Sapphire in the Potterverse
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She tries to wave this one.


Not that one, either. Or the next one, or the next, or the next. The pile of tried wands mounts higher and higher on the spindly chair, but the more wands Mr. Ollivander pulls from the shelves, the happier he seems to become.

"Tricky customer, eh? Not to worry, we'll find the perfect match here somewhere—I wonder, now—yes, why not—unusual combination—Silver Lime and phoenix feather, ten and three-quarters inches, springy."


She waves it.


There is a shower of silver sparkles, floating down around them slowly and moving as if rocked by a gentle breeze.

"Oh, bravo! Yes, indeed, oh, very good. Well, well, well... how curious... how very curious..." He puts Sarah's wand back into its box and wraps it in brown paper, still muttering, "Curious... curious..."


"What's curious?"


"I remember every wand I've ever sold, Ms. Potter. Every single wand. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather—just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother—why, its brother gave you that scar." He peers at Sarah again. "Yes, thirteen-and-a-half inches. Yew. Curious indeed how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard, remember... I think we must expect great things from you, Ms. Potter... After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things—terrible, yes, but great."


"Do you have any idea why that might be? Is there some way that might be important?"


"That, only time can tell," he says mysteriously.


Why does nobody give her the answers to her questions? "Alright, how much do I owe you for the wand?"


"Seven galleons."


They pay and Hagrid leads her away.


"Was that normal?"


"...not the last part, no."


"Alright. So how do I get home, and how do I get to Hogwarts?"


"I'll drop yeh off at the train station, and yeh can get there from King's Cross, Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.


"Um, alright. I guess it's good I got the trunk that can shrink itself then. What is platform nine-and three quarters how do you get onto it? When does the train leave and what day?"


"Hang on—" He reaches into his coat and hangs her an envelope. "Yer ticket, all the information yeh need is there."


"Thanks." She takes the ticket and looks at it.


It says the train will depart Platform Nine and Three-Quarters in King's Cross on September 1st at 11AM.


"It doesn't say how to get to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters Hagrid."


"Oh, yeh have ter walk straight at the barrier between Platforms Nine and Ten "


"Thanks, I appreciate it." Sapphire gets out some muggle money then shrinks down her trunk and puts it and the money in her new bookbag. "I'm ready to go."


Off they go!


In short order they've arrived at the train station.


And this is where they part. Hagrid stays on the train.

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