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"I won't lie, it's been a mess in a couple ways, but we've got each other, so we've been managing."


She brightens up again. "Ann actually confessed to her middle school crush today, and she said yes, so there's been some good things happening too."


"Awwww! That's great. I'm so glad you're managing to find some good amidst it all."


Akira nods, suddenly serious. "You've got to appreciate the beauty too while it's there. Otherwise, what's the point?"


She nods. "There isn't one. If you don't find things to enjoy, you're just turning into a goalbot."


Akira nods. "I've never been the best at that, but I've been trying to rest where I can." She has a bit more of her curry.


Takemi's about finished with hers. She has the last bite. 

"It's good to catch up. I should probably head out, though."


"Yeah. See you around, Takemi."

She's still got some curry to finish, so she'll linger and see if Sakura-san wants to talk.


She brings her dishes up to the counter, thanks Sakura-san again, and heads off.


The other customers finished and left as well, so Sojiro comes and sits down across from her in the booth. "How'd today go, kid?"


"Well, actually. Shiho got a request from the gym teacher to see him in his office, where anything could've happened, but Ann managed to get there just in time and keep her from going in. Ann confessed her crush right then to get through to her, it was very dramatic.

Both of them are going to be taking the day off from school tomorrow so they can duck any reprisals from the gym teacher. Everyone's physically fine, and Ann's awakened her powers too. We had a hard time getting her home while she was exhausted, but everything worked out in the end."


He just blinks for a moment and shakes his head. "You're dealing with too much, kid. Least you seem to be handling it. Classes went okay?"


"Yeah. They're honestly super restful and normal compared to all the other stuff that's going on."


"At least there's that. You really seem like a smart girl, Akira. I wish you didn't have to do all this magical crap."


She just nods. She doesn't trust her voice right now. 


This is what you get for inviting him in, Akira. He gets to start having opinions on it just like your old parents used to. 

He doesn't know what's really going on, and you can't explain the truth in a way he can really get

You've been being a good girl for far too long, and now it's coming back to bite you.


He shakes his head. "Well, keep at it. I'll leave you to it. Cleanup to do."

And up he gets.


Akira feels tired all of a sudden.

She heads upstairs and flops into bed. 

She should be happy. She succeeded today. Everyone got out okay. Shiho's on their side. She's doing her best and winning. 

All she can manage, though, is cold dread of tomorrow.

She sorts her pack so the gun's at the very bottom and won't be seen easily, then curls up in her bed and tries to sleep. 

It doesn't come easily, but eventually it does come.


And soon enough so does the morning. Welcome to Thursday, 4/14.


Mmmh. Another day. 

What to do about the airsoft gun this morning? It's in the very bottom of her pack, nobody should notice it... 

She changes into another spare uniform, puts on her pack, and heads downstairs, texting on her phone. 

Morning Shiho, morning Ryuji

Just up, omw to school


Just got up too. Convinced the parents I'm sick. Waiting for them to leave before going to Ann's.



good to hear, Shiho

see you at school Akira



Akira tucks her phone into her blazer pocket and stops at the bar for her usual bowl of curry from Sakura-san.


There he is, plating it up for her and pouring a coffee as he hears her step down. "Good luck out there, kid."


"Thanks a lot, Boss." Akira eats, and she texts Shiho. 

I picked something up for you yesterday that I need to drop off before going to class

can you drop by the train station outside the academy before you go see to Ann?

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