Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"You might be able to get daeva to do it if you can finesse a long term summon. We get our summoners' languages."
"Fairies are easy to pay - they're telekinetic but they have to acquire their physical belongings the same way anyone else does - and would work fine for translation work. It's us demons who are complicated. It doesn't have to be music, writing works, recommendations work even if Hell has already curated the thing as long as your recommendations are or seem informed."
"You wanna wander around two days and then come pick him up to translate for us?" Cam asks Timothy.
"Sure, and that way if we get kicked out for rudeness to the Melkor-worshippers we'll have seen a bit of the city first."
The temples are very large and imposing and slightly scary to set foot in even knowing they've been empty a long time. "I wonder if Utumno is a tourist destination."
Cam looks at the map. "It might be, sites of atrocities on Earth in Revelation sometimes are."
"I'm not sure, I haven't done much atrocity tourism, but I know people go look at World War II concentration camps."
"I told Sauron he was worse than Hitler, it wasn't as satisfying as it should have been."
"Maybe killing him will be satisfying enough to make up for it."
And two days later they go meet the orc at the tourism bureau.