucky to be alive. What has she gone and blundered into? 

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Usually Ann is good at her studies but right now she cannot get the image of Kamoshida in a speedo, a crown and a cloak out of her brain and she really really wishes it would stop. 

There's no hope of convincing Ryuji and Akira that things are normal between her and Kamoshida after that. Which means that she and Shiho are completely doomed.

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Kawakami doesn't seem too disappointed with their performance. Or maybe she doesn't care very much.

Either way, they make it through to lunch time. 

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Akira gets out her packed lunch and finally has a moment to cool down.

There's no way to talk about Kamoshida while other students are around, but she can at least reach out to Ann and say hi. 

"Hey," she says to Ann quietly. "Want to chat over lunch? Like, about hobbies and stuff. It's okay if you don't want to."

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She doesn't really want to talk hobbies, but after this morning a rest would really be nice. 

"Yeah," she says. "I guess. I... do you know those crepe stores that do special combo platters sometimes? With triple cream and stuff like that? I like those. And going out to candy stores where they sell special stuff, like unusual soda flavors."

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"I can't say I've ever tried them. Mostly I play video games and mess with computers. I read sometimes, too. Mostly mystery novels."

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"I like to play video games too. Do you know the Dissidia series? The fighting games?"

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"Yeah, I used to play them online. I was never very good at them but it was fun to win with ring outs against people who weren't cautious with their positioning."

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Huh. An actual opponent? 

Ann leans in a little. "I'm not that good either, but we could try a match sometime."

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"That sounds like it could be fun. Who was your main?"

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And from there the conversation winds onward; Ann's willing to natter on about Dissidia for more or less the whole of lunch. 

She hadn't realized just how much she'd missed talking to people. 

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Then soon enough class starts back up. Other teachers take over for parts, but it's a simple enough day and they get through school. 

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Time to go look for Ryuji and Morgana and get some answers. 

She looks over at Ann. "Want to tag along to the station?"

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"... Sure, why not." 

Morgana might have some answers for her, and it'll be good to have some company for once. Even if it has to be Train Tracks Girl...

Honestly though, somehow she doubts Akira really did tie her ex to the train tracks. 

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On their way toward the exit, Ryuji turns up. "Hey! We gonna go talk about the—"

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"— video game Ann told me about with the knights and the swords, yeah!"

She gives Ryuji her fakest grin.

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"Uh. Yeah! That game!"

He falls into step beside them with a grin and follows them outside.

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Where a small black "cat" falls into step alongside them as soon as they leave campus.

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"Ann, do you know any decent crepe places around here? Somewhere we could stop and grab something to eat before we head home?"

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"I know one near the station that would work." 

That should be a good place to talk.

She takes the lead and heads toward the place she knows.

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"Sounds great! I've got so many questions, what's going on with all this shit?"

He follows eagerly.

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"Yeah, me too." 

Ryuji's kind of cute in a weird way. He's like a dog with a bone that just can't let it go.

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Ann looks down at Morgana and taps her fingers against her arm as she walks. She could use some answers too.

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"I'll explain it all when we get there," they say, padding along beside the teens. "I may not know much about this specific Palace's Ruler, but I know a lot about how the Metaverse works."

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Ann keeps her pace and nods. 

It's not a long walk to the crepe place she knows. There's a set of white wirework tables and chairs outside the small cafe, and a planter of daffodils beside them. Most of the patio is deserted right now. 

"Grab a table," Ann says. "I'll go order for you two. It's... really the least I can do after all that."

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"Get me a chocolate one, then." Akira takes one of the chairs and sits, leaving space for Morgana to hop up onto the table.

It's a little awkward that they can't order something for Morgana, but she doesn't even know if they like crepes.

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"Thanks, Ann! I'll have an orange one."

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Morgana gives a little cat-like shrug. "I'm good for now," they say.

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Ann goes and puts in their orders in the café, then comes back outside and joins them at the table. 

"So Morgana," she says. "Spill. What's going on? Explain from the beginning."

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Morgana nods. "There's a separate layer to the world called the Metaverse. It's a space where desires and beliefs are real. People usually can't get from the real world to the Metaverse, but there are ways. Lately it's been taking the form of an app on phones, I think, but like I said it's really rare. In the Metaverse, if a person's desires become twisted enough, entitled enough, their shadow self splits off from the collective unconscious to form a world of its own, called a Palace."

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"We were in another world?"

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"An app on people's phones..." 

Akira pulls out her own phone. The malware app is still there. 

"Like this app?"

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They nod! "Yeah! That's it. That's the Metaverse Navigator, it lets you enter people's Palaces. Most people don't have a Palace. This Kamoshida character apparently does. The castle you three met me in is a reflection of his distorted desires. He sees your school as his personal kingdom or something like it, I guess."

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Akira looks over at Ann. "We all saw what Kamoshida's like in the Metaverse. He called you his princess, said he wanted to take us to a "playroom", and I can still feel his hand on my cheek. Plus there's the speedo, and in the real world he was hovering over you creepily in his car. I think it's clear that he's not the kind of person who sees women as people."

Akira looks Ann in the eye. "Ann, if Kamoshida's creeping on you he's probably doing it to other girls as well. We've got to figure out a way to stop him. I know he's probably been threatening you, but you're not going to stop us from trying to help by being quiet. What do you know?"

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Ann sighs. "I..." She looks down at the table. "He keeps coming onto me, and when I try and turn him down he starts to talk about Shiho's starter position on the volleyball team and saying that maybe he shouldn't keep her in the lead. Everyone at the school thinks I got into the relationship myself, but really I just can't turn him down completely because if I do maybe he does something to Shiho. I don't have any solid proof, it's not obvious at all if someone were to overhear a conversation, it's just - a pattern - and I feel scared and alone and I don't know what to do."

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"That bastard!" Ryuji shouts, slamming his fist on the table. "We can't let him get away with this shit!"

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Akira keeps her voice low and acidic. "If you shout loud enough that Kamoshida hears about this, you'll make it ten times worse for Ann. And probably worse for all the female students in Kamoshida's gym classes as well. If he's using Shiho to pressure Ann then probably Shiho's being threatened too. Think before you open your mouth."

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Ryuji pales. "Shit. Sorry, Ann, Akira."

He swallows hard.

"I wasn't thinkin'."

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"It's okay. I know that anger. You've just got to channel it and not let it control you." 

It reminds her of her early days in jail. The rage at a world that was supposed to be fair, but wasn't.

Akira looks over at Ann. "I think we've got to talk to Shiho. Kamoshida needs to control her to control you, so he's undoubtedly doing sketchy things to her as well. There are probably other victims too. Have you heard of anyone else Kamoshida's 'dated' before?"

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"I think Ryuji might know more than me," Ann says. "I've mostly just been trying to... manage his affections. I haven't exactly had time to figure out what else he might be doing."

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Akira looks over at Ryuji.

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Ryuji looks down and scowls. "Yeah, I know a thing or two about Kamoshida. Ann maybe knows part of the first one. I—"

He takes a breath.

"My dad's was a bastard. Beat me some. Eventually he walked out on me 'n Ma. After Kamoshida showed up, he started spreading the story around, getting everyone to talk about it. He knew I'm a hothead, y'see, and I was the captain of the track team. And Kamoshida wanted his volleyball teams to be the only big teams at Shujin. So he pissed me the fuck off in a way that I knew it was him, and then when I mouthed off about it he kept rilin' me up and insultin' my ma until I saw red and took a swing at him. Then he broke my leg and claimed 'self-defense', and used that to shut down the whole track team."

He exhales harshly, tiredly.

"S'my fault. I'm too much of a fuckin' hothead. But if he's hurtin' you an' Shiho too? He's gotta go. Other that story, all I've got is rumors that he's probably beatin' up the volleyball players."

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"He's clever. He keeps it all deliberately deniable. Makes you take a swing at him so he can beat you up in response. Doesn't force Ann, just heavily implies things. But if he's willing to resort to physical violence... and is beating up the volleyball team... then there must be something we can get him on. The problem is that he's deliberately sabotaged your reputation, Ryuji, and Ann's as well... He picks on those who aren't able to fight back, reputationally. And I can't really help with that, given all the rumors around me as well. We need evidence and someone of sound reputation to back us. There's a doctor I know casually who might be able to help but we'd need to have real proof, I don't know her that well."

Akira frowns. "Normally you'd go to the school principal with something like this, but he's a raging asshole as well from the fifteen minutes I spent with him getting enrolled."

She crosses her arms and thinks for a moment. "Morgana, do you have any thoughts? I don't know what's possible with magic, and if there's a magical solution that's good I want to know about it."

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They nod. "There's... an option, in the Metaverse. I'm not sure, but from what I've seen so far, every Palace forms around something that represents the distorted desires. It's deep in the Palace. If we manage to steal that, we should be able to change Kamoshida's heart, because the distorted desires will fall apart without that treasure. Without that, he should be consumed by guilt."

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"Sounds dangerous. We'd have to face those guards again, and we barely got out okay last time. With Ryuji's powers and yours, we could maybe do something, and if it worked it'd be ideal — Kamoshida would turn himself in, right? — but fighting in the metaverse is risky. Is there any way we could make it safer?"

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"There are a couple things. First of all, yes, there are Personas, like mine and Ryuji's. A Persona is the manifestation of the other half of you, especially your will of rebellion. There are no guarantees that you two will awaken Personas of your own, but you might. Other than that, tools and weapons you bring in behave in line with people's subconscious expectations: medicine heals injuries, granola restores energy, impractical tools work well, fake weapons are real, and so on."

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"So we could maybe get fake guns or something like that. A bunch of granola would definitely be helpful and would be relatively easy to get." 

Akira frowns. If she's caught with a gun, fake or not, it'd look real bad. Medicine might be easier to get - she does have that bottle of long-acting painkillers - but overall it seems really fraught to try and sneak her way through Kamoshida's palace again. 

Kamoshida can't be allowed to keep hurting people like this, but she doesn't want to disappoint Sakura-san either.

She said she'd try to keep her head down. 

Said. Didn't promise.

What does she actually want?

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She wants all this to be resolvable neatly and safely and not be traced back to her. She wants to not lose her housing or her liberty, not disappoint Sakura-san, and fix Kamoshida without anyone getting seriously hurt in the process. 

There's really two routes here: gather evidence of abuse and bring it to an adult with leverage, or get together infiltration supplies and try to brave Kamoshida's palace. 

In the first case, what are the risks?

One: Her housing and her liberty, because she had better pick that adult damn carefully for it to not be seen as her just repeating her previous "assault." If word gets back to Sakura-san or the police she could be out on the street or back in prison.

Two: Disappointing Sakura-san, because she can't keep her head down. 

Three: Alerting Kamoshida with her evidence-gathering, which could make the abuse far worse. 

Four: Failing to fix Kamoshida due to insufficient evidence of abuse or insufficient reputational weight. He's probably being protected by the principal of the school since the principal is also a scumbag. In which case Kamoshida probably gets ten times worse because he knows he's invulnerable to scandal.

In the second case, what are the risks?

One: Her housing and her liberty, because if she possesses even a fake gun that's definitely violating the terms of her probation. 

Two: Disappointing Sakura-san, because she'll look like a delinquent for possessing sketchy replica weapons. 

Three: Dying to the shadows in Kamoshida's castle, in which case she and the people she brings with her are probably lobotomized. 

Four: Failing to fix Kamoshida due to dying in his castle, in which case he goes on unimpeded as he has been and everyone in this conversation is also braindead. 

Neither is an attractive option. She's not important; if she dies in Kamoshida's castle or gets thrown in prison again that's fine. But taking Morgana, Ryuji and Ann to their deaths with her would be unconscionable. Similarly, if she fucks this up and Kamoshida seriously hurts someone, or becomes invincible to scandal due to an unsubstantiated accusation, that's on her head too. 

This decision feels heavy as hell. Third options, third options...

"There are two basic plans we could try," she says at length. "We could do it the mundane way. Gather evidence, find a trustworthy adult or a couple trustworthy adults who'll speak for us, try our best to support the victims. Or we could do it the magical way. Get fake guns, medicine, granola bars, whatever else useful we can think of. Get together and delve into the palace and steal the thing that's causing the distortion."

She looks at Ryuji and Ann. "I want, more than anything, for everybody to get to be safe, but this isn't going to work out that way. Whatever we do comes with serious risks. If we approach the victims we could attract abuse to them; if we fight in the palace we could literally die. But I think we've just got to throw everything we've got at this problem. Talk to the victims, get fake weapons, try to find the treasure that Kamoshida's hiding in that castle, just work the problem from both ends and whichever one seems more likely to work go with that one. The important thing is that Kamoshida gets kicked out of the school; how we do that is less important to me."

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"Sure, fine, okay, so what do we actually do?"

Ann cuts herself off as the waiter comes with the crepes and passes them out. Orange for Ryuji, chocolate for Akira, and double cream for herself.

She speaks up again once the waiter's gone. "You say throw everything at the problem, what does that look like? What's the plan?"

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"It looks like I feel out that doctor tonight and bring my meds with me tomorrow, and maybe Ryuji or you try and find a place for fake guns or granola bars overnight too, and tomorrow we ask around the school at lunch hour to talk to Shiho or the volleyball team, and if we're able to find good fake guns and medicine and prepare for things well we try and explore the castle some more after school tomorrow."

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Ryuji nods. "I like that idea. I think I know a good airsoft shop, too, in Shibuya. Guy sells some realistic ones, from what I hear, but he's a little picky about customers. You seem like you're better at talkin' t'people than I am, Akira. Y'got time to come check it out with me tonight?"

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She hates decisons like this. If she stays out, she needs an excuse to be out for a while that is not "buying airsoft guns." But getting those airsoft guns could make the difference between a successful infiltration tomorrow or... not. And every day is important with things so at risk right now. 

"Not sure I can squeeze both that and the doctor visit in, and if I'm gone too long my guardian will wonder where the hell I've been. I'd prefer not to have to lie..."

She taps her chin. "Failing that, I'd like to make the lie believable. Shibuya's a big fashion district, right? Ann, want to come along and buy an outfit or two with me? Then I'd have a physical object as proof of where I've been and a story to tell my guardian that'd make sense."

Akira frowns. "... I don't actually have much money on me," she admits. "Do you two have enough between the two of you to afford some airsoft guns and maybe a skirt?"

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Ryuji shakes his head. "I don't."

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"I think I can cover that. My parents give me a monthly shopping budget and I can use it on this."

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"I didn't say anything earlier because we were running for our lives, but shadows accumulate money and items from the collective unconscious, and they sometimes leave it behind when they dissolve. That should make it easier to get more supplies or upgrades in the future, if we need to."

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"That's pretty convenient. Glad to hear that."

Akira looks at Ryuji and Ann. "I think we have a plan. Let's get over to Shibuya before the shops close."

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Ryuji nods and stands up, having finished his crepe. "Sounds like a plan."

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"Let's hurry then."

Akira turns her attention to her own crepe and efficiently demolishes it.

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Ann's already done hers. 

"Yeah." She gets up from the table. "Ryuji, you know where this place is?"

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"Yep! It's called Untouchable, on Central street. C'mon."

And he leads the way into the station and picks out the right train.

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Akira kind of wishes she could call Sakura-san and tell him where she's going. At least the excuse part. 

She'll have to ask for his number when she gets home today.

Onto the train she goes.

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It's not a long train ride, and no transfers. "I'm glad we finally have a way to do something about—", he suddenly cuts himself off, correcting his following word choice. "About that bastard," he finishes quietly.

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Akira gives Ryuji a small smile. "Better. Ryuji, when we're in the store let me do the talking."

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Ann leans against the pole on the train. "It'll be nice to shop with someone," she says. "It's really been a while for me."

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He nods a bit sheepishly. "I know I've fucked things up before. I'm glad for the help not fucking this up too."

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"It's cool. Just do your best. I think we're going to be doing a cops and robbers scenario - you get to be the yakuza boss, I'm the detective, Ann's the femme fatale. I know enough about old detective movies and books that I can speak to that." 

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Ann smiles a bit at being called a femme fatale.

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A yakuza boss? He smiles. "I think I can do that."

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"Alright. Ann, do you know any good fashion places on Central Street?"

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"I think Lapin Angellique is on that street? They do EGL fashion though and all of it's pretty expensive. I think Jupiter of the Monkey has an outlet around there too, they sell casualwear."

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Soon enough they're arriving. Several people file off for Shibuya.

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And Ryuji leads the way to Central street.

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The shop sign for Untouchable is big and neon green. It's visible quite a ways down the street. 

"Alright," Akira says. "Let's do this."

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The inside of the shop is... not dark. It is, however, a bit cramped, absolutely full of shelves and displays, and staffed by a grouchy-looking guy wearing grey.

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Yeah, this guy looks about as sketchy as she expects. Looks can be decieving though.

She walks up to the counter and gives him her best smile. 

"Hey," she says. "I'm looking for some airsoft guns for a cops and robbers scenario I'm putting together. Have you got anything that looks like a Colt, like Sam Spade has in the Maltese Falcon?"

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He gives them a look up and down. "Cops and robbers, huh?"



After a long moment of appraisal, he jerks his head indicatively at a rack of guns displayed on the wall behind him.

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"Yeah, we're basing it on film noir, like The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler. Ryuji here is a yakuza boss, and Ann here's the dame who owes him money for her gambling debts. I'm the private eye her dad hires to sort it all out. So I'm thinking something that looks like a Colt Detective Special would be ideal, for me at least. Do you have any recommendations?" 

She looks over the airsoft guns on the back wall. Anything fit her description?

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There's an impressive replica of a Colt Single Action Army, along with a nicely straight-forward looking semi-automatic pistol called a Tkachev, a Levinson (which appears to be a short-barreled shotgun), a slingshot, and a sub-machine gun listed as a Sterlidge.

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Ryuji seems to be quietly eying the shotgun.

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"That Colt Single Action Army replica you've got back there looks like it'd be just about perfect for me," she says. "Ryuji, you want the Levinson?"

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Ann's inspecting the Tkachev. It looks simple enough to operate.

"I think I'd like this one," she says.


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He grins and nods. "This looks perfect for me."

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Morgana's eyes are locked on the slingshot. "Ooh. That looks just right," they say.

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"Talkative cat you've got there," the shopkeeper says with a hmph, and he starts getting down boxes containing the selected weapons.

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Shit, did Morgana just blow their cover? Can normal people understand them?

"Yeah, they really are." Akira smiles to cover her panic. "I'd like a slingshot too, if that's fine by you."

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Ann comes forward and gets out her wallet to pay.

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He nods, grabs a boxed up slingshot, and other than the slight incongruity of a cat being present at all, doesn't seem to be having the usual shock you'd expect a shopkeeper to have about a talking cat.

"Total's ¥18,600."

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"That Colt Single Action's really expensive. It's like more than the rest put together. I could cover it but that'd be my funds for the whole month. Are we sure we don't just want to get another Tkachev?"

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She weighs the options. Either way, everyone would have a gun. The Peacemaker might be more powerful, but she doesn't know how guns work in the cognitive realm...

"Yeah, I think we have to drop the Peacemaker and get another Tkachev instead, much as I'd love to own a proper Colt replica."

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"Alright, then."

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He cocks an eyebrow at them, then swaps the guns with a nod. "¥5,400 then."

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Ann nods to the clerk and pays, then unslings her pack and starts putting the boxed weapons into it.

The shotgun looks like it might not fit. She looks over at Ryuji. "Want to handle your own Levinson?" she asks.

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He nods and fits the box into his pack with room to spare.

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"Alright!" Akira grins. "Let's go shop for clothes. Ryuji, you don't have to come along for this part if you don't want to."

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He starts to look conflicted on the question, as they head out onto the street. After a long moment, he shakes his head. "I'd probably slow y'all down. I dunno anything about fashion."

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"Alright. Then good luck. Keep that Levinson safe and don't bring it to school directly; last thing we need is for someone to mistake it for a real weapon. Find a safe place to stash it in your house and go pick it up again after school tomorrow, I'll find an excuse to be out for a while that's believable."

She looks over at Ann. "Let's go shop!"

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"Alright!" Ann smiles. "We can keep it quick, just drop by Lapin Angelique for a few moments and look around, then stop by Jupiter of the Monkey to buy something. It shouldn't take too long, and then you can get back home."

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Ryuji nods and heads off. "See ya!"

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Morgana hops up to sit on Akira's bag as the girls shop. "Normal people can't hear me, by the way. Only people who've been to the Metaverse can."

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"Oh good, I almost panicked about that when you spoke up."

Akira ducks her head and smiles. "Alright, Ann, let's go."

She's going shopping with a real girl!

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"Alright then. Lapin Angelique is just around the corner. Let's go browse!"

And Ann shoulders her pack and leads Akira off down the street.

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The storefront for Lapin Angelique is shady and quiet, with several large dresses in the window that drip with lace. 

Inside it's full of goth-influenced clothing, ranging from corsetted dresses to maid headbands and platform boots. There's even a small fascinator in the shape of a crown on one of the clothing racks. It's all gorgeous, elegant fashion at the height of counterculture. 

The clerk looks up as the pair come in; she's dressed from head to toe in black and violet, and smiles at both of them. "Welcome to Lapin Angelique!" she chirps.

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"Thanks! For now we're just browsing," Ann shoots back. 

She looks over at Akira and lowers her voice. "And we'll definitely just be browsing. The prices here are ridiculous."

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Akira steps over to one of the racks, where a gorgeous red-and-black two-layered midi skirt hangs up. 

She winces when she checks the price tag. It's ¥17,630. Almost as much as all the airsoft guns together, including the Peacemaker. 

"Yeah," she says. "I can see why you're only window shopping."

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Ann keeps her voice low, as if letting Akira in on a secret. 

"Sometimes," she says, "I come here just to try on dresses in the mirror and then put them back again. I like them, but... I don't seventeen thousand yen like them, you know?"

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Akira laughs. "Yeah, I hear you. And when would you ever get to wear something like this in real life, seriously? It's gorgeous, but I wouldn't want my guardian to catch me wearing it." 

She tilts her head. "Well, some of the skirts might be okay. But it's really event-wear, you know?"

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"You can wear anything in real life if you're brave enough," Ann says. "But I see your point. Want to move on, or...?"

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"I mean, I've hardly seen things. I'd like to browse a little bit. But it can be just a few minutes."

It's all gorgeous, and it's fun to imagine herself in it someday. Maybe someday, if she gets enough money from killing Shadows.

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"Alright!" Ann smiles.

Even if it's just window-shopping, it's fun to spend time with Akira. She's surprisingly personable as well as kind.

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"I don't know anything about fashion, but these are really pretty."

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"Yeah, me neither. I always used to think about these before I —" 

She cuts herself off. Before she knew she was a girl. 

It almost slipped out entirely, that's how comfortable she is around Ann already. But she doesn't really know her. And she seems to have been stealth all this time. So Ann probably thinks she's cis, and — she doesn't really want to correct her on that. 

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"Before you what?"

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Great, Ann's noticed. That's not good at all.

"Before I... It doesn't matter." Her thoughts are all a jumble.

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"Look, if it has to do with the rumors that have been flying around about you at school, I think that it's pretty clear that they're false at this point. You've helped so much already. You've asked me to trust you — shouldn't you trust me in return?"

She really, really hopes it's not time for the story of Akira And The Train.

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Akira feels scared and empty and hollow and numb. 

Ann's her — friend, she guesses — the first female friend she's ever had. And she's probably about to lose her. 

But Ann is right. She deserves to know the truth. 

She opens her mouth and starts to talk. It's hard to just say it, but she tries. "I... always wanted one of these, even when I was growing up. When I was tiny. Before I even knew that... I was me." 

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"... before you knew that you were you?"

Akira's not making any sense, but she can tell that this is serious from the way she's gotten all quiet.

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Akira swallows. 

"... Before I knew that I was a girl, I mean. I'm trans."

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Ann's eyebrows leap up. "You're trans?" She blinks in shock. "I — you had me completely fooled —" 

She pauses. "No, sorry, that's not right. It's — I don't know a lot about trans people but — it's not like you're faking something. It's who you are. Like — wearing Lapin Angelique out in a crowd —" 

She ducks her head. "I'm making a total mess of this. I mean — I still accept you. You're a girl, I never thought you weren't. And you're helping me so much. The least I can do is — listen to you when you say who you are. Like you listened to me when I said I wasn't with Kamoshida by choice."

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Morgana nods firmly. "I may not really get gender, but you defended me when Ryuji called me a cat."

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Akira smiles, just slightly. "I — okay. You're not mad?"

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"No, I'm not mad. Maybe a little concerned for you, that must be a lot to handle. But — I have a sense of what kind of person you are, and I don't think you'd — change genders — if you weren't serious about it."

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"Alright." Akira takes long slow breaths to still her shaking nerves. "Okay." 

She did it?

She did it.

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"What should I tell Ryuji?"

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"Probably nothing. With his big mouth if we let him in on this the whole school will know about it by the next day. And I mean... I would really prefer to just be seen as a normal girl, you know?"

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"Okay," Ann says. "I'll keep your secret like you're keeping mine. Just... I think it would be good to tell Ryuji eventually. Maybe once this whole problem's fixed."

Maybe Akira's gotten all this knowledge about how to deal with people like Kamoshida... firsthand. That would explain a lot about her, honestly...

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"Okay," Akira says, putting on her best smile again. "More shopping?"

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"Yeah," Ann says. "More shopping."

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"Let's head over to Jupiter of the Monkey, then."

She really hopes this doesn't make things awkward.

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"Yeah, sure."

She's not really sure how this changes things between her and Akira. She's never met a real trans person before, and her head is full of questions — but judging from how nervous Akira is, now's not the time to ask them.

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... She thinks she's definitely getting Akira that skirt though. That'll say more than words.

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Akira walks along next to Ann, letting her take the lead toward the athetics-wear shop.

It's totally awkward. She's having a real hard time not launching into a longwinded explanation of how she figured out she was trans. It feels like the kind of thing she has to justify. 

Ann isn't asking questions, though. She can still feel the tension and it's hard to make conversation.

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A little bell over the door dingles as they stop in at the athletics-wear shop; the clerk behind the counter doesn't look up.

The shop's full of windbreakers, sneakers, and sporting wear. There's not a skirt to be seen; most of the clothes are deeply unisex. It's not exactly a trans girl's dream.

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Akira looks around and frowns. 

"This is hardly..." She looks over at Ann. "It's hardly women's fashion, I mean."

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"I mean, I'd wear some of the stuff from here. I've got nothing against a good pair of jeans. But I promised you a skirt, and there seems to be a real lack of any on sale here." 

Ann interlaces her fingers. "I think I know a better place. It's a little bit of a walk, but we could go across the scramble to Natural Puppy; they've got a better range of women's fashion than J of the M stocks."

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Huh, real shopping tips from a real girl. "Sure," she says. "Let's head over that way."

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And back out of the shop they go! 

It's not a long walk over to Natural Puppy, though they do have to pass a scramble crossing. 


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Natural Puppy is a mainstream fashion store, with racks of polo shirts, black turtlenecks, jeans, but also a large selection of one-piece dresses and miniskirts, pink camisoles and white cache-coeurs, along with some more cutesy sweatshirts and a whole selection of pretty shoes, both heeled and unheeled. 

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"Well?" Ann asks. "What do you think?"

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"Much better. I like some of these dresses they've got on offer. I wonder if they have my size?"

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"I suppose my budget stretches to a dress. Go ahead, knock yourself out!"

Ann grabs a deep pink one-piece dress off the rack and holds it up against herself. "What do you think, is it me?" 

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Akira considers. "A little more cutesy than your usual style, but I could see it. I kind of like that in the white, actually." 

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"Let's have you try that on, then." Ann riffles through the hangars on the rack. "What's your size again?" 

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"Large." She's a little self-conscious about it. Her shoulders are broad for a cis girl.

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Ann picks out the dress. "Okay, here we are. Want to try one one of those cache-coeurs or a turtleneck? Maybe one of the camisoles?"

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"Sure, let's try one of the pink camisoles, they're cute. The skirts they sell here are mostly too short for my style though."

This is actually really kind of fun. The fear's fallen away and now she can enjoy it. Ann sees her.

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Ann picks it off the rack and hands it to Akira. "Go, then, try them on. I'll be here when you're ready to show something off." She gestures to the change rooms.

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Ugh, the change rooms are gender-segregated. Still, she is a girl and she is with a girl who will attest to her being a girl so nobody needs to know that she's trans.

She can just stay in one of these stalls and swap out her uniform for the thigh-length single-piece dress.

... It's got ruffles on it. Honestly, it makes her feel... kind of cute. Her shoulders are cold though, it's got barely any coverage. And that makes her feel really self-conscious. 

She slips out of the change room quietly, her head lowered.

"What do you think?" she asks. 

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"Gosh," Ann says. "That's kind of adorable. It emphasizes your décolletage well. And the ruffles look nice. Very sporty, very spring chic. What do you think?"

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What's a décolletage? Better not ask.

"I'm anxious that it makes my shoulders look big. And it's a little cold..." 

She looks at Morgana. "What do you think?"

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Morgana nods and replies, "Very cute. The ruffles look fun."

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Akira blushes a little.

... she looks cute in a dress?

"... Okay," she says. "I think I want to keep this one."

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Ann checks the price tag. "Yeah, it's within budget. Want to stop there or should I get you the camisole as well?"

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Akira ducks her head. It's embarrassing to have another girl offer to buy her clothes. 

"... If you wanted to cover the camisole I wouldn't turn you down," she says.

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"Let's do that then. And that can be our shopping trip? I know you want to get back home and get talking to that doctor you said you wanted to."

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"Yeah, okay. Can I just wear this out if you pay for it?"

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"Yeah, I can pull off the tag and get it scanned at checkout, Shibuya shops are usually good about that. Come with me to checkout?"

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"Yeah, sure."

And across the store they go.

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"You ladies find everything you were looking for?" the cashier asks.

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"Yeah, I think so!" Ann smiles. "Just a couple items for my friend here."

She pulls out her wallet again and pulls the tag off of Akira's dress.

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Akira hands over the camisole for scanning, and then they're all paid up and on their way back.

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"So," Ann says as they leave the shop. "Was that so bad?"

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"... You're a good friend," Akira says. "Thank you. For... giving me my space and for the gifts, too. I promise we'll figure this all out in the end. It might get messy, but I'll do my best."

Ann is really kind of wonderful.

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"I'm glad to be a good friend to you. I'll walk you back to the station, alright? And then I've got to get back to my own place as well." 

It's been a really intense day, but hopefully things work out okay.

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And off they go together to take their separate trains.

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It's a quiet trip back to Yongen-Jaya.

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Leblanc is quiet when she gets inside. Sojiro's tidying up after a few customers, and he looks up when she walks in. "New dress, kid? It's cute. Looks good on you."

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Akira puts on her brightest smile. "Yeah! I made a friend at school and everything! It's a long story, but I ended up coming out to one of the girls in my class and she got me this and a cami. Her name is Ann, she seems like a really cool person."

She rubs the back of her head. "Sorry for being late back, I would have called to let you know where I was if I had your phone number."

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"Glad to hear you had a good day. And good thinking, kid." 

He gives Akira his phone number.

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Akira accepts Sakura-san's phone number. "Thanks," she says. "I'll try not to bug you with it too often. Speaking of which — I want to go over to Ann's house after school tomorrow to play Dissidia with her and get to know her a bit better. I hope that's okay with you."

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He nods. "Fine by me. I'm not going to try to restrict what you get up to, as long as you don't get into trouble."

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Her parents would never have given her this much rope.

Akira smiles. "Thank you for your trust." 

It sucks that she has to break it, but needs must. 

"Then I'm going to head over to the Takemi clinic again and talk to the doctor there a little more about treating my headache attacks and maybe further steps for my transition." She gives Sakura-san a little wave. "Be back in about an hour, probably."

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He waves back.

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Dr. Takemi looks up as Akira walks in. "Back so soon, Akira? How's the painkiller working out for you? Any side effects with anything?"

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"Good afternoon, Doctor Takemi. I'm not actually here for medicine today, I'm here for advice. You're the only trans adult in my life, and, well, I've encountered a situation at school that I could use the help of a trustworthy adult with."

She ducks her head. "I know it's a lot to ask, since I barely know you, but I could really use someone to talk to about this who I know has their head on straight."

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She arches an eyebrow curiously. "This sounds like quite the story. Come on back and let's talk."

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"Alright." She heads back into the clinic, where she takes a seat in the same chair she had last time. 

"Where should I start..." She rubs her chin with two knuckles. "... Start with the basics. One of the students I've met at school today, Ann, is being harassed by her gym teacher. I encountered him trying to get her into his car with him on the walk to school, and pretended to be lost and asked for directions so that she would have an excuse not to get in. We talked a little more about it after the incident and it came out that he's been pressuring her for a while. All of it is fairly plausibly deniable - mostly he talks about kicking her friend Shiho off the starter position on the volleyball team whenever she starts resisting him too hard. 

"I have reason to believe that the gym teacher is also able to resort to violence, because of an incident where he broke one of his students' legs in 'self-defense.' I've also heard rumors that he's physically beating up the men's volleyball team he heads, though I haven't confirmed them myself. 

"Normally I would go to the school principal with this kind of problem, but I spent fifteen minutes in a room with him while I was registering for classes and that was long enough to learn that he is a raging transphobe. I seriously doubt that he would take this with the gravity it deserves.

"What do you think is my best option to keep Ann, Shiho, and everyone else in the school safe from this man?"

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"That's a serious mess, Akira-chan," she replies with a frown when the story's finished. "Getting predators like that tossed out and locked up is hard work. You have three main problems: evidence, credibility, and re-traumatizing the victims. 

"First, you need hard evidence," she states, ticking off a finger. "You're working against a reputation-obsessed school that would rather cover this up. They will not corroborate your claims unless you back them into a corner. Best options here are recordings or photos of something that isn't deniable."

She holds up a second finger. "Next, you have the credibility problem. Your friends are going to be asked why they didn't come forward sooner, whether they're looking for a payout, whether they misunderstood, whether they were 'asking for it', and more. The authorities want to believe that other authorities are more trustworthy than random teenagers. Partly you can solve this with more evidence, and partly by making sure the victims who make the initial reports are innocent and photogenic."

Then she counts off a third finger. "Finally, this process is going to take months at minimum, and it will be absolutely brutal on your friends. They'll have to relive the trauma for multiple different officials and retellings, they'll be disbelieved and invalidated, they'll have to face him down in court, and their names may get released publicly."

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"Don't get me wrong. It's possible. I've seen it done. But the process of doing it is miserable, for all that it's extremely necessary."

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"I was afraid that would be your answer. It sounds like the best plan would then be to gather as much hard evidence and support as possible before making any report. Especially given that my own reputation is not one that's likely to stand up well, unfortunately. I tried to stop another man from committing sexual assault a few months ago and lost the case. I ended up being charged with assault for laying a hand on him — not a punch, just laying a hand on his shoulder to keep him from grabbing her. There's no way I'd be believed in this case, given that's on my record." 

She sighs. "For now I guess I've got to keep my head down and help the victims as best I can. If I take point on evidence-gathering it'll work against the whole prosecution, probably."

"Sorry to trouble you with all this," she says. "I was hoping there'd be some silver bullet that'd just fix it all, but I guess real life just doesn't work that way."

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She sighs and smiles ruefully. "I wish. I've seen the injustice first-hand, though."

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"On a more positive note, are those painkillers helping at all with your headaches? And it sounds like you made a friend?"

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"Yeah, I had an attack this morning but the painkiller had already kicked in and made it much more bearable. And yeah, I did make a friend! Ann actually got me this dress I'm wearing right now and I came out to her and everything. It's been such an all over the place day, you have no idea."

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"I'm glad to hear about that at least. You're a good girl, Akira-chan, I can tell. You deserve good friends."

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She blushes a little.

"Thank you, Doctor Takemi. It's good to hear that from someone who's been there."

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"Looks like your new friend's got good taste, too. The dress is cute on you."

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The blush is only intensifying. 

"Thank you. I'm still not used to cold-shoulder tops like this but everyone seems to think it's cute so I guess I've got to keep wearing it."

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Tae nods. "I didn't start out this stylish. I picked things I liked that were just on the edge of my comfort zone, wore those, and then tried again when I was ready to stretch more."

She's wearing another short dress today, and a different pair of strappy heels.

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"That makes a lot of sense. It really seems to have worked out for you, honestly."

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"And it's already starting to do the same for you," she replies with a smile.

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"Yeah, I guess there's a lot to learn. Thanks for being here for me."

She runs a hand through her hair and smiles.

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"Glad to, Akira-chan. Us trans girls have to look out for each other, right?"

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"Yeah, we do."

Akira smiles. "Any other advice you'd like to offer? About transitioning, maybe? I probably need to have a conversation with Ann about my reasons for being trans and all, so maybe something about that?"

She blinks. "Oh! And - Do you mind if I tell my guardian you're trans? I made an excuse to come talk to you and I'd rather be able to explain that you're mentoring me a little, but I know you don't like spreading around that you're trans. My guardian's cool, he fought for me to be admitted to school as a girl when my parents wouldn't."

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She hums for a moment. "Your guardian? It sounds like he'll be cool about it. So that should be fi—"

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And then she recalls the address she recorded for Akira. "Wait. You're staying with Sakura-san? Yeah, you can tell him. Kind of curious how surprised he'll be, honestly."

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"Wait, you know him?"

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"Leblanc's my favorite café. Been going there for years."

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"Oh, cool."

She frowns. "What's Sakura-san like, as a person? You probably know him better than I do if you've been going to Leblanc for ages."

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She leans on her hand a bit as she thinks. "Gruff but kind. Makes a big deal about not wanting trouble or bother, but that's half a cover for how much he cares about the few people he lets close. Good listener."

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"Yeah, that fits my image of him too. I'm worried that if news about the gym teacher situation gets back to him he'll be serious about not wanting trouble and kick me out of my housing. Do you think that's a reasonable worry, or should I talk to him about it?"

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She frowns and nods. "It'll be okay, I think. Focus on the fact that you're staying out of the way and just supporting the victims and passing along my advice to them, and he'll be more worried for you than anything else. Well,. that and especially pissed at the school. I think he's seen a few things of his own that would caution him against meddling without evidence, though, so that should be fine too."

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"Thank you, that's really good to hear. It'll honestly be a huge relief to be able to describe the situation to him. I hate keeping secrets."

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"Glad to help, Akira-chan."

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"Glad to be helped. I'll do my best to handle things sensibly. Any last advice before I go talk to Sakura-san?"

It looks like stealing the treasure is their best shot, then. Hopefully that turns out okay.

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She shakes her head. "You've got this. And text me if you need to talk."

She gives Akira her phone number with a smile.

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"Will do!"

And off she goes on her way back to Sakura-san's.

Where's Morgana gotten to, anyway? She didn't see them in the clinic.

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They pad quietly up as she leaves the clinic. "How'd it go?"

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"I think it went well! Doctor Takemi was very sensible about the whole thing, and convinced me to talk to my guardian about it too."

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"I'm glad you've got good people to lean on. Everyone needs people to lean on."

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"It's a new thing for me, honestly. I want to put my faith in people but up until now they've mostly let me down. Here's hoping Sakura-san will be better."

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"Here's hoping."


They're quiet for a moment, then ask, "Um, Akira? I can't remember where I was staying before getting locked up in Kamoshida's dungeon. Can I stay with you?"

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"Yeah, of course!"

She taps her chin. "... Do you think we should tell my guardian about you being a person?"

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They tilt their head. "That'd be really great, but how would you convince him without taking him to the Metaverse? You can skip that if you need to."

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"I mean, you're way too smart for a cat. I could direct you to go to different places in front of him, give sets of commands to do in sequence. I could ask you math questions and have you do an action the right number of times. It would be hard to prove it conclusively without taking Sakura-san to the castle, but I think I could at least demonstrate that you're unusually good with commands for a housecat."

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"Maybe something about my ability to talk? He tells me something and I tell you?"

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"Great idea, that would be a really good demonstration."

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And soon enough they're back at Leblanc.

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"Talk with Dr. Takemi go well?"

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"Yeah, it really did." Akira sits down at the bar and taps her fingers against the bartop, her nervous energy spilling over a bit. 

