Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"A couple times, in wilderness training. I wasn't very good."


Aren's right there and convenient for it; Raafi hugs him again. "Perhaps I can help."


"Okay!" Aren smiles.

He is willing to learn.


The tubers are easy enough, they just take a while; wrap them in something, bury them at the edge of the fire, and leave them for an hour or two: They'll be a snack for later. (Grin.)

The steaks are a little harder to cook with, but not necessarily much; kebabs are a really easy way of doing it, and Raafi walks Aren through the steps of putting them together; he's very patient and attentive.


With such a masterful teacher, how can Aren help but succeed?


Raafi blushes at the compliment, and kisses Aren again.

So, with the preparation done, the kebabs are ready to cook. They won't take long; it's more important to avoid putting them too close to the fire rather than too far away, and how you can tell that is, well, by feel, like so. This is too hot; this isn't hot enough; anywhere between the two is okay and mostly a matter of personal preference, and here's what to watch for to make sure your kebabs don't burn.


Aren diligently watches the kebabs for signs of burning.


And thus they do not burn! Success!


Hooray! Time to share the results with the others?


Yup! The kobold noticed what was going on a while ago, and nudged Ana out of her trance when food seemed imminent, so they're waiting.


Deer kebab yay! Ana is appreciative.


The kobold, too. She takes a bite: "tasty; thank you, Aren," grin.


"Yes, this is good."

Both Aren and Raafi get a hug.


Hugs all around. They can cuddle while they eat, right?


Ana and Aren are okay with that!


Cuddlepile it is, then. Nom lean snuggle pet nom.


What an enjoyable way to eat lunch.


Isn't it just?

Eventually they run out of kebabs and fruit, and Raafi starts looking for more interesting things to do with his mouth, and the kobold passes the translation necklace off to Ana and takes her leave.


What's Satele up to?


Satele is not in her room.


The kobold will go hang out in that one courtyard, then. If nobody's there waiting for her, she'll spend the time figuring out how to use the new holocam.


She has a couple hours to do that, then.


She takes a couple dozen pictures of the courtyard, most with a koboldish eye for the best spots for hiding things detail.


About halfway through the afternoon, the three students that aren't *ahem* otherwise occupied come around for more magic lessons.


To Milliways they go, then. The kobold gets drinks and snacks for the group, and a pack of popsicle sticks for them to cast on, and sets them up in a relatively secluded booth.

Does anyone have any questions, or should she just get started?


Nothing specific.

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