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in which Aestrix is a dungeon
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The other protections are easy enough, very similar to some of her other enchantments. The last layer, on the other hand, feels a bit strange as she starts to apply it. The concept binds to the material well enough as she goes, settling into place without issue. The problem is that once part of the outer shell is enchanted, she stops being able to feel it, the material becoming like the dirt beyond her walls where she has not yet extended her influence.


…..!!!!! Uh how about she not do that, and instead, perhaps, carefully dismantle the information based shielding as soon as possible, thank you!!!! Aaa? Aaa. Might’ve just accidentally almost cut herself off from the world and trapped herself in a tiny little sphere, which is horrifying!! Note to self! Fucking talk to people before you do experiments, dumbass!!!!


The enchantment ... really doesn't want to unravel. Making something information-resistant turns out to also make it resistant to whatever she does to ravel and unravel concepts.

Still, with a bit of careful pulling, she can slowly pick apart the magic. Once she does, the piece of shell that had been holding it crumbles to dust.


Gosh that sure was an interesting experiment that she should not have had so fucking close to her core!!! What interesting implications it has for the future, that she will not think about right now because actually she thinks she wants to instead start sorting carbon out of things. …. After carefully taking notes on what precisely she did, and what happened. So she remembers it properly. Actually, how about she takes notes on paper (made from wood, not directly conjured), and then stuff it in a folder of shame labeled REASONS WHY I AM A DUMBASS. Probably she should tell Kose. Probably she should leave this on Kose’s desk like a guilty child. …. She will, eventually, but. Later. She. She needs a minute.

“Hey can I work on weaving and textiles now,” she asks Rokat, not managing to keep her still-definitely-not-okay out of her voice. “I am absolutely certain I can make it so none of you ever have to spin thread ever again. … unless you want to. Then obviously you can. Just, you wouldn’t need to.”


Rokat blinks.

"Are you okay, dear?" she asks, stopping her drop spindle and settling it in her lap. She looks up at Aestrix's arches with the slightly concerned look of someone speculating about whether a building needs a hug, and if so how to manage it.


“Yyyyyyyyes but I am a very stupid idiot who needs to remember experimental safety! Uh.” Fuck it. Folder of shame gets to be dropped on Rokat’s lap. “I don’t know if our writing systems are the same or… I guess if you are literate, um. Short answer is I was putting up protections around my core, and I was almost so thorough I maybealmostlockedmyselfinatinysphereofsadness, which, like, really useful to know, what a clever idea, that I should have messed with elsewhere, and maybe, you know, told my fucking humans about before touching! I am very sorry. And very stupid. And wish to automate all of your textile work for comfort.”


Rokat picks up the folder and examines the writing within.

"I'm not sure if you breathe," Rokat begins. "But breathe. Everything's fine. Close calls are always nerve-wracking, but now you'll know to do better next time," she councils, more or less on parenting autopilot.

"The good news is, it looks like I should be able to read this just fine. I'm not exactly a fast reader, but we do have a few books."

She closes the folder and sets it in her lap.

"I think I probably won't understand it, though. If automating textile work is what will help right now, we can do that. But let me know if you want to talk about your near miss — either now or after I've read through this. What do you need to get started on making a spinning artifact? Do you want to see my spindle?"


“Right. Uh. I don’t breathe, but I did take a minute to sort carbon out of things as my first self comfort method. Which is maybe my dungeon equivalent.

“… I think I would be able to handle this and do a self care if it were just me, but. … I guess I’m really feeling the pressure of. Uh. Being an entire village’s dungeon. Having so much responsibility? I take it very, very seriously, you’ve probably noticed,” she’s a little wry as she says this. “So it’s, I feel like everything I do should be in service to the overall goal of, er, I guess it’s a bit over dramatic to say ‘saving humanity,’ but. That. Which I acknowledge is neither sustainable, nor healthy, and will result in me having a little dungeon nervous breakdown or something, but. That’s the psychology at play here.

“So stealing your spinning work is a brain hack of ‘I think it will be useful’, ‘I think it will be low stakes’, and ‘I think it will be very psychologically soothing.’ It is a very good thing for me to hyperfocus on for a bit to make myself chill out while I try to… come to some kind of equilibrium. About how to sustainably save some fraction of humanity, and also be okay. Part of me being okay is very… I really do sincerely like doing useful things!! Um. So yes, I would love to see your spindle, I will also happily enchant it for you.”

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