"I have a couple things to share that I'm a bit anxious about... Let me start from the top. Yes, I did go talk to Doctor Takemi about my headaches, but the point of the visit was different. It turns out she's trans, and that made me willing to go to her for advice on an issue that's come up at school..." 

She takes a breath. "Ann's being harassed by her gym teacher. I saw him hovering over her on the way to class in his car, so I pretended I was lost and asked her for directions. She opened up to me about it afterward and explained that she's been being pressured for a while."

Akira looks down at the bartop. "Now, I know with my record you're probably concerned that I'll do something stupid about this, but from my last incident I've learned a hard lesson about making accusations without proof. I talked with Doctor Takemi about it, and we both agree that if I tried to gather evidence myself or otherwise get involved I'd probably just make things worse for everyone. That said, I think Ann could really use a friend right now as she weathers this, and so I want to help support her through it, even if I can't get involved directly. I'm going to pass on Doctor Takemi's advice about it to her - apparently she's seen a situation like this before - and then just try and make sure she has a friend to talk to about it. Part of me wishes I could do more, but I think that's what's best for everyone."

She sighs. "That's the main thing. I was nervous about bringing this to you since you told me to keep my head down and all, but Doctor Takemi told me you were trustworthy so I'm trying my best to be forthright."

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First surprise, then shock, then anger, then concern flicker across Sojiro's face, one after another, before finally he pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs.

"God damn it, kid."

He looks away for a long moment, muttering, "Of course they would," under his breath, before finally looking back at Akira.

"Why'd you have to get sent to the school that has trouble waiting for you even when you're trying to keep out of it, huh kid?"

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Akira sighs as well. "Just lucky I guess. I know it's hardly what you wanted to hear from me on my first day back from class, but the last thing I want to do is end up hiding things from you. That doesn't lead anywhere good in the long run." 

It still weighs on her, keeping the airsoft guns and the metaverse a secret. But if she told Sakura-san about those, he might stop her from fixing Kamoshida. Priorities.

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"No, it doesn't."

He sighs again.

"He's probably doing something to other students, too, isn't he?"

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Akira nods. "I've heard rumors he's been beating up the men's volleyball team as well, yeah. And Ann says he pressures her by threatening the starter position of her friend Shiho. Overall he really sounds like a nasty character."

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"And he's probably taking pains to keep it all deniable, too."

Sojiro buries his face in his hands for a long moment.

"I wish I didn't believe you," he says when he looks up, "but I do. I'm proud of you for keeping your head down, and I'm prouder that you're supporting your friend as she gets through this, but I hate everything else about it."

He turns and starts making a curry, shaking his head.

"Still listening, kid, but you've had a hell of a day and you need to eat, so I'm going to work on this too."

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"That pretty much covers that, I think. It's a mess but mostly the only thing to do is cope with it and move on. The other thing is not so much good or bad as just plain weird. Morgana, could you hop up on the bar?"

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The distinctly cat-shaped non-cat bounds up onto the bar. "Hi, Sakura-san!"

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"A cat?" He looks over his shoulder for a moment. "Surprisingly obedient for a cat, though."

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"I'm not a cat!"

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"Morgana says they're not a cat. That's the weird thing." 

Akira ducks her head. "I met them on the way to school today. They can speak Japanese but only me and Ann can hear them, anyone else just hears meowing. I know I'm not crazy because Ann can hear them too. If you want proof, I can go out of the café and you can tell Morgana something while I'm not here, and then they can relay that to me when I come back in."

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"You're telling me that the not-cat sitting on my bar told you they weren't a cat? And that only you and your friend can hear them?"

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"Morgana, can you do three times four in taps of your paw against the bar?"

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"Sure." Have twelve thumps of their right front paw, Sakura-san, nice and firm and against this convenient magazine to make sure they're easy to hear.

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"Damn. Well, that's evidence enough to at least try the passphrase test. Scoot, kid. I'll call you when I've talked to Morgana."

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She smiles and heads out of the café. It's working!

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He looks at Morgana over his shoulder, still cooking. "Can you read? Give me a nod or headshake."

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"Yep!", they reply with an unmistakable nod.

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"Okay, we'll do this thing proper, then. I'm going to type something on my phone, then you look at it, then I'll delete it, then I'll call Akira back in."

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And a moment later, he gets the curry to a pause point and taps something out in a text message to himself.

"Okay, Morgana. Done, come look. Meow when you've got it."

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They pad over and read, then nod. "Got it," they meow.

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He clears the message out, then dials Akira's phone.

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She picks up from at the end of the block. "Hey, Boss."

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"Hey kid. All done, come on back."

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Akira walks back into Leblanc and takes back her seat at the bar.

She looks over at Morgana. "So, what's the passphrase?"

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"It was 'The purple fox wears a coat'. He made me read it on his phone, too."

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"You made Morgana read it on your phone. The passphrase was 'the purple fox wears a coat.'"

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"Tell it to me straight, kid. Are you a magical girl?"

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She laughs. "No, I don't think so. I don't know why Morgana's like this, nor do I think they know — their memory's pretty blurry — and they haven't given me a quest to save the world or anything. They seem to just be a person, like you or I. Victim of a magical accident? Experiment gone sideways? I have no idea. All I know is that they seem to be a decent sort — they tagged along on my shopping trip with Ann — and right now they don't have a place to stay. I thought about pretending they were a cat, but they're a person, so they deserve to be treated like one."

Ugh, now she's remembering her dreams. She really could be a magical girl, couldn't she. But right now, she's got to focus on keeping things safe for her and Sakura-san, and that means keeping him out of this.

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"You're tangentially mixed up in corruption at your school, you have a talking cat-shaped person as a friend, and you've got a tragic backstory, kid. Can't blame me for asking, can you?"

He plates the curry and passes it to her.

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"No, it's a very reasonable question."

She takes a spoonful of the curry, tries it, and thinks.

She wants to keep Sakura-san out of this. She really does. But he's practically already guessed it, and when Kamoshida has a sudden change of heart it'll probably be obvious something magical has happened. Sakura-san will put two and two together and then it'll be clear she's lied to him. And if she dies in the castle he deserves to know what happened to her.

Better to get out in front of it. Sakura-san doesn't seem like he'd actually stop her, now that he's suggested it.

She thinks for another long, long moment. Should she ask Ryuji and Ann first? 

No, she's already made the mistake by introducing Morgana. Better to simply explain.

"... It's not like magical girl magic. I can't do anything obvious in this world other than talk to Morgana, but I can go to another world where people's - thoughts and wants, I guess - are real physical things. I don't have powers there yet but I know people who do. Morgana's one of them, so is another student from the school called Ryuji. The gym teacher's desires are so large and distorted that on the site of the school in the other world there's a castle where he's the king. I stumbled into it along with Ann and Ryuji and rescued Morgana from its dungeons."

She looks over at Morgana. "Morgana thinks there might be a way to get the gym teacher to confess to his crimes by taking something from the castle in the other world, something that represents how his thoughts are twisted. Ann and Ryuji know about this option, so they've made a plan together with Morgana to go steal the treasure and make the gym teacher confess. It's dangerous, but right now I think the best thing I can do is to be there for them and help."

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He sets down the pot he was washing.

"That was supposed to be a joke."

Walks around to the other side of the bar. Sits down heavily.

And sighs.

"But neither of us were really joking, were we? And you said 'yet' about the powers, so. There's a chance you're going to get powers, and you probably have some mystic destiny crap going on, all while you're just trying to get your life back on track past this probation."

He shakes his head.

"You sure don't have it easy, do you, kid?"

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"Tell me about it. It has been such a fucking day."

Honestly she really could use someone to complain to. The big secret's out, she might as well...

"I spent a couple hours escaping from the castle after being grabbed by the gym teacher's guards and then had to run like hell to get to class on time. I'm lucky that time spent in the other world doesn't seem to count here. The gym teacher who was king in the castle caressed my cheek like something out of a bad soap opera. I stole a sword and had to fight for my life with it. Stabbed something that looked like a person but wasn't. It's all good to watch magical adventures on TV, but doing it personally kind of sucks." 

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He shakes his head. "Sounds like a mess. I'm not cut out for all that magical hero stuff, kid, and I wish you and your friends didn't have to do it either. If you kids need someplace to meet, though, you can hang out in your room upstairs as long as you don't make a mess. Just try to keep all this magical nonsense from getting you into trouble again, okay?"

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Akira can't help it, she laughs. 

"Thanks a lot, Boss. You've been - incredibly reasonable, honestly. I'll do my best to stay out of trouble. Obviously I don't know what bullshit my mystic destiny or whatever might throw at me, but I'll do my best to keep my nose clean. I've been thinking about you and not wanting to let you down this whole time."

She exhales. "Mind if I come do some prep work in the kitchen with you once I finish this curry? It'll help so much to do something that's just completely normal."

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He laughs and nods. "Sure, kid. We can do that."

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Then she'll focus on her curry, and get to work in the kitchen afterward.

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Sojiro teaches her some more of the basics of how to make better coffee than Akira's ever had before coming to Leblanc.

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Honestly, it's hugely calming to just brew a good cup of coffee. 

Once she feels calm and centered again, she thanks Boss and goes back upstairs to her room to study. She still needs to keep her grades up.

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Morgana comes upstairs with her, sitting on the end of her bed.

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"Well," she says to Morgana. "That went... honestly way better than I'd hoped. It kind of got away from me at the end there but I don't regret it."

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"I'm impressed how well both of you handled it. He's a good person. It'll help a lot to have somewhere safe everyone can meet, too."

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"Yeah, I agree. Hopefully everything goes well."

She looks over at Morgana.

It is weird to pet a cat who is a person. She's just going to set that aside for now and come back to it later. 

For now she thinks she wants to study something normal and then sleep.

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And soon enough it's the morning of Tuesday the twelfth of April.

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She gets up, gets on her uniform, grabs her prepared backpack with her meds and textbooks in it, and heads downstairs for breakfast.

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Slightly-breakfasty-variant curry is being plated up as she comes down. "Morning, kid."

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"Good morning!"

It's amazing how easily her smile comes today. Knowing Sakura-san is in her corner has cheered her right up.

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Morgana bounds up onto the bar beside her. "Good morning, Boss!"

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Something in the tone of Morgana's meow seems to clue Sojiro in, and he snorts as he plates a smaller portion of curry in a little bowl and sets it in front of the not-cat. "Morning to you too, Morgana. You get some breakfast too."

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Akira smiles at Morgana. 

It really feels like her being honest matters. She feels confident and in control. 

She doesn't really have a lot to say over breakfast. Mostly she's just enjoying the peace and quiet.

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That's perfectly fine with Sojiro. He slides Akira a coffee as well and then enjoys the quiet himself, just doing morning prep tasks.

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"That was really good, Boss! Thank you!"

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She smiles. "Morgana says the curry's really good, and thank you."

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"Glad to hear it," he replies with a brief smile. "They going to school with you?"

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"Yeah, that's the plan. They might wait outside instead of coming to my classes though."

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He nods. "Good luck out there, kid."

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"Thanks, I could use it." 

And she beckons to Morgana and is off out the door.

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Morgana hops into her bag for the train ride.

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Miracle of miracles, she manages to snag a seat this time.

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"Might be worth keeping a book on hand for times you get a seat. Nice way to pass the time."

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"Yeah, but there's that transfer in the middle so right now I want to get the habits down." 

She does at least get to watch the city go by. That's nice.

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"Good point. Better to get used to it first."

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Soon enough she's taking her transfer, and onto the last train.

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She can feel herself tensing up as she gets closer to the school. Kamoshida's going to be there, and then after school the Castle. 

She's just got to do her best.

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She's on-time today and she doesn't have to rush. That's a nice treat at least.

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What's not nice is Kamoshida interrupting her on her way to homeroom.

"It's good to see you're settling in at Shujin, Kurusu-san. I've noticed you've been spending time with Takamaki-san. That's good. Good influences like that will help you go far, here."

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Akira puts on the bright smile her parents always loved to see. "Thanks, sensei. A lot of teachers don't take much of an interest in their students' lives and I think that's a mistake."

Play dense, don't get any hints he drops, be kind and cheerful and just the most adorably persistent little thorn.

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"I'm glad we see eye to eye, Kurusu-san. Have you considered joining one of the clubs on campus? You look like you'd fill out the volleyball uniform quite well, for example."

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Play down to the stereotype of the ditzy nerd. Don't challenge, be like water.

"That makes sense! I've never really been that athletic, but if you know any other clubs I could take suggestions? I like mystery novels, do you know any clubs that read?"

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He shakes his head. "Not off-hand, no, but I never really kept up with the academic clubs."

A glance at his watch — which is surprisingly nice for a schoolteacher, but he is supposedly a former olympian — and then he remarks. "Oh, it's almost time for homeroom. Run along, now. I wouldn't want you to be late."

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She smiles, nods, gives a little wave and continues on her way.

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Kawakami is as tired as ever.

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And the students murmur some as she enters the room.

"—heard she killed—"

      "—robbed a bank—"

   "—burned down her—"

And on and on, until they're cut off by class starting.

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She snorts to herself. The rumor mill's so out of control it's almost funny.

For now, she has a reason to avoid Kamoshida and work to do. She'll focus on that.

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Ann looks back at Akira with a slightly worried expression. She must have gotten a look at Kamoshida talking to her in the hall earlier. 

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Akira shakes her head just slightly. Not right now.

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She really hopes that means he didn't feel Akira up.

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For now, though, she's got to focus on her work too.

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It's a productive few class periods, then, and soon enough it's lunchtime. Where are Ann and Akira going to eat today? Classroom? Courtyard? Somewhere else?

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"So," Akira says softly to Ann once lunch starts. "You were going to introduce me to your friend Shiho?"

Kamoshida could appear from around a corner at any moment; she's got to keep it deniable on her end too. But there's nothing at all unusual about a couple students who are friends taking lunch together.

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Ann nods hesitantly. "Yeah. Usually she takes lunch in the courtyard. It's right out this way, I'll show you."

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And off Akira goes, all bright sunny smiles still. She's got to keep the mask up to hit Kamoshida where it hurts.

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Are they looking for this athletic-looking girl with a ponytail, perhaps? She's sitting in the courtyard, eating a boxed lunch from home. She's wearing a compression wrap on one knee, an adhesive bandage on the other shin, and a bruise on her cheek. She's also wearing a Shujin uniform and a tired expression.

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There she is. And she doesn't look like she's doing too well. 

Ugh, why hadn't she done this before? She's been a coward this whole time letting Shiho suffer alone. 

"Over there," Ann says softly. "With the ponytail."

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"Alright. Introduce me?"

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Ann takes a breath, straightens her shoulders, and walks over and sits next to Shiho. 

"Hey," she says. "It's been a while, hasn't it? This is my new friend Akira, she wanted me to introduce her to you."

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Akira sits down next to Ann and gives Shiho a bright smile. "Hey," she says as gently as she can. "I've heard from Ann that the volleyball coach's been really running you ragged with practices lately. Teachers, huh?" 

She winks. 

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She swallows her bite of food and smiles weakly. "Hey Ann. Nice to meet you, Akira-san. And yeah, Coach works us hard, but that's the price of getting the best training, right?"

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"I can understand that, but I think that if you're punishing your body with practices and spending lots of time on the court, your coach might be pushing you too hard." 

She ducks her head. "My parents were the same way, always had a real perfectionist streak. But Ann says the gym teacher keeps telling her your starter position's at risk, and if you're working so hard so constantly... you sure you don't want to quit the team? There are other clubs, you know."

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Meanwhile, Ann's keeping watch for Kamoshida.

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She shakes her head. "Volleyball's all I have," she replies in a small voice, curling in on herself a little bit. "I can't give up now."

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"Shiho, I know I encouraged you to go for your dream and all, but if it's hurting you I don't want you to have to keep dealing with it." Ann's voice is low and a little sad.

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Alright, enough stepping around it. She's got to be direct.

Akira lowers her voice to a murmur. "Everyone here knows about how Kamoshida treats women. He tried to hit on me this morning and I've barely joined Shujin. I understand if you're scared of him, Ann was too, but I want you to know that you're not alone, okay? I've dealt with similar situations to this before. If you need someone to lean on I'm here."

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She hesitates a bit, but shakes her head. "I'll get through it. Thank you for the offer, though."

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Akira keeps her voice quiet. "You don't look okay. You look really, really tired. But if you feel you're strong enough to get through it I won't gainsay you. Just - if you ever need help you can always call me, okay? I'll give you my phone number."

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Shiho puts Akira's number into her phone with a nod, and offers her own, but otherwise hunkers down over her lunch.

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She's crowding the poor girl now. It seems like she really feels uncomfortable around other people. 

"Alright." she murmurs. "That's all I had to say, except - I think we have a way to fix it. So don't give up hope. It might not last all that much longer."

And she nods to Ann and gets up.

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"Thanks for introducing me to your friend!" she says brightly, mask back on.

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"It's nothing."

She looks over at Shiho. "Good luck, Shiho." They've been on a first-name basis ever since they were kids; it's only Kamoshida who's come between them.

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"Thanks, Ann. You too."

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"Let's head back to the classroom, I've had enough of being outside."

Akira gets out her packed lunch as she walks.

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"Alright," Ann says. 

And off they go back to Homeroom D.

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The students are quietly eating lunch. It's a normal lunch period, as far as everyone else is concerned.

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"Want to talk more Dissidia? I could use a break." Akira smiles slightly. 

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Ann shrugs. "Sure, I guess."

She hopes that Shiho is really alright. Akira kind of left in a hurry there.

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This may not be the most pleasant lunch either of them have had, what with the things hanging over their heads, but it's enjoyable enough for the circumstances, and then it's done. Back to the rest of the school day.

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She really, really hopes Kamoshida doesn't drop by again. This morning was skeevy enough. 

For now she keeps her head down and studies.

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Ann will follow Akira's lead for now.

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And then school is done. 

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Akira looks up at the last bell.

"Alright, let's go find Ryuji and get together for our game." 

The sooner this is done with the sooner Shiho will be safe.

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Ann nods. "I'm with you there."

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Morgana walks up beside them as they head out.

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Ryuji finds them as well. "Game time?" He remembers the cover from yesterday, at least.

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Akira grins. "Game time. Let's all grab our stuff and meet at the station in an hour."

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"Do you want to come with me to grab my stuff, or go with Ryuji to grab his? I assume you don't want to just hang out at the station for an hour."

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"I spent time with you yesterday, Ann, so if you don't mind I'd rather go with Ryuji."

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Ann nods. "Works for me."

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"Awesome. Let's go. See you in an hour, Ann."

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"See you in an hour, Ann."

Akira follows Ryuji to whichever train he's taking. It'll be interesting to see where he lives. 

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He turns out to live in what appears to be the least-awful apartment complex in Matsudo-Shi, though that's not saying a lot. The actual apartment is well kept when they get inside, with the exception of his room. "My mom's still at work, so just c'mon in."

He starts digging in his room to find where he stashed his shotgun.

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Akira comes in, then frowns as Ryuji starts to rummage through the messy room. "You remember where you put it, right?"

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Suddenly he holds up a box. "Got it!"

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"Oh, good." She smiles. "Let's get moving."

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Back onto the train they go. 

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On the way, Ryuji blushes briefly, then shakes his head.

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"So, Ann been trying to get you into Dissidia?"

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"I was into it before I met her, actually. I used to play it online all the time."

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"Cool! Maybe we can all play together at some point when we're not busy with— um... this new game."

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"Yeah, I hope so too."

She pauses. "Thinking about Ann a little there? I noticed you blushing."

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He blushes again, looks away. "Nah, just realized this is the first time a girl's been over to my place since Ann an' Shiho back when we were all in middle school together."

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"Oh." She'd completely missed the implication. His parents were even out, too. 

... now she's blushing.

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Ryuji blushes some more.

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Then manages to think of a topic. "So who's your main in Dissidia?"

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"I always liked Noctus. I've always kind of liked gothy stuff. There's this english blogger who goes by "The Lady of the Manners" who I translated some pieces from about goth ettiquette. She helped me be... better at handling people."

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"Noctus is pretty cool. I always loved Gallick, though. The heavy firepower combined with the speed is just way too fun," he replies with a grin. "And whatever you learned from her it sure seems to be working."

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"I'm glad to hear it. Do you play with regular special speed or fast?"

No thanks to her family.

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"Oh, gotta be fast."

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"Same," Akira grins. "It's just more fun to drop ultimate attacks more often."

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And the two teens banter their way back to the station nearest Shujin.

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Akira looks around. Is Ann back yet?

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Here she is, departing a train on the other side of the tracks. 

"Looks like our timing's just about perfect," she says. "I've got the stuff. Ready to go?"

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"Yeah, let's hit it. Back to the academy."

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Shujin isn't quite deserted; there are practices and such. Nonetheless, there are certainly fewer people around.

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"We'll be visibly vanishing when we enter the Metaverse, so we probably shouldn't be seen doing that."

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Akira takes out her phone with the metaverse navigator on it and starts heading over toward a quiet area of the school, away from the practice fields where Kamoshida might be.

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The navigator wants three pieces of information: name, location, and distortion.

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"Does anyone know Kamoshida's first name?"

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"It's Suguru."

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Suguru Kamoshida. 

Shujin Academy.


"Everyone ready to go?" Akira murmurs.

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Ryuji gives her a thumbs up.

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Ann just nods.

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Akira punches submit.

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The world ripples around them, and they find themselves in the castle. 

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Ryuji and Morgana are in their Metaverse outfits now.

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"Oh, we should use codenames in here, to avoid too much subconscious awareness of who we are getting back to Kamoshida."

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"I'll be Noir." She looks over at Ann. "You?"

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"I think Clover would work for me."

She unslings her pack, passes Akira her Tkachev, and gets out her own.

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"I think I like Skull. What about you, Morgana?"

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"I don't know! Hmmm."

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"What about Mona?"

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"That works, I guess!"

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The vent they exited through is visible from here.

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"Be careful with the guns. They're real in here, and I don't want to find out whether we can hit each other with them. Make sure you know what you're aiming at and have a clear shot. Don't point them at anything you don't want a hole in."

So saying, Akira hefts her Tkachev and heads for the vent.

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Ryuji's got his Levinson slung in a convenient holster his outfit sprouted when they entered. He follows as well.

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So does Morgana, their slingshot stowed. "Roger that, Noir."

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Ann passes Akira a belt holster. Her own weapon's alresdy been stowed safely.

"You're going to need this crawling through that vent, Noir."

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"Got it." Akira secures her weapon; then it's back into the vent with her.

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The side room they get back out in isn't being patrolled at the moment. There are shadows walking the larger room beyond, though.

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Akira takes a safe position near the door and cautiously watches the guards patrol. Any openings she can see?

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Ann forms up next to her, deeper into the room where the shadows can't see.

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These knights have some pretty clear gaps in their patrols, yes. Would Noir rather ambush one toward the goal of clearing the room, or sneak out and make for the stairs?

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Sneak for the stairs. She doesn't want to make noise that might attract more guards.

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As long as they keep to cover, the teens and not-cat can get most of the way to the stairwell. The hall outside of the stairs is too narrow for them to get around the trio of guards there, though. They'll have to fight.

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Noir looks out at the guards, pulls her gun, and holds up a three-count with her other hand. 




She crouches by the corner and opens fire with her Tkachev.

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Clover stands and fires over Akira's shoulder. The gun kicks in her hand, harder than any airsoft weapon should - but she's on target. 

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Skull leans out of his own cover and puts a few shells into the nearest guard.

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While Mona fires off a few pellets from their slingshot.

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Between them, they've dropped the first guard and injured one of the remaining two, both of whom charge, lashing out at Skull and Clover respectively.

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Clover falls back - 

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Noir sweeps the Shadow's legs from where she is, closer to the floor, then puts a bullet in it before it can get up.

Normally she'd have nothing like the grace to pull that off, but her body feels lighter in the Metaverse. More natural. More her. 

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Meanwhile, Mona rolls past the remaining shadow's legs before Skull pumps a shell into its helmet, dropping it as well.

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The shadows dissolve, leaving a thousand yen and change behind.

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"Yeah! We're doing good!"

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Noir scoops the pocket change, nods to Skull, and moves on to the stairwell.

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Clover holsters her gun again and moves.

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They've got a guard patrolling in here this time. Somehow, despite the gunfire, it's surprised to see them. Sound must not travel well in the Metaverse.

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Skull immediately opens fire with his shotgun, knocking it back a few paces.

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Noir's still got her pistol drawn: she's lost track of how many bullets are in her mag but she fires anyway, and somehow has... a full mag's worth of ammo again?

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Clover stays back - the hall's too narrow for her to fire without risking hitting Noir or Skull.

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Mona pulls off their mask, summoning Zorro for a blast of wind to finish the shadow off.

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And then it, too, falls and dissolves.

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"Clear. Let's move."

Honestly, Noir's having fun. With the weight of their collective weaponry on side, ambushing shadows in small groups is something they seem to just... win

Things could still get bad if they're caught, but for now she's enjoying this.

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Clover watches behind them for any patrols as they move further into the castle.

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At the next landing, the teens find a door into a room absolutely teeming with shadows. Any individual patrol can be snuck past, but doing so would leave them in view of a different guard.

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Well that's not good. Next landing up?

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A few less. Still a lot, but less. This room also has some irregularities to its shape, breaking sight lines up and possibly turning one big fight into multiple slightly smaller ones.

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Defeat them in detail. 

This room it is. She doesn't want to go backtrack heavily and maybe run into something on the way.

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"This is going to be tougher," Noir murmurs to her teammates. "Stick together and use your personas if you have to."

She picks her moment as best she can, with the same silent countdown.

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The shadows don't seem to notice other fights going on around the corner from them, so the teens can keep ambushing the guards as they go. Some of the fights get pretty big, though. This one, for example, features six shadows.

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Skull blasts two guards in center mass, then grabs for his mask even as he holsters his shotgun, tearing it free to call forth Captain Kidd.

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Mona has already called Zorro, using blasts of wind to batter guards and keep them back.

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Noir thinks she has infinite ammo in here. 

She doesn't. Eight shots into the fight she's out of bullets. It seems her ammo only refreshes between fights. 

She ends up falling back from the group of shadows as they advance on her. She's not even sure how to reload her gun in here on purpose

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Clover's similarly out of shots after spending her whole mag. 

"Skull!" she calls, a little desperately. 

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He pumps his last two shells into the guards, dropping two of them, and then hits one of the remaining two with an electric blast from Captain Kidd, dropping that one too.

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Mona slashes the remaining one harshly before gusting it into a pipe swing from Skull. It falls as well.

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These guards dropped a few swords, along with ¥4,200.

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Noir takes slow breaths and tries to still her racing heart. Once they've hidden again and it seems they're safe from the remaining shadows she'll speak quietly. 

"We should've brought melee weapons for me and Clover too. At least a baseball bat or something. That was dicey." She reaches out of cover to snag the fallen swords and keeps one and passes the other to Clover. The money can go in her pack.

She cracks a smile. "We won, though. So we're okay. Just gotta focus. Skull, Mona, you feeling tired yet?"

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He shakes his head. "I'm good."

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"Awakenings are the most exhausting time, because it's such a big burst of power. You tire out more slowly in future fights."

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"Alright. A- Clover, you have those granola bars for later?"

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"Yeah, we're good."

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"Then let's rock."

Noir readies and goes for the next group of shadows.

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In fours and fives and sixes they gradually clear the room. By the end of it, they're panting, but triumphant.

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Akira leans againat a wall and takes a kneeling position so she's less easily spotted.

"Alright, Clover, break out the granola?"

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Ann fishes in her pack, takes out a big box of granola bars, and passes out two to everyone.

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Noir accepts hers with a nod, then munches away and keeps watch.

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"Thanks, Clover."

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By the time they've finished eating, everyone's feeling a bit peppier, especially Skull and Mona. 

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"We've got more work to do. Let's go."

Noir hefts her gun and takes point as they go further into the castle.

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It's a mix of smaller corridors, occasional big rooms like that, and some side rooms. They collect another ten thousand yen along the way, and a few little baubles that might be able to be pawned. Eventually they find a map. It seems to cover half the castle, and it looks like they've explored about half of that.

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The room's a old guard station, the map spread out on a desk near the door. Noir inspects the map carefully, looking for anything labeled as important. 

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There's another guard station, where a note indicates something about lift controls. There doesn't appear to be any indication of the kind of room a treasure would be kept in, though.

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"Whatever we're looking for is probably well guarded. Top of that lift, maybe. It's as good a place as any to search."

Noir takes the map and puts it in her pack, then it's off again in roughly the right direction. 

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Clover nods. "Whatever you say, Noir."

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Skull falls in line behind the girls. He's breathing just a little hard, but he's still going.

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The room around the lift is packed with at least fifteen shadows, more than half of whom can see each other at any given time.

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"Heavily guarded," Mona notes.

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"There's no way we're getting through that," Clover says.

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"We'll have to find a way to distract them that doesn't endanger us directly. Something to see on the other side of the castle, maybe?" Noir pushes up her glasses. "Let's try and explore the area we don't have a map for."

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"Fine by me."

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Skull nods and follows.

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As they explore, they come to a locked side room. There are lanterns hanging from the walls and bookcases against the wall on either side of the door.

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"This looks interesting."

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"If this is locked in here, it must be something that our target cares about. Let's see if we can find a way in."

Noir stays out of the lamplight and moves through the shadows, looking for a less obvious entrance.

There's a chance this is one of those bookcase-keys, isn't there? Any of the books in the bookcase have titles?

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The books all have to do with sports injuries. None of the titles particularly stand out as different.

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Great. She can just imagine what she'll find behind this door. Probably how Kamoshida learned to fake sports injuries, if she's lucky. 

The lanterns don't rotate or some shit like that, do they? That's blatant video-game logic, but the more she exists here the more she feels like it might be possible. 

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No, but as she looks up toward the lanterns, something on the wall above the left bookcase glints faintly in the lamplight.

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What is that? She focuses in on it. A hidden lever maybe?

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A concealed vent. Kamoshida must have watched a lot of spy movies.

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Noir points it out to Clover and Skull. 

"Let's see what's on the other side of that," she murmurs.

She looks over at Ryuji. "Boost me up? Clover, you're on watch."

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He drops to one knee and laces his hands together, making a stirrup for her to climb up.

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Noir sets her foot and gets up to the vent. She pops off the cover and hands it down to Clover, then slips into the vent and starts to shimmy deeper.

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On the other side of the vent, she finds she's atop a tall bookcase she can peer down from, where she sees a lone shadow patrolling the room. It doesn't seem like it's ever thought of looking up.

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Awkward. She shouldn't have been the first through. She can't back up easily, and she has no persona to save her if this fight goes badly. 

She carefully drops down behind the shadow, levels her Tkachev, and empties the clip into its back, then draws her sword in case it's still alive after that. 

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It staggers, badly wounded, but tries to whirl on her and draw its blade.

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Noir surges forward and strikes with her stolen sword, aiming for the shoulder joint in the guard's armor.

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She lands a hit, and it slumps to the ground, then dissolves.

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The door looks easy to unlock from this side. Various bookshelves line the walls, along with an ornate wrought-iron lever. A table in the center of the room has a chest sitting on it.

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Noir unlocks the door and beckons in her teammates. 

"Coast is clear. We might have what we're looking for, though." 

She looks at the chest on the table. 

"... This feels too easy," she says. "But I think we've got to see what's in that."

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Clover comes in and looks at the chest and the lever. 

"This is definitely... something. But I don't know what."

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Noir starts looking around at the books on the walls. More about sports injuries?

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These books are all about Kamoshida's triumphs as a volleyball player throughout his life. The chest is made of ornate wrought-iron as well, like the lever. The chest is not locked.

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Morgana nods. "This chest definitely has something valuable in it, but it's not the Treasure."

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"Alright. Let's be careful. I don't know what that lever does, and it's possible the chest is trapped. Ry — Skull, watch the hallway. I'm going to try and open it."

Noir steps up to the chest and eases it open.

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It opens easily enough. It's not trapped. Inside is a stylish-looking blouse in black and red that somehow feels durable and protective, despite being soft and comfortable.

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"What on earth...?" 

Noir reaches in and lifts out the blouse, holding it up to the light. 

"Why would something like this exist in Kamoshida's mind?"

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Mona shrugs. "I think that might be our fault, partly? Persona users — and maybe sometimes potential Persona users too — entering a Palace have minor effects on the space. We can't change the rules entirely, and it's not a conscious effect, but because we're here to steal things, we changed the Palace's genre just a bit. Now it's not just 'sleazy lust castle' but also 'heist movie', and heist movies have loot, and solvable puzzles to get through barriers, and crawlable vents."

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"More of a heist game really. Makes sense given that I've read a lot of mystery novels and played a lot of video games, if I'm influencing the space..."

Noir looks at the lever. "Which I guess means if we flip this it should do something good." 

She tucks the blouse into her pack. "Let's see what happens. Again, everyone be ready for trouble."

She flips the lever.

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The lever flips with a satisfyingly chunky sound, and then large mechanisms in the walls can be heard clicking and clanking. Nothing visibly happens.

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"Okay, that did something. Let's explore some more and see if we can figure out what."

Noir leads the way back out of the room. 

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As they head out, the halls are somewhat deserted, easy to sneak through without alerting any shadows. Soon, however, they find a spot that used to be a wall has now opened up, revealing a passage behind it.

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Noir leads the team through the secret wall passage. 

It really is something out of a mystery novel.

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At the end of the passage is a narrow stairwell leading upward. It's intact for one floor, but there's no door at that landing, and the next flight is broken. It looks like there are some sturdy railings at the top, but there's no way to reach them from here.

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"Great. It looks like we'd need a grappling hook or something to get up there."

Noir frowns. "I can't believe we went into a dungeon and didn't bring any rope with us. Amateur move, seriously."

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Ann can't quite surpress a snicker at that.

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Ryuji laughs as well.

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"I was planning to show you how to make some thieves' tools tonight anyway. That desk in your room looks like a great place to make some. We can work on a grappling hook too."

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"Alright. Nothing more to do about this but backtrack, at least for now. I think we have our objective for next time, but I want to just make sure we're not missing anything easily accessible."

So saying, Akira heads back along the corridor.

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At the exit of the hidden passage, Noir is forced to stop the group, because the room they entered through is now swarming with shadows. It seems like a large patrol group might have moved in here, or a search party. Whatever the reason, there are now fifteen shadows in one room with clear lines of sight on each other and the passage entrance.

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"Shit," Noir swears under her breath. "They must have come to investigate the passage opening up."

She looks back at the group. "Stay back and be ready, we'll see if they move on." She pulls her Tkachev and readies it.

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Skull hisses a curse as well, but readies his Levinson.

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Mona gets ready as well.

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Five of the guards move on, but the remaining ten stay put.

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Noir surveys the room.

They're backed into a corner. Even if they were to somehow get up the stair at the other end, they'd probably still have to come through here to get out. And the longer they wait, the bigger the chance that more shadows will show up. Maybe even Kamoshida himself. 

"We're not going to be able to take all these in a straight fight," Noir murmurs. "We're going to have to punch our way through and then run for it, like we did the first time we were here. Skull, Mona, you two lead with the Levinson and don't spare the Persona strikes. Clover and I will be right behind you. Try to cut a path through the edge of the group before they have a chance to coordinate an attack, then get down to the dungeons where there's cover and we can hopefully ambush the ones that are still after us. Don't get separated."

She holds up a hand. 




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Skull charges out, emptying his shotgun into the first shadow along the chosen path. As the armored guard falls, he clubs the next out of his way with his pipe, then tears free his mask to summon Captain Kidd, who starts blasting away with his cannon.

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Mona fires all of their slingshot rounds into another guard, bringing it near defeat, and then summons Zorro to try to clear a path by battering the shadows with wind.

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Noir finishes the wounded guard with a bullet from her Tkachev, then follows the group while firing at the remaining shadows, aiming to wound as many as she can and slow them down so they can't pursue well. When her mag runs dry she holsters it and pulls her sword. 

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Clover takes potshots over Mona's head to help with clearing the path, some of her bullets zipping dangerously close to Skull.

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"Careful, Clover!", Skull calls back.

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The shadows rally, trying to keep the team from breaking through. They're starting to thin out, though.

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It's a good thing, too. Skull keeps his Persona firing shot after shot of electricity from his cannon, but he's clearly starting to tire, judging by how his posture's starting to sag.

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Mona's keeping the guards back as best they can, but there are a lot. They're starting to sag too.

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Clover holsters her gun and charges in with her sword to assist the tiring Skull and Mona. She's still relatively fresh; hopefully she can turn the tide.

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Noir joins her, throwing herself at the guards with all the strength she has. 

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Between slashes and stabs from both Noir and Clover, the last few shadows falter and fall, dissolving on the ground.

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"Phew," Skull exclaims, wiping his brow, "that was close!"

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And that's when the five shadows that left earlier return.

With friends.

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There's nowhere to run. The shadows are coming from the only exit that doesn't go to a dead end.

Noir pulls her Tkachev again and empties it into the oncoming crowd of shadows. 

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Clover fires as well, but the group of oncoming guards barely thins.

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Skull empties his reloaded Levison into the crowd, thinning them further.

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Mona hits them as well with their renewed stock of slingshot ammo.

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They've thinned the crowd of shadows down to six — few enough that they could wipe them out between melee and abilities if their Persona users weren't fatigued. But Mona and Skull are running on fumes.

"You've fought hard, brats, but no longer," one guard shouts as the group surges forward and knocks the team to the ground.

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Noir's shoved hard against the floor with a guard's knee in her back. She tries to swipe at it with her sword, but another guard steps on her hand with a heavy boot and kicks the sword away. Her tkachev's against her hip and she can't reach it, the guards have both her hands pinned. 

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From behind her, Noir can hear Clover cry out, bit she can't turn her head to see it. From the stream of panicked curses coming out of her mouth it's clear she's in no better a situation.

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Skull is pinned to the ground as well, struggling fiercely. "Fuck! Get off us, you fuckers!"

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Mona's likewise pinned, hissing at the guards.

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The two remaining guards start searching the teens and pulling their guns away. One grabs Noir's pistol and presses it to her forehead.

"In the name of the king," it says as it cocks the hammer.

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It can't end like this. 

She struggles, tries to throw off the shadow - but that knee in her back has her completely helpless.

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If she hadn't emptied her gun into the shadows as they came at her she'd be dead now. 

She should be dead now. 

She's dead. 

And so are Clover, Skull and Mona. 

All because of a fucking piece of rope she forgot to pack.

It's all her fucking fault. 

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Come now, darling, you've fought so hard to reforge your life in your image. Are you really going to let another abuser steal your chance to have it all?

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Noir lets out a whimper as the pain slams through her skull. She'd thought the headaches were bad: this is worse. It's like someone's taking a knife to her eyes. 

"No," she gasps, her voice bright and feminine for a moment before it breaks to raw hoarseness. "No! This is - This is my life!"

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A toxic home, jail, and even your own body — you've been imprisoned your whole life. Truly, love, isn't it time you escaped?

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Noir gasps raggedly through the pain as it strikes like lightning through her whole body, setting every nerve alight. 

"Yes," she groans, her voice raw and masculine. "I've got to — nngah — got to get out of here —"

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Then are you ready to swear your oath? To never kneel before an abuser? To steal beautiful souls away from the lives that crush them? To pierce the heart of injustice wherever you find it?

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The pain's driving all thought out of her skull, but that question —

"Yes," she barks out, "Always!"

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Wonderful, chérie. Then it is time to forge our contract.

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The pain disappears. A mask of deep white ivory forces its way out from her forehead. 

She smashes the guard atop her off herself with a burning elbow to the jaw, and stands. 

She's in control. 

"I am thou. Thou art I."

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She reaches up and rips off the mask. It's a searing, brilliant, glorious pain, like a wing unfolding after being held still for her whole life. Blood pours from her face, but she ignores it - then it turns to blue flame, and all the guards are blasted away. 

"Fuck playing by the rules," she says. "JULIE!"

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With pleasure, mon couer.

A crimson duelist emerges from the flames behind Noir, black feathered wings curving behind her, a flaming rapier in her hand. Two sharp swipes of the blade launch arcs of dark fire through the air, splashing across the shadows pinning her teammates and burning them to ash.

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"Holy shit."

