a supervillain kidnaps a girl to fatten her up
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Do you mean that in a good way or a bad way

Also it may be as inescapable as iron but it's far more comfy

the iron grip of carceral psychiatry: both, always
unicorn: it's robin, what do you expect XD

Y'know how the leftist response to right-libertarians is always "are you really free if you're starving on the street?"

Am I really free if I don't have a fat woman shoving her tits in my face?

spirulinagalaxy: yes!!

Ok Ayn Rand I'll just go pull myself up by my bootstraps then

spirulinagalaxy: this is now a completely academic question for you anyway

the POINT is that it's easy for you to say that maintaining the moral high ground is more important than having a partner when you guys all already have them!

unicorn: no I don't??
Mezzopiano: K, if that did it, then wouldn't you start gathering yourself some moral high ground too around now

y'know what yeah i should do that

mezzo your relationship is unethical because uuuuhhhh having sex with a circumcised man encourages parents to circumcise their kids

it makes sense if you understand decision theory

Mezzopiano: well, we're not having kids, so the "let's see if God gives them Jewish grandchildren" principle is holding firm against

wait what, is this some jewish thing i'm not familiar with or am i just stupid and forgetting something/missing something obvious

Mezzopiano: oh there's just like, a gradual generation by generation secularization trend till at some point the kids barely identify as Jewish, thing, and if somebody is like, "let's try being slightly more liberal about X" the response from people who think that'll contribute to the slippery slope is "we'll see if God gives you Jewish grandchildren"

i see

society is fucked up

anyways i wish i could brag about my ancestors not being infected with the spiritual virus that is christianity, why the hell would you give up on that just because you like lobster or don't feel like waking up early to go to temple

unicorn: k what does that even mean

it means even if you don't believe in the religion you should at least take pride in the fact that it's better than those other people's stupid-ass religion

Mezzopiano: I'm not sure what would stop anybody eligible from doing that

idk apparently something is!

Mezzopiano: no longer identifying as Jewish doesn't usually make people Christian, it makes them atheists

i mean yeah but as they say in northern ireland are they protestant atheists or catholic atheists or as it may be jewish atheists

Mezzopiano: lots of people are Jewish atheists....
the iron grip of carceral psychiatry: I resemble that remark

anyways like are you guys really gonna get mad at me just because i've found the woman of my dreams and she isn't some perfect angel

spirulinagalaxy: we are not talking here about a woman who litters and tells racist jokes! the topic was murders!

i really do not know how else to put this

it is just not reasonable to expect me to put moral considerations above fulfilling my base primal needs

unicorn: what do you think reasonable means

idk what do you think it means

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