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the power that's inside
Permalink Mark Unread

Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.

Permalink Mark Unread

She will encounter some slightly older kids without animals. "Oh, new person! Welcome to Milliways!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...that's very welcoming, do you also do explaining."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think they were meaning to write up a fact sheet but never got around to it? Anyway! There are other dimensions! Some have magic, some don't, some have humans, some don't - I'm assuming you're human, you look human -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I look human 'cause I am, this looks like a Zigzagoon 'cause he is..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We do not have Zigzagoons. Anyway, Milliways randomly opens its door on new worlds - or, not randomly but we aren't the ones controlling it - and people are hanging out here curing everything wrong with all the worlds we can reach - like, if you have death, we can fix that -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We have Zigzagoons and death. How do you fix it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Close the door. Pauses time in your world so no one dies while we're explaining. Maybe get a grownup first if you know one who's close by and would be useful?"

Permalink Mark Unread

She shuts the door. "Useful for what? Most grownups aren't particularly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fixing your world? I mostly know useful grownups but Milliways seems to mostly grab useful people. Anyway, there's a kind of magic being you can summon and if you do that then you become one when you die and they're indestructible and live forever, so that's death solved."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's the catch?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, you're supposed to trade them stuff when you summon them and some places don't really have anything to offer them, and if you do something stupid then they can get loose and kill people - most of them don't want to, but if all humans had tons of magic and were indestructible and wouldn't get in trouble for it..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, do they like Zigzagoons, we have a lot of those."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And you're the only ones who do, so I bet Zigzagoons will go over great unless feeding them and taking care of them is a hassle or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You do have to feed them and train them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Magic food or anything? What happens if you don't train them?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nnnno, regular chow and treats are fine. If you don't train them then they might do things you do not want them to like eat your furniture or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Those don't sound like dealbreakers. Yeah, you can trade Zigzagoons. Are most people literate?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Of course they are!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Lots of places they aren't, my world they aren't. We still do summoning in those but the Elves send tons of support staff. Wanna go summon an angel?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think you explained enough things yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are kind of a ton of things, do you have specific questions?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do I have to trade something right away? I want this Zigzagoon, he's mine. I'd have to go catch another one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're supposed to trade stuff every time but I'm a wizard, I can give you something for it this time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's a wizard?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where I'm from some people have magic. We can use it to make stuff, and daeva aren't magic so we can usually trade them magic stuff. If they want something mundane we can buy it off the bar."

Permalink Mark Unread


"Is there someone around who will be better at guessing what I might already know and what I might not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe? You can talk to Bar directly and there're lots of people around though the majority are Elves - they're another species, taller than humans and immortal by default and with telepathy which you can block by thinking about keeping your thoughts private -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"See, that's a thing I didn't know, that should have gone first unless also we're on an active volcano."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They don't listen to people who're new and might not have it down yet. But yeah, you just pick a way of mentally designating things secret and then they can't."

Permalink Mark Unread

She hums about that for a moment and then says "How do I tell if I did it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Bug an Elf. I think Mingling was around here earlier - Mingling, new person, come meet her -"

Permalink Mark Unread

He pops around a corner. "Hi! I'm Maitimo and this is Cadillac."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why are you introducing your toy?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wanted to! Nice to meet you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why did you want to?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Because otherwise you wouldn't know Cadillac's name. I don't know your name. I like knowing names."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm Bella. Do I have to remember Cadillac's name, because that seems stupid? Do you want my Pokémon's name too?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes I want your Pokémon's name," he says patiently. "No one else has to remember them but I do."

Permalink Mark Unread

"This is Zag. It's not a very good name but I didn't pick it, he used to be my mom's."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi Zag!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Bella wants to know if she has the osanwë thing down."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would have to try listening for your thoughts, do you want me to do that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If I don't have it how much stuff do you get?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Things you are thinking right now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...okay try."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nope! I can tell you're there but it's like you aren't thinking anything."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Nodnod. "I really scared Cam when he came because I didn't know people other places didn't have osanwë. It sounds kind of lonely."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...why would it be lonely? We can talk."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, but you can't send senses, feelings, ideas you don't have words for... and you can only talk to one person at a time..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We can too talk to more people if they're close enough."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nodnod. "Anyway you have it all good. Nice to meet you. Does Zag want to learn too?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...he's a Pokémon. He's pretty smart but that might be a bit much."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is he smart enough I shouldn't try reading his mind though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think so... Hey, how do you speak my language."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Milliways has a universal translation effect. I speak English and Latin and Greek and a bit of Igbo, he speaks Quenya, but you'll hear whatever your native language is."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hey Zag, say something."


"Yeah I don't think you need to worry about reading his mind."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay! Welcome to Milliways!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Who made this place?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We don't know and they are non-interventionist as far as we can tell. There's security which enforces the rules - don't attack people, pretty much - and an infirmary and Bar, who can recommend you food and drinks and books and medium-sized nonmagical stuff but can't explain how the door opens, or who made the bar."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't have any money."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So the daeva I mentioned earlier come in three types. Demons make stuff, angels change stuff, fairies move stuff. I have a brother who died and now he's a demon so we have infinite money, basically, you can just ask Bar to open a tab and then ask my brother Minor for tons of money next time he's around."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That would work really well if I knew what he looked like or anything."

Permalink Mark Unread

He helpfully bounces her a mental image. "You can also ask Cam and Amriac, they're demons too! Or I can summon a demon, I have been summoning lots of demons for interviews and I know one who likes little kids."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's the catch?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He blinks confusedly. 

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" - since demons can make arbitrary stuff it's usually hard to pay them? We've pretty much got that problem solved with all the magic we have around here. Is that the kind of catch you mean?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sorta. I dunno, it's very weird that I would be looking for the library and find this place, if this were a story there would be something wrong with it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are lots of things wrong in the multiverse but unless Zag has secret god-killing abilities you haven't mentioned you could kinda pretty much steer clear of them and just roll out summoning in your world. Or ask the Elves to do it for you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"She looks like Ambela a bit but little."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, yeah, maybe a little."

Permalink Mark Unread

Down the stairs comes Cam.

Permalink Mark Unread

And Timothy - "oh my god. Oh my god. Thank you, landlords - they're actually listening - do you suppose they then continued to listen because -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Let's maybe not think about that. Hi there!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi. You have wings, why do you have those?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"So I can fly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...that's a good reason."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's Cam he's one of the other demons I mentioned."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And I'm Timothy. Hi!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi, I'm Bella. And this is Zag. He's a Zigzagoon, apparently you don't have them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We do not. Hi, Zag."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Has anyone explained what's up, Bella?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think they sort of tried."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's kind of a lot. Do we have a summary written up -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not really. Keeps being unclear who should write it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you have particular areas of interest, tiny Bell?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...what'd you call me?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, dfiferent universes have the same people in them, for some reason. Mingling and I are alternate universe versions, you and Cam and Ambela and Kib and Miranda are. - I'm going off the fact that you look like a small Ambela, are named 'Bella', and I just asked for a tiny Bell, I suppose it is possible these things are coincidences."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Who did you ask, 'cause it wasn't me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The landlords. I was not at all expecting it to work."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The who?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Beings and/or impersonal forces who decide who gets a door."

Permalink Mark Unread


"That's weird."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is. They have my gratitude, though, otherwise we'd never have found the multiverse and there's a lot that can be accomplished now that couldn't have without Milliways." And they haven't, like, given a Melkor a door, though he doesn't say that. And they could've given Cam one six months sooner, but he doesn't say that either.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Like the death thing? They said we could trade Zigzagoons for immortality..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can summon and become a daeva when you die, yeah, at least probably. It's worked everywhere so far. Summoning works better in societies that have something to trade but we're going to make it work everywhere."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm pretty sure you don't need to set a task and payment to collect on the immortality, but response rates might suffer if a lot of summonses were just 'hi, sending you home now'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And we're going to increase supply, eventually, but there's going to be a lag - and we might not increase supply much if people mostly summon back their relatives for good - and we're increasing demand a lot in the meantime..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I don't think you can count on a lot of ex-summoner daeva entering the summonee population if their bereaved actually know how it all works."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So we should make summoning really really worth the daeva's time. - I might pass my Singularity alt a note to do something about gags in Revelation, it seems like that kind of turns a fair few demons off taking summons..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It really does."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Kind of an adverse selection thing, too, I bet it turns off friendly curious people more than the ones who just want to murder someone once they get a chance... we're being terribly rude, Bella, sorry. Are there any gaps in the explanation we can fill in for you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...all of them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, lemme get a sense of where you're coming from. Name something that was invented recently."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, the really fast trains?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you have airplanes?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not personally."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam snorts. "Okay. Have you got magic?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not really unless you want to count Pokémon and psychics and stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I may want to count those things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, we have those. Are your 'mon less with the special attacks?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We don't have the thing you're talking about at all, I think."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...really? Like, no Zigzagoons is one thing..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What are Pokémon? Certain category of animals?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's an animal?"

Permalink Mark Unread

" - Mingling -"

Permalink Mark Unread

He sends the concept: ducksbearscatstoads are animals, plantsrockswaterfalls aren't -

Permalink Mark Unread

"...the first things looked sort of like weird Pokémon, but there are 'mon that are plants and rocks too..."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - weird. The Elves will approve, they are upset by wild animal suffering. How do Pokémon reproduce, what makes something a Pokémon if not all plants and rocks are..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They lay eggs, and the plants and rocks that are 'mon can move around and make noises and be caught and learn moves."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Learn moves?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. They fight each other a lot. Zag doesn't know anything really fancy though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's a - mechanical thing? Like, as opposed to a model where they fight and generally get better at fighting but other factors like strength or luck or conditions still dominate, they develop specific skills called 'moves' and fighting is mostly determined by those?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't actually know about mostly, I only just got Zag to myself instead of having to go everywhere with Renée so I don't know much about battling yet. But they're specific things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. We have not heard of anywhere else having Pokémon."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's... wow, what else do you not have... that sounds really boring."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Pokémon make life more exciting?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I never tried not having them around but if they were gone so would pretty much all things, so."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The moving trains and airplanes?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess you could still have those but I think it would be hard to get electricity for the trains without Pokémon."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Most places do electricity without Pokémon, yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Pokémon generate electricity?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some of them do. Zag can't right now but he could later maybe."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you recommend a book about all the types of Pokémon and what they do?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"All of them? The Encyclopedia of Pokémon. There's hundreds."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will make the Elves read it."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"They are numerous, can do lots of things at once, spend a lot of their time singing and can read while singing, and will benefit from broader cultural exposure."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The Encyclopedia of Pokémon is not very cultural. It's an encyclopedia."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you recommend cultural books too? - though you would be surprised at some of the inferential gaps between humans and Elves, an encyclopedia would turn up lots of them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why, what's Elf culture like?"

Permalink Mark Unread

" - the relevant ones here are mostly Sanity's Elves. They are all immortal and their world has no material scarcity and there are gods who fix any - rough edges - so pretty much no one, anywhere, is in a state of need or misery. They also don't have a crime rate and were shocked at the idea of people lying to investigators and have hilarious shampoo commercials. They're sharp, and they'll work very hard when they need to, but they are continually surprised at what people elsewhere are like."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Shampoo commercials?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Elves have a taboo on loose hair."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"They find it very distracting."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"They've said it's sort of like why humans wear clothes." 

(Cam is again a shirtless demon.)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do they go around naked?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not typically but they don't see anything wrong with it. The bar has a rule against nudity so here they do not. If the bar accommodated Elf sensibilities it would similarly have a loose hair rule but I think the Elves are coping."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So do they wear hats?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Braids. One of our alts can do very tidy braids with magic if you want her to do yours to be nice to the Elves."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What if your hair's too short to braid?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Doesn't come up with Elves. I'm told I look disfigured."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The two of you have an Elf alt. She's very pretty and very old and said she could get used to humans keeping their hair loose but she said it with an interesting expression on her face and your other alt promptly braided my hair for me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're the youngest but Miranda's only fourteen," Cam tells Bella. "Kib looks eighteen but he's much older and I look twenty-two but I'm much older and Mirelótë looks like an Elf, who appear to be vaguely mid-twenties forever, but is super old. You probably shouldn't talk to Kib, he's had very bad things happen to him and is not as easy to understand as alts usually are and you're not the only one he has available."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How old are you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Coming up on a hundred and eighty."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think that might be too old."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mirelótë's almost five thousand."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's old enough to not even be too old any more."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mingling there is seventy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...that is too old to name toys that are not of people or 'mon. Or is the toy of an animal? I guess animals could be like 'mon and you could name toys of them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The toy is of a car. I don't think cars are animals but I've never seen a real one. Elves grow slow, I'm not grown up yet though I can pretend pretty okay."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Growing slow sounds sad."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"'Cause you have to be a kid for longer."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I like being a kid. I can't think of any things I want to do that I can't do because I'm a kid."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, have fun with that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are there things you want to do that you can't do because you're a kid?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll be able to do stuff more when I'm ten. I don't like having to get my parents' permission to do things. I can get it, but it's annoying."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess I don't like having to reassure people that my parents aren't -" his face screws up in concentration - "negligent? But in Milliways I don't even have to do that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you have to do that a lot where you live?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Kinda. I'm the prince so people have lots of opinions about how to raise me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We don't have princes where I'm from."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some of the human worlds have them but not Revelation neither and not Kib's world. I like being a prince, people do what I say and all I have to do is give them good lives and I'd do that anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That does sound nice!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mirelótë's not a princess, I don't know why not, I bet if she said she was in charge of some place people'd go live there. Maybe the places were so nice she didn't feel the need."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe she planned it for after her children would be grown up, Elves do that kind of thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Or just for after she was sure she was all done with the Valar thing, I think she doesn't otherwise prefer to live in Valimar."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is she not all done with her Valar they're very nice."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The eventuality of Milliways may be the proof of concept that saves her another thirty or forty Years of fine-tuning."

Permalink Mark Unread

"She wasn't sure how they'd do with something like this until it happened but then they did good?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"She wasn't prepping them for this in particular, but more or less, yeah." To Bella: "The Valar are a kind of god the worlds Elves come from have and they're usually very bad at being gods, but Mirelótë explained very patiently to hers how to be good at it and now they are."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...am I supposed to be patient when I am grown up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nah, you're not an Elf."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Elves are patient-er and singier and likelier to follow the rules and we don't make bathrooms messy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's a weird set of things to be different."

Permalink Mark Unread

Shrug. Vroom vroom.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wanna meet the other ones of us," Bella says.

Permalink Mark Unread

So Cam trots her off to find Mirelótë and Miranda.

Permalink Mark Unread

He and Mirelótë have been advising on recruitment of Elves for interdimensional humanitarian work! There's a lot of interest; acquaintances in Valimar have been messaging them to ask if they can get into the filled-to-capacity classes.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hey look. Tiny Mirelótë-lookin' human Bell."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Awww, hello!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi! Awww - how old is that for a human -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm six!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nice to meet you!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"So who're you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"This is my husband Rúmil."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're married? Ew."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would not have been very enthusiastic about the idea when I was six either."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We were much older than six," he agrees. "Who's that?" at the strange animal.

Permalink Mark Unread

"This is Zag! He's my Zigzagoon. I didn't name him that, Renée is not very creative and just sort of asked him what his name was and that doesn't get you a lot of variety with Pokémon, but it's his name now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see! The Valar used to say Valinor had every kind of animal but I guess they will have to stop saying that now that we've found the multiverse."

Permalink Mark Unread

"He's not an animal, he's a Pokémon, we don't have animals and they sound weird."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. What about them sounds weird?"

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"A lot of them are too small and they just look kind of wrong and none of them are plants or rocks or things."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - I can hardly argue. What's the world you're from like?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, we have Pokémon. They're for fighting and keeping as pets and making milk and eggs and riding around and generating electricity and gardening and all kinds of things, it must be weird not to have them. I only have this one but I got checked and I can have six, most people can't have that many, so I'm going to have six when I'm older and travel around."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - what do they check to see how many someone can have?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I went to a place with rentals and tried holding onto as many as I could and I could do six! Then I gave them back."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, what usually goes wrong if someone tries holding onto too many? Which things predict being able to hold on to lots of them? What does holding on to them constitute?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, there's a little bit of a psychic thing where the 'mon knows it's yours at least for right then, and they'll do what you say - or at least think about it, they're not all really obedient - and if you try to add another one it doesn't work and if nobody has it for too long it'll go wild unless it was really really tame. I don't think it runs in families or anything - Charlie can do four and Renée can do three -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, that's interesting."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Zag used to be Renée's but he likes me more." Pet pet.

("Zig," says Zag.)

Permalink Mark Unread

"He is fascinating! Do Pokémon live forever?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No. There's stories about ones that do but not regular ones."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod. Frown. "Maybe once the Valar have set off their competence cascade they can do something about that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That'd be nice." She snuggles her critter. It nuzzles her.

Permalink Mark Unread

Miranda shows up. She aims her wand at Bella and says, "Plectere." Then she sticks her wand back in her hair. "Hi!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi," says Bella, feeling behind her head at her new pigtails. "I'm Bella. This is Zag he's a Zigzagoon you don't have them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We don't! Can I pet him?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

He will also pet Zag!

Permalink Mark Unread

Zag is friendly! He sniffs people and is bristly but still pretty pettable.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does your world have anything that needs fixing? Aside from mortality, humans always have that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...that's the big one, I guess? Maybe it would be nice if people didn't have to bring Pokémon to go anywhere safely but it's not like there aren't enough of them to go around as long as you don't want designer variants or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why do people have to bring Pokémon to go anywhere safely?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's wild ones, they might attack you. If you have your own they can fight the wild ones for you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. I wonder if people not born in your world can hold a Pokémon."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Dunno! I could try loaning someone Zag but you have to give him back."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll try it, what do I do?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Bella transmutes Zag into red light with a small expansible spherical object from her pocket and he disappears into it and offers it to her.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...how did you do that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...it's a Pokéball, that's what they do."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - everyone else also doesn't have Pokéballs. How do they do it, are they magic -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, I don't think so... there's also a fruit called Apricorns that can do it if you hollow it out and stuff but it doesn't work as well..." She lets Zag out again. "It's really easy, see, you just point it and press the button -" She returns him again and hands the ball to Miranda. "Now if you let him out and you've got him we should be able to tell."

Permalink Mark Unread

...Miranda pushes the button. Zag comes out.

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, I've still got him." She takes the ball back.

Permalink Mark Unread

"That was fascinating, thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're welcome!"

Permalink Mark Unread

And he lets the Bells catch up. It is adorable how they do that.

Permalink Mark Unread

After the Bells are caught up to a reasonable standard and have dispersed, Cam would like to go ahead and try to kill his demonic mouse.

Permalink Mark Unread

Convenient how Cam's boyfriend knows the Killing Curse.

It's more complicated. More elements, more finicky about getting them exactly, more concentration needed on the mindset.

Permalink Mark Unread

He can get the mindset but concentrating on it for very long while doing other things is really hard and doing it at something other than a demonic mouse is going to be harder.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. Though, Melkor. 

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Yeah, Melkor will be easier.


"This is not something I want to work on continuously for hours. Want to see what happens if I make a basement dweller Elf who looks like me and take some of its hair and don't try to throw off a Polyjuice?"

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Giggle. "I would love to do that."

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So Cam makes a basement dweller - "What do you think, is this what I'd look like if I were an Elf - or should it rather be 'what Mirelótë would look like if male' -"

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"Vaguely curious if those get different results and what the differences would be, but either one seems reasonable. - and very pretty, obviously, but I can't find a basement-dweller of you appealing, they don't do that smug expression at all -"

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"Oh, the magic can't naively do either conversion, I had to make it up manually, but the potion can't be going off genetics or anything because it can do things like age and hair length." Hair: yoinked. Basement dweller: set in the hallway for Extremely Mysterious Milliways Garbage Collection.

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Polyjuice potion!

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Cam is a very pretty Elf. He reaches out to pet his hair, of course.

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"- ooh -" Cam leans on him, giggling a little breathlessly.

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Pet pet. 

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"I think I look silly with long hair but this is worth iiiiit," purrs Cam.

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"What even happens if an Elf has it short -" Pet pet -

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"I think it hurts or something -" Nuzzle.

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Cam with no wings is very weird. He rakes his hands through his hair and snuggles him and giggles.

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Elf hair: awesome stuff.

The potion wears off after a normal amount of time and then a slightly panting Cam can put his wings around his boyfriend again.

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"Will shampoo commercials never look the same to you again?" Snuggle.

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"I'm actually sort of wondering how Elves manage to get to the point of washing their hair."

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"They have that bodily control thing, right, maybe they can tone down the hair."

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"That could be it, although naively I do not think the thing extends to toning down nerve input."

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"Kind of a lot would be different if it did, I guess. Perhaps if I want to make one of my alts blush I will ask them."

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"Well, better to ask in the context of hair than in the context of whether they can still do that if a Melkor grabs them."

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"I assume not or the hallucinations wouldn't work so well, right?" Sigh. Shiver.

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The Sanity Valar think they can restrict summoning to specific locations within worlds, and are experimenting with allowing summoning in their world but only in specific summoning installations where the circles are pre-drawn. They send Ambela a note requesting comment, and tell her they're ready to talk to their alts in Kib's Arda.

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She thinks that restricting summoning locations is a good plan. If they could make some kind of exception for a shortlist of cleared daeva who could be tried for in emergencies away from the specified locations that would be an improvement but if that's technically impossible what they've got is fine.

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Vairë is optimistic it could be done eventually and promises to send Ambela updates. 

There's a contest for the design of pretty summoning installations that fill the circle with water or something similar.

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Of course.

It will probably be ideal not to resume time in Kib's Arda until they know what can be done about his Melkor. Cam's working on a spell that may accomplish it. It should be tested under safer conditions if those can be arranged.

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The Valar they've been bringing up to speed are willing to have their Melkor subject to attempts to kill him, once they have confirmed that worlds identical to theirs up to the point of Milliways contact always result in Melkor committing more atrocities once paroled. If there are any Melkors that don't, then they can't offer that.

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...This is not unreasonable but Bar can't actually confirm identicalness except by checking publications and writing was really recent in their world.

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"Are there any repentant Melkors, in general?"

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This one time there was!

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"I know 'darn it' is the wrong reaction but -"

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Mirelótë nods and solicits published works on the subject.

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This Arda (a space Arda) received an accidental interdimensional visitor from a world with no magic and which to all appearances forcibly made magic things which entered its domain run on physics. Melkor, currently on parole, seized on this opportunity to open an enormous portal between the universes and de-magic his own. It took three hundred Years, it worked, it looks to have killed Eru, and when it was too late to stop him he warned everyone to take corporeal forms when it happened so they wouldn't be erased. The Valar are no longer gods and some of the Maiar got deleted entirely but Melkor is by all accounts now a model citizen, though sometimes he punches people in the face and giggles 'I can just do that!!! Fate doesn't exist!' Sauron and Thuringwethil have kids.

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...well, it's a Space Arda, and not identical to Mingling's one.

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Mingling's Valar are also not very convinced that counts as a redemption arc.

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Punching people in the face isn't an atrocity, but yeah.

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They could maybe help with holding Singularity's Melkor, who has definitely done execution-worthy stuff, still?

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Can they get his various Maiar too, so they're not running around trying to get around their oath as fast as possible in a panic?

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If they have a list.

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They can check who took the oath, because Cam made sure it was conjuration-verified.

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How many is it?

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They'll need more sets of Valar, unless they're all conveniently in one place.

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Seems unlikely, their movements weren't restricted per se.

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Then it'll have to wait. Maybe they can onboard the Valar from one of the Ardas creeping towards the pardon of Melkor - there are Elves monitoring that, right -

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There are. With Bar's help, they identified publications in several different flavors of Arda that would be published the Year before the pardon and mark the time to intervene; unique ones are being watched individually. There are a couple thousand people on it.

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She doesn't usually offer a service of alerting people when specific things come out in specific worlds but she has been convinced that it is sort of like providing a magazine subscription. Once this understanding has been reached there is no trouble about there being a thousand of them.

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They pick one. Identify someone who is very sure their alt would volunteer and whose alt is very definitely childless. 

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Cam crosses his fingers when he does the fork anyway.

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And gets an Elf who is confused, then highly entertained by the whole situation, and wants to know if she gets with this guy she's liked for forty Years, and then will happily let the Sanity Valar into her world.

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Well, did she, inquiring minds want to know and they might do this a few million times.

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"couldn't tell her," says her alt, "I'm gay, but we looked it up and they're happily married before they both die violently at Alqualondë, standard timelines."

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...good to know. Away with you, Sanity Valar, trailing sanity wherever ye may tread.

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Bella, meanwhile, summons a fairy and trades some books for taking her flying around in the backyard and then dismisses her.

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"You should get some textbooks translated."

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"Textbooks about what?"

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"Summoning. For your world."

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"Okay, how do I do that?"

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"It's kind of a hassle to learn a language in Milliways because of the translation effect, but you can summon me and I can do it or I think Midnight's got a whole list of demon linguists who might do it."

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"Pokémon hatch from eggs and are the thing we can trade until somebody notices that."

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"Me, then, probably. Are you sure they aren't magic?" He tries a Zigzagoon egg.


He gets one. "Huh. Okay, draw me up in ten minutes and I'll translate you a textbook."

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She has Cam make her most of the circle, and waits, and then finishes it.

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Then he will in fact translate her a textbook. A good one that mentions whether the daeva can kill you.

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And he has memory necklaces, who wants them first.

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"I want Cir's but it probably makes sense to give Cam his first, he's on a lot of our current projects."

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"Makes sense." So he goes to find Cam.

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"Hi there!"

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"Hi! I got you a present. It took someone ten months to make so take it off before you go recreationally hopping around the insides of stars or something."

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"I don't actually think I'd like anything about being in a star, but I can take it off before I go try to kill Ainur who aren't being held down for me and other hazardous activities. Miranda's jumpy enough about letting me borrow her overpowered wand for it."

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"I really really hope the killing Ainur works." Necklace.

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Wag wag. "Thank you!"

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"My pleasure! Looks like we'll be kind of busy - there are another few Ardas coming up on an intervention point - and these help a lot with that."

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"Well, as a general rule I like to be busy."

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"I am very glad. Take care."


And he goes and knocks on another door.

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" - oh, hey."

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"Hey. I got you a present." 

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"With humans jewelry's sort of a girl thing."

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"That's a shame. Jewelry's pretty, are boys just not supposed to be pretty? Anyway, it's magic. Enhanced memory and reflexes and attentional capacity. I really want you to have it."

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"Okay, okay. - wow. Cool."

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"Yeah. Can I show you what I'm working on?"

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He's wearing it at breakfast the next day in the main bar, reading through Godspring plans.

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"Is that one of the magic necklaces?"

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"Yeah! It's amazing, I feel about twice as smart - it'd help with duelling, too, not that that seems especially likely to come up anymore -"

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"Maybe it can be retained as a sport. Did you need one for something?"

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"I didn't know I did, but when Midnight dropped by with it he had a bunch of logistical stuff he wanted me to take a look at. In Godspring there's no statute, we might as well help out where we can, and he thought I could fix a couple infrastructure problems that way."

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"Which problems?"

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"I can forward it to you - uh, there's a kingdom that won't go for the clinics because they're touchy about sovereignty, so we're seeing how far we could get sneaking in and charming their wells and rivers and so on, making food's a bad idea even though it's the first thing people who want to help Muggles always think of because then you drive the local farmers out of business, but magic can do fertilizer, too..."

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"Ooh, magic fertilizer."



And later she goes and finds Midnight.

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"Hi, how are you doing?"

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"Okay. Reconstructed most of my world's artifact magic from the notes, taught it to Mahtan and a couple other people. Mingling's Fëanáro thinks he can do better than what we've got for memory and I do not doubt him."

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"I should borrow Cam's necklace for long enough to see if it stacks with chip blessings."

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He takes his off and hands it over.

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"That works too." She puts it on.

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They stack but with the memory boosts she already has there's not much discernable difference. The attention boost is a bit more noticeable.

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"They do but it's certainly not efficient to have one on me while they're scarce." She returns it. "And they don't patch the problem I always have with memory blessings, but the attention bit is lovely."

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"What problem is that?"

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"The blessings help me recall facts and sensory input. I know where I was and what was happening. But they do much less for helping me remember what I was thinking and feeling at the time. - I think this is why Kib shut down, actually, he was told that Melkor could read memories and would not naturally think of an interpretation of that which didn't include 'thoughts and feelings maybe a half-second out of date' so he expected to be outright mindread even though the evidence suggests even flat Melkors don't do that."

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"Evidence which I take it there's no point in presenting to him." Sigh. "We can try to get a Fëanáro to patch that, it should be possible in principle."

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"That would be marvelous but not a particular priority with everything going on."

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"The set from Singularity's experienced six years so far. Engineering time might not trade off too hard against other things."

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"Then maybe I will not chide anyone for poor planning if I get something that does the trick for my five hundredth birthday."

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"I'll keep it in mind. You came out to ask why I gave one to Fredrick?"

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"I have a couple of guesses, but I don't know which if any is right."

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"Go ahead."

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"It could be that you just miss having a Findekáno uncomplicatedly pleased to receive attention and presents."

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"And Timothy's - they were best friends, but Timothy is not going to maintain a best friendship with someone who has a crush on him who he marries in other universes, so he's just kind of been ignoring him -"

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"That's - surprisingly clumsy of him, I wonder if I should have Cam remark that he's not going to read into it or something -"

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"Someone should probably say something, yeah - but spending more time with him's not the solution if he wants Fredrick to in fact get over him -"

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"Presumably there is something less unfortunate to be had than dropping him altogether."

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"Probably. It's also a waste of resources. Findekáno's brilliant, and very practical, and very good at his job."

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"He is, and Fredrick seems similar and very excited to have useful things to do."

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"My next guess was that you just thought he was underutilized, although giving him a necklace wouldn't have been strictly necessary to fix that so it's only a partial guess."

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"I did think so but the necklace was mostly wanting him to feel valued, more than - wanting wizarding patches to the gaps in the Godspring rollout."

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"I think it worked."

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"It did," he says smugly. "And I also got wizarding patches to the Godspring rollout out of it."

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"Magic fertilizer is clever."

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"There were a bunch of other things - wizards have a train that's a coal/magic hybrid - runs on either - which would be convenient for handing out tech that people can replicate but that doesn't have all the drawbacks of coal. They can do selectively visible bridges and tunnels if we wanted to help slaves emigrate while maintaining ties with the relevant slaveholding governments. Owls don't just carry mail you can also ask them to keep an eye on things for you."

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"Ooh. Can owls do this for arbitrary people? The creatures from Bella's world seem bright enough to do things like that but it appears one needs to be from her world to get them to perform tasks."

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"Even if it's wizards-only gene therapy to become a wizard looks to have potential. And they can do it for Squibs, so he expects it's not even wizards-only. Anyway. There's a charm you can place on two objects such that if one changes the other one does too, which is a much cleaner alarm system than 'write Cam a message' and might scale such that we can distribute it to everyone, give them a way to contact their nearest clinic in an emergency..."

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"I have to wonder if that's easier than distributing phones, but maybe it is..."

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"Might vary by region or country, but not requiring charge has its advantages in some of them where we're not expecting to get anywhere with electricity."

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"Makes sense."

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"I am convinced that my innocuous guesses would have sufficed to explain the gift."

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"I'm not trying to manipulate mine, he doesn't even know about it and I intend that to continue being true."

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"And Fredrick?"

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"I'm not going to hurt him."

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"I wouldn't expect it," she says sincerely. "I'm a little more worried that you will just - run circles around him."

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"I had to have a lot of leverage to - encircle - mine. I'm not smarter than them, it's not a fundamentally unequal relationship -"

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"Fredrick is a fifteen or possibly now subjectively sixteen year old human whose own Maitimo couldn't think of a better response than ignoring him when he found a different boyfriend."

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"We should have some kind of collective calendar. It's possible I could convince Kib to design it, being as it would have no useful strategic implications for his war. Sixteen, then."

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"I will not leave him worse off than I found him, in any respect. Promise."

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Nod. "Do let me know if you need any help on that."

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"I know how to make them happy.


But thank you."

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"Not everything that makes people happy is good for them. Maybe I will tell you sometime about the month I spent trying to backpedal when I accidentally halfway convinced Nienna that wireheading people would be a good idea."

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He giggles. "I would like to hear about that sometime."

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"You will have to ply me with buttercream bonbons, but I am sure you can talk me into it."

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"We haven't actually checked for Ardas where the Valar stumbled on that idea independently and went full bore with it. Maybe there are some."

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"...I'll look."

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"Thanks for stopping by."

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"Of course." She pats his arm and departs.

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He stares at the sky for a while then goes up to his room.

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"We're about ready to unpause Godspring," he tells Cir a while later. "Has Ruviri decided what she wants?"

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"She'd like to be bought out too. But she's not as urgent about it as I was - mostly because she has Ava - and won't mind much if you don't get around to it soon, she's not supposed to start this year."

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"In that case I will wait a bit honestly mostly for reasons of reputation. Want to come with me when I meet with Liatsi again, or stay here?"

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"I'll stay behind if you don't want me there for anything more than you want people not to make remarks." Smooch.

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" - I take a lot of pride in people - trusting me that what I'm doing makes sense and if they go along with it they'll be satisfied with the explanation once they have it? And it hadn't previously occurred to me that what I've really purchased is license to be completely horrible and be accepted for it. But it's not really fair to - make that into taking issue with peoples' remarks.

I feel like I sort of seesaw between 'yes they are capable of moral reasoning and they're all terrible at it I hate being inside their heads' and 'they're all children of course they haven't got it figured out yet' and both of those are...bad ways to do it."

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"- I think humans have different needs, and even the ones who could live like Elves if they tried it don't expect it of everybody else, and I do think it makes a difference that redmages do knowledge then love then sex. I mean, maybe I only think that because since I was five I have been given lots of stories about heroic redmages saving depressed people and stuff. But I wanted out because I don't want to forget everything - I don't want to forget the people I already have and miss them and not know what's wrong, that's what happens if they overshoot, they can be really precise with greenmages but with us too much depends on individual stuff about how we remember things - if it weren't for the side effect I wouldn't've minded."

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"That does help, thank you.  I think I'd like it a lot without the cost."

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"It's nice," agrees Cir, snuggling up.

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"So, stay or go, since I'm trying not to bristle at what people think?"

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"Do you need me for anything? I've seen the Queen before, she's not going to awe me."

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"No. I just don't want you to feel like I'm keeping you tucked away where you won't embarrass me while I tamper with your country."

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Kiss. "I won't feel like that."

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So he waits until a few more necklaces are done, gives one to Cir, and heads back to Cefax.

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Liatsi is of course happy to receive him.

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"I have a present!" Necklace. "We do it with chips but humans can't be chipped so we had to find a workaround."

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She looks at the necklace. "What is it that you do with chips?"

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"Memory, attentional capacity, reflexes. We call them blessings."