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Noir pulls a dagger from her chest and strikes together with her persona. Her body feels light and graceful, beyond human, beyond strong. A thrill of euphoria floods her and she grins from ear to ear as she directs Julie to carve up the shadows that thought they could threaten what's dear to her.

"Come on," she barks. "We've got to get out of here!"

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Clover snatches up Noir's fallen gun and scrambles to her feet. "I'm with you!"

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"Whoohoo!" Mona grabs their gear and bursts up as well.

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As does Skull, and they're all ready to chase off after Noir.

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Noir makes a break for the exit at a dead run, bursting headlong into room after room. She trusts Julie to incinerate any opposition in her way.

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Clover follows, as fast as she dares.

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As do Skull and Mona.

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Julie rushes ahead of Noir, cursed fire burning bright. Sometimes she twists mid-charge to send a lash of flame into a room as she goes, and the team passes the open door to see crumbling cinders and melting shadows. 

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Mona zigs and zags as they go, scraping up any loot they can reach without getting far from the team.

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And soon enough they're at the stairs down.

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Noir's able to take the stairs down in a single leap per flight, her body as nimble as an acrobat's as she descends. She's never felt so free before. 

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The rest of the team follows behind her, bounding downward and grinning. As they reach the ground floor, they're able to swiftly burn through the few shadows between them and the vent back to the gates. Soon enough they're alone in the vent room, door firmly shut behind them.

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Noir stops by the vent. "I'll guard this end, everyone else out first. Julie and I will hold off any pursuit."

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"Thanks, Noir." Skull drops down to offer a boost for Clover and Mona.

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"After you, Clover."

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Clover gives a worried look backward over her shoulder, but she goes.

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Once Noir thinks everyone's free and clear, she follows. 

When she finally stands at the other end of the vent, she's overtaken by spell of intense dizziness, stumbles, and falls - 

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- Right into Clover, who's waiting there to catch her. 

"Couldn't let the lady of the hour do a faceplant, now could I?" 

She holds Noir up as best she can. "Get us out of here." 

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Noir drags her phone out of her pocket - it feels like it weighs ten pounds - and thumbs the navigator.

The castle disappears, replaced by Shujin Academy. 

Akira slumps into Ann, her mask gone.

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Ryuji's pretty tired too, but he's still standing. "Shit, Akira, are you okay?"

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"Post-awakening fatigue, just like after yours, Ryuji. She'll be fine once she's had some rest."

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Akira can't seem to find any strength in her legs. She clings to Ann and barely keeps her feet, more out of instinct than any conscious thought.

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"Help me with her other side, Ryuji? Let's get her -" Ann casts her gaze around. "Under that tree over there."

It's not a very long walk to the tree, but Akira's very heavy and only semi-lucid. Ann steers her along as best she can.

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Ryuji helps. Doesn't matter how tired he is if his friends are in need. They get Akira safely to the tree and sit her down.

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Akira slumps down in a loose pile at the bottom of the tree, and nearly conks her head on a knobby root. 

She breathes slow and ragged. Her entire body hurts like one enormous bruise.

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Ann steadies Akira against the side of the tree so she can sit up, and sits next to her. 

"Okay," she says. "Uhhhhhhh..." 

She looks at Ryuji. "What do we do now? Akira's probably not going to be back on her feet for a while."

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"Maybe get her back to her place?"

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"Her guardian does know about all this now."

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Ann blinks. "Her guardian what? - you know what never mind we can talk about that later. Do you really think we can get her onto the train, it's several blocks to the station -" 

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"Dunno. It'd be hard, you're right. Maybe we could get her into the library, at least until she can carry some of her own weight?"

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"Yeah, maybe. But I don't want anyone to see us hauling Akira around, that'll definitely raise questions. Maybe we should just let her rest under this tree for a bit."

She frowns. "I just don't know what we'll do if the real Kamoshida runs into us right now. It might be better to just haul her for the station and find a place for her away from the school."

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Ryuji nods. "Further away we are, easier it is to avoid the bastard. We're not by the gym, so probably he won't come this way soon, but we shouldn't stay long. Maybe give her five minutes, see if she can manage to walk a few blocks leaning on one of us then?"

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"I don't have a better plan."

Ann looks anxiously at her pack, where the airsoft guns are stashed. "Akira really didn't want us to hang around here long. Maybe you should take the packs and hike for it and I'll catch up with Akira?" 

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"Nah, if anyone should risk getting caught it's me. If he sees you, maybe it comes back on you or Shiho. He already hates me plenty. Might not be the best for Akira to be seen with me, but rumor mill already hates her too."

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"Yeah, that makes more sense. Okay. I'll get over to that café we were at before with the packs, you look after Akira. You've got my phone number, call if anything comes up."

She holds her hand out for Ryuji's pack.

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Akira's fallen asleep sitting up.

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Ryuji nods, hands Ann his pack, then focuses on making sure Akira's decently comfy against the tree. Hopefully this little rest helps her out some.

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And Ann heads off. She glances back over her shoulder a couple times as she goes, but eventually Ryuji fades into the distance and she has to focus on where she's going.

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Okay, now what? He's got at least a few minutes before Akira can wake up. Probably a lot before she's feeling better, but maybe she could walk in five to ten? He sets a ten minute alarm on his phone and puts it on vibrate.

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Sitting here with her alone like this, he's suddenly reminded of how she was at his place earlier. And now he's blushing again. Her blush was pretty cute too. Hell of a contrast with how bold she is in the Metaverse, though.

He watches the world for a bit. Not much is happening, thank fuck.

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About five minutes later he gets a text from Ann. 

At the café. Things ok?

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He texts back.

Yeah. Nobody's come by. She's still asleep. Got a timer, gonna try waking her up in about ten.

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Alright. I'll stick by the café. 

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A few people walk by across the street, but they don't seem to be students or teachers, thankfully.

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Eventually his timer goes off. He silences it, then shakes Akira's shoulder gently.

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She opens her eyes a fraction.

"... Ryyyyyyuji?" Her voice slurs heavily.

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"Hey. We gotta get away from the school. Think you can walk if you lean on me, at least to the train station?"

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Akira slumps over against him. Ryuji good.

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Um. Blush.

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He tries to slip an arm behind her, and drapes her arm over his shoulders.

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She clings. This is definitely a girl who wants a firm hold on her Ryuji.

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Blushing intensifies, but also that's very convenient right now. Okay, hand goes around her waist, he does not want to grip high enough to touch somewhere he shouldn't, and then up they go.

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She still slumps hard against him, but once she's lifted to her feet she seems to have enough lucidity to take a little of her own weight.

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With his focus on helping support and steer Akira, he's distracted enough that his blush lessens a bit. Okay, off toward the station and the café they go.

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Akira manages to keep from stumbling, though she's still very much being steered by Ryuji.

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She is doing such a good job. Ryuji is perfectly happy to steer her if she's doing all this not-stumbling. That's one block down. Then two. Then more.

"Halfway there, Akira. Doing good."

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Akira makes a noise that's not even a word and keeps going where she's led.

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Cute? He keeps steering her to the café, though. Almost there. 

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Ann sees them coming and waves from her table. She'd help, but someone has to guard Ryuji's pack.

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Ryuji's very glad to see Ann. He steers Akira to the table and gently lowers her into a seat. "Okay. We made it off campus." He breathes out a sigh of relief. And also effort. Akira isn't all that big comparatively, but she's still a whole-ass person he just hauled ten blocks.

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Akira slumps forward onto the table for a moment, but then gets together enough energy to settle back against the chair and keep her head from falling against her chest. Her eyes are still glassy and unfocused, though. 

"... wha?"

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He pats her on the shoulder. "Got away from school, trying to get you home next."

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"Boss," she mumbles. 

She picks up one hand about a half-inch from the chair arm, then drops it as the effort becomes too much.


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"What district do you live in?"

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Morgana looks over at Akira, shakes their head, and turns to Ryuji. "Yongen-Jaya. She's probably too out of it to answer, though. I can help you get her there."

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Ann chimes in. "That's a long train ride, with a transfer in the middle too. We can kill some time here and hopefully Akira will feel a bit better, but getting her back home's going to be tricky."

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"Yeah, that's a long fuckin' trip. Gotta do what we gotta do, though. Maybe we get some food while we wait? Sucks she's too out of it to drink a coffee, or that might help."

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Morgana nods. "It'll be hard, but I have faith in you two."

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"Yeah. We can get something from the café. Here's your pack back, by the way." Ann passes Ryuji the bag under the table. "Want anything in particular?" 

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"Maybe the salmon? You don't hafta cover mine this time, though!" He fishes out his wallet.

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"Alright, if you want to split it I don't mind."

Ann looks over at Akira, then back at the café. "Pass, and I'll be back in a couple minutes with food."

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Ryuji passes some cash to Ann. "Thanks, Ann. That enough to cover it?"

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"Looks like it. Be back in a jiffy!"

And off she goes again.

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He watches her go. Then watches Akira. Then looks down at the table for a moment before determinedly watching the bags. He's at a cafe, with two cute girls, one of whom spent the past twenty minutes slumped on him or clinging to him, and the other of whom is one of his best friends from middle school.

Oh, and they've been fighting through a magic mental world they just discovered yesterday, to stop their abusive volleyball coach.

What the fuck.

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Ann returns ten minutes later with a pair of small salmon crepes on plates. She passes one to Ryuji, then sits and starts to eat. 

"So," she says. 

She pauses for a long moment. 

"It's been... quite the week. Quite the two days, really. But we're getting through it."

She looks away, then back at Ryuji. "You know, you're still pretty cool."

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"Back at ya," he replies with a smile. "I've missed hanging out. Sure, maybe it took teaming up to fuck up the big bad for us to start again, but it's really good to spend time with ya."

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"Yeah. You've always had a good heart, ever since we first met in middle school. It's too bad it keeps getting you into so much trouble."

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He scratches the back of his head. "Yeah, s'led me to mouth off a bunch, sometimes to people I shouldn't've, but I never could stand to stay outta trouble when you an' Shiho were in it. Better we fight it together, right?"

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"Yeah, I have to agree. You've been great these last couple days." She smiles, then goes back to her salmon crepe. 

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He smiles back and goes back to his, too. These are good. He breaks off a piece and passes it to Morgana.

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"Thanks!" Morgana snaps up the bite of salmon eagerly.

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Ann's eating slowly. "... Want to talk Dissidia? It's been a while."

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"Sure! You still main Ivy?"

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"It's Ignis, now, but I still have a soft spot for her."

And for a little while they can pass the time in conversation.

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It's an enjoyable conversation. Nice to hang out again. And then the meal's over. 

Ryuji shakes Akira's shoulder. "How're you doing?"

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Akira stirs, and finally takes a breath. 

"I feel like I got run over by a truck," she says. "What's happened?"

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"We were done for, then you awoke your Persona and looked awesome doing it, and then you led us out of the castle like an absolute badass. You an' Julie were burning shadows down left and right. You got us all out the exit, and then you collapsed. I looked after you while Ann got the packs here to the café, then I helped you walk here, and then we ate a snack while we let you rest a bit."

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"And I grabbed as much of the loot as I could while chasing after you!"

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"Yeah, that about covers it."

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Akira lifts her hand and rubs her face. It sucks to move right now, but she can do it. 

"Okay, we got to... home. Back to... the district. Leblanc." 

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Ryuji nods. "It's in Yongen-Jaya, Morgana said? We can get you there. Ready to walk? Be a short trip into the station, then you can sit for the ride. Should be seats this late."

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"Yeah. Okay. I -" She tries her feet. Putting her weight on her legs is rewarded with stabbing pain. 

"That's gonna suck but I think I can manage it. Can't be worse than dysphoria."

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Ryuji raises an eyebrow. He remembers how much he hated the time after his awakening, and he is impressed that she's this functional after fighting harder for three times as long. Also, dysphoria? That is a conversation for later though.

"You can lean on me, Akira. We got this."

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"Alright. Together." 

She tries for a smile but doesn't quite manage it. It's more of a grimace.

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He picks up his pack and hers, then helps her get to her feet and get her arm over his shoulder again.

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"I'll help too." Ann comes up and helps Ryuji steady Akira.

"To the station we go."

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Every step hurts, but it's not far to the station and then she can sit on the train. 

Akira does her best.

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And then they get to the turnstile.

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Morgana swipes Akira's pass.

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And Ryuji still has a hand free for his.

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Ann swipes hers as well, and then on they can go. Akira's going to have to take a few steps unassisted though.

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Walking without someone to lean on is an intensely miserable experience. But she manages to support herself a little on the solid part of the turnstile, and then Ann's waiting on the other side to help her along again. 

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And they can get her into the train. Maybe they take a few funny looks along the way, but they look like upstanding students just helping a worn-out friend, because there's a guy and a girl helping this girl get on the train. 

And look at that! An open seat! Two even! Ryuji lets Ann and Akira have them.

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A Chair. Some kami is looking out for her today. 

She sits and stays.

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Ann looks over at Akira and gives her a pat on the shoulder. 

"You did so good today."

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Akira grunts noncommittally. 

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"You really did. Kicked so much ass."

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"Heh. Thanks, you two. Still kicking myself over not bringing rope."

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"Live and learn, right? We lived through it, so we can prep more tomorrow."

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"Yeah. You've got me there." 

She exhales and lays her head back against the glasa of the train window.

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Ann smiles. "Don't be so hard on yourself."

She looks over at Ryuji. "Everybody makes mistakes sometimes."

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"Heh, yeah. Know I did, for sure."

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"It's cool. We're all figuring this out."

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He nods. "We are."

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Soon enough it's time to make the transfer, and Akira's able to make her way from train to train with a littoe more leaning on Ann. Then it's off down to Yongen-Jaya. 

By the time she's back down there, she can even walk a little on her own. 

"Leblanc's that way," she says as they disembark. She manages to point with the arm that's not slung over Ann's shoulder.

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Being leant on by Akira is kind of nice. She's Being Useful.

She helps Akira along back in the direction she's pointed. 

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Soon enough they're walking up to the coffeeshop. Ryuji gets the door and helps Ann and Akira through.

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Leblanc's empty, thank goodness. Sojiro looks up from his work when they come in.

"Damn, kid. You look worn out. You made it back though, so that's good."

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"Yeah. Powers came in. Takes a lot out of you." Akira slumps into a booth. "Ann, Ryuji, this is Boss."

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"Uh, hi. I'm Ann Takamaki and this is Ryuji Sakamoto." Ann bows.

She looks around. "Honestly, I can't say I was expecting a café."

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Ryuji hastily bows as well.

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"Sojiro Sakura, but yeah, just call me Boss. I don't need all that formal crap. You two are the kids she's been helping with that demon of a volleyball coach, I take it?"

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"Yeah. She hasn't really told us much about you though."

Ann looks over at Akira. "I didn't even know she'd told you about everything."

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"It kind of happened by accident, honestly. I talked about the coach situation with Doctor Takemi and then that convinced me to tell Boss, and from there I introduced Morgana as a person, and then Boss pretty much guessed the rest so I figured I might as well confirm it."

She rubs her forehead. "I'm not cut out for secret-keeping, really. I gave Ryuji shit about not keeping his mouth shut but here I am a day later and I've already blabbed." The corner of her mouth turns up. "But Boss is great, so everything's fine."

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He huffs and looks to the side. "Just doing my job. I've taken the side of a smart kid against an abuser before, so this ain't exactly new. Akira stays upstairs. You lot can help her up in a minute, even hang out here if you want. Probably need someplace safe to meet and talk about all that magic crap anyway, right?"

He looks down at the counter for a moment, then back up. "You kids eaten yet?"

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"Me and Ryuji ate while Akira was recovering, but I don't think she's eaten."

Ann pulls her phone out of her pocket and checks the time.

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According to her phone, the time is 18:13. School let out at 15:15, an hour picking up gear takes them to 16:15, Ryuji waiting fifteen minutes to get Akira up from the tree and then walking twenty minutes with her means 16:50, they spent twenty minutes eating so 17:10, and a half hour train ride here bring them to 17:40. 

The difference, which they must've spent in the Metaverse, is thirty-three minutes.

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"Last time we spent a couple hours in the Castle and it took no time at all, but this time it seems like we spent about... a half hour? In the Metaverse. Plus a bunch of hauling Akira around while she was exhausted. So yeah, we'd better get something into Akira."

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Akira manages a small smile. "Sounds like a good idea to me."

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Sojiro will start making curry, then. "Sounds like you can't count on any consistency in the time difference between there and here, if you spent a similar time inside today as yesterday."

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"Yeah. Which isn't great." Akira lays her head back against the back of the booth and blows out a puff of air. "Still, we survived and now we've got one more person with powers to make things easier. I should be happy."

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"You're not still beating yourself up for forgetting to bring rope, are you?"

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"Yeah, I kind of am." She sighs. "Also I just feel terrible. I'm not looking forward to the stairs up to the attic."

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"We'll help you get upstairs after you eat. We'll get through it."

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"What's this about rope?", Sojiro asks while stirring. "Might have some somewhere."

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"Proper rope is great for helping the rest of us follow up after her, but if we can find some paracord and the right bits of metal, I can show Akira how to make a grappling hook that will work in the Metaverse like the ones in movies and games."

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Sojiro tilts his head patiently, waiting for a translation.

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"We found a hidden stair that'd fallen in. There was a wrought-iron banister we could've gotten a rope through to get up if we'd had any. If we'd been more prepared we could've maybe avoided the fight that left me so exhausted."

She's just going to leave out the part where she, you know, should be dead now. 

Akira rubs her face. "Morgana says they know how to make a grappling hook that'll work in the other world like it was from a game or a movie. Then we should be able to get up that hidden passage and see what's on the other side."

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He nods. "I see. Definitely worth seeing if I can find that rope after I close up for the night."

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"Thanks, Boss. Morgana says some paracord and the right metal bits would help too." 

Akira lets out a long sigh. "So yeah."

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"I don't think you should be talking so much right now, Akira. You're going to regret keeping yourself together like this in the morning."

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Akira pushes up her glasses and presses her palms against her eyes. 


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He shakes his head and plates the curry and slides it in front of Akira, a little bowl set aside for Morgana again. "Eat up, kid."

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"Thanks, boss!"

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"Thanks, boss." Akira's voice has gone flat again. 

She eats. Slowly.

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Ann steps over and gently lays a hand on Akira's hunched shoulders, against the base of her spine. 

"It's okay," she says. Her hand rubs gently back and forth. "You're not going to have to stay up for much longer."

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Morgana wraps their tail around the wrist that Akira isn't using to eat while they finish off their curry.

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Akira tenses a little — she's still not used to touch — then exhales softly.

It's really nice to have people who care for her.

"Thanks, you two." 

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Sojiro smiles briefly at the exchange while continuing to clean up.

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Ryuji watches and smiles as well. His friends are maybe gonna be okay.

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Akira finishes her curry, then nods to Ann. 

"... Let's see about getting me upstairs." Her face is drawn and serious.

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Ann helps Akira up from her seat in the booth and eases her along toward the back stairs.

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Akira leans heavily on Ann, but she goes. 

The stairs are a bitch, but she lurches up them one step at a time with Ann's help.

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Ryuji helps as well, as best he can. The stairs are narrow and there isn't much room, though, so the best he can do right now is bring the packs up and be there to brace the girls if they stumble.

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Akira slips about halfway up, but falls forward rather than backward and just ends up leaning against the stairs on her front. 

"Ow." She laboriously picks herself up again.

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Ann helps her up again, and then they can manage the last few steps together. 

The walk across the attic to drop Akira onto the futon at the other end goes smoothly, at least. Ann lets her down gently.

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"You're a lifesaver," Akira says. She lays her head back against the pillow and lies very still.

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Ann looks around at the crowded, drafty attic, full of coffee beans and junk. 

"... You live here?"

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Akira doesn't open her eyes. 


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"It's kind of... I dunno what to call it. It doesn't feel very you, I guess. It's safe, though, and Boss said we could meet here, and it seems like he cares, so it's got all that going for it."

He drums his fingers on his thigh for a moment.

"Hey Ann, does it maybe need...?"

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"Decorations? Yeah, I think so. There's nothing so much as a band poster in here."

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"What sorta stuff do you like, Akira?"

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Akira blinks herself back to wakefulness. "Uh... Dissidia. Mystery books. Messing with computers."

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Oh. Right. She needs to sleep. Ryuji shakes his head. "Get some rest, we'll talk about that tomorrow."

He looks over at Ann. "Do you need to help her get ready for bed or anything, or just wait until she's more rested?"

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"It's not going to ruin anything if she sleeps in her clothes."

She's exhausted, but they've got to be ready for tomorrow. 

"Maybe we should try and figure out that grappling hook and let Akira sleep while we work on it?"

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He nods. "Good idea. Morgana, what all d'we still need?"

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They stretch at the foot of the bed for a moment. "I can repurpose loot from the shadows for most of it — the case and the hook especially. We'll need a couple springs and a bunch of paracord, though. None of the loot had anything like that."

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Ann frowns. "Then we'd better hurry and get out to the shops, they're closing soon."

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"Good thinking."

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Ryuji nods and leads the way downstairs.

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Ann follows. 

"We're just going out to the stops for supplies," she says to Sakura-san. "Be back as soon as we can."

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He nods. "Don't mention anything if there are customers in here when you get back. Figure you're going out for the stuff for that grappling hook, right?"

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"Yep. Wanna get that ready for tomorrow, take more of the prep burden off Akira."

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He smiles faintly, then harumphs. "Off you get, then."

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"Thanks for looking after her, Boss." Ann nods firmly and heads out.

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The teens and Morgana make it to a craft store in time, and they're able to quickly find the remaining pieces Morgana needs with meowed instructions. Soon enough, they're heading back into Leblanc.

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Ann nods to Sakura-san and heads through to the back stair. She's got a grappling hook to build.

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Ryuji and Morgana follow after her. When they get upstairs, Ryuji quickly checks on Akira. Is she sleeping peacefully over there?

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Akira's fast asleep, yep.

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Good. Ryuji heads over to the workbench, pulls the tarp off, and starts moving the books stacked atop it into the shelves to get them out of the way. "Gotta make some room to work here."

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Ann pitches in as well, her movements sluggish but determined.

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Morgana would totally carry things if they could, but this body is small and cat-shaped. 

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Soon enough the workbench is clear, though, and there are a few decent tools still on it.

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"Nice," Ryuji exclaims with a tired grin. "This should be a good place to build shit we're gonna use, starting with Akira's grappling hook."

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"Yeah." Ann leans against the table for a moment. "Okay, we just gotta get this put together and then we can go home."

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Morgana carefully talks them through assembling it. It comes together surprisingly well, considering it's mostly made from parts salvaged from shadow loot. Two leather straps secure it to the user's wrist, and this loop of metal here ensures the cord is in the perfect spot to be grabbed after the hook catches.

"It wouldn't be quite reliable to use in the real world, but in the Metaverse it will work great. Good job, you two!"

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"Wow, we really just made that!"

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Ann pauses and looks over at Akira.

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She's still fast asleep.

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Ann continues a little more quietly. "Good, we didn't wake her."

She frowns. "I want to be able to text her tomorrow and tell her what all happened, but it's super skeevy to just grab her phone. Should we wake her to get her number?"

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"Maybe Sakura-san has it?"

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"Great idea. Let's go ask him for it."

And back downstairs they go.

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Two customers are just heading out the door, and Sojiro is cleaning up the dishes. "Hey. How'd it go?"

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"Solid, we got things sorted out. Do you have Akira's phone number by any chance? I'd like to be able to text her tomorrow about what all's happened."

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"Sensible. Write yours down too and I'll give 'em to her when she gets up." He pulls out his phone and reads off Akira's number for them.

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"Thanks, Boss!" Ryuji saves it in his phone, and writes his number on a piece of paper.

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Ann writes hers down too.

"Thanks. Now I think it's time for us two to get home."

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"Be safe out there."

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Ann and Ryuji head home, Sojiro locks up, and Akira sleeps peacefully.

Once more she is awoken by piano chords in a jail cell.

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As she stands and walks to the door, Igor greets her. "Welcome to the Velvet Room."

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"This is a real place, isn't it?"

Akira frowns. "At least as real as the Metaverse is."

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He nods, the grin widening fractionally. "Indeed it is. I thought about resuming our previous conversation tonight. That is why I have summoned you.

"What are your thoughts? Are you becoming accustomed to this place?"

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"More accustomed, yes. Is this... my Palace?"

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"An insightful guess, but incorrect. I am glad to hear you are becoming more accustomed, however. It seems you have nerves of steel.

"The goal of your rehabilitation is to thwart the fated ruin. However, such a feat cannot be done by you alone. Today, you began partnerships, including with those who have awoken to the same power which you reached today, did you not?"

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"Yes," Akira says. "I did."

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"Involving yourself with others is an important foundation for your recovery. You've done well. That said, I am not advising the formation of superficial relationships. It must not be of frivolity, but a ring of those who would, by morals or faith, lend you their strength. In other words, they are bonds with those who have been robbed of their places to belong. The expansion of said ring will, in return, help you mature as well."

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"Personas are the strength of heart. The stronger the bonds that surround you, the more power your Personas will gain."

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"There are countless people in the city who have talents that a weakling like you doesn't. You better rack that noggin of yours and get them on your side. We'll change that into power."

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"Indeed. You should be prepared to use even myself, or your ambitions will not come to fruition."

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Strength from other people, huh. 

She's dubious about that. But it costs nothing to ask. 

"Will you let me free, then?" She gestures to the manacle on her foot. "If this is to be a partnership, right now it's hardly an equal one."

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He chuckles. "In due time, yes. When you have grown a bit further, Caroline and Justine will release you temporarily to use the other facilities of this prison. You cannot be fully released until you have completed your rehabilitation, however."

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"I see." 

Mystical bullshit. 

"What did you summon me to speak of, then?"

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"You will understand it all in due time. Continue devoting yourself to your rehabilitation."

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"Now this conversation's over! Get lost, Inmate!"

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And she once again blacks out, waking up in her bed in Leblanc on Wednesday morning, 4/13.

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Akira sits up, and rubs sleep from her eyes. Morgana's sitting on the foot of her bed, curled up in a small ball. There's a grappling hook sitting on her newly-cleared desk.

... She feels fine, surprisingly. Persona fatigue seems to be pretty transient. 

Her phone's got a notification on its screen. Someone texted her...?

She picks it up and unlocks it, and opens the text. It looks like it's a group chat...?

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Hey it's Ann

hope you got a good sleep, Akira 

text me in the morning!

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hey it's ryuji

hope you're feeling better this morning

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Akira stares blankly at the texts. 

They... worried about her? They cared? 

Even though she's... like this?

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... a grin spreads across her face. 

Hey you two. omw to school atm. feel ok. tysm for the stuff

She looks down at the not-cat at the base of her bed.

morgana says hi

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The animal-shaped companion in question stretches as they wake up. "Morning, Akira. Feeling better?"

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good shit

glad to help see you soon

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"Yeah, definitely."

Akira stretches. 

"We'd better get moving. It's a long way to Shujin."

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Morgana nods and stretches a bit more while they wait for Akira to be ready to head down.

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She swaps out her uniform for one of the spares, then grabs her pack, puts the grappling hook in it — it's weird but not illegal as far as she knows — and heads downstairs. 

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"Morning, you two," Sojiro says as he plates up one plate and one small bowl of curry, and pours Akira a coffee. "Feeling better? Your friends asked for your number, by the way, and left you theirs."

And he passes her the note with the two phone numbers.

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"Thanks Boss!", Morgana exclaims as they dig in.

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"Yeah, I got their texts." Akira accepts the slip of paper and tucks it away in her blazer pocket. "It's weird having people care about me."

She manages a smile. "And yeah, I am feeling better."

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"Good to hear. Be safe out there, today."

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"I'll do my best."

Akira gets to work on her curry.

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Soon enough it's all gone and Sojiro takes the dishes to wash. "See you tonight, kid."

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"Yeah, see you."

And off to Shujin Academy she goes.

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The train ride is cramped and boring. She doesn't even have room to sit down, this time. Good thing she's recovered from yesterday.

Soon enough she's through her transfers and walking up to school.

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Back to Kawakami's class. Ann's here, as usual.

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Ann gives her a small smile as she comes in, but doesn't say anything.

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Kawakami is still tired.

Akira's classmates still gossip about her. Today the rumors are accusing Ann of cheating on Kamoshida and Akira of being the temptress that stole her away.

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Kawakami has not gotten any more tolerant of the gossipmongers interrupting classtime than she was yesterday. 

The class settles down.

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That... is way more than she would like the rumor mill to know. She's been sloppy. Maybe necessarily so, but there's no way Kamoshida hasn't heard that. 

She's got a sinking feeling in her gut.

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Class proceeds like it usually does from there. Teachers lecture, students listen (or pretend to do so), questions are asked and answered on both sides.

Lunch arrives.

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... Kamoshida's going to get wind of this, whatever she does. 

She might as well spend lunch with Ann. Better not to talk to Shiho again though, if this school's this gossipy. 

"Hey," she says to Ann quietly. "Dissidia?"

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"... Sure, I guess."

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Lunch passes easily enough. Kamoshida doesn't come find them. Dissidia talk is at least enjoyable.

And then it's back to classes through the rest of the schoolday.

Finally they're done. It's 15:15, school is out, what do they do?

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Akira gets out her phone and texts Ann. 

Worried for Shiho bc rumors

I don't want to be off campus, Shiho might not be able to phone us

I think we have to get her safe

Where is she right now?

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Volleyball practice.

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Should've thought of this at lunch.

... let's go watch volleyball.

She's got no choice but to dive right into the fire, now.

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You're sure?

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Only way we can make sure Shiho's safe now. It's ugly but we have to do it.

She texts Ryuji.

Got to do some delicate work at school. Go home for right now and do your best to act casual.

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Ann texts back. 

Shiho hates it when people hover over her. If you show up to practice she's just going to clam up to you even more. You do realize that, right?

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No, I didn't know that. That's important, thank you for sharing. 

A way to help Shiho without making it feel like she's hovering over her... 

— it's obvious when she thinks about it that way. She's just got to trust her. Shiho knows what she can handle. 

She's got to text Shiho. Not any directions or an offer of help so much as a simple "this might happen." How the fuck to phrase it though. 

She hasn't got time to get it perfect

Hey Shiho, heard a rumor Coach might be planning an extra hard practice session today. Just a heads-up. 

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Shiho is typing for a long moment, before finally simply saying:


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... It sucks, it sucks it sucks it sucks to be helpless like this. 

But she's got to trust Shiho. She wouldn't want to be treated like she didn't know what she was doing with her parents. She doesn't know what Shiho does to foil Kamoshida, she must have ways. 

She's just got to trust her.

She texts back Ann. 

Gave Shiho a simple heads-up. I really hope it's enough. I want to go down there but that's definitely hovering. 

We just have to trust her. 

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... Whatever you think is best. 

What do we do now?

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Stick to the plan. If Shiho wants help she can call or text. It'll take at least an hour for you two to get your stuff together, that's time we can wait to see if Shiho texts back and see if she needs help.

I'll stay at the crepe shop while you grab your stuff with Ryuji. Text me if you get any word from Shiho.

She texts Ryuji back. 

Grab your stuff, I'll meet you at the crepe place. Sorry for prv text. Plan's still on.

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see you there

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Fuck this sucks. 

But she's made the plan so she'd better stick to it. Crêpe place for her.

She heads off towards it.

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Ann follows.

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Ryuji's the first one to meet her at the crêpe shop. He takes one look at Akira and immediately sits down across from her. "Y'ain't doin' Shiho any good worrying yourself into a mess. We've got cash from yesterday's Metaverse run, lemme get you a crêpe. What kind do you want?"

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"Uhhhhhhhh strawberry."

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Ryuji nods, sets down his pack, and heads up to the stand to order three crêpes. He comes back and sits down. "No word yet, I guess?"

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"No, no word yet. I feel helpless. I could go, but there's no way I'd be able to keep Shiho actually safe without making her leave practice, and I'd never be able to get her to leave without her active cooperation."

She rubs her face. "This could absolutely be a mistake. But I have to trust her. She's strong. She's dealt with all this for a long time, after all."

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Ann shows up before the crepes come. 

"Hey," she says. She looks worried too.

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A server shortly arrives with one strawberry crêpe for Akira, one salmon crêpe for Ryuji, and a chocolate double-cream crêpe for Ann.

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Akira accepts her crepe and tries to focus on the food.

It helps a little. It's at least a distraction.

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Ann accepts her double chocolate cream one, and tries to focus on the food as well.

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Ryuji digs into his too. He hates that he can't just fix this by punching Kamoshida, but he'll do what he can.

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"From what I saw when you talked to her yesterday, and from what you've all said, are you sure she'll even text if he's awfuller than usual? Don't know if waiting will help anything. Would working to ruin him at least take your mind off it?"

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"Yeah. That's sensible, Morgana. I just..." 

She frowns.

"Okay. Yeah. We're continuing with the plan. Work on the treasure."


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"I guess that's probably for the best."

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Ryuji nods. "Oh, I noticed the metanav on my phone this morning, too. But yeah, let's head over to campus and do this. Sooner we find the treasure, sooner none of us — including Shiho — ever see him again."

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Akira gets out her phone again, and starts on the trip back to Shujin Academy, making sure not to approach it from the practice-field side. 

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And from a secluded alley near Shujin, they vanish from one world and appear in another.

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And for the first time since her awakening, Akira has a moment to consider her empowered outfit. 

It's dark, gothy. She has an ivory masquerade mask, and a bell-shaped coat that stops at her mid-thigh, the same length as her skirt. Knee-height heeled boots wrap her feet, covered in red buckles on black straps. Her PVC skirt bears a pair of silver D-rings to each side of it, and is short enough she'd be flashing Ann if not for the snug leggings beneath that hug her legs and pelvis. Opera-style gloves dye her hands blood red. 

The real problem is with what's beneath the coat. Rather than a vest or blouse, there's an underbust corset layered over a mesh shirt, which completely bares her breasts. She's only kept from flashing her nipples by the enshrouding coat: when she moves it aside slightly she sees a cross of black electrical tape over her nipple beneath the mesh. 

Akira instinctively throws her arm over her breasts and looks away from Ryuji and Ann. "I, uh..." 

Fuck it's embarrassing to be wearing something like this in front of them. 

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Ann looks over, and a distinct blush rises to her cheeks. 

"I, um." She blinks. "Wow. I didn't really parse that in all the chaos earlier but that's quite the outfit."

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Ryuji gapes, blushes fiercely, and then looks away, seemingly unsure whether he's even allowed to witness this.

"Wow, Noir. That... fuck."

Ryuji's mouth opens and closes again, but he fails to generate any further words.

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"Wow! Those are some awesomely rebellious clothes, Noir! Truly worthy of a phantom thief!"

Morgana does not seem to have parsed why Ann and Ryuji are blushing.

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Noir carefully buckles her coat closed. Very fortunately it has a clasp. Unfortunately it only has one. It holds it closed over her breasts, but the corset's still fully on display.

She really doesn't know what to say. It's an outrageous outfit, but she can't say she dislikes it. Every single piece of it's something she's looked at online and wished she could purchase. Even the... nipple situation... is not something she's unfamiliar with. 

She takes a careful step in the boots. They've got serious heels on them, but feel as natural as walking normally. 

... she can't lie, she really likes how she looks. 

"... Yeah, it's a lot." Noir shakes her head. "I'm — I used to look at goth fashion and clubwear online and wish I could wear it. Guess Julie answered that wish."

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"It looks good but I have no idea where I'm supposed to look, y'know?"

Ryuji is continuing to look away.

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"Yeah, uh, it really is a lot."

Ann's gaze lingers on Noir. "There's no helping it though, so..." 

She glances over at Ryuji, then looks back at Noir.

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"I did up the coat, Skull, it's okay to look now."

The skirt situation is pretty much irretrievable. And she has got leggings on.

The coat conceals her broad shoulders. The skirt's short but she doesn't need to worry about her bare legs being on display. She feels... kind of sexy, actually. And like she could kick someone to death in these boots.

Noir pulls her dagger from the holster at her hip and sheathes it again. The motion feels natural. The same motions with her gun feel equally easy. 

"We should stick to the plan," she says. "We've got a castle to infiltrate."

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"In through the vent, then?"

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And Noir ducks into the vent and starts to crawl in.

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Clover follows. She gets way too good a look up Noir's skirt on the way in: Akira's butt is practically in her face.

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Skull follows behind Ann. 

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And Mona follows last.

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The guards are keyed up, when they get inside. Almost anticipatory. They're a little sloppy in their patrols. The team can mostly sneak by them.

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Noir does her best to backtrack to where the secret passage up was last time. A few patrols need to be killed on the way there, but it's nothing the four of them can't handle with a whole third persona user on their team now.

She's more graceful than before even in these ridiculous heels, which is a blessing in a fight.

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Wrecking these shadows is a very cathartic vent for Skull's worries right now.

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Here's the hidden passage. And there's the busted stair. Good thing Akira's got a grappling hook, and a rope she can lower for the others once she's at the top.

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The grappling hook is a joy to use. With how springy it is and her enchanced agility, it's just natural to flip - and she nails it easily, once again despite her heels and the jagged terrain of the stair. 

She lets the rope down behind her, and then they're off into the upper levels.

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The shadows fight harder here. A group of seven they can't sneak past, and when they fall there's a group of six not long after. But they're making progress.

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At the end of one fight, the last guard standing rips off its own mask and falls to its knees, becoming a slender female figure with insect wings sprouting from its back.

"Wait, can't we talk about this?"

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Noir keeps her dagger ready, but doesn't strike. "Go on?"

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"I'm Pixie! I come from the sea of souls, and I realized I don't want to keep working for Kamoshida! Can I surrender, or maybe join you instead?"

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Noir lowers her dagger fractionally. "Any enemy of Kamoshida's is a friend of mine."

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"Great!" She dissolves into a swirl of blue-white light and melts into Noir's mask, which glows for a moment. Noir is left with the frankly bizarre sensation of Pixie entering her heart and nestling inside next to Julie.

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Noir blinks. "What was that?"

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Morgana's jaw drops. "Whoa! Are you...? You are! You're a Wild Card! That's the rarest Persona user ability I've ever even heard of!"

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"A wild card, huh?" 

Noir considers for a long moment, then grins. "Change of codename, then. I'll be Joker from now on."


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"Okay then, Joker!" Morgana grins.

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"Wait wait wait, what's goin' on here? That shadow just flew into your mask."

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Joker gets a smug grin. "I think I can use her powers now too." 

A persona of multiple personas has got to be powerful.

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"Holy shit, Joker. That's awesome!"

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"Seconded," Ann says. "You're definitely going to be a powerhouse for us."

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Joker grins. "Yeah. Let's stick to the plan, though. We've got a whole next floor to explore."

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The team soon find a rectangular loop of a corridor, with narrow rooms off either side. Shadows guard inside the side rooms in ones and twos, and groups of three or four patrol around the corridor.

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This shouldn't be too hard. Just rush the side rooms while ducking the larger patrol. Wouldn't work on human guards, but shadows seem to be... less smart.

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"Try tearing off one's mask," Mona suggests. "You might be able to convince it to join you."

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"Sure, why not?" Joker grins. 

When they next duck into a side room, she tears off the mask of one of the shadows that's waiting there.


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It struggles at first, trying to fight her off, but with Skull's help pulling it down and a gust of wind from Mona, Joker can pin the guard and rip the mask free.

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It shifts into a Jack O'Lantern. "Eep! Don't kill me!"

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Joker keeps her dagger back. "I'm not going to kill you."

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"They really could be anything under the masks, huh?"

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Mona nods. "They're all just echoes of spirits from the sea of souls, copied in here by Shadow Kamoshida to staff the Palace."

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"What do you want?"

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"I'd like help taking down Kamoshida, if you were willing to lend me your strength."

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"S'better than dispersing!"

It melts down into a blur of light and flows into her mask.

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"Huh. Okay." Joker gets up from where she's been crouching on the ground and stretches. 

"Let's keep it up."

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Clover smiles. "At this rate you're going to get super strong super fast."

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"Yeah, hopefully."

And on they can go to ambush another shadow or two. Joker's going to take opportunities to strip the shadows of their masks when she's safe to do so.

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She manages to acquire an Angel and a Bicorn, giving her access to Bless and Wind, on top of the Curse, Electric, and Fire she already had from Julie, Pixie, and Jack O'Lantern.

