After Cam's magic but still basically human boyfriend has fallen asleep and Cam finds he is not tired enough to do the same, Cam goes downstairs.
"Oath over - in that case why did anyone else let any of this happen, if they knew they were playing chicken with someone whose broomstick couldn't swerve -"
"Whose broomstick couldn't swerve and offered truly desperate bribery, yeah, I don't know."
"- that's - no wonder he killed himself he couldn't possibly - he shouldn't exist and he wouldn't want to - is it awful that I feel badly for him -"
He finishes the letter. "Now we wait like a year for him to experience ten minutes in which to compose a response - not that there's - we have to figure out how to erase oaths, we have to -"
"Soul Elf Maedhros's get tortured in Angband for fifty years, it was in a footnote - don't know about chip Maedhros's but I assume they are forked from not that, even if so -"
"It's not straightforward to fork them sans demon. Or Mandos who I bet wouldn't touch it or Melkor who wouldn't do it like that."
Nod. "If - for some reason - we need information about the end of the space Arda war which they'd have you can ask Michael or Macalaure but I bet their alt'd prefer to be resurrected - even if he'd want to die under those circumstances he'd want to be alive again under these ones. Probably not the - formerly-me - but his brothers would know for sure."
"I want to go out and grab the younger version and make him promise to never ever swear anything but - that's not constructive - and with fifty years of Angband intervening anyway - my god, how many Ardas are there -"