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"How does it work?"

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"I'm better equipped to explain the chip ones. But pretty much - the brain is where we store memories and make decisions and process input and pay attention to things, and there are biological limits on how much of that it can do - how much it can store, how fast it can communicate between parts - and the enhancements let your mind use more space and do things faster. You can take it on and off if you want to get a feel for it."

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"It doesn't have drawbacks the way magery does?"

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"Nope. Blessings are just convenient. I've been using them for several thousand years without any problems and we've checked that these work safely for humans too."

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Liatsi nods and puts on the necklace, considers, takes it off, puts it back on. "Thank you very much. It's customary here to give things to visiting ambassadors as well but I have much less idea what you might appreciate than I do when the Caplari come by."

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"I actually have a favor in mind but my hope is that it would be a gift to both of us. I want to build embassies equipped to do vaccinations and to teach people in Cefax summoning."

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"...I'm not sure how that constitutes a favor to you at all but I'm more than happy to enable it. What do you need from me?"

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He has maps! They'd like land and dispensations from the local government and - "summoning has a lot of legal implications that you should be apprised of now, even if they could remain a secret from the populace indefinitely. People who summon daeva become daeva when they die."

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Land can be provided in many of these locations with more or less finagling. The Minister of Intelligence has opinions about the daeva thing. Liatsi wants to know if they happen to know what happens to daeva mages.

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"They keep the magic if the tradeoffs are still applicable. So red, green, and bluemages keep it, whitemages and goldmages just become daeva who can't do any extra magic."

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"...Inconvenient," says Liatsi. "And it doesn't reverse existing damage, in red, green, or blue?"

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"It does not. Greenmage drawbacks are less pronounced because daeva do not need to eat, drink, sleep or use the bathroom, but we don't know if they'd hit another costly instinct loss. Goldmages the Valar might be able to help individually, by extending their lifespans a lot; they have done that for some humans on our request and are stretched quite thin right now but could do more, it's not as if there are many goldmages. They'd likelier be willing to do it as a humanitarian intervention than as a way of making them work for longer. We're going to be spending money, once we have some, on trying to pension people out of the temple-guilds.

I got Cir one of the memory necklaces and it helped him a lot; they're expensive but we can probably get them for all redmages eventually."

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"....That would be good, yes."

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"If they don't help redmages who are more dwindled than Cir we might be able to design something custom that does, but the development process for these things is unfortunately very slow by human standards."

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"It's inconveniently difficult to ask particularly far gone red or blue mages what efforts should be made to arrange that they could see distant results."

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"We do have people who can read minds to see what is going on, if there's anyone who would consent to that."

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"In both cases the problem is that they can't entertain the question, although I suppose that would allow a more educated guess from their loved ones about how they'd feel on the subject."

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"Their minders can let us know if it seems like it'd be helpful."

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"Summoning can go badly. If it goes very badly the whole world can get destroyed. That's why we prefer to do it supervised, but we don't want to be supervisors indefinitely, so our aim would be to train humans to do the supervisory work eventually."

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"I see; that makes sense."

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"Cefax might decide to have a goldmage stationed offworld so that if someone did destroy the world with summoning they could jump back and prevent it. We'd be happy to host someone if you do decide to do that."

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"That assumes locating and intervening with whoever erred will be straightforward."

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"Ideally they'd get some forensics done before they went back but if that were impossible we could pause time - we can do that without a goldmage - and spend as long as needed piecing it together."

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"This would combine well with the life extension solution for goldmages if it were available for this purpose."

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"Yes, that we will certainly do, especially if they'd similarly be willing to jump for other worlds that suffer accidents."

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"I don't see why it would be anything other than an overwhelmingly positive trade for them even not taking into account how you can purchase their lifetime services."

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"That would be our hope."

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"I suspect your arrival may be the most beneficial thing to ever happen to this world."

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"Thank you. That's what we're trying for. We hadn't met people who died before, see, and nowhere back home has scarcity...."

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"How does one have no scarcity?"

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"The Valar. Our gods are - more interventionist than yours, and they provided for all our material needs until we'd learned enough to mostly provide for ourselves. Things like concert tickets and housing in desirable locations are still scarce, but - nothing anyone needs for a good life."

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"People don't have - purely internal problems?"

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"They have some. We solve them. When you're rich enough - if there were only one beggar in all of Cefax -"

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"I didn't mean internal economic problems. I mean - dementia, depression, delusions -"

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"The Valar can do a lot for that too, and medicine when sufficiently advanced can do most of the rest. Elves don't get dementia, that's a human thing, we're trying to figure out if we can help somehow. People who are depressed occasionally ask to stop existing, sometimes with a list of conditions under which they'd want to exist again, and we can do that."

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"Many human depressives don't prefer to cease to exist and merely lead unhappy lives."

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"We can see what our medication or Vala intervention does for that."

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Nod. "It's a pet interest of my current redmage. Redmages are often very effective for those people but the condition correlates poorly with money and there are in any event not enough redmages to go around."

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"We would have a lot of reservations about causing there to be more mages and are aiming to decrease the workload of mages in general, but if there's depression that's not responsive to other forms of help and there are redmages willing to help even once they have more of a choice about it then we'd happily pay the bills."

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"The trouble, of course, is that if you decrease the demand for mages in general there will not be more redmage capacity to distribute, after a while."

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"Yeah. If sharing the springs is possible we could have Elves who would consent to being a redmage make child forks of themselves. The existing system for redmages in particular raises - consent concerns - by the standards of my society, it'd be much better if it were voluntary."

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"It's a religious matter, the restricted access - as well as an economic one, but the religion might bow to the economy if you are sufficiently otherworldly at it. The consent concerns are unavoidable, the springs just won't mage anyone past a certain age. For whatever it's worth the children tend to want to go."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They might soon have more appealing alternatives."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, that might be the sort of thing that would cause relevant theologians to have philosophical insights," says Liatsi.

Permalink Mark Unread

"The gods themselves are not very likely to clarify?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would not anticipate it at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right. Thank you very much for your time. We're ready to go on setup as soon as the logistical details are all worked out. Do you personally care to become a summoner before we have everything arranged?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It seems like it might serve some purpose to do so in a public ceremonial fashion."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod. "I thought we would leave it entirely up to you how much about how summoning works you want to reveal to your populace. If they try it on their own they are likelier to mess up, so we want to encourage people to summon only at the supervised locations; one way to do that is not widely sharing enough information that anyone could guess how to do it. We could instead publish textbooks describing exactly how to do it right, but you really do have to get it right. On my home world it is actually disabled except in certain locations but the Valar are very conservative and the benefits to daeva much smaller at home than they will be here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It will be easier to make changes in the one direction than the other. Perhaps when you've trained local personnel their error rate and how much training it takes them to achieve it will be instructive."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod. "In that case I recommend that you do a public summoning at one of the established locations - we can have one here, if you like - and that we at least allow it to be implied that it only works in those. We can make the circles not visible to the human eye. You can and probably should select a daeva in advance." 

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not here, I think - well, not in the palace, perhaps you meant in the city. How should I select a daeva?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It would probably be easiest for me to recommend someone."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That seems reasonable, although I'm curious how you choose them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"For something this important I would probably ask someone I know very well who wouldn't be tempted to misbehave. In general I really like talking to people and have long lists of daeva who I think would be suited to particular tasks, but they're not as a class very - serious - there's not much at stake for them -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see. Do you have someone in mind?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's someone I would ask first."

Permalink Mark Unread

"May I know who?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The name wouldn't mean anything to you, but sure, he's a demon named Cam who introduced summoning to his world as a human and would probably be happy to play a ceremonial role in its unveiling in this one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That sounds appropriate, yes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Let me know about anything you might need in choreographing it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll consult with some people about scripting the event."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you very much for enabling us to pull this off."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The pleasure is all mine."

Permalink Mark Unread

And does he have such an easy time everywhere -

Permalink Mark Unread

No, Liatsi's high end of the bell curve. A lot of people seem to be assuming that if he is offering nice things he must be planning to betray them somehow - use the dots as military emplacements or encourage their citizens to treason or encourage reliance only to loot them and flee - and others are assuming that if he's offering nice things he could be offering nicer things and can be talked into coughing them up one way or another.

Permalink Mark Unread


It probably won't help to observe that he could trivially conquer this entire planet, Cefax slightly less trivially but really not very much, and subterfuge and sabotage would be totally unnecessary. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Nope, nobody will find that particularly reassuring.

Permalink Mark Unread

He can make them indestructible, if they'd find that reassuring. Side effects include death and more importantly inability to have children.

Permalink Mark Unread

The ones who need reassurance are not prepared to die on his say-so, thanks.

Permalink Mark Unread

If they would want that if it was in fact the deal he promised, he is happy to complete the conditional for them. 

(People who just want more stuff can mostly have more stuff.)

Permalink Mark Unread

(This will inspire their neighbors to want more stuff.)

Permalink Mark Unread

What a good occasion for dramatic demonstrations of how useful it is for your country to have summoning. Perhaps everyone else will decide that it's useful enough to tolerate dots.

Permalink Mark Unread

That does help, in fact!

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh good. Summoning is terribly useful, yes he'll have a demon make you a ridiculous gilded monstrosity of a palace, yes he'll probably have a demon dam your river but he should send someone the calculations first, yes an angel can turn all that desert into something else but it might not last, because of rain patterns...

Permalink Mark Unread

The ridiculous gilded monstrosity is... very. But when the gaudy architecture starts going up people who thought he was talking out of his ass begin to think that might not actually be the applicable orifice.

Permalink Mark Unread

He will be delighted to provide any demonstrations that might persuade anyone to have some dots.

Permalink Mark Unread

He can eventually get most people to have dots. There is one little country with no godsprings in some undesirable mountain territory which thinks magic in general is an evil trap and most people in that country over the age of four react to his overtures (including attempts to explain that some things on offer are not magic) by screaming at the top of their lungs until he leaves, that one he can't get anywhere with.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well. Trying for universal coverage is not the best use of resources - it's been ten years for Singularity's team of Fëanors, they think they might have a way to leap for new worlds, though they don't yet have a way to come back -


Dots are installed. Does Liatsi have a ceremony in mind?

Permalink Mark Unread

She does. Also, she doesn't know what daeva normally wear but there is a loose dress code she'd like adhered to for the particular event even though she understands it won't work generally. The entire thing is very neatly arranged to accommodate Cefaxi sensibilities. She will be trading a local art object for a demonic fireworks display to open the dots.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam want to play along?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, I would, but my summoner is a child in Singularity a lightleaper trip away and the Sanity Valar aren't doing Singularity yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ugh. Do you know anyone who definitely would?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not personally but I could find someone who's really into fireworks?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe Minor can polyjuice himself older than fourteen. And Cefaxi-looking, for that matter."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I feel like it might be a questionable choice to set the precedent of daeva without wings, we overwhelmingly do have them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know what happens if you try to Polyjuice into someone with wings. You might get them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess he could impersonate another demon. I'm not confident in my ability to pick one who looks Cefaxi."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess they can get used to non-Cefaxi looking people."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They will need to, yes. I wonder if we ought to worry about someone objecting to the use of their likeness. Could just go with mine I guess."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you don't mind. Are people likely to object to others using their likenesses, because I think Timothy was planning to export polyjuice."

Permalink Mark Unread

"People will object to being impersonated and might separately object to other uses."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, no impersonation. I will go bother Minor."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am under a lot of practice and the extra limbs as clumsy as Miranda, if Polyjuice carries that over he'll need to be warned."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good to know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nothing else leaps to mind."

Permalink Mark Unread

So he goes and bothers Minor. 


Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, okay, I can do fireworks. For one country, I'm not doing sixty."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will start screening people to do it elsewhere. Do we also need to find someone else for the textbook translations eventually?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He blinks at him. "No, that's languages. I'll do six hundred of those."

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right. Thank you. I'll tell you when to get yourself dismissed."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Have fun."

Permalink Mark Unread

He is having so much fun. He tells Liatsi that she has a demon for her ceremony.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Should I meet them first?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you'd like to. I am confident he'll take the script seriously but I am sure he'd be perfectly pleased to meet you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm curious to meet him if it's no inconvenience."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll have to ask if he minds being dismissed  from what he's currently doing sooner but I doubt it."


Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, what's he working on?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Translating summoning textbooks for a different world. Daeva get their summoners' languages when summoned, so they can do translation, and for summoning computer translation is not sufficiently exact."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I see. I have Cefaxi, obviously, and a little of a few other things..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm very jealous of how daeva can just pick up languages like that. I had to lean pretty heavily on machine translation to talk with people here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Your accent is quite good."

Permalink Mark Unread

"My father will be pleased to hear that; he felt very strongly that all his children should speak all languages."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That seems... challenging."

Permalink Mark Unread

"At the time there were only eleven of them. I haven't asked if he still means to hold us to it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Even eleven is very impressive. The Minister of Diplomats speaks only seven, three not fluently."

Permalink Mark Unread

"When I was his age I could not yet claim to be competent with one. Elves have longer. Though hopefully not anymore."

Permalink Mark Unread

Liatsi smiles. "Hopefully."

Permalink Mark Unread

And he shows her how to get Minor with a circle - "don't do this to get a random daeva, it's not a safe binding..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Understood." She draws it up very carefully.

Permalink Mark Unread

Minor isn't currently dismissed, let alone Polyjuiced. He writes him asking him to come over. "Might be a little while."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's all right."

Permalink Mark Unread

And shortly thereafter there appears a demon who looks like Cam. He nods at Bright and Liatsi. "This is a practice run?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's right. Hello, I'm Queen Liatsi of Cefax, it's good to meet you. I'm not sure how to pronounce your name...?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Minor. Good to meet you too."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How did you meet Prince Nelyafinwë?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, I think that's classified?" He looks questioningly at Bright.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Minor was human and died, on a different world, and his is one of the ones we are endeavoring to fix."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I see. It's good that you were reached in time," she smiles. "Thank you for agreeing to participate in the ceremony. Do you want to design your own fireworks display or should I have someone produce that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can definitely design a fancy fireworks display but if there's someone I should work with to get it themed right or whatever I can do that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"An exotic one will be fine but my Minister of Culture thinks it should have a lot of gold and white in it for symbolic reasons - health and time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure. How long do you want it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ten to fifteen minutes, I think."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you have a computer, I can work up a simulation of what it'll look like and you can watch it in advance..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, I have one, although I'm not very familiar with it yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is it Bright's world's tech?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Then I'll send you a fireworks show in advance and you can make sure you like how it looks."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure." Wing-flutter. "When's the ceremony?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Tentatively in three weeks; is that enough time? It wouldn't be if you had to actually assemble the fireworks, but..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, that's no problem, there're catalogues of fireworks and I don't have to assemble them, or launch them, or anything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Marvelous. I was planning to trade you a small sculpture - I understand you could just reproduce the physical object, but it's an original - but I can adjust that if you have another idea you'd prefer."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That works. You probably won't get too far paying demons in art in general, though. Might get away with it for a while since they don't know your world exists and won't have conjured all its stuff to play with already."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, that's understood; it's mostly to have something to visibly hand over without giving anyone the impression that daeva will want pears or candles or anything."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod. "Haven't heard of a public event like this before, it's a cool idea. Are people going to be summoning at home - because even without misapprehensions about candles that can get -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not at first. We're going to see how the local personnel trained by our Elf friends do with the various safety precautions, first. If they have much error rate it won't be safe to offer unsupervised summoning to the general population, which would be less filtered."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Smart. That's the delay on rollout in my home, too - summoning works better where people are less desperate and more educated, but they also need it less."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, I'm expecting literacy rates to be a problem now but less so in ten to fifteen years."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And by then you might not need to do conventional summoning much, people can just bring back their relatives."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That too. We're going to prioritize the old and sick in the initial stages when there's a run on the locations."

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right. Is this the country Cir and Ruviri're from?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If the Cir you know is Prince Nelyafinwë's redmage, yes; this is Cefax."

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right. I'll let you know when I've got fireworks, shall I?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"How should I expect to receive the message?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Prince Nelyafinwë's going to be in this world the next while, right?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"So he can forward one. Or you can just leave a circle open until I'm of a mind to take it, if that's easier."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I feel like that would set a bad precedent if anyone noticed its presence; forwarding suits."

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right. Take care."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you again."

Dismiss dismiss.

Permalink Mark Unread

Demon vanishes. Prince Nelyafinwë is frowning distractedly and has been since his redmage was mentioned. "I'll let you know when I hear from him."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you. Is something the matter?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm? Not at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right. Thank you for introducing me to Minor."

Permalink Mark Unread

"My pleasure. Let me know if you need anything; I'll be doing setup elsewhere but the travel isn't bad."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you, I will."

Permalink Mark Unread

He leaves.

Permalink Mark Unread


When he goes back to Milliways Cir can also tell something is wrong and looks at him expectantly.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Installations are going really well," he says. "Cefax is having a big ceremony. I think very highly of your Queen."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mm-hm, and?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think she thinks similarly well of me. Not that it's interfered with anything, exactly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why doesn't she?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, she's far too diplomatic to say."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But you have a guess."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I know what I'd be judging me for."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"All the more reason to think highly of her, of course."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But not in a fun way. I'm sorry."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nothing you should have done differently. I would have done some things differently, if I'd been more thoughtful."

Permalink Mark Unread

Snuggle. "What things?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I said to her 'I want him exclusively' instead of 'I want to pay to get him out of all his contracts', for one thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod. Sigh. Kiss.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you happy?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I love you." Pause. "...How would you feel about it if you went to some planet and made friends there and it was for some reason really socially unacceptable there to want expensive presents, and you explained to somebody you made friends with that not only do you have a ridiculous amount of money so 'expensive' isn't the thing they think it is but also you don't have that norm and they mostly believed you but still tried really hard not to act like they would enjoy an expensive present and especially not let you find out what they wanted for their birthday?"

Permalink Mark Unread




"I would be super frustrated. I'm sorry, it's just -

I'm sorry. 



There are lots of people back home. None of them magically love me but some of them fall in love with me, and we have telepathy, I can still know it. And yet I didn't want any of them. It isn't something I'd given a lot of thought before but I think I am more tempted than I would be if all of the - horrible coercive bits - hadn't ever been there at all - do you see why that worries me -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. But I know you and I love you and I trust you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well. If I throw out the part of me that tries to do right by people, and just think about if I were trying to arrange myself a fantasy - so you could know what the one'd look like and then make more informed decisions - anyhow, if we imagine me who doesn't care about doing right by people, he takes you home and flies you into the city from the peninsula so you can be thoroughly dazzled by how pretty it all is and how wealthy and powerful we all are and doesn't mention Milliways - so you can still take trips home, you know, they're just a lightleaper trip and a mild imposition - and orders a very pretty apartment made up and then takes you to Taniquetil to get made immortal and is delighted and curious the whole way and confesses himself a little bothered that you know him so well while he knows you not at all and it's a shame how he can't read your mind but he can be so so happy if you'd share it, all the time, everything.

And then once he's satisfied that you don't on any level secretly hate him for this he would want you in bed and not do everything in his power not to show it, and then he'd check from there how you felt about everything else he might dream of, and want it at you, and be so happy, and assure himself you were happy because he was.


Do you see the problem now -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"And here I am and I know about Milliways and I could probably tell if you were hiding it anyway even if I couldn't guess what - making it hard to visit my family is really the only thing on there that would be very bad - uh, I'm pretty sure some of the things I could say would constitute trying to seduce you and I think I could do that on purpose in fifteen seconds and by accident in a minute and a half and that at this point you'd still feel weird about it so."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I - yes, but if you're planning to wait me out you're going to be unhappy in the meantime, and it'll be a long meantime because I am an Elf."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was thinking I'd see if me getting a little older helped."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. But - I don't expect you to be unhappy for decades on end to accommodate me, I don't want that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I know. We'll figure it out or I'll go home. If you want me to go home all things considered you can say that, I can mostly tell what considerations you're considering but you get to actually decide what wins, you know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't want you to go home. I don't wish you'd grabbed someone else, or been a girl. I just - 

- I just will feel less like I'm doing something wrong if I spend Years feeling guilty in advance, I suppose, and that really isn't fair."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And it doesn't make sense. - Look, you could've swept me off and that would've been pretty much exactly what I signed up for when I grabbed you and you didn't do that, and just because you're the only person I've touched who's interested in having sex with me doesn't mean you're the only person I've touched, I have my parents, I have nine siblings, there's only one of you and you're not even making access to the interesting multiverse contingent on spending any time with you at all, I am not being coerced."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am satisfied on that point. I also believe that you're old enough to know what you want, and that this isn't it. I believe you that doing right by you would involve less - refusing to give the slightest sign of wanting expensive presents - than I'm doing. If I wasn't satisfied that you were capable of telling me off, I am now. I didn't eat any pears. 

Liatsi's still right to judge me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is not."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - buying out Ruviri's contracts is also not conditional on spending any time with me you could just tell someone else you want it, did I tell you that -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I knew." Kiss.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sigh. Snuggle. "It really does bother me how much better you understand me than the reverse - I don't want to insist but - if you could tell me what you want, it would help."

Permalink Mark Unread

"In ways that do not accidentally seduce you in a minute and a half?"

Permalink Mark Unread



"I'm not going to have sex with you today. I am going to at least sleep on it. I am pretty sure you can say things that'd make me regret deciding that but it is very important to me that when I decide things I am reliable at them. My word needs to be meaningful, even now that oaths have been all rounded off so you can't hurt yourself."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. So. Are you aware that you are a ridiculously hot well-spoken fabulously rich prince with a sexy accent who is to redmages what redmages are to mindreading and you go around being constantly visibly too ethical and noble to tear my clothes off and take me, because I'm not sure you appreciate how much you are that."

Permalink Mark Unread

He looks a bit shellshocked. 


Then the tips of his ears go very very pink.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cir smirks at him.

Permalink Mark Unread

After a minute he manages a strangled "I appreciate the clarification."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Will you have trouble not sleeping with me today if I kiss you?" chirps Cir.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- I enjoy kissing you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, I know. Do you enjoy it too much for me to do it right now what with your having decided not to sleep with me today," says Cir, still smirking. "I hope you aren't expecting that I'd do anything about it if you changed your mind there, I'd probably tease you but I'm not sure I'm ever going to have that much impulse control and also you could pick me up with one hand, did I mention that, I forget if I mentioned that."

Permalink Mark Unread

He whimpers. "You're cheating."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not even trying very hard, if I were trying very hard I would kiss you without pausing to investigate your self-control and there would be a sentence starting with 'I can't stop thinking about'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I meant what I promised and you can kiss me and start sentences however you like but you are definitely cheating."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cir kisses him for a good long time and comes up for air and whispers in his ear, "I can't stop thinking about your hair, is it as soft as it looks -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes. Tomorrow."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Kiss. "Should ask my fork if he was this thickheaded - could've warned me -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That'd be fascinating. I'd sort of like to meet your fork, actually - your alts are really interesting to look at, I can't guess exactly how much overlap there is in what I know but I can tell it's a lot, I'd just get more false reads than with you." Snuggle.

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can meet him. His older kid's near your age - maturity, I mean, Elves your age aren't out of diapers - he might judge me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That'd be hypocritical of him and you can judge him right back."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"He could've been you, the day before you were forked from there was just him and then -" Fork-evocative gesture.

Permalink Mark Unread

"And then it was just him, for fourteen hundred years, and then I got plucked out of the past. He was me once but it was a really long time ago, and lots of people do judge their past selves."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess. Maybe hypocritical's the wrong word. Still."

Permalink Mark Unread

Squeeze. "I am going to go sing and think."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Aww. Okay." Cir disentangles.

Permalink Mark Unread

"No being disappointed, it's you who gave me so much to sing and think about. And maybe Milliways'll make it five minutes for you, anyway. Do you usually experience as long as me when I'm gone for weeks?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, but days."

Permalink Mark Unread





He doesn't actually sing, it would make it pretty easy for everyone else to guess what the problem is and that doesn't sound helpful.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam has apparently been out flying around. He swoops down, after Bright's been outside for about fifteen minutes. "Hey. What's up?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Am I that obviously out of sorts, I've been spending too much time around the person who can magically read me perfectly even when I'm lying and perhaps it's making me careless."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...uh, no, where I'm from 'what's up' is a generic greeting, would you like me to pretend you said 'nothing much' and move on?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

"Or I could evince dire curiosity, whatever floats your boat. This is, to clarify, another idiom, to my knowledge you don't have a boat."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't. I have secured permissions to install all the clinics, Minor's coming up with a sufficiently elaborate fireworks show for Cefax's grand summoning opening, we've got thrity thousand people trained so if this works in Godspring we can do it elsewhere also...I asked my fork about whether his Maia coparent knows any other Maiar that biologically competent who could maybe go around in the stupid kingdom that hates magic and considers technology magic, incorporeally take up residence and magic away their infant mortality and so on - 

- I'm hurting Cir. By not being good enough at lying to him, though I think he'd contest that that's the problem."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...It's probably possible to hurt people that way somehow but I would be surprised if I agreed you'd managed it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, I'm hurting Cir by defaulting to handling complicated things with 'well, let's think about it for a Year and see if that helps any'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That I have no trouble believing at all. I'd go ask my Elf alt how that psychological thing works but her manifestation of it is just being really enthusiastic about frontloading effort where that's efficient in the very long term and having a security in her immortality it took me awhile to come around to after I died. What are you thinking about for a Year?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I like him - tried for a while to figure out if I would without the love magic, but he's been a redmage since he was five, there's really really not much point -"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Looks bad. I used to pretty much figure that I had a moral obligation not to do things that people around me would consider evil, even if they were wrong - at least, not just for fun - because it was more important that they trust me. I asked one of the alts from an Arda with more homophobia if they  - did that - and they said 'yep and it pretty much destroyed me' so I'm - reconsidering it - but slowly -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I won't think you're evil but I suppose with a policy like that you'd need unanimity and also my boyfriend wasn't even eighteen when I took up with him, so."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Did you worry about the age?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I did! Also the being from 1802."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How'd you - decide -"

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"Uh, substantial fraction of it was me being embarrassingly susceptible to flattery but pretty much the key ingredient was that if I at age seventeen had decided to date a hundred eighty year old demon for some reason I would not have appreciated or benefited from second-guessing and Timothy didn't seem to be missing any of what would have let me be confident in that."

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"What was he - not missing - exactly -"

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"He, hm. A lot of seventeen year olds are not done deciding who to be, people change a lot really fast around then. He seemed to have settled on a self-concept."

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Nod. "Thanks."

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"You're welcome. Good skill."

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He nods.


He goes to his room and sings, and sleeps, and reads through some logistics notes.


He goes back to Cir's. 

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Cir and Ruviri and Ava are having breakfast there.

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"Mind if I join you?"

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"Of course not," says Ruviri. Cir grins at him.

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"How have you been?" he asks Ruviri and Ava.

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"We're good!" says Ruviri. "I have discovered nail polish!" She has discovered it all over her attendant and her brother as well as herself, it looks like. Looks like she has reasonably steady hands.

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Giggle. "I know someone who once asked Nessa to make hers magically indestructible because it kept chipping."

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"But if it chips you can take it off and do a new color!"

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"Perhaps if Nessa had possessed a more complete understanding of incarnates and their needs she would have considered this? Instead she just did it and now that woman has indestructible nails."

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Ruviri keeps looking at Cir and giggling. When the girls are done eating they scamper.

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Because Ruviri can read Cir perfectly, of course. Ah well. "I had questions about how confident you are that your self-concept is done settling but then I realized I could anticipate exactly what look you were going to give me."

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...Cir laughs and flops over into his lap to look up at him. "I like that you can do that. It's more work being around people who aren't good at reading me when I can read them like books. Eventually you'll probably be as good as Ruviri at figuring me out."

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"I would like that a lot.


So if yesterday was not actually trying -"

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"Oh, did you not come to a sober considered decision in favor, you need to get carried away?"

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"I'm in favor, and I'm flirting with you." He very gently pats Cir's hair.

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Cir beams up at him. "Yesterday was not trying very hard. Do you want me to try very hard?"

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"I confess curiosity."

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Cir puts his hand over Maitimo's where it's in his hair and holds it there while he slides the rest of the way out of his chair to kneel on the floor at Maitimo's feet.

He leans his cheek on his thigh and looks up at him wide-eyed and says, "Please, please fuck me, I can't wait to have you inside of me Maitimo please -"

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HIs breath catches but he looks slightly more flustered than seduced. His ears go pink again and he blinks rapidly as if that'll help his hearing -

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"- did I overshoot, that didn't occur to me I haven't seen you thrown off balance like that before -"

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" - humans are very human," he splutters at him after a second. "Though I guess if the entire population of Valinor talked like that too I wouldn't know -"

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"I can tone it down," says Cir, nudging his head into Maitimo's hand cheerfully. "Please scoop me up and take me to bed, Maitimo."

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"Don't call me that here," he says, and scoops him up, and ruffles his hair curiously and starts tugging off his clothes. "I let everyone call me that precisely because it's intimate and it did not occur to me that some time I might want words the whole world didn't have."

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Cir is very scoopable and his clothes are not hard to take off. "What d'you want me to call you?"

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"His grace Nelyafinwë son of Curufinwë, crown prince of the Noldor and now a few outlying planetoids," he says with perfect seriousness, and then gets distracted by all this unclothed Cir. "I will be very upset if you mess it up."

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So unclothed. Cir squirms a little into a more distracting pose. "But I'm so forgetful. What if I leave off the planetoids."

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"I will make you better memory blessings, of course." Nibble. 

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Whimper. "Thank you your grace Nelyafinwë son of Curufinwë crown prince of the Noldor," he says all very fast.

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"And outlying planetoids," he sings, but by this point they are both very otherwise distracted.

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Elsewhere, Cam snuffs a mouse.

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He squeezes his hand and sighs. "Valar still will be a while.

We could pay for a goldmage to jump, have them tell us the results of a test on the nearest one... or get like ten tests of various things we can't actually check, simultaneously, have them jumped back..."

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"We are trying not to contribute to goldmage demand."

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"I am aware. The door could open for a Melkor or a Sauron somewhere, you know."

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"I think it wouldn't - there's some inscrutable screening for people who won't make too much trouble - but maybe." Shrug. "Could tell them about the antimagic world the one portaled to, bag another Eru."

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"I'm not totally sure that works if the Eru doesn't think it's a grand story itself."

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"You're probably right."

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"Talking irresponsible deities into dramatic suicides would be fun but I'm suspicious it might sometimes go very badly. Also flat Ardas might just crumble."

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"Want to go visit Endorë while we're waiting on enough Valar, meet the orcs?"

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So they go through into Sanity's Tirion. It is his first exposure to Elf architecture. "...wow."

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"I know, right, that's what inspired the moon prison, I got used to Elf architecture."

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"No wonder they were so fanatical about the design of the dots, they must find all human habitations to be intolerable eyesores. Gosh. I wonder if people are nicer if their environments are."

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"Well, they're less likely to litter somewhere clean but I don't know if that generalizes."

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"Are orcs allowed in Elf cities or are they too ugly."

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"I'm not sure! Maybe the orcs wear bags on their heads to be polite."

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"Anything you want to see here before we go?"

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"I don't have a guidebook..."

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"Me neither. I suppose we can do it later. Are lightleapers this pretty?"

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"They are! Can't take off from the ground, I'll make us one up in orbit."

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Bright told them where they could take off in a shuttle without trouble; they do that.

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And in space they can have a lightleaper and be off!

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Lightleapers are spacious and pretty. Of course. He's working on curriculum revisions for Elves who want to go be helpful in the multiverse; when Cam is not too distractingly shirtless he does that. 

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But Cam is always shirtless!

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Then he might do fairly little of that!!

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Endorë has either one very meandering continent or three with land bridges between them, depending how you count such things. It's a little bigger than Earth and a little smaller than Valinor and like both of them strikingly blue from space. It has a moon. (Orcs and Dwarves on Endorë have space programs; the Elves don't, it being too expensive to make sufficiently spacious spaceships.)

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"I kidnapped a family of orcs in Singularity to learn more about them, I suppose we could go near there for lack of a more specific destination."

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"Sure. A family? Why a family?"

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"It is hard to find orcs in not families, I just abducted a car and that's who was in it, I felt real awkward about it."

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Hug. "They come through okay?"

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"They survived and I brought them home, I don't know if they needed therapy after or anything."

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"It kind of sounds like the whole planet needs therapy but being kidnapped by you beats being oath-ordered into a war any day."

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"I scared them."

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"I bet. I also bet you are less scary than a police state run by Melkor."

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"Sauron. Objectively, maybe. Families of orcs aren't objective."

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"Do you remember them, we can probably look 'em up specifically. Or their alts."

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"That'd be a hell of an icebreaker. 'I kidnapped your alts for research purposes'. They might not exist here, things changed early enough. I do have their address, but..."

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"There's probably a tourism bureau or something. Friendlier."

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"Yes. Lemme see where I can get with maps."

Tourism bureauuuuu?

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Several! The biggest ones are in Erdenet and Darhan.

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Erdenet has a cooler name. To Erdenet!

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Erdenet winds halfway around an enormous freshwater lake. The architecture is very distinctly and maybe a little pointedly not Elven; lots less glass, higher density, less space between buildings. It's pretty in its own way. The maps note that most of the airspace over the lake is reserved for the local airport, so they have to go in the long way.

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"You didn't bring a broomstick, did you?"

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"I did not. I can go weightless and hold your hand if you want to fly in on your own wings, though."

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"It's better than walking and I won't have to get rid of a vehicle. Besides, you'd be so inconvenienced having to learn about cell biology if I had a motorcycle accident."

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"I probably wouldn't be a demon, I'd have to get you to do all the transfusions every time I slept and lost hold of 'em. Though wizards are harder to kill in accidents than Muggles."

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"I guess you do kind of ride around on literal broomsticks high in the air at speed, motorcycles aren't worse than that."

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"And we do it while being pursued by iron balls enchanted to try to smash our skulls in! Not that I am personally any good at Quidditch."

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"Wait, what, iron balls, I missed this."

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"Wait, really? Quidditch is played with four balls. Quaffle is this-large and hard rubber, you put it through the hoops to score. Snitch is this-large and gilded - they used to be little birds - and you catch it to end the game. The Bludgers are the iron ones, this large, and their job is to fly at the nearest person and try to knock them off their broom."

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"That sounds like the kind of game that someone who had already had their skull smashed in by an iron ball would invent!"

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"People really don't die playing very often."

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"I wonder why being magic makes you so durable."

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"Don't know. It's mostly resilience against accidents, in particular - I think anything specific you tried to do to me would go through just as easily as if I were a Muggle - maybe the dose to poison us is higher..."

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"Do you do spontaneous magic about it?"

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"Maybe. I am not sure how to tell."

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"Probably there's a way to detect magic even in small quantities with sufficiently delicate electronics. Bet Minor invents it. Let's do the weightlessness thing."

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So he goes feather-light and can then be tugged by Cam down towards Erdanet, inconveniently buffeted by air currents.

