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three souls and a whole lot more to sort out
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Pyrrha slashes in with a diagonal downward slash, then upward on the other diagonal, then a thrust.


She blocks both, but her guard is a bit sloppy. 

"... This feels too rigid," she says. "I don't like standing in to attacks like this, my body wants to take a step back or maybe sideways."


"Fascinating. Now try striking me?"


She steps forward, old memories of fighting with sticks coming forwards. Her hands strike once, twice. It's not too shabby for a novice.


Pyrrha blocks deftly, then steps back and nods. "How did those strikes feel?"


"Fairly decent? Something's not perfect but it's definitely better than the rapier."


"Hmmm. That certainly suggests some possibilities over others, but let's keep trying the remaining classes."


"My turn," Jade says, stepping forward as Pyrrha puts her sword away. "Grab two matching daggers from the rack."


She goes and grabs one in each hand. 

She's seen this in movies before - you raise your forearm and have the dagger pointed downward and away from your body. She's not sure how the second one comes in though, it feels a bit awkward.


Jade has taken a low stance with the dagger of her primary hand (her left) pointing upward and inward at a low angle, while her right is downward and outward. "With daggers, you switch grips frequently as needed. It's fast and close and messy."


"Makes sense."

She mirrors Jade's stance as best she can.


After Sable adjusts her posture a bit, Jade runs through a quick routine: leaping lunges, stabs, slashes, and frequently darting backward and taking a guard pose.


This footwork really gets her heart pumping. It's tiring, but something about it feels right - though she keeps not being able to coordinate the dagger in her odd left hand that well, she's much more nimble with her right.


After a bit more practice, Jade steps back and hums. "How's all that feeling so far?"


"I like the fast footwork, but I keep feeling like my offhand is dragging or out of place. The right hand is good though."


"Interesting. Everyone in agreement so far, or are there any divergent preferences?"


"I've been pushed forward pretty hard here, give me just a second..."

How are we feeling, girls?


The rapier was better. Not good, but still better.


I liked the two-handed sword best of the lot so far, but nothing is really sticking super well.


"Neither of them feel like they've found something they really like. Lillian liked the rapier best, Violet the two-handed sword."


"Interesting. Oh very interesting. Daggers up, girls."

She steps over and fetches a pair of sabers, each with a smooth curve to the blade, then flips one around and hands it to December when her hands are free. It's a one-handed sword, made for mobility and and slashing, judging by the look of it.

"Try that on."


She puts aside the daggers and takes the saber. It settles in her hand alright. 

"What do I do with my left hand?"


"Personally, I use it for a whip that trails from the hilt of my saber, or my revolver, or sometimes just grabbing things to swing from. I've seen people try a small shield with a saber, and that could work too. There are lots of options. Weiss's sister sometimes wields a very short rapier-like sword in her off-hand, for another example."


"Hmmm. I think I might want to try the small shield option."


She shows December to a rack of shields in various sizes and shapes.

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