a supervillain kidnaps a girl to fatten her up
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"Is there a type of cake called a princess cake or are you just doubling up on pet names?"


"It's a type of cake! Hemisphere covered in marzipan. I'll have the goons make us one when we're home, this isn't the right continent to get a good one out and about."


"I'm genuinely amazed that you know this many foods."


"They say to write what you know but I'm not a writer so I eat it instead."


"Shit, now I'm thinking about the actual meaning carried by the words 'lift you' and terrified I'm inevitably gonna let you down."


"I said 'pick me up', you can probably do it with enough squats and good balance if you do the thing where you balance me on your pelvis."


"Oh, yeah, shit, you lift with your legs. I'll make sure to incorporate those into my workout routine, insofar as you can call randomly doing pushups or situps whenever I have the energy a routine."


"Huh, if you're usually too tired I can whip up something short-term for that to get you going and then you should be able to bootstrap a bit."


"I'm less constantly tired now than I was pre-you, but not zero. That might be helpful, assuming no horrible side effects."


"I'll need more details on what kinda tired but it can wait till I have my lab."


Katie checks the time on her phone.




She boredly reads through the event program to see if any biotinkers are looking for test subjects for interesting experiments.


Yes! There are recruiting human challenge trials for many things, some undisclosed and others including things like photosynthesizing skin, the ability to sense magnetic fields "now with 40% less risk of heavy metal poisoning", a third and fourth set of teeth after the fashion of baby and adult teeth, a vaccine for ebola, and an enhanced sense of smell.

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