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Cam eventually switches to a bridal carry.

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They get some stares as they approach.

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That's not unreasonable. Cam lands by the bureau of tourism and sets Timothy down, not letting go until he won't be blown away.

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He makes himself unweightless and gives Cam a kiss.

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And what does the board of tourism have to say?

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"Uh, hi. How can we help you?"

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Computer translation to the rescue. "We're tourists! What should we see while we're here?"

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"Do you Quenya? We have a small staff who Quenya -"

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"I speak Quenya."

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By 'small staff' they turn out to mean an intern who looks younger than Timothy. "The stars shine on the hour of our meeting!" he says in Quenya. "Everyone thought I was stupid for taking this language in school and then lightleapers, it's fantastic. How can I help you?"

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"We would like to do some tourist things and had no idea where to start!" Aside to Timothy he translates and reads the intern's nametag.

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"Uh, okay, historical sites? Museums? Temples? Shopping malls?"

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"We have very broad interests but I think heavier on the museums than the malls."

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"There's a map labelled in Quenya." He starts bustling around file drawers to find it.

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"If it's titled uniquely I can make a copy and you don't have to hunt it up.."

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Blink. "Oh is this the summoning thing that has the Valar all everywhere - yeah, it's titled 'Erdanet: A Guidebook for the Thirteenth Century -"

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"Yeah, it's that. Thanks!" Book.

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And he can point out attractions! Temples to Melkor, here here and here, these ones date back to the Utumno days, art museums, history museums, national capital, embassies, guided tours...

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"Are the temples in ongoing use?"

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"Some of them, most are just tourist traps. If you want to talk to actual religious people I recommend Sergal -"

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"I confess to some curiosity." (Translation for Timothy.)

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"I'm sure they'd be happy to talk to you - none of them will have Quenya, though - I can see if I can get permission to come along and translate?"

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"Is my computer translation that bad? I'd appreciate that."

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"It actually mostly sounds weirdly old-fashioned? But you also might kind of want cultural translation, if you're going to Sergal. I'll ask."

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He does that, animatedly. The computer translation mostly catches it - his coworkers are worried that they need more Quenya translation help with all the Elves and Elf-gods around.

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"You might be able to get daeva to do it if you can finesse a long term summon. We get our summoners' languages."

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"That's the thing the Elf-gods are in town to set up, the places where summoning works. The guides on stuff to pay with wasn't super helpful - we don't have personal computers or most kinds of popular electronics yet, we kind of aren't big on music for cultural reasons..."

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"Fairies are easy to pay - they're telekinetic but they have to acquire their physical belongings the same way anyone else does - and would work fine for translation work. It's us demons who are complicated. It doesn't have to be music, writing works, recommendations work even if Hell has already curated the thing as long as your recommendations are or seem informed."

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"I expect it'll get figured out but the bureau staff aren't totally the most creative-minded people? They don't want to be first. Maybe if they get desperate enough to solve their language problem. Anyway, I'm off Vegzdal - two days from now - and I can translate for you then."

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"You wanna wander around two days and then come pick him up to translate for us?" Cam asks Timothy.

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"Sure, and that way if we get kicked out for rudeness to the Melkor-worshippers we'll have seen a bit of the city first."

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Off sightseeing!

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Such sights! So many orcs!

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The temples are very large and imposing and slightly scary to set foot in even knowing they've been empty a long time. "I wonder if Utumno is a tourist destination."

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Cam looks at the map. "It might be, sites of atrocities on Earth in Revelation sometimes are."

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"Atrocities I've heard of?"

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"I'm not sure, I haven't done much atrocity tourism, but I know people go look at World War II concentration camps."

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"Heard of that one."

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"I told Sauron he was worse than Hitler, it wasn't as satisfying as it should have been."

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"Were you hoping to hurt his feelings?"

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"I definitely wasn't expecting it."

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"Maybe killing him will be satisfying enough to make up for it."

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"Maybe, yeah."

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And two days later they go meet the orc at the tourism bureau.

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"Hi! Having fun?"

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"Yeah, this is a neat city."

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"Thanks! We mostly get orc and Dwarf tourists, Elves get distressed about all of the - well, orcs - around..."

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"Elves are like that," says Cam. "Do they have some way to let orcs visit their cities?"

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"They have these head-scarf thingies? I know someone who visited dozens of Elf cities uncovered and they all gave her this astonishingly pretty headscarf thing to cover up with, and she hit them all up two or three times, and then she came back here with them and sold 'em, paid for a car that way."

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"...that's hilarious."

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He grins toothily. "Elves. They're all right, just not as neighbors. How were you planning to get to Sergal?"

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"It'd probably be awkward to carry you and my boyfriend. Is there some sort of local vehicle you know how to drive and would be pleased to keep or resell after we're gone?"

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" - I can drive a car like that, yeah -" gesture -

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"Cool, what color do you want it?"

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"Uh. Green? How long does it take you to make a car?"

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"Less than a minute, do you care what shade of green?"

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"Darkish, not like neon?"

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And here is a car in a pleasing shade of spruce. "Voilà."

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" - woah. Woah. You know, I will give the Elf-gods a little credit, it's a good idea setting it up so people can meet you guys. Okay." And he gets behind the wheel of his pleasing spruce car.

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Cam ushers Timothy in and catches him up on the conversation.

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"Wonder why they dislike the Elf-gods. I can see why most sets do, but..."

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"Good question. I'll ask." To the orc: "Timothy wants to know why the Valar are unpopular here."

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"They arrested Sauron a thousand years ago over stuff he did several thousand years before that - he wasn't doing anything bad when they arrested him, and he was ours, and helped us out. They explained why and stuff but people mostly don't totally buy it, and eternal imprisonment is kind of a lot..."

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Cam translates this for Timothy.

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"I suppose I could provide perspective on that but 'yeah he was totally going to march you all into a stunningly awful war, millions of alternate universes I heard about from a sapient bar say so' is kind of a stretch."

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"Exactly. Serious credit to the Sanity Valar for that, actually, because they made the right call with substantially less to go off..."

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"Yeah. I will have to remember to hug Mirelótë later."

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They head a bit north and the streets get narrower and the family sizes, already notable, get even larger, and everyone is wearing black. "I should probably find a place to park," their guide says. 

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"Does the dress code apply to visitors?"

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"No? I mean, I think technically as a theological point they do believe that all orcs should follow their interpretation and that their interpretation demands the outfit, but you're not even orcs and as a practical point they don't bother visitors. There are areas we tell Elf tourists not to go at night and this isn't even one of them." He parks the car.

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"I'm not worried about being assaulted, I'm worried about being insensitive, but if they don't care what I'm wearing I won't dye my jeans. What about you?"

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"Don't own any black. And I don't want these dyed, I need them for work."

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"You want a set of robes like his to go over what you've got?"

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"Sure, that'd work."

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The intern is enrobed.

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They walk down the street. People wave at them. Children stare. One runs up and tries to poke Cam's wing.

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Aww. The kid may handle the wing if she really wants.

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The kid's father apologetically stops her after a couple seconds. "They're real!" the girl announces triumphantly.

"I bet they are! It's not okay to touch people without asking!"

"Can I have touched your wing?"

(Their guide translates, giggling.)

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"Awww. Yeah, it's okay."

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She beams at him. 

"Do you all have a place to go for lunch?" the father says, putting his daughter on his shoulders.

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"We hadn't made lunch plans!"

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"We're making -" (- the guide shrugs helplessly - "I have no idea how to translate that, it's tasty though - he's inviting you, you could say you'd like to try it -")

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"Timothy, you wanna go have lunch with this random orc family and try their food?"

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"Sure - is there a reason they're asking or are they just that friendly -"

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"It's possible we'll be proselytized to?" He asks their guide in Quenya if there's context behind the invitation they should know about.

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"Not especially - it's not rude to refuse or anything -"

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"Just wondering. I would love to try the" (name of food).

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He communicates their acceptance and they are shuffled over to a very big apartment building. The inside has thirty floors of apartments ringing an indoor courtyard with a three-hundred-foot-tall winding playground full of children. They proceed elevator-wards.

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"That is the best playground I have ever seen."

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When translated this wins a grin. "Playground design and engineering is one of the most competitive majors at university," their guide comments. "People'll pick a place to live off which ones are nicest."

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"Makes sense if you're going to have that many kids!"

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"Now that there are lightleapers and demons we'll probably start colony planets!"

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"Seems like the logical thing to do."

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"We're not running out of space but we will be sooner or later." The apartment smells delicious and has four or five other kids running around; these ones ask wing-touching permission in advance.

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Children may touch his wings. Not the tail please.

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They have lots of questions. "What are you? Where are you from? Why are you visiting? Have you tried [the untranslatable food]? Are your kids here, where are they..."

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"I'm a demon! Demons live in a place called Hell. Timothy is a human and he's from a place called Earth. We're tourists and we wanted to check out an orc city so we came here. We haven't tried it yet. Neither of us has any kids."

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"None at all?" Patpat. "Maybe soon! What's Hell like? What's Earth like? Have you seen Elf cities and Dwarf cities?"

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"...Hell is really tacky, because everybody in it can make stuff and only has the usual options for getting rid of it. Earth is more like here, except it has humans and doesn't have Elves or orcs or Dwarves. We've seen Elf cities but haven't visited any Dwarves at home yet."

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The mother comments that making stuff sounds terrifically useful. One of the small children wants to know what Elf cities are like - one of her siblings shushes her.

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"Do you want a little model of an Elf city?"

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She looks at her parents. 

"Maybe later," says her father. 

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"Sure. Oh, uh, question, what's the food made of?"

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The guide doesn't know the Quenya for food words but the computer figures it out; they're pork dumpling-y things, apparently.

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"I can copy some for my portion if you don't mind; I would rather not eat things that used to be pigs."

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"Why not?"

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"It's unfashionable on my home planet. Instead demons make meat or they grow it in vats."

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"Huh. I can't see why you shouldn't - the children probably shouldn't eat copied food until there's a ruling about that but I expect the ruling'd be that it's fine unless there's something I'm not thinking of." Dumplings are served.

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Cam copies a plateful each for himself and Timothy.

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"Earth has the same fashion?" 

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"No, but Timothy cares what people on other planets think of him."

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"That's a terrible idea," one of the kids pipes up solemnly. 

"Judging people isn't nice," their father says.

"Judging ideas is okay though and that's a terrible idea."

The father shrugs.


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"It might get difficult eventually but as long as I'm around the meat thing is easy."

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"Is he the person who summoned you? It was in the paper, how that works... along with a few opinions on whether it's permitted for orcs..."

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"It's more important for Dwarves than anyone else. Timothy didn't summon me, he's my boyfriend."

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"Well, it'd be nice if we could do reembodiments ourselves instead of counting on the Elf-gods."

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"Yeah, demons can do that if you have the chips available. But if the Dwarves start doing it then when they die they'll be daeva, so eventually you could just hire a Dwarf demon whose relatives summoned them back to do it for you."

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"Oh, that's good to know! I should write in and point that out. How has your visit been?"

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"We've had a good time! Went to a museum but my computer translation wasn't really good enough for all the captions, might go back now that we have a translator guide."

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They recommend some more sightseeing destinations! They go to different museums and have been to most of the old temples.

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Cam writes everything down. "These are delicious, by the way," he says of the dumplings.

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"Thank you! We don't usually get tourists here."

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"In this neighborhood?"

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"Yes, I think downtown gets plenty."

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"We're actually curious about the local religion."

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They all perk up. "Oh? What about it?"

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"Don't know yet, start us with an overview?"

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"Long ago there were two forces in the world, Eru and Melkor. Melkor is the creative force: nature is his work, the stars are his work, fire is his work. Eru was supposed to be the - targeting force. Think of a writer and their editor. Melkor creates, Eru gives creation meaning. But Eru did not understand what meaning was; he thought the only things with meaning were suffering, and he tapered all Melkor's creations to self-contained tragedies, rather than allowing them paths to thrive and grow. And they were equals in power, and Melkor could counter him but not defeat him, and so Melkor tricked him.  Melkor saw how Eru's fated end to the world could be averted: a people, the orcs, who could understand his will and multiply until they were strong enough to achieve it. Melkor could only achieve this with Eru's leave, it was too great a work to do otherwise. And Eru would only accept orcs if he thought we were a finished story, our existence the tragedy. So Melkor made orcs from Elves, who are designed to Eru's sensibilities, and Eru permitted it, though he made it so all orcs everywhere were born and lived forever in pain, and he made it so when they died their souls would go to the Elf-gods who would torture them forever. But still orcs are glad to exist, because we are the instrument by which the balance can be upset, and creation triumph forever over Eru's vision for the world."

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Cam politely takes notes.

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"Then the Elf-gods, created to be Eru's servants, warred with Melkor, and imprisoned him, and he is still imprisoned, and his work and his teachings he left to us and to the Maiar who would help us. The Elf-gods came and arrested them too, and most of them too are imprisoned forever."

"Thuringwethil still helps out sometimes!" someone says brightly.

"Yes, she does. She talked her way free of the Elf-gods. And the orcs are still free, and permitted to grow and multiply, and the Elf-gods learned of the horror of Eru's work and even they rejected him and now sometimes they will help us too, but they cannot be trusted; Eru could bend them to his will again."

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"So is the idea that the Elf-gods are approximately Eru's gaslighting victims or that they are independently inclined to be bad news?"

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"They are - independently inclined to be the gods of the Elves, and do whatever serves the Elves. But also we are the only creatures in creation who Eru cannot bend to his will if he pleases."

Someone mutters something.

"Well, that's a theologically disputed point," she amends. "Some people think that the reformed oaths made us vulnerable to Eru again - see, we used to swear ourselves to Melkor, and then Eru could not bend our wills, but now we can't swear to Melkor anymore, so a lot of people think he can, but other people think Melkor made orcs inherently safe from Eru controlling our wills."

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"What about Dwarves?"

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"Dwarves think their Maker made them safe against Eru too but if so he did it a different way, Dwarves don't have oaths."

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Nod. "...where do the black outfits come in?"

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"Oh, so, after Sauron was imprisoned by the Elf-gods there was a lot of debate over - how seriously to take our obligations, and what they were, and the stricter interpretation includes that there is an obligation to set yourselves apart from those who abandon the path - not to bother them, or anything, and separately there's a thing where you are supposed to be accessible to them so you can explain - so all the great scholars went up the mountain and asked Thuringwethil to shield them from Eru's presence and came up with rules for how to navigate that obligation, and the rule they came up with was that we should all dress the same way, and in a way that was visually distinct from how the rest of the world dresses, so we know who we are and we are not striving to blend in and keep our heads down and forget our role in the world but we also impose no obligation on any other person and it's not hard to join or to leave."

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"Nobody else ever just feels like wearing all black?"

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" - it'd be sort of a strange thing to do since everyone would assume you'd become religious. I suppose maybe some people do it anyway."

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"Are any of the points of theological dispute disputed to the point of schism?"

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" - people disagreed on how much to resist when the Elf-gods came to strip the oaths away, there was one at the time. Now - well, no matter what you think there's nothing we can do."

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"Except maybe with technology," one of the children offers, and gets a stern look. 

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"...is there something controversial about the possibility?"

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"Seems likely that if it came to the attention of the Elf-gods they would interfere."

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There is a prayer over lunch; it's in yet another language and their translator shrugs. Then the children chatter excitedly about their days. It does not sound like orcs go to school.

Permalink Mark Unread

What do they do instead?

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This one invented a new playground game and tried enforcing the rules but people weren't very good at listening; this one is making a presentation about how airplanes work and spent the day reading about it, this one went to the library to try to find a High Era translation of some religious text but got distracted by some other religious text, which he brings out to question his father about; this one helps put together the weekly commentary on a chapter in orcish history but she didn't know much about the topic so she did the artwork while a friend wrote the piece.

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"Who do you deliver the presentations to?"

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Religious presentations are for temple, the airplanes one is just for grandma who asked for help learning about airplanes. "She might get a job at the airport. It wouldn't be an engineering job but she wants to know how they work."

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"Awww, that's sweet of you to help her."

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He takes this as a cue to chatter at length about airplanes.

Permalink Mark Unread

Does he want a model airplane from Cam's homeworld?

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Oh gosh yes he would like that so much.

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Teeny 737!

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He has lots of questions about powered flight in Cam's homeworld!

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Cam can answer some of them but not most.

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That's okay! If it gets ruled that summoning is allowed he will get books and if not he will wait for a Dwarf to die and then get books! 

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"I could do books but my translation wouldn't be very good. Is there a particular rule that may be interpreted as forbidding summoning?"

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"No but it's the Elf-gods setting it up and permitting it and we try to be cautious around things they orchestrate, since the last one was arresting all our Maiar and the one before that was taking oaths away."

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"They're actually not so much permitting it as forbidding it in unauthorized locations. It works by default, it's just dangerous."

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"How is it dangerous?"

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"Daeva are really powerful."

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"Maybe one of them could get Melkor out!" one of the kids says excitedly.

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She falls quiet.

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"Not really the sort of thing our powers are good at."

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Airplanes kid starts talking again.

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Yay for airplanes kid!

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And, lunch concluded, they all scatter.

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"Thank you very much for having us," Cam tells the one who invited them.

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"Of course!"

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And off they go.

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"Kib mentioned a Thuringwethil."

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"Yeah. He doesn't like her but as far as he knows she doesn't go in for anything more unpleasant than rape-by-fraud and being inappropriately cheerful to badly injured prisoners."

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"Why ever wouldn't he like her. I vaguely want to meet this world's one."

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"Hey, how accessible is Thuringwethil?" Cam asks their guide.

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"Uh, lives near a volcano couple hours' flight south of here, but you'd need a private plane? I think occasionally she'll be more accessible than that but not, like, announced."

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"We have a little shuttle, we just couldn't approach restricted airspace in it. Maybe after we're done in the city."

They should go see more things!

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They do that!! It's a lovely city. The orcs are all friendly. 

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"What a nice place."

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"Yeah. Match Earth at about the same tech level?"

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"No, this is denser and everything is much more child- and family-oriented and the religion's obviously much different and there's no apparent compulsory education."

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"I wonder if literacy rates are correspondingly lower or if they mostly figure it out since they've got forever."

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"There are signs, including in places where I'd expect it to be reasonably important for unaccompanied people to know what's on them..."

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"Yeah. And it sounds like even the insular super religious people definitely teach their kids to read and write competently." Pause.


" - would holing a Valinor that was holding Melkor prisoner get him loose -"

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"If he wasn't expecting it I imagine it'd hole him too. Also Ulmo is here and could maybe do something."

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"If he was expecting it, though - find a way to get someone within osanwë range -"

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"We should probably mention this ambition of the orcs to the competent Valar, yeah."

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"It's super nice having competent Valar who we can just tell stuff instead of thinking how to work around them."

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"I know! I owe Mirelótë hugs!"

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"So does everyone else in this world, little though they mostly know it!!"


And after a week of tourism they shuttle out to meet Thuringwethil.

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Volcano? Volcano. Cam lands what seems like probably a polite distance from the volcano.

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No people are apparent.

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"You want to come along or should I fly up myself and see if she says hi?"

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"Not, like, especially enthused about having to do gene therapy to do magic. You can totally go poke around the volcano."

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Snort. Hug. Flap.

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He flies. 


When he gets high enough a colony of bats flies past him, coalesces suddenly into a winged woman chewing idly on her fingertail. "Hey. Looking for me?"

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"Assuming you're Thuringwethil, yes. Hi."

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"Hi. The wings are cute. New here?"

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"I'm a tourist. My name's Cam."

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She sends hers; it's a long soaring trill with a background patter like beating wings. "Or Thuringwethil in the vernacular. What brings you here?"

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"Wanted to meet the orcs. They seem fond of you."

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"They have fascinating taste."

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"Well, they make nice dumplings and playgrounds I would probably have strangled a puppy for as a five year old."

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"I'll tell them you said so."

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"I already complimented both things."

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"So you're here for, what, corroboration? I do magic favors, I mostly let them come up with the religious stuff on their own."

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"I have sources I trust farther on the facts of the religious stuff, I was just curious about you. You don't help them theologize?"

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"It'd be a total waste of time. I'd say something that some great scholar three hundred years ago conclusively refuted and they'd decide I didn't know what I was talking about, never mind I was there, and then they wouldn't come here for the magic favors and shit. The religion's their lookout, I'm just the god."

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"Yeah, I didn't contradict them on stuff either."

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"That'd be even worse. They know the Valar line on things, you get nowhere pushing it."

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"I mean, I could've badmouthed some alternate universe Valar for whatever credibility that would have got me."

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"There are more than four hundred million Ardas and this one has the only Valar who are genuinely good at their jobs."

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" - huh. Why're we special?"

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"Funnily enough it's because this one has an alternate universe version of me, who is an Elf and very patiently explained to the Valar how not to suck."

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"That's adorable. Congratulations. Does she have such nice wings, too?"

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"She has not asked me for a set."

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"Too bad. They suit you. I bet she wears a shirt, too?"

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"Well, typically, but she's an Elf so I don't think she'd consider it remarkable not to, it's the unbraided hair Elves've gotta watch out for."

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"I have met some. Did you have any questions or were you just curious whose wings were prettier?"

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"I didn't even know you had wings. I'm curious how you talked your way out of lockup."

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"Said I'd be good. Meant it."

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"I suppose that would probably do the trick."

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"I also hadn't done much to begin with. Dunno if it would have done the trick for Melkor."

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"All I knew about you besides what the orcs said was technically about alternate universe instances."

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"Is that so. What are they getting up to, places where the Valar make this set look good?"

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"One of them is a kind of Arda where everything is flatter and magicaler and closer together, and an alternate universe version of me there has gone through Angband - Utumno's successor - and does not like the you he met there because she keeps impersonating his spouse. And there's an Arda shaped more like this one where Melkor while on parole managed to forcibly demagic everything and assassinate Eru in the process and the you and the Sauron have kids."

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"How do they do it -"

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"There's this other world that is very aggressively nonmagical."

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"Sauron must be so happy." She sounds fond. "You should ask the you if there are any moments-he-experienced with me running them which he'd trade for anyone else's attention."

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"I'm pretty sure the answer to that, phrased that way, is no, but he isn't glad they have anyone capable of convincing him his husband is doing the sorts of things hallucination characters are inclined towards."

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"I don't pull that shit. Didn't even when I was doing contract work for Melkor, I mean. His fake husband is perfectly nice, promise."

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"This includes 'divorcing him', he's very touchy about thinking his husband is divorcing him."

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"He might possibly have sensibilities too delicate for Angband."

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"I don't know, he did manage to avoid accumulating weird phobias and his sense of sarcasm is intact. Maybe when he's had longer to decompress he will be positively grateful to your alt for the relative comfort of rape-by-fraud or something."

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"Doesn't want a pretend divorce, doesn't want a not-divorce. Has he told her how he feels about this, I think communication really helps a relationship."

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"No, whenever he was aware of being in Angband he managed not to have higher level cognition online."

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"Well. You can send him my love and tell him his real hubby is a lucky man."

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"I will keep this option in reserve."

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"How about you, single?"

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"The one on the shore? He can join us."

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"He's gay."

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"I'm a shapeshifter, sweetheart."

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"We also haven't discussed nonmonogamy and I'd rather not do anything I can't defend to my alts and for that matter I don't see a compelling reason to be interested, but I'm very flattered by the offer."

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"Betcha I could solve at least one problem you currently have. I'm good at magic, and people have easy problems. But sure." She arches her back and extends the wings. "I'm getting bored. One more question, then shoo."

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"Easy problems, huh. Can you tell me how to kill a Melkor plus a Sauron from the flat variety of Arda without undesirable collateral damage in case the thing I haven't tested yet doesn't work?"

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"I could probably take Sauron if I had, like, a reason. Melian could definitely take Sauron if someone'd babysit her boy toy while she was gone. Melkor you gotta make the Valar do it or tell me what you have to play with."

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"Daeva. A magic system involving aiming sticks at things and doing spells, which includes the one I haven't tested yet. Limited and highly costly time manipulation. Valar, since the ones from here are kindly teaching some of their alts the secrets of not sucking and we're hoping that exponentiates, but they think they'll take a while to get it done."

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"Why haven't you tested the thing you haven't tested?"

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"The Valar haven't held a Melkor still for me to aim a stick at yet and I'm not very good at the spell yet."

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"I'm holding still."

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"I don't want to kill you."

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"Honey, I straight-up don't give a fuck. Especially if there are four hundred million of me."

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"Okay, sure, good for you, that doesn't inspire in me a desire to kill you, the test result would not even be valid with respect to an outright Vala from a different Arda design, and think of the poor orcs."

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"Daeva might solve most of the problems they come to me for. I bet you the same stuff kills us as Valar, they're us just - bigger. No idea on the different Ardas."

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"Then I think you're outta questions. Take care."

And she dissolves into bats again. The bats fly off.

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Cam swoops down to Timothy again. "That was weird."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"She hit on me, I said I had a boyfriend, she suggested a threesome, I said you were gay, she said she was a shapeshifter, I said I - here, do you want my transcript, the Quenya to English isn't bad -" Cam runs it through the translation program.

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He reads it. "Uh. Okay. Why not kill her -"

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"I don't like killing people."

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Squeeze. "Anything else you wanted to check out here?"

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"I guess we could go meet Dwarves. The last time I met Dwarves I got shot at too much to really take in the scenery."

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"Sure, let's go meet Dwarves."

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Dwarven cities are entirely underground, and in stone, and mostly built for people substantially shorter than Cam and Timothy, though it's not hard finding larger accommodations. Lack of local currency will be a problem very quickly.

Permalink Mark Unread

Would anydwarf like to purchase some arbitrary material objects.

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Yep they would.

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Then it will not stay a problem for very long!

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Shortly they are fabulously wealthy.

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Marvelous. Now they can tourist around in style.

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It is less tacky than Hell and nearly as anarchic. Dwarves aren't far ahead of anyone else in tech but have them very much outmatched in 'variety+quality of consumer goods'. There are dazzling cave tours and all the museums are economic history and quite a few people speak Quenya for the research papers.

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Dwarves are great!

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"Aaron would love it here. Maybe I should send him."

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"Maybe. He can summon Minor when he arrives for startup capital."

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"I bet magic would do just fine for that."

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"Seems like it might take more explaining, but sure."

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"Yeah, wouldn't do it inside an hour, but I think he'd want to be here awhile."

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"Back to Milliways?"

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"Works for me. Thanks for coming out here. It was fascinating."

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"It has been a lovely trip."

And back into orbit to rejoin the lightleaper and off they lightleap.

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They arrive just in time for Cefax's fireworks show.

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It's very well-orchestrated. Liatsi's planners are good at their jobs and there are lots of resources in Hell for people who want to do dramatic fireworks shows.

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It's only a little weird that he looks exactly like Cam. They're dressed differently and the Cefaxi can't tell white people apart very easily, though, so nobody else really notices.

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And then Cefax's dots can open for business. "I should be conjuring my mail very often for the next while, I'm expecting a bunch of problems. Is it convenient for me to stick around you, or should I summon someone?"

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"How often is very?"

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"Half-hour or so?"

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"I will want breaks from that pace but that's fine for most of the time."

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"Thank you. Perhaps I am too pessimistic and it will all go very smoothly."

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"Wouldn't that be nice."

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"I am sure it happens occasionally. How did you like Endorë?"

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"It was fun except for the part where the more religious of the orcs are hoping for the triumphant return of their god. I managed not to try to tell them how that goes. Also poor Timothy couldn't talk to anybody but me without two layers of translation."

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"You can get pretty much everywhere with just Thindarin."

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"I don't actually speak Thindarin, I speak Quenya and was computer translating everything else. We found an orc who spoke Quenya and was willing to play tour guide for a bit though."

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"You should get my dad to summon you once Singularity gets moving again."

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"I look forward to it!"

Permalink Mark Unread

And are there any problems at the dots?

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Of course not, everything is going completely smoothly.

...people aren't queuing neatly or respecting triage. Some sick children are having trouble concentrating enough to dismiss their daeva. Somebody's tying up the staff demanding that they make it possible to summon at home, sick people can't travel, you monsters. Some nonmage religious sorts think the entire enterprise is an insult to Ci of Life. The dots offer refreshments and water and these are proving to be attractive nuisances.

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"You should equip your staff with stun weapons and have them just take out anyone who is not respecting triage or who is remaining on the property after having been asked to leave."

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"Wait, do we have non-wand stun weapons going spare? Did I forget something?"

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"There're worlds where they exist, we haven't tried 'em."

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"Anyway, hauling stunned people is a job for a fairy, and once you have a fairy to evict folks I'm not sure the weapons add much besides the opportunity to be disarmed and admittedly a way to not be shouted at."

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"I wasn't expecting you'd actually have to stun many people. But yeah, fairy security works."

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"I can tell them all to summon fairy security."

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"You could stop time there and find fairies for them yourself, save them some shopping around."

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"Yeah." He writes a note asking for the portal to Godspring to be closed again. "Can I have some circles?"

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He can!

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He gets to that.

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Fairies, predictably enough, appear. Some of them are interested in the security summons.

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When he has enough he calls down Cir to ask for a door so he can go dot-to-dot getting them set up.

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Cir comes down but brings Ava and has her hold the door instead for safety reasons.

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This is very reasonable. Through they go. Hopefully in time that nowhere has devolved into chaos.

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Nothing the security fairies can't fix.

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Yay. He adds that to the protocols for everywhere and goes to find the child-adopting demons to negotiate paying for them.

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The child-adopting demons are so happy about their child adopting prospects!

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Awesome, so it's no trouble if in addition to resupplying they are responsible for paying security fairies when they drop by the dots?

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Sure, that's easy, fairies can't want that much stuff!

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He should probably have someone local accompany them to the orphanages to pick up on things he might miss; he drops Liatsi an update requesting to be put in touch with someone who can do that.

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Liatsi has a recommendation for him promptly.

Permalink Mark Unread

Then the supply demons can adopt children now, how about.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh boy oh boy!


The children detect the presence of rich adoptive winged people and they get very competitive very fast. The demons don't totally know how to deal. Liatsi's representative finesses assistance from the orphanage workers and gets everything more orderly and assigns the demons who want babies babies and sets up less chaotic interviews for demons who want older kids and makes sure to assess their interest in taking sibling groups before letting them meet any.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh no oh no children being competitive over the possibility of good homes is really upsetting he reminds himself it would not be good to just have Elves adopt the rest, he has enough Elves for here but it would take practically all of the attention of practically everyone in Valinor interested in helping with the multiverse and there are so many worlds in just as much need. He does ask Liatsi's representative if there are material goods the orphanage would benefit from.

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The representative goes and assesses that and comes back with a list. It's sort of a pathetic list - blankets and toys and food -

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Maybe in addition to judging him for Cir Liatsi was judging him in knowledge of what else that thirty million riaxi could buy. He finds a demon who has gotten settled and whose baby is sleeping and shows her the list.

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"I'll come back and get another baby when I'm used to this one," she says, making the stuff.

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"I've been weighing asking my fork to take a couple. Don't overstretch yourself or anything. There's - gonna be need for a long time..."

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When everyone has the kids they want they can all get situated and told which dots they are supplying and who to write with any problems and he imagines they might be tempted to make their kids summoners at home rather than take them to the dots - "which is fine, but use the circle I used to grab you, just switch out the name. We're going to be conjuring for unsafe circles made on this planet since the summoning rollout and even if you're having them grab a friend of yours we want it done safely."

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That is fine with the demons!

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Great! He writes a note asking for the door again; he goes back through.


He looks very, very sad.

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Cir rather pounces on him. "Maitimo what's wrong -"

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Hug. "Uh, took the demons to the orphanages. Liatsi's liason was really helpful and everything is all set now but - the poor children, and that was just one orphanage -"

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Hug hug hug. "They're really crowded and orphan-housing doesn't generate a lot of revenue."

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"The state should fund it, why even have a state otherwise - we could adopt them all, that's the thing, it would be the wrong use of our resources but we could give every child on the planet a home -"

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"More daeva, or...?"

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"I don't know that there are that many daeva equipped to be good parents. I'm confident in the ones we picked and maybe we could pause the place and give enough other interested ones parenting classes but daeva as a whole aren't used to being around fragile people or being responsible for anyone else's needs. I could just post video of the orphanage back in Valinor and get millions of people who've already parented and would be wholly adequate but there are a lot of worlds and Elves who are parenting won't do anything else - I was staring at the kids and thinking 'and who am I to decide' but it is exactly my job to decide -"

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Squeeze. "I'm not totally sure Elves would be very good at human children."

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"They would have some serious drawbacks but no one'd want for anything and I do think they'd mostly learn. Elf children aren't all little angels, we just take so long to grow up that miscreant adults are vanishingly rare."

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"There's probably something better but I can't think what right now." Hug. "Maybe it'll change soon enough anyway as the world gets richer."

Permalink Mark Unread

"More people'll donate to the orphanages, at least."

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"And if they die they can come back and their children won't be orphaned at all, hopefully."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Godspring's stopped again. I'm keeping the portal closed for the time being, handling it with the door. Since there'll be a lot of problems. Might go outside and sing a little."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can I come listen?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Of course."

Permalink Mark Unread

So Cir follows him out and snuggles up and loves loves loves him.

Permalink Mark Unread

And he endeavors not to dwell on whether this was at all a defensible use of that much money - he couldn't not have done it, he couldn't let Cir forget everything, he couldn't help humans without Cir. Or at least he'd be worse at it.

He sings.

He imagines tiny Cir in an orphanage.

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Cir looks up at him quizzically.

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Pet pet. "I'm really glad you're safe."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Me too. What were you thinking about -?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The kids in the orphanage got so - competitive - over the prospect of parents -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...yeah. I think I punched somebody."

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Squeeze. "I suppose I shouldn't be glad you did."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not sure it actually helped me any, the mages give little tests and stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They said. The smartest and healthiest, so you had the most to spend."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. Didn't hurt I was cute."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I bet you were." Squeeze. "Do you think we should try to get Elf mages?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"How much trouble would Elves have with having to be careful who they touch?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Over any given timespan not a lot, but over forever there'd be accidents."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Anybody but redmages can just not use it. If they're not too impulsive. But I think it'd be hard to talk the Temple-Guilds into it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Liatsi was optimistic that better opportunities for orphans and a wealthier society might produce some theological changes. I - think she behaves as she would if your world had no gods, if that makes any sense? My father does that sometimes but it's more annoying with him since our gods are very around, maybe it makes sense in a world like yours."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, the gods don't mostly do things."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - yeah but if theology is that responsive to local political realities then you really wouldn't expect it to have any correspondence to reality."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why not?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Because - hmm, let's say you started out with the correct theology, all the gods and what they actually wanted and did and wanted you all to do. How long ago would that have been? A thousand years?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ish? I think Cefax was inhabited by barbarians before around then and I don't think they used the godsprings much."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And how many theological points are there which are as critical as 'mages should be raised by the Temple-Guilds', ten? Twenty?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fewer as critical, lots of little quibbling."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So if Liatsi's right that that one could change in thirty years just because of a change in conditions like 'there aren't tons of orphans desperate to become mages anymore', then over a thousand years there'd have been maybe fifty changes that big in the theology, whenever there's a big enough plague or disaster or war or change in what's scarce or change in what the government will tolerate. And you could have your current theology off pretty much any starting point, what you have now gives you barely any information at all about what you started with, and how did they start with the truth anyway, if the gods were noninterventionist even back then..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We're going off what the springs do..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That could have lots of other explanations, though - it doesn't necessarily even need anthropomorphic gods -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They're not very anthropomorphic."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - okay, doesn't even need sapient gods - doesn't even need gods that are best characterized as having preferences -"

Permalink Mark Unread

Cir frowns.