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Once the guards are cleared out, the team has a moment to notice some books have been pulled partly out of the bookshelves in the rooms. They seem a bit incongruous for the shelves they're in, too: a book about a king in a bookcase full of books about the Shujin girls, a book about slaves in a shelf about training and building muscle, a book about beefcake in the section on the boys volleyball team, and a book about queens in a section on Kamoshida's triumphs and his life.

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If she thinks like Kamoshida... 

The king comes first. Then comes the queen. Then everyone else is a slave. 

She tries pushing in those three books in that order.

If that doesn't work, she'll try organizing the books so that the book on beefcake goes with the muscle building, the book about a king goes with Kamoshida's triumphs, the book on slaves goes with the boys' volleyball team, and the book about queens on the bookcase about Shujin girls.

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That angel earlier was blatantly in bondage. It feels like this is starting to be kind of a theme

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Relocating the books does the trick. Once Joker puts all three in place, one of the bookshelves swings out, revealing a small hidden staircase.

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"Nice. On up we go."

Joker leads as they go up the stairs. 

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"Whatever's up here must be important."

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At the top of the stairs, they find a group of eight shadows guarding a door that looks like something out of a strip club.

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Joker frowns, staying out of sight on the landing below. "Tough fight, but I want to see what's on the other side of that door. I'll lead with Julie and my dagger, the rest of you follow." 

She gives the countdown, then darts forward, ripping off her mask as she closes to call Julie then following up with her dagger. 

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Why does everyone else get cool powers and not her? 

Ann supports with her Tkachev, careful not to fire too close to Joker. 

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Skull beats down a guard and tears off his mask to have Captain Kidd blast lightning through two guards in a line, the second one having been trying to sneak around the side of the group and attack Ann.

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Mona shuts down another guard's advance with Zorro's wind, and stabs a nearby guard with their cutlass.

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Little by little, the guards are beaten back, falling one after another.

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Julie sweeps her rapier, spilling cursefire over two of the remaining shadows.

"Brûlez en cendres, cochons."

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The dagger feels right in Joker's hands. It bears a cold sucking hunger that's all too familiar to her — why can't I be hot, why can't I be a girl, why can't I be myself — solidified into one vicious piece of metal. It moves like it's part of her, and strikes with far too much weight for such a small blade. 

She has no compunctions about teaching these shadows what it's like to be hurt. With every strike, she advances closer to the sealed door.

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Ann runs out the clip of her Tkachev, and rejoins the fight with a stolen sword.

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Soon the last shadow falls, and they break into a new room.

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Beyond the door, they find a room full of faceless girls, writhing sultrily on the floor, wearing nothing but the bloomers of the Shujin girls' gym uniform.

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"What!? Is this what Kamoshida thinks of the girls' volleyball team?" Skull blushes and splutters angrily as he looks around the room.

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And then another figure steps into the center of the room. It looks like Ann, but wearing a pink leopard-print bikini and high heels, with a vacant expression.

"Messing up King Kamoshida's castle is like... totally messed up, y'know."

She sounds like a stereotypical bimbo.

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"What the fuck.

Clover stares at her duplicate. "— No. No I'm not like that." 

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"Who do you think you are, stepping in, taking over my life —" 

Clover's hands have come up with the gun in them instinctually, pointing at her duplicate. "I'm not some — fawning bimbo sycophant!

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She puts her hand on her hip and cocks her head to the side. "Wouldn't you be happier if you were, though? Plus, disobedience is just the lamest."

With a snap of her fingers, a squad of eight guards swarms into the room.

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Clover has her gun up already, and fires at the guards as they come in. This bitch doesn't get to win this.

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Joker pulls her gun as well, and fires as the guards approach, then pulls her mask again. She's tired after the previous fight, but she's not going down easy either. 

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Skull empties his shotgun into the nearest guards, then tears his mask free as well. "Fuck this! Real Ann is so much better than Fake Ann. Light 'em up, Captain Kidd!"

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Mona lets loose as well, battering the guards with gusts and herding them into close groups for easier blasting.

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It's a rough fight. The first few guards go down quick, dispersing into darkness as they fall, but the next ones lunge forward, fierce stabs lashing out at Joker and Skull.

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Joker's got the agility to give ground, but she's not going to leave Clover to get flanked. She parries a swing of the guard's sword with her dagger and then kicks it in the chest with her stomping boots, trying her best to force it back. 

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Ann runs out the bullets in her Tkachev and then returns to fighting with her stolen sword, anger lending strength to her strikes. 

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Joker manages to kick one guard away, but another cuts a slash to her side. Blood drips from the wound.

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Skull blocks the slash aimed for him with his pipe, then clubs the shadow that hurt Joker.

"You okay?", he calls.

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Joker curses under her breath, but keeps fighting. "Okay!" The wound doesn't seem to impair her ability to fight here, even though it burns like fire in her side. 

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Mona rolls out of the way of a slash, then cuts down another guard.

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Skull clubs a shadow in the head, then has Captain Kidd fire lightning into another.

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They're falling apart. Only two left now. They rally, though, and charge the team.

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Joker falls back, fighting defensively, and parries a few more attacks.

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Clover comes to her rescue, attacking the guard that's after Joker from the side rather than the front. It shouldn't be too hard to kill it, right?

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Clover manages a stab to its side, and it falls to the ground.

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Skull clubs down the last one, and then the room is still, apart from the Fake Ann.

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"You killed my guards! How could you?" She runs toward the door the teens entered through.

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Clover tries to grab her duplicate. "Hey! Hold up!" 

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Joker tries to grab the duplicate too, despite her own wound. If she escapes, she'll definitely raise the alarm.

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She manages to get the door open before the teens tackle her, and shouts down the hall. "King Kamoshiiidaaaa! Heeellp!"

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Joker's already wounded and the group are running on fumes persona-wise. They've got to get out of here, fast. 

Joker pulls a prescription painkiller from her inside coat pocket and takes it, and then gestures to the rest of the team. "Run for it!"

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"He's not your fucking friend!"

Clover's still grabbing her cognitive duplicate. She shakes the fake as if she'll wake up to what's right if Clover just convinces her. "Snap out of it!"

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The painkiller goes down easy, and the cut to her side mostly heals right then and there. It starts closing gradually, too, gradually healing further with every moment.

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The duplicate struggles to get away. "You just don't know what you want! It's so much easier to just give in!"

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Skull finishes scooping a few bits of loot off the ground and tries to pull Clover away from the fake. "C'mon! She's like the students in the dungeon you told me about! You can't talk her out of it!"

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Mona scoops some loot as well and dashes toward the door. "Come on!"

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"Ugh. Fine!" 

Clover tosses the fake aside, and follows Joker back down the hall towards the stairs at a run.

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The team makes it down the narrow stairwell, bursting back into the library, when they're suddenly cornered by sixteen guards.

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And leading them is King Kamoshida.

"Look at you brats. You break into my castle, kill my guards, and now you're scaring my Princess."

He turns to Clover and scoffs. "How these fools could mistake my Ann for an insolent prude like you, I have no idea."

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And then a smug grin crosses his face.

"But no matter. If you won't put out, I have other options."

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"Bastard." Clover looks him in the eye. "You'll regret what you've done to all the students at Shujin."

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"And how exactly do you plan to stop me? I'm even doing it right now. While my guards are keeping you brats busy in here, out there, I've sent my whipping boy to go fetch..."

He taps his chin in though. "What was her name? You know, the ugly one."

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The duplicate walks in past the team and goes to Kamoshida's side. "Um... Shiho, your kingliness?"

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"That's the one."

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"Shiho won't fall for that." Clover's voice trembles. "She's smarter than you. Stronger than you. She'll beat you out."

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"You really love to hear youself talk, don't you." Joker looks around for anything she could grapple to. If she can just get above them and rain persona and gunfire down on this crowd...

There doesn't seem to be a lot of options.

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"She has to fall for it, you stupid little slut. She thinks that by putting up with my violence in practice, and giving into my demands, she's protecting you. Why don't you just give up and let my glory and your pathetic friend's sacrifice keep you safe? Just accept that you're a dumb, helpless, blonde bimbo, like your better counterpart here." He gestures indicatively at Cognitive Ann.

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"Fuck no. You'll hurt her whatever I do. You're already doing it. I'm fucking done with kissing up to you."

Ann's hands tremble on her gun. She wants to put a bullet in between this bastard king's eyes, but if Kamoshida dies mysteriously in the other world it'll be hell to pay for all of them. 

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"And yet here you sit, helpless to do anything about it."

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"Don't listen to that bastard, Ann! You're one of the strongest people I know!"

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"Skull's right, you're stronger than that, I've seen it!" 

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Is she really? She's never fought until now. Not until Akira gave her the courage to. She's been a coward.

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No more. She's not going to let this asshole control her life for one second longer. 

Incredible, tearing pain slams into her skull.

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You have spent far too long living your life for others' approval, corazón. How brightly are you willing to burn?

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She gasps with the pain and falls to one knee.

"Burn it all down," she manages. "Bright as we can."

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Heh. Finally.

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What of the feelings you've kept bottled deep inside? Are you willing to shine for all to see?

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She growls low and hard, back in her throat. 

"I'm done with, nnnh, flinching at shadows."

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You know what you want, then? All of what you want? How loudly will you shout, how fiercely will fight, to seize the love that burns within your heart?

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Clover's known for a long time that she'd do anything for Shiho. 

She'll follow that to the ends of the earth if she has to.

"Yes," she gasps out. "I'll seize it all. Every last spark —"

Her voice breaks with the pain. "I won't fail again!"

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Then it is time for our contract, cariño. Speak the oath and burn with me.

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"Yes! I swear!" 

Ann gasps as a latex mask forces its way out through her forehead, the pain falling away. She speaks, her voice doubled on itself, Carmen speaking with her, through her. 

"I am thou. Thou art I."

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She tears the mask off, and bloody flames leap from her face, lighting to incandescent fury. 

When the flames die away, she stands in a full latex catsuit and bears a flaming whip. 

"Scurry back into your hole, you son of a bitch," she says. She lashes out with her whip at the guards, striking with it as if she was born to it.

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He falls backward, scrambling to the door.

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The duplicate helps him up and they flee.

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The knights charge.

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But each crack of Clover's whip knocks another aside, lashing them brutally and flinging them into each other. Three fall just from the initial barrage.

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"All right! Way to go Clover! Let's kick some ass!"

Skull tears his mask free and lets loose into the group with lightning blasts.

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Mona batters them with wind as well.

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Joker unleashes Julie as well, and for the first time they all strike together. Guards fall one by one to whip, dagger and flame. 

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Ann tears her mask free again, and advances with brutal lashes of her whip.

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And as the mask tears free, a tall, buxom woman with fuchsia skin bursts forth. She wears a red flamenco dress and a feline mask, and wields a whip of rose vines.

She looks down at the assembled guards and exhales a cloud of smoke from her cigar.

"None of you deserve to gaze upon the esplendor of our unrestrained heart."

And as the smoke falls over the shadows, red flames spring up and wash over them, incinerating the knights.

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The conflagration wreaks havoc through the guards. The majority of them burn away in that moment, leaving only a few more.

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Julie spears the rest with curses. As they fall, she turns to Clover and Joker and speaks.

"Time has felt sticky since he made his threat. We may still have a chance. Go!"

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Clover's not going to let this bastard lay a hand on Shiho. 

Back out through the castle, down flight after flight of stairs, smoke and ash burning in her wake. She charges as fast as she can, smashing her way through guard after guard. Even the rope down doesn't stop her for long. 

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Joker doesn't spare the strikes from Julie either. They're getting out as fast as she can manage it.

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Skull chases after them, blasting away with Captain Kidd's lightning, stopping for nothing.

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And Mona darts ahead occasionally, opening doors as they reach them, keeping the path moving.

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When they reach the broken stair, everyone just leaps down, not bothering for the rope, and keeps sprinting.

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Guards fall around them as they pass, landing in twitching heaps or charred husks before melting away into the darkness once more.

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And then it's back out through the vent. 

"Clover, your phone. You've got to warn her."

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"I've got it." Ann pulls it. 

This is going to hurt. 

She hits the metaverse explorer on her phone and transitions back to the real world.

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Ann hammers out the message on her phone as fast as she can. 

Shiho I love you

don't protect me

you're more important

She jams the send button with her thumb, then looks around wildly. Where is she where's Shiho practicing —

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As Ann hits send, she hears Carmen's voice ring through her mind.

It will cost us, corazón, but I will hold off el agotamiento a little longer. Run to her.

Somehow, she instinctively knows Carmen means the looming exhaustion. She can feel fire burning in her heart, in her veins.

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Ann doesn't need to be told twice. 

She goes at a flat-out sprint toward the practice field. 

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Akira follows as fast as she can.

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In a hallway, halfway between the gym and Kamoshida's office, a girl walks.

Her steps are leaden.

Her phone pings, but she doesn't check it. 

Her breath is shallow.




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Ann runs up and grabs her arm. 

"Shiho," she manages, her voice a sharp hiss. "You don't have to do this for me." 

She's out of breath. She doesn't have much time. "I love you," she says. "I can't let him hurt you."

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She looks up as someone reaches her and grabs her arm. "What? Ann? You— How?"

How does Ann know Kamoshida sent for her?

How did she know Shiho was doing this for her?

How could Ann love her?

How could Ann love her?

She's just a volleyball player.

That's all she has.

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"I don't have much time. This whole time kamoshida's been threatening me with hurting you. That's why I went along with so much."

Ann takes Shiho's hand in both of hers and clasps it as hard as she can. "I love you." She looks as deep into her eyes as she can. 

"Now we've got to get away before Kamoshida sees us."

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"Ann's right, we've got to hurry. Please. Trust us on this."

She can already see Ann starting to droop. The fatigue's burning through her determination.

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"I— what— He was threatening you?"

She shakes her head, and squeezes Ann's hand.

"Okay. Let's go."

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Ann holds Shiho's hand as hard as she can, and runs for it. She's got to get somewhere secluded off campus as soon as possible. 

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Akira runs to catch up. She's got to be there when Ann passes out or this will just turn into an even worse situation. 

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Ryuji's chasing after them, and catches up when they turn to head back off campus. "You found her in time? Thank fuck. Let's get off campus and call a cab, you can't have long before you pass out."

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Shiho runs with them. "Pass out? What? Why's Ann going to pass out?"

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They can see the edge of campus.

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Akira bites out words between panting breaths. "Pushed herself hard to get to you in time. Long story. Ryuji, call that cab, if Ann drops keep her safe and get her home. I'll stay with Shiho."

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Ann's got no breaths to spare for talking. She just runs, flat-out. 

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Ryuji pulls out his phone as he runs, looking up a cab company and calling one.

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"I'm coming with you! I want to know what's going on, and I need Ann to be okay."

She keeps running, pulling Ann along. If they've got to get off campus, she'll make sure Ann gets off campus.

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 "Alright. All together then!"

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Ann's breath is getting more laboured but she's still going as fast as she can. 

She's just got to find somewhere safe to collapse. Not much farther. Not much farther...

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They step off campus, dash across the street, duck into the same alley they entered the Metaverse from originally. It's not perfect, but no one's watching them, they could wait for a cab there.

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Ryuji's just a few paces behind them, explaining where they are and where they're going to the cab dispatcher.

Then he hangs up. "Ten minutes."

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Ann drops like a stone into Shiho's arms. She's out cold.

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Akira does her best to help lower Ann gently to the ground.

This is going to be extremely awkward, but they're safe... ish... for the moment. 

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Morgana pulls all the money they collected from the shadows out of thin air. "Here," they call out to Ryuji, "to pay for the cab."

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She helps Akira settle her into place, then looks up just in time to see what appears to be a cat conjuring money


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"Real magic. There's another dimension in the school where it's a castle and Kamoshida's king. He threatened you there, so we came to warn you. The fatigue is magic. So's Morgana."

Akira settles Ann against the alley wall so she looks more like she's sleeping and less like she's unconscious. 

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It shouldn't be possible, she shouldn't believe her, but she just saw a cat conjure money.

She shakes her head. "I'll take your word for it for now, but we need to talk more about this once we get Ann home."

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"Yeah, absolutely."

Akira sits down next to Ann. "Ann's fought hard for this chance, I'm not going to waste it."

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Shiho sits down as well. "I can't believe she..."

She shakes her head.

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"She really has been protecting you all along. Just like you have been for her. That's how he gets people."

She manages a small smile. "As for her loving you... Probably for the best if she explains that herself. But I believe it."

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A faint smile crosses her lips for a moment.


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"Shouldn't be long now."

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"We're going to need a good story for the cab driver. Any thoughts, anyone?"

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"Tired herself out preparing for a test?"

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"Exhausted from practice?"

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"Stayed up too late last night?"

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"Let's go with 'exhausted from practice.' It fits the time and place. The rumor mill is going to have a field day with this regardless of what we do, better to pick the one that's most plausible to a random cab driver and not worry if it gets back to the school."

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Shiho nods.

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And that's when a cab pulls up outside the alley.

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"I'll help Shiho get Ann in the car."

Akira hoists Ann up as carefully as she can, and goes to get the back car door. She's not doing anything wrong, so the best thing to do is just to act confident and natural.

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Shiho helps get Ann situated into the back of the cab with Akira, then sits on one side of her.

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Ryuji sits up front and gives the driver Ann's address.

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"She okay?"

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"Yeah, just exhausted from practice. Coach really drives his students hard." Akira lets a little of her worry bleed through in her voice. "We're getting her home so she can rest up properly."

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"You're good friends," he replies, and sets off.

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Akira relaxes just a little. 

It's going to be a hassle getting Ann into her place and into bed, but the rest should be relatively easy. And there is at least very little chance of Kamoshida.

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Kamoshida is definitely not in the cab with them. He's probably busy being disappointed in his office.

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Shiho quietly holds Ann's hand, just to reassure herself that she's still there.

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It's not exactly a short ride, but twenty minutes later, they're pulling to a stop outside a nice-looking apartment building.

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Ryuji pays the cabbie.

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Akira helps the insensate Ann out of the car.

"Ryuji, you know which apartment is Ann's?"

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He nods.

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"We both do. And I know where she keeps the spare key."

She reaches behind the mailboxes and pulls out a little lockbox on a chain, quickly entering a combination and pulling out a keyring with two keys on it.

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"Great. Let's get her inside and into bed."

It's such a fucking rush. They've won. Maybe they have to do some awkward explaining to Ann's parents but that's nothing at this point.

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Ryuji helps carry Ann inside to the elevator.

"Hopefully it's not the one week a term when her parents are home tonight."

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Shiho hits the button. "Shouldn't be. They're always traveling."

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"We can explain if we have to. The important thing is that everyone's safe."

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And then they're out on Ann's floor. Shiho leads the way to the apartment door and unlocks it. 

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It's expansive, fancy, and most of all empty. The rooms they can see are well-furnished, but they don't really look lived in at all.

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Now that's a look that Akira's used to. 

She helps Ann in and tries to get her to her bedroom.

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Ann's bedroom is the only lived-in room in the apartment. One wall features a poster of Ivy from Dissidia, in her full domme outfit. A bookcase rests on one wall with a shelf full of manga, including a series called "The Wallflower". Two photos sit in frames on her desk, in easy view of her computer: one of Ann, Shiho, and Ryuji all together, and one of Shiho and Ann. Her bed has simple red linen sheets, and two big fake food plushies on it next to the pillows: a dumpling and a sushi roll.

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Shiho steps in and pulls the sheets down for Akira and Ryuji to set Ann into bed, then helps pull her shoes off once she's down.

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There she goes. All settled.

What a day. It's really just been a whole series of "what a day" ever since she came to Shujin Academy.

Akira exhales and takes a moment to breathe. 

"... Alright," she says. "You wanted an explanation, Shiho?"

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She nods. "You were talking about magic."

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"Yeah, okay, let me back up...

"There's another layer to reality that some people can go to, called the Metaverse. It's made up of what people think and believe, instead of being made of, you know, physics.

In the metaverse, people who are deeply conceited, who think in distorted ways, can generate places that are... reflections of who they are, in a way. That's called a Palace. 

Kamoshida has a Palace that looks like a castle, and in that place reality more or less works how he expects it to. The men's volleyball team are his slaves and prisoners, there's a "playroom" full of faceless Shujin girls with no clothes on, and there's a copy of Ann who's a complete bimbo and totally devoted to Kamoshida.

We've been exploring Kamoshida's castle because we think that if we can steal a particular treasure from it, we can untwist Kamoshida's thinking and turn him into a more decent person who'd confess to his crimes. Which would be a damn sight easier than gathering evidence of his misconduct in the real world and fighting the case through the justice system."

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She looks at Akira, an eyebrow raised skeptically. Then she looks at Ryuji. Then at the cat that conjured money.



"This is absolutely insane, but at this point I've witnessed an impossibility already."

She looks back at Ryuji.

"You went there? This Metaverse?"

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He nods. "Yeah. It's trippy as fuck! Everything's big and dramatic and crazy, and there are shadow guards we have to fight, and puzzles to solve. S'usually Akira who solves the puzzles. I'm no good at 'em."

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She looks down for a moment. It's an unbelievable story, but Ryuji's almost as bad a liar as Ann; he's never been able to lie to her. He clearly believes what he's saying.

"If I've skipped Coach's summons, he'll take it out on me next time he can. Practice is going to be worse than ever."

She giggles a little bit madly, her breath shaky, then looks up at Akira.

"I've already pissed him off. Nothing for it, right? Might as well take a break from practice to help you three — four."

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Akira nods seriously. "If you want to join us, I'm not going to stop you. But I do want to warn you, it's genuinely dangerous in a couple ways. You could get expelled, in trouble with the law, or even die. You're sure?"

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She takes a slow, deep breath to steady herself, clenching her hands.

"Ann's facing the same risks. Am I scared? Sure. I'm terrified. But after today, appeasing him is a lost cause. I didn't come when he called. I can't be alone with him now. It'll only get worse. If you've got an alternative, I have to try it."

Her hands are shaking.

"I—I've never fought back before. But I have to."

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Akira lowers her voice. "Been there. With my parents, actually. I know it's scary. Try and harness it, focus it. I've always found spite to be a lovely motivator."

Joker nods, as if that's all there is to say on the matter. "So. If you're going to be joining us, I'll explain the legalities side. Please don't startle, I'm going to do something slightly scary."

She reaches into Ann's discarded pack and comes up with her Tkachev. "Prop gun," she explains. "Looks real, but it's airsoft. In the Metaverse it is real. In law it's real too, even though you couldn't kill someone with it. I don't think I need to explain what would happen if you were caught with one of these, much less on school property. Nothing good. That's the big thing that could get you expelled or jailed, handling these."

Joker puts the prop gun back in Ann's pack for the moment. "That's the legal side. As for the risk of dying, the castle in the other world is swarming with guards, and their swords do real damage if they hit you. It's easier to heal there than here, but we could still lose a fight. So it's probably safest for us to wait for Ann to wake up, and then all go into the castle together.

The four of us — Ann, Ryuji, Morgana, and I — all have magic powers in the other world now, so together we might be strong enough to finally steal the treasure tomorrow. Especially if you're there to help us. I just don't know how long Ann's going to be knocked out for. Probably it's safest to assume at least some of us will have to go to class tomorrow."

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Shiho opens her mouth for a moment at the sight of the gun, then closes it and nods. 

When Akira finishes, she looks down at Ann for a moment. "That makes sense. It might be suspicious having both Ann and I out sick, but she's already going to be missing school tomorrow and being 'sick' is the easiest and safest explanation why I missed Coach's summons. The school won't make an international call just to check on her missing a day for the first time in a year, and I can fake sick for my parents well enough and then come here and take care of her once they go to work. And then we meet up with you after school?"

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"That's probably the smartest thing to do, yeah. I wouldn't have gotten you mixed up in this if it wasn't my only option, but given that it's this or Kamoshida..." She sighs. "The risks are worth taking. I just wish they weren't so large."

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"So let's see if I understand this. We're exploring a castle in another world where beliefs are real, and this castle is the manifestation of Kamoshida's distorted desires and beliefs, and if we steal a specific treasure we steal his need to be this awful, and that might make him confess? Oh, and going to this other world sometimes results in powers?"

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"Yeah, pretty much. The idea is that there's some belief of Kamoshida's that's the — lynchpin of all this, yeah? Something that makes him behave this way. And in the metaverse that idea is a physical object, something we could actually take from him. So if we steal that, his whole personal reality should fall apart. At which point he'd be left with the truth that he's been ruining the lives of everyone he touches. If he has any crumb of decency in his heart, he should confess after that."

Akira settles her hands together. "It's not guaranteed, to any degree. We haven't done this before, though we're learning fast. But Morgana's our expert on the metaverse, and they say it should work." 

"As for the powers... basically there are mythological spirits out there in the Metaverse, and in moments of great need they can make contracts with people to assist them. Generally for people they resonate with. So, like, Ryuji's got the spirt of Captain Kidd looking over his shoulder, and Morgana's got Zorro, and I've got Julie D'Aubigny and Ann's got Carmen. It's not unlikely you'll get one too if you stay with us long enough: I don't doubt at all that you've got the necessary will to fight."

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Morgana chimes in then. "It's not exactly a spirit making a contract with you? Or well, it is and it isn't. It's also the other side of your heart expressing itself through the spirit you're making a contract with."

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"Morgana says it's also about the other side of your heart, the part you have trouble connecting with, expressing itself through the spirit you're making a contract with."

She smiles wryly. "Before you ask, yes, I understood what you heard as meowing. Once you go to the metaverse you'll be able to understand Morgana too."

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She looks at Morgana, then at Akira, and blinks. "My life has gotten very strange very quickly. We have an animal companion. Are we in a magical girl anime?"

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"And Tuxedo Mask is wearing leather and brass knuckles now?"

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"My guardian asked me almost exactly the same question."

She shakes her head. "Somehow I doubt it."

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She giggles a bit and nods. "Yeah."

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"She'll probably be okay until morning. Exchange numbers and bail for now?"

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Shiho nods. "I think all of you have my number now though?"

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"Yeah, I'm good. It's probably for the best to leave Ann to sleep for now. If me and Ryuji are anything to go by, Ann will be okay tomorrow."

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"You're probably right, but I'll come check on her anyway," Shiho replies with a soft smile down at Ann for a moment.

"See you tomorrow."

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"See you tomorrow."

And off Akira goes, following directions on her phone to Ann's local train station. 

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Akira checks the time. 6:42 PM. Just barely enough time to pick up a weapon at Untouchable for Shiho. 

She'd have absolutely no time to stash it, though. She'd have to bring it home with her. 

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Screw "is it right", is it necessary to protect Shiho and Ann? 

Yes. It absolutely is. She's not stupid, it is a risk. A serious one. But it's only one night. It's objectively unlikely she'd be searched. 

She buys a ticket to Shibuya.

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The train isn't very crowded. She gets to Shibuya easily enough.

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And then there's Untouchable, with the owner standing gruffly behind the counter.

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Akira nods to him. "I got some money of my own together, and I'm back for that Peacemaker my friend wasn't willing to cover." 

She pulls out her Metaverse money. With all the shadows they've killed she's got more than enough to cover it.

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He nods, bagging it up for her. "¥14,200."

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She hands it over, and puts the gun in her pack. It's a simple enough transaction. 

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He gives her a parting nod as she leaves.

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Okay, should she pick anything else up while she's here... She sees a small drug store down the street, she'll pop in and buy some basic painkillers and first aid supplies just in case. That doesn't take long.

It's as she's heading back up toward the station that Lapin Angelique catches her eye again. 

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I see you eyeing those cute clothes, Julie's voice echoes in her mind. You know you want to.

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Yeah, okay, she does want to. 

She ducks into the shop.

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The interior is just as darkly gothic and fashion-forward as before, full of intricate lace pieces and all kinds of clubwear and EGL clothing.

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She picks out the cheapest overbust corset they have available — she doesn't have a ton of money to blow after buying the Peacemaker — buys it, and puts it in her bag. 

The cashier calls her miss again. 

It's not even hard.

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This was never the hard part. You simply needed income. The hard part was recognizing that you've deserved this all along, mon cœur.

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Yeah. It's not about the money, it's about sending a message. It's just the rules she'd built up in her head — that she's not a real girl, that she doesn't deserve to have good things — that stopped her. Her parents couldn't have watched her at literally every moment. 

Joker grins to herself. Another successful infiltration. Nobody suspects a thing.

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Just so, chérie.

She can feel the smile in Julie's mental voice.

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Joker drums her fingers on the strap of her backpack as she heads back onto the train. She feels stronger. Fiercer. More herself.

Julie's right. She's been holding herself back for far too long.

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The world has no right to deny your Truth, moitié. I dare them to try to stop us.

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Joker just sends back a mental nod. 

It's back to Leblanc with her. She's got to get to bed.

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Sojiro's there with a nod as she comes in. There are customers in there this time: an older couple in one booth, and a familiar face in another.

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Doctor Takemi looks even more punk without the labcoat. She's wearing another of her short dresses, very dark red this time, and a pair of strappy boots with platforms and high heels. She smiles at Akira as she enters. "Evening, Akira-chan."

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Akira blinks when she sees Doctor Takemi in Leblanc — especially in that dress — and for a moment a bolt of panic goes through her before she manages to get her nerves under control. 

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Think, Akira, she told you that she was a customer. This is entirely predictable.

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Still, it's kind of like spotting your teacher while out shopping. 

"Hey," she says, a smile on her face. "I didn't expect to see you at the café today, Doctor."

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She shrugs and smiles. "I had an early night at the clinic tonight, so I felt like getting some coffee. How are you doing?"

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"Well enough. A friend of mine had a close brush today but everything turned out fine in the end, so all's well that ends well, you know?" She gestures to her pack. "Mind if I drop this upstairs real quick? I've been hauling it all day and my shoulders are starting to get sore."

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"Go ahead," she replies, taking another sip of her coffee and eating another bite of curry.

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She heads upstairs and drops off her pack on her bed. So long as she's talking with Sakura-san that should be safe. 

Back downstairs she goes.

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"Hey! So yeah, been an intense day, but things are going okay enough." Akira smiles. "How are things going for you?"

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"Sounds like it." She frowns briefly, shakes her head, and then smiles wryly at Akira. "And just the usual, on my end: working on experimental drugs, seeing patients, passing time."

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"Oh, you do research? That's cool."

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She smiles a bit wider. "I do, yes. It's hard work, but it can be quite satisfying when you get it right."

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Is she doing that deliberately? Who knows. 

"Yeah. I've always appreciated tinkering with computers, myself. If I get into university I'll be trying for a computer science degree."

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"Interesting. I've always meant to learn more about computers, but as it is I just know enough to use them and do basic maintenance. There are some improvements I wouldn't mind seeing to the analysis software for my instruments, but software development is a wide field and I'm sure you'll find something that sparks your own passion there."

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"I'm mostly self-taught right now. My father was in the business so I learned a lot about it from him." 

Not exactly happy memories, but she appreciates the help nonetheless. One of the few things her father did right.

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Maybe it was something in Akira's tone, maybe Tae just knows that trans kids rarely have good parents, but her expression softens for a moment, sympathy clearly visible.

"What sort of things have caught your interest, so far?"

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"Honestly, I've kind of always wished I could work in computer security. Maybe it's just having read too many detective books as a kid, but the idea of foiling crooks with good planning and forethought appeals. If not that, maybe working with networks? Everyone uses the internet all the time, so I feel like it's really cool to get to have a part in making it."

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"Ooh. That does sound interesting," she replies with a smile. "I'm curious how all that gets made, honestly."

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Sojiro shows up with a plate of curry and a coffee for Akira, giving her a brief little hint of a smile before turning to Takemi.

"Anything I can get for you, Doctor?"

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"One more coffee please, if you don't mind, Sakura-san?"

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"Be right back with it," he replies with a nod.

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Akira smiles at Boss. "Thanks for the curry." 

She looks back at Doctor Takemi as she starts to eat.

"I'm mostly learning more basic things than that right now — stuff like how to code, the parts of a computer, that kind of thing. But when I learn about networking I'll definitely tell you all about it, Doctor."

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She thanks Sakura-san as he departs as well, and turns back to Akira.

"Sounds like a plan, Akira-chan. And you don't have to call me Doctor. Takemi is fine."

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Gosh, not even with an honorific? That's pretty casual. 

Then again, she guesses she has been sharing quite a bit of her life with Takemi... 

"Alright, Takemi." Akira gives her a small smile. "I guess I'll have to stop by the clinic again when I can get a spare moment, since we're friends."

She tilts her head. "Incidentally, where do you get those dresses of yours, or is that a secret? I just thought of it since I stopped in at Lapin Angelique a couple days ago and was envying the stuff there, and you seen to have somewhat similar style."

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"An online store called Sorceresstique, they specialize in this sort of thing. They're a bit pricey for students, though."

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"Aw, that's too bad to hear. It's a shame that all the good fashion's in such limited production runs. Still, I might check it out. Maybe try and get a part-time job to cover a dress or two."

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"You should! I bet you'd look cute in them."

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I agree with the good doctor, moitié, and I'm glad you have someone so supportive and friendly~ in your corner.

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Oh shut up, what is she, like twenty-six or something? She's practically twice my age.

Akira smiles anyway. "I'll see what I can do. Got to find that true self, you know. A few days ago I couldn't even imagine wearing a Shujin girl's uniform each day."

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"I'm glad you get to have that. You deserve it."

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"Yeah." Akira's casual smile deepens a little, just thinking about it. "It's really good to have."

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Sojiro brings Takemi's coffee over and takes the empty mug. "Here you go, Doctor."

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"Thank you, Sakura-san."

Turning back to Akira, she asks, "Are you and your friends holding up okay with the stress?"

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"I won't lie, it's been a mess in a couple ways, but we've got each other, so we've been managing."

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She brightens up again. "Ann actually confessed to her middle school crush today, and she said yes, so there's been some good things happening too."

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"Awwww! That's great. I'm so glad you're managing to find some good amidst it all."

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Akira nods, suddenly serious. "You've got to appreciate the beauty too while it's there. Otherwise, what's the point?"

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She nods. "There isn't one. If you don't find things to enjoy, you're just turning into a goalbot."

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Akira nods. "I've never been the best at that, but I've been trying to rest where I can." She has a bit more of her curry.

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Takemi's about finished with hers. She has the last bite. 

"It's good to catch up. I should probably head out, though."

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"Yeah. See you around, Takemi."

She's still got some curry to finish, so she'll linger and see if Sakura-san wants to talk.

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She brings her dishes up to the counter, thanks Sakura-san again, and heads off.

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The other customers finished and left as well, so Sojiro comes and sits down across from her in the booth. "How'd today go, kid?"

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"Well, actually. Shiho got a request from the gym teacher to see him in his office, where anything could've happened, but Ann managed to get there just in time and keep her from going in. Ann confessed her crush right then to get through to her, it was very dramatic.

Both of them are going to be taking the day off from school tomorrow so they can duck any reprisals from the gym teacher. Everyone's physically fine, and Ann's awakened her powers too. We had a hard time getting her home while she was exhausted, but everything worked out in the end."

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He just blinks for a moment and shakes his head. "You're dealing with too much, kid. Least you seem to be handling it. Classes went okay?"

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"Yeah. They're honestly super restful and normal compared to all the other stuff that's going on."

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"At least there's that. You really seem like a smart girl, Akira. I wish you didn't have to do all this magical crap."

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She just nods. She doesn't trust her voice right now. 

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This is what you get for inviting him in, Akira. He gets to start having opinions on it just like your old parents used to. 

He doesn't know what's really going on, and you can't explain the truth in a way he can really get

You've been being a good girl for far too long, and now it's coming back to bite you.

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He shakes his head. "Well, keep at it. I'll leave you to it. Cleanup to do."

And up he gets.

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Akira feels tired all of a sudden.

She heads upstairs and flops into bed. 

She should be happy. She succeeded today. Everyone got out okay. Shiho's on their side. She's doing her best and winning. 

All she can manage, though, is cold dread of tomorrow.

She sorts her pack so the gun's at the very bottom and won't be seen easily, then curls up in her bed and tries to sleep. 

It doesn't come easily, but eventually it does come.

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And soon enough so does the morning. Welcome to Thursday, 4/14.

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Mmmh. Another day. 

What to do about the airsoft gun this morning? It's in the very bottom of her pack, nobody should notice it... 

She changes into another spare uniform, puts on her pack, and heads downstairs, texting on her phone. 

Morning Shiho, morning Ryuji

Just up, omw to school

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Just got up too. Convinced the parents I'm sick. Waiting for them to leave before going to Ann's.

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good to hear, Shiho

see you at school Akira

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Akira tucks her phone into her blazer pocket and stops at the bar for her usual bowl of curry from Sakura-san.

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There he is, plating it up for her and pouring a coffee as he hears her step down. "Good luck out there, kid."

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"Thanks a lot, Boss." Akira eats, and she texts Shiho. 

I picked something up for you yesterday that I need to drop off before going to class

can you drop by the train station outside the academy before you go see to Ann?

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Yeah, I'll see you there. 

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Thanks a lot.

She eats, and then it's off to the station for her.

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Shiho is waiting on the platform when Akira steps out. "Hey."

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"Hey." Akira takes off her pack, pulls out a notebook and a pencil from the top, then zips it back up and hands the whole rest of the pack to Shiho. "I'll come pick things up after school."

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Shiho nods and accepts the pack. "See you then."

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And off Akira goes to class. It's annoying that she's being a pain for Kawakami, but she's just got to do her best. One step at a time.

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It's far from the most annoying thing a student's done in her class. She's not even phased. Today's rumor mill is comparatively quiet, mostly focused back on whatever Akira went to jail for (this changes hourly), but they stop after a glare from Kawakami.

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Eventually, lunch arrives.

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Sheeeeee totally forgot that her lunch was in her pack. 

Oh well. If she'd brought it she'd probably look suspicious. She will try and condense her notes from yesterday for now. 

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Meanwhile, after picking up Akira's bag, Shiho has made her way to Ann's apartment. She lets herself in with the hidden key, sets her and Akira's bags down in the living room, and steps into Ann's room to check on her.

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She's still sound asleep. 

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Shiho smiles gently at the sleeping blonde and then heads to the kitchen. It would be really nice for Ann to wake up to pancakes. Does this kitchen contain pancake mix?

It does! Good. What about the other ingredients? Yes. Okay, she has absolutely no idea when Ann's going to wake up, so she'll mix up the batter and toss it in the fridge until then.

That passes a few minutes, at least.

For lack of other things to do, she steps back into Ann's room, sits at the desk, and looks up some things on her phone: magic (nothing useful), Metaverse (a brief mention of something called "cognitive pscience", with no mention of what that means anywhere she can find), gun safety (the guns may be fake now but they'll be real this afternoon), and so on.

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Eventually, Ann wakes up. 

Where is she...? 

She looks up at the ceiling blearily. She seems to be in her room at home, but how'd she get here?

She checks her phone. No messages. 10:45. How long has she been asleep? She's still in her clothes, but someone's taken her shoes off. 

She sits up in bed, a knot of tension in her gut.

Everything is probably fine, but...

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Wait, hold on a second, that's Shiho at her desk!

"Shiho!" Ann can't keep the grin off her face. "— everything turned out okay?"

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She looks up from her phone and practically leaps out of the chair, kneeling beside the bed.

"Ann! You're awake!"

She takes her hand, smiling warmly.

"Yeah, everything turned out fine. You passed out just off-campus, Ryuji called a cab using money a cat summoned from thin air, we brought you here, Akira explained stuff, and I'm going to be going in with you this afternoon. I faked sick so I could be here to meet you."

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Ann's heart jumps as Shiho takes her hand. It's just like it used to be in middle school. It feels like the rift that's grown between them all these years has suddenly slammed shut. 

She can't help but blush a little. 

"I... Thank you for staying. And for staying safe." 

Ann squeezes Shiho's hand back, and takes a slow breath. She doesn't really want to speak. It feels cheap, compared to holding Shiho's hand in hers, reassuringly warm and real.

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"I bet you're hungry. I've got batter all mixed up for pancakes. Up for walking?"

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Ann tries her legs, and finds them reassuringly steady. 

"Yeah," she says. "I'd love pancakes."

