After Cam's magic but still basically human boyfriend has fallen asleep and Cam finds he is not tired enough to do the same, Cam goes downstairs.
"If you'd had it you would've had to swipe Miranda from Minor and then he'd be mad at you, I suppose."
He twitches. "She's thirteen, I can't even think about that even if I were postulating that women were interesting."
"I do, although my reading of old-timey literature keeps leading me astray, c.f. Juliet Capulet being thirteen etcetera."
"Well, if you read it as being set in Revelation, they went to Limbo where they might hope to find one another and live happily ever after away from all their family's bullshit and the high likelihood of contracting dysentery."
"They really do. Anyway, yeah, I think the idea bothers me about that much, at least as an initial shock thing, I can have more nuanced opinions."
"Not yet, but he'll understand it before it becomes relevant and he'll take it seriously..."
"And he'd probably be happier if he does go to Lórien. I can ask the adult one to be sure, but -"
"Probably no point in having the philosophical discussion unless we get really bored one day."
"Your opinion doesn't bother me; it does bother me that a small child is likely to go get magic conversion therapy from a deity who to all appearances considers dispensing that service a more important use of his time than, say, doing anything whatsoever during gruesome wars that affect millions of people, to satisfy a taboo laid down by an overdeity who is even worse, because this dictate is considered important by people who do not require that their moral precepts make any inherent sense, whose observable behavior as far as I've seen is that this is more important to them than figuring out how to long-term contain the Melkors. But I'm not going to tell Elf I Literally Murdered that."