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Children may touch his wings. Not the tail please.


They have lots of questions. "What are you? Where are you from? Why are you visiting? Have you tried [the untranslatable food]? Are your kids here, where are they..."


"I'm a demon! Demons live in a place called Hell. Timothy is a human and he's from a place called Earth. We're tourists and we wanted to check out an orc city so we came here. We haven't tried it yet. Neither of us has any kids."


"None at all?" Patpat. "Maybe soon! What's Hell like? What's Earth like? Have you seen Elf cities and Dwarf cities?"


"...Hell is really tacky, because everybody in it can make stuff and only has the usual options for getting rid of it. Earth is more like here, except it has humans and doesn't have Elves or orcs or Dwarves. We've seen Elf cities but haven't visited any Dwarves at home yet."


The mother comments that making stuff sounds terrifically useful. One of the small children wants to know what Elf cities are like - one of her siblings shushes her.


"Do you want a little model of an Elf city?"


She looks at her parents. 

"Maybe later," says her father. 


"Sure. Oh, uh, question, what's the food made of?"


The guide doesn't know the Quenya for food words but the computer figures it out; they're pork dumpling-y things, apparently.


"I can copy some for my portion if you don't mind; I would rather not eat things that used to be pigs."


"Why not?"


"It's unfashionable on my home planet. Instead demons make meat or they grow it in vats."


"Huh. I can't see why you shouldn't - the children probably shouldn't eat copied food until there's a ruling about that but I expect the ruling'd be that it's fine unless there's something I'm not thinking of." Dumplings are served.


Cam copies a plateful each for himself and Timothy.


"Earth has the same fashion?" 


"No, but Timothy cares what people on other planets think of him."


"That's a terrible idea," one of the kids pipes up solemnly. 

"Judging people isn't nice," their father says.

"Judging ideas is okay though and that's a terrible idea."

The father shrugs.



"It might get difficult eventually but as long as I'm around the meat thing is easy."


"Is he the person who summoned you? It was in the paper, how that works... along with a few opinions on whether it's permitted for orcs..."


"It's more important for Dwarves than anyone else. Timothy didn't summon me, he's my boyfriend."


"Well, it'd be nice if we could do reembodiments ourselves instead of counting on the Elf-gods."


"Yeah, demons can do that if you have the chips available. But if the Dwarves start doing it then when they die they'll be daeva, so eventually you could just hire a Dwarf demon whose relatives summoned them back to do it for you."


"Oh, that's good to know! I should write in and point that out. How has your visit been?"


"We've had a good time! Went to a museum but my computer translation wasn't really good enough for all the captions, might go back now that we have a translator guide."

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