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Then Shiho will walk with Ann to the kitchen, holding her hand and smiling the whole way.

Out comes the batter, then she puts the griddle on the stove to heat up, and she greases it up to make sure nothing sticks.

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It's so like Shiho to put her first. Pancakes and all. 

Ann gets down a plate for herself and a plate for Shiho. 

She doesn't need to say anything just yet. Right now she just wants to spend time in Shiho's company.

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Shiho's happy to just enjoy Ann being here and safe and working together again, and she keeps working on the pancakes and occasionally smiling at Ann.

Ah, all heated up. She pours out the pancakes and watches them carefully for when to flip them.

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Ann gets out the syrup, puts it in a cup, and puts it in the microwave to heat. 

Her gaze lingers on Shiho as well.

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Shiho flips the pancakes. It's been a while, but she remembers this well enough to give them a little airtime and land them safely.

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Ann brings over the hot syrup when the microwave dings, and has a moment of indecision. Part of her wants to kiss Shiho's cheek, since she's being so wonderful, but — it's far too forward, isn't it? It really must be. 

Instead she sets the syrup on the counter by the plate of pancakes and watches as Shiho serves them up.

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And then they're ready. She plates them with a smile and sits down at the table.

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Ann joins her. 

She should really say something. 

"I... said I'd explain..." 

She swallows, looks down at her pancakes.

"... I — I've known since the championship two years ago, when you took that dive on the hardwood and scraped up your knee. It hurt, but you came up smiling."

She takes a bite of her pancake and thinks for a moment. It's soft and fluffy and sweet. 

"I think... I've always envied that strength in you, the fact you can do hard things with such dedication and focus. That's why I encouraged you so much."

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Shiho reaches over to squeeze Ann's hand, smiling softly.

"You've always been so encouraging. I love that about you. That, and..."

She takes a bite of her own pancakes. The vanilla always adds a nice touch.

"It was... early in our second year of middle school, for me. We'd just started the new year, and we'd been talking over break about how hopefully the other students would be over everything, but our classmates were still so awful to you."

Another handsqueeze.

"And you just... kept being cheerful. You've always had this light in you, this shine, and you never let them put it out."

She looks down at their joined hands.

"It's always been easier for me to be strong when I can see your light."

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Ann blushes intensely

She has no clue how to handle this. She was content to go on sharing a little of Shiho's life for so many years... 

Having it out in the open like this is jarring. It feels like anything could be possible, which is... terrifying and hopeful. 

"... It's been the same way for me. I've missed you so much since we started at Shujin. I just..." 

She squeezes Shiho's hand. 

"I never expected you'd actually be... interested in me as well. I've seen you looking at Ryuji, and... I guess I thought that settled the matter."

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Shiho giggles ruefully. "Oh no, I did the same thing. You were so touched by how he dyed his hair just so you wouldn't be alone, and I assumed I had no shot."

She squeezes Ann's hand back.

"It was so hard, not talking to you, not spending time together. I told myself it was worth it if it kept Kamoshida away from you, but he was doing the same thing with you."

She looks down.

"I wish I'd known not to let him split us apart."

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Ann giggles, despite herself. "What a silly thing to keep us apart for so long. I..."

She looks down at her hands. "I won't lie, Ryuji's charming too. He's got a kind of puppy-dog earnestness that makes an impression on you. But if I had to pick between him and you I'd pick you every time."

"As for Kamoshida... I did the same thing as you. Went along with it to try and make it less bad. I wish i'd had the courage to speak up sooner. I wish that... there hadn't been this gap between us that he could pry at to force us apart."

Ann sighs, then smiles. She squeezes Shiho's hand again. "Still. We're going to win, us two. Together."

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She sighs, smiles, and nods. "We are. You've even got a whole squad to help us win it now."

Her thumb plays along the back of Ann's hand. 

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... It's really, really nice to have Shiho here with her. 

She's done with waiting. She's done with hiding and biding her time and beating around the bush. 

"... Shiho?" Ann's voice comes out soft and a little trembly, despite all the confidence she's mustered. "... May I — May I kiss you?"

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Her response is to lean in and kiss her first, lips pressing softly against Ann's.

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Oh wow. 

Ann presses in gently, and savors it. Her heart flutters like a sparrow. She's no expert kisser, but — it's with Shiho. 

That's more than enough for her.

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A warm sigh spills out of her as she pulls away from the kiss.

"Thank you," she whispers with a smile.

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Ann's beyond flushed, but can't help but smile. 

"... You're welcome?" She rubs the back of her head. "I'm, um. I'm not sure how this is really supposed to work, but — you've always been there for me. It was the least I could do to be there for you."

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"And I always will be."

She sighs softly and just smiles at Ann for a long moment.

They're together. They actually get to have this.

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Ann's having a little moment of her own as well.

They're girlfriends. They get to kiss, and hold hands, and...

Suddenly she is very acutely aware that she's alone at home with her girlfriend.

She blushes even harder. "I... yeah. And I'm yours. For as long as you want me."

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"Well that's convenient," Shiho replies with a giggle. "I'm going to keep wanting you, and wanting to be yours, for a long time."

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"I guess we're just stuck with it then, huh?" 

Ann leans in and kisses Shiho again. Her hand in hers is so comforting. 

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The kiss is soft, and sweet, and so so restorative, after all she's been through, and all she knows Ann's been through. She leans her forehead against Ann's when they break the kiss, smiling and gazing softly into her eyes.

"I love you," she whispers.

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Somehow that makes it so much more real and solid. 

"I love you too," Ann replies, a little of her natural confidence slipping back into her tone. "You're so precious to me."

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"You're my light. You're what I steer by."

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"You're my strength. The rock beneath my feet." 

Ann sighs out softly and smiles gently at Shiho. "You said thank you, but I'm not so sure I'm not the one who should be thanking you."

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She strokes the back of Ann's hand gently with her thumb and shakes her head. "No, Ann. You showed me how much more I had to live for. How much brighter my hope could be. So thank you."

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Ann lets out a happy sigh and smiles. "Alright."

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How would you like to thank me rises to the tip of her tongue for a moment, but she hesitates. Shiho's been through so much. Is it really fair for her to tease like that on — their first day together as girlfriends? 

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Is it fair to either of you not to, cosita?

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... No, no it's not. Kamoshida doesn't get to steal this from her. 

"... If you're so thankful, do you have any ideas about how to pay me back?"

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Shiho blushes vividly, swallows, and nods.

"...Wanna go back to your room and make out?"

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"I don't want to push, but... yeah. I'd really like that."

Ann blushes as well, and ducks her head. "I just. I want to try. To... get the feeling of Kamoshida's hands on me out of my memory. To replace it with something better."

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And she slowly stands, Ann's hand still in hers, and pulls her girlfriend gently to her feet.

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She follows, hand in hand. 

Carmen's right. She deserves to have this.

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Shiho smiles nervously as they enter Ann's room, then falls backward onto the bed and pulls Ann down with her.

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Whoa, whoa, she was not expecting to be atop Shiho today. Her brain locks up for a moment at the sudden firm contact and her body goes stiff. 

A moment later she remembers to breathe again, and she very carefully leans down and kisses Shiho's lips again. Softly. Chastely.

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She sighs warmly as their lips meet, then nuzzles her nose against Ann's for a moment before pressing another soft kiss to her lips and wrapping her arms behind her, holding her close.

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Ann lets herself rest a little more firmly atop Shiho, her body pressing in close. It's — a lot. She's not used to being embraced like this. But it's really, really good. 

She kisses Shiho's nose, and then her cheek, and then down to her chin...

Why not lower?

She kisses very, very slowly down Shiho's neck, giving her plenty of time to tell her to stop after each kiss. The scent of Shiho's in her head, now, and she doesn't want to stop and wants to be stopped almost simultaneously, as one thought. 

She could spend forever with her lips against Shiho's skin. 

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Shiho gasps very softly at the first kiss to her neck, tilting her head to give Ann easier access and running her hands up and down Ann's back.

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Ann feels heat kindle in her at that sound, a familiar warmth. 

It's not so easy to stop. 

"... Shiho," she murmurs back, and presses in another kiss.

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She buries one hand in Ann's hair and arches her back, eyes fluttering closed.


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She really could just lose herself in Shiho, in the scent of her, in how she shifts against her body, in the feel of her breath against her skin. Every word from her is so precious. Hearing her feel good is so wonderful. 

Ann can feel the need building in her, the need to kiss and touch and — all the rest of it. But Shiho asked for only makeouts, so makeouts she shall get. 

Ann buries her head in Shiho's shoulder and kisses kisses kisses and lets her body move in slow instinctive rolls. She can feel the roughness of their clothes between her skin and Shiho's as her lips explore the crook of her collar.

It's so good.

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It's so tempting to just savor this, just melt under Ann's touch...

But there's more she wants to try.

She wraps her arms tightly around Ann and rolls them both over, pinning the blonde beneath her and grinning down at her.

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Ann lets out a small eep, but then giggles a moment after.

"Looks like you've got me now." She grins.

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"And turnabout is fair play."

And she leans down and presses a kiss to Ann's lips, then three across her cheek, then along the edge of her ear, their bodies pressed together, feeling the heat of each other so close.

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Oh. Oh gosh. In some ways it's even better from this side. Shiho's lips on her skin leave afterimage tingles behind on her flushed skin and the kisses by her ear make her shudder and pull Shiho even closer atop her. 

She's so, so lucky to get to have this. 

She feels so rewarded. 

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She kisses her way down from there, over Ann's jaw and down her neck, murmuring out adoration between every kiss as she makes her way to Ann's collarbone.

"My light."

    "My star."

        "My bonfire."

            "My sunbeam."

Every kiss another endearment, every word another kiss, savoring every inch of this closeness.

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... It's so much. Being praised and kissed so intimately is incredible. Her body feels like every nerve is alight with her desire for Shiho. 

"Your light. Your star. Your bonfire. Your sunbeam." She says the words again, makes them real in her heart. She owns this. She deserves this. 

She grins massively and strokes Shiho's back and basks.

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She runs her hands down Ann's sides, caressing from her ribs, along her waist, over her hips, and keeps burying her lips in the crook of her neck, kiss after kiss after kiss, slowly making her way up Ann's throat, under her jaw, relishing every sound her girlfriend makes.

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Ann takes shivery breaths and rolls her head. "Shiho", she murmurs. "Shiho..." 

She's honestly almost completely overwhelmed, between Shiho's hands on her body and her lips as well. All of this is so new to her.

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Those breathy murmurs are intoxicating for Shiho. Every moment should be Ann's delight.

She cups Ann's cheeks and kisses her gently, then darts her tongue against her lips softly and quickly.

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Ann takes the offer. She's never french-kissed before either, but it can't be that hard to figure out, now can it?

They can learn together.

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Learning together is the best thing. She makes little exploratory darts with her tongue, brushing against Ann's lips, her tongue, the inside of her mouth, and welcomes Ann's explorations of her in turn. 

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Ann kisses and kisses, warmth and satisfaction flooding her. It's just fun to explore like this, to get to experience Shiho. To discover her in a whole new way. 

She's so fucking gay for this girl. 

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Ann is her everything.

She rolls her body against her, kissing and delighting and marveling at this beautiful girlfriend who saved her from Kamoshida with magic

Shiho didn't know she was allowed to have things this good. 

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Neither did Ann, but sometimes the world surprises you. 

Ann embraces Shiho more firmly, settling into her a little. Kissing is good too, but right now she just wants to feel her presence.

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Shiho responds by burying her face in Ann's neck and hair, holding her desperately tightly, and just breathing in her scent and reveling in her presence.

Ann is here and safe and it's going to be okay.

See, brain? Shiho can feel and smell Ann right here. Her Light is right here, and she's safe, and she's shining so bright.

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And for a while Ann and Shiho just hold each other.

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Eventually, though...

"... I should really finish those pancakes you made me. I don't want them to go to waste after you were so kind to..." 

Ann blushes deeply. 

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She giggles and nods, pressing another soft kiss to Ann's lips and then getting up.

"Okay then!"

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Ann grins and gets up too, and goes back into the kitchen, where her half-eaten pancakes are still sitting on the table. She tosses them back in the microwave for a little bit, then sits to eat again with a sappy smile on her face.

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Sappy smiles are the order of the day, then. Shiho waits until Ann's pancakes are out and then puts hers in as well, then just sits and eats, interspersed with more incredulous happiness.

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Ann smiles and smiles and finishes her pancakes. 

"... I can't believe we get to just have this," she says. "It's so good to be yours."

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"We do. We get to have this. Seeing you this happy and getting to be with you is the best thing that's ever happened to me."

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"Yeah..." Ann lingers over the word, that sappy smile still on her face. 

Then she gets up and starts putting the plates in the dishwasher.

"— you said Akira explained things. How much did she explain?"

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"Metaverse exists, all four of you including Morgana have powers over there, Kamoshida has a castle embodying his desires, castle is lethally guarded, you're trying to steal something to make his desires collapse and make him confess."

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"Sounds like she covered everything pretty thoroughly." 

Ann leans against the counter and kicks one foot casually back and forth. "So, I guess the two of us have some time to kill?"

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She nods. "Yeah. What would you like to do?"

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"I'm not sure. Definitely something with you. I want to spend as much time with you as I can."

She tilts her head. "We could try just cuddling for a while? I could talk to you about our adventures, maybe..."

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She smiles softly, reaching across and squeezing Ann's hand. "How about both of those?"

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"Sounds great to me." 

Ann squeezes Shiho's hand back, and back they can go to the bedroom again. 

Shiho deserves the full story, with the scary and embarrassing parts too.


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Shiho folds herself into Ann's side on the bed, gazing tenderly at her, arms around her girlfriend.

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Ann settles in, finding a comfortable way to lie with her girlfriend, and in a low voice she starts to explain from the beginning. Stumbling into the castle, the return trips. All the awakenings of their Personas. Even the details about how her costume and Akira's look in the Metaverse.

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It's quite the suspenseful tale. She'd be worried if Ann wasn't right here in her arms. She gives her girlfriend a protective squeeze. When they get to Ann's awakening, she blushes.

"You awakened your powers over a threat to me?"

And then she can't help but kiss Ann fiercely.

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"I... Yeah, I mean..." 

Ann ducks her head and flushes. "It was the only thing to do."

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Shiho shakes her head and presses kiss after kiss after kiss across Ann's face. Her cheeks, her nose, her forehead, her lips, again and again interspersed with her shock and delight.

"The fact that—"


"—I mean—"


"—so much to you—"


"—that your soul caught fire!"


"You love me!"

She kisses and kisses and kisses Ann, running out of words.

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Ann flushes deep pink and manages a small smile. It's just... she never expected to be rewarded like this

"Yeah," she says, softly. "I love you."

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She snuggles in and rests her head on Ann's shoulder and sighs happily. 

"I love you too. Thank you."

A few tears roll down her cheeks and a wide smile stretches across her face.

It's kind of hard to feel worthless when her girlfriend awakened over a threat to her.

Ann is amazing.

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Ann leans in and gently kisses the tears away. 

Shiho loves her and that is all she could have ever hoped for.

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Shiho giggles at having her tears kissed away and snuggles in closer.

She could spend quite a while like this, honestly.

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Then she'll have it. They have all day and Ann's going to use it. They have a lot of catching up to do.

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Meanwhile, Akira has survived another day of classes, this time without most of her supplies. Kamoshida didn't attempt to find her, and the day was uneventful.

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So it's back to the train station to meet up with everyone again. 

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Ryuji and Morgana fall in beside her as they all leave campus. "Hey."

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"Hey, how's it going?" Akira smiles at Ryuji. "Think we might win the game today?"

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"Hell yeah, we've got a real shot at it," Ryuji replies with a grin. "You've been a hell of a team leader, too."

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"We very well might find the treasure today," Morgana agrees. "No guarantees, but we're making enormous progress."

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"Thanks a lot. I'm doing my best."

Akira stretches. "I hope Ann's doing okay..." She sighs. "Well. For now we should be fine."

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He nods.

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As they get close to the station, they can see Ann and Shiho sitting at a table outside the crêpe shop. Shiho waves at them.

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When she sees them, Joker's face breaks out into a smug grin.

She comes up to the table and takes a seat. "Good to see you two," she says. "Anyone have my lunch?"

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"Yeah, I've got it right here." Ann fishes Akira's lunch bag out of her pack with her free hand. (The other one is occupied holding Shiho's hand.)

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"And I've got your bag with everything else. Ryuji, do you still have to go get your gear?"

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He nods. "Yep. Not worth bringing to school. Who wants to come hang out with me on the way?"

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"I'll go," Morgana replies.

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"If you'd like someone to go with you..."

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"Akira. You haven't eaten since breakfast. Take a minute to rest, please?"

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Akira sighs. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But I don't want to make you two split up either."

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"Nah, me an' Morgana can go. All good. I'll see you girls in a few."

He waves and grins and heads off, Morgana bounding along after him.

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Aww. Ryuji's so good

Akira gets out her lunch — a simple bento box, weiners and rice — and starts eating. 

"You two are positively glowing," she says to Ann and Shiho. "I'm glad."

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Ann blushes a little and squeezes Shiho's hand. "Yeah," she says. "I — it's been better than I could've really imagined."

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"Well good." Akira's voice comes out a little more firmly than she intended. "You two deserve some nice things after all you've been through."

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Shiho blushes as well, squeezing Ann's hand in return and smiling. "I didn't know I could have things this good."

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Akira's stomach does a small flip. It's — confusing. She's happy for them but at the same time she's a little sad. She thought she... might have had a shot with Ann... 

Still, she smiles. It's better to be happy for them than to mope. After all, from the confession Ann blurted out it's clear these two have been headed this way for a long, long time.

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Ann smiles back. "I'm so lucky to have her. And to have you, too. I might've been too late if not for you, Akira."

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Akira blushes a little and looks away. "... Thanks, Ann. It was the least I could do."

She goes back to her food. She's really not sure what to do with this whole situation, honestly. 

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Shiho's eyes flit briefly between Ann and Akira in that moment.

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Then she smiles brightly. "Is that going to be enough for you, after skipping lunch until now, Akira?"

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"I wouldn't mind a crêpe, if you're offering." Akira smiles her best smile.

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"Yeah. We ate breakfast late, too, so this is our second meal. What kind would you like?"

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"Chocolate would be good."

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Ann nods, and squeezes Shiho's hand. "I think we can manage that."

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Shiho squeezes Ann's hand and stands up. "We'll be right back," she says, quickly heading off with Ann to order three crêpes.

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Ann heads off with her girlfriend, of course.

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And Akira's left to eat her lunch in peace for a little while. 

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I would not give up hope just yet, chérie.

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Akira sighs and spears another piece of wiener with her chopsticks.

What do you think is going to happen, Julie? It's clear Ann and Shiho have the history with each other that I don't. It'd be a crime to break them up.

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There are more shapes of relationship in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, mon cœur.

Julie's mental voice carries the unmistakable impression that she's winking at Akira.

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She supposes Julie would know. 

Alright. I'll... keep my eyes open. 

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Possibilités aside, the boy is cute too, non?

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She blushes a little and smiles as she eats.

Yes. Yes he is. 

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Very sweet, too. And he blushed adorably about being home alone with you.

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That he did.

I've never fallen for a guy before, but Ryuji...

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There is a first time for everything, chérie. Simplement consider it. On a related subject, have you considered telling him and Shiho about yourself?

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I have. I keep stalling out on it. But... 

She thinks about Ryuji, his puppy-dog attitude, his earnest care. 

She thinks about Shiho, the way she's borne so much, the strength in her as a person. 

... Julie is right. She really should say it. 

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Good girl, mon cœur.

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She flushes. Oh no, she's not even safe from praise inside her own head anymore. 

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And that's when Ann returns, still hand in hand with Shiho but bearing a plate with three crêpes on it for the table. 

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Shiho pulls Ann's chair out for her, then sits down as well, taking a savory cheese crêpe for herself.

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"Aw, thank you Shiho." Ann sits, and deals Akira her chocolate crepe.

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Akira accepts it, and takes a bite. She's not sure what to say. It would probably be smart to come out to both Ryuji and Shiho at once...

She'd be more comfortable coming out to just Ryuji, to be blunt about it. But Shiho deserves to know too.

She drums her fingers on the table. 

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Ann raises an eyebrow. "Something on your mind, Akira?"

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"Yeah. It's about the thing we talked about on our shopping trip earlier, and all. And if Ryuji was here..."

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"The thing we talked about on the shopping trip — oh, yeah, that." Ann glances over at Shiho. "I think you know what I think about that."

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Yeah, of course, everyone has an opinion.

It's clear enough that Ann's going to end up telling Shiho eventually. Might as well do it now. 

Akira draws a slow breath and looks over at Shiho. "I, ah..." She rubs the back of her head. "I'm not sure if... Ann told you I'm trans or not."

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"Oh! I had no idea! Just to be sure, calling you Akira and using she/her is still correct?"

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"Yeah, it still is." 

... that's a lot easier than she expected. 

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"Well thanks for telling me, Akira. Who else knows, so I make sure I don't accidentally out you?"

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"You, Ann, Boss, and Takemi. Uh, Boss is my guardian, his actual name is Sakura-san. Takemi's my doctor and sort of my mentor? She's cool.

"I'm also thinking of telling Ryuji when he gets back, I've made a couple slips in front of him and he deserves an explanation."

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She nods. "Okay. He'll take it fine, Ryuji's a good boy. Anything I can do to help?"

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"Well, don't spread it around at school, obviously. But otherwise nothing leaps to mind..."

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"Okay then."

She smiles at Akira and takes another bite out of her crêpe.

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It's really that easy? 


"Okay. Thanks for... being cool with it, I guess."

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Ann's focusing on her own crepe, but she offers Akira a small smile. 

"I mean, with everything you've done for us..."

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Shiho nods. "You've done so much to help us. But also..."

She shrugs. "Gratitude aside, you're a girl either way. People just didn't know it at first. Explains why you know about abusers, though. I haven't heard good things about how people treat trans girls."

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Wow, that's... 

She takes a long deliberate breath. She is not going to cry about this. 

"... Thank you, Shiho. There are a lot of people who might not see it that way."

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"Started researching queer stuff when I figured out I was bi," she replies. "Seemed worth knowing."

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"Oh! That makes perfect sense." Akira flushes a little. "Of course." 

She laughs to herself a little.

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"To be fair, I didn't really do any research myself, so I think that's more down to Shiho being wonderful than anything else." She looks over at Shiho and favors her with a deeply sappy smile.

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She smiles back at Ann and squeezes her hand, polishing off the last few bites of her crêpe.

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Ann squeezes back and finishes off her own crêpe as well.

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The mystery solved, even Akira is able to focus on her food.

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A few minutes later, Ryuji shows back up, bag in hand.

"Hey! All set."

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"Great to hear!" Akira smiles her brightest smile at Ryuji. 

"Come sit, there's a thing I wanted to say first."

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He pulls up a chair and sits down. "Sure, all ears."

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"So I made a comment earlier about dysphoria while I was kind of half-lucid, and I wanted to explain that. The answer's really pretty simple, uh. It's that I'm trans. I'm a trans girl."

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"Oh! Yeah, kinda wondered if that might be why you said that. No clue before then, though. S'that why you're living in an attic? Birth family's too shit to support you?"

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"Uh, more or less..." 

She pauses. 

"— you've heard the rumors at school, right, that I burnt down a house or tied my girlfriend to the train tracks or whatever they're saying today. There's a very small grain of truth about that. On my way back home from school a couple months ago I came across some guy in a suit clearly forcing himself on a woman in the street, grabbing at her, trying to get her into a car with him. I grabbed his shoulder to try and get him to stop. He sued. I got smacked with an assault charge for it. So I'm on probation, and will be for the next year. My family wanted nothing to do with me so they passed me off to a friend of a friend. That's Boss."

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"Oh, so your family and the justice system are being shit to you. Makes sense. Corrupt fuckin' adults bein' fuckin' corrupt as usual."

He scowls for a moment at the thought, then shakes his head.

"Anyway, you're cool, fighting to be your real self is cool, and I'm glad to know you."

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"Honestly I could've forgiven you for decking the guy, in that kind of situation. That's horrible." 

Ann pauses. " — so that's why you were so insistent that Ryuji taking the direct option was a bad idea."

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"Yeah. If I got put on probation just for a grab like that, I don't want to know what the system would do to you if you actually hit him and he pressed charges."

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"Same old Ryuji, still trying to punch people into not sucking," Shiho teases with a smile.

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"Hey!", he replies, blushing and giving Shiho a bump with his shoulder.

Then, turning back to Akira, he scowls and shakes his head. "Getting my leg broken was bad enough. It'd break Ma's heart if he filed charges. Thanks for stopping me."

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Akira takes her pack back from Ann, and stretches. "So, are we ready to storm the castle again?"

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"I'm up for it."

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"I'm game."

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"Hell yeah."

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Morgana nods. "Always."

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"Let's go then."

Joker gets up from the table, and leads her team back toward the school.

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They all follow behind her, soon reaching the alleyway they usually depart from.

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Joker thumbs the Metaverse Explorer, and they change worlds, leaving Joker in her gothy clubwear outfit and Ann in her catsuit.

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Skull is left in his armored leather, shotgun on his back.

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And Morgana is now in their masked anthro-cat form.

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Shiho gapes. "Wow! You all look so cool! And dangerous! It's awesome."

She may be blushing just a bit at Skull, Joker, and Clover's outfits.

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Joker nods seriously, then grins. 

She exchanges her Tkachev for the Peacemaker, and hands Shiho her old gun. 

"Here," she says. "You'll need this in there."

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"We're going to need a codename for her, too. Speaking of which, given the costume I'm Panther now."

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"Oh, yeah. I'm Joker, he's Skull, they're Mona. In here at least. If you say our real names there's a risk Kamoshida could get subconcious awareness of what we're doing."

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She accepts the Tkachev and inspects it seriously, getting a sense for the safety and the mechanisms.

"Ugh, I have no idea what to use as a codename."

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"Maybe Spike, for how you always set the team up for spikes at volleyball practices?"

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Shiho shakes her head. "No, no volleyball names."

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"How about 'Aegis'? Or if you want to be less fancy, just 'Shield'." 

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"Aegis is decent," she replies with a hum and a nod. "It works unless we think of something better."

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"If you want me to try, I could. How about 'Orchid'?"

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She blushes and smiles at Ann, looking down.

"That could work too. I think we use that unless I awaken and the outfit inspires a new codename."

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"Okay, Orchid!"

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"Let's hope you don't have to."

Joker works her shoulders, then heads over to the vent. "Let's go."

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There are more shadows guarding the way than previous days, in larger groups and tighter patrols. The team can still avoid some fights, but it's harder.

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"Security level's higher," Mona notes, as they sneak their way in.

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Shiho looks down for a moment. "...Is that because I didn't go to his office last night?"

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"Could be. But don't blame yourself. It's on Kamoshida that this is necessary at all."

Joker guides the party toward the lift they found earlier, ducking as many patrols as she can.

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She nods, firming up her resolve. "Yeah. It is."

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"Don't let the bastard get you down, Orchid. He doesn't deserve to make you feel bad."

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She smiles a bit, tightens her grip on her pistol, and keeps stalking forward from cover to cover with the rest of the team.

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They find their way barred by a group of patrols they can't quite avoid. Three groups of six patrolling close to each other.

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"We can take six for sure. Fairly sure we can take twelve. Less sure about eighteen. If we can stagger them the weapon reloads should help, but..."

She watches the patrol pattern. Any times when one patrol's separated fron the other two?

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The room is a bit U-shaped, and only whichever group is currently in the middle has line of sight on both of the others at any given time. Targeting the nearest patrol should leave them facing only two groups.

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Joker pulls her Peacemaker. "Alright. On three. Get them when the far patrol's out of sight and try and get them away from the others. Shadows are dumb."

She counts down, and leads with her new gun.

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Panther pulls her mask off, calling Carmen to force her way through with help from her Tkachev. 

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Skull pumps rounds into the lead guards from his shotgun, staggering them.

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Mona herds them closer together with wind from Zorro.

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And Orchid crouches next to Panther and lays into them with her Tkachev.

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The shadows surge forward — only twelve, thankfully — tanking shots on their shields when they can and slashing at the teens.

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Orchid is forced to tumble backward to dodge a sword.

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Skull blocks the next slash with his pipe and summons Captain Kidd.

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Captain Kidd blasts the opposing force with lightning as Ryuji fights, and a moment later —

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Joker darts in to backstab the shadow Ryuji's occupying with his pipe, then calls Julie to strike as well.

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Panther lays about her with her whip, keeping the shadows occupied and off her teammates.

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Julie bursts forth, spreading curses upon the guards.

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The guards are starting to fall apart now, down to only half their numbers. They keep fighting, though. One stabs at Joker and another slashes brutally at Panther.

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Joker's not there, though. She leaps out of the way of the stab, then tries for her own strike in return. It's kind of fun how light on her feet she is now. 

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Panther falls back from the strike, then her whip lashes out and wraps around the guard's sword hand. In a moment she has it disarmed, and with her free hand she pulls her Tkachev and shoots it thrice in the chest. 

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One shadow falls, Joker's dagger piercing armor with the caustic power of all the hurt she's been dealt, and then the other, the bullets from Ann's Tkachev puncturing it easily.

Both dissolve into darkness.

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Orchid snags the stray sword, shifting her empty gun to her off-hand. It feels good, but she wants something longer. She hastily blocks a strike from a shadow, then lashes out herself, sending it tumbling backward.

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Skull catches that one in a blow from his pipe as well, and it falls.

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Carmen incinerates a guard that was approaching Orchid, and then throws her a wink.

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The rest is pretty much just cleanup after that.

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Orchid boggles a bit at how impressive everyone is, but follows along as they continue to explore.

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With a few more fights they can't avoid, the team manages to make it to the playroom.

It's still exactly as dehumanizing as they remember.

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Shiho recoils. "Oh god. That's how he sees us, isn't it?"

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Ann nods. "Yeah. We're just lucky my clone seems to be out." 

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"We're going to put an end to this. We've just got to keep moving."

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Orchid looks back at the playroom for a moment as they depart, shaking her head. For a moment, a headache crashes across her temples, and she brings her hands to her head, hissing in pain.

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Skull, near the back of the group, hears her first. "You okay, Orchid?"

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Panther looks over concernedly.

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"Headache?" Joker asks.

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She nods. "Yeah. Just hit as we were leaving the room. Passed now, though."

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"I had those for a while before I awakened, too. That does seem to suggest you have the potential..."

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"Hm. Good to know. Let's keep going, though."

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Skull nods and starts moving as well.

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Joker nods, and the group continue their journey inward.

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Out the back of the playroom, up a narrow staircase, and then they find a small group of armored shadows outside a guard station. The guards are easily dispatched, and then they find the other half of the map inside.

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"Okay, it looks like we've got to get through a jagged and shifting room of guards and up a curved staircase around the edge of the room, and that there's most of a circle of rooms like that. Probably we're circling the edge of a tower as we ascend? And then there's an antechamber at the top, and a secure room just beyond. That's probably our target."

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"All right! Getting close!"

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"Nice. Let's go."

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The staircase rooms have large chunks of the floor that raise and lower, separating most of the patrols from each other, that have to be navigated before going up each staircase. It's a lot of work, but they make it through, picking the shadows off in sixes and eights. At the very top, though, the antechamber features twenty shadows guarding it.

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"Fuck that's a lot of shadows."

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"That probably means we're in the right place. If there's this many guards, it's got to be the place we're looking for."

Panther looks over her shoulder at Orchid. "You wouldn't happen to have an awakening for us right now, would you?"

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She can't let Ann or the others fight this alone.

She can't hide away from fighting her battles anymore.

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Your lady calls for your favor, Shiho Suzui! Will you not answer?

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The headache returns with a vengeance. She clutches her head, her temples throbbing.

She staggers, and forces the words out through gritted teeth.

"I— I will."

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Take up your shield and spear, then, and fight by her side! Claim the strength that has been yours all along!

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Down Orchid tumbles to her knees, clutching her head. 


The pain is worse than all of Kamoshida's beatings combined, but she'll bear it a thousand times over to protect Ann.


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"Shiho!" Ann flinches, but it's too late now —

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Even now she calls out your name! Will you not go to her?

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She will. She has to. She must.

"I'll fight by her side!", she screams out.

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Never to turn away, never to fail, to die rather than lose your charge — Do you swear this oath, to be her shield and sword and everything else she should want of you?

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The pain gets worse, but she'll bear it all.

"Aaaaaaahh," she interrupts the scream with a gasp, "I — haaaaah — will be everything she asks and — grrraaghmore!"

Her fist slams into the floor, cracking the tile.

"Hers for always!"

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Then I will take your oath, Shiho Suzui! Swear it now!

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The pain vanishes. 

She's left kneeling there, wearing a steel mask, feather sticking out of the top, and wisps of blue soulfire flickering away from her eyes.

She climbs to her feet, wraps her hands around the edge of the mask—

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—And pulls.

It hurts. It feels like tearing herself open, baring everything she'd hidden away for years.

But she tears the mask free in a spray of blood.

Fire and wind and light swirl up around her, obscuring her from view.

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"I am thou, thou art I."

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Art and design by ChibiGaia and Rerenah, borrowed with permission; dialogue modified for this fic.

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Panther grins, and readies her whip. 

"Alright, Paladin. Let's take them down together!"

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Joker pulls her gun. 


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Mona readies their slingshot.


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"Fuck yes, together!"

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Paladin lunges out from the staircase into the antechamber, running a guard through with her spear and pivoting to fling it off the tip and into another shadow. She parries two strikes, stabs another, and then tears her mask free.

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"Scour them under the light of love! Bradamante!"

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Bradamante surges forward, and holy light incinerates Shadow after Shadow. Their ranks break, and several crash into each other trying to get out of the way of the burning light.

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It's a perfect opportunity. 

"Everyone, now!"

Joker explodes forward into the broken ranks of the enemy, her cursed dagger in her hands, and tears into them with fury while they're too disorganized to resist.

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Panther and Carmen aren't far behind, driving flaming whip-strikes deep into the shadows. From the broken center of the enemy, they smash out again and again, tearing the enemy formation to shreds.

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Skull knocks shadows apart with heavy swings from his pipe.

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And Mona bounces from shadow to shadow like a ping pong ball, tearing into them with their cutlass. 

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And the last two guards find themselves impaled through the middle on Paladin's spear, melting away to darkness.

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In a matter of moments, the entire enemy formation's been destroyed. 

The show's over.

Joker goes to the last door on the other side of the room and tries it. 

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"That's my Shiho," Ann positively purrs. 

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Paladin blushes and grins.

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Behind the door is a large room with rich decorations, and at the center a marble pedestal, above which a flickering, many-colored light floats.

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Mona grins wide. "That's it! That's the treasure!"

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"What, the lightshow? How are we supposed to steal that?"

Joker scowls.

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"It is kind of pretty, but I thought it was supposed to be a physical object?"

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"I wasn't sure this would happen, but now that I see it I've got confirmation. The treasure isn't physical at first because people don't think of their distorted desires as something that can be stolen. But that's easy to fix, we just have to do the most brazen, stylish phantom thief thing of all: send a calling card."

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"A calling card? What d'you mean?"

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"You send them a message — usually on physical paper or cards — that you're coming to steal their heart! That plants the seed of the idea that desires can be stolen, and makes the treasure physical here in the Metaverse!"

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"It would have been great to know that this could maybe happen."

Joker sighs. "You're sure it'll work?"

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"If we tell Kamoshida in the real world, wouldn't he instantly get scared about the truth coming out? That would definitely make this place be crawling with guards."

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Mona nods. "The security level goes as high as it can, when that happens. But it'll work. We'll only have one day, though, so when we send the calling card we have to be absolutely sure that we'll steal his heart the very next day. If we don't, he'll think it was a hoax, that we were crying wolf, and won't believe any future calling cards."

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"So it's do or die."

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"Of course it had to get even more difficult."

Joker sighs. "Not to mention the real-world consequences of sending a magical threat that's followed up on."

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"Alright. I think it's clear that we could get jailed for this. I don't think mind control is on the books yet, but they'll make it as a new crime for us if we pull this off."

Joker crosses her arms.

"It's still unquestionably the right thing to do. We've fought and bled for this and I'd rather rot in jail than turn back now. But if any of you wants to stop here, speak your piece now."

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Panther shakes her head. "I'm not stopping here either. We're already risking jail with the airsoft guns. It's a real risk, but we've got to try."

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Paladin frowns and replies, "He abused me and Panther. This ends."

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"Well I sure as fuck ain't backing down. Bastard's hurt too many people."

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And Mona grins and shrugs. "It's not like they're going to arrest me, I look like a cat!"

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Joker grins. "Yeah, I thought so. Alright. Let's get out of here and figure out how we're going to send our calling card."

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And the team manages to fight and sneak their way back out successfully, reaching the exit vent.

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"You're probably gonna be tired as soon as you get out of here, Paladin. You didn't push yourself as hard as Joker and Panther did their first times, so you probably won't pass out, but you're gonna be tired."

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"Yeah, for you it was basically just that one fight. I think you'll probably be relatively okay." 

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"We'll all be there for you. It'll work out."

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She nods. "We'll handle it together, however bad it is."

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And out they all go.

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Shiho sags against Ann as they return to the normal world, takes a slow breath, and nods. "This is about as bad as the worst practices. I can handle it."

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"Alright. Now let's get you home fast, before your parents get back."

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"What Ann said. If you have to make an excuse it's not the end of the world, but better for them to not even know there's something to be hidden."

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She nods. "Okay, let's go. Plan the card in the group chat?"

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"Yeah. I've got some ideas already."

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Joker sets out toward the train station.

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"Want me to walk you home, Shiho?"

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"Yes please."

She leans against Ann for the walk, and the team all head back to the station and then on to their respective homes.

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Joker checks her phone for the time again. Has she got time to lay in supplies before their final run — which will hopefully be tomorrow?

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They got lucky today. They only spent about ten minutes in the Metaverse, external time. It is now 16:27.

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Joker takes the train to Shibuya, and starts laying in restorative snacks to keep in her pack.

About fifteen minutes in, she takes out her phone again. 

Hey, I decided to lay in some supplies.

Anyone want anything from Shibuya? I've got plenty off the shadows, so most reasonable reqs accepted

And honestly, if anyone wants to come join me, or just text with me, that'd be cool too.


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There's a body shop knockoff down there that sells cosmetics, if you'd like to try those. Or just get yourself some nice soap or w/e

I've worked modeling jobs so if you need help with makeup I'm your girl

there's also a home decorations shop down there I think, you could pick something up for your room?

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There's a poster shop in the underground, and a music shop too. Also, there's the bookstore on Central street.

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oh! there's a gym in Shibuya too!

also a video rental place!

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There's also that hippie jewellery place that has little placards talking about the elemental powers of all their el cheapo rings 

i wonder if that'd work in the metaverse at all

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oh there's also a plant shop that might have some stuff for that plant in your room

and big bang burger is decent too

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So basically, go everywhere, do everything? 

jk thanks for the suggests

gonna have to prioritize a little 

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Just don't forget to get something for yourself, Ms. Priorities

like, seriously, you deserve nice things

at least get yourself a poster or something for your room

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Tell you what, I'll get myself a piece of the hippy jewelry that I like and then if it doesn't work it can at least be pretty. 

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Don't make me bap you.

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The gym's a good idea too if they have supplements. With all the wild claims that get thrown around about them they might do wonders in the metaverse. 

But yes, I'll try not to get bapped by the almighty Ann.

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she will, too. watch out

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ryuji: an expert on ann baps

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You know you earned them all. ;-p

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seriously, though, get something to make your room feel like it's yours

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Is Akira's room just... empty, or something?

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less lived in than my parents' half of the apartment, and that's saying something 

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Worse than your parents? God, that's awful, someone make this girl buy a poster, or give her some art, or something.

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Hey, I did literally just move in and it's not like the world's given me fifteen minutes edgewise since then

but yeah point taken I'll at least get some posters

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Good girl.

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now you won't get bapped

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okay, going to shop now

will keep yall posted

Joker tucks her phone back into her pocket. Mental checklist — pendant from the hippie jewelry place, plant food, a couple posters, some cheap supplements and energy bars. If she makes a habit of this she's going to have to get a part-time job to cover for the shadow money but just once is probably okay. And most of the stuff she'd admit to owning is cheap.