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"Sorry, I don't mean to be rude."

Permalink Mark Unread


"I'm not really attached to most of them but - I was glad Tsi picked me, it's the one most worth being more like, it loves everyone -"

Permalink Mark Unread

Squeeze - "I don't know, I'm just speculating, might be the Valar will visit and be like 'ah, yes, we're going to give Tsi some divine support in making everything good for everyone' - its problem wouldn't be like the Valar's problem, theirs was that they didn't understand but if redmages really are more like Tsi it understands..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It forgets, maybe." Small smile.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe we'll give it a necklace and everything'll be all right." Snuggle. 



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Permalink Mark Unread

He sings a while longer and then picks Cir up and carries him off upstairs.

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"Mirelótë says she hears you've been ignoring Fredrick and wants to know if I have been exhibiting some kind of trend towards jealousy or something. Have I been doing that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm? No, not at all, but it's still not a very good idea for him to have a crush on me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...so you're ignoring him?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not. But, I mean, we were best friends, and probably headed towards more, and now all of that is gone so even if I'm not ignoring him it's definitely been painful - heard that from who, did she say -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Didn't specify, should I ask?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, if it's Fredrick that'd be very surprising and informative - that he wouldn't just say something to me, I mean - actually no matter who it is I am interested in why they'd go to Mirelótë. It's not my alt from that world, he has his -" handwave -

Permalink Mark Unread

"Redmage. That means he couldn't be concerned for Fredrick being ignored?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It means he has been very busy lately. And Fredrick is not obviously going around feeling ignored so someone's been working pretty closely with him."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Findekáno maybe. I can ask her if it matters."

Permalink Mark Unread

" -oh, yeah, that is possible. It doesn't really matter. I can spend more time with him. He's been maintaining the list of possible interactions between magic systems to test, it'll be fun."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That does sound fun."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can come too if you want, are you in the middle of anything other than murder practice from which you need frequent breaks anyway?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am not!"

Permalink Mark Unread

So they go knock on Fredrick's door.

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He has Transfigured a textbook from Bar into a tortoise.

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He is petting it and giggling.

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"Oh, Timothy, Cam! Hey!"

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"Hey! What's up? What's the tortoise for?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm? Oh, checking if osanwë can read off Transfigured animals. While you're here, one of the items on the to-check list is whether Transfiguring a demonic animal into a teapot and back is harder or easier than doing a real one, gets you a demonic animal on the other end - off chance that turning things into a teapot and back works like the read-write trick for the Elves -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you partial to tortoises specifically?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not in particular? They're a standard assignment because you can pattern the shells if you're paying enough attention and they don't inconveniently bite or run off. You are welcome to do something whose demonic behavior is more obviously distinct from its non-demonic behavior."

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Cam makes a guinea pig.

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He concentrates on the guinea pig. "So, how was Endorë?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Lots of fun! Orcs seem pretty likable, even the Melkor-worshipping ones."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Didn't check how they would have gotten if we'd contested their opinion of their deity."

Permalink Mark Unread

"At least the flat Arda ones have a sufficiently acute sense of self-preservation that I wouldn't expect argument."

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"I mean, I do hope I wasn't coming off as likely to threaten them if they persisted in disagreeing with me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe after a lot of peacetime it's different but - when Sauron's around to have any actual influence on them they default to assume anyone who can hurt them will if annoyed."

Permalink Mark Unread

"These ones were annoyed that Sauron had been taken away from them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess that's good in a way."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sauron got taken away from them? How'd that go?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"He was arrested when the Sanity Valar went around being Sane at things. Thuringwethil talked her way out of lockup, I met her."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's she like?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"She hit on me. Also volunteered to be a test subject for the AK. Got bored with me when turned down on both."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Um. That's an interesting set of priorities."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, a bit."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you ready to test the Killing Curse?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can't even kill a demonic bunny half the time, and I wouldn't count on Maia results to be predictive for a Vala anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are people harder than bunnies?"

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"On the other hand I'd expect the motivation part to be easier for Melkor than a bunny."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, but I'd expect to need a lot of oomph for a Vala and I don't have enough to reliably compensate for thinking bunnies are cute."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is it you and not Timothy because you're worried he'll fight back?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some of 'em might."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure but for the test?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The question is whether I can do it; it'd also be interesting to know if it can be done, I guess Timothy could do it for that and if he can't do it I can stop killing bunnies."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am not sure I'd find it any easier. I have bunnies down but that's probably cultural differences."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does nobody have pet bunnies in 1802?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some people do but we just care about animals a lot less in general."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is the wizard gene an on-or-off thing, or are some people more powerful for genetic reasons?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't find anything like that but I didn't have data on anybody's power level to put through machine learning."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know how much data you'd need for that, there've probably been fewer than a hundred famously powerful wizards in reliable recorded history."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That might be enough if the data weren't noisy and the factors were simple."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll get you a list." He is done turning Cam's guinea pig into a teapot; he turns it back to a guinea pig.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Still demonic," Cam diagnoses.

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He flicks his wand, crosses off an item on a six-foot-long parchment scroll hanging from the opposite wall. "Ah well."

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"Ah well." He pats the demonic guinea pig. It doesn't react.

Permalink Mark Unread

It wouldn't. "While you're here, got a list of potions ingredients we wanted to check if you could conjure."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure, hit me."

Permalink Mark Unread

List! Are there any seeds of magic plants, or leaves of magic plants, or roots of magic plants, that don't count as magic? Is 'plucked at the full moon' something Cam can conjure for? Kneazle hair? Gloves made from dragon leather? And so on.

Permalink Mark Unread

There is one seed of a magical plant that Cam can get ahold of - "Bet you it has a symbiont or something that makes it magical and isn't by itself -" - he can't do 'plucked at' for magical purposes - no Kneazle hair, no dragon leather.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks. I'm going to ask a Vala about the non-decay effect, depending how it works we might be able to do potions in a Valinor and automate more of the process, since the requirement for fresh-cut everything is a hassle. I also want to go fly off the end of the world but I'll wait to see if Theodore kills himself first."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is that what he's up to."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. He summoned someone first, don't worry."

Permalink Mark Unread

"He does know that maintaining a wizard gene as a daeva is not trivial and requires knowing cell biology?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't actually get the sense he's super attached to being a wizard. If he couldn't fly that'd bother him but if he's a fairy he could fly just fine."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And I can't guarantee he'd be a fairy."

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"He took stupid risks even when we had no reason to think anything happened once we died. He's Theodore."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay then."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You should give me a heads-up about stuff like that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You were out of town."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can write Cam."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Aaand then he'd stop telling me stuff."

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"But if I'm just around enough to guess then that's not your fault?"

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"I mean, yes, but seriously, he's nearly of age, he knows what he's risking, it's not your job."

Permalink Mark Unread

"None of the other Tyelcormos died young being stupid, I guess - or did they -"

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"Mine did not. He also isn't reckless anymore, war does that to people."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd expect Minor dying would have a chilling effect too but I guess not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's probably not that dangerous. It's hard for wizards to die by accident."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I bet it's not hard for them to die if the answer to 'what's there off the edge of the world' is 'hard vacuum'."

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"I do expect he'll check. But yeah."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Did you guys need anything?"

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"Well, I'm curious now if you had to turn it back into a guinea pig or if it could have been a pigeon."

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"I can do a pigeon." He pulls his wand on the guinea pig again.

Permalink Mark Unread

"If it were not demonic to begin with would it remember things and have its original behaviors? There'd be a market for non-dog animals that had been trained as well as dogs can be, or noncats that used litter boxes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Transfigured animals tend not to live very long, but I suppose they might keep behaviors."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If they don't live very long it's probably a less productive use of wizard time than potions or the bags of holding or whatever."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Valar can make things live forever. - for that matter, unaging pets would probably go over pretty well in Hell all by themselves. When they're a little less busy maybe we can ask them whether they can batch that."

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"Feels a little weird asking them to do that while there are still worlds and worlds of people aging at full speed."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I know. But a helpful daeva with a new immortal pet can save a lot more than one person."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"It would be really bad if the return on summonses dropped right when demand skyrocketed. There's billions of daeva, but only billions."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do we have a plan for that beyond 'offer them magic stuff'?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"When there are more ex-summoner daeva any world with a growing population can self-sustain indefinitely by summoning back their own natives. If their population isn't growing eventually there will be more native daeva than potential summoners for them, eventually by enough that it'd be hard for the living people to maintain the number of summonses there'd be demand for, but we can set up portals and have new target worlds summon daeva who then go through the portals to get home."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Not a pending disaster, then, at least. Do intelligent animal summoners become daeva? Where's the line, are we sure all sapients clear it -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Animals at least from Revelation can't do it. Haven't had Bella's Pokémon try, or any of the Hazel nonhumans."

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"There're a bunch, and we might want to know before we come up with a rollout plan. But we're in no hurry on that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. ...I have mixed feelings about daeva house elves."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"House elves have poorly understood native magic they might or might not retain which might or might not interact with bindings and they're very tractable to their masters."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah. Yeah. Could fetch some of ours and try to get a better handle on the magic, at least."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I read Finis's notes on his conversations with his elves and am not super optimistic that they can explain it, but maybe they'll participate in experiments."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I don't think they know, but maybe someone else can get it - can you do gene therapy to get house elf magic -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe. I can look into house elf genomes. It'd be harder to isolate the magic part."

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"And you'd have to be sure the slavery bit wasn't built in."

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Permalink Mark Unread

The guinea pig is a pigeon.

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It's a demonic pigeon. "How long is not very long? What do they die of?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Couple weeks or months, and 'not having been done carefully enough' but I don't know more detail than that -"

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod. Cam pets the guinea pigeon.

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He gets back to work.

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Cam nods to Midnight and leaves.

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"Well, there's our answer on who noticed."

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"If he wants two I suppose that works fine."

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"Seems like it might be awkward for them, but maybe it won't be."

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"I assume he wouldn't do it if he didn't have a plan to make it not, but my Elf alts are a little confusing to me when it comes to, uh, romantic competence."

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"I have noticed this."

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"I should probably sit down with one someday and try to get to the bottom of it. Not very urgent, though."

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"It could be contingent anyway, I'm not sure this is a representative sample we've met."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, the happily married me is probably doing better than a lonely alt of him ripped fourteen hundred years out of the past, and all the other one's've had Dooms operative. Well, not Kib's, but -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Kib's recovered okay after Findekáno bailed him out from having done. That thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That I can - I wouldn't've done it but I can easily imagine the state of information in which I would, it makes sense. The Singularity set doesn't make sense but I guess that's what Doom'll look like."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Want to go bother Security again? Bar had nothing on his world."

Permalink Mark Unread

"She had nothing?"

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"They had, like, invented writing? But that's just about it."

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"That dovetails poorly with the thing where a magical education comes with an unbecoming personality trait, if you'd have to learn it direct from the practitioners..."

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"Yeah, dunno. We can ask."

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"Yeah, let's do that. What about the infirmary girl?"

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"I put Aaron on that and he said it looks indistinguishable from Revelation in the same time period - uh, a few people and places and minor events different, but no references to magic in published works. - do you exist? Did you check?"

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"I didn't check - my parents will be easier to find via publication, I was like ten -"

Permalink Mark Unread

He asks Bar about a Charlie and Renee Swan in that world.

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Sara's world is empty of these persons.

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"It seems a little bit like you don't come in duplicates. One Arda with an Ambela, two Earths with you but completely different circumstances..."

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"Which makes it hard to go deliberately looking for mes."

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"It's terribly inconvenient, really." Security?

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He's still there. "Hello again!

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hey! Your world has books and so on, right?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"No? Uh, do you have writing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure, of course."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does anyone ever compile lots of writing into a complete explanation of a topic, or a fictional story, or a history..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why wouldn't they?"

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"The Bar usually lets you buy those but she can't find any."

Permalink Mark Unread

"She can't sell magic things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"All your written works are magic?"

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"Well, there's signs and little notes you leave on your girlfriend's pillow and such but for anything substantial it goes on the flowers!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah, that'd explain it. Can anyone read the flowers?"

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"Not sure if you have to be from an alucine or not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They're also where the instructions for magic are?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure are."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you have a way to access them here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nah. I just talk to Bar and take naps."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If we were to translate you some textbooks on other kinds of magic that should work in your world, could those get put on the flowers?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"In principle, but I'm not going home after this."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where're you going?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Dunno yet!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Would you mind opening the door to your world for us first, so we can see if we can use the flowers?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not near any flowers."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's probably worth a little bit of travel."

Permalink Mark Unread

"To be more exact my door is in an uninhabited alucine with all its contents burned to ash that has no portals out."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah. Were you - stuck?"

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"No, I'm an ostimancer, but I can't get you anywhere with flowers without abandoning the door. Please don't try to talk me into trying to make it work."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wouldn't be willing to lose the door either. We've got literal gods around, there might be a way without giving up anything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have fucked up risk tolerance from my other magic please don't try to talk me into trying to make it work now that I know other worlds exist I'm never going to be content wandering between alucines again but I'm having to really make the wanderlust ride herd on the risk thing okay back off."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you want to learn summoning or is that a dangerous topic too?"

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"He just said he has a fucked up risk tolerance," Cam points out.

"I do!" agrees the security guy. "What is it?"

"Fuck it up and everyone dies."

"...yeah don't teach me that."

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Sigh. "Thanks."

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"You're welcome!" says the security guy.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you happen to know the population of all the alucines?"

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"Something like ten, twelve billion if there's not a large population cut off from flowers."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks. That's all we were curious about."

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"No problem."

Permalink Mark Unread

He goes back outside and sits down, heavily. "We need a better immortality solution."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That'd be nice."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe the single non-evil Sauron has an infectious cure for mortality. Not that I'm sure I'd trust him on it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, can you imagine..." Headshake.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, even if he's unrepentant he might be terribly well incentivized. But I don't want to imagine telling Kib we're importing a nice Sauron for help with mortality -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"He's not even nice, the world had an Utumno, he's just retired."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, let's not get a door there any time soon."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not even sure Milliways can safely open to a forcibly demagicked world."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, good point. Might break the door or worse."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Leak through and demagic us all. I suppose if we did have safe access we could see if it did anything for dwindled mages."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If it weren't contagious it'd be terribly useful, actually - containment of various flavors of troublemaker, magic impairments like the flower kind as well..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I assume most flower magic people make voluntary tradeoffs."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If some of the tradeoffs impair judgment then they're not super voluntary after a while. And there might be tradeoffs you make under sufficiently bad conditions that you'd want reversed if you had better options - a me in that world would go for the magic, but I'd rather have my brain back once they found the multiverse -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, fair enough."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Last time I saw Kib he found wizarding chess at least mildly entertaining, I think I might go ask if he wants to play again."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's different about wizard chess?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The pieces are all animate and you have to talk 'em into it!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That seems like it might require revealing a lot of strategy. And make it hard to sacrifice pawns."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I actually have not played Muggle chess and so cannot comment on how the strategic landscape is changed by the necessity of convincing your pieces to play along."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We can play sometime if you like. Have fun talking rooks into castling."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd like that. I'm average at the chess but excellent at the persuasion."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I bet you are." Smooch.

Permalink Mark Unread

He Accios his set and then kisses Cam back until it announces its arrival by knocking impatiently on his shoulder.

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Permalink Mark Unread

Wizard chess!

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam is just sort of okay at chess and very entertained by having to talk his pieces into things. "I might win if we played regular chess at least the first few times."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We can try if you want."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam makes a regular chess set. The wizard pieces heckle it and one of the wizard queens seems to be swooning over the white king; Cam gives it to her and makes a replacement.

Permalink Mark Unread

Snort. And Muggle chess!

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam does better when he doesn't have to telegraph everything he has in mind.

Permalink Mark Unread

The game is no fun without all the people to persuade! Or maybe he just thinks that because he lost.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, even people who lose at chess get kisses. If they are Timothy.

Permalink Mark Unread

It so happens they are Timothy.

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Permalink Mark Unread

Kib is slightly less fun to play chess with.

Permalink Mark Unread

What, his snark at the chess pieces isn't entertaining? "You're going to advance three squares because there is candy there."


"No, of course not, you're going to advance three squares because you don't have a better idea and that's the one I've got and I'm driving, go on."

Permalink Mark Unread

It would be really cute without context; with context it is instead horribly sad.

Permalink Mark Unread

"You know, if you find me so depressing you don't actually have to play chess with me, it was your idea."

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"I enjoy spending time with you. It also tends to leave me really really loathing a lot of people, but that's not your fault."

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"If you say so."

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"I don't actually think I'd be doing you favors by hanging out with you and resenting it. You're not actually worse company for the hating-us-all - and it's sort of useful, for the Killing Curse, to really want Melkors dead -"

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"Happy to help. You could ex hypothesi get my Maitimo for added oomph if this is important."

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"No, the order of operations is the other way around - if the Killing Curse works on Melkors then we can handle your world, if it can't then your world has to stay paused until we find something that does."

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"I see. Lemme know if you need lurid descriptions or anything."

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"I don't think so and if I did I'm not sure I'd bother you about it but thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wouldn't you? Why not?"

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"My loose model of our effect on you is that we should be endeavoring not to share things that sound like plot? I can have Cam conjure my alt's notes or something, rather than accidentally say something that gives you more to worry about."

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"You'd just be beside yourself with the impulse to drop hooks, I see."

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Sigh. "I - I'm not going to say anything. I haven't, have I. If you want to tell me horrible things I will continue to not say anything. But you're not the first person I'd go to for deeply upsetting information I need to react to correctly on the spot, no."

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"Is your Maitimo going to want to die."

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"Can't, really, he'd just show up in Mandos and get edited."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If that weren't true."

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"Might be able to talk him out of it or something. Probably though."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod. He coaxes a bishop over.

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Kib sacrifices a pawn to get at it. ("That bishop insulted your hairdo.")

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He giggles. The bishop, inspired, shouts insults from the side of the board.

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Eventually Kib loses. He doesn't seem to mind.

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"Take care. You have enough movie recommendations to last?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Loads. Bar does 'em too. This place really screams 'I don't give a fuck how computationally expensive you are', it's very lavish."

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"I imagine Bar takes pride in letting her patrons be very computationally expensive."

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"Seems like it."

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He goes downstairs. 

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"Cam, can I see my mail -"

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Permalink Mark Unread

Dots in chaos?

Permalink Mark Unread

The fairy security is helping. One person misunderstood the announcement and committed suicide before having completed a summon. Someone asked one of the fairies for a demo of the indestructibility and the fairy refused and this was taken as deeply suspicious. The demon adoptive parents are having some cultural integration trouble and one of them is suddenly deeply unsure he will be able to make his dot supplying appointments with a two-month-old in tow.

Permalink Mark Unread

He will drop by and discuss these with Liatsi, how about. 

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Liatsi can make time for him, naturally.

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Great! Here are the ongoing problems, does she have any advice?

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She can offer Cefax-dwelling demons someone to staff a helpline if he'll supply the tech for one. Is there anyone handy who will demo the indestructibility? She hears good things about baby slings.

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He can supply the tech for a helpline; he puts someone on that. How would she want to do a demo, another public event?

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Not everyone can attend those. Ideally they'd do a small display at each dot.

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"Daeva do not actually like being stabbed, for the most part, but I can ask."

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"Would Numbness work on them?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If they let it. Demons at least could also do their own painkillers. We are working really hard to ensure that taking summons is worthwhile in expectation for the daeva, because there are other worlds where we'll want to do this and we don't want people to stop showing up."

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"Let me know if there's anything I can do to help with that, or if I should make do without demonstrations."

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"I'll see how hard it is to find people who think demonstrations would be entertaining. There might be some, and then it'd be no big deal. The rest - well, magic is an obvious thing to offer to make visits more worth their while, but we really really don't want to increase mage demand."

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She smiles politely. "The sentiment is very admirable."

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He winces.

"Another thing I wanted to discuss with you is how income from projects of ours can be put to the best humanitarian use. The orphanages seemed in pretty desperate need -"

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"I tried directly funding one. There was a suspicious increase in the orphan population. I'm not sure if you'd find that an undesirable result or not if you could accommodate the increased need."

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"Depends if those are - kids fleeing slightly worse situations - or parents giving up wanted children because they'll have a better shot-"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some of both; and child wantedness is - not a strict dichotomy."

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"If people would want their children given enough resources to raise them we'd rather that than really nice orphanages."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you assuming agreement by both parents?"

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"I am a fair bit out of my depths here and will defer to your judgment there."

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"More handouts directly to parents would decrease the child surrender rate, anyway. And possibly increase the adoption rate, and the birth rate."

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"In my world every person of any age gets a handout with enough to support them, every month. It works well for Elves but lots of things work for Elves that wouldn't for humans."

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"There would be side effects. I suspect they would not be worse than what you're trying to address but would be more wholeheartedly in favor of a small experimental trial first."

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"I think you are running your country very well and have no desire to get in the way. We can fund a trial; do you want to set it up?"

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"I would be delighted."

Permalink Mark Unread

Details can be worked out! Does Cam happen to have thoughts on the fastest way of installing the infrastructure for a help line?

Permalink Mark Unread

Satellite's easy and won't be subject to vandalism or need maintenance soon.

Permalink Mark Unread

Great. Helpline and he'll go check up on all the demons individually.

Permalink Mark Unread

The demons have not gotten to actually be around literal children before. The ones with kids who can talk are doing a little better, although some of them seem to be taking their words for it on appropriate human nutrition - shouldn't be a disaster anytime soon - and one demon says that her baby will not let her stop flying, he cries if she stops flying, she would love to come down and chat but she has to fly him around.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay. They are all told how to reach the helpline and that they can write to ask for advice or support or a babysitter and he also doesn't know much about human nutrition so that gets a pass.

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The one who is flying calls the helpline to ask what humans do when their babies want to be flown around. She is told that sometimes walking does the trick. Walking does not do the trick for her baby so she goes back to flying around. At least she won't get very tired.

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He makes a note to get the demons for the rest of the world exposure to children before handing them their very own.

Anything else on fire?

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Yes, one of the dots is literally on fire. The security fairy puts it out.

Permalink Mark Unread

How did that even happen.

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Why is there even a word for that.

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...'cause it's a thing?

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Has the, uh, arsonist been found? Why'd they do it?

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Yeah, the security fairy caught them. They seem to think that immortality is a bad idea and that this was the correct way to express that opinion.

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No one's making them participate.

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Right, they think it's a bad idea for other people too.

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If there's nothing more urgent he'll drop by to talk with them.

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Nothing that urgent, no.

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He thanks the security fairy and asks if they need anything. Dot damaged?

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Cosmetically. They can have a demon fix it next time one comes by.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sounds good. What's the arsonist's name?

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He hasn't given it and the authorities haven't found it out yet.

Permalink Mark Unread

Can he meet him?

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure, he's in lockup downtown.

Permalink Mark Unread

Downtown he goes.

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The administrator of the lockup doesn't know why he wants to talk to the guy but sure there he is next to the drunks and the housebreaker.

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He's interested in why the guy objects to immortality. "Hi. Do you have a minute to talk?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

He's an Elf, he's almost certainly the more patient person here. "All my people are immortal so if that's a bad idea for some reason I really need to know so we can fix it."

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Permalink Mark Unread

He closes his eyes and sings.

Permalink Mark Unread

The drunks and the housebreaker approve!

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh good! He can do this all day! Probably will, if no other dots catch fire - he arranges to be notified if they are - and no one tells him to stop!

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No one tells him to stop and no other dots are arsoned!

Permalink Mark Unread

Yay! Singing is very relaxing. He hangs out here singing.

Permalink Mark Unread

A new drunk is flung in with the other drunks. One of them has sobered up and is let out but hangs out to listen to the singing. The guy running the lockup says that if that's gonna happen could he please shush.

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That is reasonable. Arsonist in a more forthcoming mood?

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DId he say anything to any of the other, uh, patrons, before Bright showed up?

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"Yeah," says the ex-drunk who stuck around, "was going on about how it's inhuman, oughta go to death with dignity."

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Nod. "Did he say why he thinks so?"

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"'Cause humans all die, he says."

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"I see. Did he seem to understand that humans will still die?"

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"An' then be monstery shadows of their former selves dragged on forever, he said, very poem-like."

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"Thank you."


He'll wait around a few more hours in case the arsonist comes up with anything to say.

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Sigh. "I really don't like the idea of people being locked up."

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"...He set a building on fire, your grace," says the guard.

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"Yes, I know. I am grateful that you are ensuring he can't do that to some less protected building."

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He thanks him. He leaves. 

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"At some point I was going to meet a house elf," Mirelótë reminds Timothy.

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"Yeah - don't like opening my door but I suppose we're going to need more information about them before we do a summoning rollout in Hazel. Now?"

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"I'm happy to wait if there is something to wait for."

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"Not especially. Maybe a clever idea on a faster way to contact them."

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"I don't suppose they're in soul Elf osanwë range."

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"Probably not, not unless they can get to 'well-acquainted' off secondhand interactions."

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"Probably not."

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"I can ask everyone what else they need grabbed from Hazel while we have the door open, do a bunch of things at once."

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"That makes sense."

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He sends out a message about that.

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Karen kinda misses her parents but it'd be hard to get them with the program.

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He has an ingredient list and doesn't expect his little sister'd be especially hard to get with the program.

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He survived his trip to the edge of the world and depending how long they're gonna have the door open they could grab the following twenty-two dragons for a breeding program.

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He really hopes not to have the door open long enough for that. 

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"Your call."

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"I'm sort of weighing whether this is more or less dangerous than whatever you'll come up with if I shoot this down."

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"You asked."

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"You get fifteen minutes."

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"Thank you."

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And they summon a couple of fairies and opens the door and dispatch the people on an ingredient run and the people on a dragonnapping run and he heads home, grabs Niblet, heads back to Hogwarts. Fourteen minutes. Theodore managed to get sixteen baby dragons.

"How did you -"

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"Oh, I had Minor look up where they were for me, in advance. Since speed was so important."

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"I was sort of expecting you wouldn't have time to find any."

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He lets one of the dragons nibbling on a finger hop onto his arm. "You should have higher expectations."

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Sigh. "Yes I should. I apologize. What're their names?"

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He hugs his brother. A dragon nips Timothy's hair.

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And Niblet bounces over to Ambela. "You is wishing to talk to a house-elf?"

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"Yes, hello. I'm Mirelótë Ambela."

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"Niblet, ma'am!"

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"In my world we don't have any house elves and I'm so curious what it is like to be one."

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"What it is like, ma'am? You mean, what house-elves is doing all day, ma'am?"

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"A little about that, but more about why you do it and what you think about it."

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"Why we are doing it? Because there are things to do, ma'am! As long as there is work house-elves will be doing it!"

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"I did hear you prefer specific kinds of work - cooking and cleaning, not, oh, writing books or designing buildings."

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" - Niblet would not be knowing how to do those things! Niblet could be learning, maybe, if there was lots of those things to be doing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"So you do the things you do because that's what you've been taught how to do?"

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"We do the things that are needed and that are work for elves!"

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"What makes something work for elves in particular?"

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"Is not wizard's work, ma'am, is nice and simple so elves can do it, is not making any trouble for the family..."

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"Well, what makes something wizards' work?"

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"Writing books would be wizard's work, ma'am, or doing spells."

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"Those are good examples, but how would you tell if some brand new thing was wizards' work or not?"

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"Niblet is not knowing, ma'am. If wizards were needing elves to do it then it would be elves' work."

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"Why is it that you always work directly for wizard families?"

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"Some elves are working at Hogwarts, ma'am."

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"Of course, my mistake. But there are no house elves who run a little shop and sell things to wizards, or anything like that."

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"That would not be elves' work, ma'am, no."

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"People find it useful to have things available in shops. It's the wrong kind of useful?"

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"Elves should not be having money, ma'am, it is no good at all."

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"Can you keep accounts for your family and fetch them their coins and so on?"

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"That is not having money. That an elf could be doing."

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"So elves could manage a shop as long as they didn't own it?"

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"Elves are not doing that. Maybe it is not elves' work for more reasons than Niblet is thinking of. But that at least would not be having the problem with money, if elves were doing that."

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Nod. "Why shouldn't elves have money? Quendi used to not have money, but later we decided it was a good idea."

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"It is not the place of elves, ma'am."

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"The place?"

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"Wizards are having money, and wands, and being free. Elves are not."

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"Are those three things related, or a coincidence?"

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"Niblet thinks they go together. An elf who thought it was their place to be having money might think they could be having a wand, or -" lowered voice - "being free."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What about Muggles, or other magical creatures? They don't have wands, but they can have money and be free."

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"- Niblet has not met any of those, ma'am."

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"I'm not a witch myself."

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The elf looks confused and vaguely concerned. 

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"I don't mean to alarm you."

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"Is no trouble, ma'am," the elf says automatically.

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"Would you have to meet a Muggle or a goblin to know if they were supposed to be free or have wands or use money?"

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"Niblet would still not be knowing but would maybe be guessing better."

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Nod. "So it might be that you'd think they shouldn't use money or be free, either?"

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"If they are free now then probably it is their place to be free, ma'am. If elves were -" shiver -"free we would find another family, if any would take a freed elf, and definitely would not be having more elves, and soon there would not be more free elves."

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"How would a freed elf attach to another family if they found one? Is it magical?"

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"Yes. Niblet is not knowing exactly."

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"Is that part important? Other sorts of people often do work for employers without the magical part."

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"Of course it is important that house-elves are belonging to a family!!"

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"I understand," Ambela assures her. Him? "I'm trying to figure out which parts of it are the most important."

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"The magical part is very important. Without that we'd be - free and pretending."

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"There's no non-magical way to make it not pretending?"

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"Niblet is not thinking that is possible, ma'am."

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"In some places humans are kept as slaves without magic. Are they pretending, or does this only apply to house elves?"

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" - Niblet is not knowing. If they are happy then probably it is not pretending for them, ma'am."

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"Most species actually don't like being kept as slaves at all."

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"Well maybe if it were magic instead of pretending they would like it?"

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"I suppose that's not impossible. Why is it pleasanter to not be pretending?"

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"Pretending sounds terrible."

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"Can you be more specific?"

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"You wouldn't really have a family and you wouldn't know if you were doing things right, you'd probably mess up more, so you'd have to be punishing yourself all the time to be careful. And you said most species don't like it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The magic tells you if you're doing things right?"

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"If Master Timothy says to do a thing and I am not paying attention I get a tug so I can do it anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If there were a way to make sure you always knew what you were asked to do even without magic would it still be just pretending?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Niblet is not sure. Niblet has not met any elves who were freed and is not knowing if it feels like losing something even at times when there is no tugging. It is seeming it would feel like losing part of you."

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"May I tell you a story?"

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"Of course, ma'am."

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So she tells a story about orcs. Orcs were not pretending; orcs did not work exactly like house-elves, but they could promise to obey, and they could be sure that the promise was very, very real, and they were badly used and badly hurt and kept bringing their children into it to continue on because they couldn't do anything else because they were not pretending, not at all.

Their master was taken away from them because he was dangerous - this would be a little like if an elf's master were sent to Azkaban, or the moon prison that is now doing the job of Azkaban -

And now their not-pretending ability is gone.

And they are okay. Some of them miss their master but they are okay.

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"Well, elf masters are not bad to them and if they were elves would not be having children, maybe. Did they want the not-pretending to be gone?"

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"They couldn't. Part of how their not-pretending worked was that it made them want to keep it. But once it was gone some of them were glad about it - others had different feelings about it because their master had been gone a long time and they didn't think very often about what it was like when he was there."

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"Are you going to take our not-pretending away?"

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"I don't know how, and I don't know if it would be a good thing to do. I am worried that it might make you want to keep it."

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The elf is shaking. "That would be a terrible thing to do. Master Timothy wouldn't let you!"

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"I won't do anything to you that Timothy thinks would be a bad idea. He knows a lot more about you than I do," promises Ambela.

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Nod nod. "Is that all of your questions, ma'am?"

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"A lot of people who don't know much about house elves are very worried about you because they only know about other species that wouldn't like living like you do. Timothy will want to look good to those people, and it would be useful if there was a way to prove that you are definitely better off how you are, so that no one thinks he's mistaken about that. Can you think of anything?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We could not be telling them about elves?"

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"That could work for some of those people but maybe not all of them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We could be not telling those ones that there is any magic?"

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"Some people are very good at knowing when they are not being told everything."

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"Master Timothy wouldn't be freeing us to look good to people - he wouldn't -"

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"I don't think he's planning anything like that at all," says Ambela. "He knows it would make you unhappy. But if you could think of a way to prove that he shouldn't so everyone will understand without needing to know you so well first, it would be very helpful."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not looking good to people makes Master Timothy unhappy - he wouldn't he wouldn't he wouldn't -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"He may think of something else, he's very clever. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that of you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Niblet is a good elf, Niblet is a good elf, Niblet won't be free - won't, won't -"

Permalink Mark Unread

...Ambela sends Timothy a computer message I upset your elf and don't know how to calm them down.

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He comes down a couple minutes later. " - Niblet, Theodore's trying to raise a dozen baby dragons, you're going to have to be careful but I want you to keep an eye on him and make sure he gets his injuries treated and doesn't have them all out at once and so on. You can tell him I sent you, and that I told him you had better not get hurt."

Niblet sniffles. "You won't set me free, you won't -"

"I'm so pleased with you, you do such good work, you're my favorite." Hug. "I love you. Okay?"

Sniffle. And then there's a pop and he's gone. 

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"I apologize, I didn't realize that would panic - her? Him?"

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"Him - what did you say?"

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"I said it would be useful if we could come up with a way to prove to third parties that your elves are better off not freed as a sort of image management thing - do you want the transcript, I transcribed it."

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"Sure." Sigh. "It's a very sensitive topic. I asked him when I was five if I could free him and then take him right back and he was terrified.  - they do feel the same way about it when they are freed, for what that's worth."

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She sends the transcript. "It's not nothing, but..."

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"Not totally satisfying, yeah. Could try to get them to push up the age at which new ones get added to the household, except they're so secretive about how that works..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And that holds up against their masters wanting to know? How do they - explain that -?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's private. Same if you try to ask them how they have children in the first place, or if you try to ask about something someone else has asked them not to mention - they're apologetic and they repeat that it's private and then they get upset if you push it..."

