Sapphire in the Potterverse
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Off he goes.

"So! You want more robes? What are you looking for?"


"I've been living in the muggle world like I said. I'd like whatever makes sense for a young witch to have for casual wear. Do you also sell things witches and wizards wear under their robes?"


"I don't work with undergarments, no, only robes. Now, if you'll allow me a few suggestions..." She already has Sarah's measurements, so she can just trail various casual robes to see which ones Sarah likes best.


Sarah picks a few different robes and pays for everything. Just before she leaves she asks, "Is there anyone you'd recommend for other clothing?"


She has a recommendation for someone who sells undergarments down the street!


Sarah nods then carries her robes out to meet Hagrid.


The ice cream has magically not melted, and it's chocolate and raspberry with chopped nuts! Hagrid starts leading the way to the next store.


"Thank you for the ice cream Hagrid, sorry that took so long."


Next up: parchment and quills. Students are supposed to only use regular ones but there are all sorts of fancy quills: quills that take dictation, quills that produce their own ink, ink that changes colour, invisible ink...


Dictation quills seem unnecessary but a self-inking quill sounds nice for being more like the pens she's used to.


"Yeh know, we got more money than yeh strictly need fer supplies, if yeh want ter buy anythin' fer yerself."


"I already got some casual robes at Madam Malkins, and she recommended a store for things other than robes that I'd like to visit. Otherwise, I'm not sure what's available. Is there anything you'd recommend?"


"Eh, I dunno what yeh like."


"Well, I don't have a anything to carry things in. I assume I might want a book bag and a trunk. I'm not sure if there's other conveniences that I'm missing out on because I've been in the muggle world. Was there anything not on the list that you had or wanted to have when you were my age?"


"Ah... I didn' exactly have much money. An' I wanted a fire newt. Trunk's a good idea, though."


"I think I'll avoid acquiring more pets for the moment."




Oh, right. "I have a pet snake. The Dursleys don't know. He lives in the garden."


"...snake? How'd yeh get one?" he says, sounding suddenly very excited.


"I broke its case at the zoo with accidental magic and it decided to come home with me."


"—right. Perhaps don' mention ter anyone yeh can talk to it."


"You've convinced me of that. I'm worried about leaving him in the Dursley's garden for the school year though. I don't think he's meant to be in cold places during the winter."


"Well... yer not supposed ter bring snakes ter school, but..."


"Yeah, I saw the equipment list."


"...if it's very quiet..."

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