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three souls and a whole lot more to sort out
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He smiles at them and nods. "Do either of you have any further questions for now?"


"Do you have any ideas about what this thing that's happening could be? That you can share with me, obviously, if it's some form of secret Huntress business I obviously needn't be told."


He grins a bit. "I truly have no idea, Miss Morning-Glory. I'm quite looking forward to what you girls discover about it."


"We'll do our best, Headmaster." December smiles.


"Helping hold back the Grimm is a sacred duty," Violet adds. "We've been given a chance to really help and we're going to take it as best we can."


"I'm glad to hear that. Now why don't you four go enjoy what's left of your Saturday and leave me to this boring paperwork?"


"We will, Headmaster, thank you."

December looks over at Sable and smiles slightly.


Sable nods to the Headmaster, smiles at December, takes her hand, and out they go. Soon enough, they're in the elevator again.


"Well, that was a lot easier than I expected. Ozpin's actually pretty cool."


"Honestly he really is. Also he's up to something. Probably something good, but totally up to something."


"All the best people are up to something."


She grins wider. "Very true. So what would you like to do with the afternoon?"


"Maybe try fashion? Or a weapon? I don't know what'll happen in classes, but I gotta keep up somehow, right?"


"Hmmmm. Doing the weapon testing first will mean Ruby and I can start on building it sooner, and get you functional in combat classes sooner. Fashion doesn't have as many processes involved, and can happen at more flexible times, I think."


"Then let's try for the weapon."


"Lemme make a few calls then."

She pulls out her scroll as the lift reaches the ground floor.

"Hey Pyrrha, you up for weapons tryouts in a few?"

She starts leading the way to the dorms as she talks.

"Yeah, sooner we figure out where the newbies are drawn, sooner we can design."

The courtyards continue to be lovely. There's even a fountain.

"You're the best. Are Maya, Jade, or Ruby nearby? Awesome, I'll find Jade and Ruby."

She hangs up and starts tapping out a message.


Hmmmm, what weapon...

She honestly has no idea. Guess she'll just have to try things.


She's really not sure what to pick. Sword? Gun? Swordgun? 

Maybe it'd be smart to figure out her Semblance some more first...

Well. She'll just do her best.


As they get close to the dorms, a grey-winged streak plummets from the sky, landing dramatically next to them.


Holy shit, Jade can fly???

"Holy shit, you can fly???"


"Yep," she replies with an absolutely shit-eating grin, popping the p.


"I am so jealous. Congratulations."


She smirks. "These things are pretty inconvenient sometimes, but flying makes up for it several times over. Also, I have literally never been lost in my life."


Violet grins. "Cool. Is it like a magnetic compass thing or what?"


"Exactly. So, looking forward to trying way too many weapons?"

They're all stepping into the dorms, now.

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