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"Are all their owners so considerate of their feelings, or does that just correlate with curiosity in the first place?"

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"Even if you don't care about their feelings, upset elves are just a hassle. I am sure there are people who have attempted torturing information about their spouses' lovers out of their elves but it's not the sort of thing one brags about."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Could ask them if they consent to mindreading, and try to tell if there's a mind-affecting element to the slavery thing with someone who'll agree to that."

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"I suppose that might be informative."

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"I'm sorry I upset him."

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"It's okay. It's hard not to, honestly. I should've been closer."

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"The mistake was predictable in retrospect." Sigh.

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"You could actually probably have slid it past most of them because it wouldn't even occur to them that someone who cared about them would free them to satisfy public appearances."

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"So clearly I should try it again with a different one?"

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"I don't know that you'd get a constructive answer but you probably wouldn't get a meltdown."

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"Well, I don't think I care to risk it soon."

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"I'm sorry."

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"I'm fine, I just hope I didn't frighten Niblet irrecoverably."

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"He'll be fine."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Would the Valar be able to tell -"

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"Anybody's guess. They don't have some well-studied pattern of interaction with foreign magic."

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"And they have a lot on their plate. Still, it might be worth looking into."

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"When they've exponentiated a little bit, maybe."

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Nod. "How's that going?"

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"Pretty well except the new Manwë is having terrible trouble with the concept of incentive - that was very difficult for mine, too - and a few other things like that, but as long as they work by consensus they're nearly done as long as most of them understand each idea. They should be ready to hold a Melkor still soon."

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"I am looking forward to it."

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And he goes outside to check on the dragon operation.

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It occurs to Mirelótë to wonder where the soul Elf Rúmil was and if the paper airplane has reached him yet and then she remembers that the door is no longer being held there and they're syncing with circles. Possibly they should go apologize for leading him to an empty house without a usable Milliways door.

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"Oh, I didn't think of that when we switched door-holding strategies. Possibly. Mingling?"

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He comes scurrying.

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"Can you open your door for us?"

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"Yeah okay."


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He may not have got far and she probably counts as closely acquainted? Rúmil?

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Tirion is in fact not that far from Fëanáro and Nerdanel's house. 


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Hi! Sorry about the door, it had been being held open but then we found a different way to keep time running.

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Are you all right?

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It's astonishing how smoothly this palace runs in the absence of Finwë's eldest.

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I have been married to an alt of you for about two hundred Years, I can tell when you're stressed. Would you rather I left you alone?

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Whatever's convenient, really. 

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We're sorry about the door. If you wind up coming back here and want someone to open it for you entitling a note 'letter to Cam' will get us notified in usually less than an hour.

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I thought I'd drop by and check on Fëanáro and Nerdanel but if there's an alternate universe version I expect they're just fine.

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Permalink Mark Unread

That's good.

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My version of you does not remember Utumno so I do not have much practice with dealing with that if that's why you're distressed.

Permalink Mark Unread

How is that?

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We're a different sort of Elf and the Utumno prisoners were generally kept disembodied and duplicated many times. Those versions have been paused and reembodiments were done of versions prior to capture.

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That's interesting. I could have asked to forget everything.

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There is only one of you and your Melkor could do less manipulation of subjective time.

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And the Valar are not very good at their jobs.

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Mine are better at it. They're teaching yours now.

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Then I suppose perhaps I'd feel more confident in asking them for healing.

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I'm sorry to have alarmed you.

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It's not a problem. I'm glad everything is working out.

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"Thank you, Mingling."

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Everything okay?

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He remembers Utumno and I think he's nervous about... implausible things.

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Not sure how to address that.

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It seems designed to be extraordinarily difficult to address. 

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Yes. Obviously can't ask Kib.

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I think the me is farther along in the healing process than Kib.

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One hopes.

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The not snarking isn't evidence of that; that's just differences in temperament. But he came to the house looking when he got the mysterious flying note.

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That's true.

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And I've read through - what he does with his life. He's okay eventually. Less happy than me, but then, he doesn't have you.

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I'd suggest getting one for him but I'm not sure any of them would suit.

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Not the ones we've found so far, not really. Giggle. 

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Also I am definitely the only one who would be more charmed than exasperated by a hundred Year pining period.

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Yes, yes, I would definitely tell them not to do that. Kiss. 

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Kiss! I love you.

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I love you. I'm so delighted that we have this chance for what you did to affect so many worlds.

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Me too.

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And they're doing so well. You must be so proud of them. 

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I am! They figured Cam's situation out with no consultation and it was really complicated and now they can exponentiate into millions more Ardas!

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This seems to call for more kissing. Perhaps they should go upstairs.

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They can do that!

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He lets the door close and goes back outside to peek at the dragon-handling.

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Bella is interested in the dragons too! They look more like Pokémon than most animals.

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Minor is helping him build a dragon habitat! He will totally explain about dragon species and dragon behaviors and so on to his watchful audience of small children. "- and I should probably summon a fairy for security or something, come to think of it, I was going to say 'and don't get eaten' but I feel like with sixteen dragons that's actually expecting you two to be awfully proactive - Minor, can I have a circle -"

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Circle! Animals for the dragons to eat! Water on that fire that just started over there! "This was such a terrible idea."

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"Was not." He completes the circle.

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(Bella has Zag protecting her. She spritzes medicine on him when he gets singed. He's fine with this arrangement.)

A fairy appears!

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"Hi! Uh, I snatched a bunch of little dragons and I want them to not eat the kiddos, do you want a job hanging out here for a while preventing them from running off or taking a bite out of Mingling? - that's Mingling."

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"And that's Theodore and that's Bella and that's Minor," he says to the fairy expectantly.

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"For how long a while?" asks the fairy.

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"Whatever works for you and I'll fetch someone else when you get bored."

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"'Kay, what's on offer?"

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"Minor's a demon."

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"...so, whatever I want, or..."

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"Yeah, whatever you want."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"What's your name?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

Two dragons get into a tussle, spitting sparks at each other. Another one bolts for Milliways. Another one divebombs the water and lands with a rather shockingly loud splash.

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"Are dragons allowed to swim?" the fairy asks, corralling the escapee and separating the combatants.

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"Won't hurt them but I should ask the giant squid if he minds." He heads over to the water. "Or Mingling -"

Permalink Mark Unread

Are the dragons disturbing you?

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No, not at all, the squid thinks they are charming. If they were much, much bigger they might begin to disturb it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay! If that happens please tell me and then we'll keep them out of the water.


And he reports "the squid thinks they're cute!"

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"They are!"

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"I know! So swimming's no problem," he tells Lorydh.

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Lorydh sits in the air and acts as invisible fence.

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And he returns to settling the dragons in. 

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He makes up a silly song about the dragons - the hard part was rhymes for all of their names - and plops on the ground to sing it.

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Bella likes the song! However, the translation effect is not quite good enough for the rhymes to work for her.

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That's okay! He giggles and watches Zag and sings. 

Permalink Mark Unread

He comes out to check on things. "Oh, good, I was about to suggest you summon help. Thank you," he says to the fairy. "Theodore, if you don't have someone out here continuously you could go in for a snack and suddenly they're fully grown -"

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"Nah they'd get hungry and we'd hear about it. My Sanity alt's coming to help and he doesn't need much sleep."

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"You're welcome," Lorydh says to Timothy.

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"Don't waste anyone's time," he says to Theodore, "we're worried about -"

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"Yeah, I know. Also I'm not a dick. Minor's paying them."

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Minor gives a hungry dragon a demonic chicken.

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"What are you worried about?"

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"The demand for summoning is going to go way up, between your world and Godspring and Sanity and Singularity pretty soon once they fix it, and soon a lot more places than that. And there are only so many daeva and if there are lots of summons but they mostly aren't worth the daeva's time, then people will stop answering."

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"Oh. That would be bad."

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"Yeah. About the only thing we can do is make sure summons are a good deal - well, and my Singularity alt is working in Revelation on convincing people not to gag demons and stuff, there's also that -"

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"I bet more demons will take summonses if they won't not be able to talk!"

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"I hope so! Also if they can get magic stuff for it, usually people haven't much to offer demons."

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"You can give them songs and books. And babies sometimes."

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"There are a couple more options than that, but yeah."

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"We're going to give them Pokémon!"

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"I think the dragons were originally for that purpose too but Theodore might be too attached."

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"Well, they can't stay in Milliways forever."

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"We can't take them back if they get very big," says the fairy.

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"It's safe to shrink 'em. Well, I can't do it safely but I got a T in Transfiguration."

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"Dunno if that counts."

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"We should check before they get big. Do you want anything big, Timothy can try to shrink it for you and then it'll wear off in a day or so."

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"I wasn't gonna but sure why not I'll take a gazebo."

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He can make a gazebo.

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He can pull out his wand and shrink it to handheld size. "You do want the area clear of other stuff when it reverts, or it'll get crushed."

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"Yeah, I can put it where I want it inside a day."

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"Perfect. Thanks for doing this. Did anyone explain anything or has word gotten around by now -"

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"I heard about the whole, other worlds, thing, figured anything's up for grabs, dragons, sure, dragons are a thing now."

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The dragons demonstrate being a thing by getting into another fight! Two more take advantage of the commotion to bolt towards Milliways.

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The fairy rearranges them.

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He shakes his head. "Thanks. Minor if you get bored here go ask Amriac to take over, I think she liked the dragons she met in Ireland."

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He makes a note for Amriac and then feeds it to the nearest dragon.

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"Tell Fredrick edge of the world's perfectly safe."

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"I am not telling him that, I like him."

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Elsewhere, Amriac conjures her mail.

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My idiot brother - wait, sorry, that totally fails to disambiguate - Theodore imported sixteen baby dragons and they're outside if you'd like to come see them.

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"Oh wow baby dragons!"

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"Theodore imported baby dragons! They're in the back yard!" She hops up.

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Outside they go!

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"Oh wow hi babies!!!" exclaims Amriac, picking up the nearest baby dragon.

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This is not super safe for people who are not indestructible; he hangs back. "Nice."

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"Aren't they?"

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"Have they got names?"

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"Yeah of course Timothy'd murder me."

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"I would not, then you'd be a daeva and that would definitely not make my life easier in any respect."

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He sings the song with the names!

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"Awwww, which one have I got?" Scritch scritch baaaaby draaaagon.

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's Jedediah!"


He scritches happily back and then breathes fire at her.

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She blocks it from getting on her clothes with one wing. "Baaaaby," she coos. "How big does this kind get? What kind are they?"

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"Antipodean Opaleye, they'll have a wingspan of forty cubits or so fully grown."

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"How long is a cubit?"

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"In whats?"

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"Half a meter," says Minor wearily.

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"You're gonna be sooooo big!" Amriac tells Jedediah.

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Jedediah snorts delightedly and wraps his tail around her and nips at her wing. Apparently he thinks it's tasty because he keeps doing that.

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It's numb. She doesn't mind. "Baaaaby draaaaagon!"

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(He goes back inside.)

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He tries to get Mingling's song to rhyme in English.

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Dragons go swimming and eat demonic animals and one kind starts building itself a nest. 

"They like lightweight rocks - soapstone, pumice - you could make some in piles, varying sizes, and then she'll find the ones she wants. For enrichment. Mix in a couple other things - oh, and driftwood -"

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"I am not a vending machine," he mutters, making piles of rocks.

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"What's that?"

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Rockpile rockpile. "Future thing."

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"Oh and give her some cooked food, that species roasts meat for their babies."

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He drops it on Theodore's head; several dragons charge him eagerly.

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"Ooh I wanna feed them -" Amriac is holding dragon treats now.

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The dragons will all run at Amriac!

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They will all get fed! And petted! And cooed at!

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They are so delighted!! They will bustle around her until she stops offering treats. 

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Why would she do that???

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After a while the humans will get tired and need to go inside. By then Theodore's alt has arrived to take over dragon-wrangling.

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"I'm gonna go sleep," he says to the fairy, "want to go home before I do that?"

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"Yeah, I've got a list of stuff," says the fairy. "Also, like, maybe be at all careful next time."

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"Uh, you said whatever I want, kinda dumb, you don't wanna be the Elfame Chronicle headline tomorrow morning."

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" - oh. I mean, Timothy is scary as fuck and if something went wrong would just come be scary as fuck at it but he would then tease me about it forever so thanks."

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"No problem." He wants the following things to go with his gazebo.

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He can make things. Arbitrary things, even. 

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The fairy thanks him and goes home.

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And he summons one, since he's taking the next shift.

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi! We're looking for someone who wants to hang out here for a little while and break up fights between the dragons and stop them from flying out of bounds, interested?" 


The dragons are agreeably clustered around Amriac nipping and breathing fire and making an impressive variety of loud noises.

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"Wow, that's an interesting one but I'm more trying to get on a list for something regular, is this regular?"

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"Uh, can be? That's probably a better idea than summoning someone new every time, actually."

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"We're not synced with Fairyland, though, won't be regular for her."

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"Oh, right. Sorry, nope."

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"Synced with...?"

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"Uh, because magic, this place does not have time passing at the same rate in all of its parts. Someone might go inside and experience twenty minutes but it's been a year out here. We have a specific spot indoors where time is passing at the same rate as it is in - Hell, actually, I don't even know if that guarantees a sync with Fairyland itself - but anyway, right here is not synced like that. I guess we could sync it - Minor, do you have the list -"

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"What's it titled?"

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"No idea."

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"Then no I don't." He makes a note for Cam.

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Cam sends him the list. I'm keeping it chiplocked so nobody who notices the bound daeva walking around in their own worlds knows to expect to be next.

Permalink Mark Unread

Makes sense. What's the circle you're using for them?

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Cam sends that too.

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He picks a fairy just in case syncing with Hell doesn't sync with Fairyland, makes a circle.

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He finishes it. "Okay, now we can offer a regular summons."

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"Cool. I'm Chespa, I... don't have a Quenya spelling yet, can I borrow pen and paper and figure one out..."

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" - yeah of course but the alphabet I know is non-standard, will that matter -"

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He makes her pen and paper.

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She takes them without touching them. "Uh, I don't think it matters for the summon? Probably not? I think if I declare it's how you spell my name in this alphabet it works. Why do you know a nonstandard alphabet?"

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"Uh, I'm dyslexic and the standard one's hopelessly swoopy, when I was thirty and still couldn't read my dad sat down and invented a better one."

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"Okay. If I'm gonna be around a lot I might want somebody who knows the regular one to summon me so I can get that but this should work for circles." She finalizes a spelling and shows it to him.

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"Yeah, that's how I'd write it. I can have my dad summon you, he speaks eleven languages and writes in five alphabets and he only stopped at that because that was all our native dimension had. Anyway, dragons aren't supposed to attack anyone who isn't indestructible or run off out of your range, swimming's fine, and the demon can pay you."

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"Alrighty! Uh -" She looks at Minor. "Are you a demon, you don't have wings but sometimes kids wait on those..."

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"Yeah I'd have to get them adjusted somehow."

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"Okay, so I can let dragons attack you, got it." She sits and supervises.

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The dragons will be distracted for as long as Amriac is feeding them!

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Amriac will get bored eventually and disentangle herself from the dragons to go practice music.

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Then they'll go back to nest-making and flying and swimming and trying to nibble on people. 

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Chespa manages them pretty competently.

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After a while he is back! He will tell his alt excitedly what species they all are and what kind of environment they need and Minor will you make that one a heated rock to sun itself on it's used to more warmth than this, Minor will you make that one over there a tree to take off from they can't usually do it from the ground at that age -

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"I'm trying to finish medical school, you know."

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"Caring about peoples' needs is good practice for being a doctor."

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"I don't wanna be a doctor just drug people safely and they're not people they're dragons."

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"I never met a dragon that sucked as much as most people do."

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Bella absents herself.

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"Everyone want food?" he asks a while after that.

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"Do you take requests, I'm really picky," says Chespa.

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"Yeah, sure, what do you want?"

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"Can I have a number five from the Spotted Plant?"

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He appears it vaguely near her. He makes everyone else sandwiches. He makes the dragons a pile of treats so they will be distracted while everyone's eating. "Can I learn your alphabet?" he asks Tyelcormo.

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"Yeah, for sure."

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If Cam makes basement dwellers that look like Sauron he can kill them.

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They have enough Valar apprised of what is going on and helpfully inclined to tackle Singularity now.

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Then Cam can take a deep breath and hold the door for them.

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Through go a long line of gods. Some of them don't have the not-being-staticky thing down yet. 


They are greeted fairly joyfully on the other side. 

Permalink Mark Unread

There's already a lightleaper in orbit from when he flew here in the first place, presumably they don't need Cam for anything?

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They can handle the rest of the resurrections. Cam can go.

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He places a circle for timesyncing. He goes back into Milliways.

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Hug. "In Singularity it's been five days since you found a Milliways door, right? You did right by them."

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Hug. Nod.

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And they wait.

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Notification comes that Melkor and his lieutenants have been recaptured.

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Are they going to place a portal, or should Cam lightleap over?

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They would prefer not to have a portal, in case somehow anything goes wrong.

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This is reasonable. Anybody coming along?

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"Would it be helpful?"

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"You could try it if I can't do it. And keep me company. Not essential."

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"I'd like to keep you company."

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"Well then. This Endorë isn't gonna be as touristy, fair warning."

And they're off.

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This Endorë is not as touristy; the orcs did not take the sudden arrest of Melkor and Sauron and everyone else well, and it has not broken back out into war mostly because the Valar are maintaining forcefields between nations.

Permalink Mark Unread

Thank you Valar.

Where should Cam go to attempt executions?

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They dragged them away from the surface of the planet up into space, for safety's sake.

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Cam shuttles over.

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"What do you need?"

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"Something to aim at."

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"Who first?"

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"Sauron's probably easier on a couple levels."

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"He has chosen to remain in incarnate form, so you should not require much help aiming."

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There's Sauron. Incarnate form, but totally still. He laughs over osanwë. 

Hello, clever little boy. You had better hope this doesn't work.

Permalink Mark Unread

Do explain, it helps if I hate you particularly acutely.

Permalink Mark Unread

Does it really? Anyone you're especially attached to and want to hear what I did to them? 

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Maybe if it doesn't work on the first try. Hold wand just so -

Permalink Mark Unread

Everyone on Endorë dies if I do.

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Hey, Valar, does that truth effect thing work on Maiar.

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It does.

Permalink Mark Unread

He's claiming to have a deadman switch or something.

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And you want to verify that?

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If he's not lying apparently everyone on Endorë dies with him, so.

Permalink Mark Unread

Truth effect!

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Does it work on osanwë or are they going to need to let him talk.

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They will need to let him talk.

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"Care to repeat that out loud?"

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"Are the Valar multiplying? How obnoxious. They didn't mind that you murdered fifty million people for us? If I die everyone in Endorë dies." It's true. Well, he believes it, at least.

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"I had this problem where there were not enough Valar around for some reason so I fixed it. How does that work?"

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"No comment."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does everyone on Endorë also die if you do not die?"

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"No. I like my orcs, I prefer they not die." All true.

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"Is there something in particular you're hoping to trade for the information on how your deadman switch works?"

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"It works very straightforwardly; if you kill me, everyone dies. I cannot see how any information I give you gets me more of what I want than that."

Permalink Mark Unread


How do the Valar feel about the Imperius.

Permalink Mark Unread

These seem like the circumstances that would justify it. 

They would like him to explain it to Sauron in advance, please, and offer him another chance to volunteer the information, and agree to supervision, and stop after twenty minutes or once he has enough information, whichever is sooner.

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Oh, Cam doesn't expect to be able to do it, but Timothy could.

"So there's also the mind control curse option. I've tried it, it's very soothing when applied, makes you do whatever the caster wants."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You've invented all kinds of tricks recently. Busy few months?"

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"I didn't claim to have invented it."

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"I want to be released, and not attacked again. In exchange I'll tell you how to disable the switch."

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"Terms of your oath definitely don't let you take any action while alive to release it. Why should I prefer that to the Valar just locking you up?"

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"Are they going to keep the peace by forcibly separating the races of Endorë forever?"

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"Probably not."

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"What a shame. That's uglier than anything I could have orchestrated, sworn as harmless as I am."

Permalink Mark Unread

Sigh. What do the Valar think of his offer.

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They are disinclined to let him go but not very willing to mind-control someone who is conditionally cooperating. Cam is pretty sure locking him up is safe?

Permalink Mark Unread

They're welcome to look over the oath text, he's pretty sure it's safe. Do they in fact have a not force fields plan for the thing?

Permalink Mark Unread

They are hoping that if they hold all the trials on Endorë publicly under truth fields and broadcast everything, that'll help the orcs follow what they're doing and why. And they might release some of Melkor's lieutenants if they were cornered into it with oaths or are sufficiently certain not to do it again, hopefully that'll help. Sanity's Thuringwethil was releasable and that helped.

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe these orcs should be put in touch with the Sanity orcs or something.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's a good idea, they'll consider a portal. 

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"Does anything bad happen if I kill Melkor?" Cam asks Sauron.

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"No comment."

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Maybe he should ask Thuringwethil. Where's she.

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Being held separately.

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He goes there.


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Hi. Are we, like, those starfish where you cut them in half and two grow back?

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That would be interesting but not as far as I know.

Permalink Mark Unread

So what's up?

Permalink Mark Unread

Sauron's got a deadman switch. I had a civil conversation with an alternate universe version of you and thought I might as well try asking you if you know what's up with that.

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He set it up while they were negotiating over oath minutiae, I think. It's some kinda plague.

Permalink Mark Unread

How charming. Would it be inordinately difficult for the Valar to clean up without his help in some way?

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Uh, apparently our assessments of the capabilities and interventionist inclinations of the Valar were a bit off so fuck if I know.

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I went and found better Valar.

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That's adorable. It shouldn't be impossible in principle to clean it up without him.

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Is there a good way to verify if that's been managed or not?

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You could maybe pull something off with the conjuring shit?

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So it's not a magic plague or an intelligent plague or anything?

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He might be using magic to keep it in line but the plague itself wouldn't be, nah.

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Nobody's been taking any precautions to keep it from getting all over the place and it doesn't seem to have harmed anyone in various alternate universes. Would his magic hold like that or should I assume there's some hidden decontamination feature of my transit?

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Might hold like that. I don't know if his death would trigger it in other universes, though.

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How would the trigger even work?

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So the easiest way would be to have some place on Endorë he's keeping sealed with magic, lets another biological out that interacts with the first one. But that's easy to handle, so if he expected you to pull this shit - and I don't think he was expecting you to pull this shit, but who knows - he might be magicking all of them to, say, have limits on how much they multiply. Things we've done magic to stop when we die. 

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That makes sense.


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Sure thing, sweetheart. 

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Suppose anybody else would have one?

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Sauron's the only one that fast with biological weapons. Melkor might have something more traditional, I guess. Are you going to kill us all?

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The better Valar let their you free. She hangs out doing favors for orcs.

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Did they parole Melkor?

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One war's easier to forgive than two.

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Yeah. The killing thing is as much to test if the method works on the species, though. I probably couldn't even make it work on you, it requires a particular mental state.

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The black hole thing apparently doesn't starfish us, right? Or require a particular mental state. 

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In theory yes you could be dropped in a black hole. I don't think that's the plan.

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Okay. Have fun.

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Thanks for the tips.

He relays the information to the Sanity Valar.

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Maybe we should have a goldmage on standby for the attempt to kill Melkor. 

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Yeah. I should write somebody to ask Bar if Milliways does decontamination, it's the sort of thing it might do and that means there's no cleanup work to be done outside this world since no portals have been made to or from it yet. He makes a note for Minor and a copy for Amriac in case she conjures her mail first.

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He conjures his mail, leaves the dragon enclosure, heads inside. "Hey Bar?"

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"Cam wants to know if you do decontamination. From a plague from Singularity."

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In general patrons need not worry about catching diseases in Milliways nor about asymptomatically carrying them.

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He writes this down. "Thank you. Hey, is Bright around?"

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"Paused Godspring so he could sleep, I think."

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"Okay. When he comes down can you send him outside we might need a goldmage for something."

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He reports this to Cam too. He goes back outside.

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He comes out a little while later. "Minor! What do you need?"

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"Valar want a goldmage before they try killing Singularity's Melkor," he says, presumably to the great confusion of the fairy currently doing security.

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"That should be doable, especially if they're willing to stretch their lives out."

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"Bet they'd be happy to."

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"How are my dots?"

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His dots are mostly OK. One of the demons traded shifts with a different demon to avoid a security fairy but that went without incident.

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Next time he stops by to check in he might ask about that but it doesn't sound pressing. He asks Cir who he can speak to right on the other side of the door to get a goldmage from that Temple-Guild.

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"My ma schedules my aunt Sirix who's a goldmage."

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"Great, thank you. Can I have the door?"

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Of course he can.

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He heads for the back door of Cir's house.

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"Maitimo," says Cir, "you don't have to go around and knock, that's silly - MA!"

"WHAT," yells Cir's ma from elsewhere in the house.



The commotion attracts uniformed bluemage girls aged eleven and twelve, accompanied by their future attendants, who are their age.

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"Ria! Vuli! Sariva! Wit! I'm really sorry about just suddenly being in your house."

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"It's okay," says Sariva.

"Why'd you just say all our names," asks Vuli.

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"Do people here not do that? At home it's a way to greet people - come to think of it, that might actually be only true because of me -"

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"You might do it if there was one person but not for four, it gets silly," says Sariva. She gestures Vuli over to a chair. Vuli rolls her eyes but goes so as not to form habits of not doing what her minder says.

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"I have done it for dozens! With Elves we can be doing several other things at the same time, though. How are you doing?"

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"We're okay," says Sariva.

Cir's ma appears. "Hello, Maitimo, what is it you need Sirix for?"

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"There's another universe in which we want to kill a god and he might have a planet rigged to explode if he dies, and if so we would need to be warned."

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"Do you have an estimate on how likely that warning is to be necessary?"

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"I can ask." Can you have Minor write Cam and ask how likely they are to need the goldmage to jump?

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This is silly. Yeah. Minor write Cam and ask how likely they are to need the Valar to jump.

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"This is ridiculous," he agrees, making a note.

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"We're checking, it might be a little while."

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Do the Valar have a ballpark guess? Does Thuringwethil?

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The Valar can't detect signs he was positioned in the right way to do that. And they don't think he was expecting this, but he was probably expecting if nothing else that the Fëanorians would make an attempt on his life at some point. Uh. Forty per hundred-forty-four?

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Kinda doubt it. He won, he was happy.

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If he goes and threatens Melkor does Melkor have any comment like Sauron did?

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Melkor wants to know if Cam can kill Eru.

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"I don't think the Valar could hold him still for me."

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Is that a necessary element?

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"Is this a relevant tangent?"

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I suppose it depends if you want Eru running the universe or not.

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"Are you suggesting that you're meaningfully keeping Eru in check somehow?"

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No, not at all. I just want him to die and so when people show up with godkilling abilities I enquire after whether they can take him.

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"I am pretty sure I can't take him unless he thinks it'd be really tragic if I did."

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"But we were talking about you."

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Were you hoping I would beg? I hate doing that, Eru enjoys it.

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"I have very different tastes from Eru."

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I noticed. So I'm not sure why we're having this exchange at all.

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"I'm wondering if there is a reason not to kill you. Begging isn't such a reason, is all."

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I assume you are familiar with all of the reasons not to kill people.

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"You've emphatically opted out of most of them."

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So have you, son. There aren't any other ones hidden away.

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That's all he has to say to Melkor.


He goes off elsewhere and says into his empty surroundings -

"Hey. I wanna write the fix fic but - that doesn't make it not have happened."

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A giant hand descends from above.

It pats Cam on the head. It departs.

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Eru, presuming that was Eru, does not clarify further!

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Cam writes back the estimates of 40/144, probably not, no, and creepy headpats. If the Valar care to volunteer an opinion on the significance of the headpat he'll add a footnote.

And then he goes and tells Timothy about it.

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The Sanity Valar expect that means he is pleased with Cam and not going to interfere!

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Timothy looks like he is refraining from saying things because of potential eavesdroppers. He hugs him. "Think you can get into the right mindset?"

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"Yeah. Once the goldmage is lined up."

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He relays these estimates.

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And Cir's ma comes up with a price.

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"Can we have the Valar give her another ten thousand years, as payment?"

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"In principle yes, that would be obviously better; in practice I can't actually verify that they've done that."

"He's not lying, Ma -"

"Oh, it's not about whether I believe him personally, darling," she assures him. "I just can't deposit ten thousand years into the housekeep account."

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"It's fine, I can make arrangements for the money."

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"We could consider it a deposit and if Sirix lives to be sixty pay it back," she suggests. "She's twenty-one now."

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"Sounds good. Has she summoned anyone?"

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"She has; goldmages got triage priority."

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"Thank you. If you need anything else I can get that now; otherwise I'll go arrange the money."

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"Do you need Sirix on hand, or just contracted to jump back if you need her to?"

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"As long as she can jump if necessary, she can stay right here."

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"Then the deposit's all I need."

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"Thanks. Cir, I'm going to summon a fairy and drop by the dots and get a note for the money, do you want to hold the door or get someone else for it?"

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"I've got it but can you tell Ruviri and Ava where I am so they can restart us if I drop it for some reason?"

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Mingling, can you tell Ruviri and Ava that Cir's got the door?

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Yeah okay.

Bright says Cir has the door so if he drops it come and get him.

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"Done." And he kisses Cir and off he goes.

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The dots are okay. Liatsi's good for the money.

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Liatsi is his favorite of all of the leaders in Godspring. "When things have settled a little I would be delighted to invite you to Tirion. We could temporarily do a direct portal to save the travel time."

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"I'm expecting to be distracted in a few months with a child. When do you believe things will have settled?"

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"I don't have a good picture of how much work we are creating for you. We are not planning to create any more, at least."

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"I had enough warning to arrange for most of the work to be absorbed by structures further down the chain of command."

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"Then consider the offer open whenever is convenient."

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"Perhaps in a week."

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He thanks her and brings the Temple-guild their money and tells Minor to conjure the mail every sixty seconds and tell Cam there's a goldmage on standby.

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Cam checks his mail again, and again, and again, as he makes his way back to Melkor. Checks with the Valar that he has the go-ahead and there isn't some last minute consideration.

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The Valar have no last minute considerations for him.

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He aims the chimera wand he borrowed from Miranda, with the unreasonable extra oomph.

This despicable excuse for an entity was made expressly to sow misery and took to it with wild abandon and cornered Cam into crumpling that beautiful blue ball and should never have existed and will be unmade. Now.

"Avada Kedavra."

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Nothing happens.

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Well damn.

Cam goes and tells Timothy. "Didn't work. D'you want a shot?"

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"Didn't work like you were aiming at a wall or didn't work like you were aiming at a bunny but couldn't muster it?"

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"Neither, the time I hit a wall I had to replace some plaster."

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"I can try - keep checking for time-travellers warning us about things, please -"

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"Am." Check check check.

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And he tries it. Still nothing. "I - think that's 'didn't work' not 'we can't cast the spell right'..."

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"I think so too but it was worth the double-check."

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Sigh. "You can tell the goldmage not to worry, I guess. We'll find something eventually. We have forever."

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Cam nods and writes the goldmage and updates the Valar. Sighs, puts a wing around Timothy.

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Lean. "If the Valar can snag them and drag them into space then it's easy, I take it if they're not oathed harmless the snatching and dragging part is somehow harder?"

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"Yeah. These ones were allowed to run away but not take hostages or anything. Sauron couldn't even drop his deadman switch, that can only go off when he dies."

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Sigh. "How many hostages are we expecting them to be able to take? Because - especially if they're orcs and Elves -"

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"We're talking collapsing continents and the whole shebang taking a couple Years."

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"Fairies can't drag 'em when they're incorporeal, right?"

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"Eru," he says exasperatedly, "when we figure out how to kill a Melkor we can take Kib's and then my alt is apparently going to ask us to kill him too. It'll be super fucking tragic."

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Cam looks up expectantly. "If you prefer to communicate by giant hand I know a couple sign languages!"

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Eru does not comment.

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They lightleap back to the new Valinor.

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Lightleaper trips are sort of pleasant with the enforced downtime and all. Good for snuggling one's boyfriend.

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They are that. He comes up with lots more compliments. He enchants the sheets to grab them both and tug them back into bed when they are considering departing it (they will wilt obediently away if Cam glares at them.) He endeavors not to wonder whether Eru is omniscient. 

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He has the portal opened again so access to Godspring isn't dependent on the Milliways door and puts out small fires and arranges an agenda for Liatsi's trip to Tirion.

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Liatsi arranges to have a day off and asks if there will be any trouble about bringing her goldmage bodyguard.

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"Not at all. If you'd like more than a dozen people along I will have to change some meeting room reservations but that's all."

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"In that case I may ask my other mages and the ministers if they would be interested. Will a red and a white mage be reasonably safe?"

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"I don't know if there's yet universal familiarity with what all the colors mean, but I could assign some of our security to supplement. White mage should be fine, Elves don't get sick, but there aren't any humans living on Valinor and it's possible something that doesn't make us sick does affect you."

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"She will probably opt not to risk it. He I'm less sure of; he can at least cover up."

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"Everyone does know not to touch redmages in particular, in addition to not touching strangers in general."

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The redmage wants to come, and the blue, and both have attendants, and the Minister of Culture is coming too.

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Lovely. "There's a portal currently open from the Temple-Guild I visited with you earlier, if that's a convenient location from which to depart."

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"That suits, particularly if a fairy transports us again."

She stops in to see Wiar very briefly on their way through.

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He apologizes again to Cir's family for the inconvenient portal location. They go through. They close the door. They open it on Tirion, where the Milliways entrance has been converted into a welcome amphitheatre with added security so if unwelcome people walk through the door it'll be handled. (They had some fairies move the palace).

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Everyone is very much awed by the architecture.

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"I think you'll like the city." Tirion has the best skyline in Valinor; he helped arrange for the architects to coordinate, so he might be biased, but art reviewers think so too. They go outside. 

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They are awed by that too!

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Lovely! And he has a large floatcar booked and they can go over to the relocated palace and meet the King.

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The car floats! Is there a fairy doing that?

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No, technology. Harder to maintain than the things they've installed in Cefax so far, but once Cefax has power plants and so on then they can upgrade the trains and once they have mass manufacturing then they can develop floatcars, they're very hard to design traffic law around so in Tirion they're only permitted for state functions and emergency services. 

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The bluemage loves the floatcar. The bluemage's attendant is concerned it will be difficult to explain if he has a bad comprehension day and wants one. Oh well.

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"You could have a fairy do it." Palace!


It's an extravagantly pretty palace, of course.

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They are all getting to be a little over-prettied in the sense that they cannot continue manifesting the same level of awe at every new thing, but yes, so pretty.

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They land and there are introductions. He adores introductions. 