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The jewelry shop, 37 Degrees Celsius, features a number of basic crystal rings and pendants, claiming to be infused with the power of elemental spirits. Wind, fire, ice, and thunder spirit infusions are available, along with infusions of psychic power, nuclear power, holy power, and the power of a witch doctor. 

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The power of a witch doctor, huh? She bets that would help out Julie. 

How much for that one?

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It's an obsidian pendant, and it would cost ¥12,000.

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She'll pass, actually. Better to try less expensive things first before she starts buying twelve thousand yen jewelry.

Energy bars and supplements next.

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Supplements claim to be everything from energy-restoring to strength-training to vision-enhancing, and run anywhere from ¥1,500 to ¥6,000. Energy bars come in a variety of flavors, and with and without extra energizing additives. The basic ones are ¥500 for a single or ¥3,000 for a pack of eight. The enhanced ones are ¥850 for a single and ¥5,000 for a pack of eight.

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Ugh, these prices are such a scam. But she supposes she'll get an eight pack of the enhanced energy bars. As for the supplements, she'll take the strength training one as a test.

It rankles to buy this stuff.

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¥7,000 later, she's got her purchase bagged up and she's heading on to her next store.

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Anybody want anything from the shibuya convenience store? Or anywhere else easy?

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baby star? spicy flavor?

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Butter & soy sauce flavored Mike's popcorn?

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Kaju gummies!

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On it!

Akira grabs all the snacks (including some kaju gummies for herself) and pays. Then it's back to the underground mall for the plant nursery and the poster shop. Plant nursery last because plant food's probably heavy.

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The poster shop has a surprisingly impressive selection for a little stall in an underground mall. There are game posters, anime posters, idol posters, motivational posters, demotivational posters, music posters, and more.

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They have a band poster of Rose Noire! Lucky! She's always admired their neobaroque songs. 

And she'll get an anime poster for Death Note too. She's never read it, but she's heard enough about it to know that it's up her street. And Ryuk's character design is cool.

Now it's off to the plant shop.

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They've got a few different plants on sale (including a decorative mini-cactus), some plant derived oils, and a ¥1,200 bag of Bio Nutrients, which claim to be high-quality plant care.

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Sure, she'll buy the bio nutrients.

Then she supposes it's back home with her.

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Sojiro has a few customers when she gets in tonight. He nods to her, but stays mostly focused on them.

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She heads upstairs to put up her posters and feed her plant, then once it's all done, she gets out her phone again.

Hey all

done my shopping, home

got a couple posters to put up, no jewelry though, figured it was too expensive for such a dubious purchase

what's up?

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just texting with shiho a bit :) 

what's up?

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chillin at home playin dissidia

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we were going to talk about the card

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Good thinking. Does Morgana have any suggestions for what a calling card has to look like?

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"Hey Morgana, come take a look at this." Akira gestures with her phone.

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They pad up close and examine the groupchat.

"Oh! Yeah, basically it needs to call the palace's ruler out for their abuses and their distortion, and announce that you're going to steal their heart, take their distorted desires, and make them confess. The rules aren't strict; you can change it up, but calling out why they're wrong and that you're going to steal their heart are absolutely essential. Can be in a pseudonym. Ideally should."

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Joker relays all that to the chat.

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Hmm, a pseudonym... 

As for the callout part, I think we all can help with that. 

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What's that thing Morgana keeps calling us, saying we're being like?

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I think it was "phantom thief"?

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Yeah, that's it! What if we're the Phantom Thieves?

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Sure, that makes sense. Maybe "of Heart"?

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Shiho can steal my heart anytime.

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yall are cute

also that sounds good, Akira

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So for the actual callout, what do we want to say?

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Obviously we have to call out the treating people like objects. People aren't toys. He treats the people around him like they're amusements for him. 

We aren't his toys or his slaves. We're real people. 

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"You've played with the lives of your students long enough", maybe.

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oh that's good

what about "you push your twisted desires on students that can't fight back"

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I like it. It could use a little tweaking, though. Maybe "Never again will you push your twisted desires on students who can't fight back."

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Kind of requires that we lay out how his desires are twisted, hm?

"You lay your hands on those who can't reject you" hits both the violence and the harassment.

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Solid. I like it.

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Hell yeah

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I like it. 

"Kamoshida Surugu, you are guilty of the sin of lust. You lay your hands on those who can't fight back, and treat those in your care as dolls to be toyed with and discarded. That ends now. Never again will you push your twisted desires on your students. We, the Phantom Thieves of Heart, will steal your heart and force you to face the injustice and cruelty of everything you've done. Expect us."

How's that? I really want to make him panic a little inside.

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Ann that's gorgeous

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I love what a way with words you have when you put your mind to it, Ann. <3

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Morgana is reading over Akira's shoulder. "That's really good! It doesn't have anything about making him confess, which isn't required, but. Maybe 'We will make you confess your crimes'? Maybe sins instead? Or something about making him speak the confession from his own mouth, in his own words? You don't have to add anything like that, but it could add to the feel, I think."

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Morgana says we should add something about making him confess. Not that it's required, but it would be nice to have.

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"Kamoshida Surugu, you are guilty of the sin of lust. You lay your hands on those who can't fight back, and treat those in your care as dolls to be toyed with and discarded. That ends now. Never again will you push your twisted desires on your students. We, the Phantom Thieves of Heart, will steal your heart and force you to face the injustice and cruelty of everything you've done. We will make you spill your guts to the world, laying bare the truth in your own words. Expect us."

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that's awesome

especially love the "expect us"

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"That's great!"

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That's really good, Ann. Now what does this thing need to look like, and how do we keep it from being traced back to us?

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I could draw a logo

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The brute fact of the matter is that we'll probably be caught. But let's not make it easy.

Cutting letters out of newspaper is a classic means, but then you have to dispose of the newspaper afterward. Could work but a bit questionable.

Printing it seems risky. Too easy for the printer to be identified, or for us to be caught printing it if it's a public printer. 

Electronic messages tend to require a phone or computer which is very traceable. You could use a chain of proxies maybe but then we start getting into it being uncertain if the message is delivered. 

However we do it, we need to know when Kamoshida reads it. Otherwise we won't be able to hit the all important 24 hour window.

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It sounds like the first option's the best one we've got so far, if we can deliver it in a way where we know he'll read it

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i can get into the school overnight. they never took back my key and i could make a bunch of copies and cover the school. we'd know the clock starts when he gets to the school and starts freaking out on seeing it.

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Sounds dangerous.

If we're going to do something like that it should be me. You all have real lives to go back to, people who care about you. And I'm the leader here, so if I have to pull rank I guess I will.

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Akira. Seriously. Don't make me bap you.

You are valuable and important too, and of all of us you're the person who can least afford to have this on her record. You're already on probation. The rest of us might get away with less bad consequences if we were caught, but you're guaranteed to go straight to juvie. 

I know you feel like you have to take responsibility for everything, but give the rest of us a chance. 

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I second everything Ann said. The risk is lighter on us. We're a team.

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nope, Akira. Ann and Shiho are right.

i'm not letting my cool new friend get her probation taken away and get her ass sent back to juvie.

i'm already a known troublemaker. they already know i hate Kamoshida.

if i get caught doing this, they think it's a shitty prank from a kid they've already written off, and they give me a week suspension.

A few moments pass with Ryuji typing.

care bout you, Akira. don't go to jail when i can take a smaller risk instead.

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Akira takes a long moment to think of what to say to that.

Ryuji's right, the risk's lighter on him. It's just...

It's really strange to have people who care about her. Who'd risk themselves for her. Who'd fight for her. 

Alright. We'll do it your way. Don't take your phone. Wear gloves when you're handling anything you shouldn't have access to. Probably there are other things that'll still nail us eventually but let's not make it easy.

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roger that, chief. i'll burn the newspaper i clip from, too.

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Alright. Tonight, then. Let's get this done for good.

Good luck.

Akira pauses for a long moment. 

And if this all goes south, I want you all to know... I love you all. You're the family I never had. I know I don't know Shiho very well yet but we're all together in this for a reason, because the world's been a bitch to all of us and we all know it can be better. 

We're not just some people who know each other. We're a team. We've fought together and bled together, and we're going to get this done together. 

Thank you all for your trust. I couldn't have gotten this far without all of you being willing to reach out and work for it with me.

... that's all I had to say.

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I've only just met you, Akira, but I'm already really glad to know you. You helped Ann save me, helped her find the courage to confess, and helped me stand up for myself. You're a really great friend.

Ryuji, we fell out of touch for a while, but I can see you're still the good-hearted impulsive boy who dyed his hair to keep a friend he'd just met from feeling alone. I'm glad you haven't lost that, and I'm glad we're back in touch.

Ann... I love you. You are the light I steer by, and I don't think I could've risked confessing if you hadn't found your heart and shared it first. Thank you for everything.

And Akira, you're absolutely right. We're all in this together.

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Awwwww... Thank you, Shiho...

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Send a sappy message and get one in return, I guess ^^

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Akira, you helped me get back in touch with my oldest friends, you're a cool new friend, and you fight the shit that needs to be fought, and you're absolutely amazing in a fight, and you're inspiring

Shiho, you've always been the sane one calling me on my shit, you and Ann have been obviously crazy about each other for years and it's good you finally admitted it, glad to have you back, missed you bunches

Ann, you're clever and a fierce friend and a good gamer and one hell of a fighter and just an amazing person

all of you are so great and i'm glad you're friends with a rowdy dumbass like me

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Guess that means it's my turn, huh? 

Well... I don't think it needs to be said that if it weren't for you, Akira, I wouldn't have had the chance to confess to Shiho or the courage to say it. And if it weren't for you helping Akira along the way, Ryuji, I wouldn't have survived all this much less gotten my chance to see Shiho safe. You've always been a good-hearted person and I'm really glad to know you again. 

And Shiho... You set my heart alight. You trusted me after all these years of slowly sliding apart. It's so good to finally be yours, and all because of that patient strength you've kept in you all these years. Thank you for taking the chance to be mine. Thank you for everything you suffered to keep me safe. You are so strong and so good. 

It's so good to all be back together again. That counts you too, Akira. 

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... thanks, everyone. It's good to be home.

Akira sets down her phone against her chest for a moment and folds her hands over it, pressing it against her heart in a gesture of prayer.

Please let everyone I care about come from this safe and okay. 

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When she's done, Morgana bumps their head into her shoulder and then curls up against her side. "All for one and one for all."

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She types a quick goodnight into the group chat, and turns in.

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And she awakens once again to the sound of music being played on a piano, in a prison cell.

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"The prisoner, Akira Kurusu, has returned!"

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She sits up. 

The manacle on her leg cuts into her skin, as cold as ever.

"Here again, huh."

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"Well done. It seems you have remembered my words. You truly make it worth rehabilitating you."

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She nods carefully. The more time she spends with this man, the less she likes him.

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Igor chuckles. It's not a nice sound.

"The essence of the rehabilitation that you must complete will be explained in due time. Once you discover allies who share your ideals and discover your place in reality, only then will I explain it all."

He folds his hands. "Such a day should not be far off. This time, I wish to introduce you to the aid we are providing."

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"Aid?" She doesn't like the sound of that.

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"Due to your potential in wielding the power of the Wild Card, you can handle more than one Persona. That power holds infinite possibilities. We will assist you in nurturing that potential."

He leans forward.

"To that end, we must execute your Persona."

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She can't have heard that right. 


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There's that chuckle again.

"Do not be alarmed. Personas are personalities that exist within you. Thus, you will only be discarding old personalities to have them be reborn as new ones."

He waves a hand.

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Justine and Caroline open a set of curtains behind Igor, revealing another room where two enormous guillotines stand.

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"By discarding your old identity, you give way to a new one. Hence, we call that process 'execution'. Think of it as the fusion of your Personas."

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Yeah, no, that's absolute bullshit. 

"Like hell I'm letting you execute Julie, 'just a personality' or no."

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"Oh?" He spreads he hands broadly.

"Fusion is an essential method of unlocking your power, and reaching the full breadth of the Personas you can wield. Would you discard that strength so impulsively, even given that there are methods of recalling Personas you have previously executed?"

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"You're asking me to trust the warden who keeps me locked up in here over my own objections, with the life of a dear friend of mine at stake. Do you really think I'm that much of a shallow, power-obsessed bitch?"

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"I think this power is the only option I know of through which you might complete your rehabilitation and prevent the coming ruin."

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"Maybe I don't want to be rehabilitated."

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"And yet it is your only choice. If you would just—"

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A dagger stabs out of the wall behind Akira, cutting through the solid stone as if it were butter. There's a long ragged tearing sound, then a thud of a body being flung against bricks. 

The wall behind Akira's bunk collapses, and in the broken-out hole stands another Akira, in full Joker costume and mask. 


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What the hell —

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Igor leans back in shock. "This is quite irregular."

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"How dare you break in against the orders of our master!?"

Caroline starts toward the cell.

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"This is quite the breach of etiquette."

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Joker stoops and shears the chain on Akira's leg in half with her black dagger, freeing her from the brick-covered bed. 

"Run for it!"

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alright, she doesn't need to be told twice. 

Akira dives through the hole in the wall.

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"Come back here!", Caroline exclaims in the distance, before she's cut off as the hole seals shut.

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Akira falls onto hard linoleum with a rattle and clang of the shackles on her hands. Harsh fluorescent lights buzz overhead, and the odor of blood and antiseptic fills her nose. 

She gets her hands underneath her and levers herself up — 

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And Joker grabs her forearm and hauls her to her feet. She wears a heavy black labcoat that stretches all the way to her knees, her stomping boots, and her domino mask. 

"Got you."

She pulls a key from her pocket, and breaks open the shackles to discard them on the floor. "Welcome to my lair." She grins. 

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Akira rubs her aching wrists and looks around at the room, not sure what to say. Her prison garb fades away, replaced with her usual blouse and skirt.

To her right there's a pair of black stone altars, blood-stained, with wicked metal clamps all along their sides —  clearly meant to restrain the unwilling. At the bottom of the beds blank medical charts rest in their holders. There's a surgical table by the near side of the altars, with a shallow metal pan containing needles, a hammer and chisel, a hemostat, a clipboard, and a pen. A long mirrored window takes up the far wall. There's no door in or out. 

Even from this distance, Akira can read the words ARE YOU READY FOR THE SURGERY on the top of the clipboard. 

Her eyebrows go way, way up.

"Okay, what the hell is going on."

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Joker rolls her eyes. "I'm you. Well, the cooler you. The one who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. The you you could be if you didn't care about so many damn rules all the time." 

She stretches and sits down on the side of one of the bloodstained altars. "This is a fusion setup. Had to make something that was the same as where you were to get there, yeah? And to be frank you're fuckin' squeamish. If you get them back afterwards and they consent to the procedure that's barely even torture. It's fucking BDSM is what it is. This is mindspace, be a little more willing to get blood on you." 

Joker twirls her dagger in one hand, then rolls her legs over the altars and sets it in the surgical tray on the far side. "Be honest. You don't care about killing Julie if you can get her back. What really rankles is that someone else would get to do it. Clinically. Like you don't know how to stab someone yourself."

She waves at the pair of surgery beds. "So I made something more visceral. You're fuckin' welcome."

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Akira just stares at Joker for a long, long moment. 

"... You what?"

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"You're kind of thick sometimes, aren't you? This is literally the core power of the Wild Card, being able to upgrade what kind of person you are by joining bits of yourself together in weird ways. I don't think Igor's lying about that, for all that he's a bastard prison warden. But if you wanna I can do the procedure for you. I'm you, after all. It works just as well if I do it."

Joker kicks her feet off the side of the altar, back and forth, back and forth. "Mind you, you still gotta watch. Part of the whole point is that it makes you uncomfortable. Hardly a breakdown of the self if it's all sweetness and light, now, is it?"

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Akira scowls and crosses her arms. "You say you're me, but here you are saying you want to sacrifice Julie, just like Igor said. This has got to be a trick."

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Joker puts her hand to her heart. "Sacrifice Julie? Hell no, never, she's her own self. But there are plenty of other personas you've collected while you were out adventuring, and those ones are much less... person-y. They're smaller shards of you. And before you say "I promised them that I wouldn't kill them" there's a fucking consent form, I'm not asking you to coerce them." 

She picks up the clipboard and hands it over to Akira. "Here, take a look." 

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Akira takes the clipboard. The top page is a pre-surgery checklist listing a blood draw, signing the consent form, and affirming solemnly to the surgeon that you're willing to participate. 

The second page title is CONSENT TO HEART TRANSPLANT. A little further down the page includes the text, in all bold caps, I UNDERSTAND THAT MY CURRENT BODY WILL DIE AND IT WILL HURT THE WHOLE TIME, AND AFFIRM THAT THIS IS WHAT I WISH TO ACHIEVE A MORE IDEAL FORM THROUGH FUSION. There is a space to sign one's name. 

... Whoever this is, they certainly aren't beating around the bush on making it clear what the consequences are of this.

This is... Different than she was expecting. Especially after that opener from Igor. Is he really so desperate to rig all this? She doesn't know the extent of his powers...

Can she trust this person who looks like her?

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"Listen, Akira. If you had a surgery that could give you your ideal form, that would be awful, horrible, torturous, but at the end you'd magically have a body that you felt at home in in every detail, would you or would you not sign up for it?"

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"... Yeah, I'd sign up for that."

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"Then let the other pieces of yourself have that chance. That's all I'm saying."

Joker hops down from the altars and stretches her arms. "Or we can leave this aside. Find some other way to get strong. Build our power somehow else. I'm not gonna force you. Not like that bastard Igor wanted to."

She scuffs her boot against the floor. "What do you think?"

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And then she hears a familiar voice from behind her. "Hello, moitiés. It's good to see you both, and to wear a more casual form than when we do battle."

A tall, slender young woman, an inch or two taller than Akira, has entered from another room. She's wearing a sharp blazer in black, a white dress shirt fitted snugly enough to emphasize the curve of her breasts and unbuttoned enough to show a hint of cleavage, a barbed wire necklace in gleaming silver, crisp black slacks that hug her hips, and a rapier hanging from her belt. She has wavy, chin-length, brown hair, kind eyes, and something between a warm smile and a smirk on her face.

Something about her feels familiar.

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Joker smiles. "Ah, Julie! Magnifique! I was just explaining to our self."

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She steps past Akira, running a hand affectionately across her shoulders and kissing her cheek as she does, then crosses the distance to Joker, pulling her into a kiss.

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Akira flushes. Uh. What? She's very, very distracted. This is just too many new things all at once. 

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Joker kisses Julie back. With one hand, she brushes Julie's hair away from her cheek, thumb tracing along the joint of her jaw. 

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She sighs warmly, caressing Joker's cheek, lingering there for a moment, then turns back to Akira, stepping close and taking her hands.

"It truly is lovely to see you properly, chérie. I imagine you're un petit peu overwhelmed, though. Ask your questions."

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"... so you're supposed to be me," Akira says to Joker, and then looks over at Julie. "And you're supposed to be Julie. But I am still very confused. Where are we? How is this possible? Why the mad science setup? You two... have a kissing relationship...?"

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"Between all the stresses you've been under, and the sudden and essential opportunities of the Metaverse and your found family, the whiplash was enough that you... fragmented, mon cœur. The sweet girl who treasures being able to be honest and forthright," she squeezes Akira's hands, "and the fierce defender who will curse whatever she must to protect those she loves." and then gestures indicatively at Joker.

"You are both real, both parts of the greater whole, but you have different perspectives, different specialties. Both of you are my moitiés, and I love you both deeply."

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"You mean she's a — split personality?"

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"I'm myself, as well as you. But close enough. Do you remember that website with House of Crows you looked at when you were just getting into high school and you wished you could be multiple people like them?"

Joker spreads her arms and takes a mock bow. "Tada."

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"I don't super buy it, but it's at least as sane as anything else that's happened to me in the last few days, so I'll suspend judgment for the moment."

Akira looks back at Julie. "What does 'moitié' mean, anyway?"

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"It's a French term of endearment, a quite tender one."

She brings Akira's right hand to her lips and kisses it softly.

"It means 'other half'."

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Akira flushes. 

"I... see..."

She ducks her head. 

"... please, continue your explanation, I interrupted."

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She looks around, smiling softly. "As for where we find ourselves, this place is inside your mind, chérie. It is a world Joker and I built, though we would like your help as well, as it cannot be fully stabilized without the aid of all who live here. When she first formed, we made a fairly basic sitting room, though we changed things up over time. When that enfoiré," she briefly scowls as she mentioned Igor, "gave his manipulative explanation of fusion, we knew we had to effect your escape. We did not wish to lose anything in the doing, though, so I explained everything I knew of fusion to Joker, and we pushed hard on our mindspace with that knowledge and her understanding of your shared aesthetique to create this place. You truly do not have to use it, but I did not want our jailbreak to cut off an option for you. 

"Making a living area beyond this 'mad science setup', as you put it, will require a group effort, however."

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"I really threw everything I could into making this place. Think I broke something in the process. I don't think that prison was supposed to be escapable. I did something, something to our mindscape, something to us, getting it to connect properly and lock into position so I could steal you away. We used to be closer, more the same person. But now..." Joker shrugs.

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"If I can control this place, that would be some evidence. But..." 

She looks over at the surgical tray with its grisly instruments, the bloodstained altars. "I still don't buy that any version of me would want to — make something like this."

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"C'mon, doesn't it give your gothy little heart at least a little appreciation for the drama of it? It's fucked up, I'll admit it, but it's a kind of fucked up we're into."

Joker picks up one of the needles. "You've been scared of these things ever since you were six, but you fought through it until you could watch your own blood being taken. Isn't there an underlying fascination there? A part of you that wants to push the boundaries a little?"

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"Wasn't there something alluring, seeing a beautiful woman in a medical office puncture that thin barrier separating you from the outside world?"

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Akira has no words. She just stares at Julie. 

"I —" She wasn't turned on by that, it was a routine medical procedure, Doctor Takemi is just hot

That thought quickly spirals off into the weeds again. Doctor Takemi is like twice her age, she shouldn't —

"I mean, it's not — I'm not —"

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"Some kind of pervert who gets turned on when attractive doctors who share your sense of style touch you intimately yet clinically?"

Joker raises an eyebrow. "Strange. I seem to recall you actively fantasizing about getting The Surgery late some nights..."

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Julie leans in and caresses Akira's cheek, grinning. "Really, mon cœur, as cute as your fluster is, there's no need to be embarrassed. It's natural to fantasize."

She leans closer still, whispering in Akira's ear now. "I think you have good taste. Doctor Takemi is éblouissante, is she not?"

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Akira shivers. 

She feels vulnerable. These two know all her secrets.

... At least it is probably not a trick, if they know so much and so deeply about her... 

"Yeah," she says very very softly. "She's lovely."

She ducks her head and blushes deeply.

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"Awwwwwww." Joker smiles and hops down from her seat on the bloodstained altar. "Would you like a hug?"

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She doesn't know what to do. 

She feels adrift and at sea, lost in a very large space. 

"... yeah," she says distantly. "I'd like that."

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Joker comes over and very gently wraps her arms around Akira. 

"Shhhhhhh," she says. "It's okay. I know you've been strong for a very long time. But we're going to see you safe."

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Akira doesn't want to believe it, but maybe it's true. 

She's so, so tired.

She leans her head gently on Joker's shoulder, and cries.

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Julie wraps her arms around them both, stroking Akira's hair softly. "It's okay to cry, mon trésor. You are safe with us. We will always love you."

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After a little while, Akira's tears run out. 

She takes a long breath. 

"Okay." Her voice is a little steadier now. "I'm going to trust you two. But if this is a trick —"

Her voice breaks and she goes silent.

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"I know, love. You'll have your vengeance if it comes to that. You've always had that ache in you."

Joker squeezes Akira softly. "I won't betray you. We're a team."

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"I swear to you both, moitiés, I swear on the sea of souls that I will never lie to either of you. If I misapprehend something or make a mistake, I will tell you as soon as I see it. The two most important people to me in the entire modern world are right here, and I will never betray either of you."

She squeezes them both close.

(Something about that oath viscerally feels binding on Julie, and everyone present can feel it.)

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Akira takes a slow breath, then raises her chin and carefully steps out of the hug.

"Alright. Tell me about this place. You said you'd created things here, but that you need my help somehow. How?"

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"This is a mindscape. It's a little like a Palace except that it's under our concious control. That makes it both stronger and weaker. We can't pull in Shadows, I've tried, and as far as I can tell it takes continuous focus and attention to make anything that remains, at least without you present. I don't know fully what you can do here. It's your mind originally, after all. But I think we'll be strongest if we act together to make something. Julie and I were able to force this room to exist together: with you we think we could have something more comfortable as well."

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"It might be nice to make a house. Three bedrooms, a shared sitting area, things like that. Connect this room and a few other features through an office, peut-être."

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Joker frowns. "I'm not sure if we have the strength to sustain a whole house. But it would be worth trying."

She looks over at Akira. "Shall we try it?"

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Akira takes a long breath, then nods. "Okay."

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"I can lend power to this, but I suspect both of you need to create and commit the details, if we wish to stabilize that power across the whole space."

Julie takes Akira and Joker's hands in her own, then closes her eyes with a deep breath.

"Tell us the story of our home, moitiés. Where do we spend our time? What do those rooms look like? What does it feel like to spend time there? How do those rooms connect to this space?"

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Akira takes a slow breath of her own. "Right now I really, really want to be in Leblanc's kitchen making coffee. Can we — make that?"

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"It's as good a place as any to start. Julie?"

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She nods. "Picture it, mes trésors. A cozy kitchen, inspired by Leblanc but all our own. Picture the tile, the wooden shelves, the glass-doored cabinets. Perhaps the countertops are reminiscent of Leblanc's bar? Peut-être we have an island of the same wood? Are there barstools? Appliances? What does it smell like? How is it lit? Feel the story in your hearts, moitiés, and tell it to our world."

As she speaks, Akira and Joker feel an energy of sorts running into them through their clasped hands, curling eagerly within them, ready to be spent.

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Akira closes her eyes. 

"It's... got a peninsula, like my parents' kitchen... barstools at the edge, dark wood... No kitchen table, I've had enough stressful conversations there to last a lifetime..."

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Joker closes her eyes as well. "Black marble countertops. An induction range and an oven, both black. An espresso machine like the one at Leblanc..."

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Akira reaches out blindly and finds Joker's hand. She clasps it, making a triangle between her and Julie. 

"I think I see it..."

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And suddenly all three girls feel a ripple around them. Julie stands, pulling the other two to their feet. "Marveilleux, chéries. Let's see what we've built, no?"

And when they open their eyes, a new door is visible.

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"Alright," Joker says. "Let's see what we've got." 

She walks over to the door, opens it, and gestures to Akira to go first.

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Fine, sure, she'll go first. 

Akira steps into the new room, and looks around. 

The kitchen is just as she imagined it. A long bar with teak stools and a chunky espresso machine sitting by the oven. Bone china hides behind glass-doored cabinets above the countertops, and a sink nestles against the far wall with a dishwasher below it. It's an odd mix of Café Leblanc and her own home's kitchen. 

... Her gaze goes sideways. There is a kitchen table here that she did not ask for. It's covered in books and newspapers, completely submerged in paper. It's teak as well, matching the countertops and appliances, but it's otherwise absolutely identical to the one she had at home - circular with a central plinth below, basket-woven chairs surrounding it. The chairs are covered in debris as well, except for her own, which stands empty and pushed out as if it had been waiting for her all this time. 

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Joker steps into the room behind her, and her gaze follows Akira's to the cluttered table. 

She rolls her eyes. "Of course. You got your memories of our parents all tangled up in what you imagined, didn't you?"

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Akira exhales. 

"Yeah." She steps over to the table and looks at its contents. Technical manuals for coding, mystery novels, newspaper clippings, bureaucratic forms...

She recognizes some of these forms. This is her arrest paperwork. 

She has a sinking feeling in her gut.

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Julie comes up behind Akira, wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing her cheek, taking Joker's hand with her other hand.

"Oh, chérie," she sighs softly. "I suppose it's to be expected. Our soulspace borders the Metaverse more closely now, so things we have not processed will make themselves known."

She shakes her head. "Whatever we find, I will be here with you, holding you both through it all."

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Akira tenses up for a second when she's hugged, but then her brain catches up to it being Julie and she relaxes a little.

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Joker leafs through a few of the newspaper articles, then nods. "It's probably for the best to clear this all off and see what it all is." She looks over at Akira. "It won't be easy for you, but it might help you process some things."

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Akira takes a breath, and then nods firmly. 

"Alright," she says. "Let's sort through this." 

She picks up one of the technical manuals, and then swears and nearly drops it.

There's a bleached-white human skull underneath, staring directly up at her with its empty eye sockets. 

"—  what the fuck.

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Joker rolls her eyes and picks up the bleached skull. She puts it on the counter behind Akira, leaning it up gently. 

"It's only a skull. It can't hurt you, it's already dead." A small smile comes to her lips. "I think it goes with the newspaper articles, actually."

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"... The newspaper articles...?" 

Akira picks up one of the articles, and is confronted with an obituary for the Amamiya family. Burnt to death in their apartment, no survivors. Suspected case of arson. Their fortune has been inherited by their daughter, one Akira Kurusu.

She scowls. "I don't —" 

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" — wish our parents were dead? Not even a little? After everything they've done to you, denying your transition, failing to back you up on your criminal charges, discarding you like trash?" 

Joker crosses her arms. "There's no sense in denying it, Akira. The evidence is right here in front of you." 

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Akira goes quiet. 

"... My parents weren't so bad," she says. "They introduced me to reading, to computing, to... caring about other people..." 

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"They had a few redeeming qualities. Any person can have good things about them. But when push came to shove, they discarded you." 

Joker nudges some of the newspapers aside, and comes up with a second skull in her hands. This one is a little smaller than the first. "That's why in your safest place, they're dead. You don't want to have to interact with them ever again. You don't feel safe with them alive."

She sets the second skull on the countertop as well. "It's that simple."

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Akira sighs, and brushes the newspapers aside as well. She comes up with a dusty copy of The Maltese Falcon in her hands. 

"If it wasn't for my mother, I'd never have met Sam Spade or Philip Marlowe. I still... I wish I could convince her. Wish I could get her to see me as I am. But she refuses to acknowledge me, just like my father. I guess she was always in love with the son she thought I was."

She brushes the dust off the cover, and tries to flip through the well-thumbed book, but it falls to pieces in her hands, the pages coming apart, and dissipates into a cloud of dust. 

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"Despite her few redeeming qualities, moitié, she was not worthy of the respect you held for her. It hurts, to let go of hope that someone will love you back, will see your truth, but it is freeing. Hold onto what you value, but accept that she cannot see the beautiful daughter she cast aside, and never will."

She presses a gentle kiss to the back of Akira's head and squeezes her tenderly.

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Akira leans back into Julie's embrace, and softly exhales. 

"... I'll do my best to. It really is time I moved on, it's been months."

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"It's hard to let go, I know. But you have people who really do care about you now. Boss. Ann. Ryuji. Takemi. Shiho. More friends than you've ever had. You can have love, if you look for it. You don't need to go back to your family for acceptance. You have it right here." Joker lays a fist over her heart. "And that's where it counts."

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"Exactement, chérie. We love you, your friends care deeply for you, and all of that is based on the truth of who you are: a brave, clever, beautiful, magic-touched trans girl with a heart full of love, trying to recover from old hurts."

She smiles softly. "Revel in the acceptance that surrounds you, and it will be easier to stop looking for water in a dry well."

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Akira nods. "... Alright," she says. "Let's get this table cleared off." 

She reaches forward and starts picking up coding textbooks. Once disturbed, they crumble apart, leaving behind a mound of newspaper clippings and arrest paperwork. Akira gathers these together into two neat piles, and within a few minutes the table is mostly clear.

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Joker pats the skulls on the counter. "I think it'll take more than thinking about it for the rest of this to go away. It's relatively easy to dismiss them as people: less easy to let go of the hurt and the anger." 

She picks up the smaller skull, the one that would be Akira's mother. "Personally I don't mind these hanging around, they're kind of cool, but if you'd rather not have them staring at you all the time we can put them somewhere else."

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"Alright. We'll get to that once we have the rest of the house made. I just know we'll discover more as we go, better to file everything at once rather than doing it piecemeal. Also... Calling up a place to hide all our hurts in sounds dangerous, no?" Joker frowns.

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Akira nods tiredly. "Yeah, I hear you."

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"I'm proud of you both, chéries."

She takes each girl's hand, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath.

"A room where we can sit, read, share memories. A place with soft couches where we can curl into each other and breathe together. A living room, moitiés. What is it like?"

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Akira closes her eyes, and imagines. Soft couches, firm and gentle. Her old CRT TV with its game console. A place to sit or lie for an afternoon and stay, close with the people she loves...

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Joker closes her eyes as well, her hand finding Akira's.

She knows what she wants, too.

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The power flows out of Julie, through Akira and Joker, and into their world in a sudden wave.

Julie's eyes snap open as she feels the ripple changing the space. "Let's look, bien-aimées. It's here."

The door to the fusion room has been replaced, a new door standing in its stead.

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Joker gets the door this time, and sashays through to flop down on the couch on the other side.

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Akira follows. 

The room on the other side of the door... can be generously described as a living room, but it looks like something out of a club. There's a big plasma TV on one side of the room, with a recessed space below it full of black pillows. Behind it is a long chaise-lounge of what looks like vinyl, which Joker is currently reclining on. There's a discarded labcoat on the side of the couch, and next to it Ryuji's distinctive starburst shirt, and next to that one of Ann's tops. A side table with drawers is next to the couch, and boy does she ever not want to know what's in it. Behind that is a bookcase that's stuffed full of books, manga, DVDs and CDs. The recessed lights in the ceiling bear soft red bulbs that give the whole space a feeling of artificial candlelight. 

"... Joker," she starts.

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Joker sighs. "Don't blame me, it's your head. It's not my fault you're too shy to make any moves on anyone and instead have just been simmering in unfulfilled lust for the last week. You told them all you loved them like family, miss can't get out of the friend zone."

She picks up Ryuji's discarded shirt and tosses it at Akira. "Catch."

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Akira catches instinctually. 

"Look, it has so not been the time. Ann's been being sexually harassed, and now she has a girlfriend. As for Ryuji... I'm not into boys."

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"Liar." Joker shakes her head. "I can't help you if you can't admit it to yourself."

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Julie strokes Akira's cheek and whispers in her ear.

"He's such a sweet boy, too. Avoids so many of the worst things about normal boys. He may not be the cleverest, but he cares so fiercely, and he's rather handsome besides."

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Akira flushes hard. 

"Hey, don't — don't put down normal boys like that, some of them are okay..." 

She ducks her head. 

"... he is really sweet though..."

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"Oh, I know normal boys have their charms. I've enjoyed a few of them myself, in my time," Julie purrs teasingly. "But enough about other boys. Tell me more about Ryuji."

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Akira blushes deeper. 

"... He's really kind. He cares deeply about doing the right thing, and he's..." 

She searches for a word.

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"Hot? Fit? Got nice forearms?" Joker smirks.

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Akira splutters. "I — you —"

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"Am I wrong? Deny it, then." Joker's smirk has become an outright grin.

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Akira ducks her head. 

"... No, you're not wrong..."

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"And let us not forget those gorgeous legs and ass," Julie adds playfully. "Running track did lovely things to his body."

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Akira nods again, and hugs the shirt close against her body as if it's a protective talisman. 

"I just... I don't usually notice those kinds of things with boys... So..."

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"Blame it on the estrogen if you like. It's okay. I won't tell." 

Joker gets up from the couch, and sashays over to Akira. Her labcoat falls open, baring the mesh shirt of her Persona costume beneath and more than a little cleavage. She leans in and locks eyes with Akira, and she grins. "Just imagine the things he could do to you..."

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Akira looks away from that intense gaze. "I..."

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"Never thought your first time would be with a boy?" 

Joker gestures to Julie. "I think we have an obvious way to fix that if you insist on having a girl first. But don't mind me. I just want you to lose that pesky virginity of yours. It's not my place to say who you want to lose it to."

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This crashes the Akira.

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Julie wraps one arm around Akira's waist, and the other diagonally across her chest, then leans in close to kiss her cheek. "Well, moitié? I'm certainly not opposed," she purrs.

Akira can feel Julie's body pressing against her back, the gentle squish of her breasts, the taut muscles of her abs, the curve of her hips.

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Akira closes her eyes for a long moment. 

"Yeah," she says softly. "Yeah, I'd like that."

She leans a little into Julie's hug.

"... I..." She swallows hard. "I'm scared. But if I can't even — with myself — how am I ever going to —" 

Akira's breath hitches and she falls silent.

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When she opens her eyes, Joker is giving her a very serious look. 

"Okay," she murmurs. "If you're sure. I don't want to force you."

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Akira takes a breath and just gives a small nod. Her face is serious, unsmiling.

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Julie kisses Akira's forehead softly, and then sits down in the pillow pit. "Come sit down with me, chérie. We will take our time, slow and tender."

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Akira's all frozen up. She wants it but at the same time it's terrifying. She can't seem to move her legs.

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Joker very gently takes her hand, and tugs lightly in the direction of the pillow pit.

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... Akira lets herself be led, one step at a time, and then she's standing on the pillows and all she has to do is sit. 

She sits. 

The pillows are soft, at least.

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Joker glances over at Julie, and sits carefully in the pillow pit as well, away from either of them.

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Julie takes Akira's hands in her own and gently brings them to her lips, kissing the back of first her right, then her left, smiling tenderly.

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Akira sits, and lets herself be kissed. 

She feels very faraway. It's nice, but this isn't a thing that happens to girls like her.

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Julie scoots across the remaining distance between them, pulls Akira's head to rest gently on her shoulder, and combs her fingers through her hair with one hand, the other hand caressing little circles on the back of Akira's hand with her thumb.

"Oh mon trésor. My sweet chérie, come back to this moment with me. You are such a good, brave, lovely girl, and you are so beautiful, trés belle."

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Akira closes her eyes. 

She remembers that when she was very small, her mother would sometimes play with her hair like this.

It's ached to not have that. 

It's strange and good to have it again.

It feels soft and warm and gentle and intimate.

Gradually she starts to come back to her body. She still feels a little floaty but it's a better kind. Less empty. 

She leans against Julie's shoulder and breathes. Slowly her breath evens out and becomes less tense. And after long enough, she even turns her hand, and grasps Julie's in turn, gentle and soft.

"... I'm scared," she says. "I —" she exhales. "I don't know how any of this works, and..."

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"Sure you do." Joker's voice is soft, gentle. "You've read more than enough hentai. Remember that sex education manga, what was it... Futari Ecchi. It talked a lot about the basics."

Joker looks over at Julie. "I don't know any more than you do," she admits. "But I know enough to expect this to be joyful, if you do it right."

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Akira squeezes Julie's hand. 

"Alright," she murmurs. "I trust you."

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Julie smiles tenderly and keeps running her fingers through Akira's hair, and brings their clasped hands up to her own heart.

"We will take our time, mon cœur. You are still coming back to me, still coming down from your stress, and I want you to feel safe. Being kind to you, being good to you, helping you grow and heal, this is what I'm for, chérie. Perhaps I take it a bit more explicitly than other Personas, but none could blame me, faced with une belle fille like yourself."

She brings Akira's hand to her lips and kisses it again.

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After a long moment, a genuine smile comes to Akira's face. 

"Yeah," she says. "You've been so good to me." 

She nestles in a little closer.

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"And it has been a pleasure and an honor to do so."

She strokes her hand down Akira's back, and then up again, slowly getting her body used to more touch.

"You are so precious, and so beautiful."

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Akira sighs softly, and stays. 

The soft strokes of Julie's hand lull her a little. 

"... I'm beautiful?"

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"More than that, you're hot." Joker gestures at her outfit. "You can pull off this look."

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Akira snorts, then smiles. 

"Yeah, I guess I can."

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Julie licks her lips, grinning. "You are hot, chérie. If I was not taking it so slowly, you would see just how much of an effect you have on me."

She reaches up and caresses Akira's cheek, then leans closer and presses a gentle kiss to her lips.

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The soft press of Julie's lips to hers is chaste, soft, but her heart leaps anyway. 

