All right, let's do this.
Milliways first: Instructions with Bar that if she turns up acting weird, to please treat it as a magical emergency; here's a couple magic-dispelling potions from her stockpile for the healers to try in that case. Re-check her defensive lineup; anti-Force spell is obviously on, and she'll also teleport here in case of extreme fear, moderate pain, or moderate blood loss; better to leave the startlement spell off, if she's going to be hanging around a city (is she going to be hanging around a city, what does Bar have on spaceship schedules), but she'll turn that one on once she's at her destination. Translation necklace, shield necklace; skip the gloves this time, if a fight breaks out she's not hanging around long enough to need them. Sketchpad might turn out to be useful; pull all the pages relating to Occlus out of that. Go over her story, what order she wants to present things in. Final check: Is this still something she wants to do?
Yep, yep it is.
Coruscant, here is a kobold. Hopefully you don't find her too alarming.