After Cam's magic but still basically human boyfriend has fallen asleep and Cam finds he is not tired enough to do the same, Cam goes downstairs.
And they have a lovely afternoon hardly overshadowed at all by worries about irresponsible alien war crimes tribunals.
Meanwhile outside, he would like to walk on the water and starts singing the song for it.
It works fine, of course. All of the other Elves stare.
He stops singing and plops in and requires rescue and - "sorry, are we not supposed to run on this lake?"
"No, my lord prince can run on any lakes he wants, just... how were you doing that?"
"You haven't invented the song?" he says, surprised.
"Soul Elves have magic music, discovered this when small me decided to go walk across the lake singing a waterwalking song and then asked confusedly how anyone else crossed bodies of water."
"Yeah, exactly. We should - call a meeting or something, have everyone prepare a summary of all of the potentially relevant stuff in their worlds..."
So he sends out a message, and people gradually trickle into the main bar for snacks and magic system briefings.
"I don't actually know how to compose magic music, it takes Years to get the hang of and I thought we had all of forever. I could introduce you to some people, though -"
"Effects tend to be localized and limited in duration - usually to the length of the song, or not much longer - but if you move something it'll stay moved - most of the ones we know now were developed beside Cuivienen - grace and balance, warmth, calming a crying child, waterwalking, silent movement..."
"Inside of a Year? Depending how complicated it is, of course, I suppose some people might spend five getting something really efficient and easy to sing before they shared it with everyone..."
Cam starts a list of things to try. "How, uh, how does a song for silent movement... work."