She gets to be kissed... 

Even if it is only a part of herself she's kissing. 

She leans in a little instinctually.

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She lets the kiss linger as it is for a moment, before teasingly darting the tip of her tongue against Akira's lips.

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Akira flushes, and lets her lips part just slightly...

She's clumsy, compared to Julie, but this is... nice.

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A tender, exploratory little dart of her tongue, caressing just inside Akira's lips, as Julie lets one hand slide down to caress her waist, the other still buried in her hair.

A soft, warm, desirous sound spills out of her throat, like a contented hum but a touch warmer.

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... That's a really nice sound to hear directed at her. 

Akira sighs, and her hand hesitantly comes to rest around Julie's waist, just barely touching her.

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Julie nestles closer into Akira's touch, savoring the gentle contact, and then breaks the kiss, moving instead to kiss her way across Akira's cheek and then her earlobe.

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That's an interesting sensation. And not one she's felt before... 

She's surprised. Somehow she'd thought the mindscape would only let her experience things she'd done before...

The first kiss disproved that already, though...

This is... real, in a real sense.

She tenses a little more, her hand tightening a little on Julie's waist.

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She squeezes Akira tenderly, arms tight and warm around her back, and buries her face in her hair.

"Precious girl," she murmurs. "Ma chérie, mon cœur, mon trésor, je t'aime."

She strokes up and down Akira's back softly.

"We have all the time in the world, moitié."

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Those soft whispers in her ear send shivers down her spine. They're so sweet and beautiful...

Though the words are unfamiliar, Akira can tell from the tone that she's being praised. Her breath stills for a moment, and she flushes a little deeper... 

"... more, please." Akira almost can't believe she's said the words, but Julie is so gentle, so tender. It's easy to relax into her care.

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"There you go," Joker murmurs. The ghost of a smile lingers on her face. "You remember the lesson. Ask."

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Julie grins, her lips brushing gently against Akira's ear in a ghost of a kiss as she whispers more affection.

"Ma belle chérie, my beautiful darling."

She caresses Akira's back tenderly, and then slides her hand down to her waist.

"Mon cœur, my heart."

She captures the edge of her ear between her lips for a bare moment.

"Mon trésor, my treasure."

She presses her body close against Akira's, savoring every inch of contact.

"Je t'aime, I love you."

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Akira tenses at the kiss to her ear, but then relaxes a little more. The translations wash over her like waves, and carry warmth and embarrassed happiness all through her body. 

She feels... treasured

"... I love you too." Her voice shakes a little, but then she takes a breath and looks Julie seriously in the eyes. 

"I love you."

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The answering smile lights up Julie's face. "You have no idea how honored I feel to hear that, mon cœur," she purrs. "None at all, but I will certainly attempt to show you."

She cups Akira's cheeks in her hands and kisses her tenderly, then whispers a question. "May I caress your back more directly, chérie? Under your blouse?"

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Akira flushes at the question, but after a moment's consideration she nods.

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She nuzzles her cheek against Akira's and buries her right hand in her hair, her left sliding gently down her back, along her waist, and then under her blouse to caress the small of her back. She brushes a light kiss against Akira's ear again, whispering more adoration. 

"Ma bien-aimée, my beloved."

Her hand rises a little higher, stroking along Akira's spine.

"Je t'adore, I adore you."

She nips very gently at Akira's earlobe and caresses higher up her back, her hand soft and warm and strong against Akira's skin.

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A soft smile comes to Akira's face. 

She feels... a little freer. Julie cares about her. Julie sees her. 

She glances across at Joker.

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"Don't mind me," Joker says. "I'm you, remember? I'd share your memory of this whether I was here or not. This way is more honest."

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Akira nods seriously.

... She knows where this is going, and... 

One of her hands goes to her blouse buttons, and pauses there. 

... Julie will take it slow. Julie will give her time. It's okay. 

She starts undoing buttons.

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Julie grins, wide enough that Akira can feel it stretching her lips against her ear.

"Oh, mon trésor."

She kisses her way along the edge of Akira's ear, up, around to her temple, and then back around and down to her earlobe.

"Je t'aime," she murmurs between every kiss. "Je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime, chérie."

Her hand keeps caressing along Akira's back, tenderly stroking and savoring the gentle contact.

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Akira takes her time undoing her blouse. It's tricky to get the buttons one-handed, and there's a few of them. It gives her time to think. 

Eventually, though, her blouse hangs loose on her body, wholly unbuttoned. 

She shrugs it off, and shivers as the cool air hits her shoulders. She's still wearing her bra, bandeau-style with no shoulder straps. 

She hands her discarded blouse to Joker.

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Joker takes it, and lets it haphazardly flop over the edge of the pillow pit on her side. 

"Good girl," she says. "You're doing so well."

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That gets another flush out of Akira, and she hunches a little, her free arm coming up to shield her breasts from Joker's gaze. 

"I..." She ducks her head.

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She nips Akira's ear to drag her focus away from their other headmate. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about, mon cœur. The only people here want you to feel good and cherished and loved."

She kisses along Akira's jaw, then up to press a tender kiss to her lips. "My beautiful chérie, every inch of you is worth more to me than all the jewels of Paris."

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Akira gasps at the ear-nip, her attention dragged back to Julie quite effectively.

She flushes, but nods. She leans into Julie again, her now-bare shoulders and side pressing in against her clothes.

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Julie's hands rove almost hungrily across Akira's back, caressing the soft skin, relishing everywhere she can touch, across her shoulder blades, down her sides, across her waist, back up her spine.

She kisses a slow trail over Akira's jaw, down her neck, pausing to nip softly, gently, when she gets to the crook.

"Ma belle chérie," she murmurs.

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Akira's eyes close and she gasps lightly as those lips go down, down, down her neck. She can feel trails of electric sensation beneath her skin: they flash down her body to curl between her legs.

This is something... entirely new to her. And it's good. It's really good.

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And then Julie kisses her way slowly back up, mixing tiny nips and teasing bites in here and there, her lips soft and adoring, every kiss interspersed with more whispers of "chérie" and "trésor" and "bien-aimée" and "ma belle".

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Akira exhales, and turns her head to meet Julie's lips with her own, the first time she's initiated a kiss. 

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A hint of surprise flashes in Julie's eyes, before it's swallowed by delight as she returns the kiss tenderly. One hand cups Akira's cheek, while the other caresses her back.

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Akira kisses gently, her heart racing, her breath coming shallow. It feels like she's doing something forbidden. 

She comes away smiling, though. 

"... Julie..." 

She leans her head against Julie's shoulder for a long moment, and just stays.

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Julie is perfectly content to let her rest there. She strokes Akira's hair tenderly, whispering lovingly, "My Akira, ma vérité, my truth, je t'aime tellement."

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Akira lays there for a long moment, turning thoughts over in her head. 

She could still turn back, from here. She could stop. It'd be easier, in some ways. She wouldn't have to deal with... that.

She wants to try, though.

She very lightly kisses Julie's shoulder through her blouse.

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She grins down tenderly, and brings a hand to the buttons of her blazer. "My beautiful, brave girl. Is this a sign you think I'm un petit peu overdressed, chérie?"

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Akira thinks about it. 

After a moment, she nods. It's easier when she doesn't have to put it in words.

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Then Julie unbuttons the coat of her suit, slides it gently off her shoulders, and passes it to Joker before bringing her hands to her blouse and starting to unbutton that as well. Her pert breasts gradually come further into view, along with a lacy black bra.

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Akira flushes again, and looks away... 

But a moment later her gaze darts back.

Julie... wants her to see this.

It's kind of intoxicating. Some part of her wants to lean in and kiss... 

She stills, caught between the want and her instinctive desire to be a gentleman.

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"I want you to look, chérie," Julie whispers as she finishes unbuttoning the blouse and sets it aside. "I want you to touch. This is our home, and nothing matters in this moment except our shared pleasure and your comfort. Socíété and its rules and expectations have no place here. What matters is you, mon cœur, your desire and your comfort."

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Akira exhales. 

She has an invitation. 

It's okay. 

She reaches out —

She's not sure where her hand should go. Her hindbrain wants to put it on Julie's breast, but —

She hesitates.

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Julie clearly sees where that hand is aiming, and reaches out to wrap her hand around Akira's, pressing her palm to her breast through her bra, squeezing her fingers closed to cup her gently.

"All of your desires are welcome, chérie."

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Akira freezes for a moment, before finally risking a soft squeeze. 

It's soft. Not too unlike her own, honestly. She feels... she feels okay. 

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A sudden smirk comes to her face. She squishes the boob. Squish, squish.

She ducks her head and grins.

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Julie grins right back, then squeezes Akira's hand around her breast, making it viscerally clear the squishing is welcome, and then caresses softly under Akira's chin with her free hand to tilt her face back up, pressing their lips together in a tender kiss.

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Akira kisses back. She risks a few strokes of her hand down Julie's side, feeling the softness of her skin.

This is... heady. Intoxicating. Julie's skin has the faint scent of roses and sweat, and the longer she spends nestled in against her the more she feels warm and needy. Something's slowly untensing inside her, and it leaves her wanting more.

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Julie buries her face in Akira's neck, kissing softly, and caresses the back of her head with one hand. The other, she slides up along her waist, stopping just below Akira's bandeau.

She murmurs a question softly. "May I, chérie?"

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"Yeah," Akira murmurs into Julie's shoulder, feeling her manicured nails press just over her breastbone. "Yes, please."

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Her hand slips just that little bit higher, softly wrapping around Akira's breast, caressing through the fabric of the bra. Her lips kiss up and down Akira's neck, whispering adoration with every breath. 

"Je t'aime, chérie. Je t'aime tellement."

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Akira lets out a hot breath. Her small breasts are nonetheless sensitive, and while Julie's touch is gentle and diffuse, she's unused to anyone else touching her like this. 

She kisses Julie's shoulder and breathes as she gets used to the sensation. 

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Julie arches into the kisses and presses into Akira's touch even as she continues the caress. "You're so beautiful, ma chérie," she murmurs." Her thumb strokes tenderly along the soft skin through the bandeau.

"I love you. I love touching you, I love how you touch me, and I love the feeling of your body against mine."

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Akira looks away. 

"I..." She kisses Julie's skin. "I'm not used to thinking of my touch as something that'd be welcome."

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"It is, mon cœur. More than I have words to say."

A gentle sigh spills from her lips as Akira continues kissing along her shoulder.

"You are welcome, every inch. From those questing fingertips to your soft lips, your clever mind and your vibrant heart, your sensitive breasts and your pert ass, and so much more."

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Akira giggles. 

"You'll take any opportunity to slather me in compliments, won't you?"

She pauses for a moment, then very gently bites

"There," she murmurs. "A little payback."

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Julie gasps softly and arches up into the bite, tilting her head to expose more of her neck and shoulder.

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That's — that's hot

Akira leans in and bites again, closer to the vulnerable crook of Julie's neck. And then again. And again. It's clear Julie wants it, and — she wants it too. 

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Julie wraps her arms tightly around Akira's back, pressing them together, breasts softly squishing against each other, and breathes heavily. 

"Oh Akira," she breathes, pressing herself into the bites, "oh my chérie, ma belle, mon cœur, my lovely Akira."

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Those noises. The praise, the love, the need in Julie's breath — 

Akira's own breath hastens. Her hand comes back to Julie's breast, and she presses into her hard, biting and stroking and moving against her —

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She arches into Akira's hand, reveling in the touch, pressing back against her, leaning into every point of contact.

"Oui, ma belle trésor, more, take everything you want from me."

She buries a hand in Akira's hair, holding her close, savoring every movement of her lips against her skin.

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If that's what she wants... 

Akira dares to push Julie's bra aside, and presses into her harder, firmer, body against body, her fingers firm against Julie's bare skin as she bites and bites and bites, leaving toothmarks behind —

She ends up atop Julie, her face buried in her shoulder while her hands press into her breast and grasp at her waist. 

Akira flushes as she realizes how carried away she's gotten, and pulls back with a huff of breath. 

She looks over at Joker, suddenly keenly aware of her gaze.

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Joker gives her a thumbs-up and a grin.

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Akira can't help it, she giggles. 

Her gaze goes back to Julie, her displaced bra, her marked-up skin. She's beautiful. 

Her hand slips in and rests just against Julie's breastbone. 

"What was it... mon cœur?" She smiles down at Julie and lets her fingers trace her sternum. "My other half. And what a beautiful other half you are..."

She doesn't quite let her fingers trail over to Julie's bare breast just yet, but she does look. 

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A languid, heated sigh rolls out of Julie. A pink nipple rests atop her bare breast, hard from arousal, chest heaving as she pants. "Close, my love," she corrects with a fond smile. "Cœur is heart, moitié is other half. And I am so pleased you find me beautiful. There's even more to see and touch, if you wish."

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"My moitié." She smiles and traces her fingers along Julie's sternum again. 

"I... don't know what I want," Akira admits. "You're incredibly hot, but... if we go further than this, we'll... probably have to deal with dysphoria, and that's... I don't know if I'm ready for that right now."

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"Some girls choose to keep their cocks, chérie. Personally, I find all of the variations attractive, including beautiful girls with eager cocks." The last five words come out in a purr, and she grins up at Akira, raking her eyes up and down her form for a moment. "There is nothing about your body to be ashamed of, ma vérité."

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Akira's breath hitches. 

It's — really hard to hear that. She'd hoped, a little, that there'd be a way around this...

But Julie loves her. 

She looks away. She doesn't know how to respond to such a shameless confession. Is Julie... a chaser? 

No, that's absolutely ridiculous, she's her and like five hundred years old or something, how could she be a chaser

Akira lets out a long breath. 

"I don't know if I... can see myself like you do," she says. "I can see how hungry you are for me, but I feel... I don't feel attractive, or worth anyone's time. I don't even feel like a real girl half the time. And I don't know that you can just... fix that so easily."

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Julie's grin turns fierce, almost like she expected this somehow. 

"Je m'en fiche how many compliments I must say, nor how many kisses I must give, nor how long it will take. I simply do not care. I will teach you to see yourself the way I see you, ma belle chérie. You are worth all of my time and more. Peut-être the shame will not die easily, but I will take however long I must to slay it. You deserve nothing less than all of my love, and nothing less than loving yourself just as fiercely."

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"She's right, you know," Joker murmurs. "If you insist on caring for others, you have to let yourself be cared for in turn."

She looks down at her hands. "Even I'm not good at that one yet."

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Akira nods thoughtfully.

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"You owe it to yourself to have this," Joker says. "You have to let this beautiful woman do marvellous things to you for the sake of your own self-worth. I know, it's a tough job."

Joker smirks.

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Akira laughs. 

"Well, when you put it that way..." 

She looks over at Julie. "Alright. We can... try it. I don't know what I'm doing but I trust you. My moitié."

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Julie smiles warmly and reaches up to cup Akira's cheek, pulling her down into a tender kiss. "My beautiful moitié."

When she breaks the kiss after a moment, she arches her back and reaches behind herself, unhooking her bra and slipping it off.

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Akira slips off her own bandeau bra over her head, and discards it on the side of the pillow pit. It just seems to be the thing to do when Julie's discarded her own.

She presses a hand over her own heart and looks down. She feels... ashamed. No-one else should have to deal with her when she's like this...

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Julie's gaze lingers on Akira's newly bared breasts, and she licks her lips before looking up to her eyes. "May I, chérie?"

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... She has a feeling that whatever Julie's planning, it involves teeth

She nods anyway. 

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She leans up and presses her lips to the inner curve of Akira's right breast, kissing softly, then presses a second just a little further in toward the nipple and nips very gently.

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Akira shudders at the feeling of teeth in such a sensitive place, her fear and her arousal mixing together to draw a high-pitched gasp from her mouth. 

"F-fuck," she swears. "That's — that's a lot." She brings a hand to her mouth and half-hides behind it.

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Julie smirks, then shifts just a bit further, wrapping her lips around Akira's nipple and areola and sucking gently, flicking her tongue against the sensitive little nub.

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Akira tangles her free hand in Julie's hair and presses her closer, her breath rushy and shallow. 


The feeling of being savoured fills her up, pleasure and euphoria mixed together. Each kiss and lap radiates through her breasts in electricity and pressure and heat, and her body is very eager to respond. 

Akira giggles, happy endorphins filling her up, and grins grins grins over her hand at Julie.

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She covers Akira's breast in soft, wet, worshipful kisses and licks, delight visible in her eyes at her love's reaction. She moves a hand to caress Akira's other breast, stroking gently, tugging lightly at her nipple.

"Akira," she murmurs, "my moitié, ma belle chérie."

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Electric heat surges through her as Julie redoubles her efforts, her body burning up with unfulfilled need. She lets her hand fall from her mouth and presses Julie's head in more firmly. 

"More," she begs. "Please, more..."

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Julie licks and sucks and pinches, caressing and savoring Akira's breasts adoringly, rolling her hips up against her in her arousal.

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Then suddenly she grins and grabs Akira's shoulders, twisting into a roll. Akira winds up on her back in the nest of pillows, Julie straddling her hips. She leans down, wraps her lips around Akira's nipple again, and in the same moment grinds her hips down atop Akira.

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Oh holy shit 

She's trapped, pinned, helpless beneath Julie. She's stronger and more experienced, and that grin of hers speaks of deep hunger. It's scary. It feels like falling. 

It's the best thing that's ever happened to her. 

Akira grinds back and turns her head to bare her neck and throat and moans, raw and low and needy, all pretense gone.

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Julie's response to Akira's exposed throat is to lunge for it, kissing and nipping and lapping tenderly, all while grinding heatedly against her through their clothes.

"Beautiful — precious — sexy — kissable — lovable girl," she murmurs between kisses and bites.

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Akira's already beyond words. She's being taken-claimed-used and it's perfect. Her thoughts blur and fuzz, filled with friction and Julie's scent and the press of Julie's lips against her vulnerable throat. 

She rolls her hips back against Julie and wraps her arms around her back and clings, pulls her in hard, more pressure more skin contact more sensation —

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She keeps grinding, keeps kissing and biting and licking, and presses her body against Akira's, their breasts squishing together, their skin hot against each other.

"I want you, moitié," she breathes. 

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Akira lets out a hot breath in Julie's ear, and rolls her hips back against her, and finds the words to plead with —

"Please," she begs. "Please, take me." 

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A heated growl rolls out of Julie's throat, then blue-black cursefire blooms between their hips, burning nothing but clothes. Julie's slacks, Akira's skirt, and both girls' panties burn to ash, though the flames feel like hot, ghostly fingers and tongues, licking and caressing and teasing across Akira's body.

Then Julie grins in satisfaction and grinds her slick cunt directly along Akira's shaft.

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Akira startles when the fire blooms, but the heat leaves her untouched... save for the intense wave of sensation that rolls across her whole body. She arches, gasps, and comes down just in time for Julie to grind in directly, claiming her utterly. 

Adrenaline surges through her — but all of it seems to flow directly into her need to be claimed-fucked-taken, leaving her panting with desire. It's incredibly obvious that if Julie had wanted to harm her, she'd be done for, but she doesn't want that. She wants Akira. In every way. 

Akira rolls her hips back against the slick wet heat of Julie's sex, instinct fully in control, and stares up at the beautiful, superhuman woman who's chosen to claim her as her own. The gap between them seems so far, and yet Julie wants her. 

She can do nothing but try to answer that need. 

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Julie captures Akira's lips with her own, then lifts her hips just high enough to line up properly, then she plunges her hips back down, tight, wet heat enveloping Akira's cock. She moans heatedly into the kiss.

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Akira kisses back and thrusts, never fucking mind the dysphoria. Pleasure like she's never felt before floods her whole body and makes her gasp into Julie's mouth and grab at her body haphazardly.

She's Julie's, utterly and in every way. There's no escaping it.

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Julie catches one of Akira's hands and presses it to her breast, then caresses Akira's breast herself. She rises and falls, slow at first, but building a steady rhythm. 

"My moitié," she breathes adoringly between kisses, "ma belle chérie, ma vérité, my sweet, beautiful Akira."

She rolls and clenches around Akira's cock, savoring this wonderful closeness with her beautiful moitié.

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Akira's breath is out of control, coming in rushing gasps and heavy shudders. She paws at Julie's breast, trying her best to stroke it, but the sensations are so intense that she's having a hard time keeping her focus. 

"Julie," she breathes. "I love you, I love you, I want you, yes —" She cuts herself off with another gasp.

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She rolls and grinds at the bottom of every thrust, her clit rubbing against Akira's mound. She kisses fiercely, savoring every touch and every thrust. She keeps maintaining that steady rhythm, their hips meeting again and again and again, heat building within them both.

"Akira, Akira, je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime tellement, my moitié. Yes, yes, you have me, you can have all of me, fill me you beautiful girl, keep filling me up, keep thrusting while I ride you, ma belle chérie."

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Akira does her best to follow Julie's instructions, following her rhythm. Her body knows what to do even if she doesn't. 

The pleasure builds and builds, slick tight friction all around her as she fucks her moitié. She's coming apart, it's too much to hold all at once —

"Julie," she gasps. "Julie I'm close —"

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Julie bounces with abandon now, her chest heaving, her breath ragged and shaky. She cuts Akira off with a kiss, then replies, "Moi aussi, chérie, me too. Fill me up, ma belle, I want it desperately."

She clenches and flutters around Akira's shaft, moaning as she rides her lover.

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Akira stops trying to hold back. Her hips surge up, once, twice, thrice, and she spends herself utterly deep inside Julie as the pleasure crashes down in an incandescent wave. 

She pulls Julie close as her body relaxes, her tension spent. She feels warm and floaty and utterly satisfied. 

"Fuck yes," she murmurs. 

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Julie clings tightly to Akira, shuddering and moaning into her neck as she feels her moitié climax, tipping over the edge herself in a beautiful orgasm of her own.

"Oui, mon amour, that was lovely, you beautiful girl, ma belle chérie."

She strokes Akira's hair tenderly.

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Akira cradles Julie close in against her body, her breath slowly stilling, and laughs a little to herself. What a rush that was...

She touches her lips to Julie's shoulder and lets out a sigh. 

After several long moments, the presence of Joker finally registers again, and she glances over guiltily.

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Joker's face is deeply flushed, but she's grinning hugely. 

"Beautiful," she says. She taps the fingers of her right hand against her left palm in mock applause. "Can't believe you beat me to it."

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Akira blushes and hides her face for a moment in the crook of Julie's neck.

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Julie laughs warmly and gathers Akira close with a grin, stroking her hair.

"You'll get your turn, bien-aimée," she replies teasingly to Joker.

She leans down to whisper in Akira's ear, "I'm so proud of you, chérie. That was beautiful, vraiment, and you did not let your fear stop you. Such a good girl you are, moitié."

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Akira manages a small smile. 

"I... Thank you. I don't —" 

She takes a breath, looks down at herself. "— can you get off me and get me some clothes again, this is — really embarrassing and I'm starting to feel dysphoric again now that — the moment's past."

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Julie stands up with a nod, then snaps her fingers thrice. The first two conjure sudden waves of cursefire devouring all the mess, leaving them both clean. The third is a more-detailed conjuring: two full outfits, each appearing draped over one of her arms. Her left holds a bra, panties, and a copy of the cute dress Akira picked out on the trip with Ann. Her right holds a fresh pair of slacks and panties for herself. She holds her left arm out to Akira.

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Akira gratefully accepts the clothes, and gets up from the pillow pit to dress herself again. 

This really is a cute dress. 

She looks back over her shoulder at Julie, and ducks her head and grins.

"Thank you. This was — this is exactly what I needed."

She does a little twirl.

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Joker smiles. "That dress really does suit you. It's good to see you gaining some confidence."

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Akira ducks her head and grins. "Yeah. I mean, that — that was — I have no words." 

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Having dressed as well, Julie replies, "A pretty girl deserves a pretty dress, chérie. And I see no need to tie down our pleasure with words, Akira. You do not owe anyone a label, nor an explanation of how it helped or didn't."

She pulls Akira in for a gentle kiss, then whispers, stroking her cheek, "I enjoyed it, you enjoyed it, and you feel good. Nothing more needs to be said."

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Akira kisses back, and nods. 

"It did help," she says. "But it's — a lot easier to not talk about it.'

She ducks her head. "Again, thank you.'

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Joker sighs. "You have a habit of saying thank you too often, Akira. But I'll accept you really mean it here."

She gets up from the pillow pit and walks up to Akira, then pauses for a moment to assess her coolly.

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Akira turns to look at Joker questioningly.

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Joker reaches out and takes Akira's hand. She bows low, and kisses the back of it. 

"Well done."

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A genuine grin comes to Akira's lips at that. 

"Th —" she pauses. "Not thank you. But still... It's good to feel like I'm... making progress."

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"Good girls, my moitiés. Now, I believe we have a few more things to accomplish this night."

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"For sure." Akira looks around at the room. "So, what were we going to make next?"

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"Next, I believe, should be one or more bedrooms."

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Akira looks over at Joker.

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"I don't see why we should need more than one. We're both the same person, and you love both of us. Two plus two is four."

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Akira frowns. "I'm not so sure I agree with that first part. You seem like... a very different person from me."

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"Well, we at least used to be the same person. And we do share memories. So what do you think we should do, Julie?"

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"We are all drawn from the same well, in some ways, chéries. We are also quite separate people, however, for all that we are bound together. The real question is what we intend to use this space for."

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"I'm not sure, I think that —"

A clock on the wall starts to chime loudly.

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"Oh dear," Julie remarks, turning to look at the clock. "We'll have to cut this short for now. It's time for you to wake up in the outside world, mon cœur."

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"We're in this together," Joker says. "Let's make Kamoshida pay."

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And Akira wakes up in her attic bed.

She gets up, and starts to change.

Still there? she asks mentally. 

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Yep, still here.

Joker's mental voice still sounds smug.

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With you always, chérie, Julie adds.

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Alright, let's rock. 

Akira dresses, hefts her pack, and heads downstairs for breakfast.

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"Here you go, kid," Sojiro plates up curry for her and Morgana.

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"Thanks, boss." Akira eats, and then heads out, watching to make sure Morgana comes with her. 

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"Today's the day, huh," Morgana remarks as they walk to the train.

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"Yeah," Akira says. "Going to be... interesting."

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"I believe in you, in all of us."

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As do we, chérie.

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"We'll make it work, whatever happens."

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Morgana nods firmly.

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The first train ride goes as normal. They make it to Shibuya to transfer.

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But as they're walking through the station, they find Shiho and Ann lining up for the train to school as well.

Shiho looks up and waves at Akira.

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Akira grins and waves back.

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"Wonder how Ryuji's run went," she comments, bumping Akira's shoulder with her own and squeezing Ann's hand.

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Ann nods. "Guess we'll see." She squeezes Shiho's hand back. 

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Akira nods seriously.

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And then the train arrives and they all file on.

Soon enough they're walking up to campus. 

Inside, red and black flyers cover the bulletin boards, with the text they all decided upon, and a logo of a top hat over a mask very reminiscent of Joker's, with cursefire burning in the eyeholes.

Students are whispering to each other about who the Phantom Thieves are, and whether this is a prank.

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Akira stops to look at one of the flyers. 

They've got their message alright. The top hat logo is cute, and a bit misdirecting too. 

She raises an eyebrow for the benefit of anyone who's watching, then heads on to class. 

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Ann doesn't say anything, just goes to class as if it were a normal day.

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On the way to class, as they're passing another bulletin board, Kamoshida stomps up and sees the calling cards. He tears one off the board. "Who did this!? Who's responsible for this slander!?"

He rounds on the three girls.

"It was you three, wasn't it!"

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Akira gives Kamoshida a very flat look. 

"No, of course not. We've interacted what, once? You asked me if I wanted to join the volleyball team and I turned you down."

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Ann stays silent. Akira's handling it. And if she speaks she will have to be polite to this man and she doesn't trust that she can be convincing.

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Shiho says nothing, though she can't help but squeeze Ann's hand for comfort.

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His eyes flash downward to their joined hands, then back up, across the three girls.

"I see."

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Then he turns on his heel and stomps off.

"See me after school," he demands as he goes.

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That's going to be trouble.

For now she's got to get to class.

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Ann gives Shiho a worried look, and squeezes her hand. 

She has to get to class too, though.

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Shiho squeezes Ann's hand, then finds Akira's and briefly squeezes hers too.

"I'll see you two on lunch."

And then she's gone.

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"See you."

She really hopes this works out. 

She takes her seat in class, right behind Ann. 

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Ann settles in as well, trying to ignore the buzz of rumors around her.

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Kawakami reins the gossip in with her usual efficiency, and class proceeds as normal.

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Eventually lunch arrives.

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Akira gets out her phone. 

What are we going to do about being called to Kamoshida's office after class? I'd say "just not go", but if the school gets involved...

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I don't know.

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I can't be alone with him again. I don't know if I can handle the sight of his office today.

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If we do this right, he won't be in any condition to report us to the school after tonight, yeah?

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Yeah. I think we have to cut and go directly in. It's all or nothing anyway. There won't be time to get our equipment but we all have personas anyway. 

Now or after class?

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I don't want to get you expelled, but if Kamoshida corners us in the classroom it could be really bad.

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let's just go.

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Alright. Ryuji, you're the troublemaker, is there a place on school grounds where we could disappear and not be seen?

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roof, for sure.

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Meet you all there.

Akira gets up from her chair and heads out. 

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Ann waits a little bit, but then gets up and follows Akira.

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Shiho and Ryuji are waiting for them when they get there. There are various planters full of herbs and flowers — clearly someone's been tending a garden up here.

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Akira nods. "Yeah. Let's go. Sooner the better."

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Ann nods resolutely and takes Shiho's hand.

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"Damn right."

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Akira thumbs the metaverse navigator, and they make the transition.

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The castle is swarming with guards today. Even if the real Kamoshida doesn't believe in stealing hearts, his Shadow certainly seems to, judging by how heavy the patrols are.

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Joker slips into front. 

"Alright," she says. "We all know the route we're going to have to run. Let's hope they haven't covered too many of their blind spots." 

She adjusts her gloves, then reaches into her backpack and distributes out an enhanced energy bar for everyone in the group, then pulls out the bottle of muscle-building supplements and gives everyone a dose as well. 

"I've got another three of these fortified bars for anyone who needs them. I'm going to keep them on me for now, if you need one call me. For any small group try to stick to melee. Use the painkillers if you're injured." She distributes small handfuls of her prescription painkillers to everyone as her last offering, adding more of the over the counter medication she picked up as well.

She takes her own muscle-building supplement, and then her hand goes to the third bottle in her pack — her bottle of estrogen pills. She doesn't want to fuck around with what an antiandrogen like Spiro might do here, but if this is her last time in the Metaverse she's not going to waste it. 

"Little personal thing," she says to the others. Then she puts her estrogen pill under her tongue and waits for it to dissolve.

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The whole team feels a little energized and a little stronger, like they could hit harder and fight for longer. Joker also feels some odd electric tingling all over her body, especially in her throat, shoulders, breasts, waist, and hips.

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Joker takes a breath as the pill dissolves away. "Fucking sweet," she says, and then she pauses as it catches up to her that she was able to say it in a natural, feminine voice without forcing her tongue back in her mouth. 

She grins from ear to ear. 

Fuck it's tempting to take a second dose. Who knows what it might do. But she knows from her experience DIYing that if you take an excess of estrogen, it can cause blood clots — which means stroke or heart attack. 

Who knows that? Doctors, probably. Trans girls who've DIY'd, like her. But cis people...?

She looks at the pill bottle. 

... probably for the best not to risk it, much as she hates to say it.

She puts the pills away, zips up her bag, and slips it back onto her back. 

"Alright," she says. "Let's go, people." 

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It takes more fights than usual, but eventually they make it to the treasure room, where the swirling glow has been replaced with an enormous crown floating above the pedestal.

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"Yes! There it is!"

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Joker looks up at it. It's almost as big as she is.

"That's one big crown. Getting out with it's going to be a massive pain." 

She frowns.

"This still seems too easy. Where's Kamoshida? Why isn't he here protecting his most precious possession in person?" 

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Ann crosses her arms. "This feels like a trap, but I don't see any other option than to trigger it. The guards could come back any minute."

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"Trap or not, I can feel that that's really the treasure. We have to take it."

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"We don't have a choice, then."

Paladin walks closer to the crown.

"Heal up and re-energize, take the crown, and be ready for a brutal fight?"

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"Yeah. I think we've got no other choice."

Joker pulls a energy bar from her pack, and eats. No sense in using the one she has if she'll just have to replace it.

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Panther strips off the wrapper of her own bar and eats as well, watching the massive crown.

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Paladin does the same, leaning close to Panther.

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As do Mona and Skull.

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When he finishes his bar, Skull looks up at his teammates. "We ready?"

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"Yeah. I expect all hell's about to break loose, but let's grab it. I think three people can manage it - Mona obviously can't, so would the rest of you do the honors?"

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Ann approaches the massive crown, and grabs hold.

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Skull grabs the side as well.

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So does Paladin. They're really doing this.

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It's a struggle, fighting their way back down the castle with the cumbersome crown weighing down more than half the Thieves. Lone guards keep trying to run off and alert the king, and Mona and Joker have to chase them down and destroy them before they can.

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So far, so good, though. She's burnt through another energy bar with how many times she's cut off a shadow's escape by calling Julie, but things seem to be just barely under control.

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When they get down to the ground floor, there's a platoon of thirty guards patrolling in front of the vent room.

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"Shit. Can we take that many?"

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"Fuck, to have a target who doesn't think they deserve an infinite supply of mooks."

Joker frowns. "I don't think so. We tore through twenty pretty fast last time, but we had Paladin's awakening to shatter them. And proper weapons. Thirty, with no guns... probably not possible. Getting this thing through the vent is also going to be a huge pain. I think it'll just barely fit, but we have to get there to know."

Joker pulls out the castle map and searches for any way around the mass of guards.

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It looks like if they double-back and pass through that side corridor, they'll make it to the main entrance hall, which looked deserted when they passed by earlier.

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March it right out the front door? 

It's audacious, but if their exit's been rumbled it might be better to go that way. They could also be being herded. She wouldn't put it past Kamoshida to be that sick in the head, to give them a chance to steal it just so so he could snatch it back. 

It's still a better shot than a straight fight with thirty guards. 

"We're doubling back," Joker says. "Vent room's closed off, so we're going to try and take it out the front entrance. It's ugly, but that looked deserted earlier."

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"I don't like it, but I don't like that swarm of guards, either. Let's go."

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Skull shrugs as best he can while carrying his side of the crown. "I trust you."

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Joker nods firmly, then moves, scouting ahead of the crown, doing her best to sniff out anything suspicious along their forward route. 

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There are the usual pockets of guards along the way.

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And then they get to the entrance hall. It's framed by an enormous statue of a woman: her legs bracket the exit, her torso is the ceiling, her breasts hang over the door they entered through, and her arms bracket that door.

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As they make their way through the room, though, suddenly a volleyball spikes the crown out of the Thieves' hands.

When they look up, they see Shadow Kamoshida landing from jumping to spike the ball, and then he summons the crown to him with a sneer. It shrinks as it flies into his grasp.

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Cognitive Ann struts up alongside him and rests her hand on his chest.

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"I won't let anyone take this. This proves that I am king of this castle — it is the core of this world!"

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They've been rumbled. Keep him talking and look for an opportunity to snatch it back.

Joker draws her dagger. "It's not yours to keep, oh almightly king. Your crown rests on the abuse of all your subjects. You're no king, only a self-righteous bully!"

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"What a selfish misunderstanding."

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"A misunderstanding? I've seen your subjects, oh King. Some of them fight by my side. Are you so blind as to ignore that?"

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He sneers. "Pathetic brats who couldn't bear the cost of following through. The cost of getting the piece they wanted of my success."

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"The price of success!?"

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You know the cost you bore far better than this false king. It was not his right to take that from you. 

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Paladin pulls her spear from her back, clenching the haft tightly in her gauntlets.

"You beat me, you planned to rape me, you beat and threatened the people I love—"

The butt of the spear slams into the floor on the word "love", resounding through the hall.

"And you dare to call that the price of success!?"

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She levels the spear at his face, a feral snarl stretching across her face.

"Your reign will end, Kamoshida."

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He's distracted —

Joker whips her grappling hook out of her sleeve and throws, aiming to hook the crown in its tines.

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The king sees this happening—

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And resizes the crown back to its full size just as the hook loops all the way around. Now it weighs more than Joker does.

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Joker's already pulling hard on the cord, trying to yank the crown free. She lurches forward against the crown's weight and barely keeps her feet under her — but she plunges toward Kamoshida. 

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Panther leaps forward to protect her leader, and instinctually lashes out with her whip —

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Kamoshida kicks Joker away from him, sending her flying into Ann.

"Fine then! I'll execute you brats myself! I am the demon that rules this world!"

He arches his back inhumanly, a menacing laugh booming from his throat. He removes the placeholder crown and sets the treasure atop his head, and his form begins to stretch and distort.

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Two enormous goat horns sprout from his head as his skin turns unnaturally pink and his body stretches up to what hast to be at least twenty-five feet tall, sitting down. A second pair of arms sprouts below the first. In his upper right hand he holds a glass of wine — the cognitive copy of Ann can be seen within. Upper-left holds a riding crop. The lower two hold a golden fork and knife. His eyes roll madly around in his head, and an easily twenty-foot-long purple tongue stretches out of his jagged, distorted mouth.

"I'm allowed to do whatever the hell I want!"

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"What the fuck, you really are a demon, Kamoshida! We're puttin' a stop to your bullshit!"

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Panther and Joker go down in a tangle of limbs, and take a moment to get back into the fight.

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Joker hauls herself back up and sees the monstrosity that Kamoshida's become. 

"Ugh." Of course this asshole has to make it difficult

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Panther gets to her feet as well. 

"Knew it," she mutters. "Bastard."

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Paladin just glares.

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Kamoshida roars at the Thieves. "Haven't you brats ever learned not to point and stare?"

He slashes at them with his golden knife.

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Joker leaps out of the way and ducks behind one of the pillars in the hall, flattening herself against the stone column.

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Skull scrambles behind the same column, shoulder to shoulder with her.

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Paladin tackles Panther and Mona out of the line of fire in the other direction.

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Kamoshida slashes at the column Skull and Joker are hiding behind, frustrated at missing the Thieves.

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Panther rolls to her feet, and leaps in. She's got to keep Kamoshida from bringing the roof down on their heads. 

"Carmen!" She yells, tearing her mask off. "The wineglass!"

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"With pleasure, corazon."

Carmen steps in front of her Thief and plucks her cigar from her lips, then sings one three-syllable word at an absolutely piercing volume and pitch.


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The wineglass vibrates harder and harder, then shatters on the second syllable, shards spraying across the room. Most of them hit Kamoshida, a few hit the cognitive duplicate of Ann, and some catch Panther, Paladin, and Mona.

On the third syllable, the falling wine ignites, burning cognitive Ann to ash, and charring Kamoshida's hand.

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"Aaagh! You bitch!"

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Ann shields her face, and dances backwards away from the glass-strewn floor. Her arm and shoulder are cut up, but she's still moving: she harries Kamoshida with her whip, striking and dodging as fast as she can.

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Joker pops her head out from behind her pillar, and catches a glimpse of a high balcony near Kamoshida's head. She looks back at Skull. "Skull, the balcony — try and grab the bastard's crown, we'll keep him distracted." 

She leaps from behind the pillar and rips her mask from her face. "Julie!"

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Skull nods and darts back toward another column, trying to get out of sight.

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Julie's crimson duelist form reappears in a burst of cursefire.

"He shall feel our wrath, moitié!"

Blue-black flames dance along Kamoshida's left shoulder, leaving poisoned black veins where they pass.

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Paladin stares, aghast, looking between the burnt up fake Ann and the newly-injured real one. 

She turns to glare at Kamoshida, ducks a swing of his knife, and then dives forward into a roll under a stab of his fork, thrusting her spear upward to pierce his wrist.

"You bastard!"

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Joker closes to support her team, dagger drawn, and strikes at Kamoshida's flank, trying to draw his attention from the injured Panther.

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As Joker comes in, Panther dances back, grabbing at her pocket with her bloodied hand for the pills Akira gave her — but then she has to roll to the side to dodge another swing of Kamoshida's knife, and they scatter out across the floor, out of her reach. 