His fork is a little hard to explain. "We can make copies of ourselves if we want. There are two of me; this is Dawn -"

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They're all a little confused by the concept. The bluemage is bewildered. The bluemage's attendant tells him they are weird twins.

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The King is a less confusing concept. This is the King.

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Yes, kings they understand. They are all very formal and polite about being introduced to the king.

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And he is similarly courteous and very pleased to meet them and recommends sites to see and inquires after whether they are visiting Taniquetil - ("not this trip, I don't think," Maitimo says -) and is very curious about human succession customs.

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Liatsi was an only child except for a younger sister who didn't make it to her second birthday and inherited from her father upon his death. If her baby is a girl, she'll be the next queen of Cefax; if a boy, the next king of Niohain, which doesn't allow for queens regnant. This is of course not accounting for immortality; it seems likely that the baby might remain a prince(ss) forever instead given recent developments.

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Elves are courteously startled that the baby's father is in a different country and that she's planning to rule while having small children.

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One small child; the urgency of having an heir being somewhat diminished they might not keep going until they've each got one. This one was conceived before the arrival of the Elves. They prefer not to leave their countries unattended by their monarchs for long so Liatsi spends two thirds of the year in Cefax and her husband spends two thirds of the year in Niohain. Fairies will make commuting easier, but they do not find that they are much impaired by missing one another, and they will have plenty of help with the baby; Liatsi's redmage is engaged to look after the entire family and there are servants to boot.

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Elven pregnancies require the ongoing involvement of both parties - or all three, in prince Nelyafinwë's case, but that's unusual. Good wishes for the wellbeing of the baby are expressed.

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Humans don't have that trait. Or three-parent children, that's interesting. The baby is expected to be fine.

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Well, he and his husband wanted children and are very determined sorts and so seduced a god. The King seems rather delighted by this anecdote about his grandchildren.

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Godspring's gods don't work that way at all, the multiverse is so fascinating. The bluemage's attendant finds it necessary for some reason to remark that in their world men don't marry other men. Liatsi shoots her an irritated look and she shuts up.

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"Oh, it used to be that way here too, and then we noticed there was no good reason. Eru had prohibited it because he likes forbidden romances, and that was - not exactly satisfactory. ... the young man Prince Nelyafinwë's fork met there -" says the King, and gets his own irritated look from his grandson. 

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"In our case it's not a divine prohibition, and everyone in Cefax is accustomed to how redmages work," says Liatsi smoothly. "Though as a similar matter of custom mages traditionally only marry each other, I think we're approaching a time of many changes."

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"I hope they're for the better." 

And then there is singing! Macalaurë agreed to find something cheerful for the occasion.

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The humans are awed again.

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Singing precedes lunch, which they have conjured just in case Elf food preparation doesn't eliminate some foodborne diseases that affect humans. The rest of the cultural exchange does not touch on anything fraught; Maitimo might have privately pleaded with the King not to ask questions about redmages.

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The redmage present is watching Liatsi closely for cues but apparently the cues are "don't volunteer things about redmages".

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At least his grandfather has not said aloud 'Nelyafinwë, if you don't mean to marry him -'


He calls a floatcar so they can go sightseeing in the afternoon.

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The bluemage is so excited about the floatcar. Apparently being restrained about thinking stuff is cool requires attending to the fact that other people might be watching you emote. The bluemage's attendant is considering getting a demon to make a floatcar for him.

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You'd also need the following accompanying infrastructure, but with that it'd be lovely.  They can head downtown and within human eyesight of the airport and the vertical gardens and so on. 

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The humans drown in pretty. It's all so pretty.

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He volunteers technology explanations where wanted and flinches internally at people asking cultural questions about mages but otherwise lets them drown in pretty.

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Liatsi handles them well. Perhaps surprisingly the bluemage can field a lot of them too without needing to tread on concepts he's having trouble with (or at least doing so by recitation only).

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Liatsi's impressively graceful. He can appreciate it as an abstract skill as well as making his job much easier. People are very curious what it's like to be a mage. "We can send each other concepts and experiences without words," he explains. "If there are ever Elf mages people will be very eager to get their experiences from them directly."

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"I bet we can't do that if we're far along," says the bluemage in a moment of particular lucidity.

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"Elves are not very likely to let our bluemages get far along, for that and other reasons. But - yeah, probably not."

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"Little children have to grow out of being bluemagey," says the redmage.

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"Out of not understanding that other people are people? Yeah. That's an interesting way to think about it. It's - not that there's anything wrong with being bluemagey, if someone were to prefer it."

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"They don't, but that's how you could know what it was like without a bluemage being able to think of telling you, if you can read little kids," says the redmage. "Or you could have one of us tell you, we have a pretty good idea if we know a bluemage."

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"Reading little kids is sort of frowned upon until they understand how to keep things private if they want. Asking a redmage who knows a bluemage is a good idea."

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"I only know the one," says the redmage. "And she'd have to be right here for me to be sure I remembered right."

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"And humans can't send. We looked into giving you the chips we have - it means you can be resurrected without becoming a daeva, some people might prefer that, and it lets you get all kinds of memory enhancements and so on which are harder to give humans - but the chips don't seem to work if the brain hasn't been wired around them from the beginning."

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Wistful sigh from the redmage.

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"The memory blessings do work for redmages, we just have to do them by magic instead of technology and that means they're slower and more expensive. I'll let you know when we have some on hand."

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In the evening the Elves return them portalswards.

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"Thank you so much for the tour, everything was magnificent," says Liatsi.

"No, you can't have Elf art literally everywhere, you'll look compromised," says the Minister of Culture teasingly.

Liatsi smiles at him. "Oh well."

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"It was our pleasure hosting you! Everyone has seen the bulletins but I think found it much more satisfying to meet you firsthand!"

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"I was delighted to make their acquaintance," says Liatsi. "If the people of your world should ever wish to visit Cefax they may certainly consider themselves welcome."

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"We will certainly aim to eventually enable that."

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The redmage's attendant says, "Maybe warn them redmages exist first."

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" - yeah. I'm sorry about that. It's not that they'd take issue with the redmages."

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"Just with all our loved ones," murmurs the redmage, holding his attendant's hand.

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"With the potential for coercion. Not that I expect that makes it comfortable for you to experience. It's definitely one of the things I'd expect our people to be informed about and capable of handling gracefully before they came over to visit."

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"Thank you," says the attendant.

"I guess you'd understand," says the redmage, "you have one, right -?"

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"Yes, and I was very obnoxiously worried about coercion until he rather patiently set me straight but it took a while and we probably can't convince the whole population of Valinor that way. There are not enough redmages and most of them probably wouldn't want to be around people who are convinced they require rescuing."

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"It would get tiring," the redmage agrees.

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"We'll make sure people are informed. Thank you for coming."

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"Thank you for having us," says the bluemage's attendant, and the humans go home.

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And the lightleaper arrives.

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"AK doesn't work on Melkor," Cam reports. "Sauron had a biowarfare deadman switch to boot but other ones probably don't."

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"Ugh. Okay. What else do we have?"

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"The only thing we have is black holes and they are not super deployable in most places where Melkors hang out."

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"Yeah. We can keep looking."

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Nod. "Summoning rollout went smoothly enough in Cefax that I'm going to do it everywhere else."

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"Would it be Years even with twice as many Valar?"

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"I can ask." She asks.

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The situation remains that they can do it fast but with lots of collateral damage or slower with more contained collateral damage. 

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Well damn. Is any number of additional Valar likely to change that?

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...maybe if they had several hundred thousand? The problem is that causing damage is just much easier than preventing it.

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Okay then.

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"There's got to be a way.


Could you put Angband in a black hole and have a bunch of fairies make sure nothing else got hurt -"

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"Fairies could mitigate it but can't actually counter gravitation, just move things in spite of it. At any distance where they could hold the continents down they'd miss people and projectiles careening across the landscape."

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"I'm curious if black holes would even work in flat Ardas since gravity seems to work by Vala fiat."

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"One second..."

Ambela goes to inquire about how that works.

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Uh, the flat Valar didn't really understand gravity but they knew what the planet was supposed to look like and that things were supposed to fall down so they did that. People aren't supposed to go near the edges. They're sorry. They understand now but aren't sure how to fix it.

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Okay but like. Will a black hole do black hole things near a flat Arda at all.

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Uh, maybe? Some places they have gravity operating pretty much normally and some places gravity is just a magically imposed down and they aren't sure how that would interact with a black hole. It might just be a much weaker acceleration force away from the black hole. They could probably make it stronger? Designing all their gravity to counter a black hole sounds like a lot of math but would probably be possible.

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Could they possibly counter a black hole in places that were not Angband.

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Yep. They could do that.

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"And then they just - fish all the orcs and Elves out I guess - but there are humans in Kib's Angband -"

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They don't think they could do anything about that.

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"I am real fucking tired of killing innocent bystanders but a few dozen humans is probably tractable somehow."

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"Black hole doesn't work if he knows it's coming but a fairy dismantling Angband wouldn't make him think a black hole is coming necessarily -"

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"Or a goldmage, if there's a clear way to get to them."

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"We can check a model of the place but a fairy - maybe an Imperiused fairy very far away with the wizard in osanwë contact with a soul Elf with binoculars, for detail at range - is cheaper and doesn't require a single human to haul a few dozen people clear of Angband while in a desperate hurry."

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"Humans find it hard to carry other humans -"

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"Without magic, yeah."

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"What's Angband look like, how many are there and where are they -"

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"Let's go in the yard so I have room for a nice big model."

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Outside they go.

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Angband, Kib's edition. Complete with inhabitants.

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It's a big imposing fortress aboveground and much larger belowground. Around a million orcs. Three dozen humans, mostly in the same quarters, a few in separate dungeons, all of them young adults. 

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Cam picks it apart, mapping as he goes.

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Some stuff is magic and failed to come through, but most of it's there.

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"There's presumably servants, I don't know if I conjure those inert or not at all -" He checks. Inert. "The illusions might be more of a problem. Can the Valar counter just those -"

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Ambela asks.

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Not in Angband.

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Okay, well, the model will presumably not include illusions, and will include all the humans, so they should be able to figure that out in the field. The wizard step seems unnecessary since they don't have anyone who can see through the illusions the way they did with Azkaban; just a soul Elf and a fairy will do.

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He's love to help dismantle an Angband.

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The soul Arda Valar are not done doing the math on how to cancel a black hole with manually applied gravity. 

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That's okay, the Arda in question is not going anywhere.

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They might want to practice somewhere without people.

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The Space Ardas are mostly uninhabited.

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Can he make them a flat Arda (they'll handle the gravity?) They can do it but it'll take thousands of Years.

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It will take him a couple weeks, no problem.

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They retreat to work on math. Sanity's Estë sticks around to help; the other Sanity Valar are putting Singularity's Valinor back together and bringing the Singularity Valar up to speed (and one ducks into Godspring at Bright's request to give not just Cir's goldmage aunt but anyone in the family who wants it extended longevity.

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Cir's extended family are delighted.

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Death is such a terrible idea, they're really pleased that other worlds have come to their attention, does anyone need anything else while they're here?

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Well, if they can do anything about anybody else's drawbacks that would also be swell.

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They are working on that; it looks like it'll be really difficult, unfortunately. If there are white mages who want to sit for experiments with boosting their immune systems and improving their health, they can try that, but it'll be a long time before they understand humans and the local magic well enough to be completely certain what they do will help or even that it'll be reversible with no problems if it's not helpful. The soul Arda Aulë can make those memory necklaces faster than any Elf and plans to do a few thousand once a current pressing problem is solved; everything else they could try stuff if there's anyone willing to experiment and able to report the results (or who does not mind having their mind read).

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Some people don't mind having their minds read. Dwindled bluemages are fairly incapable of considering the question but some of their attendants think they wouldn't have minded before either. Some whitemages who have already done summonses are interested in experiments.

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In that case Lórien and Nienna will set up camp in the Temple-Guild, being very visibly gods, and try things. Bluemage dwindling does not appear to take the form of brain damage, but what happens if the relevant parts of the brain are boosted? What if whitemages get adjusted Elfwards in immune system, bodily control, physical strength and endurance? Does giving redmages memory back do anything? If greenmages get lots of useless instincts installed, like echolocation and that quill-shooting response porcupines have, do they lose those before more important ones?

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Bluemage dwindling responds in a perfectly logical fashion to underlying ability to model people: if there is more of it, the same amount of dwindling leaves them more functional. Boosting helps.

Whitemages find bodily control immensely useful and the immune system fixes help a whole lot too. Being made more physically durable will make them harder to seriously injure in the first place but doesn't help them heal afterwards, so it's more of a patch than a direct fix for the underlying deficit, but it's still nice.

Redmages are missing not specifically memories but the ability to recall, sort through, and store memories. Putting the memories back the way one would put an Angband survivor's memories back gives them minutes to hours of better access to those specific episodes of their lives but they can't keep them.

Useless instincts take up apparently random places in the queue of instincts to be lost, though it seems consistent greenmage to greenmage. They have to be careful about testing it but some of them do come in before the part where they stop breathing. However, adding those to greenmages who've already dwindled past the useless instinct's point in the list doesn't undo any dwindling, just means they lose the new thing next.

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Redmages will have to wait for necklaces, then. They promise that the thing Aulë is doing instead of that is genuinely more urgent - "although we could stop time here until he was ready to do necklacemaking full time, if you think everyone'd prefer that." Whitemages can all get bodily control and boosted immune systems, they're the easiest to help because it's just making them more like Elves. Bluemages can all have boosts, greenmages can all have miscellaneous unnecessary instincts to lose from the ones that get lost early on.

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The mages appreciate this very much! Nobody's sufficiently urgent about the necklaces to think that literally pausing time is the thing to do about it, possibly because literally pausing time is the sort of thing that usually gets one's loved ones killed sooner if one is a mage.

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Oh, when the Valar pause time it doesn't harm anybody or cost anybody anything. But it does seem possibly excessive for the circumstances. 


The Valar can't seem to find Godspring's gods. They would really like to talk with them.

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They don't really talk. They might be closer by when they're divvying up a crop of kids, if the Valar'd like to come back then, but the Temple-Guild is currently very uncertain how many they'll be taking this year what with all the everything.

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That makes sense. They apologize about all the everything. Everyone should feel free to get in touch with them if they need anything. In Endorë people do that by going to the ocean and calling; what would be a convenient way here?

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Uh, well, they do have an ocean but it's a bit of a hike from this Temple-Guild. What purpose is the ocean serving exactly?

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Oh, in the case of Endorë it's Ulmo who hangs around to answer petitioners and Ulmo can listen to all the shores in the world at once; he couldn't listen to all of the trees, say, but Yavanna could probably do that if they want to be able to reach a Vala by addressing the trees.

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People might not want to be listened to by all the trees. How about, like, some trees. There's this one really big one on the hill over there.

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Sure, they can do an arrangement where specific trees are sites where Yavanna is listening. She could mark them; make the leaves glow golden or something. 

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Gold is Ua's color, maybe not gold. Silver is not taken unless it is taken by some faraway foreign god or something. (It is; most colors are.)

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In Cefax she will signify that she is listening to a tree by making its leaves glow silver. 

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They depart. Yavanna is informed of this and heads over to silver some accessible trees.

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The baby dragons are thriving! He stops by the infirmary with varyingly serious burns every couple hours.

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"Jesus, dude," says Sara after the third time. "Maybe poi is not the hobby for you."

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"They're baby dragons. They'll learn not to do it when they get bigger. Thank you!"

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"Your world's books don't mention there's magic, like, at all, is it a secret?"

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"Yeah, most people can't see the witches or whatever."

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"Witches can still affect them, though?"

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"Yeah, we have to like, save them."

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"Have you met the Valar, they're these, like, helpful gods and they might be able to give you stuff you can use to fight witches better or something."

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"Nah, they haven't come in here."

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"Want me to send them? They're pretty helpful."

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"Why not."

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So on his way back out he tells Aaron to snag a Vala next time they're around.


And a while after that a tall woman with shimmery silvery hair whose presence rather emphatically radiates that she is a god walks into the infirmary.

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"Uh," says Sara, "hi."

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"Hi! Varda. I wanted to know if there was anything I could do to help you out in combating witches."

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"So there is kinda this problem where magical girls are the ones who can kill witches but we can't kill them all or we won't have any magic any more and I think then we'd die or something."

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"That does sound like a problem. How did the whole system start, do you know?"

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"I dunno, maybe back when there were less people there couldn't be too many witches but now there's cities and stuff and they'd never starve till everyone was dead."

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"So magical girls hunt witches, and killing witches is what gives you magic?"

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"Yeah. Well to start out we run off wishes but that runs out fast."

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"Can anybody make a wish? At any time?"

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"Nah, most people can't, there's this cute fluffy guy who goes and finds people who can and grants them wishes."

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"Does he have any ideas on the problem if all your witches were killed?"

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"I never asked him."

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"Would you mind opening your door so we can go into your world and look around?"

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"Uh, what if a witch eats you?"

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"I think they would probably find that very challenging."

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"They don't like literally eat stuff. Mostly. They just make people miserable and violent."

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"And they're invisible except to people who have made a wish and now have magic?"

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"People who could make wishes too."

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"Who is eligible?"

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"Like high school age girls."

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Nod. "Are there things we could do for you to make hunting witches safer?"

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"Yeah, uh, while I'm here I can do magic and my gem doesn't get any dimmer," she points at it where it's set in an ornament on a sash around her waist, glowing robin's-egg blue, "but outside it does, it's bad if I run low."

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"May I touch it?"

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"...um. Why."

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"I want to see if I can stop it from getting dimmer when you use magic, permanently, so we could do that for all the magical girls and then remove the witches, but I can't get a clear read on it at the moment."

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"Um. Okay. But it's my soul. And you can't take it off my dress."

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"If you're not comfortable with that I can likely figure out a way to do it at a distance."

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"You can, just don't try to take it off."

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She nods. She touches it and frowns.

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"Sorry, I'm just trying to make sure I don't -" The gem clears. "Did that action have any effects on your mood or emotional state?"

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Sara smiles. "Maybe?"

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"Should I undo it?"

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"No, why would you -?"

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"I think I was just reversing extant mood-altering magic but nonetheless it would be quite reasonable to be worried by mood-altering magic. I don't know how to clear the gems without any attendant mind-altering effect, the two things seem very closely linked."

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"Oh. I guess that explains a lot."

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"What does it explain?"

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"My parents keep telling me I'm moody especially when it's dark."

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"Ah. Yes, it appears to affect your mood. If we could just give all the magical girls the means to do what I just did, would that help you all?"

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"Yeah, loads."

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She nods. "Do you know where witches come from, or what they want, or if they are people?"

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"They sort of bud. Like... I don't remember what things bud. They just sorta eat people, I think they're a little smart like animals but not very."

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"I will get to work on designing something that clears the gems for magical girls. Do you know how many I'll need?"

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"I dunno. Probably a few hundred?"

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"Thank you. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

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"I dunno, I think I'm mostly good, especially with infinity magic..."

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"All right! Let me know if you think of anything."

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"For sure, thanks."

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Off she goes.

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He picks another country to roll out summoning in. This time he has the demons who want babies hold Elf babies for a couple hours first and get instructions on baby care, as well as a run-down of the sort of questions people called in to the help line with and a warning about orphanages being upsetting. Dots are installed with security fairies from the get-go. 

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Elf babies are cuter and easier than human ones so it's sort of a letdown. The instructions are good though. Security fairies cut down on problems.

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This whole world is going to have summoning by the end of the year if he can possibly make it happen. Another country. He shops around for unusually ugly and difficult babies so the demons don't have raised expectations.

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It's sort of hard to get people to acknowledge when their babies are ugly.

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Yeah. He ends up having to go with 'have a lot of character and are therefore good practice for demons'.

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Demons for the next country hold babies with a lot of character. They are less disappointed by their human children.

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Does it also help to mention offhand that Elf babies take five hundred years to grow up but that these kids will be grown in eighteen.

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...wow, these demons all like kids but five hundred years is too long.

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Yeah, exactly! Human babies grow up at a much more sensible rate. 


Other countries do not have less depressing orphanages. 

Some other countries have slavery more outright than Cefax's very neat contracts system. He has to explain to one demon that it would definitely be disruptive to her child to overthrow the government.

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"I wasn't going to overthrow it entirely, I was just going to free all the slaves. The humans would be very pleased with me later on, like, uh, what's her name, Harriet Tubman."

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"Yeah, I'm sure they would, but then all of the other countries would go 'oh no, if we allow summoning all our slaves would be freed' and then they'd refuse to allow summoning at all and their people would continue starving in famines and being dead forever when they die. Once there's summoning everywhere then we will buy out all the slaveowners and I am sure the slaves will be totally delighted with you if you make them a new place to live and food while they're getting adjusted."

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"...can I free slaves in the next country over, that I'm not living in? So it's not 'cause they allowed summoning?"

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"How are you planning on freeing the slaves?"

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"I can fly a helicopter!"

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"They might not get in the helicopter, because they don't know where you're taking them and whether it'll be any better than where they're leaving from - you don't speak the language. They might not get in the helicopter because they expect their slaveowners to get them back and be really angry, or because they are scared the helicopter will fall out of the sky, or because they have family they don't want to leave behind. And where would you take them to?"

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"I could make an island..."

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"It'd have to be a big island, there are a lot of slaves. Might raise sea levels and drown a lot of people living in low-lying areas. What we could do instead is have a portal from here to another planet that can take immigrants. Endorë might be able to absorb them."

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"That'd work too, sure."

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"But I think the slaves might really rather be freed and legally permitted to keep living in their own country, instead of spirited away to an island, which is why buying them out might be yet more convenient."

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"I wouldn't want to live in a country where I'd had to be a slave."

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"If they want to leave they will of course have the chance. A helicopter without being informed that they're going to be freed either way is just not a good way to give them that chance."

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"I wasn't going to drag them."

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"I know. But how were you going to tell them 'if you don't come we're going to buy you out in a year or so'? What are you going to do if someone shoots the helicopters down with some kind of mage, or summons a fairy to do it, because they think this country is attacking them?"

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"Fine, no helicopter."

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"Thank you. You're right to want them free. We'll make it happen."

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The demon sighs and materializes cute tiny shoes on her baby.

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He compliments the cuteness of her baby. He listens to a skip-sleep song. He moves on to the next dot.

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The Valar practice making gravity funny such that everything continues falling downwards at exactly the right speed when Angband is fed into a black hole. It takes three tries, but they get it.

The Sanity Valar ask nicely if they are very very sure they've got it or if they should try some more. They are very sure but agree to try some more. A random chunk of Lake Mithrim temporarily experiences a tenth of normal gravity but otherwise it goes okay.

The tries after that go smoothly.

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Cam will make as many trial planets as necessary.

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Eventually they really are sure. They could do Midnight's Arda before Kib's? Midnight's does not have the additional complication of humans in Angband.

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Midnight's Arda has Extra Bad Valar, is that a complication?

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It's a complication with the aftermath. Or sooner if they decide to intervene, which doesn't seem entirely in character, but -


Kib's Arda it is. They need Cam, a soul Elf and a fairy.

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Here's Cam.

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And a soul Elf.

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There are billions of fairies to choose from and a bunch of Maitimos to go through the options. Treeleess from the Azkaban breakout is available now.

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If she wants another assignment that'd be great.

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She'd be happy to. She has a taste for disassembling evil fortresses now, apparently.

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Fantastic. There are lots of evil fortresses to disassemble. 

They go in through the portals to Kib's birth world and then the Arda. He loans her his eyes.

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Angband starts disassembling.

She wants to grab all the humans at once before anybody can tell they're being specifically targeted.

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No one has any idea what's going on but Sauron does immediately blanket the place in darkness.

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She can't be nearly as precise working blind with a model to look at but Cam makes models, big enough that Midnight can see where the humans are, and Treeleess scoops out largish amounts of fortress around them in case she's off a few feet, and zooms them out of the darkness.

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Confused terrified humans come zooming and after a little while conjuration confirms there are no more of them.

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Valar all ready?

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Cam swallows nausea

and holes Angband.

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Nothing else moves. Angband was already shrouded in black but it goes - differently black - and there's a vague rippling sensation and nothing else moves. 

Treeleess can move the black hole.

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She can. She zooms it away.

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There is more rippling and then once she's far enough the Valar let gravity go back to normal and here is an Arda with a neat scoop where Angband used to be.

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It's so neat and scoopy.

Cam breathes again.

Treeleess puts all the humans in one place so Cam can make a little shuttle around them, and then they can go find the local Noldor.

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They have a place in the south of Beleriand. It's pretty, hastily-built, low-tech, sixty percent assembly lines. 

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"How d'you suppose one best approaches this you," Cam asks Midnight, "I'm a little too queasy to stop thinking of sarcastic suggestions like 'with a gift basket'."

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Midnight hugs him. "I have no idea. Maybe the Valar can do it, 'the Valar' are at least not either a new concept or an entity incapable of doing this even if their intervention is implausible."

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Would any Valar like to hop aboard and join them while the others go sanify the locals.

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They get Lórien since he can put the local Maitimo's memories back.

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Okay. The shuttle lands a polite distance from the Noldo city.

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After a little while some metal warservants come out to meet it.

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...Cam gets out of the shuttle to see if they're going to do something unfriendly that should happen to a demon instead of somebody squishy.

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They are not exactly friendly but they don't attempt murder. There's a Charp. It asks who they are and what they want.

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"My name is Cam and I have with me an alternate universe Maitimo and an alternate universe Lórien. We are from various other worlds, and we got all the humans out of Angband before destroying it and everybody else in there and have them with us, and we would like to hand over the humans to someone who can do something remotely intelligent with them, and explain ourselves."

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A pause.


Then someone walks over; the servants shuffle to make space. 

"How many humans were in Angband?"

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"Thirty. Not Kib, Kib was already out, he wandered into the multiversal hub thing so he's there."

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Raised eyebrow. "The southern continent's habitable; you could put the humans there."

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"Sure, if you have nowhere to integrate 'em here."

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"Screening would be complicated."

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"Yeah. Maybe we can stash 'em in another world or something, I imagine they've been very badly brought up and might make trouble with you lot even from a continent away."

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"Do explain about the other worlds."

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"There are lots. A truly inappropriate number of them are Ardas, which come in multiple varieties; this is one of the most common kind up to the point where Kib landed on it and then it got weird. There's also alternate universe versions of people even when they aren't from similar places; for example, I, unlike Kib, was born. I have no explanation for the snake thing but we're getting around via Vala portal - there's exactly one Arda where the Valar are just plain good at their jobs, it's really refreshing - and finding new worlds via multidimensional bar that sometimes just inserts itself beyond random doors for no reason."

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"I see. And the competent Valar do things about Melkor, and now he's gone and the war's over?"

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"They actually couldn't do anything directly about a loose one without a lot of collateral damage, so that was me and another person from my magic system and the Valar's role was preventing us from uprooting the continent in the process and then retrieving all the souls we don't want dead out of the wreckage. That's why we got the humans out first, they wouldn't leave retrievable souls."

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"Kib must be charmed."

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"He says we should compliment the writing staff, yeah."

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"Is there in fact a written summary of all of the worlds and a timeline of events and a to-do list for rescued Ardas -"

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"It's more haphazard than it should be, especially the 'timeline' part because there's several different kinds of timefuckery about, but yes."

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"We'd like to take a look at that, then, please."

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"Sure." Hard copy latest edition Quenya translation. "One copy or d'you need more?"

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"Everyone is watching, this should do. Can we get you anything while we're reading?"

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"I'm okay. We brought a Lórien in case your Maitimo - he should pick a time of day, they're all doing times of day for nicknames - wants his memories all put where they belong."

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"A time of day. The Valar only got around to a sun about a Year ago, are the other worlds ahead of us?"

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"Midnight's is - Midnight you need to name your Arda get on that," he calls over his shoulder, "but it's a variant, and Singularity and Sanity are ahead too but they're a different kind of Arda such that suddenly having a sun is not a historical event, and Mingling's Arda which also needs a name is earlier."

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"My King says he's not sure he'll bother with a nickname if any of the others are equipped to take over."

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"You want the one who's seven, the one accustomed to Elves having a crime rate and extra-tamper-happy-Valar, the one who's from a world technologically advanced enough that they construct ships that travel between the stars, the one who that and also painful naivete as a side effect of competent Valar, or the magical human teenager?"

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"I thought you said there were stupidly many Ardas?"

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"Yes, but the only ones we can access on purpose are the technologically advanced kind. All the others we have to wait for someone to walk in the door."

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Nod. Reading. "The King says he's glad you get on with the magic human teenager but probably it should be the one who knows his people."

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"He is an excellent magic human teenager but yeah. I don't think there's a straight across substitute but he can interview his alts or whatever."

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Nod. He finishes the reading. "Thank you. I think the King will want his memories restored and Akibel is married, his husband will want to see him."

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"Naturally. Lórien's literally right here so he can do the memories, does Aydanci want Kib brought here or should we bring him to Milliways and if the latter does anybody else want to come?"

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"Aydanci's asleep and will want whatever's best for Kib -" but if there's no difference there bringing him here will be easier for us than manufacturing an excuse to go visit -

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"...and you can't wake him up...?" You could want to meet your alts and collect valuable multiversal prizes? I'm a little concerned that hauling him here looks plot hooky but he'll come if we bring him.

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Maitimo thinks the interdimensional bar looks plothooky but he'll come too. "Aydanci only sleeps when he collapses from pushing the sleep song too far."

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"...ah. Okay. Uh, Lórien how close do you need to get to do the memories thing -?"

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I would need him to come out of the city.

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"We could dispense with the security if you cared to demonstrate that it wouldn't protect us anyway."

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"...would you like me to make it rain flower petals over the city or something?"

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" - sure."

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Assorted lovely flower petals sift down from thin air to lightly blanket the city.

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He turns to watch. "All right. We're sending some people to check on Angband and some to check in with Valinor; we will visit the interdimensional bar. Just a minute."

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And someone else walks out of the city. "Hello! What a delightful surprise."

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"Hullo. Picked a time of day yet? Or something else, we'll run out of times of day eventually, but we can't just all say 'the King' because Midnight's a king too."

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"Sunset. Can you take Aydanci even though he's sleeping? I think he'll want to be able to see his husband immediately once he wakes."

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"I would be unequal to personally carrying him but sure, he doesn't especially need to be awake for transport."

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"I will have someone carry him, then. Is there anyone else who should particularly see the interdimensional bar?"

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"Uh, does your dad want to collaborate with a bunch more of him on miscellaneous stuff? We can probably get a door out of the bar to this city if you or Findekáno hold it though, so we don't have to be exhaustive."

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"I imagine he would, yes. What a useful feature."

And shortly after that there's Fëanáro and a sleeping Aydanci and a few attendants. 

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And once Lórien has done his thing and gone to join the other Valar at Valaring they can go to the portal and from the portal into Stork and through the door.

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"What a lovely place. Very well done."

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" - Kib -"

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"Also makes remarks like that all the time. I'll go get him."

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He is back downstairs a minute later with Kib, mid-explanation. "- and Aydanci is irretrievably unconscious, you're really selling it, which excuse is next, is he going to get sick and lose his voice, you don't have anything prepped to explain the infirmary failing, maybe you've got something new cooked up to cover for how none of you can get him right."

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He sighs.

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"Oh, hello, Kib. They've gotten better at you, that was legitimately pretty close."

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"Yeah this place is 'character study on absurdist backdrop' with a side of 'I don't care how computationally expensive you are' featuring everything from 'you as magic stick wielding slaveowning human schoolchildren' to 'me as five thousand year old Elf married to that one advisor guy'."

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"The slaveowning wasn't mentioned. The overview did include the you as five thousand year old Elf."

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"There's an excuse of some kind for the slavery but honestly I wasn't paying that much attention. Elf me is lovely. Sings like a bird, customizes Valar, invents writing, that sort of thing, I should be flattered probably."

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"I have an alt who can take over for me, I was expecting that to fail to work for some reason. Probably still will."

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"Well, they can kill Valar, I assume you don't present a huge obstacle. Am I supposed to grieve, I can get really dramatic when they start killing off the characters but I have to be short a lot of memories for that."

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"I don't actually care. If you were going to act upset about it I'd avoid discussing it with you, I suppose, just on principle. But my Kib was never in Angband and never will be, he's safe -"

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He sits down and looks away.

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"I have really serious misgivings about cooperating with an assisted suicide under these conditions."

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"That's okay, I'm sure you have a physics explanation I can examine in arbitrary detail about why black holes don't work on Elves or something." He pats Cam's arm.

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"Doesn't have to be you, right, we can summon someone."

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"Please don't worry about it. I'm very glad you came."

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"So what am I meant to have missed since I got snatched?"

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"Maitimo asked Aydanci for something to get around the illusions and he came up with this clever little thing that prints pictures, you should ask him to tell you how he did it, I bet he'll be delighted. Fëanáro came up with an idea to use Arda magic for intelligent artifacts which could instantaneously direct servants and he and Aydanci were working on it. They were maybe ten years out? We were looking into ways to get you sooner. Arda humans have babies for some reason, everyone except Maitimo was horrified and we still haven't figured out a good solution."

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"Huh, I was expecting something more creative, did all the creative writers take the day off?"

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"Believe it or not this is an improvement over how he was when he came in."

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Sigh. "I love you, Kib. Do you want to die or -"

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"I feel like it would be really unhealthy for me to adopt an expectation that I have any control over whether I actually in reality live or die, and in the meantime this is really cozy. The food's good and everything. The sapient magical bar does recommendations. Do you want a hug, I do hugs, I'm downright snuggly when that seems to be the done thing."

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Hug. "Don't do this to Aydanci when he wakes up, he will derive less comfort than me from the thought that in a thousand years you'll be all right."

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Hug. "Sure, he won't talk to me for more than five minutes anyway, that's as long as Thuringwethil can ever string me along without restarts and they're really committed to the character study thing and I think they're avoiding restarts. Did you know I come in six year old girl with accompanying dubiously magical bloodsport-pet? She's adorable. There's also a tiny him." Point at Maitimo. "Also adorable."

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"They were in the files, yeah."

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"All these people to get invested in, and all these obvious avenues for something randomly terrible to happen to them."

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"And absolutely no commitment to realism! I told them when I came in if you want that you at least open with Findekáno on a pterodactyl, but no! Oh, in keeping with the talking to you like you're actually mine thing I'm doing, watch out for magic truth drugs, those things scared the fuck out of me."

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"What does watching out for them supposedly entail."

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"I haven't the foggiest but they make a lousy surprise."

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Cam sighs. "When he came in as soon as he had some dreams -"

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"No no, I can do this part. I dream back deleted memories! It's tons of fun! So I showed up here mid-unrelated-hallucination that started out with the resulting typical 'Macalaurë invented a new improved sleep skipping song' opener and crashed when no longer being magically forced awake and when I woke up I knew where I was but they didn't like that I shut down my thought processes to avoid being spied on so they drugged me! Now I make sarcastic comments instead of lying around atrophying."

