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"I would like that a lot.


So if yesterday was not actually trying -"


"Oh, did you not come to a sober considered decision in favor, you need to get carried away?"


"I'm in favor, and I'm flirting with you." He very gently pats Cir's hair.


Cir beams up at him. "Yesterday was not trying very hard. Do you want me to try very hard?"


"I confess curiosity."


Cir puts his hand over Maitimo's where it's in his hair and holds it there while he slides the rest of the way out of his chair to kneel on the floor at Maitimo's feet.

He leans his cheek on his thigh and looks up at him wide-eyed and says, "Please, please fuck me, I can't wait to have you inside of me Maitimo please -"


HIs breath catches but he looks slightly more flustered than seduced. His ears go pink again and he blinks rapidly as if that'll help his hearing -


"- did I overshoot, that didn't occur to me I haven't seen you thrown off balance like that before -"


" - humans are very human," he splutters at him after a second. "Though I guess if the entire population of Valinor talked like that too I wouldn't know -"


"I can tone it down," says Cir, nudging his head into Maitimo's hand cheerfully. "Please scoop me up and take me to bed, Maitimo."


"Don't call me that here," he says, and scoops him up, and ruffles his hair curiously and starts tugging off his clothes. "I let everyone call me that precisely because it's intimate and it did not occur to me that some time I might want words the whole world didn't have."


Cir is very scoopable and his clothes are not hard to take off. "What d'you want me to call you?"


"His grace Nelyafinwë son of Curufinwë, crown prince of the Noldor and now a few outlying planetoids," he says with perfect seriousness, and then gets distracted by all this unclothed Cir. "I will be very upset if you mess it up."


So unclothed. Cir squirms a little into a more distracting pose. "But I'm so forgetful. What if I leave off the planetoids."


"I will make you better memory blessings, of course." Nibble. 


Whimper. "Thank you your grace Nelyafinwë son of Curufinwë crown prince of the Noldor," he says all very fast.


"And outlying planetoids," he sings, but by this point they are both very otherwise distracted.



Elsewhere, Cam snuffs a mouse.


He squeezes his hand and sighs. "Valar still will be a while.

We could pay for a goldmage to jump, have them tell us the results of a test on the nearest one... or get like ten tests of various things we can't actually check, simultaneously, have them jumped back..."


"We are trying not to contribute to goldmage demand."


"I am aware. The door could open for a Melkor or a Sauron somewhere, you know."


"I think it wouldn't - there's some inscrutable screening for people who won't make too much trouble - but maybe." Shrug. "Could tell them about the antimagic world the one portaled to, bag another Eru."


"I'm not totally sure that works if the Eru doesn't think it's a grand story itself."


"You're probably right."


"Talking irresponsible deities into dramatic suicides would be fun but I'm suspicious it might sometimes go very badly. Also flat Ardas might just crumble."

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