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Mona dives close to Ann. "I've got you."

They tear off their mask to summon Zorro, and a swirl of green sparkles dance around each Thief, pushing out splinters and closing wounds.

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Shadow Kamoshida cracks his riding crop against the ground in rage. "Hit them, slaves!"

A storm of high-speed volleyballs flies toward the Thieves, but it mostly misses them, pelting the ground nearby.

"You good-for-nothing idiots!"

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"They want you to lose, moron!" 

Joker ducks in close and rakes her dagger along Kamoshida's thigh. Though the blade's small compared to him, she knows just how much it hurts.

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Meanwhile, Panther grins at Mona. "Thanks for the save!"

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"Anytime, Panther!"

They use a gust of Zorro's wind to blow another barrage of volleyballs off course.

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Paladin tears her mask free and shouts for Bradamante.

"Scour him!"

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Let justice reign! 

Bradamante blasts Kamoshida with holy light, spearing deep into his demonic flesh and leaving it sizzling and bubbling. 

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He roars in pain. Black veins spread from Joker's slash, and his flesh is charred where Paladin's light burned him.

"Rrraaaaagh! Slave! Bring me my ball for my killshot!"

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A bruised-up boy in a Shujin Academy uniform comes forward with a volleyball in his hands. 

"Here it is King Kamoshida, sir!" 

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Wait, there's someone else in here Kamoshida cares about enough to have an image of?

Fuck, she must have missed a major victim —

Joker misses her dodge against a swipe of Kamoshida's knife. It catches her across the ribs and flings her into the side wall of the room, leaving a deep cut across her chest and heavy bruises all over her body. 

Joker fumbles for her pills, and swallows one, but it's not nearly enough to undo all the damage. 

Despite the pain, she forces herself to her feet —

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The bruised student throws the volleyball high into the air, ready for Kamoshida to spike it —

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Kamoshida leaps into the air, arm stretched high.

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Oh shit. She knows that spike. She dives in front and tears off her mask.


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Bradamante forms in front of her and Joker, arms locked together in an impenetrable shield, holy light shimmering off her in layers upon layers of protection.

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Kamoshida follows through with the motion, spiking the ball down hard. A fiery conflagration fills the room, obscuring all from view, blasting the Thieves with wind and whipping at their clothes.

And then it clears, and they're unharmed.


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Joker takes the opportunity to duck behind a column and stuff a second painkiller in her mouth. Her injuries heal further — and the slow regeneration of the first pill's had a few moments to work now, too. 

She breathes for a second, trusting her team to cover her.

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Panther grins. "You're nothing, Kamoshida! Even your killer spike's worthless against Paladin!"

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Paladin blushes at Panther's praise—

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But glares resolutely up at Kamoshida.

"You will never hurt the people I love again."

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"That fake student is how he's getting volleyballs to spike us with. If we destroy it, maybe that'll stop him!"

Mona batters the cognition with a gust.

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Panther hesitates for a moment, but then tears her mask off again.

"Carmen! Burn him down!"

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Flames scorch the cognition, charring it beyond recognition.

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Kamoshida snarls.

"You destroyed my whipping boy!"

And then he slashes at them with his knife.

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Panther jumps over Kamoshida's frustrated swipe, and redirects Carmen to strike directly at Kamoshida's demonic form. 

Her movements are slowing. Persona fatigue must be setting in.

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Joker shields from the swipe behind her pillar, and looks up at the balcony for any sign of Ryuji. 

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He's getting into position, but not quite ready yet.

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"Bah. Mishima was always worthless anyway.

"Send in the next slave!"

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And out steps a cognition of Shiho, in a skimpy bunny costume.

"Here you go, Kamoshida-sama!"

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Panther looks over. 

"Oh god —"

She barely ducks another stab of Kamoshida's fork and scuttles backwards, away from the fake Shiho. 

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"No fake of me gets to stress Ann!"

She lunges, with a sharp swipe of her spear.

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The fake screams, falls, and dissolves.

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Shiho darts backward, looking down at her hands for a moment, then shakes her head and rushes to check on Ann.

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Ann shudders, hearing the fake Shiho's scream, but at the sight of the real one coming to save her she rallies.

"Together!" She advances again with her whip in hand.

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Joker breaks cover and advances as well. "Together!"

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"You brats!"

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And that's when Skull dives off the balcony, kicking Kamoshida's crown from his his head and landing in front of the rest of the group.


He tears off his mask.

"Captain Kidd!"

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The tyrant must fall!

Lightning cracks, Skull's full-strength Persona raining down bolt after bolt on the weakened demon king. 

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Joker rips her mask free as well. "Julie!"

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He must feel the pain he has inflicted!

Cursefire ravages Kamoshida's body, leaving toxic-looking black veins everywhere.

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Mona rips their mask away.


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Such always to blackguards like this! 

Zorro slashes with wind, cutting his distinctive Z into Kamoshida's demonic form.

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Panther leaps and wraps her whip around Kamoshida's swollen neck. With a heavy heave on the leather, she drags his head down to the team's level. 

"Finish him, Paladin!"

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"With pleasure, Panther!"

She stabs out with her spear, once, twice, rapidly puncturing and shattering the horns atop his head.

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Kamoshida falls back, roaring, and then his form starts to twist.

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Once more in his human form, he scrambles backward away from the Thieves.

"Aaah! Please, don't hurt me!"

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Joker rolls her eyes. 

"A coward as always, I see."

She looks over at Panther and Paladin. "It's your call. I'm not the one he hurt." 

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Panther advances, and kindles a ball of flames in one hand from her Persona. 

"Run, you bastard. Just like you always do."

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Paladin advances as well, her spear burning with holy light.

"Run back to your real self, and confess everything you've done, including what you planned to do to me, and especially how you tried to extort Ann into fucking you with threats against us both."

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Ann closes and lets the flames of her Persona gutter. Instead her right hand snakes out and grabs Kamoshida by the chin. 

She forces him down to one knee. 

"How does it feel," she says. "Having someone else's hands on you you don't want there?"

She strokes his cheek softly with one finger, then backhands him. 

"That's for all the times you've forced someone to take it while you hit them." 

She stares at him for a long moment. Her hand lifts for a second, as if to grab his throat  —

She lets it fall. 

"Crawl back to your real body, and spend the rest of your miserable life making up for everything you've done. You're less than trash."

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He whimpers, falling back to the ground.

"Yes! I will!"

And then he fades from view, leaving the crown behind in its smaller form.

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Joker picks it up in one gloved hand. 

"Show's over, folks. Let's get out of here."

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The castle shudders and rumbles ominously around them.

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"Oh, right, now that the distorted desires have collapsed, so will the castle. Run for it!"

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Skull starts running.

"Now you tell us, Mona!?"

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Paladin grabs Panther's hand and starts dashing for the exit.

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"Why do you always tell us AFTER it's too late??"

Joker clutches the crown to her chest and runs for it. 

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Panther runs for it too, though she can't help but grin. 

"It worked it worked it worked!"

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"We did it! We just gotta get out of here alive!"

She keeps sprinting.

"Thank you all so much!"

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Skull keeps running. "Thank me when we get back to reality!"

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Mona shifts back to housecat shape and bounds up onto Joker's shoulder, then hops to Panther's, Paladin's, and Skull's in turn, before bounding forward.

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The floor is falling away behind them, enormous stones fall from the ceiling. 

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"Almost there!"

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Joker leaps to the side to dodge a piece of falling masonry, and keeps going as fast as she can.

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"The look on that smug bastard's face!" 

Ann grins and whoops as she runs.

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"A successful heist!"

They leap over a gap that appears in the floor. 

"Watch out for that hole!"

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Skull stumbles as he sprints, tripping on the hole.


But he doesn't fall, and keeps going.

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Ann risks a glance backward. "Are you okay?"

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"I'm good! Just gonna pay for it later!"

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They can see the light of the gate drawing closer. 

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Joker blocks a falling brick with her free arm and takes a nasty bruise, but keeps running. Almost there —

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Mona makes it first across the drawbridge.


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Paladin runs across with Ann next!

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Skull's panting, but makes it across.

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Joker's last across, and that's everyone.

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The world shimmers around them, and they're back in the alley, and in their school uniforms.

"Destination Deleted," the MetaNav chimes from their phones.

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Joker looks down at the crown in her hands. It's turned into an Olympic gold medal. 

"Looks like we made it out." 

She stashes the medal quickly in her pack. "What time is it?"

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Shiho pulls out her phone. "13:49. Lunch is already over."

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"Shit. We'd be coming in late. What do we do? Cut or make excuses?"

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"By almost an hour, too." Ann looks over at Joker. "Up to you."

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"We went out to lunch together at a place near the school and completely lost track of time."

She adjusts her pack so the gold medal's deeper in its depths. "I don't like keeping this on me at school, but if I'm seen to have cut the principal will probably take the excuse to expel me."

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She nods. "Okay. Let's do this."

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Ryuji nods as well.

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"I'll see you all after class."

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Akira slips back into front and pastes on her trusty fake smile. 

I'll take this from here, Joker. You can't keep your mouth shut.

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Alright. Good luck.

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And Akira leads the group back toward the school together.

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The halls are deserted. Everyone must be in class.

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Kawakami gives Akira and Ann a Look when they come in, but doesn't otherwise say anything during that period.

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Akira ducks her head and nods. Yeah, she gets it. 

She takes her seat and joins the lesson.

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And so does Ann, a little uneasily.

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The class goes smoothly enough.

In the gap before the next period starts, she waves the two of them up to her desk.

"Okay, you two. What caused you to miss more than half the period?"

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"I'm very sorry, Kawakami-sensei. Ann here took me and a couple of friends out for lunch and we completely lost track of time. I — haven't really had friends before, so I guess I got carried away. It won't happen again."

She can keep that promise, right? Since Kamoshida's dealt with.

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Ann nods. "It's as Akira says, Kawakami-Sensei."

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"Oh fine. I suppose I know how it is, and you've both been on such good behavior all week. Don't let it happen again, though. I have too much going on to deal with this on top."

She shakes her head.

"Back to your seats. Chouno-san will be in for your English lesson momentarily."

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"Thank you, Kawakami-sensei." Akira bows deeply and returns to her seat. 

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Ann bows as well. "Thank you."

She returns to her seat as well.

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Class proceeds normally enough, and then they're released for the day.

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Akira gets out her phone.

Home we go. 

We've just got to hope Kamoshida's too out of it to request us.

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It's got to have worked, right? After all that?

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As they text, students around them are packing up their bags and getting ready to leave, gossiping to each other as they go.

"What was that you were saying about Kamoshida?"

    "I heard from Fujimori-chan that he suddenly got pale and ended class early."

"Yeah, and I heard no one's seen him since, all day."

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... Interesting rumor.

Guess it worked. Hope we didn't just fry his brain completely. 

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He'd deserve it.

But yes. Better he confesses.

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Akira packs up her books and gets ready to go home. 

Explaining all this to Boss is going to be a tall order... 

Well. Something to worry about when I get home. 

Ryuji, Shiho, let's lie low for today. I've got explanations to make. We can celebrate when Kamoshida actually confesses.

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you got it chief

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Got it.

See you all in class tomorrow, I guess?

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Yeah, I guess so.

And Akira goes home, back to Cafe Leblanc.

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The usual crowd on the trains, and then she's walking into the café.

There's an elderly couple seated, enjoying their coffee and watching the news, which seems to be speculation about the mental shutdowns that have been going on.

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Sojiro nods at her as she comes in.

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She nods back, heads upstairs, and gets out her phone and texts him.

Hey. Some stuff happened at school today you'll want to hear about when the cafe's not occupied. It's probably good news though.

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I'll text you when these two clear out then.

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Thanks, boss.

And she settles into bed and just luxuriates in it being done.

It's all over. Kamoshida will have a change of heart and confess, or he won't. Either way, it's out of her hands now.

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Morgana curls up in a ball on her tummy.

"Hard work, but we did good."

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Indeed, moitié. I'm proud of you.

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She looks down at Morgana. 

"... can I pet you?"

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They look down at their paws, then back up at Akira.

"I'm not a cat, but that does sound like it would feel nice..."

They flick their right ear and curl back up.


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Akira smiles, and very gently pets Morgana.

She buries her hands in their soft fur and just relaxes into the moment for a while. 

It's so good to be done.

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After a while of petting Morgana, Akira gets a text from Sojiro.

All clear, kid.

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Akira heads back downstairs and takes a seat at the bar with a genuine smile on her face. 

She's missed Boss, honestly.

"Hey," she says.

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"Good to see ya."

He slides a coffee and a plate of curry to Akira, and a plate of tuna to Morgana.

"Busy day, you were saying?"

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"Yeah. Complex."

She takes a spoonful of her curry. 

"So, there's good news and there's bad news. The good news is: we did it. The abusive gym teacher should confess to his crimes." 

She blows on her curry, takes a bite. Swallows. 

"The bad news is, we had to be more public about it than we'd planned. It turns out that for magic reasons — I can explain if you want me to — we had to tell him we were coming and what we were going to do for it to work. The best plan we were able to come up with was to pseudonymously post leaflets around the school." 

Akira sighs. "I wish it hadn't come to that. I didn't want to attract attention to us. If it works, though, I don't regret it."

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He sighs hard and sits down.

"I don't like that risk. Pseudonymous should be okay, but I don't know. Worries me. But... you did it, and you think it worked."

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"The gym teacher suddenly looked distraught, cancelled class, and wasn't seen for the rest of the day. We definitely did something. Whether it's what we intended..." She spreads her hands. "Only time will tell."

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Sojira sighs and nods. "I still worry about the leaflets. Are you su—"

And then he's interrupted by a text message.

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He looks down at his phone, grumbles under his breath, shakes his head, then puts it back down and looks up.

"Right. The leaflets. Did you take precautions to keep them from being traced back to you?"

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She nods. "As many as we could manage. They were the least traceable option."

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He glances down at something on his phone again, then nods.

"Didn't use any of your friends' printers, didn't handwrite anything, wore gloves?"

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"Yes to all of those."

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Another glance at his phone, then a nod.

"I... guess you're fine, then."

He shakes his head and puts his phone away.

"Good job, kid. It sounds like you maybe made a difference. If this works..."

He trails off, then gets up. "Well, lemme know what happens, anyway."

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"Yeah, will do."

Akira manages a small smile. "For now I want to collapse in bed for a while. It's been such a week."

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"Sounds like it. Well, I'll clean this up. Keep doing your best, kid."

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Akira nods seriously, and goes upstairs to bed again.

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You made a difference. I saw Kamoshida flee. He's never going to be the same.

Why stop there?

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Oh shut up. We've taken more than enough risks already. 

Just keep your damn head down and be a good student like the rest of us.

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They'll come to you if you won't go to them. You do know that, right?

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Joker, respectfully, I am trying to enjoy some fucking peace and quiet. 

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Alright. Just don't say I didn't warn you.

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Thank you all again. I don't know what he would have done to me if you hadn't gotten involved. Now, instead, he's maybe going to confess everything

Thank you especially, Akira. I know you had a lot to do with getting everyone working together on this.

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It was the least I could do.

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yeah Shiho we had to help

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Yeah, absolutely.

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y'all are the best


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hey uh hold up ryuji


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I... kind of promised Julie I'd ask you this once this was all over 

would you like to, like... 

go on a date sometime maybe?

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Ryuji is typing...

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Ryuji is typing...





yeah definitely!

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Eeeeeeee <3

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lemme know if you two want any ideas on where to go or anything ♡

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Thank you

that's really good to hear


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when were you thinkin?

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Good girl, chérie. I'm proud of you.

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Thanks, Julie. 

didn't get that far tbh

but this sunday maybe? we should have plenty of time then

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sundays great

not to be a stereotype but maybe a movie?

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Sure, that works for me. Just so long as there's time to talk about it too.

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maybe see it in the afternoon, talk about it over dinner or somethin?

what kinda movies do you like?

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Heist ones, actually. ^^;

and yeah that sounds good

we could drop by the movie theater in shibuya and maybe go out to that burger place you mentioned — I think it was big bang burger? 

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sounds great

lookin forward to it!

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Awwww! You even have similar taste in movies!

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Ryuji's definitely going to drag you to see Pirates of the Caribbean sometime

he hasn't shut up about it ever since it came out

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quit gangin up on me!

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it's alright, they're only teasing. 

I would love to watch a heist movie or pirates of the carribean or whatever else you enjoy

mostly I'm just happy to have someone I care about and who cares about me

you're really cool, ryuji

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you're really cool too Akira

Ryuji is typing...



and pretty too

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Akira blushes a little. 

aww, thank you...

it means a lot to hear that

esp. from you

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i mean

i just got eyes, thats all

the other girls see youre pretty too, i bet

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hey, that's not playing fair at all

Yeah, Akira, you're pretty. Like, objectively.

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You totally are, Akira. 

And what's unfair about it, Ann? >;3 

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nnnnnnnnnnnnothing except I think you're not supposed to say other girls are pretty in front of your girlfriend

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Would you object if I said Shiho was pretty, Ann?

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no of course not

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well she is

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Thank you, Akira!

Ann's totally prettier than me, though!

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... I just had a thought

it's kind of a weird thought but Carmen thinks it's great 

okay I'll go first

who here is crushing on everyone else in this group chat

raises her hand

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Akira is typing...






raises her hand

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Ryuji is typing...

raises his hand

just didn't think i had a shot with how you two were obviously into each other

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raises her hand

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If we're all into all of us, why don't we all just date? That's a thing, right Shiho? You're the one who's studied this kind of thing

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It's called "polyamory". Takes a lot of communication, and it's not common, but there's nothing wrong with it if we all want to.

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Julie radiates quite a lot of smugness.

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of course

Julie's been hinting about this idea for like days now but never came out and said it

she is feeling so smug right now you would not believe it

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captain kidd is just grinning and laughing

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Bradamante is just glad I have so many people who care this much about me.

...I am too. A lot.

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Akira pauses. 


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Yeah, I think this is a good moment.

Akira changed her nickname to Joker

Akira wanted me to say hi

uh, you know how we all have Personas? bc of wild card bullshit it looks like Akira's got me too

hi, I'm Joker, I exist now

it was me back at the castle today actually, Akira swapped back in when you left 

we share memories so dw akira got to see how badass yall were

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wait what

are you sayin theres two of you?

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Oh wow!

Never heard of that before.

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Yeah, there's two of us in here. Like yall have with being able to talk to your personas

except there's two of us in here plus julie

julie sez we kinda... fragmented under the strain of trying to be honest to our guardian and also ruthless enough to solve kamoshida

we were always a little different in the metaverse as opposed to in reality, but now... we kinda just both exist? & can trade who has the body at will

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Joker changed their nickname to Akira

I'm kinda freaked out about this too tbh

Joker's... like me but also not, they're more... they're the kind of person who finds doing heists fun, yeah? 

a little sharper, care a little less about rules and ethics

they're still... a lot like me, but also different

it's a real weird experience

I heard about people who were like this when I was in middle school but I always dismissed it as super rare and probably a hoax

it's real weird to be one

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Wow. That's fascinating.

Do you know what it's called? Is there anything you like us to do differently?

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is this like split personality or somethin?

whatever we call it, i support you two—three—y'all

Ryuji is typing...

hey wait which of you am i goin on a date with?

both? one?

youre both cool

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Ann is typing...

Ann is typing...

Carmen is a little like that too, she chimes in sometimes

and I guess she's supposed to be part of me, right?

so really this thing with you isn't that weird given that everybody here already has a Persona 

and since you have the persona of multiple personas it's maybe something we should've expected

still unexpected though

I just want you two - three? - however many of you you end up with - to know that I support you all

you're cool

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the site I read called it "being multiple" or "multiplicity"

they talked about how the body's everybody in it's responsibility and stuff 

I think that's sensible

Akira is typing...

Akira is typing...

as for your question ryuji — good fuckin' question

we haven't really sorted that out for ourselves 

but it's me who asked so I guess I get to have it?

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Akira changed their nickname to Joker

The last thing I wanna do is get between Akira and —

Akira's giving me the mental stinkeye. And her try at getting a boyfriend. Or other dating relationship

I'd still date everyone here tho tbh so if anyone's interested hit me up 

but like, I should stop embarrassing Akira and let her get back to what she was doing 'cause she was in the middle of something Important

we just thought that when everyone was talking about their personas was a good opportunity to bring this up

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right yeah

Ryuji is typing...



all of you are amazin

that includes everyone in this chat

and id be pretty damn lucky to date all of you

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Same. Most of my focus is on Ann, but all of you are so great.

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Yeah, I have to agree. Shiho comes first but I would definitely not mind dating the rest of you at all

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Joker changed their nickname to Akira

Sounds like we're all on the same page then

im gonna stick with ryuji as my first date but if you and Shiho want to spend time together with me I would absolutely be ok with that

yall are great 

I can't imagine anyone else that I could come to with all this and just have them be totally cool with it

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Okay! I'm glad we all have each other. Goodnight everyone! See all of you tomorrow! <3

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night y'all

lookin forward to sunday, Akira

Ryuji is typing...

Ryuji is typing...


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gn all

Akira puts her phone down, turns out the light, and curls up to sleep.

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Her phone blips.

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Oh yeah, Ann must be saying goodnight too.

She checks it.

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goodnight everyone!

fingers crossed for tomorrow!

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yeah, fingers crossed. 

Akira puts the phone down again and closes her eyes.

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She wakes up in nest of black pillows, in a very familiar home.

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And the first thing she sees is Julie kneeling down into the pillows beside her, a warm smile on her face. "Bon nuit, moitié."

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Akira smiles despite herself. 

This is far better than any prison cell.

She sits up and gently kisses Julie, just once.

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Julie kisses Akira tenderly, stroking her cheek.

"I am so proud of you, chérie. I won't keep you long, tonight. We three truly do need our rest. But I wanted to tell you that, and give you a congratulatory kiss."

She kisses her again.

"You are such a good girl, mon cœur."

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Akira flushes gently, smiles, and lets Julie lay her back down on the expanse of black pillows. 

"Thank you, Julie..."

She smiles, deep and wide and thoughtful, relaxes into the pillows, and closes her eyes again. 

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And with one last kiss to Akira's forehead, Julie lets her drift back off.

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And then the morning comes. It is Saturday, 4/16. Sunny.

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Akira wakes up to messages in the group chat.

Morning! <3

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think todays the day?

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sure hope so

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Akira gets up and gets on her second spare uniform. She needs to do laundry soon... 

Morning all. Fingers crossed!

And she heads downstairs to get her morning curry from Boss.

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Morgana follows her down.

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Coffee, curry, and a little bowl of tuna.

"Morning, kid. How're you feeling?"

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"Great, honestly." She gives him a deep and genuine smile. 

Akira rubs the back of her head. "I'm lucky to have you here, Boss. You've been nothing but good to me. And you make a mean curry and a great cup of joe."

She digs in.

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"Ah, shucks, kid."

He scratches the back of his head.

"Just keep me posted if you hear anything about that coach today, okay?"

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"Yeah, I'll text you if I hear anything."

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He nods.

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She eats quietly, and pets Morgana a little. It's calming. 

Then it's off to Shujin Academy.

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Morgana purrs while being petted, and meow's a thank you at Sojiro, getting a nod in response.

While on the train, they look up at Akira. 

"You and Joker are pretty cool. Maybe it'd be nice to hang out more often, like come to school with you or something."

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Akira smiles. "Yeah, Morgana. Hard to keep an apparent cat in class though."

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They nod. "Makes sense. Don't want to cause you trouble."

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Akira just nods. She'd say more, but the train car's packed with people.

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Morgana gets it. They snuggle close.

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And soon enough Akira's walking up to school.

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Ryuji comes up alongside her on her way in.

"Hey! Good to see ya!"

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"Hey, Ryuji!" Akira grins. "How's it going?"

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"Pretty great!", he replies with a grin.

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Then he looks to the side and blushes. "All this date shit is kind of a surprise, not really somethin' I expected, y'know? But pretty great surprise."

He shoulder-checks her playfully. "You're pretty great."

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Akira laughs. "You're pretty great yourself." She looks away for a moment too, then back at him. "I'm really looking forward to our date tomorrow."

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He blushes, but grins. "Me too. I looked up what's gonna be showin' at the theater in Shibuya tomorrow. We got a re-show of The MartianKung Fu Panda 3Deadpool, and Slumdog Millionaire. Wha'd'you think?"

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"The Martian sounds good and I haven't seen it yet! Or maybe Kung Fu Panda?"

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"I'm good with either! If it was just me, I'd go for Kung Fu Panda, but if you got a preference you pick that one."

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"Let's do Kung Fu Panda then, I think it's a bit more of a date movie than something like the Martian."

Akira can't quite hide her smile.

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Ryuji blushes and grins wider.

"Then that's what we'll see. Fun date movie for my first date with the cute, totally awesome girl I met who saved my life a few times."

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That gets a blush from Akira. 

"Hey, you've been saving me just as much as I've been saving you. But... thank you." She looks away.

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Ryuji blushes harder and gets a contemplative look on his face. "If we're datin', does that mean I can tell you your combat outfit is like ridiculously hot? 'Cause it is."

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Akira flushes a little more and ducks her head. 

"Th-Thank you." 

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He smiles at her, still blushing, as they approach the building.

"See you at lunch, Akira?"

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"I, um, y-yeah!" 

She smiles as brightly as she can.

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As they walk into the building, students are talking about how Kamoshida hasn't even come to school yet today.

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"Oh wow. Yesterday must've really affected him, huh?"

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Akira gives Ryuji a little wave. "See you at lunch!"

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He waves back, and off they go to their separate classes.

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Here's Kawakami, tired as ever. She's no more permissive with rumors about Kamoshida than she is with any other gossip, though.

"Okay, class. Settle down."

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Ann gives Akira a little nod as she comes in and sits down. 

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Akira smiles back and gives her a thumbs-up, then settles into her desk.

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Class proceeds as usual. Teachers come in, teach things, and leave. Soon, three periods have gone by and it's lunch.

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They get a message in the group chat just as class ends.

Since we don't have anyone to hide from anymore, and since we're gonna try all dating, want to sit together for lunch?

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Yeah absolutely 

meet you all in the courtyard?

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works for me!

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hell yeah

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And it's out to the courtyard for Akira and Ann. 

Akira settles under the tree she collapsed at before, and looks around for Ryuji and Shiho.

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Ann sits down next to her and takes out her own lunch.

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Ryuji bursts exuberantly out of the building toward the girls.

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And Shiho emerges at a more normal pace from another building, smiling widely.

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Ryuji sits down with a grin. "Hey girls! A day without Kamoshithead feels pretty fuckin' great, yeah?"

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Shiho giggles and nods. 

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Akira laughs. "Yeah, I hear you. Let's not talk about him though, we've got better things to do. Like, uhhhh — oh yeah, Ann, I got a couple posters for my room like you were pushing me to, did I tell you that?"

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"No, I don't think you mentioned. Posters for what?"

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"Death Note and Rose Noire."

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"Oooh! Rose Noire is great!"

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"Death Note's pretty awesome too. Got some good taste, Akira."

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"I have to admit I haven't actually seen Death Note, but I really like Ryuk's character design so I grabbed a poster of him."

She looks over at Shiho. "Rose Noire is so great. Jill's violin playing is just wonderful, and with Louis' voice, too..."

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"I know, right? I just love their music."

She grins a little wider, looks over at Akira, blushes just a bit.

"What other music do you like?"

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"The goth and visual kei scenes are pretty great. I generally prefer ones with female vocalists. Let me see, there's Unlucky Morpheus, Exist Trace, Kanon Wakeshima, Aural Vampire..."

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Ann looks back and forth between the blushing Shiho and the infodumping Akira and a small smile comes to her lips. 

"It's really good to all be together."

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Shiho grins blushily at Ann, squeezes her hand, then turns back to Akira. "Yeah! Ryuji's right, you do have good taste. Ooh, do you know Danger Gang?"

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"No, I've never heard of them. Tell me more?"

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"They're one of comparatively few metal groups with female vocalists doing the growls, they're an all-female group, and they look so cool!"

She pulls up some images on her phone to show Akira.

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"Oh cool! I really like that second shot with the jackets."

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She grabs Akira's hands, grinning. "Did you know Exist Trace has a concert in Shibuya coming up this June?"

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"Oh! No, I completely didn't know! That's wonderful!" 

Also she is blushing about her hands being grabbed.

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That's fair, Shiho's blushing about grabbing her hands. 

"I wonder if we can get tickets. Would you... um, would you like to go?"

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Akira nods. "I would love to go if we can get tickets."

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Ann chimes in. "I can probably cover tickets for two out of my modeling money. I've got a shoot coming up this Sunday actually."

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Shiho blushes brightly, beams at Ann, and kisses her. "Ann! You're the best!"

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Ann blushes deeply and smiles. 

"I mean, you're so excited about it. How could I resist?"

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"Awwwww! Y'all are so cute."

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"Thank you!", Shiho replies to Ann.

She takes a look at her phone, checking the website, then looks up grinning.

"Eeeee! Tickets are still available! We're gonna see Exist Trace!"

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Ann grins from ear to ear and gets out her own phone. 

"I'll get them for you right now."

She navigates to the concert website and starts punching in information in her phone.

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Shiho grabs Akira's hand and Ann's knee (she doesn't want to shake her hand while she's buying the tickets) and bounces up and down, blushing and excited.

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Akira grins too, and wiggles in place a little, careful not to upset the bento box in her lap. 

"We're gonna see Exist Trace!"

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Ryuji watches this cuteness with a blushy grin.

"Somehow seein' the girl I'm takin' on a date tomorrow so excited about going to a concert date with another girl we both got a crush on isn't makin' me jealous, just... warm an' fuzzy to see y'all so happy an' together. I guess that means this poly shit has a shot."

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Akira grabs Ryuji's hand too. "You're super cool too and I'd love to watch Death Note with you sometime soon by the way I've heard it's really good —"

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More blushing ensues, but also more grinning. "Yeah! We've definitely gotta watch it some time."

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Laying it on a bit thick, aren't we? 

Ryuji's not your mom, he doesn't need to be constantly reassured that whatever he's doing is the best thing ever.

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Akira takes a breath. She squeezes Ryuji's hand, just once, then carefully lets go. 

"I mean... Yeah. Sorry, I just —" She ducks her head. "It means a lot to me that you know I care about you."

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Ann gives Akira a sidelong look, worry crinkling her brow for a moment, but doesn't say anything.

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Ryuji tilts his head a bit in confusion.

"I mean, savin' my ass as many times as you did and askin' me out made that pretty clear?"

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Shiho frowns. "Akira... are you okay?"

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Akira exhales. 

"... I got scared for a second there," she admits. "I still do actually want to watch Death Note with Ryuji and all, but... My family would... if they made comments like "I'm so happy for you" it was always a criticism, you know? And I don't — I'm still not used to being around people who are actually good for me and really mean it when they say they're happy for me."

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Shiho nods softly and squeezes Akira's hand. "Yeah, all Kamoshida's compliments were like that. But we really care about you, as, like, a person, not just status or using you or whatever. You'd never even met me, you'd only known Ann for a couple days, and already you and Joker were fighting to save us. You don't need to be perfect. Just be yourselves, the girls I'm really glad to get to know and already crushing on."

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Ryuji reaches back out and squeezes Akira's hand, shaking his head. "I'm not a complicated dude. I like anime, games, workin' out, beatin' up bad guys, and makin' sure the people I care about are okay and happy. Went from three people to like... five this past week."

He looks her in the eye. "That's you two, in case you're bein' as dense as I usually am about this shit."

He shrugs. "I dunno how this shit works. I just know we're all fuckin' outcasts who've been through too much, and we gotta stick together."

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Ann nods. 

"... I know that fear," she says. "Needing to be — nice, and convenient, and biddable. That's what Kamoshida wanted too. But..." 

She shakes her head. "It's better to fight. Better to be yourself."

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Akira ducks her head and smiles, this time genuinely. 

"... thanks, everyone. I — I'll try my best."

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And a few minutes after that, the bell rings, signalling the end of lunch.

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"See y'all after school!"

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Shiho smiles and waves.

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"See y'all!"

Akira risks taking Ann's hand for the walk back to class.

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She flushes for a moment, but then nods. 

They head back to class together.

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When they get back to their classroom, Kawakami is waiting at the front of the room for everyone. Once they've all arrived, she gets their attention.

"Okay, this afternoon is getting disrupted. Coach Kamoshida just arrived during lunch and asked for an urgent assembly. Everybody follow me to the gym."

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The other students find this very confusing and interesting, but have absolutely no idea what's going on.

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Okay, this is either really good or really bad. Not a lot in-between. 

Akira gets up from her desk and proceeds in an orderly fashion toward the gym. It's not like she has much other choice.

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Ann follows, and shoots Akira a worried glance.

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Akira takes her hand and squeezes once, then keeps moving.

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She nods and manages a small smile. 

The pair of them file into the gym and take their seats om the floor. 

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The students are whispering back and forth.

"What's with the sudden afternoon assembly?"

    "Maybe it has to do with that weird calling card yesterday?"

        "The teachers have been pretty freaked out."

    "Are the principal and Kamoshida gonna announce who did it?"

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Ryuji and Shiho arrive as well, taking places next to Akira and Ann.

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"Let's begin this school-wide afternoon assembly. Kamoshida-san would like to say a few words to you all."

The principal looks around to find Kamoshida.

"He... should be here any moment."

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Suddenly the doors to the gym are thrown open, and in walks Kamoshida. His head hangs low, and his expression is distraught. His voice carries across the entire gym, though he speaks softly.

"I... have been reborn."

He walks across the room and up onto the stage, speaking as he goes.

"That is why I will confess everything to you all."

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A hushed murmur ripples through the students.

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Oh good

Akira does her best to suppress her smile.


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Ann looks over at Kamoshida like she could drill a hole in him with the intensity of her gaze.

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Shiho's mouth falls open for a moment, and she squeezes Ann's hand tightly.

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Ryuji just glares at him.

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"What's wrong with Kamoshida-san?"

        "Did the volleyball team do something?"

    "What's this about?"

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He reaches the podium and resumes speaking.

"I have repeatedly done things that were... unbecoming of a teacher.

He looks down in shame.

"Verbally abusing students, physically abusing my team, and..." He sighs.

"Sexually harassing female students."

He falls to his knees.

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The whispers turn disgusted.

    "Sexual harassment?"


"Why would he say that himself?"

  "He is the worst!"

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Ann can't help but let a little satisfaction show.

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Akira schools her face carefully blank. 

It really worked, then. They made him change.

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Shiho just stares.

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"I thought of this school as my own castle. There were even students I was planning to expel, simply because they helped other students resist my control."

His shoulders shake and his voice quavers.

"I am truly sorry for putting innocent youths through such horrible acts. I am an arrogant, shallow, shameful person— No, I'm worse than that." 

He bows his head to the floor of the stage in supplication. "I will take responsibility and kill myself for it!"

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    "Did he just say that?"

  "—kill himself?"

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Kobayakawa rushes up to him. "Kamoshida-san! Please, get off the stage for now!"

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Another teacher calls out in the audience. "Everyone, return to your classes!"

The students don't budge.

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Oh shit, they might have gone too far. Did Ann's slap break something? She told him he was scum, did that stick?

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And then Shiho interrupts everyone, the outrage in her voice carrying to all present.

"How dare you take the easy way out. All of us you've hurt have to live with the scars of this, so you don't get to be done yet. There are specific harms that will take work to heal. You have amends to make."

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Ryuji arches an eyebrow at Shiho, surprised and impressed.

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Heh. That's Shiho for you. Strong as ever.

Akira smiles into her hand.

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"Shiho's right," Ann calls out. "You're not done yet. After everything you've done to everyone, threatening both of us, almost raping Shiho — every day I've seen her with bruises you left her with —"

She stomps her foot. "You don't get to run away from that!"

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He lifts himself off the ground, back up onto his knees.

"You're right... You're absolutely right. I should be punished under the law and atone for my crimes. And I have done horrible things to a few students in particular.

"Wednesday night I intended to rape Suzui-san, and was only prevented because she was taken from the school before she responded to my summons.

"Over the past weeks and months, I've attempted to coerce Takamaki-san into having relations, threatening Suzui-san's position on the volleyball team to extort her. I encouraged the rumors that we were dating, in hopes that the social pressure would force her to give in and do so.

"I threatened Suzui-san into keeping quiet about my abuses by threatening to hurt Takamaki-san.

"And I personally orchestrated the destruction of the track team, by spreading rumors about one of its star members, Sakamoto-san, and goading him into striking me so I could break his leg under a claim of self-defense, and disband the team with accusations of his being representative of the whole."

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"Threatening them both?"

      "—her position on the team?"

  "So the rumors weren't true..."


    "Sakamoto wasn't a traitor?"


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Ann smiles and sits back down, her arms crossed.

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The direct callouts aren't ideal but she can live with it. 

What about that other boy, though? Mishima?

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Ryuji looks kind of shocked.

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Shiho nods firmly and leans against Ann.

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"As of today, I will resign from my position as an instructor and turn myself in. Someone please call the police!"

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"The police!?"

    "Is he for real?"

  "He's gonna get arrested?"

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The same teacher who spoke up earlier bustles into the crowd. "This morning's assembly is over! Return to your classes immediately!"

The students don't obey particularly promptly, instead gossiping heatedly.

"Isn't this just like what that calling card said?

    "Does this mean the Phantom Thieves thing was for real!?"

  "Was something done to Kamoshida!?"

      "C'mon, there's no way you could steal someone's heart!"

            "But why else would he start saying things like he'll kill himself or turn himself in?"

        "Maybe because it almost got leaked? Don't they go easier on you if you turn yourself in?"

          "I wonder what happened?"

      "Who knows? But man, Kamoshida turned out to be one sick bastard.

  "He's turning himself in just like that!?"

"But what's going to happen to the volleyball team?"

The teacher tries again. "Return to your classrooms at once!"

And the students finally start milling away.

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... That's a job well done, even if Shiho and Ann couldn't resist drawing attention to themselves.

Akira heads back toward class. Got to keep her head down. 

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A bruised-up boy comes over and stops by Shiho. 

"I'm sorry," he says. "I — told you to go — I didn't know —"

He looks down at the gym floor. "I knew it wasn't anything good, though. I should've... had more courage."

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Shiho closes her eyes for a moment, takes a couple slow breaths, and squeezes Ann's hand. 

When she opens them, she shakes her head. "You had it just as bad, Mishima-kun. Maybe not the... sex stuff, but the spikes you took to the face were worse. It's his fault, not yours."

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"I guess so..."

He sighs.

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Ann squeezes Shiho's hand back.

They got through it. Together.

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A brown-haired girl and a black-haired girl walk up to Ann, next.

"Takamaki-san, I had you all wrong. I'm sorry that I spread rumors about you!"

    "I didn't know at all... Kamoshida was forcefully pushing himself on you, and threatening your best friend... It must've been so hard for you two!"

"I'm sure there's a ton of people who want to apologize to you, Takamaki-san. We're so sorry!"

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Ann gives them a gracious nod. "You couldn't have known. Be a little less quick to judge next time."

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They nod.

Then the teacher who's been trying to clear the gym comes up to them. "Hey, you there! Return to class at once!"

The two girls nod and step back.

"W-Well, see you later then!"

And they're gone.

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It's back to class for her, then. She'll hold Shiho's hand as far as she can. 

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Mishima watches for a moment before a teacher hurries him off.

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Shiho holds Ann's hand too, all the way until they have to separate for class.

"Thank you," she whispers.

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Ann just gives her a smug grin and nods.

Then it's back to class.

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The students are agitated and gossipy, but they mostly settle down for the rest of the school day. 

Soon enough, they've been released for the afternoon.

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And it's back to the train station and then home. 

Akira's heart feels so light. It's hard to keep from whistling or humming.

She practically sashays out of the building, Ann by her side.

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Shiho bounds out as well, grinning ear to ear. She runs up and hugs Akira and Ann.

"We did it," she whispers excitedly. "We're free."

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Ryuji's right behind them and gets in on the group hug, laughing.

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Akira grins and hugs everyone close. 

"We did."

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Ann grins, and adds to the whisper. "Phantom Thieves forever!"

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And off they all go, home again, a successful heist finally behind them.