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" - is there a protective measure, can the Valar make those not work -"

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Sigh. "The Valar have not tried pitting themselves directly against the potion. We have no reason to drug any of you, Kib was excruciatingly bored with the not thinking thing and couldn't stop doing it until convinced of its strategic irrelevance and before that we had no idea what was even wrong with him and couldn't convince him to say. If you would like to be extra safe against truth potions and things in their class there is a nonmagical skill called Occlumency that you can learn which does the trick."

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"It involves doing prescribed mental exercises, which, fuck that."

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"Oh, I'm not worried. It seems like Maitimo might want to learn it, so truth potions are off the table without breaking the internal logic -"

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"I'm not planning for the handoff to take that long but if you invent ways to protract it, sure."

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"We're fast with it but it took Timothy longer."

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"Can Lórien give my alts my memories, do you know?"

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"I do not know. You could ask one."

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"I will. Thank you."

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"You're welcome."

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"Do you also want a hug, or want me to hold very still while you give me a hug, or anything."

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"Sure, you clearly put a lot of work into this one, you can have a hug."

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"Missed you," says Kib, and he hugs him.

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"Love you - I'm so sorry, we should've - we should've learned -"

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"I should've had my Charp cave in my skull, I chickened out."

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He shakes his head and squeezes him.

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Kib cries on him a little bit very softly.

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"Can we maybe not be in the main bar area -"

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"I have a room."

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He shivers. He nods. 

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He picks up Aydanci.

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"Bar can I get the room next to Kib's for them - one room? Two?"

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" - Maitimo how soon -"

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"Depends how convincingly the person pretending to be me is pretending to be me, right?"

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"Assuming him so convincing it's like he's an alternate universe version of you."

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"Tomorrow, if Lórien can do the memories. Otherwise a month or so."

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"We'll just get one, then."

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Cam tosses Findekáno a key and a napkin with a room number on it.

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Kib leads them upstairs.

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"How long have you been here?"

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"A few weeks subjective. Time ostensibly goes at different speeds different places."

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"Predictably so? Should we put Aydanci down somewhere to sleep it off in five-minutes-to-us?"

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"Not inside the bar, no, but they can pause and sync other worlds when they want."

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"What have you been doing?"

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"Reading. Listening to music. Watching movies - they're like writing but for entire plays acting and all. Your alts come in to babysit me sometimes, they think I'll be lonely. Mine come check on me now and then, they don't think I'll be lonely but they want to see how I'm doing and recommend me stuff to pass the time and, quote, 'make sure I'm not too behind on everything once it's added up to close enough'."

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"Is it adding up? Are you going to have an epiphany in a week and be all sad I'm gone?"

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"They sure seem to think so, maybe more like a century than like a week. I've been talking to you like you're actually mine but I don't think they'd pass up a chance to taunt us both about it if you'd actually been recaptured, do you? Probably they'd swear you were really out and laugh at you and then throw us together."

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"I'd sort of expect that whether or not it was true, really. Maybe it's somewhere on the schedule but that writer's slower."

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"Yeah, could be."

He plops down on the bed next to where Aydanci's sleeping and pats him and sighs.

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"I tried to make sure he was eating and everything. He'll be so glad you're - lucid and not flinchy - even if you think he's Thuringwethil -"

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"Even she's not very good at him, but if Thauron tries it without her help then I can not remember a thing to be remotely suspicious of and listen to him say a sentence and wonder what the hell was in his tea that morning, so."

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He giggles. "Inimitability by Thauron is a good trait in people. Show us a movie?"

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"Sure." He puts on the next thing on his recommendation list, which is one of Tiny Bella's suggestions and contains lots of assorted bloodsport animal things being appealing and fierce by turns. She apparently watched it with Miranda first to get help providing a suitably comprehensive set of cultural footnotes.

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He sits a bit stiffly on the couch and watches with what eventually fades into amusement. "I like whoever's coming up with these."

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"They're very dedicated to the craft. There should be orc art festivals or something."

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Aydanci stirs, eventually.

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Kib pauses the movie.

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"Hey. Kib's out. It's a long story but we thought -"

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"..." Aydanci rubs his eye and looks at the room, at the Elves - pauses when he sees Kib - holds very still with great effort.

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"I think Fëanáro said a very long time ago there couldn't just be two worlds? There are more, and some of the others got their affairs in order and came to help. You were asleep, but we thought you'd want to see him as soon as possible. The war's over. There's a full explanation in writing."

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"...okay..." This is not the okay of someone who believes that anything is okay.

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"Thuringwethil's back from her vacation?"

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"She's a Maia. Nobody else can imitate you convincingly. Least not after you wake up. If you spoke in more than monosyllables."

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"Aydanci, can we get you anything?"

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"Probably tea," says Kib of the resulting silence. "Mysteriously terse is a new one."

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"He thinks he's in Angband. Right?"

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"'Okay' is two syllables."

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"He woke up in a strange room with his captured husband in arms' reach having gone to sleep mid-war, I did not marry an insane person, Findekáno."

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"Nope, nope, perfectly sane, all of you, perfectly sane and perfectly justified and - okay. Maitimo, snap the fuck out of it and act like you are a happy person with a worthwhile life and some comprehensible but not deeply horrifying amount of trauma, give me five fucking Years, and then I will kill you and somehow keep going but five. Years. You owe me that."

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"Of course, my beloved. I don't want to die and never have. Milliways is marvelous."

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"Aydanci, I apologize for moving you in your sleep, people who'd been here with Kib thought it'd stress him out to be relocated to the city. You were doing work of tremendous interest to the Enemy and now you're not going to do anything but hug Kib for eternity so I'd be a very dumb enemy to tip my hand like this if I'd captured you. Can you until someone gets hurt give us the benefit of the doubt here?"

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"I just woke up," says Aydanci. "Too early."

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"Tea," snorts Kib, "they always include the tea thing, they can't get anything else right but groggy they can do!"

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He stomps downstairs to get tea.

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"What's the matter?"

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He asks the bar for tea for Aydanci. "They all think they are in Angband and it was a bit much when just Maitimo did. Ambela, right?"

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"That's me. I think Kib will come around in the long run."

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Mug of tea.

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"Kib will, Maitimo won't, so I asked Maitimo to cut it out so I can try to have some - energy for - Kib doing it, and he did, won't ever mention it again, but of course quietly revised upwards his confidence I'm Melkor when I asked it of him. Aydanci I think will stop it once he's thinking clearly."

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"I hope so, but him I don't know any of. Is there anything I can do to help?"

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"You could ask Lórien for us if he can give one of Maitimo's alts all his memories so he can kill himself sooner."

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"All right. I don't think my variety of Vala can do that but maybe the flat ones can."

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"Thank you." He takes the tea upstairs.

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Not enough time has passed for anyone to have moved.

Aydanci takes the tea. "Thank you."

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"Let me know when you are ready to talk."

He sits. Maitimo takes his hand. He sings.

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Kib starts crying again.

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Aydanci puts down his tea - hesitates -

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"You can touch me, I didn't turn out with all the exact same problems."

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Hug. So much hug.

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Eventually Aydanci manages to simultaneously drink tea and hold Kib.

He finishes the mug and takes a deep breath and looks at Findekáno and says, "Okay."

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"The stuff you were doing yesterday was of significantly more strategic interest than this and what you'll be doing for the foreseeable future, yes?"

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"And if the Enemy wanted to traumatize you Kib would be in worse shape or imminent danger."

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"...probably." He squeezes Kib.

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"And 'the Enemy is dead and there are competent Valar taking care of everything and all we need to do is recuperate and learn new science' is a setup that breaks if there is a sudden crisis demanding your work."

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"Yeah, all right."

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"Thank you. Now will you be inimitable at your husband, he missed you."

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"...I'm sorry, did I ever imply I was going to be able to not? Because I'd already resigned myself to being completely unable to react appropriately to the possibility of Melkor messing with my head by controlling my urge to fling myself at my spouse and attempt to shower him with a fraction of the adoration he deserves."

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He beams at them. "Should we give you space?"

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"You should set me up with something foreign and nerdy and mathy this place has that is not shaped like a thing the Enemy would want me doing. Which I can do without letting go of Kib."

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"I will ask for that."

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Aydanci rather melts and adjusts the hug so he can run his hand up and down Kib's back. "Yes - it's me - I love you -"

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"No. No, no - nonononononononono -"

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"I - what'd I -"

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"Honey," Kib sobs into his shoulder.

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"Nothing has happened to me yet I will not go anywhere - Findekano, your grace, please help me figure out how to reassure him I am not about to be tortured by Melkor - actually just Findekáno sorry your grace nothing is required of you - who was it you were taking cues from on what would stress him out -"

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"Alts, he has alts, different universes have the same people they might have yous too but we have no way to find them aside from 'Maitimos usually notice', they're him and they can help -" Ambela Kib is convinced his husband isn't being impersonated but then he leaped to 'therefore he's actually in Angband', any suggestions - "Kib, Kib, you observed that this was a character study, right, with a ridiculous amount of effort put into background details, the endgame obviously isn't 'suddenly Aydanci and we collapse the whole pretense' -"

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Kib's a little distracted by clinging to his husband in abject panic.

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"He's not in any state to listen to you, where are they, can we get him to them now?"

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"Yes, I asked, they're coming, but he's not going to be in a state to listen to other people either."

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The door opens. "Akibel Mowar, you can cry on your husband after you have assessed the situation, until then it's just embarrassing, calm the fuck down."

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Kib chokes and clenches his hands in Aydanci's shirt and manages a deep breath.

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"Aydanci would have the dream thing too, there's no reason to expect that to work differently, same with the thing where your memories are in a clear chronology. As long as he remains clearly himself and can account for all his time you can verify he has not been harmed."

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Kib swallows. He takes another deep breath.

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Thank you.

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Of course. "Is there a gap in my logic, Kib?"

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"If he wouldn't tell me -"

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"Aydanci, if you are whisked off to horrible fates or have a nightmare about same or discover that you can't remember last Elenya clearly will you tell Kib?"

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"- yes. He'd need to know -"

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"So. Teach your husband how you tell if time's been compressed or tampered with. Make him tell you what he dreams about. I will tell the Maitimos to stop having conversations about random things in front of you because it is not exactly the kindest thing that could have happened for you to be able to confirm that Aydanci hasn't been hurt so far but you are definitely not supposed to follow any plot hooks to keep it that way, understand?"

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"Do you have all your memories back, Kib?"

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"Yeah they sent me to a Lórien awhile ago." He's shivering.

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"They obviously want to be able to impersonate Aydanci better, and they're stupid, takes lots of data, so you should be fine for a couple years."

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"Aydanci, I hope you did not want literally any time to yourself."

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"Where else would I want to spend it?"

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"I love you, I love you, oh honey I love you so much I missed you so bad but not here please don't be here -"

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Wince. "...Within the context of the scenario. If this is Angband, then I would much prefer to be viciously tearing the place down brick by cursed brick so I can introduce Melkor to the concept of what happens to things that seriously hurt you and dare to continue to exist."

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Cling. "You would've done it, too."

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Hug, hug, hug. "Well, of course."

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"We were close. The technobabble was really well-done for once, too, someone must've been very impatient to interrupt it with this instead of just letting the rescue succeed -"

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"I really do apologize about our plausibility deficit," Mirelótë says to Findekáno. A flat Arda Lórien can do the memory transfer.

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"I have very few quarrels with anyone who killed Melkor and company." I told him to cut it out at least until Kib thinks it's actually him, I think he'll listen. If there were a way to keep him unconscious that'd be nice. 

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Doable with potions if they work normally on Elves. Bar will be able to consult on that. "Still, next time it comes up we'll want to refine our introduction."

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"Yeah. You could pretend to just be the normal Valar spurred to action, they would probably have gotten around to it eventually, and then give us a couple decades to cool off and then introduce everything else. Humans might need less cooling-off time."

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"Probably. I am told human versions of me are more impatient than most of them but even so."

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"Maybe avoid having people wake up in Milliways."

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"Should we have moved Kib to our camp or had you wake up and then tell you to go write for a ride?"

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"...I don't know enough about what the resources available are to have an opinion on what actions should have been taken. - How did you get tea so fast, or is that me missing time -"

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"No, no, that's not the same thing as long as it seemed continuous to you and everything accelerated happened somewhere you weren't looking, this place does asynchronous time."

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"...okay, if you have time pausing capabilities and Kib didn't need me urgently I would have rather woken up at home and been reassured that everyone was acting themselves and had everything explained to me. Instead of waking up in the middle of. Everything being on fire. With about a fourth of a clue."

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"Okay. If we find more of you we'll do that. We don't have time pausing capabilities here, time just does its own thing."

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"They can pause time in worlds. They could've put me in a paused world and got me after."

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"I really really oppose putting any of you looking-for-plot types near the door any more often than absolutely necessary."

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"Anyway, nothing urgent was going on."

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"He sleeps sometimes, doesn't he? He wouldn't need to be awake near the door."

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"I mean, the door is an actual risk of unexpected things happening and I doubt he'd be thrilled to wake up somewhere other than where he fell asleep either. ...for future mes do whatever's convenient, I think."

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"Future mes just kill while you're killing everyone, unless Lórien needs us for the memory dump and there're no other Ardas available at that point."

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"It's nice to meet you," she says to Aydanci, "I'm Kib's Elf alt Mirelótë Ambela. I have heard only good things."

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"...it's nice to meet you too, you seem very Kiblike but I am very short on knowing what's going on."

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"I've been following the whole thing well enough to explain it. Or they have it written down, I think."

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"Whichever is better for you."

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"Mirelótë where do I find the written down thing."

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"It's titled 'Centralized Summaries'. Do any of you need me for anything else?"

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Kib shoos the paused movie and rummages in his computer for it. "Aydanci might want a computer from Cam later but not right now."

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"Catching up on the summaries sounds like a good next step."

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"Well, you don't want to all four crowd around Kib's computer trying to read at the same speed, you two can come with me and get your own."

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They follow her to do that.

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"There's a kind that's controlled by thought. They're very convenient and if you're not used to computers may be easier to learn to use but they require putting a little chip in your brain."

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"What a clever idea!"

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"...so that's a yes to that kind of computer?" Down the stairs.

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"Sure, if it's no trouble!"

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"Cam can do it easily. Findekáno, what about you?"

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So Cam makes them computers loaded up with the explanations and whatnot.

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And they sit down to read them. 

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Meanwhile in Godspring a bunch of slaves go missing.

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Oh for fuck's sake -

- he has the dimension paused -

"Cam, I need forensics."

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"Bunch of people vanished in Birand. I think they were probably rescued - the report that came to my attention is all missing slaves - but I need to know who did it, if that's in fact everyone missing..."

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"Okay, when was this?"

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"Reported an hour ago. Reported missing starting six days ago."

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So Cam goes through the list and does a lot of conjurations and finds some dude - local - performing suspiciously well-equipped breakouts.

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" - bet I know who's supplying him. At least she didn't go with the helicopter."

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"Talked to a demon in Thrazen who wanted to free all the slaves and, ah, be like Harriet Tubman? I am assuming that's someone on Earth. I explained we were going to wait until the dots are installed everywhere because we need the cooperation of local governments for that and then buy them all out, she said it'd be faster to go fetch them with a helicopter, I explained some reasons that was a bad idea. Can you check who made that gear?"

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"Harriet Tubman is someone from Earth, yes. National hero, appears on currency, that sort of thing." Conjure.

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"There is obviously a set of resources given which breaking out slaves one at a time is a great idea."

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Cam hands him a mini demon. She's familiar.

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"Yup that's her. - what do you think I should do?"

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"...I have some sympathy for the sort of person who listens to arguments against freeing slaves and then proceeds to completely ignore them in favor of freeing some slaves but she's not being a very well-oiled cog in the machine, is she."

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"She could start a war if Birand notices and traces it to their neighbors; she could stop the summoning rollout in Birand in its tracks if they notice and trace it to a daeva -"

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"This is one of the ones with a kid and sending her home is out of the question, right?"

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"We are not enforcing any rules by stealing peoples' children except, like, the rule against abusing one's children."

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"Okay. But having her in Godspring seems like a bad idea. How old a kid did she get, will they have trouble adjusting if you make her move?"

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"Three months, so no. How do I make her move."

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"You dismiss her temporarily and resummon her somewhere else and give back the kid there."

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"Is she holding the kid at this moment."

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"I mean, I was thinking you would want someone there to collect the kid immediately upon dismissal, which implies enough travel time for the answer to be out of date."

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Sigh. "All right. I will head out and do that. Where are the rescued slaves, is she continuously supplying them or anything -"

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"They are," conjure conjure, "in a cave in Thrazen with a lot of nonperishables so probably not frequently."

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"I will talk with Thrazen's consul about how to not have this be a diplomatic incident and whether they want them and if not maybe they can go immigrate somewhere that doesn't have slavery anymore. Where're we putting the demon?"

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"Somewhere with humans and no tempting crusades, I guess. Or not necessarily humans, she might get along fine with Sanity orcs or something. You can offer her a range."

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And off to Thrazen he goes.

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Thrazen and Birand have an agreement to return escapees. The consul is pretty sure that as long as that happens it won't blow out of proportion.

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And if that's not possible? Could they pay compensation instead?

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If the slaves are dead they're supposed to return the bodies and pay double market rate, triple for any slave that's had a household job for more than five years.

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Great. How much does that come to?

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The consul tots it up and names the figure. Uh, the bodies part is actually important, Birandi and their funereal customs, heh heh.

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They can have bodies.


He heads over to Alatess and her three-month-old's.

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She has the windows open. "Whooooo's the cutest! It's you! It's you!"

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Knock knock.

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"Let's go see who's at the door, cutie-pie!" Door opens. "Hullo!"

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"Hi. I was just speaking to the consul of Thrazen. He thinks we can avoid a stupid pointless war if the slaves are returned. I'm - not going to do that. But you have to stop."

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She bounces her baby in her arms. The baby shrieks and grins toothlessly and grabs her hair.

"If you don't want to return them why didn't you want them let go?" she says with an obstinate set to her jaw.

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"Didn't want them let go because it would cause the war that it is now threatening to cause, or cause Birand to refuse summoning and then their whole population dies forever. Don't want them to go back because I bet a place that nasty punishes escapees. I have no idea what I'd do if I actually had to choose between letting everyone in Birand die and returning them their slaves, but I don't, so I'll cheat. One of the terms of this summons was that you'd abide by local laws as best you could. You're not doing that, so you can't stay here."

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She wraps her wings around herself, engulfing the baby. The baby bats at them and her hand can be seen stretching the membrane of batwing.

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"I'm not taking her away. I'm resettling you both somewhere where you won't be tempted to commit any felonies."

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"She's your daughter, I'm not a monster. - I can see how - I'm sorry -

- look, I think you're doing the right thing. Or, uh, following the right rule. 


If you want, I can have the fairy take us all back to the portal and then we can pick somewhere nicer for you to live. If you don't want to do that, then I'll send you home and summon you again somewhere nicer. Within an hour or two, I promise."

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"Don't go too fast, it scares her."

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"Of course." He asks the fairy to take them at a nice moderate pace back to the Milliways door.

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The demon does not attempt to escape. She cuddles her baby and makes her a bottle when she fusses.

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Then they'll disturb Cir's poor family again and then find themselves in Milliways. He closes the door because the slaves are not dealt with. "Okay. Places you can live - Endorë's nice and post-scarcity and doesn't have any ongoing atrocities - I think orcs stopped factory farming once they got taught summoning. Doesn't have any humans. Arceus - has humans, also has these things called Pokémon in place of all their animals. Revelation - that's the world that all summons were to until recently when we decided to break everything - no atrocities but I hear they are kind of obnoxious to demons -"

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"And I'd need my summoner on hand escorting me," nods the demon.

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"New Arda's calling itself Shine - has humans, had a war going on until recently. Neighboring planet, no name yet - has humans but they all magically appear in random places in the woods at a little older than she is now, it seems like you might find that distracting."

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"That's... why do they do that."

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"We have no idea and we're working on making sure they all get retrieved. Let's not do that. Do you have a favorite of the other choices?"

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"Is the recent war making everything horrible, or...?"

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"During the war I think things were a little horrible but I doubt there are any government policies you would object to now. Uh, a version of me is in charge, if you don't like me very much you might go with one of the other ones."

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"I don't really know what to make of you."

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"If it is important to your decision you are welcome to try to learn more about me."

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"If he's not going to take the baby either or let slavery go on around him it's probably fine. I think she should probably be around humans and might want a pet when she's older so it would be strange if there were no animals."

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"He's not going to do either of those things. I will ask him to come get the door for you right now, and you can get settled in."

Can you come downstairs and open the door to your world, I have a demon who can't be deterred from freeing Godspring's slaves.

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He comes downstairs. "Hi!"

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"This is Alatess; she wants to come live with your humans."

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"They will be delighted!! Awww she's so cute what's her name?"

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"Nimie!" She holds the baby's hand and waves it at him. "I'll need a resummon for the language."

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"I shouldn't summon you but I will find you someone who can, as soon as we get to Tirion."

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He tries for a door.

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It lets out onto the front steps of his administrative building.

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Then he will go get the demon settled in. She already has Quenya but if she wants the human languages his brother can summon her. Here are the humans, here are some people he thinks she'll get along with, here's someone else with a kid the same age...

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She finds a place to put a house and puts a house there and is happy to meet everybody and does definitely want the human languages.

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So he calls Curufin over and explains summoning - "so don't ever want her gone she might drop the baby," he concludes. "If you do get dismissed somehow, my alt Bright who was helping you earlier conjures his mail, he gave you the address, right?"

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"He'll let me know right away and we'll get you back." And she is dismissed (he holds the baby and coos at her) and resummoned and - "any questions?"

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She takes back the baby. "I think we're okay."

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"Okay. Take care.'

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"So," he says to Cam, "the consul thinks the situation won't escalate if the slaves are returned."

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"It's probably impractical to polyjuice a few dozen house elves for the next several months."

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"Yeah. Asked about compensation instead, he said double or triple market value plus the bodies should settle it."

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"I can make you bodies. What shall it look like they died of?"

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"Statistically healthy humans of that age in Godspring mostly die of plagues but that might make Birand nervous. Could they have all been trying to swim a river and drowned?"

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"I can do drowned, sure. A few of them can have been dashed against rocks or something for added flavor."

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"With the added benefit that it hopefully doesn't look to the slaves like we sent them back and they don't distrust us forever." Sigh. "She asked why I was unwilling to send them back if I was punishing rescuing them. I did not have a great answer."

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"Acts of commission are psychologically and in terms of public relations very different from failures of omission."

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"Public relations, sure. I am not sure the effect on my mood gets any weight in decisions about peoples' lives."

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"Maybe not your mood but your attention, your assessment of yourself as capable of appropriately handling power..."

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Nod. Sigh. "Well, this time we can cheat. Let's do that."

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Cam makes appropriately waterlogged and battered bodies in appropriately waterlogged and battered clothes.

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And he returns them to Birand with appropriate compensation.

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Birand grumbles but does not look likely to start a war over it.

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Or forbid dots?

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They are pretty sure the culprit was this one slave rebellion leader who escaped them years ago, what does that have to do with dots?

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Absolutely nothing. He wishes them luck finding that one slave rebellion leader.


He leaves to go find that slave rebellion leader.

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Hiding in the cave with the escapees.

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He asks his fairy to play bodyguard; he walks in.

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Fairy-speed approach is a little much to be prepped for but they're all halfway into well-camouflaged hiding places by the time he's a few steps into the cave.

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He should have brought a translator, too; he picked up a little bit of everything spoken in any seat of government, when he was getting dots and trade and security agreements, but not enough for something this complicated. 


"You safe," he tries. "Know you here, want to help."

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Most of them continue hiding. The leader comes out and looks him over, offers a different language which isn't any better than the first one.

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 - he pulls out his computer, looks up Midnight's list of linguistics guild demons, looks up a safe circle, draws it carefully out in the dust except for one segment. Hands the leader the rock - "get someone who can talk, safe -"

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The leader looks at the circle. "Can't read that," he points out.

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"If wanted bad would not need you get someone."

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"So you say!" snorts the guy.

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"Can go ask someone else, come back fast, then more people know."

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"Don't need your help. Go and keep quiet if you want to help."

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"Person supplying you gone.  Sent her away. Soldiers know you, looking for you, think these all dead. Think that since I told them. If they find you very very bad."

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"You sent her away?" he asks, incredulous.

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"And you want to help?"

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"Want lots of things. One is to help."

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The fleeing escaped slaves have gotten a ways away into the caves now.

"Your word that this is for language," he says, pointing at the circle.

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"I swear that the circle is for language." It's the binding sort of oath, though he probably wouldn't know that.

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He wouldn't but he completes the circle anyway.

A demon appears! "Oh lucky me!" she chirps. "It agglutinates!"

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'''Hi!" he says in Quenya. "We need translation and I thought of you. I don't have anything on hand so it'll have to be a token payment at the moment but if you want I can find you summoners for any ten languages you want, later.""

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Happy flapping! "Okay!!"

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"Trade her rock for translating our conversation," he suggests to the slave leader. "She speaks your language."

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The demon says, "You have to hold your long vowels a bit more -" but the leader interrupts her and they have a brief, rapidly chattered negotiation before he gives her a rock.

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"Thank you. Okay. Uh, so, there was a demon here on a long-term summons who noticed that a neighboring country had slavery, and decided to equip and supply this guy so he could break out all the slaves. Problem is, the government noticed and it could've escalated to a war between these two countries, and that's if they didn't realize daeva had been involved at any remove, and I am unimpressed with the leadership of both countries and wouldn't totally put it past either of them to try to summon someone to go destroy the other country. So I relocated the demon who was supplying him."

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The demon translates this.

"He says none of his charges volunteered to do international diplomacy for you," she gets back after that.

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"We are going to buy out all of the slaves everywhere in the world within two years, hopefully sooner than that. I know it's not soon enough but a war won't spare them either. All of the people who've already escaped are safe, we're not sending them back. But they shouldn't stay in Thrazen."

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"He says he was going to move them soon."

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"Great. I would like to offer resources to help achieve that, and maybe a better array of options to move them to."

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"He wants to know why they should trust you now when you were going to leave them."

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"You don't happen to be familiar with the Elves-can-bindingly-give-our-word thing, do you -"

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"Uh, I am but I bet he isn't -" Chatter chatter. "He isn't."

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"Does he trust you on it?"

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Sigh. "What is he afraid I'll do? Take them back to Birand? If I wanted to do that, why would I try persuading them otherwise? Enslave them somewhere else?"

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Chatter chatter chatter. "He doesn't want to say."

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"Okay." He pulls open his computer. "Can you translate these circles for him, please, and explain how negotiating works so he's not at risk of accidentally agreeing to something that gets him in trouble -"

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"I'm not sure I can translate them just right so they'll still be good bindings, translation is a skill, it's not just a matter of knowing the languages..."

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Nod. "Okay. Thanks. In that case I think I'm going to grab everyone and take them back to my world where we have more options."

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"He says they're already scattering in the cave system and won't recall for you."

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Nod. "Can I have a moment to think?"


He writes Cam. Escaped slaves understandably don't trust us. I'm not leaving them here because if Birand finds them alive then we have about triple the problem on our hands. I have good enough hearing I could just walk through with Mirenna (the fairy I'm working with right now) and find them all but I think there's a risk some would attempt to kill themselves and that's not acceptable. Have a better idea?

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If he asks the linguistics demon to conjure the reply, it reads:

Summon back their supply demon, get her to vouch?

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Sure, can you ask Sunset to ask her?

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Cam relays this request to Sunset.

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And he goes over to her house and knocks.

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Alatess opens the door. Her baby is asleep in her bassinet.

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"Hey! We're trying to convince the escaped slaves to relocate from the cave they're hiding in, but they're scared of us. Want to stop by and talk with them?"

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"Uh, where are you trying to put them?"

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"We were going to give them a choice of mostly the same places we gave you, only obviously with resources to help them start out since they're not demons."

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"I can tell them that you put me and Nimie somewhere nice but you have to summon Diane to watch her for me."

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"Sure. Can you make me a copy of this circle -" Computer -

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She reads it over and makes it with Diane's name in it.

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He finishes it.

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Another demon appears and she and Alatess discuss baby care arrangements and then Alatess is ready to go.

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He tells Curufinwë to send her home.

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He summons her.

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Here she is. She tells the leader they're on the up and up.

He is deeply suspicious but when both demons corroborate the oath thing he seems to believe them.

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He is happy to swear to some reassurance on where they're going.

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And he calls back the escapees and calms them down.

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"I'm sorry for scaring you. We'll help you resettle wherever you want to live, and we'll end slavery entirely as soon as we can."

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They mostly don't seem inclined to thank him but they can all be moved to where Alatess is living without trouble.

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That works. 




And he goes back to checking for and resolving diplomatic and dot-related problems.

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Nothing else substantial.

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In that case he won't stop time when he goes back to Milliways for a break.

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Occasionally Cir goes into the main bar area, though only when Ava is available to warn off people who might ignorantly approach him.

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Then he'll encounter the new Maitimo, who is sitting with his boyfriend talking idly about applications of servantmaking.

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Cir... looks at him.

Aaaaaand now he's crying.

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He looks up. "- oh, hi, you must be Cir, right? Nice to meet you!"

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Cannot social too busy crying.

"Um," says Ava. "Um someone needs to get Ruviri or Bright to drag him off I can't - um -"

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"I can try for them -" Uh, Cir had some kind of breakdown...

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Ruviri gets there first and runs up to Cir and rolls up his sleeve to grab his arm. "Upstairs, come on, come up and you can tell me about it -"

Cir is still crying but he can follow his sister.

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Looks like a plot hook so he determinedly ignores it and turns back to suggesting they get Lári to pet those dragons into manageability.

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He arrives a little while later. 

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"Cir started crying -"

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He goes upstairs.

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Ruviri is snuggling him. "He looked at the new you and he can't calm down enough to tell me what he saw..."

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"He was in Angband and he wants us to kill him but he's waiting until his boyfriend can say goodbye, that'd probably do it."

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"Yeah, it would. You want a turn? I can get out of your way."

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"Will it help? You can do the redmage thing back at him -"

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"Yeah, but you're closer to what upset him."

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Ruviri shoos.

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He cuddles Cir.

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Cir clings. "He's so miserable."

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"I don't think people are supposed to notice."

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"They're not he's being miserable all alone it's horrible."

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"I don't know how to fix it -"

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"Me neither. Some things might not be fixable. I'm sorry."

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"He thinks everyone around him hates him and wants to hurt him and is just pretending to be who they look like -"

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Hugs. "I don't think he'd want you to be sad over it, for whatever that's worth."

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"I'm trying but -"

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"Yeah." Snuggles. "I'm sorry."

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"Would a redmage help - not me, a girl one -"

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"Uh, quite possibly? Wouldn't it really hurt the redmage?"

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"...depends how much it helps."

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"If it didn't help enough would separating them fix it or would the redmage be permanently upset about it..."

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"Depends how dwindled they are... we take depressed clients a lot, I think we're usually okay even if we aren't miracle cures..."

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Nod. "He'd want to read their mind and if he was making them miserable it'd make everything worse, so - probably not worth risking..."

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"But it might help, is there anything else that even might -"

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"Does killing him count -"

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"No, that - that's not what I mean."

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"Then, no, we don't have anything else that even might do it."

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"Ruviri'd try, if he wanted."

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"I really am worried this'd be too hard on her."

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Snuggles and sniffling.

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"If she wants to talk to his Findekáno she could do that."

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He sighs. He sings.

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Singing helps.

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Oh good. He can sing all day.

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Eventually he can sing Cir to sleep.

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He does that. Goes downstairs.

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"What was the matter?"

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" - he can read me so he can read my alts, pretty closely at least..."

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"How contrived."

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He squeezes his hand.

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"How's Kib?"

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"He's a bit panicked and Aydanci's being sufficiently protective of him that it's probably a bad idea for other people to bother them."

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He asks Bar for a drink. "Including you two?"

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"Aydanci's upset with me for bringing him here - which is fine, it's what I'd have wanted but people're different on that sort of thing - and with Maitimo for being in pain."

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"That's not fair." Snuggle.

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"I quite agree."

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"I meant that you are not being fair to him."

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"Aydanci resents Maitimo for having any desires that conflict with Kib's, because Kib is in pain and it is intolerable to him that anyone should inflict more of it, and very viscerally annoying if anyone fails to treat Kib like the center of the universe. Kib likes this trait and so I am glad Aydanci possesses it but it is not, in fact, remotely fair. But since neither Maitimo or Kib believe the other one actually exists -"

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"We're trying to act like we do."

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"Yes, but you're not especially convincing, either of you. Anyway. Kib's enjoyment of his partners being adoringly obsessively uncharitable and unreasonable on his behalf is less of a problem when Kib thinks the people they're being unreasonable towards are real instead of orchestrated specifically to hurt him. Maitimo handles the whole thing more gracefully when he believes the people involved are real."

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" - yeah, I see the picture. 'If you loved Kib at all you would act like he is the only person that matters, under the circumstances' is both the way a devoted husband can feel and a - very well-designed plot."

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"I love Kib."

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"I am not in any doubt."

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"I think you should keep redmages away."

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"I think one of them might want to talk to you about that."

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He shivers.

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He changes the subject to dots.

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Ava writes Bright an email the next day: She'd be good to try it if there was a goldmage standing by. Milliways cheats their thing, so there'd still be a jumping self to kill but not a lifespan hit.

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Oh, good idea. And to Cir, "is there a goldmage who might want to?"

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"Could hire my aunt again?"

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"Let's do that. If my alt even wants to."

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He asks him later. "Cir thinks the redmage thing might help."

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"By what mechanism?"

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"It is a pleasant experience. Might be even for you."

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"I find lots of experiences pleasant."

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"Do you?"

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"No, he doesn't."

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"Some are really easy to pretend about. Comes to the same thing."

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"So if you did in fact experience this as pleasant that would be an improvement."

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"Also creates another - avenue for transmission of information - if this were real I wouldn't want other people knowing that I'm not all right -"

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"If you wanted that your redmage wouldn't tell people."

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"It is an awful lot of plot work to let go to waste for no reason."

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"That's a yes," he says quietly. "Love you, Maitimo."

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Cir's aunt is hired again. She's supposed to jump if Cir tells her to on the grounds that he'll know how optimistic Ruviri actually is even if Ruviri is motivated to be cagey about it.

Ruviri goes to meet Sunset. "Hi."

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"Hi. How'd you get drawn into all this?"

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"Uh, you made my brother sad and he thinks a redmage could fix it but not a boy one."

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"I'm sorry I made your brother sad. It would surprise me if a redmage can fix it."

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"Well, if I agree with you after my aunt will come back in time to, like, now, and tell us so." She looks around. No aunt.

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"Okay. Do you need me to do anything?"

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She takes off her glove and holds out her hand. "Only works if we're touching."

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He goes very still. "Okay."

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"- would you rather I do it, or - I have no magic understanding you powers beforehand."

