After Cam's magic but still basically human boyfriend has fallen asleep and Cam finds he is not tired enough to do the same, Cam goes downstairs.
And luckily he likes it very much and Cam does not have to stop speaking to him at all!!
"That must take so much practice. I'm terribly impressed."
"I'm glad you like it. I would not actually stop speaking to you if you didn't though."
"You have yet to find other satisfactory sources of hours of highly specific praise!"
"Awwwwwwww. The conversational privacy spell didn't interfere? I should probably be careful of that, in other contexts."
"I wouldn't want you to run out. Does the spell prevent notetaking? I'd expect it to work like that."
"No, notetaking's okay, but if a different person had hidden a dictation quill that one wouldn't catch it.
And I don't think I'll run out. You rather rack them up."
"You're expecting we'll have solved all of the problems in the world for so many worlds in the next year that it'll get repetitive? And that this'll bother me?"
"They won't all have the same people - okay, admittedly so far they kind of have had all the same people, but that's been far from tedious -"
"Haven't checked for a you and Miranda in Flat Arda either, though somehow I just can't see you as a soul Elf twiddling your thumbs in pre-literate Tirion."
"Maybe we're among the unlucky spontaneous humans. Or haven't been born yet even in the chip Elf timeline. Or we're an orc and don't get a chance to do anything. Or we're a Dwarf."
Shudder. "Maybe you're one of the people mes murder five hundred years down the road. There're a lot of them."