Lurker visits The Old Republic
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She sketches; the ghosts are more obvious to the first view, and the underlying structure is barely visible to it but shows up clearly in the second one. "That and that," she points, "are unusual for Sith."



What is it those Jedi are always saying...? There is no emotion, there is peace. And those artifacts looked like so...

"Would you sketch again?"

Occlus's Force presence is now decidedly Jedi-like. The same underlying structure is now more visible. The ghosts stick out more sharply, but still follow her general pattern.


"Huh. I could probably cast a spell that could tell the difference between you and a Jedi when you do that, but I'd have to be trying." Sketch sketch.


"It is not a skill most Sith could pick up trivially. I do not think it will impact your project."


Nod. "You do keep being unusual," she grins.


"It's become something of a habit, over the years."


Grin continues. "I'm glad I noticed. Was there anything else you wanted to ask about today?"


"I believe that was all."


"All right." She pauses for a moment to consider. "Do you mind if I ask Satele about how you changed your force signature? I'm curious what they'd say about that."


"As am I. You have my permission."


Grin, bow, poof.




Is in her room.


Is hugged!

"Today's session with Occlus was very interesting," she says, as soon as this isn't an interruption.


"We were going over how to tell the difference between Sith and Jedi with my magic, and I brought a few examples of other kinds of magic that have the same general sort of flow you do, and they mimicked it. Not perfectly, but very close, closer than they could've gotten from just the examples I had."


"That is... frankly, quite astonishing. Did her... personality seem to change at all?"


She considers. "Hard to tell. They didn't do it for long, and we weren't talking at the time, and they were already being friendlier than usual 'cause they're trying to get me to trust them."


"Hm. Did it seem particularly effortful for her to do?"


"Not especially. They had to think about it for a second first, but that was all."


"...Ordinarily, Sith attempting to deconvert have to try for months to be able to channel the Force in the Jedi fashion."


The kobold shrugs. "They were definitely doing the Sith thing right before that, they asked me to sketch it. There is another strange part of their force signature; it didn't seem like that was affecting it, but it might be?" She sketches the force-specific view of Occlus in Sith mode and then in Jedi mode, with the underlying pattern common to both.


Satele examines the drawings. "I am not sure what to make of that. Have you encountered anything similar elsewhere?"


Headshake. "I haven't seen very many Sith, but I think it's more likely that Occlus is just strange."


"Yes, that hypothesis is looking more and more reasonable all the time."


Grin, lean. "I told them I'd be talking to you about this; they were curious what you'd say about it. Anything else I should tell them?"

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