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Julie spears the rest with curses. As they fall, she turns to Clover and Joker and speaks.

"Time has felt sticky since he made his threat. We may still have a chance. Go!"


Clover's not going to let this bastard lay a hand on Shiho. 

Back out through the castle, down flight after flight of stairs, smoke and ash burning in her wake. She charges as fast as she can, smashing her way through guard after guard. Even the rope down doesn't stop her for long. 


Joker doesn't spare the strikes from Julie either. They're getting out as fast as she can manage it.


Skull chases after them, blasting away with Captain Kidd's lightning, stopping for nothing.


And Mona darts ahead occasionally, opening doors as they reach them, keeping the path moving.


When they reach the broken stair, everyone just leaps down, not bothering for the rope, and keeps sprinting.


Guards fall around them as they pass, landing in twitching heaps or charred husks before melting away into the darkness once more.


And then it's back out through the vent. 

"Clover, your phone. You've got to warn her."


"I've got it." Ann pulls it. 

This is going to hurt. 

She hits the metaverse explorer on her phone and transitions back to the real world.


Ann hammers out the message on her phone as fast as she can. 

Shiho I love you

don't protect me

you're more important

She jams the send button with her thumb, then looks around wildly. Where is she where's Shiho practicing —


As Ann hits send, she hears Carmen's voice ring through her mind.

It will cost us, corazón, but I will hold off el agotamiento a little longer. Run to her.

Somehow, she instinctively knows Carmen means the looming exhaustion. She can feel fire burning in her heart, in her veins.


Ann doesn't need to be told twice. 

She goes at a flat-out sprint toward the practice field. 


Akira follows as fast as she can.


In a hallway, halfway between the gym and Kamoshida's office, a girl walks.

Her steps are leaden.

Her phone pings, but she doesn't check it. 

Her breath is shallow.





Ann runs up and grabs her arm. 

"Shiho," she manages, her voice a sharp hiss. "You don't have to do this for me." 

She's out of breath. She doesn't have much time. "I love you," she says. "I can't let him hurt you."


She looks up as someone reaches her and grabs her arm. "What? Ann? You— How?"

How does Ann know Kamoshida sent for her?

How did she know Shiho was doing this for her?

How could Ann love her?

How could Ann love her?

She's just a volleyball player.

That's all she has.


"I don't have much time. This whole time kamoshida's been threatening me with hurting you. That's why I went along with so much."

Ann takes Shiho's hand in both of hers and clasps it as hard as she can. "I love you." She looks as deep into her eyes as she can. 

"Now we've got to get away before Kamoshida sees us."


"Ann's right, we've got to hurry. Please. Trust us on this."

She can already see Ann starting to droop. The fatigue's burning through her determination.


"I— what— He was threatening you?"

She shakes her head, and squeezes Ann's hand.

"Okay. Let's go."


Ann holds Shiho's hand as hard as she can, and runs for it. She's got to get somewhere secluded off campus as soon as possible. 


Akira runs to catch up. She's got to be there when Ann passes out or this will just turn into an even worse situation. 


Ryuji's chasing after them, and catches up when they turn to head back off campus. "You found her in time? Thank fuck. Let's get off campus and call a cab, you can't have long before you pass out."


Shiho runs with them. "Pass out? What? Why's Ann going to pass out?"


They can see the edge of campus.


Akira bites out words between panting breaths. "Pushed herself hard to get to you in time. Long story. Ryuji, call that cab, if Ann drops keep her safe and get her home. I'll stay with Shiho."

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