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He grits his teeth and takes her hand and now she has magic understanding him powers.


He's watching her, trying to guess who is puppetting her; Sauron is happy to be a girl but this one has yet to smile like him. She's either genuinely adolescent or that's an angle to which they gave specific attention. She is not nearly as worried as any real person would be at the thought of their wants and desires being twisted to passionately care about a stranger. Perhaps because it wasn't actually happening; though really, making some orc swear itself in love with him is probably more effective than making them pretend. He doesn't care enough to figure out why she's not afraid, and that scares him; he knows it is one of the places where the gap is widest with what he used to be.

Inside his head he is very far away. He is as far away as he can possibly be while still noticing the things about the world that he clings to like lifelines - not because he expects they mean anything, he expects they are carefully orchestrated lies, but they are lies designed for him, lies he was once very good at making sense of, and they're easier to steer with than desires-he-once-had or things-he-once-cared-about. So he is as far away inside his head as he can possibly be while still seeing people. Findekáno - they're good at Findekáno, lots of material to go off - far enough away that there is no risk he'll touch the redmage, quiet and watchful and braced for something horrible. Findekáno is always braced for something horrible around him. Maitimo is the something horrible. Maitimo hurts everyone he loves, all the time. This is the first reason he wants to die.

The second reason he wants to die is that existing like this is exhausting. Every movement and every comment sends his brain lurching towards agonizing paralyzing horror and every time he steers it back and keeps his face smooth and says the correct thing - except when he can't think of it, sometimes he can't think of it - and every single second is worse than death and he had an eternity of such seconds to anticipate before they dangled in front of him the hope that he could die. There are no things that are pleasant; there are things that are nearly empty, and he yearns for them, seeks them out wherever he can.

Very far away, he feels warmth in his hand and wonders if for some reason the touch of a redmage tortures him and that is the way this plot connects with all the setup for it. The sensation does not get torturous but also isn't empty. It does not remind him of anything else in Angband. He spends a long while trying to wrap his head around it.

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- Ruviri bites her lip and watches him carefully and figures out a way to sit that isn't terrible. There are surprisingly, terribly few, but not zero.

She holds his hand and waits.

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Right, okay. Engaging with the premise - "I am not experiencing this as unpleasant, are you?"

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"It's not recreational but it's important and I think I can help and I think I can do it without my brother freaking out."

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"It's not really important." He believes that.

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"Well, I think it is."

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"There are millions of me. It's not worth pouring all the resources of the multiverse into saving us all."

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"I'm not. I'm just trying to help this one of you."

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He doesn't let go of her hand. "What's it like?"

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Hers can read minds (poor Cir, his can't) -

It's like:

Everything he does and everything he doesn't do is worn smooth with affectionate familiarity and she can see the outlines of the history and personality behind it all, and what she can't see she can guess, why he braids his hair that way and what it means if he goes still in a tenth of a second rather than a half-second and the desperate indifference with which he breathes, she can track his gaze to tell what he's reacting to and follow lines of tension either present or forced away to find what the reaction is or ought to be. When a moment of contact goes by she gets updates, little drops of context behind when he blinks and the length of the pauses between words, tracking changes as he reacts to the passage of time and to her, but most of it was transmitted all in one go at first touch and she knows and loves and loves and loves -

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He giggles. He is still very still, but he giggles. "Oh," he says, figuring out the warm sensation, "oh, it's nice. It feels nice. Should've thought of that -"

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She giggles too (carefully, doesn't want to salt an open wound, but it's not hard to be careful, it's like balancing when she walks, too comfortable a skill to be really a skill).

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When this one turns out to be fake it's really going to fuck him up.

But it doesn't have to right now.

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Well, there isn't much she can do to convince him she's real, but she can keep holding his hand.

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He starts thinking about the needs of humans. Since now there is a human who loves him and he needs to make sure she is all right. Humans need more sleep than Elves. They need more food, they can't tolerate long periods of singing...

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She giggles again. "I love you."

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Fourteen is significantly younger than Kib was when they met. Fourteen is really young, he should have asked if she was fourteen - he would have handled this differently if he thought it was real, he would have been more thorough about asking questions. 


He's just so tired. Maybe he should sleep or something; maybe he can pause his world and sleep for years. He doesn't sleep well, he has nightmares, but there's probably something for that somewhere here.

"Thank you," he says. "That was very nice. I should let you -" go be fourteen and forget that things like this can exist -

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"I can stay. It might help you sleep." She's not nearly dwindled enough to forget him.

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And not going to get that way, what the fuck, why doesn't she have a necklace. He tells Midnight to get her a necklace. 


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He shakes his head. "Thank you," he tells Ruviri. "The room number is 61."

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"Thanks," she tells Findekáno. And she holds Sunset's hand all the way to room 61.

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"Do you need anything -"

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"If it won't wake you up to have somebody in and out could you tell Ava" (she knows Ava too, thinking about her sets off a cascade of equivalently detailed adoration tempered by the fact that Ava is not literally there) "where we are, and she can bring me stuff?"

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it will almost certainly wake him up, but he tells Ava the room number and to please bring her things as needed - "did your brother say why a girl -"

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"So it wouldn't get complicated by sex stuff." Ruviri is prrrrrobably heterosexual all by herself but that's not going to come up given how obviously gay Sunset is, her mind just doesn't go there.

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He is pretty certain it wouldn't anyway, that's not really a place he gets to mentally anymore and if he did he is very attached to the boyfriends he has but - "yes, that's what I wanted to make sure you knew - that I wouldn't -"

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"I know," she assures him. She has not exactly been brought up to consider herself shockingly young the way people from other worlds seem to - if Ava weren't asexual they would probably have been an item for a year now and nobody at home would think that was weird, plus she was slated for clients soon - but she knows and that is fine.

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Probably not Thauron, then, he always finds a way to work that in. He lies down and closes his eyes and feels the not-empty not-horrible sensation and eventually falls asleep.

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She holds his hand. Eventually Ava brings her dinner.

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He has nightmares. All of them are horrifying. Lots of them are about Kib actually being captured instead of the present situation which is just a hallucination. 

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She can't tell exactly what they're about but she can hold his hand. And when she gets tired she can find a way to curl up that doesn't pin him down or close him in or resemble any of the things that frighten him and maintain skin-to-skin all the while, and fall asleep.

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He wakes up first. He lets go. It is terrible, letting go, but he can't let himself get dependent on it. It is okay to enjoy an occasional reprieve, it's not okay to rebuild parts of his brain around having this.


He goes outside and finds Findekáno singing and takes his hand and pretends it's him and they worry for Kib together.

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Ruviri wakes up by herself and goes and finds Ava and has breakfast and finds Cir and hugs him and then goes looking for Sunset.

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Outside! Singing! The sleep helped him; he's feeling more able to engage with this scenario on its nonsensical premises. He is more relaxed. He is still just as distant. 

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Oh pretty. She goes and sits next to him and listens. She should not touch him unexpectedly so she doesn't.

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He should decide how often he wants to give himself the reprieve while it's available and how often would mess him up. He decides an hour would be fine. He takes her hand.

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Handholding and pretty singing. No wonder Cir likes it so much, it's more interesting if you know the singer.

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Oh, it's very emotionally communicative, Elf singing. For example Findekáno is desperately worried for Kib and Maitimo is trying to match him there but it's being interfered with because he doesn't actually think that the real Kib has been harmed at all, and he feels guilty about not being able to have the right emotions about the situation but he is also unwilling to get invested in the things the Enemy can contrive to make it look like he's doing to his loved ones because then he'll just be even more miserable constantly.  Lovely singing.

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Ruviri vaguely wonders if she should go meet Kib but she's not very good at people she isn't touching and nobody has suggested that would be even sort of a good idea.

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He's really sensitive about privacy and would feel - mindread - he already knows that they can read him all the time because the computers work but he doesn't have to think about it - and Aydanci can mostly do the thing, at least all of the parts of the thing that help Kib.

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She nods.

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Also you lose more things when you touch more people, right, I wasn't paying much attention it was all flavor text -

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Yeah. That's why Cir grabbed Bright, wanted out of it. It didn't bother Ruviri as much as it bothered him, she knew she'd be looked after, but she likes it here and likes being around Cir even though he's left home.

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When is Bright from, do you know?

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Can't remember. In fairness she is not sure having fewer siblings would have made that information easier to retain.

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Yeah, I'm just imagining how I'd react and it depends how old I am. That one does sound like Sauron's plotwriting - he's not very creative, see -

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She doesn't have a broad range of information on his literary tastes but from what she's heard he does sound kinda one-note. Cir is Cir, though, she would know, he was the third person who touched her after she was first dunked, first Pa then Ma then her new big brother.

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He can't quite believe her but it's still lovely, getting a picture of people like that. Cir is Cir and probably something horrible will happen to him - the right flavor would be some kind of new magic from some new world that gets the me to hurt him -

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That doesn't seem very likely to Ruviri but she'd notice if it was happening.

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Yes, obviously she'd have to, otherwise it wouldn't be a plot hook at all - the worst thing about this mindset is how solipsistic it makes you, he hates it in himself and he hates himself for it -

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Kib probably does the same thing? She doesn't know, hasn't met him.

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He does. He's very snarky. It's adorable. 

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...and not hateful?

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It's Kib.



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Well, Sunset is himself and she loves him.

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Sunset is not himself he is a very delicate bunch of lies that maintain the ability to lie, the ability to hurt people who cared about him and not much else.

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She loves him anyway and she thinks he will get better.

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Sure, if nothing plotty happens.

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She doesn't really have a way to convince him it won't.

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Wasn't expecting one, don't worry. 

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Bright goes to find Ambela.

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"Hi! I'm going to go ask Liatsi for the money for another redmage and I would like to do it better than I did it last time and I thought you might have ideas."

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"What went wrong last time?"

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"So he grabbed me and asked me for help, and I said yes, and he clearly had expectations around what he'd done which I parsed as that he had  - made himself my responsibility - like making an asylum claim or something - and I went to Liatsi to ask for the money and there was a disconnect and Midnight interjected to explain to me that Liatsi thought I was - purchasing the right to take a child who wouldn't say no to me home for sex - and was, obviously, not impressed - and I was unprepared to conduct myself in a way that might make people not assume that because why the fuck would they assume that in the first place."

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"...ah. Just to clarify, you are very affectionate with him..."

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"- yeah - you would have stepped in if you were worried for him, right, my confidence that obviously people would has been kind of eroded lately -"

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"I asked his sister."

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"Thank you. Anyway. Once I figured out what was going on I offered that Cir could stay in the temple-guild or I could get him a bodyguard and a translator if he wanted to go to school somewhere or he could hang out in Milliways and none of that was conditional on spending any time with me at all, and then a year or so passed for me with designing the summoning rollout and training and interviewing people for it and eventually I asked him if he was happy and he said 'no, actually, it's really annoying to still be treated like you might accidentally coerce me by wanting anything, I am not being coerced and I love you and this is incredibly frustrating but I'm willing to just wait you out' and I said 'well that's not going to work I am definitely more patient than you' and - 

- if I were to design formal rules about consent which I'm sort of tempted to do - because the fact it won't occur to Elves doesn't protect them from messing it up, and might actually make some of the messing it up worse - I forbade relationships with the locals on Godspring because some desperate human would come up with the idea that seducing an Elf was a great way out of poverty and some well-meaning volunteer would just fail to think of that - but that's not a solution at all it's a stopgap - 

- anyway, if I were to design a law, I think I'd say 'it's illegal to have sex with people over whom you exercise authority, or people whose access to material necessities depends on you, or people who have no legal recourse if they feel they were wronged by you, or to have sex with people who might mistakenly believe any of those things are true - telling them isn't good enough, if they might have reason to expect you're just saying it -"

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"Have you looked into how they do it on Revelation?"

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"Little bit. Humans also aren't as rule-abiding as Elves so they sometimes have to have rules that are less-optimal but will actually be taken seriously. But they're a fair bit more lenient than that."

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"The volunteers are also not accustomed to pretty strangers suggesting they break rules."

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"Do you think that'd be a serious problem? We don't have any rules we don't have a good reason for, and the summoning supervision jobs in particular require a lot of awareness that things can go very wrong if you relax precautions even if they seem needless."

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"To protect bystanders. Not to protect people swearing they don't need it."

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"I'm not okay with people at the dots being involved with the local population, the dynamic it'll create is really dangerous. I can be more emphatic about the rule but I'm not relaxing it. What I think I should have done with Cir - to be clear enough to everybody else, I mean - is had a contracts firm set up a trust for him with all of the money he'd need and his monthly allocation, and had them send a delegate to explain to him that he was by our laws totally financially independent of me, and if he weren't a redmage someone else responsible for explaining to him how to pursue a misconduct complaint and reassure him that it'd be taken seriously - he is a redmage, so that wouldn't help at all, but it's probably the right step in the general case..."

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"This assumes he'd be able to understand the contract arrangement."

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"So my initial instinct is that it's wrong to have sex with anyone who can't understand the contracts agreement but this is perhaps paternalistic and condescending."

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"Perhaps. I'd want to give it more thought. But you were asking about how to talk to the queen..."

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"Yeah. So. Once I figured out what was going on - if she's concerned for the wellbeing of her subjects who we are buying off and spiriting away, she's in a difficult position, because damaging relations with us would do her country a lot of harm. So any kind of reassurance I would need to volunteer, and it would need to be sufficient on its own even if someone with a nitpicking mind is badly positioned to nitpick. I was tempted to have a conversation about the standards of consent we hold our people to, in the context of the dots, but I'd have to be a lot more sure they're the right standards than they are.

- if it were you - you were ruling a preindustrial society with redmages, and you weren't personally having sex with yours but there were lots of more horrible things happening to your citizens, and then an overwhelmingly powerful delegation of strangers came in and fixed nearly everything but kept buying redmages -"

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"I would probably ask my redmage."

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"I don't have any idea what information to make available to them that would be helpful."

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"What I would ask my hypothetical redmage would be more about redmages than about the aliens visiting us. Maybe they're as psychologically odd as - house elves."

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"They're not. At least while they're not dwindled they can have preferences that differ from the preferences of people they love, they'll want to have sex with a client who wants to have sex with them but I think they could still - not want to be beaten by a client who was into that, or something, and under normal circumstances the Temple-Guilds would prevent that out of fear of damaging the merchandise if nothing else - and they can still not want to in the moment for circumstantial reasons - including ones like 'lack of access to a means of preventing pregnancy' - which a client might ignore - it's not, like, impossible to abuse a redmage or anything like that -"

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"So I'd also want to know if the aliens were inclined to abuse, but if they were inclined only to ordinary use... At a certain point high standards of consent verification translate to privacy invasion."

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Nod. Sigh. "So there's not really anything I could say to Liatsi."

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"If you establish to her that Cir is in regular contact with his family - to whom he is as obliged as he is to you, I think, so far as the magic is concerned? - and that normal Temple-Guild abuse prevention measures would be taken seriously if they ever had reason to be deployed because you care about Cefax's goodwill or something, that might help, but past that... Maybe you should seem less of a monolith, does she know that you aren't handling her entire planet on your own recognizance?"

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"She met lots of people in Tirion but I'm not sure that's the right kind of access to other people - I could try nudging Ingwë or Elwë into sending a delegation?"

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"I mean less that you exist in a landscape of multiple polities and more that the project is not just your, pet, project. It may begin to be inconvenient that so many of your collaborators are more of you, though."

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"Might get a little awkward, yes. I'd be happy to introduce you if you have an excuse to be doing anything in Godspring, she's already met Cam - well, no, met Minor polyjuiced as Cam - elsewhere I can at least introduce myself as a delegate of an organization which does this sort of thing rather than a bored spoilt Elf prince who stumbled on them and decided to play politics -"

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"I can't think of anything I plausibly need to be doing in Godspring that isn't 'have known you since you were born', unfortunately."

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"It's all right. I could ask Liatsi how she suggests handling Elf-human relationships, maybe the conversation would be reassuring on the 'we are at least not abusive and would cooperate with procedures for that' front."

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So when he is next in Cefax he inquires after an appointment.

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As ever, Liatsi is available to Prince Nelyafinwë.

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"I would like to sell you some more things. You can summon your own demons now, so it might be trickier than last time."

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"I'm sure we can think of something, if only the debt we owe you for teaching us to summon the demons in the first place. What do you need?"

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"Cir has a younger sister and I would like to buy out her contracts as well. And there was a dangerous operation a while back that we hired a goldmage for, and it seems generally advantageous for us to not need to negotiate personally over all significant expenditures." 

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Nod. "What do societies with summoning tend to trade in?"

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"Expertise - people who can teach your engineers or doctors or scientists - access to things like airspace and bandwidth that aren't very important to Cefax yet but will be eventually - recommendations for demons who are particularly easy to work with or knowledgeable or trustworthy -"

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"Medical training might be particularly relevant if the Temple-Guilds are going to be in adjusted demand."

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"We had our gods drop by and they were able to do a lot for whitemages in particular. I think they're planning to do the same at any other Temple-Guild, if they haven't already. They have also been installing magic silvery trees from which people can address petitions; that hasn't been announced to people outside the Temple-Guilds yet, because I have a feeling it could be disruptive. So we are still planning to adjust mage schedules but a little less urgently."

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"As long as the mages are all right with the outside divine influence everyone else will follow them on that."

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"I was more concerned that they'll crowd the trees. Maybe we should get the trees security fairies like the dots have, or I can suggest to the Valar that they make the trees and the surrounding area indestructible."

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"Indestructibility doesn't seem likely to address crowding."

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"It stops the problem where the trees get knocked down and the surrounding grass destroyed, it doesn't solve queuing problems. And Yavanna - she's the Vala handling Godspring - can only be a few hundred places at once, tens of thousands of requests would overwhelm her."

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"Then a security fairy seems expedient."

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"I will arrange for it. I also was hoping you might have some insight on a concern we're anticipating with our personnel staffing the clinics."

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"It seems like people might decide getting an Elf to take you home with them is a very good ticket to a life of luxury. I feel like if this becomes an established dynamic it would make it harder for the clinics to do work requiring some degree of trust and openness with the local community."

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"It happens internationally sometimes, or with people trying to touch redmages. Can you elaborate on why you think it likely to be a problem?"

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"Elves are - 

- they will take people at their word that they are unmarried. They will take people at their word that they are using methods of preventing pregnancy. They will take people at their word on everything. They have instructions not to let this come up and I trust them to abide by the instructions but it seems like 'under no conditions may you become involved with any human' is - the wrong approach, in the long run, to interspecies relations. Not to mention how much of a hypocrite it makes me."

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"Ah. Are arbitrary Elves likely to experience this temptation or could you place, say, married ones in public-facing roles?"

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"When we can scale back the number of public-facing roles that will solve it entirely; right now we just need more people than we have married ones jointly willing to uproot their lives. Even if it's only three or four Years."

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Nod. "Most people do not have Temple-Guilds looking over their shoulders to safeguard some overlap in interests, but possibly some third party review of proposed relationships - or even an aboveboard formal matchmaking procedure to divert opportunists -"

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"That's a good idea. Speaking of Temple-Guild safeguards, they've been courteous enough to not mention if we're worrying them with Cir and now Ruviri but if there's some level of oversight that would spare them any concern -"

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"I'd recommend consulting them, on that, I'm not an expert in their internal management. They were kind enough to take my word for the nature of the circumstances when I had to retire two of my mages shortly after engaging them, but that may have been my status or Tse Witwex's word on it."

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"Thank you. So how can payment be arranged?"

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She calls in the minister of commerce, who wants demonproof currency solutions and as she predicted medical instructors.

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He arranges those! If they do this kind of electronic currency system it'll even be compatible with Valinor's!


He asks at the Temple-Guild about oversight.

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Cir and Ruviri have been making regular visits home and have not seemed injured, disturbed, afraid, or conflicted. They should continue to visit their family, but no one needs details.

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Okay. He arranges for Ruviri's contracts and starts drafting a review process for Elves who want to meet humans on Godspring.

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Aydanci and Kib are on dissimilar sleep schedules, which means that Kib's boyfriends can visit while Aydanci is asleep and not deal with him being annoyed at them.

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"He's entirely entitled to be annoyed, he's been pushing himself past exhaustion for a very long time."

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"We should probably discuss it sometime but it can wait a few Years, if that's what works better."

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"Aydanci was raised by Elves, not brainwashed by Elves, he will not take that long to get over it especially given that he thinks it's reasonably likely you're real."

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"Time doesn't run consistent, it could be a week for you two."

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"It syncs up if there's interaction, just osanwë me sometimes and we won't get that off."

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"We can do that. We've had a couple of days, you?"

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"One and a half."

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"How are you?"

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Nod. "I agreed to one of the people who fall magically in love with you. It's soothing. You'd hate it."

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"Yeah sounds creepy have fun with that."

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"I'm trying not to get used to it but it is superior to stepping into a paused world once I got the memories transferred and waiting for you to come around and I was not expecting to find anything that was superior to that."

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"This is sort of an interesting incentive structure. Increase confidence in reality of simulation, trigger boyfriend death plot."

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"I mean, the whole point here is that as long as you feel that way about it I'm going to figure out how to keep existing."

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"Oh, yeah, obviously the only effect would be to extend the time I spend on the fence."

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"My beliefs don't actually respond to incentives like that but I keep getting mixed signals on how good the mindreading is, so."

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"The redmage thing is - she can pick postures that I don't have triggers around yet, and I don't even consciously know that myself."

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"Should I be asking her for lessons?"

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"Findekáno could bounce you things if you want. It's fine, like I said, I'm trying not to get too used to it."

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"Okay." He flops on Findekáno, keeping Aydanci in his peripheral vision. "How're you doing?"

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"Me? Uh, both of the people I care about most in the world think I'm Thauron but the food's great."

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"You're not necessarily Thauron in particular, I think he doesn't find me as personally interesting as he found Sunset."

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"That seems borne out - he gets captured in practically all Ardas, except Midnight's variant, and it looks like Thauron usually takes a special interest. One of my alts went and looked what to expect from all the yous."

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"Mes from before the year of the Sun five hundred or so will probably figure out how to have non-horrible experiences after a couple hundred years, sooner with a magic teenager to hold our hand. Later than that you should really just -"

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"Later than that we're still trying the magic teenager. We might figure out resurrection."

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"Isn't there a finite magic teenager supply?"

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"We only find Ardas when the door opens on them, at least for now. And we could dunk more children who'd grow up into magic teenagers, it's just a bit ethically dubious."

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"Little bit.

You should complain when I'm mean to you, I'm trying not to do that, eventually some fifteen year old will roll over and wake up from a horrible nightmare and should not additionally have any terrible interpersonal habits."

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Sigh. "Okay. But being hostile to the enemy isn't mean, really, even if it hurts."

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"Yes, you should consider my permission to call me on meanness retracted should you break character, if it matters then."

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"Love you, Kib."

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Snuggle. "Love you too."

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"Can we sing?"

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"Yeah, I'm only getting weepy over that once per voice. One of Sunset's alts cleared it on his account before you showed up."

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Sing. Cuddle. 

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Miscellaneous funny anecdotes about the new humans on the Arda and the demon and escaped slaves that recently settled in with them.

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Kib snuggles and comments on anecdotes and expresses very limited amounts of curiosity about how slavery back in his homeworld is coming along with the stork-based soft coercion.

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The stork-based soft coercion did astonishingly well, but that claim on its own will be hollow; he promises to look it up by city. "I think they're planning a summoning rollout there but were torn about whether to tell you anything about it lest something they said sounds like a plot hook."

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Involuntary glance at Aydanci. "It'd depend on what they said."

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"Yeah. Maybe they can run it by your alts first."

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"I would really like having alts if I just sort of had them sans context."

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"And you have a very flattering set of alts."

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"I know, right? Although Cam expects yous to not like him."

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"Really? Why?"

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"In the course of his Arda's war he found it necessary to kill fifty-five million innocent bystanders, have you not looked up this story? And the you there was not best pleased."

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"I saw the innocent bystanders part - I guess if I didn't know you and trust you - but no, then I'd just defer to Maitimo -"

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"In his Arda they were messily broken up."

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"Huh. Trusting you enough to teach you resurrection but not enough to expect you were careful enough about murdering fifty five million people is an odd state to imagine being in but I suppose not impossible. Uh, anyway, it wouldn't be a reason to dislike him once I had enough to go off. Should I say so to him?"

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"Don't see why not."

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"I can't imagine the war without you. Either of you."

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"Without Kib I try rescuing you from Angband on foot. It works. Somehow."

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"With all due respect, dear, that's stupid."

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"I doubt I was thinking very clearly."

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"I suppose absent me you don't have pterodactyls handy. Still stupid."

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"Plan was to shoot him, not rescue him. Then an Eagle notices and decides to help."

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"A different large flying creature, of course."

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"They sort of write themselves into a corner by having me hanging from a cliff face."

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"They don't do that with me, they're a bit careful with my actual body, fragile human. Not that the hallucination version is fun."

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"I don't think they did it to me, it's too obvious and stupid a mistake when they know we have dinosaurs. Why would you leave a valuable prisoner dangling outside? But all the rescues from within Angband defy plausibility even further."

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"That is weird, come to think of it... we were pretty sure you weren't set up to be a trap..."

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"Possibly this is a trial run of an effort to set me up to be a trap? But then all of this current nonsense is really directionless. Maybe Angband had a coup and the idiot currently running things said to some subordinates 'oh, and the hallucinations, make them all really cozy and reassuring'. Or something.'"

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"Ooh! Hi new management!" Kib says ceilingward. "That raspberry thing with my breakfast today was yummy!"

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Pat pat. "But I am quite sure I remember you getting rescued via pterodactyl and now it's going to bug me, did they leave you out for really long periods or could they have been gambling that a rescue wouldn't come during some particular narrow window...?"

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"No, no, we were decoration, they didn't cycle us out. Maybe they were trying to tempt rescuers but thought they'd fail, but the Security orc was sneaking out to meet a girl?"

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"Awwww. Good for the security orc."

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"You didn't have this complaint before Milliways."

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"Before Kib was captured I was thinking this run might be real, nothing awful had happened and the people were all done very nicely. Once Kib got captured I started noticing all the things that had been careless that I'd been overlooking out of optimism."

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"Look, I'm sorry I didn't have Charp clobber me in the face, believe you me, I just have this self-preservation instinct and it is emphatically hard to get rid of."

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"It's not that I'd blame Kib if he'd really gotten captured!"

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"I'd be how old now? You could've had Charps track me down and scoop me out of a creche and I could play with Bella, I bet she'd share her critter."

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"I suppose it'd be awkward if I was a girl again."

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"If you were okay nothing else would matter, I assure you."

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"Well, I'd think it was awkward."

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"Maybe the nice Valar could fix us halfway."

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"I think they only know how to work on chip Elves also eegh."

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"I love you, Kib. I still can't be touched without screaming internally and you have very good reasons not to let Aydanci out of your sight but if you died for us and were a girl now and going to be one for the rest of forever-"

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"You always did say Aydanci has the most sensible orientation. Maybe they could give it out."

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"Very sensible," agrees Kib, "but he's just sort of like that, you aren't."

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"And you aren't a girl." Sigh. "And probably won't be - I wonder how it interacts with summoning -"

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"Don't know, haven't tried it."

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"Summoning seems like obviously a contrived way to make suicide in-hallucination not kill you, I bet Melkor couldn't fake your actual reset mechanism."

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"That's the hope! Eventually it'll be pointless or too difficult to keep me alive and you can all go pick me up in -"

Pause, glance at Aydanci.

"- guess that goes for him too -"

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"Of course we'd go find you both." Squeeze.

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"It's just kind of different wishing he'd die. I didn't like it the first time at all."

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"Nothing's happened to him yet, right, he's not missing any time and he hasn't gotten any dreams. You don't need to wish he'd die yet."

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"I would rather he continue not having had anything happen to him and I don't know how long we get - I don't know why we get any time at all -"

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Sigh. Hug.

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"Is there anything we can do for you?"

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Shrug. "Like what?"

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"I don't know. Alt-filtered accounts of the summoning rollout back home, unconvincing reassurances, Timothy says you'd like it if we just talk for hours about how wonderful you are and all the things we love about you..."

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"Timothy's boyfriend is recovering from having committed genocide. I mean, I admit it sounds fun but he may be oddly calibrated about how fun."

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He laughs. "I missed you very badly, Kib. If you have more fun activities in mind you could suggest them."

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"Got an endless supply of movies, Bar can recommend them if my alts fall down on the job... we are somewhat constrained in things we'd want Aydanci not in the room for because he is going to be in the room even though this is honestly not that helpful he can't be inimitable without talking and he doesn't talk in his sleep I'm just indulging paranoia..."

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Squeeze. "Wasn't in a hurry there, promise, you can indulge paranoia for as long as you need - could probably find some magic that makes him not need to sleep but I take it that's worse since you lose the information source -"

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"Yeah. Have to sleep, have to get dreams, the more we get of our first lives the less space there is to hide in..."

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Nod. Hug. "How much are you still missing, there -"

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"I've got years to go even with nothing other than Aly to dream about, it's almost three times slower than living it in the first place. Aydanci's got longer."

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"Would putting you both in a coma until you're caught up help any?"

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"I can't think of anything obviously wrong with the idea..."

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"I don't know how unpleasant this current setup is. That's an option if you want it, I guess." Hug.

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"It's comfy. It's just he's right there and something could happen -"

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Nod. "I can imagine."

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"Fuck, I hope not."

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"So would it be better to just dream Aly until you're all caught up -"

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"My guess for what this one was for before Aydanci was here was that they were killing time until I'd got her all back and they could delete my whole second life and torture her for a change. That's... less likely with him here..."

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"It's not very helpful for me to speculate, is it." 

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"It's not soothing but it's not actually unhelpful per se."

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"If they can stretch the time dilation this far at no cost then it seems like the guess most consistent with -" handwave - "all of this is that they're trying to wait you out. In a thousand years you'll think you're likely enough to be out that you'll be willing to do things. I don't think they can stretch the time dilation that far - Sunset, now that you have the memories back how long were you in, subjectively -"

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"Six, seven Years?"

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"I think I can detect time dilation but I've never had the luxury of trying to do it within a given hallucination, it's just discernible in retrospect."

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"That's interesting. How -"

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"Dreamed back memories go when they belong, I can sort of feel the same when-ness even if I didn't have to dream it back if I try, and some of it's squished. The dreams care about real time too, I can get weeks of compressed stuff in single nights. But I've never noticed this independently while I didn't think I was in Angband and usually when I do know I'm in Angband I'm not thinking at all."

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"That was a really good idea."

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They stay and sing and cuddle and tell harmless stories until Aydanci wakes up. 

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"Love you, Kib."

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"Love you." He has installed a teakettle in the room. He fixes tea for Aydanci.

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He watches Kib watch Aydanci and reminds himself it's not real.

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Kib waits for Aydanci to drink his tea and then grills him on what he dreamed (lots of staring at the wall brooding about Aly being dead, some work on the vaccine golems) and satisfies himself that his husband has not been replaced in his sleep.

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"I'm sorry for scaring you," he says to Aydanci once Kib is satisfied. "We'd pulled critical people out of the city when the shuttle landed, but we could've put you back and scared you less. We were asking Kib if you two would rather get caught up on the dreams all at once - Cam can keep you healthy -"

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"Thank you. ...I have more to catch up on than he does."

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"Yeah. You could wake up when he's caught up and then keep catching up yourself. Or not do it at all, I don't really know what you're assuming is going on here or what you need."

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"I think it's more likely than not that I'm not in Angband but I can't rule it out. Kib?"

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"You shouldn't take my word for it on the time sense thing. It might be really hard to notice if you haven't been scrambled around..."

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"...I can't say it's really obvious, admittedly..."

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"You actually shouldn't take my word for it on dreaming back deletions at all."

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"That... follows. I mean, I still don't think I've most likely been captured but if you don't want to sleep for years..."

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"It's the sort of thing that would... It'd change something and this one's comfortable and you're still okay..."

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"It's not a bad idea I'd just need to think about it more," Kib says to Findekáno, squeezing Aydanci's hand.

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"Whatever works for you. Really. It's not that I want you in a coma for years."

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"Good thing you didn't come in before my alts snapped me out of the not thinking thing, then, it was like a coma but probably even more depressing."

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"Probably. And I'm not even sure we'd have let them truth-drug you - depends how miserable you were -"

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"I think they could've done without that part, that was to find out what was wrong with me in the first place and they could've maybe done without if they knew that to begin with."

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Hug. "Let us know if you need anything that it'd be helpful to tell us you needed, okay?"

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"Course. Love you."

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They leave.

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Soon Ruviri finds Sunset again.

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He is vaguely impatient for the point to make itself clear but trying not to show this because this is almost certainly better than whatever comes next.

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She contains no plot hooks. She is thinking about nail polish and how much she loves him.

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He takes her hand. "Nail polish?"

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She displays the nails on her free hand. "Nail polish! I could do yours. If it's pretty enough, is it pretty enough?"

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"I am sure you could do it pretty enough - is it permanent -"

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"Nah. It chips or you can take it off with some smelly stuff. I don't have my polish with me, can you get Ava to bring it?"

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Ava, can you bring Ruviri her nail polish kit?

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Ava is along presently with 64 colors of nail polish and sponges and whatnot. She ruffles Ruviri's hair and Ruviri says "Elves!" and Ava says "Sorry!" and boops her nose instead and goes away. Ruviri starts contemplating how to do his nails. Sunset colors like his nickname maybe. In pretty gradients. With clouds?

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He can't quite muster color preferences. Seeing her absorbed in a adolescent human thing is very reassuring, though. "- we were wondering if you could send Findekáno and indirectly other people ways to sit that don't have bad associations yet -"

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"Ooh, probably, um." She looks between Sunset and Findekáno, nibbling her lip, then lobs a suggestion at the latter, revises it when she sees the results.

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Then he can sit in a way that is not vaguely traumatizing! He does that.

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She lays out warm colors and does not break contact with Sunset's hand once as she does the pretty gradient thing and waits for it to dry and then adds carefully dabbed pink clouds on some of the larger nails and then tops it with a clear coat.

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He wonders where they're going with this. He really seriously wonders where they're going with this.

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If he isn't going to shoo her to avoid getting too used to her she can do his toes too.

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He doesn't shoo her. 

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His toes get glitter blue and silver designs on them.

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Okay, he tells Thauron wearily, you have more creative range than I gave you credit for. Is that the point here? 

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Thauron does not reply.

When his nails are all done she goes back to just holding his hand.

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And after a little while he shoos her so as to avoid getting used to it. "Thank you very much."

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"You're welcome," she chirps, and she packs up her kit and scampers. He can still read her if she wants. She's going to have lunch with Ava and Cir and watch movies Bar recommended.

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He idly listens sometimes; it is good to know what being a mostly-happy person is like and he doesn't want to miss it if she needs something. She doesn't. Milliways is nice that way.


He leans into Findekáno and continues existing. It's okay.