"Yeah, pretty much. As to why no monsters..." Safe sane and consensual? No, no, can't go with that, it won't make sense, so: "... it seems like it could go really badly, really easily? I can't... put people back together? I guess I might be able to make a healing artifact, maybe, but natively, I can't put you back together like I can with a wall. If you break, that's kind of it, I have broken something and it might not be fixable, possibly ever. If I fuck up a puzzle, someone will be frustrated for a while, or I'll need to step in and help them out, or something, but if I make and throw literal murder monsters at people, then, uh. That could go so very wrong, so very easily, even with safety precautions in place? It's higher risk than I'm comfortable with.
"I'm also not convinced what I'd gain from that would even be worth it? It'd be easier on me, I guess, but. ... I want people to trust that they can come in here and be okay? That seems better long term, having a positive working relationship with Adventurers. And, hm, if everyone is expecting that... at any point in time, I might drop spiders on people, or something, then only people that could handle spiders-or-whatever would ever come in. So. Open to people that can't deal with spiders being dropped on them. Or the equivalent. I don't really know what things other dungeons do, that just seems like how you all act when you come in here. Like at any time, spiders could be dropped on you."